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  • Pages: 85

Hugo Aléxis Alves Ribeiro

Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in

Mechanical Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Elsa Maria Pires Henriques

Examination Committee Chairperson: Prof. Rui Manuel dos Santos Oliveira Baptista Supervisor: Prof. Elsa Maria Pires Henriques Member of the Committee: Prof. Paulo Miguel Nogueira Peças

November 2015

Abstract Innovation plays a major role in the growth and economic competitiveness of companies, industries and countries. Innovation projects are strong consumers of resources and their potential benefits occur in a long time horizon, therefore, it is essential to develop the capacity to assess the potential performance and return of the investment in innovation projects, which will allow companies to focus their efforts on the projects with the highest expected return. This thesis focused on the different approaches and methods used in the literature for evaluating and prioritizing projects at the early stages of innovation in a context of limited resources. An exhaustive list of different criteria and descriptors of performance was developed, establishing the foundation for the methodology for project selection here proposed, which consists on the setting, structuring and execution of the evaluation, risk analysis, resource allocation, decision and conclusions. This objective procedure involves multicriteria decision-making, deals with the risk and uncertainty in innovation and supports the construction of a portfolio of projects, therefore capturing the complexity of the problem while being simple to understand, apply and adapt to specific company needs and constraints. It can thus constitute a valuable aid for companies to build their own project selection process or to compare with the currently implemented one.

Keywords Project selection; Innovation; Project portfolio management; Multicriteria decision-making.


Resumo A inovação desempenha um papel importante no crescimento e competitividade económica de empresas, indústrias e países. Os projetos de inovação são fortes consumidores de recursos e os seus potenciais benefícios ocorrem num horizonte temporal futuro, como tal, é essencial desenvolver a capacidade de avaliar o potencial desempenho e retorno do investimento em projetos de inovação, o que permitirá às empresas centrarem os seus esforços nos projetos com maior retorno esperado. Esta tese baseou-se nas diferentes abordagens e métodos utilizados na literatura para avaliar e prioritizar projetos nas fases iniciais da inovação, num contexto de recursos limitados. Uma lista exaustiva de critérios e descritores de desempenho foi criada, estabelecendo as bases para a metodologia de selecção de projectos aqui proposta, composta pela definição, estruturação e execução da avaliação, análise de riscos, alocação de recursos, decisões e conclusões. Este procedimento objetivo envolve a tomada de decisão multicritério, lida com o risco e incerteza na inovação e apoia a construção de um portefólio de projetos, captando assim a complexidade do problema e, simultaneamente, sendo simples de entender, aplicar e adaptar às necessidades e limitações específicas das empresas. Esta tese pode, consequentemente, constituir uma ajuda valiosa para as empresas que queiram construir o seu próprio processo de seleção de projetos ou comparar com o que têm atualmente implementado.

Palavras chave Seleção de projetos; Inovação; Gestão de portefólio de projetos; Decisão multicritério.


Index Abstract .................................................................................................................................................................... I Resumo ................................................................................................................................................................... II List of figures .......................................................................................................................................................... IV List of tables ............................................................................................................................................................ V 1.




Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.

Innovation in Companies ....................................................................................................................... 1


An Overview of Project Selection .......................................................................................................... 2


Motivation and Objectives of the Thesis ............................................................................................... 3


Background of the Example of Application ........................................................................................... 3


Structure of the Thesis .......................................................................................................................... 4

State of the art ............................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.

Project Selection .................................................................................................................................... 5


Project Selection Models ....................................................................................................................... 7


Criteria used in Project Selection Models ............................................................................................ 16


Risk and Uncertainty ............................................................................................................................ 19


Common mistakes in Project Selection ............................................................................................... 22


Literature Research Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 23

Methodology for Project Selection .............................................................................................................. 24 3.1.

Setting the Evaluation Process ............................................................................................................ 26


Structuring the Evaluation ................................................................................................................... 41


Project Evaluation ................................................................................................................................ 44


Risk Analysis......................................................................................................................................... 46


Resource Allocation ............................................................................................................................. 49


Decision and Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 52


Computational tool: M-MACBETH ....................................................................................................... 53


Project Portfolio Management ............................................................................................................ 54

Example of application ................................................................................................................................. 55 4.1.

Setting the Evaluation Process ............................................................................................................ 55 III




Structuring the Evaluation ................................................................................................................... 60


Project Evaluation ................................................................................................................................ 63


Risk Analysis......................................................................................................................................... 66


Resource Allocation ............................................................................................................................. 67


Decision and Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 69

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................... 70 5.1.

Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 70


Findings................................................................................................................................................ 70


Contributions ....................................................................................................................................... 70


Challenges and Limitations .................................................................................................................. 71


Applications of this Thesis ................................................................................................................... 71


Recommendations for Future Development ....................................................................................... 71

References .................................................................................................................................................... 72

List of figures Fig. 1: Innovation Value Chain [10] ......................................................................................................................... 2 Fig. 2: Popularity of methods employed [25] ........................................................................................................ 15 Fig. 3: Popularity of the criteria [25] ..................................................................................................................... 18 Fig. 4: Different risk methods [27] ........................................................................................................................ 21 Fig. 5: Diagram of the project selection methodology .......................................................................................... 25 Fig. 6: List of possible criteria ................................................................................................................................ 27 Fig. 7: Example of a piecewise-linear function ...................................................................................................... 36 Fig. 8: Example of a continuous value function [faculty evaluation] .................................................................... 37 Fig. 9: Example of the determination and use of a value function ....................................................................... 38 Fig. 10: Fictitious alternatives A and B (adapted from [73]) ................................................................................. 39 Fig. 11: Swings between the reference levels (adapted from [73]) ...................................................................... 40 Fig. 12: Project type filter (adapted from [22]) ..................................................................................................... 41 Fig. 13: Triage filter (adapted from [22]) ............................................................................................................... 44 Fig. 14: Graph of overall scores ............................................................................................................................. 46 Fig. 15: Probability of Success VS Overall Score (adapted from [ref5]) ................................................................ 47 Fig. 16: Efficient frontier [16] ................................................................................................................................ 47 Fig. 17: Prioritisation of projects by their benefit-to-cost ratio and by their benefits only [12] ........................... 49 IV

Fig. 18: Innovation Effectiveness Curve [80] ......................................................................................................... 51 Fig. 19: Company criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 56 Fig. 20: Tree of identified criteria .......................................................................................................................... 56 Fig. 21: Performance levels of criterion "Durability" ............................................................................................ 58 Fig. 22: Judgements matrix and value function of criterion "Net present value” ................................................. 59 Fig. 23: Weighting matrix of judgements .............................................................................................................. 59 Fig. 24: Weights histograms (at the left, proposed by M-MACBETH, at the right, a possible adjustment) .......... 60 Fig. 25: Tree of selected criteria ............................................................................................................................ 61 Fig. 26: Options and table of performances.......................................................................................................... 62 Fig. 27: Table of overall scores .............................................................................................................................. 63 Fig. 28: Sensitivity analysis on criterion C4 ........................................................................................................... 64 Fig. 29: Robustness analysis (0% variation) ........................................................................................................... 65 Fig. 30: Robustness analysis (10% variation on the left, different variations on the right) .................................. 65 Fig. 31: Probability of success VS Overall score .................................................................................................... 67 Fig. 32: Portfolios of projects ................................................................................................................................ 68

List of tables Tab. 1: Various kinds of project selection methods (adapted from [19]) ............................................................... 8 Tab. 2: Comparison of project selection methods (adapted from [19]) ................................................................. 9 Tab. 3: Descriptor of performance of Market Attractiveness ............................................................................... 28 Tab. 4: List of possible descriptors of performance .............................................................................................. 29 Tab. 5: Example of reference levels (adapted from [64]) ..................................................................................... 34 Tab. 6: Table of performances .............................................................................................................................. 43 Tab. 7 Table of scores............................................................................................................................................ 45 Tab. 8: Table of overall scores............................................................................................................................... 45 Tab. 9: Table of expected benefits ........................................................................................................................ 48 Tab. 10: Table of portfolios ................................................................................................................................... 50 Tab. 11: Descriptors of performance .................................................................................................................... 57 Tab. 12: Table of performances ............................................................................................................................ 62 Tab. 13: Table of expected value .......................................................................................................................... 66 Tab. 14: Possible portfolios of projects ................................................................................................................. 68


1. Introduction This chapter provides an overview of project selection, its importance and the challenges in executing it, as well as its role in the innovation value chain. The motivation and objectives of this work are then stated, followed by the background of the example of application and the structure of this thesis.

1.1. Innovation in Companies “Innovation, at the level of an individual firm, might be defined as the application of new ideas to the firm, regardless of whether the new ideas are embodied in products, processes, services, work organization, marketing or management systems.” Credited to Gibbons et al. [1] in [2] Innovation strengthens the growth and dynamism of all economies and, while not a goal in itself, can play a critical role in leading the world to a more sustainable growth path following the financial crisis, according to OECD’s “Innovation Strategy 2015” [3]. In companies, it is also increasingly more imperative as consumer demand becomes more sophisticated and competition more intense [4]. Consequently, companies invest in innovation to increase competitive advantage, for instance, by gaining market share, reducing costs or increasing productivity, spending on average 1-2% of turnover on various innovation-related activities [4]. In turn, 5-7% of their turnover comes from products that are new to the market in most countries (6.24% in Portugal) [4]. BCG’s 2010 global survey of senior executives on their innovation practices [5], responded by 1590 executives representing all major markets and industries, reports that 72% of respondents say that innovation is one of their company’s top-three priority. Furthermore, 61% of companies plan to increase their innovation spending, most likely motivated by their rising satisfaction with their returns on innovation spending [5]. These investments in innovation-related activities are also encourage by governments, who implement policies to stimulate R&D, both directly (through grants or loans) and indirectly (through fiscal incentives) [3]. Hence, public funding of innovation projects aims to produce more innovation by assisting companies to undertake more development work, thus producing more innovation and ultimately resulting in increased financial performance [6]. R&D projects are therefore a fundamental component of innovation and a crucial factor in developing new competitive advantages [7]. For this reason, the Project Management Institute (PMI) calls project practitioners “the engines of innovation” [8].


1.2. An Overview of Project Selection Although there is a widespread belief that higher R&D spending translates into higher economic performance, studies shows that there is no relationship between R&D spending and corporate success [9]. According to 2

Kandybin and Kihn [10], for companies to maximize their return on innovation investment (ROI ), a wellorganized innovation value chain (Fig. 1) is required, mastering four critical sets of capabilities: ideation, project selection, development and commercialization.

