Evaporation As A Renewable Source Of Energy.docx

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  • Words: 1,393
  • Pages: 7
Evaporation as a Renewable Source of Energy

A Research Submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering College of Engineering & Architecture Saint Louis College

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirements in CE 423: Hydrology Second Semester, School Year 2018-2019 MWF 8:30-9:30 AM

Submitted by Dugenia, Jade Marielle D.

Submitted to Engr. Leonora F. Quarte Instructor

February 2019


What are the factors to be considered for this to be effective? To enable the renewable energy from water vapor to be effective, the following factors are to be considered. The first factor is the lake or the reservoir which are surface waters to be used as a source of evaporation. If researchers were able to harvest evaporation energy from the water resources, they would be able to generate 325 gigawatts (2.85 million megawatt hours per year). In relation to this, another factor is the surface area of the water body. The evaporation rate increases if the water bodies have a wider surface area. The amount of liquid that is exposed to air, more molecules can escape from the water bodies. Another factor is the weather. The weather is determined if the temperature gets high or low. If the temperature gets high, vaporization increases. The water molecules move rapidly when the water is heated, that is why they can easily escape from the water body. In the article, they use spores for their experimental research. The spore shrinks and the water evaporates faster if it is hot which result in harvesting energy from water vapor. Humidity is also a factor to be considered in harvesting energy. Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air. The air can only hold a certain amount of moisture at a certain time at a certain temperature. The rate of evaporation will increase if there is a warmer air that can hold more water vapor than colder air. Lastly, the change of water vapor across the engine affects the electricity that is produced from the evaporation engine. If the water vapor suddenly decreases

during the process of water upon entering the device, thus it will create less energy and electricity.


What are the difficulties that may be encountered in the use of evaporation as a renewable source of energy? Since the use of evaporation as a renewable source of energy is not yet commercialized, there are difficulties that may be encountered in this research. It may affect the current usage of water resources to be used. If evaporation technology will be used continuously into the water resource, it will eliminate recreational purpose such as fishing and may also affect the habitat of wildlife if lake would be used for example. Another difficulty is the heat that comes from sunlight which can power evaporation. The evaporation engine and the moisture mill can create more energy if the evaporation rate increases. In order to produce more energy, the devices should be exposed to wider water areas. There are only few areas that have a large amount of water. The area to be used gets sunshine, there is a possibility that it would get dry. The more power it would harvest because it enhances evaporation rate.


Is our country capable of using this process to harness energy? Why? No. The Philippines is not yet ready for this evaporation technology. It is a developing country and has a lot to cope up when it comes to the progress of economy, physical, and environmental

components of a country. The country is slowly switching to solar, wind, biomass, and other renewable sources into energy which the Philippines has rich resources. In the production of evaporation, a wider water area will be needed. Although Philippines is rich in water resources, only few has a wide area. If these would be used, fishermen would not be able to continue their livelihood and wildlife would lose their habitat. Another is the cost of technology to be used. The researcher said that eventually the evaporation engine and the moister mill will be put into a larger scale which requires a bigger size of machine and it needs a lot of money in order to help in the exploration and development of research activities. Another factor is the people who can perform the task. Many people are subjective and incompetent in their field of expertise which will become a constraint when it comes to technology. Engineers are one of the persons that are needed in technology sectors. Engineers have to undergo training before working. This is due to lack of technical competence as the engineers do not satisfy industry needs. Lastly, the country is still facing numerous issues with regards to the lack of investment opportunities, environmental and socio-cultural concerns, and lack of clear policies. But the government, on the other hand, promotes renewable energy technologies and programs to increase people’s awareness in the cause and importance and incorporate funds for appropriate tools and technologies for the growth and progress of renewable energy in the Philippines.


If the country is capable and decides to adopt this process, what preparations should be made for it to be effective? The priority for this to be effective is the location in which the process is to be held. It should be fresh water and does not contain any chemical in order to preserve its natural components. The greater the area, the more water vapor will go across the engine, the more energy is to be produced. Appropriate tools and technology should be provided and meet the standards for this machines to function as designed. These would help the researchers to easily conduct the activity. Another is the people who would work for the implementation of the renewable energy from water vapor. It is a fact that our country has vast water resources but this are already contaminated, mostly by man. Even our dams and its reservoir face scarcity of water supply during the leans months of summer where most of the water supplies face shortages. These are the things that must first be addressed. Creating a clean, lasting water supply is the key not only for this project but for the benefit of the country’s citizens. The cost for upcoming research development purposes should also be prepared in order to come up with newly developed devices. Finally, the political will to have these plans must be put into place.


Biophysicist – it is a person who study how microscopic machines facilitate






neurotransmitters, or hormones) - Ozgur Sahin is a biophysicist pioneered in renewable energy from water evaporation. 2.

Commercialize – it is to manage or to exploit (an organization, activity, etc.) in a way designed to make a profit - The evaporation engine and the moisture mill requires huge amount of investment to have it commercialize.


Renewable Energy–it is an energy from a source that is not depleted when used, such as wind and solar power - The use of renewable energy is now trending worldwide in terms of engineering applications.


Evaporation – it is the process of turning from liquid into vapor -

The backbone of the evaporation process is the clean water.


Evaporation-based energy – it is the energy produced from water vapour -

The entire process created by Ozgur Sahin is the evaporation-based energy.


Evaporation Engine – it is a theoretical machine that aims to convert evaporation energy into electricity

- Evaporation Engine runs using clean water resources which are abundant in a tropical country like the Philippines. 7.

Freshwater Resources – these are resources of water that are useful, to society; for instance for agricultural, industrial and recreational use. - Water from lakes and wells are fresh water resources.


Humid Environment–it is an environment where a lot of moisture is in the air - According to the weather bureau, Antipolo and Baguio City have the most humid environment.


Shutter – it is one that closes something or to move into position to close an opening - The present design of cameras today is the absence of mechanically induced shutter sound.

10. Spores – these are water-responsive organisms that enables to absorb and re-emit humidity according to environmental conditions - Making use of spores to create a mechanical movement offers a promising insight into the future of renewable energy using the evaporation process.

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