Fig. 1: Innovation Value Chain [10]

At the start of this chain is the suggestion of several ideas and concepts that are conveyed through project proposals. However, usually only a very small fraction can be selected since resources are limited, therefore, there must be a professional method for prioritizing each potential project, just as there are systems to manage the execution stages [11] (development and commercialization). This task is complex and difficult because many options are present and resources have to be allocated considering costs, risks and benefits [12], which are often uncertain and sometimes intangible. A project is “a unique process, consisting of a set of coordinated and controlled activities with start and finish dates, undertaken to achieve an objective conforming to specific requirements.” International Organization for Standardization [13] Project selection is, therefore, a key part in this multifunctional capability that is innovation [10], which always comes into play when the number of potential projects exceeds the number that can be effectively undertaken within time and money constraints [14]. There are several different approaches to deal with project selection, which should be part of an explicit formalized tool for portfolio management and applied consistently [15]. Regardless of the approach chosen by the company, choosing the right projects is a crucial step in ensuring good project management [16], though it is not enough to guarantee innovation success [10]. The project selection problem has received plenty of attention in the literature at least since the 1960s [17], [18], describing an abundant variety of approaches and models designed to support decision making in this domain and taking into account different aspects and perspectives of the problem. They have evolved from simple cost analysis to integer and linear programming to more flexible methods, such as fuzzy mathematical


programming [19]. However, more recent models have tried to consider more qualitative factors involved in decision processes [20], which can easily be considered in scoring models. The books on project management by Meredith and Mantle (2009) [21] and Pinto (2010) [16] have presented various project selection models, criteria, examples and requisites for these models, among others. Regarding criteria, there is an endless amount in the literature ([14], [16], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25]), which vary with the type of projects and the models used for the selection. Sokmen [24] provides a list of the different methods and criteria used until 2013. In what concerns the analysis of risk, typical of innovation projects, most models developed and referred in the literature rely on the determination or estimation of probability distributions to deal with uncertainty in some parameters associated with the decision, as in [21] and [26], using them to estimate the risk profiles or probability distributions of the outcomes of the decision [21]. However, risk is also sometimes treated as criteria rather than as probabilities [12]. Ilevbare [27] presents a list of around 50 different methods and techniques for addressing uncertainty and risk

1.3. Motivation and Objectives of the Thesis Despite the importance of project selection and the existence of various approaches to deal with it, the industrial use of these models is limited [17], [28], since models are not able to capture the complexity of the problem [28] or, in contrast, they are excessively complex and mathematically elaborate themselves for decision makers to systematically apply [17], [18], sometimes even requiring the assistance of an expert decision analyst [17]. Bin et al. [18] recently pointed out that there is still the need for additional efforts in this field, mostly to deal with complexity in a less complex way [18], which motivated the execution of this work. In this context, an extensive research was conducted on the different criteria, descriptors of performance (scaling statements) and methods used in the literature, as well as on the risk and uncertainty in innovation, the construction of a portfolio of projects, the requisites of project selection tools and the most common mistakes in these methods and in decision-making. As a result, a comprehensive methodology to assist companies in selecting innovation projects is proposed, which intends to capture the complexity of the problem and enable its application to different types of projects and companies. At the same time, it aims to be simple to understand, apply and adapt to the specific needs of the company.

1.4. Background of the Example of Application In order to exemplify how the developed methodology for project selection can be applied, a real case of project selection was chosen. It was conducted in the context of a PhD Thesis [29] on the innovation in SMEs (small and medium enterprises), where eco-design related ideas were evaluated for new product/process development in Fapil, S.A., a manufacturer of domestic products. Innovation and sustainability are becoming increasingly more critical in industrial companies, where mechanical/production engineers are often


responsible for the development of new products and processes that have to balance financial factors with product/production characteristics, market and strategy, among others, consequently making a real example like this more interesting and robust than a purely fictitious one.

1.5. Structure of the Thesis The remainder of this thesis is organised into the following four chapters. Chapter II provides the foundation for this work through the review of relevant literature. It introduces the project selection problem and summarizes several methods to support it, as well as diverse criteria used in these models, including risk and uncertainty. Finally, a discussion of common mistakes in project selection is made. Chapter III proposes a comprehensive methodology to assist companies in selecting innovation projects, based on multicriteria decision-making, which includes the evaluation of projects, risk analysis and resource allocation, resulting in a final proposed portfolio of projects. Chapter IV presents an example of application of the methodology for project selection. Chapter V concludes the thesis and indicates areas for further research.


2. State of the art Since the beginning of the era of modern project management (around 60’s to early 00’s) project managers focused on successfully completing projects (on time, within budget and with quality) and satisfying stakeholders [14]. Project managers grew to be respected professionals that strived for project success, which not always translated into business success, invoking the need for the postmodern era of project management - Project Portfolio Management (PPM) [14]. Harvey A. Levine, former president of the board of directors of the Project Management Institute, proposes the following definition for PPM: PPM is a set of processes, supported by people and tools, to guide the enterprise in selecting the right projects and the right number of projects and in maintaining a portfolio of projects that will maximize the enterprise’s strategic goals, efficient use of resources, stakeholder satisfaction and the bottom line. Levine [14]

The primary components of the PPM process are the “prioritization and selection of candidate projects for the portfolio” and “maintaining the pipeline: continuing, delaying or terminating approved projects” [14]. In this chapter, the state of the art regarding the first component of PPM, project selection, is presented, as well as a body of literature on this subject from the last 55 years. Different methods for prioritizing and selecting projects are explained, followed by the criteria used, the risk in innovation and the most common mistakes in project selection.

2.1. Project Selection Prioritizing and selecting potential projects is one of the major challenges in PPM, which is one of the main axes of management models of public and private organizations involved in research, development and innovation activities [18]. For this reason, there is a large amount of literature dedicated to the project selection problem at least since the 1960s [17], [18], describing an abundant variety of approaches and models designed to support decision making in this domain and taking into account different aspects and perspectives of the problem. In 1990, Harry M. Markowitz was awarded the Nobel Prize for having developed the theory of portfolio choice, analysing investments in assets that differ in their expected return and risk (by performing mean-variance analysis) [30], which led to the use of portfolio management in several other areas, particularly in project management [31]. The first models for project prioritization and selection used return on investment (ROI) as the primary decision criteria, to which more formal quantitative techniques followed, such as scoring and optimization models [32], with developed mathematical tools becoming increasingly sophisticated but with no industry acceptance [20]. As a result, more recent models have tried to consider more qualitative factors involved in decision processes [20]. 5

Bretschneider [33] provides a complete list of project selection research from 1959 to 1990, were the benefit/cost analysis is among the earliest references of prioritization methods. Henriksen and Traynor [17] present an overview of the R&D project selection literature up to 1995. Graves and Ringuest [26] deliver the latest work in this field, as of 2003, predominantly on mathematical programming. More recently, Meredith and Mantle (2009) [21] and Pinto (2010) [16] presented various qualitative and quantitative project selection models, as well as criteria, examples and requisites for this models, and, in 2014, Sokmen [24] organized a list of the different methods and criteria used until 2013. There is also important work on the study of the “real world” application of these models, such as [25] (2001), and on how to structure the scoring process for prioritizing and selecting innovation projects [22] (2014), both of which, together with [23], include valuable criteria that are present in the next chapter. While literature about R&D is the most common, there is now also a great amount of work describing Information Technology (IT) and New Product Development (NPD) portfolio selection (which is often considered as R&D), however, it is usually assumed that the models apply equally well to R&D and IT project selection [26], or to other capital spending projects, even though the specific criteria used for each type will unsurprisingly differ. According to Levine [14], the process of project portfolio selection is comparable to the one used in selecting items for an investment portfolio, which they actually are, since the company invests in projects with the objective of maximizing the return. “The Standard for Portfolio Management - Third Edition”, issued in 2013 by the PMI [34], identifies portfolio management processes generally recognized as good practices, including the selection and prioritization of projects. After the selection of the portfolio of projects, during the different stages of their life cycle, there are two popular and proven techniques for the periodic evaluation of project status and performance [14]: earned value analysis (EVA) and the Stage-Gate® process. The EVA technique, which works best in conjunction with critical path scheduling techniques (CPM), compares the value of the work scheduled with that of the work performed, at any point in time, enabling managers to monitor schedule and cost variances in a consistent and structured manner [14]. Levine [14] describes in a simple way the essentials of EVA and even presents a glossary of terms used in calculations. The father of the Stage-Gate® process is Robert G. Cooper, widely recognized as a new product development guru and a strong contributor to PPM, and though he developed the Stage-Gate® concept primarily for NPD and technology development (which can be found in chapter 7.1 of [14]), it is frequently applied to PPM [14]. In this process, each stage of the project life cycle is separated by a gate, which is a decision point where the project is evaluated by a cross-functional team against pre-defined conditions for passing to the next stage.


2.2. Project Selection Models Models are used to extract and deal with the relevant information about a problem, since reality is far too complex to handle entirely [21]. Therefore, every model, however sophisticated it may be, will always represent only a part of the reality it intends to reflect and may only yield an optimal result in its own particular framework [21]. A project-screening model can thus be a valuable tool for an organization to help in choosing projects, mainly if it can generate useful information in a timely and useful fashion at an acceptable cost [16]. There are various concerns to consider when selecting a model, as well as several different types, which are approached next.

2.2.1. Requisites of the models According to [35], the following five aspects are the most important in a project selection model, which have been adopted by Meredith & Mantel [21] (who added the sixth factor) and Pinto [16], who propose slightly different definitions for the characteristics. 1.

Realism: accuracy of representation of the real world [35] and in reflecting the firm’s decision situation, objectives, limitations, risks, etc. [21].


Capability: ability to analyse different types of decision variables [35] and to deal with the several factors (multiple time periods, interest rate changes, etc.) [21].


Flexibility: breadth of applicability to various types of projects and problems [36] and ease of modification in response to changes in the firm’s environment [21].


Use: ease of comprehension and application of the model [36]. Clear, easily understood by all organizational members and rapidly executed [16].


Cost: expense of setting up and using the model [35] should be inferior to the potential benefits of the project and low relatively to the cost of the project [21].


Easy computerization: easily gather, store and manipulate the information with widely available software (such as Excel®) [21].

Kerr et al. [37] published a paper on the “Key principles for developing industrially relevant strategic technology management toolkits” (2013) that presents a vast list of “good practice” principles for technology management tools observed by several authors, many of which apply to project selection tools in particular, such as: 

Robust (theoretically sound and reliable).

Economic, simple and practical to implement;

Integrated to other processes and tools of the business;

Flexible (adaptable to suit the particular context of the business and its environment).


2.2.2. Types of models There is an extensive amount of methods that have been used for project selection, from simple cost analysis to integer and linear programming or more flexible methods, such as fuzzy mathematical programming [19]. Bretschneider [33] lists research on project selection dating as far as 1959, where multiple criteria and mathematical programming methods were already used. Badri et al. [38] refer papers using the following methods: scoring, ranking, decision trees, game-theoretic approach, Delphi technique, fuzzy logic, analytical hierarchy process (AHP), goal programming, dynamic programming, linear 0–1 programming, quadratic programming and non-linear programming. Dey [39] also refers goal and linear programming models, AHP and fuzzy theory, adding the use of utility functions. Some methods can even be used together, as can be seen in [19] and [38], which further increases the amount of possible techniques to be used for project selection. Probably for this reason, authors usually present and discuss categories of project selection methods (such as [16], [21] and [25]), rather than specific methods, as will also be done here later. Tab. 1 shows several methods for project selection that have been used in different project selection decision problems, such as construction, bid evaluation, information systems and R&D. The references to the corresponding published papers can be found at [19]. Tab. 1: Various kinds of project selection methods (adapted from [19])

Decision method/model

Decision problem

Net present value method

Programming investment project selection

Cost analysis (e.g. NPV, DCF and payback)

Construction project selection

Ranking and non-weighted model

Project investment selection decision

Analytical hierarchy process (AHP)

Industrial project selection

Multiattribute utility theory in conjunction with PRET

Construction project selection

Linear and integer programming

Construction project selection

Utility-theory model

Bid markup decisions

Fuzzy outranking method

Design evaluation

Competitive bidding strategy model

Construction project selection

Multiattribute analysis in conjunction with regression models

Public sector design-build project selection

Strategic classes

IS project selection

Fuzzy multicriteria selection

The aggregation of expert judgments

Fuzzy preference model

Construction project selection

Fuzzy logic

Software product selection

Mathematical programming

Vendor selection decision


Bid project selection


Bid decision making

Fuzzy stochastic

Construction project selection


Construction project selection

Mixed 0-1 goal programming

IS project selection

Possibility theory

Project investment decision

Mathematical programming

R&D project selection

Analytic Network Process (ANP)

R&D project selection 8

Decision method/model

Decision problem


New product development project selection


Construction project selection

ANP in conjunction with Delphi and 0-1 goal programming

IS project selection

Packing-multiple-boxes model

R&D project selection

AHP and multiple-attribute decision-making technique

Industrial project selection

Fuzzy mixed integer programming model

R&D optimal portfolio selection

Chance-constrained zero-one integer programming models

Random fuzzy project selection

As it can be observed, there are methods that are used for different decision problems, such as mathematical programming, and there are decision problems that were carried out with different methods, such as construction project selection. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is not a specific method for a certain situation, but rather that there is a broad range of possibilities and applications. The advantages and disadvantages of the methods should be weighted for the particular decision problem at hand in order to choose the most appropriate one. Tab. 2 presents the explanation of some of the previous methods and corresponding advantages and disadvantages. Tab. 2: Comparison of project selection methods (adapted from [19])

Decision method

Method description



It uses cost accounting and other Cost analysis relevant information to look for (e.g. NPV, ways to cut costs and then to DCF and choose the project with the highest payback) benefit

Controls costs and prevents waste and losses It only focuses on costs and ignores the costEasy for the decision benefit principle makers to select

Linear programming is a technique Linear for optimization of a linear programming objective function, subject to linear equality and inequality constraints

Achieves the best outcome in a given mathematical model, given a list of requirements represented as linear equations

Perhaps no optimal solution can be found

A type of mathematical Integer programming whose variables are programming (all or partially) integer in the problem

Greatly reduces the solution time and space

More difficult to solve than linear programming

It is a powerful tool to handle imprecise data

Fuzzy logic is difficult to scale to larger problems

Fuzzy logic


Fuzzy logic is a form of multi-valued logic derived from fuzzy set theory to deal with reasoning that is approximate rather than precise

A mathematical decision making technique that allows consideration of both qualitative and quantitative aspects of decisions

It reduces complex decisions to a series of one-on-one comparisons and then synthesizes the results

It depends on the expert's experience The comparison and judgment process is rough, which cannot be used for high precision decision-making


Decision method

Method description


It is a mathematical decision making technique similar to AHP



Requires large amounts It can deal with the project of data and the decision evaluation problems depends on the expert's experience Does not need a large number of samples and the samples do not need to have regular distribution

Grey Target Decision

Grey Target Decision has a certain original effect on dealing with the pattern recognition problem with small samples, poor information, insufficient data and under uncertain conditions

It can more deeply describe the nature of things with small computational load The results of quantitative and qualitative analysis will be consistent

The optimal solution may not be the global optimization situation

It can be used for shortterm or long-term predictions and is of high accuracy

Cooper et al. [25] divide the different methods into the following six categories: 1.

Financial methods, such as NPV, ROI or payback period, can be used to rank-order projects against each other or to make Go/Kill in comparison with determined acceptable levels.


Business strategy is used to allocate money across different types of projects. For instance, the strategic buckets method divides the projects by buckets, that represent different dimensions (such as type of market, type of development, product line, project magnitude, technology area, platform types, strategic thrust or competitive needs) and distributes the money across the buckets. Then, projects are rank-ordered within each bucket (through a financial, scoring or any other method) and the money is spent progressively until the limit is reached for each bucket. With this method, the spending is forced to mirror the business’s strategy [25].


Bubble diagrams (or portfolio maps) are used to plot projects on an X-Y plot or map (usually the traditional risk-reward diagram [25]), categorizing them according to the quadrant they are in (e.g.: pearls, oysters, white elephants and bread-and-butter projects).


Scoring models consist on scoring the projects on several criteria, for example, with {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} scales, and then aggregating them to obtain a total score. This can be achieved by simply adding the partial scores (unweighted scoring model) or by attributing weights to the criteria and doing a weighted sum (weighted scoring model).


Check lists are a set of Yes/No questions that are answered for each project. The number of questions answered positively can be used for prioritizing projects or to make Go/Kill decisions. 10


Others: all methods that do not fit in the above five categories, such as: a.

Multiple criteria without a formal scoring model;


Probabilities of commercial and technical success;


Methods that are variants or hybrids of methods comprised by the above categories;












orders/preferences or simply intuition. Mitchell et al. [22] state that intuition can be wonderfully effective if it derives from strong experience but surprisingly misleading in unfamiliar situations – which is certainly the case in innovation projects – and so as much logical structure as possible should be used to support the decision. These categories are now further explained and some advantages and disadvantages are presented.

2.2.3. Financial methods According to Meredith & Mantel [21], the frequently mentioned ROI (Return On Investment), does not have a specific method of calculation, but usually involves the NPV (Net Present Value) or the IRR (Internal Rate of Return). Furthermore, they state that in project/investment evaluation the payback period is one of the most commonly used, occasionally including discounted cash flows, since managers favour short payback periods in order to minimize risk. The advantages and disadvantages of financial methods [21] are now presented: 

Advantages: 1.

Simple to use and understand.


Use readily available accounting data to determine cash flows.


Model output is familiar to decision makers and is usually on an “absolute” profit scale, allowing “absolute” Go/Kill decisions.

4. 

Some profit models can be adjusted to account for project risk.

Disadvantages: 1.

Ignore all non-monetary factors (except risk).


Models that do not include discounting ignore the timing of the cash flows and the time–value of money.


Models that reduce cash flows to their present value are strongly biased toward the short run.


Payback-type models ignore cash flows beyond the payback period.


The internal rate of return model can result in multiple solutions.


Sensitive to errors in the input data for the early years of the project.


Non-linear, and the effects of changes/errors in the variables/ parameters are generally not obvious to most decision makers.


Even though they depend on the determination of cash flows for the inputs, it is not clear exactly how the concept of cash flow is properly defined for the purpose of evaluating projects.


2.2.4. Business strategy According to Cooper et al. [25], numerous businesses using the strategic buckets approach do not use a formal ranking method to prioritize projects within a bucket, which indicates that strategy drives not only the allocation by bucket but also within buckets. As a result, important indicators, such as risk or monetary factors, might not be considered and, therefore, negatively influence the decision. Furthermore, the resulting portfolio will possibly not have the maximum cumulative benefit for the available budget, since money can be left over when allocating it across and within buckets.

2.2.5. Bubble diagrams Even though bubble diagrams appear to be more of a supporting tool than a dominant method for project selection, their use is strongly recommended by managers, who believe that they are an effective decision tool, yielding correct portfolio decisions [25]. Moreover, they enable managers to portray the entire portfolio in a visual format and display portfolio balance.

2.2.6. Scoring models Scoring models, which differ extensively in their complexity and information requirements, have been developed to use multiple criteria to evaluate projects, and they include the “Unweighted 0–1 Factor Scoring Model”, equivalent to a checklist, the “Unweighted Factor Scoring Model” and the “Weighted Factor Scoring Model” [21]. The advantages and disadvantages of scoring models [21] are now presented: 

Advantages: 1.

Multiple criteria can be used for evaluation and decision making, including profitability methods and both tangible and intangible criteria.


Structurally simple and therefore easy to understand and use.


They are a direct reflection of managerial policy.


Easily modified according to changes in the environment or managerial policy.


Weighted scoring models allow to consider the relative “importance” of the criteria.


Allow easy sensitivity analysis, since the trade-offs between the several criteria are readily noticeable.

Disadvantages: 1.

The project score is strictly a relative measure, therefore, it does not represent its absolute value and does not directly indicate whether or not the project should be supported.


Generally, scoring models are linear in form and the elements of such models are assumed to be independent.


The ease of use of these models is conducive to the inclusion of a large number of criteria, most of which have such small weights that they have little impact on the total project score.



Unweighted scoring models assume all criteria are of equal “importance”, which is almost certainly contrary to the fact.


If profitability is included as criteria in the scoring model, this model will have the advantages and disadvantages noted earlier for the profitability models themselves.

Pinto [16] states that most scoring models have important limitations, adding that they are influenced by the relevance of the selected criteria and the accuracy of their weights, as well as by wrong interpretation and usage of scales: “If 3 means High and 2 means Medium, we know that 3 is better than 2, but we do not know by how much. Furthermore, we cannot assume that the difference between 3 and 2 is the same as the difference between 2 and 1.” Pinto In Chapter III a weighted scoring model is proposed, which took into account the above mentioned and includes the construction of scales that do not fall into this mistake (i.e., the difference between two levels, such as High and Medium, is well defined and readily noticeable through the use of value functions).

2.2.7. Check lists Check lists are usually employed as a Go/Kill decision tool for the individual project [25] due to the subjective nature of the rating process [16] (using ratings such as high, medium, or low). If a check list is used to rankorder projects, this is accomplished by simply counting the number of positive answers to obtain the final score, which assumes that all criteria are equally “important”, almost certainly contrary to the fact [21].

2.2.8. Others Some examples of other methods for project selection are now presented. Probabilistic financial models They include decision trees and Monte Carlo simulation software or add-ons. Further explanation and examples of these models can be found at [40]. Real options approach The real options approach can be employed in parallel with project selection in order to reduce technological and commercial risk [21]. According to Meredith and Mantel [21], it is based on the notion of “opportunity cost” of an investment - the loss of potential gain from the other alternatives. If the investment in a project is delayed, it may have a higher (or lower) value in the future, since uncertainty decreases with time. Therefore, a project can be delayed if its NPV is expected to increase in the future and, if that prospect materializes, the


company will get a higher return, otherwise, the project’s value might even drop to a point that it fails the selection process. For a further understanding of this method, the authors propose readings on the full explanation and applications of the real options method as a project selection tool [21], as can be found at [40]. Multicriteria decision-analysis Multicriteria decision-analysis (MCDA) tools are used to support decision-making in problems with multiple factors, with the purpose of helping people to make decisions according to their own understanding, through descriptive and transparent methods [41]. They allow the incorporation of the preferences of the decision makers and the analysis of multiple criteria, for which several aggregation methods (that provide an immediate and simple interpretation of the project) exist, such as multiattribute value (and utility) theory and methods that are based on it (e.g., weighted summation, analytic hierarchy process and MACBETH), outranking methods such as ELECTRE and PROMETHEE and iterative approaches [42]. One of the most common MCDA models in the literature is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), which is based on paired comparisons of projects and criteria [15]. This decision tool, similarly to other MCDA models, originates more accurate alternatives and informed choices, as far as the correct criteria and weights are developed honestly [16]. However, AHP has several reported flaws [43], such as discussed in a critical analysis on its foundations made by Bana e Costa and Vansnick [44]. MACBETH (Measuring Attractiveness by a Category-Based Evaluation Technique) [45] differentiates itself from other MCDA methods mainly because it requires only qualitative judgements of difference in attractiveness of two elements at a time in order to generate value scores for the options in each criteria and weights for the criteria [45]. This is done through a non-numerical pairwise comparison questioning mode, based on seven semantic categories of difference in attractiveness: “no difference (indifference)”, “very weak”, “weak”, “moderate”, “strong”, “very strong” and “extreme” [45]. There is a vast amount of literature of multicriteria methods used in project selection, including applications in “real world” problems and organizations, such as: 

Multi-Attribute Value Theory - Portuguese Public Administration [46]

MACBETH - “Rio Climate Challenge” environmental initiative [47]

PROMETHEE - Iran Telecommunication Research Centre [48]

Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) - Bell Laboratories R&D projects [49]

Use of MCDA in transports projects [50]

For more detailed information about MCDA and its methods and applications, refer to Figueira et al. [51] (2005), who present a collection of state-of-the-art surveys about MCDA (its foundations and techniques, outranking methods and multiattribute utility and value theories, non-classical MCDA approaches, multiobjective mathematical programming, applications and MCDM Software). 14

Behavioural approaches According to Cooper et al. [15], these tools are intended to bring managers to a consensus in the project selection decision and they are more useful at the early stage when only qualitative information is available. Examples of these methods are the Delphi and Q-Sort techniques: Delphi is a technique for developing numeric values that are equivalent to subjective, verbal measures of relative value [21]; the Q-Sort technique to prioritize projects enables researchers to examine subjective perceptions of individuals on various topics and measure the extent and nature of their agreements [31].

2.2.9. Popularity of the methods In 2001, Cooper et al. [25] developed a survey questionnaire answered by 205 member companies of Washington’s Industrial Research Institute on the best practices of portfolio management. The results (in Fig. 2) revealed that financial methods are the most popular for portfolio selection and also the most frequently used as the dominant one, since many businesses use multiple methods.

Fig. 2: Popularity of methods employed [25]

As a result of this survey, Cooper et al. [25] noticed that the best performing companies do not give so much emphasis to the financial models as the average and the worst performing companies do, being the business strategy the main method applied. Furthermore, they recognise the limitations of the models and therefore tend to use multiple methods, rather than a single one, in order to increase the information available to sustain their decisions. The study also identifies the scoring model as the third most used as the dominant method by the best companies, after the business strategy and financial methods, which has the advantage of enabling the combination of both strategic and financial criteria. Furthermore, they state that the 10.2% of the surveyed


companies that use the project’s financial value to rank-order projects and to make Go/Kill achieve slightly higher performance than the businesses that use it for just one or none of these purposes.

2.3. Criteria used in Project Selection Models According to Levine [14], even though the ROI (explained previously in Section 3.3.1 of this chapter) is one of the primary factors for project prioritization, further aspects should be considered, such as alignment with strategy, balance between maintenance projects and investment projects, effective allocation of resources, probability of success and other non-financial benefits, all of which are handled throughout this work. It is impossible to define a set of criteria suitable for all circumstances since they will strongly differ among different companies and projects [22]. As a result, there is an endless amount of criteria referred in project selection literature ([14], [16], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25]), which vary with the type of projects and the models used for the selection, where the scoring models show the more extensive and vast set of criteria, usually including more than just financial and strategic aspects. Likewise, there are different ways in which criteria can be organized, such as by type of the criterion, which is the most common, but also by tangibility of the criterion, as shown next.

2.3.1. Categories of criteria Some different ways of organizing criteria, different from the one proposed later in Chapter III Section 2.3, are now presented. Further explanations or informations can be found in the respective author’s reference. 1.

Eilat et al. [23]: a.

Financial (profitability, cash flow, cost vs. Budget, etc.).


Costumer (market value, stakeholder satisfaction, time to market, etc.).


Internal-business processes (contribution to the core competencies, mission and strategic objectives of the organization).


Learning and growth (improvement on the capability of the human resources, systems and organizational processes).



Uncertainty (probability of technical and commercial success, etc.).

Mitchell et al. [22]: a.

Volume (market size, sales potential, synergy opportunities, customer benefit, competitive intensity in market).


Margin (increased margin, business cost reduction, industry / market readiness).


Platform for future growth (market growth, future potential).


Intangibles (learning potential, brand image, customer relations).



Characteristics of the product (product differentiation, sustainability of competitive, technical challenge).


Skills and knowledge (market knowledge, technical capability).


Business processes (fit to sales and/or distribution, fit to manufacturing and/or supply chain, finance).

h. 3.

Organisational backing (strategic fit, organisational backing).

Pinto [16]: a.

Risk (technical, financial, safety and quality risk, legal exposure).


Commercial (expected ROI, payback period, potential market share, etc.).


Internal operating issues (need to train employees, change in manufacturing or service operations, etc.)


Additional factors (patent protection, impact on company’s image, strategic fit)

Another way of organizing the criteria can be done regarding the order of impact of the project’s cost and benefits, similarly to what is done, for instance, in environmental disasters impact assessment. The difficulty in the measurement/assessment of the costs and benefits increase when they change from direct to indirect and from tangible to intangible. An example of how project criteria can be organized by their tangibility is proposed next: 


Direct and tangible (1 order): 

Direct (immediate) result of the project;

Easy measurement;

Example: net present value. nd

Indirect and tangible (2 order): 

Indirect consequence of the project, which is more difficult to attribute to it;

Needs an additional tool for evaluation;

Example: complementary sales. rd

Intangible (3 order): 

Intangible impacts resulting from the project that cannot be properly assessed monetarily;

Difficult to quantify;

Example: impact on brand image.

The advantage of this categorization is that it allows the company to choose different levels of complexity of the procedure undertaken to determine the potential impacts of the projects. Naturally, if the categories are not all considered the accuracy of the project’s benefit evaluation will be lower.


2.3.2. Intangible criteria The identification of intangible criteria related to the project should be done in order to understand the whole scope of effects, both positive and negative, that derive from the project, not only after it is finished but also while it is in progress. Furthermore, their impacts should be assessed whenever possible so as to determine their impact on the company and its environment. However, this is usually difficult due to the intangible nature of the criteria, which are difficult to quantify. Meredith and Mantel [21] give a good example of the intangible impacts of a project: on the one hand, a project for installing a kindergarten for the employees’ children can have substantial positive effects on their morale and productivity; on the other hand, replacing a part of the workforce by new technology may make sense financially but could hurt morale and productivity to a degree that it reduces profitability. Other examples of intangible criteria are the potential for new products, new markets and learning opportunities, brand image and customer relations [22] or regulatory, social and political impact [25].

2.3.3. More popular The survey questionnaire developed by Cooper et al. [25] also presented the most frequently used criteria (in scoring models or check lists) to rank projects, as in Fig. 3. Similarly to the popularity of selection methods presented previously (in Section 2.2.9 of this chapter), the strategic and financial aspects are the most common.

Fig. 3: Popularity of the criteria [25]


Sokmen [24] presents a list of 47 different criteria used in project scoring and selection problems and several authors using them, which can be helpful in choosing and understanding the criteria when developing the project selection tool, in Section 3.1.1 of the next chapter.

2.4. Risk and Uncertainty According to Mitchell et al. [22], decision theory makes a clear distinction between risk and uncertainty: “The term risk is used when probabilities of the various possible outcomes are known, either a priori (e.g. card games) or from objective data (e.g. health risks). Uncertainty is used when no such objective probability data is available.” Mitchell et al. [22] Weber [52] places the use of “uncertainty” in strategic management into two categories: perceived environmental uncertainty and decision-making under uncertainty, whose definitions are presented: “Environmental uncertainty refers to the lack of complete knowledge and unpredictability of the environment external to the organisation.” Ilevbare [27] “Decision-making under uncertainty, concerns choice-making circumstances where information necessary for proper consideration of all the relevant factors associated with a set of decision alternatives is incomplete. It is a result of insufficient knowledge about the alternatives and their consequences, caused by limitations of decision makers in information gathering and analysis.” Simon [53] apud [27] Nonetheless, the relationship between uncertainty and risk is rather ambiguous and open to different interpretations, which is why this terms are frequently used interchangeably [27]. According to Keizer & Halman [54], risk in innovation involves the outcome uncertainty, the level of control and the perceived impact on the performance of the project. The outcome uncertainty of innovation activities is related to the gap between what is available and necessary regarding knowledge, skills and experience, while the level of control is the degree to which managers can anticipate risk factors and influence them towards the success of the project. They conclude that an innovation issue will be perceived as “risky” if its uncertainty is high, its controllability is low and its potential impact is high [54]. These authors [54] present the following list of 12 radical innovation risks categories, as one outcome of a case study in a company in the fast-moving consumer sector, where 114 members of project teams where interviewed. 

Product Family and Brand Positioning

Product Technology

Manufacturing Technology 19

Intellectual Property

Supply Chain and Sourcing

Consumer Acceptance and Marketing

Trade Customer


Commercial Viability

Organization and Project Management


Screening and Appraisal

2.4.1. Risk analysis Many aspects of a project are uncertain, such as time, costs or benefits, and, even though this uncertainty may sometimes be reduced, it usually cannot be eliminated [21]. In order to deal with this issue, risk analysis can be applied, which provides managers with useful insight into the nature of the uncertainties that affect the project [21]. Most models developed and referred in the literature about risk analysis rely on the determination or estimation of probability distributions to deal with uncertainty in some parameters associated with the decision, as in [21] and [26], using them to estimate the risk profiles or probability distributions of the outcomes of the decision [21]. However, risk is also sometimes treated as criteria rather than as probabilities [12]. Monte Carlo simulation is one of the most common methods used by risk analysis software, such as the Microsoft Excel® add-ins @Risk® and Crystal Ball® of which examples of application can be found at [21] and [40]. Despite its wide scientific use for decades, being even mentioned in the Project Management Institute’s PMBOK (“A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge”) [55], Monte Carlo simulation is not equally established in the real practice of project management [56]. According to Kwak and Ingall [56], although this tool is extremely powerful, it is only as good as the model it is simulating and the input information. The authors state that in order to deal with the uncertainty associated with the information provide to the model, detailed data and experience from previous similar projects can useful, however, these will rarely be available in innovative projects. For further understanding the applications of Monte Carlo simulation for project management, as well as its advantages and disadvantages, reading the article [56] is recommended. A common tool to determine the “importance” of a risk is through a probability and impact matrix, which combines the two dimensions of risk: probability of occurrence and impact on objectives if it occurs [55]. Ilevbare [27] presents a list of around 50 different methods and techniques for addressing uncertainty and risk, which includes some of their characteristics (Fig. 4).


Fig. 4: Different risk methods [27]

Another frequent but simpler way to consider risks/uncertainty associated with projects in the selection phase is through the probability (likelihood) of project success [26], which is more useful when probability distributions are very hard to determine. Project success includes the probabilities of technical and commercial success [23] explained next, which are commonly used in different methods as can be seen in [25].

2.4.2. Probability of technical success Cooper et al. [25] refer the following characteristics that influence the probability of technical success: 

Technical gap;

Program complexity;

Existence of technological skill base;

Availability of people & facilities.

2.4.3. Probability of commercial success Cooper et al. [25] refer the following characteristics that influence the probability of commercial success: 

Existence of a market need;

Market maturity;

Competitive intensity;

Existence of commercial applications development skills;

Commercial assumptions;

Regulatory/social/political impact.


Furthermore, Åstebro [57] concluded from a study of more than 500 R&D projects that the following characteristics were excellent predictors of a project’s commercial success: 

expected profitability;

technological opportunity;

development risk;

degree to which a project is appropriate for the organization.

2.4.4. Risk treatment Risk treatment deals with the identification and application of actions or measures that intend to mitigate risk, which logically depend on the specific situation of the project, company and environment. ISO 31000:2009 “Risk management – Principles and guidelines” provides principles and generic guidelines on risk management [58], as the following standard responses for risk treatment [27]: 

Risk avoidance by not starting/continuing the activity that originates the risk;

Removing the risk source;

Changing the likelihood;

Changing the impact;

Sharing the risk with another party (e.g. insurance);

Retaining the risk by informed decision.

Risk mitigation strategies should thus be investigated and assessed by managers in order to fully understand their effects and the effectiveness of the money spent, for example through cost/benefit analysis, because even if its net effect (considering the cost of implementing the response) is an increased cost, that increase can be justified by, for instance, the time it saves [59].

2.5. Common mistakes in Project Selection According to Cooper et al. [25], the main reasons for ineffective portfolio management are the inexistence of strategic criteria in project selection, resulting in efforts that do not support the company’s strategy, and of consistent criteria for Go/Kill decisions, translating in the acceptance of low value projects and, consequently, lack of focus in the ones with higher expected benefit. The criteria that is more used, in detriment of strategy, is not surprisingly the financial, even though it alone does not capture the real richness of the projects [49] and the over-reliance on financial models is commonly referred as one of the most critical mistakes made by companies [16], [25], [42]. Cooper et al. [25] state that companies using financial methods as the dominant portfolio selection method end up with the worst performing portfolios [25], for which they present three reasons:


The sophistication of financial tools often far exceed the quality of the data inputs;

Important Go/Kill and prioritization decisions must be made at the early stages of the project, precisely when financial data are less accurate;

Financial projections are fairly easy to manipulate, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Pinto [16] and Cooper et al. [25] also mention that the inexistence of a formal selection process means that the selection of projects is based upon personal opinion of senior managers or politics rather than on objective criteria, which sometimes drain financial resources until they yield satisfactory results. To avoid keep selecting “losers”, Pinto [16] concludes, the key lies on the objectivity of the selection process, on a method that incorporates both financial and nonfinancial criteria and on the acknowledgment that each method may only be appropriate in certain situations, for a specific company and project circumstances. Even considering the aforementioned, projects sometimes fail, i.e., exceed the timeline, overspend the budget or underperform expectations [59]. According to Oracle’s White Paper on risk assessment [59], there are only two reasons for this: overly optimistic plans and impact of external events (which should be considered during risk analysis).

2.6. Literature Research Conclusions The literature research allowed to understand the importance of project selection for the success of innovation in companies but also the challenges they face in the application of project selection models. These challenges arise because the available methods are usually too simple or excessively elaborate for most managers and companies to understand and apply systematically [17], [18]. Furthermore, it allowed to notice that some companies lack a formal selection process and, among the ones that do not, the most common mistakes that lead to ineffective portfolio management are the over-reliance on financial models and the inexistence of strategic criteria and criteria for Go/Kill decisions. It is therefore possible to conclude, as Bin et al. [18] recently pointed out, that there is still the need for additional efforts in this field, which motivated the execution of this work. In this context, the following proposed methodology intends to deal with the complexity of the problem in a less complex way, being simple to understand, apply and adapt to the specific needs of the company. At the same time, it does not fall into the common mistakes mentioned above and approaches other areas related to the project selection problem, such as risk analysis and resource allocation.


3. Methodology for Project Selection Charvat [60] defines a methodology as a set of guidelines or steps that can be adapted and applied to a particular situation, for example, a list of things to do in a project environment. Therefore, project managers should not use methodologies they select just as they stand, but rather modify and tailor it in order to suit the company’s needs [60]. Considering this, the objective of the proposed methodology is to assist companies in selecting innovation projects to be pursued, among a set of projects proposals and in a context of limited resources. It intends to be flexible in order to be adapted and customized to the specific needs of the company and, at the same time, robust enough to enable its application to different types of projects and companies, while considering the requisites for project selection tools referred in Section 2.2.1 of Chapter II. However, this methodology is particularly helpful for companies that pursue projects with high uncertainty, such as projects on technological innovation or new product development, due to the incorporation of risk and uncertainty in the methodology. The application of this methodology should be done by a team of decision makers, rather than a sole manager, in order to eliminate the tendency to select projects by political means, power plays or emotion [14] but also to gather a larger range of relevant knowledge and experience [22]. Even though this ensures the transparency of the process, there can be conflicting opinions and preferences among different stakeholders and managers of the company, since the individually optimal decision for each department is rarely collectively optimal [12]. In some cases it might be worthwhile to execute a decision conference with the decision makers in order to improve communication and understanding, ensuring their ownership of the model and their commitment to the projects and company’s objectives [12]. Phillips & Bana e Costa [12] explain this social approach and its combination with multicriteria decision analysis. The results obtained can therefore be influenced by the number and experience of the decision makers, but also by the available data and the way it was obtained, the choices regarding the selection of criteria, scoring the projects, among others, that is to say, the results will be influenced by the overall effort allocated to this exercise. Nonetheless, it is a fairly simple method and does not require complex mathematical models or formulations, for which software is sometimes recommended throughout this work. This methodology, illustrated in Fig. 5, consists of the following main steps: 1.

Setting the evaluation process: criteria identification, construction of descriptors of performance and reference levels, criteria value functions and criteria weighting;


Structuring the evaluation: project type filter, criteria selection, project data collection and triage filter;


Project evaluation: partial scores and overall scores;


Risk analysis;


Resource allocation;


Decision and conclusions.







methodology (1), on the left, sets the evaluation process for the future project selection sessions. It consists of steps that can be executed in advance, since they do not depend on the projects but rather on the company, in order to ensure





projects is more consistent and unbiased. This task is done once and then occasionally reviewed, according





company’s objectives and situation.






methodology (2, 3, 4, 5 and 6), on the right, compose the structure of an evaluation session. Before each session, the results obtained in the first phase should be reviewed and confirmed, or adjusted to the specific situation if needed.

Fig. 5: Diagram of the project selection methodology


Some references to the use of the M-MACBETH software, which is grounded on the MACBETH approach to multicriteria decision-aid, are made throughout the text, since it can be used to apply the first two steps above. Although its use is not mandatory, it has some advantages, therefore it is suggested and explained in Section 9 and an example of its application is demonstrated in Chapter IV. The choice of a (weighted) scoring model was made considering the advantages and disadvantages of the several different types of models presented in Chapter II, since it is as an effective prioritization tool [25]. Furthermore, according to Meredith and Mantel [21], scoring models allow the reflection of the multiple objectives of organizations, are easily adapted to organizational and environmental changes and, at last, do not suffer from the short-term vision inherent in profitability models when strategic criteria and other long-term benefits and costs are included. Cooper et al. [25] calls attention to the fact that, even though the users of scoring models find them effective and efficient, the real value for decision makers is not to linger on the scores obtained but on the process of walking through the criteria, discussing and gaining closure on each criterion.

3.1. Setting the Evaluation Process In order to ensure that the selection of projects is more consistent and unbiased, i.e., not based upon personal opinions and interests, it is proposed that some important stages of the evaluation process are undertaken before starting to evaluate projects, which will set the evaluation process in future project selection sessions. This part of the methodology needs to be done only once and then occasionally reviewed, according to changes in the company’s objectives and situation. Evidently, at each project selection session, the results here obtained should be reviewed and confirmed, or adjusted to the specific situation if needed. Therefore, the following five steps will be executed in advance, since they do not depend on the projects but rather on the company’s objectives: the criteria identification and the determination of the respective descriptors of performance, reference levels, value functions and weights.

3.1.1. Criteria identification The first step is to identify the criteria that best reflect the company’s strategic goals, situation, typical project characteristics, environment and other factors that may have an impact on the project or be a result of it. Fig. 6 shows some of the most common criteria among the vast amount found in the literature (such as in [14], [16], [21], [22], [23], [24] and [25]), divided by the following general groups: strategic, financial, market, internal, project specifications and intangibles. This proposition of organization of the criteria may be adopted or changed according to the set of criteria selected by the company and the preference of the managers. The criterion marked with an (*) is discussed afterwards.


Project Criteria Strategic



Internal Resource availability/ need





NPV, IRR, Discounted payback


Organizational backing

Level of competition

Fit to manufacturing, supply chain, distribution, sales

Reduction of operational costs

Durability Contribution to other sales

Project specifications



Know-how gained

Degree of improvement

Brand image

Competitive advantage

Future potential

*Synergy opportunities

Costumer retention Environmental, political and social impact

Fig. 6: List of possible criteria

Some common criteria in the project selection literature are discarded at this stage of the methodology, namely “probability of technical and commercial success”, “technical/commercial capability” and “investment” for the reasons stated below. It is proposed that risk, reflected by the probability of success (as explained in Section 2.4.1), should be addressed separately, in Section 3.4, so that a distinction can be made between value and risk at the project selection stage [24]. There are a number of factors that may influence the probabilities of success, such as the technical and commercial capability of the company, so one should be careful not to include these factors as criteria if they are to be considered in the calculation of the probabilities of success, in order to avoid considering the same factor twice. Similarly, the financial investment of the project will also be excluded at this stage and considered later, during the resource allocation procedure (Section 3.5), together with the overall benefit score obtained with this process. However, if a company needs to select just one project, no portfolio analysis is needed and the investment should be considered as a criteria. Furthermore, if the company uses a portfolio analysis software that allows to take into account “synergies between projects” (as suggested in Section 3.5), this should not be considered now as a criterion.


3.1.2. Descriptors of performance In order to evaluate the performance of a project on a certain criterion, it is proposed that a descriptor of performance (i.e., an ordered set of plausible levels of performance [61]) is defined for each criterion, which is how the project will be “measured” in that criterion. According to Bana e Costa & Beinat [62], it is intended to: 1.

Operationalise the appraisal of impacts (performances or consequences) of options;


Describe more objectively the impacts of options;


Restrict the range of impact levels to a plausibility domain (by screening out impacts or options that are non-admissible or out-of-context);


Verify the ordinal independence of the corresponding key-concern (criterion).

These descriptors, that can be quantitative or qualitative and continuous or discrete, will help at a later stage to convert the performance of the projects on the criteria into a numerical score, through the use of value functions [63]. Descriptors of performance are sometimes referred differently in the literature, for instance, as “units of measurement” [23] or “scaling statements” [22]. The use of qualitative descriptors of performance is very useful in the sense that they help the decision makers to consider incommensurable metrics and thus handle more practically all the available information regarding the project. Tab. 3 illustrates an example of a qualitative and discrete descriptor of performance and also shows that they can be used to combine several indicators (in this example, the indicators could be “market profitability” and “market maturity”). Tab. 3: Descriptor of performance of Market Attractiveness




Highly profitable and growing market


Profitable and growing market


Highly profitable but stagnated market


Profitable but stagnated market


Profitable but declining market


Highly profitable but stagnated market


Profitable but stagnated market

It should be noted that the levels of performance do not have to include every possible performance if the rating is going to be done through value functions, since the value of a performance that stands between to levels can be interpolated with the value function, as will be explained later in Section 0. Further information about descriptors of performance and their construction can be found at [62]. Tab.4 presents a list of criteria and suggested descriptors of performance for them, which should be faced as a guide to help the company in


constructing its own descriptors, since they strongly depend not only on the company’s preferences but also on the characteristics of its projects. The following notes regarding the table should be made beforehand: 

The criteria and descriptors of performance are presented as found in the corresponding references and organized by the previously suggested groups (strategic, financial, market, internal, project specifications and intangibles);

The presented descriptors have between 2 and 5 levels of performance, but there can be more or less depending on the company and the project selection context;

Each level is more attractive than the one at its right and less attractive than the one at its left but they are independent from the others above and under it;

The first and last levels do not necessarily reflect the best and worst possible performances on the corresponding criteria;

Some criteria are very similar, so caution should be taken when choosing them in order to avoid considering the same aspect/characteristic more than once.


CRITERIA Strategic fit



Strategic alignment Importance


More attractive Fits strategic intent at a high level of ambition and meets more than one specific product vision Strong fit with several key elements of strategy Fits The success of the strategy depends on this program


Fits strategic intent and a specific product vision



Tab. 4: List of possible descriptors of performance

Less attractive Some doubt about how this fits into existing strategies

Project is clearly outside our strategic intent and fits no product vision



Good fit with Modest fit, a key element but not with of strategy key element of the strategy Supports Neutral

Only peripheral fit with strategy






Significant impact, difficult to recover if program is unsuccessful or dropped …

Minimal impact, no noticeable harm if program is dropped





Moderate competitive, financial impact






Time to break even Industry / market readiness

4 years

Market need

Market attractiveness Market maturity Market size Market knowledge

Competitive intensity in market Durability (technical and market)

External funding available for the entire project

There is pent up demand for this

Less attractive Within budget

6 years


Outside budget but justifiable

Extra funding will be required and possible source not yet identified












Definitely attractive to most customers; no change to customer behaviour required Product Clear immediately relationship responsive to between customer product and need need High Moderate profitability profitability Rapid growth …

Some customers have asked for this but requires some change in customer behaviour Need must be highlighted for customer

100,000 units 50,000 units

25,000 units

5,000 units

Market size known to +/20% and customer view established by formal survey

Market estimated within a factor of 2 or 3 with some data support

Market size not supported by data and requirements not yet checked with customers

2 strong competitors

4 or more strong competitors

May get a few good years

No distinctive advantage

Enough data to size the market to +/50% and requirements are supported by discussions with sales force We will be Usual alone in the competition market or 1 strong competitor Long life cycle Moderate life with cycle (4-6 opportunity years) but for little incremental opportunity improvement for incremental improvement



More attractive Well within budget or some external funding available …






Low profitability Declining

No expressed demand or requires major change of customer behaviour

Extensive market development required -

[22] -











Availability of people and facilities Technical capability

Technology skill base


Skills to develop commercial applications Organizational backing

Fit to sales and/or distribution

LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE More attractive Immediately available

Acknowledged shortage in key areas Existing staff can acquire capabilities in 3 months or less, or by recruiting one or two new people

Must hire/build

Widely practiced in company Already in place

Selectively practiced in company …

Some R&D experience

New to the company

Strong support from all important stakeholders

We do not anticipate trouble gaining support for this Some changes to sales or distribution but within our capabilities in the time

Fit to Minor changes manufacturing to /supply chain manufacturing or supply chain well within usual expectations Fit to existing supply chain

Less attractive

Resources are available, but in demand Well within our Some new capability. No skills required new skills or but they can knowledge be acquired required in time

Well within competence of existing sales and distribution

Fits current channels

We lack some important capabilities and a plan is needed to acquire them


[23] and [25]

We will have to buy in new major capabilities, or recruit a new technical team, or rely on a partner








Entirely new distribution channel required or requires new sales skills that at least half the sales force will struggle with





[Dupo nt] apud

New -

Changes required but within our capability in the time




We have some persuading to do

There is opposition from several stakeholders

>75% of sales force could sell it with training or >75% of existing distribution applicable

Changes to sales or distribution will need special attention

Adaptation of manufacturing process or change to supply chain that will require special attention Some change, Significant not change significant

New production technology required or major change of supply chain



Product differentiation

Value differentiation Competitive advantage Technical gap

Project Specifications

Technical challenge

LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE More attractive Several important features are much better than competition Significant differentiation Strong Incremental improvement All features have been demonstrated in prototype

Less attractive

At least one important feature is significantly better than competition Moderate

We have some minor features that are better than the competition



Step change

Order of magnitude change proposed Key features Step change in at have been least 1 important demonstrated parameter or some in prototype, key features not but others demonstrated but remain we’re confident they can be A challenge but Easy to define; doable many hurdles


Sustainability of competitive advantage

Key features are protected by IPR or unique capabilities that are not easy to copy

We are at least 2 years ahead of the competition

Position protected through a combination of patents, trade secrets, raw material access… A key part of a major initiative

Solidly Protected but not protected with a deterrent trade secrets, patents. Serves captive costumer

Synergy opportunities Synergy with other operations


Could be applied Could be widely across adopted or many operations have application among several other operat.

At least one feature is better than offered by the competition


Program complexity

Proprietary position




Competitive advantage can be maintained with continuous effort

No features that are better than competition














Key differentiatin g features will be easy to copy. Or serious concerns about IP against us




Must invent new science Key features not yet demonstrated by us or others, or >3x change in a important parameter Difficult to define; many hurdles We are 6-12 months ahead of the competition. No serious IPR concerns

Easily copied

Will help to Little complete product portfolio With work could Limited be applied to other purposes

None [22]




Future potential

Learning potential

Brand image

Customer relations

More attractive Opens up new technical and commercial fields This is the beginning of a major new business or many further applications are foreseen Class leading learning in competences vital for 50% of future business Would expect favourable press comment; special feature in annual report Project is vital to retaining customers for 25% of the business

Regulatory/ Positive social/ political impact

Less attractive

Potential for diversification

Other Dead end/ opportunities one of a kind for extension

Could lead to a new product line or several applications

Will definitely lead to further product variants or applications

Corrects one or Useful more core learning competences where we are currently weak Will help retain Little impact the image of our company

Failure to do this could endanger business from an important customer …



Platform for growth




This will help retain key customers

May lead to further variants of applications



Update of an existing product [22]

None -




No impact

No impact

Existing customers may be worried about this


Negative -



It should also be taken into account that the number of levels of performance to be used depend on the specific criteria (for example, a criteria may have just the two levels of performance “yes” and no”) and on the rejection conditions. For instance, if projects do not pass the triage filter when “There is opposition from several stakeholders”, there is no point in establishing this level of performance for the “Organizational backing” criterion because no project will have that performance (at this stage). Moreover, if a company does not want to proceed with the proposed methodology or with their selection process altogether, the construction of this descriptors of performance still constitutes a valuable help to the decision process, since it enables to better understand the criteria and its different possible levels of performance in a project. It does not, however, allow managers to compare the performance on different criteria, for which a weighting method should be employed, as explained in Section 3.1.4. 33

A table should now be made with the previous identified criteria and their respective descriptors of performance.

3.1.3. Reference levels Bana e Costa et al.[64] recommend the identification of two reference levels of intrinsic value in each criterion, “good” and “neutral”, in order to operationalise the idea of a good alternative and a neutral (neither attractive nor repulsive) alternative. They state the following three reasons for this: 

The effort required to identify the reference levels contributes significantly to understand the criteria.

They make it possible to express the intrinsic attractiveness of a performance.

Allows the use of a criteria-weighting procedure that is valid in the theoretical framework of the application of an additive aggregation model (which will be executed in Section 3.1.5).

The “neutral” reference level is defined as a performance that is neither positive nor negative for the decision maker (such as the “status quo” or a “do nothing” option [65]) and the “good” reference level corresponds to a satisfactory performance (such as an aspiration level or a benchmark in that criterion [65]). These reference levels should not be established by the worst and best performances of the available alternatives, since the “neutral” reference level is not the worst possible performance and the “good” is not the best (the decision maker recognizes that there can be alternatives that are less attractive then the “neutral” and more attractive than the “good”). Furthermore, they are independent from the performance of the alternatives and enable the expression of the attractiveness of any alternative regardless of the others being considered. An example of “neutral” and “good” reference levels is presented in Tab. 5. Tab. 5: Example of reference levels (adapted from [64])

From the table of criteria and descriptors of performance made in the previous section, the reference levels of each criterion should be identified, or added, among the levels of performance. They can, for instance, be highlighted in order to be distinguished from the remaining levels. These levels are subjective, so their determination will naturally depend on the decision makers, but the important is that their judgements of what is a “neutral” and a “good” performance, remain consistent throughout the process.

3.1.4. Criteria value functions There are two ways to score a project in a given criterion (to obtain its partial value or score), directly (direct rating) or indirectly (through value functions), and they both use the previous reference levels as anchors, which can be rated, for example, as 100 and 0 for “good” and “neutral”, respectively. Although direct rating is more commonly used, it is not so accurate and depends on the projects, therefore, it could only be used at a 34

later stage. For this reason, indirect rating is proposed in this methodology. Nonetheless, direct rating is also explained for the purpose of better understanding the available techniques for scoring projects. Direct rating In direct rating the decision maker is asked to estimate numerically the attractiveness of the options relatively to the references [66], for instance, “considering the rating 100 and 0 for “good” and “neutral”, respectively, project A is rated 40, project B is rated 125, project C is rated -10, etc.”. Bana e Costa and Chagas [66] alert to the fact that the use of this numerical techniques requires that the decision maker should understand that, for example, 0 does not necessarily represent an absence of value (attractiveness) and the ratio “r” of two scores does not necessarily mean that one option is “r” times more attractive than the other. This is because this scores fall on an interval scale (and not on a ratio scale), since the zero point and the unit of measurement were defined arbitrarily and the order and “distance” between scores are known [67]. Interval value scales are quantitative representations of preferences used to reflect the order of attractiveness of the alternatives for the decision maker and also the differences of their relative attractiveness [66] and building them is a crucial part of Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) [68] apud [66]. As an example, let us consider a criterion C, with the reference levels “neutral” and “good” rated 0 and 100, respectively, a project A rated 40 and a project B rated 80. Since the 0 is not a natural limit, as it is in measuring weight or length for instance, it is not possible to say that the project B in that criterion is twice as attractive as project A, i.e., Vc(B)=2*Vc(A), but it is possible to say that the difference of attractiveness between the performance of project A in that criterion and the reference level “neutral” is twice as much as the difference between “good” and the performance of project B, i.e., Vc(A)-Vc(neutral)=2*[Vc(good)- Vc(B)]. Only the second statement will remain true if each number (“x”) is changed to a different scale with a transformation of the type f(x)=ax+b, because on an interval scale, the ratio of any two intervals is independent of the unit of measurement and of the zero point [67]. A real-life example of interval scales are the scales used to measure temperature, Centigrade (C) and Fahrenheit (F), which is the transformation F=(9/5)*C+32. Given that 40°C=104°F, 60°C=140°F and 80°C=176°F, it is not possible to say that 80°C =2x40°C since 176°F ≠2x104°C, however, it is possible to say that 80°C40°C =2x(60°C40°C) since 176°F104°F =2x(140°C104°C). Indirect rating Alternatively, the decision maker can score the options’ relative attractiveness indirectly, by using a value function that will convert performance into value [63]. This value function can be constructed resorting to the performance levels defined previously, whether they are qualitative or quantitative [69]. In this methodology the use of this technique is recommend, since it gives the decision maker a visual support to better understand and even reconsider his own value judgements, which is more intelligible than simply looking at numbers. For instance, after scoring the performance levels, the decision maker might find that the resulting value function is too close to a linear function, while in fact he considers that the function should grow more exponentially for 35

increasing performances. This can be helpful even for discrete descriptors since, even though there is only a finite number of possible performances and, therefore, no need for interpolation between two established performance levels, a piece-wise linear value function (explained next) can be drawn. Types of value functions Two types of value functions, piecewise-linear and continuous, are identified and explained next: 


This function is constituted by consecutive linear pieces (i.e., segments of the function) that can be used to determine the value of an option whose performance is between two consecutive performance levels [69]. An example of this function can be seen in Fig. 7, where the y-axis represents the value of the quantitative levels of performance in the x-axis.

Fig. 7: Example of a piecewise-linear function

The criterion NPV has a continuous descriptor and, as a result, the performance of an option can be between two levels of performance, such as “12” or “30.5”, for example. Therefore, its value can be calculated with the following formula, where 𝑣𝑛 (𝑥) represents the value “v” of the performance “x” in the “n ” piece and “xL” and th

“xR” represent the performance levels adjacent to “x”, to its left and to its right, respectively: 𝑣 𝑛 (𝑥) = 𝑣 𝑛 (𝑥𝐿 ) + [(𝑥 − 𝑥𝐿 )/(𝑥𝑅 − 𝑥𝐿 )]. [𝑣 𝑛 (𝑥𝑅 ) − 𝑣 𝑛 (𝑥𝐿 )]


As an example, a performance of 25 would have a value of 90 (𝑣3 (25) = 90), since xL=20, xR=30, V(xL=20)=80 and V(xR=30)=100. 


While a continuous function might be harder to build and require its equation for the determination of the values of the options’ performances, it is more realistic, since the value progression between two distinct performances will rarely be linear. Furthermore, once the equation is determined, the value corresponding to a given performance can be calculated much faster than in the previous example.


Multicriteria models have a compensatory nature [63], which means that a high value in one criterion can compensate a low value in another. However, the decision maker might value additional performance in one criterion up to a specific limit. One particular example of a continuous value function, that also resolves this question, is the S-shaped, which is proposed by Bana e Costa et al. [63] in a multicriteria decision analysis model for faculty evaluation. In that particular case, the decision makers want the use of a ceiling, a point after which an increase of performance will not contribute to an increase of value, and of a target, that is indicative of good performance, and as a result they propose the use of an S-shaped value function, shown in Fig. 8. This value function tends to reward performance close to the inflection point (in this case, the target), below which marginal increases are valued at an increasing marginal rate and above which marginal increases are valued at a decreasing marginal rate [63].

Fig. 8: Example of a continuous value function [faculty evaluation]

Constructing a value function The piecewise-linear value function is the one obtained when using the M-MACBETH software. However, if this project scoring process is done without any software, there is no need to determine the equation of this function, since the performances and scores needed for a linear interpolation are just the ones corresponding to the performance levels, which can simply be presented in a value table (exemplified later, in Tab. 8). On the other hand, the use of a continuous value function will require its equation, which will usually be difficult to determine mathematically but should provide more accurate results. Therefore, it is recommended the use of a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet, where the decision maker can insert the performance levels and the corresponding values, then plot them in a XY graph and add a trendline, choosing the type of line and parameters that best fit the plotted data and showing the equation on the graph, which will be the value function. Afterwards, the value of any option is obtained by merely substituting the “x” by its performance, which can also be done in Microsoft Excel®, as illustrated in Fig. 9 (where it can be noticed that “2 years” corresponds to a “good” performance and “4 years” corresponds to a “neutral” performance):


Fig. 9: Example of the determination and use of a value function

3.1.5. Criteria weighting Weights, also known as weighting coefficients or scaling constants, are needed to determine the contribution of partial values (or scores) in each criterion to the overall value (or overall score), in the additive aggregation model [65]. Keeney [70] states that the most common critical mistake in decision analysis is the use of inappropriate procedures to build weights in a multicriteria model. The determination of a weight has to be made with reference to the performance scales of the corresponding criterion because weights are substitution rates [64] and they should capture the differences between the defined reference levels [63]. Otherwise, according to Bana e Costa et al. [64], the weights are arbitrary and make no sense in the additive framework, as when determined directly by reference to the psychological and intuitive notion of “importance”. Several authors address this question of proper construction of weights, such as [70], [71] and [72], however, there is still a vast amount of direct weighting processes that ignore these considerations and are therefore theoretically incorrect [70]. Let us consider an example to explain that the notion of importance is incorrect in evaluating the weight of a criterion. If a person wants to buy a car, he/she will most likely say that the price is the most important aspect of the decision, as usual. Therefore, the weight of the criterion “price” would be set higher than the rest, for instance, 0.6 for “price”, 0.2 for “design” and 0.2 for “comfort”. However, if the decision is between car A, that costs 29000€, and car B, that costs 30000€, the price will probably have a much smaller influence on the decision. For that reason, correct weighting procedures create their weights based on answers from the decision makers to questions that require from them a comparison of reference alternatives [64] (for instance, worst vs best, neutral vs good or base vs target), such as the trade-off procedure of Keeney and Raiffa [72] or


the swing weighting of von Winterfeldt and Edwards [71] (that can be used in the M-MACBETH software), which are explained next. Trade-off procedure This procedure is based on the comparison of two fictitious alternatives at the time, adjusting their performances in order to obtain a relation of indifference, and it consists on the following steps [73]: 1.

Order the criteria by decreasing attractiveness of the swing from their lower reference level (L j) to their higher reference level (Hj). The first criterion will have the highest relative importance and, therefore, the highest weighting coefficient.


Select the reference criterion (CR), which will be used for the comparison with the remaining n-1 criteria in the next step. Any criterion can be selected, provided that its value function is known, but the first (with the highest weight) is more typically used.


Consider the fictitious alternatives A and B shown in Fig. 10: A has a performance at the higher reference level (HR) on the reference criterion (CR) and at the lower reference level (Lj) on criterion j (Cj); B has a performance at the higher reference level (H j) on criterion j (Cj) and at the lower reference level (LR) on the reference criterion (CR). Find the performance x on CR to which A should decrease (or the performance y on CR to which B should increase) so that both alternatives are equally attractive, or indifferent, which can be represented by: (𝑥, 𝐿𝑗 )~(𝐿𝑅 , 𝐻𝑗 )


Repeat this comparison for all the criteria, which means for n-1 pairs of fictitious alternatives.

Fig. 10: Fictitious alternatives A and B (adapted from [73])


Define the equations that represent this indifferences, which will be of the type: 𝑘𝑅 ∗ 𝑣𝑅 (𝑥) + 𝑘𝑗 ∗ 𝑣𝑗 (𝐿𝑗 ) = 𝑘𝑅 ∗ 𝑣𝑅 (𝐿𝑅 ) + 𝑘𝑗 ∗ 𝑣𝑗 (𝐻𝑗 )



And, if the values of the lower and higher reference levels are set as 0 and 100, respectively, the equations will be reduced to: 𝑘𝑅 ∗ 𝑣𝑅 (𝑥) = 𝑘𝑗 ∗ 100 ⇔ 𝑘𝑗 =


𝑘𝑅 ∗ 𝑣𝑅 (𝑥) 100


Solve the system of n equations, which will consist of the previous n-1 equations and the following one (representing the sum of the weights being one), to obtain the weights of the criteria: 𝑘1 + 𝑘2 + … + 𝑘𝑗 + ⋯ + 𝑘𝑛 = 1


Swing weighting This procedure is simpler than the previous one since, even though it shares some steps with the trade-off procedure, it doesn’t need the identification of the x (or y) points nor the equations. The swing weighting procedure, which is the one used in the M-MACBETH software, consists on the following steps [73]: 1.

Order the criteria by decreasing attractiveness of the swing from their lower reference level (L j) to their higher reference level (Hj). The first criterion will have the highest relative importance and, therefore, the highest weighting coefficient.


Select the reference criterion (CR), which will be used for the comparison with the remaining n-1 criteria in the next step. Any criterion can be selected, but the first (with the highest weight) is more typically used.


Comparatively to an arbitrary value of, for instance, 100 points, for the swing from the lower to the higher reference level on CR, quantify the other swings. Fig. 11 illustrates a case where the decision makers assigned to the swings in criteria 1, 4 and 3, a value of 80%, 60% and 20%, respectively, relatively to the swing in criteria 2, the most attractive one.

Fig. 11: Swings between the reference levels (adapted from [73])



Normalize the previous values (𝑘′𝑗 ), in order to obtain the final weights (𝑘𝑗 ) for the criteria, so that their sum equals 1: 𝑘𝑗 =

𝑘′𝑗 𝑛 ∑𝑗=1 𝑘′𝑗

, 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑗 = 1, … , 𝑛


In the figure above, the weights would be 0.38, 0.31, 0.23 and 0.08 for criteria 2, 1, 4 and 3, respectively.

3.2. Structuring the Evaluation Hereafter, all the stages of the methodology (namely Sections 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6) will be repeated in each project selection session, therefore skipping the previous “preparatory” section. This section approaches the filtering of projects according to the selected criteria and collected project data, which means that the list of potential projects needs to be established at this point.

3.2.1. Project type filter A company can pursue different types of projects that need different selection and management processes, or projects that are of extreme importance, such as legal or health and safety issues, and hence may bypass the selection process altogether [22]. Projects like this can also be motivated by operating necessity (for example, if a flood is threatening the plant) or competitive necessity (for instance, to maintain the company’s competitive position in the market) [21]. Let’s call them “type 2” projects. The remaining projects need a method for their evaluation and selection, which might not be the same for all of them. Therefore, if a company has different approaches (e.g. “selection methods 3 and 4”) for different types of projects (e.g. “type 3 and 4 projects), the first step should be the separation of the potential projects into groups of different types of projects, otherwise, this step can be skipped. This is illustrated in Fig. 12, where it can be seen that only “type 1 projects” will be evaluated with the proposed methodology.

Fig. 12: Project type filter (adapted from [22])


Even though most companies will have a single method for evaluating all their potential projects, others may wish to divide them into different groups and use different methods. One possible way to divide them is into a first group composed by small and/or not very expensive projects, for which a formal method is considered not justifiable, and a second group of projects whose costs are much higher and therefore require a strict evaluation method, for which this methodology could be applied. Another possibility would be to separate them into different categories. For instance, Wheelwright and Clark [74] identified five categories of projects based on the degree of product or process change compared to existing offerings: derivative (incremental difference in both product/service and process, such as a replacement or extension to a current offer), platform (fundamental improvement in product or process, representing a better solution for the costumer), breakthrough (usually involve a revolutionary new technology or material, differing profoundly from previous generations), R&D (creation of know-how on new technologies or materials, preceding product and process development) and alliances and partnerships (formed to pursue any type of the previous projects). Managers may prefer, for instance, to apply the method just for “derivative” projects first, then to “platform” projects, and so on, or to apply method X to evaluate “derivative” projects, method Y to “platform” projects, and so on. To sum up, this step consists on separating projects of different types in case they have, or require, specific selection methods, if not, this step should be skipped. Hereafter, one method for evaluating and selecting projects is proposed, which companies may find applicable for all their potential projects or just for a few.

3.2.2. Criteria selection In order to evaluate the attractiveness of a project, appropriate criteria should be selected [23] from the list developed in Section 3.1.1. If needed, they can be altered and new criteria can be added. However, there are some matters that must be considered first, namely the requisites and the number of criteria that should be selected, which are discussed next. Number of criteria Regarding the number of criteria to be used, managers need to resist the urge to supply a large number, which would have the advantage of neutralizing uncertainties, since, as a consequence, less attention will be given to each criteria [22], i.e., the majority of these criteria will have such small weights that they will have little impact on the project’s overall score [21]. They should, on the other hand, try to select a rich set of measures that captures all the relevant information and that includes different types of criteria. As a result, a balance between these two considerations should be sought and companies should strive to select a set of criteria that is complete, diversified and manageable. Requisites Managers should select the criteria that they feel are most important and for which they can provide valuable information, either data or firm opinions [23]. Furthermore, they should not over-rely on financial indicators and also include strategical indicators, which allows the company to see the “big picture” goals, market 42

indicators, among others, because the incorporation of different types of metrics in the process of project selection usually yields the best results [25]. Finally, if a determined criterion has sub-criteria, they should be entered in the model as criteria instead of the first criterion, however, each criterion has to be independent from the remaining [21]. According to Eilat et al. [23], it is important that this list of criteria be complete but not redundant.

3.2.3. Project data collection Afterwards, the data regarding each project should be collected, for which the company should use whatever is available in order to get good estimates, such as past information and experience, expert opinion, among others, and then try to verify all data resorting to other people, maybe even costumers [21], who can provide valuable insight about the market needs, for instance. After this point, the company may find that it is preferable to fund a project only partially to verify the assumptions or that a project should be postponed [21]. Meredith and Mantel [21] suggest identifying and examining any other special characteristics of the projects, such as the possibility to outsource or the existence of restrictions or synergies among projects. The authors also make a very important recommendation: to document any assumptions made during this process and check them during the project’s lifecycle. This is particularly mandatory for innovation projects, since they are highly uncertain and that knowledge about them can change during their development [22]. Furthermore, in order to better define the selection criteria and evaluate the options, the top management should develop, beforehand, a list of the company’s strategic objectives, regarding their market share, image or line of business, for example, and also assess the availability of both internal and external resources [21]. After collecting all the necessary data it is useful to present a table with the performance of each project in each criterion (in accordance with the descriptors of performance defined in Section 3.1.2), which can also include the reference levels for indicative purposes (and the data about the investment and probabilities of success, if Section 3.4 has already been read). Tab. 6 shows an example of this table, where in the first column the different projects are presented and the other three columns have the criteria “Strategic fit” and “Market attractiveness”, which have qualitative descriptors of performance, and “NPV”, which has a quantitative descriptor of performance, and the performances of each project below. Tab. 6: Table of performances


Strategic fit

Market attractiveness

NPV [M€]

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

Modest fit Strong fit Peripheral fit No fit Modest fit

Very high profitability Moderate profitability Very high profitability High profitability High profitability

7 9 8.5 10.5 9

[good] [neutral]

Good fit Peripheral fit

Very high profitability Low profitability

10 6


3.2.4. Triage filter After gathering the project data on the chosen criteria, rejection conditions can be established in order to reject projects that do not meet a certain threshold level on some criteria [22] according to the company’s requirements/needs, such as a minimum rate of return or a minimum acceptable potential market share [21]. Hence, this triage filter enables decision makers to restrict the evaluation and selection process to the projects that respect the requisites. For instance, in the example of Tab. 6, if a minimum NPV of 8M€ is set, P1 will rejected and will not proceed to the evaluation stage. This filter is illustrated in Fig. 13, next to the project type filter approached in Section 3.1. They both precede the selection stage (“Selection filter” in the figure), which is succeeded by the development of the project that is managed by different processes outside the scope of this work.

Fig. 13: Triage filter (adapted from [22])

3.3. Project Evaluation In this stage the projects that passed the filters will finally be evaluated, i.e., they will be assigned scores accordingly to their performance on the chosen criteria (partial scores) and then their overall score will be computed by a weighted average.

3.3.1. Partial scores The criteria value functions determined in Section 0 should now be checked in order to see if they are still valid, i.e., if they still reflect the company’s preferences regarding the attractiveness of the performances on the criterion, and slightly adapted only if needed. Using the value functions, the score (or partial value) of a project in a certain criteria can be determined given its performance, which is presented on the previously constructed table of performances (as in Tab. 6). The values of all projects on each criterion should be presented in a table of scores (Tab. 7) similar to the table of performances, but replacing the performances by the scores obtained.


Tab. 7 Table of scores


Strategic fit

Market attractiveness

NPV [M€]





























The value table is important to present, in a simple and concise way, the scores of the alternatives (in our case, projects) in the different criteria. However, even though it allows the decision makers to see, for instance, which project has the highest score on a certain criterion or in which criterion a certain project has the highest score, it does not allow them to know which is the best project globally. The only exception is, of course, the unusual event of a project having a higher score in all of the criteria. However, there is usually a need for choosing more than one project or for ranking them all, so an aggregation method is needed for combining the various scores into a single one, which is approached in the next section.

3.3.2. Overall scores After the determination of the partial values (scores), 𝑣𝑗 (𝑏), of each project (𝑏) in the different criteria (j=1,…,n), and of the weights, 𝑘𝑗 , of the criteria, the following additive value model will be used to aggregate the partial values of a project into a single overall value (or overall score), 𝑉(𝑏) [64]: 𝑉(𝑏) = ∑𝑛𝑗=1 [𝑘𝑗 𝑣𝑗 (𝑏)] , with ∑𝑛𝑗=1 𝑘𝑗 = 1, 𝑘𝑗 > 0 and {

𝑣𝑗 (𝐻𝑗 ) = 100 𝑣𝑗 (𝐿𝑗 ) = 0


A final table, based on the previous table of scores, can now be constructed, adding the weights of the criteria and the calculated overall scores of the alternatives, as illustrated in Tab. 8. Tab. 8: Table of overall scores


Strategic fit

Market attractiveness

NPV [M€]

Overall Scores





























0,15 45

With a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet it is possible to calculate the overall scores of the alternatives and to plot them in a graph (Fig. 14), providing a visual tool to understand the difference in the scores and to support the decision process.

Fig. 14: Graph of overall scores

Sensitivity analysis can be made by changing, for instance, the weights assigned. However, this can be difficult and time-consuming, especially for a large number of alternatives, for which a computational tool is recommended, as explained in the next section.

3.4. Risk Analysis According to what was referred in Section 3.1.1, the risk associated to the projects was not yet considered. Therefore, a technique for taking it into account is now proposed, expressed by the probabilities of technical and commercial success. It should be acknowledged, however, that it will be useful in cases where the probability distributions of the possible events are unknown or very difficult to estimate, otherwise, more robust tools can be used, such as software based on Monte Carlo simulation or decision trees. After the identification of the risks associated with the project, and before its analysis/assessment, risk mitigation actions (as referred in Section 2.4.2 of this chapter) should be studied and considered when viable in order to minimize risk, decreasing its negative impact on the project’s overall attractiveness. The probabilities of technical success (Pt) and of commercial success (Pc) are the most commonly referred in the project selection literature, although others can also be used by the decision makers if applicable. For instance, a probability of financial success (Pf) can be useful if the capacity to fund the project is uncertain or if there is a considerable possibility of not being able to produce a required quantity at a certain cost. These probabilities should then be determined to the best of the company’s capacity, using the desired procedure, for which reading Section 2.4 of Chapter II can be helpful. Managers should recognise that the quality of this estimates can affect the final decision and that they should not consider the factors that were already used as a criterion, or exclude the criterions whose data are used to estimate this probabilities, in order to avoid considering the same aspects twice.


The overall probability of success (P), or probability of realising the estimated benefits, can be calculated for each project (b) by multiplying the several probabilities (technical, commercial, financial, etc.) estimated [14], through the equation: 𝑃(𝑏) = 𝑃𝑡 (𝑏) ∗ 𝑃𝑐 (𝑏) ∗ 𝑃𝑓 (𝑏) ∗ …


The scores obtained through the multicriteria analysis, in Section 8, and the calculated probabilities of success, can now be plotted, similarly to the typical Risk-Reward matrix. A similar procedure applied to the project selection problem has already been executed by Sokmen [24], where the author plots the project scoring value against the project risk value. Fig. 15 shows an example of how the results can be presented, where the x-axis represents the probability of success (to which the risk is inversely proportional) and the y-axis represents the overall score (or reward). In addition, projects can be represented as circles, with their size depicting their cost and the inside pattern depicting one or two of its attributes (criteria) [31].

Fig. 15: Probability of Success VS Overall Score (adapted from [ref5])

Moreover, an “efficient frontier” (the set of options that are not dominated [72]) could also be drawn in order to show projects that optimally balance risk and reward, i.e., the projects that offer the highest return for a given level of risk [31]. An example is shown in Fig. 16, where X2 and X4 are dominated projects, since X3 has a lower risk for the same return and X5 has a higher return for the same risk, respectively.

Fig. 16: Efficient frontier [16]


The matrix in Fig. 15 segments the investment on projects into four different categories: intelligent, gamble, avoid and safe. If the decision is to be made based on this matrix (without considering the following resource allocation section), decision makers should naturally favour “intelligent” projects, possibly choose some “safe” or “gamble” projects (while considering some risk mitigation actions) and avoid projects with high risk (or low probability of success) and low expected reward. This decision can depend on some other factors though, such as the number of projects to include in the portfolio, the desired balance of high-risk and low-risk projects or the risk aversion/tolerance of the decision makers. A probability and impact matrix can also be used, as well as other methods shown in Fig.4 in Section 2.4.1 of Chapter II. Alternatively, a risk-adjusted benefit can be calculated in order to ensure consistency of preference between projects with different benefits and probabilities of success [75] apud [12]. This can be accomplished for each project, b, by multiplying the benefit estimated in Section 8, V(b), by the probability of realising it, P(b), just calculated, obtaining an expected benefit, E(b), as in the following equation: 𝐸(𝑏) = 𝑉(𝑏) ∗ 𝑃(𝑏)


Then, use the E(b) of the projects together with their implementation costs in during the portfolio selection, keeping in mind that a high V(b) can compensate a low P(b) in the calculation of the E(b) and, consequently, in the portfolio selection stage. If the decision maker is risk adverse, he can exclude a project that has a probability of success lower than desired (or a high negative impact) before the portfolio selection. Furthermore, if he feels strongly unsure about the accuracy of the probability estimations and in a particular case where there is a group of projects with a high and similar reward/risk ratio (considerably distant from the remaining) and this group has much more projects than the number that the portfolio can have (considering their costs and the available budget), he could pass only the projects in that group to the portfolio selection stage, considering only their V(b), thus reducing the effects of an incorrect risk estimation. However, this would hold a great simplification in the process, therefore, the first option should preferably be considered. Continuing with the example presented previously, the final table should be similar to Tab. 9: Tab. 9: Table of expected benefits


Overall Scores

Probability of Success

Expected Benefit






















3.5. Resource Allocation For the final stage of the selection phase, the construction of a project portfolio is proposed, in the context of limited resources, where the previously calculated expected benefits of the projects will be considered together with their associated costs (referred until now as investment). The exhaustive enumeration and n

comparison of all possible portfolios is impractical since there are 2 possible portfolios for n projects (for instance, 10 projects can create 1024 portfolios) [43], so a more practical approach should be applied. According to Phillips & Bana e Costa [12], all the main perspectives on portfolio resource allocation decisions (originated from corporate finance, operations research optimisation methods and decision analysis) agree that risk-adjusted benefit divided by cost is the correct basis for prioritisation, ensuring the best value-formoney. However, those authors’ experience says that usually projects are prioritised on the basis of benefits only, which, as can be seen in the figure below (Fig. 17) that shows real projects prioritised on the basis of benefit only and benefit-to-cost ratio, make a less effective use of the available resources [12]. In the figure, each point depicts a project and its position represents an increment of cost, to the right, and benefit, upwards, from the previous project to the left. The slope of the upper curve decreases progressively because the projects are ordered by decreasing benefit/cost ratio, while the lower curve “snakes” upward, since the projects are ordered by decreasing benefit only [12]. The benefit/cost prioritization curve is, therefore, always above the benefit curve, which originates portfolios with a much higher benefit for the same budget, or a much lower cost for the same benefit. For instance, given a budget of 2000 cost units, the lower curve creates a portfolio of 3 projects with a cumulative benefit of ≈23 benefit units, while the upper curve creates a portfolio of 38 projects with a cumulative benefit of ≈48 benefit units, approximately two times more. Evidently, that number of projects in the portfolio might be excessive, hence, less money can be spent.

Fig. 17: Prioritisation of projects by their benefit-to-cost ratio and by their benefits only [12]


As a result, managers should prioritize projects by decreasing order of their benefit-to-cost ratio and add them to the portfolio until the budget is reached. However, even though this ensures the highest benefit for the money spent, it does not necessarily achieve the maximum possible benefit with the available budget, since this approach excludes projects with a ratio lower than unselected projects [76], that is to say, once a project does not fit the budget anymore, the following ones (with lower benefit-to-cost ratio) are not considered and the portfolio is complete. For instance, in the previous example the budget of 2000 cost units would not be completely spent (there is around 1000 left in the upper curve). In order to deal with this issue, i.e., to ensure the maximum cumulative benefit within the available budget, an optimization approach could be pursued through mathematical programming [76], for which there are several techniques and software described in most operations research textbooks [77], such as in [78]. Tab. 10 shows an example of a table that the company should now make, with 5 projects and a budget of 35 cost units, where the projects and the portfolios are presented by decreasing order of their benefit-to-cost ratio. A prioritization approach would result in a portfolio consisting of projects A and B (including C would exceed the budget), that have the best possible value-for-money (a ratio of 2.19). If other projects can be added, by order of their ratio, project D can be included in the portfolio, but the benefit-to-cost ratio would decrease. However, if managers want to maximize value within the budget constraints (optimization perspective), the portfolio formed by projects A, C, D and E offers 6 additional value units, taking advantage of the full amount of the budget of 35 cost units. Tab. 10: Table of portfolios


Benefit (E)

Cost (C)




























In order to find this optimal portfolio, and to enable the inclusion of further considerations, such as constraints or synergies between projects, the use of software is advised. In [43], an analysis is made on four commercial software packages for multicriteria resource allocation that use different types of procedures for resource allocation: Equity (benefit-to-cost ratio), HiPriority (benefit-to-cost ratio and exhaustive enumeration), Logical Decisions Portfolio (mathematical programming) and Expert Choice Resource Aligner (mathematical programming). The authors later proposed a new decision support system for multicriteria portfolio analysis, PROBE (Portfolio Robustness Evaluation) that implements the optimization approach and also finds the


solutions given by the prioritization approach [76]. It allows the construction of an additive value model (inputting the project's value scores and costs and the criteria weights), to account for constraints on projects, synergies among them and costs of not financing projects [79] and to perform analysis of the robustness of the results. For these reasons, the use of the PROBE software is suggested, but naturally this decision will depend on the needs and preferences of the company and its decision makers.

3.5.1. Innovation spending But what if there is not a predetermined budget? This is not unlikely since optimizing innovation spending is difficult [9]. In order to do a first and rapid estimate of how much money to spend on innovation projects, and considering the fact that no strategy is universally recognized as the most effective [9], a simple and visual aid is proposed based on the concept of “Innovation Effectiveness Curve”, introduced by Booz & Co.’s study on the 2

return on innovation investment (ROI ) [10]. In addition, reading Booz & Co.’s “Money Isn’t Everything” [9] is suggested. According to Kandybin [80], the effectiveness curve is built by plotting the annual spending on innovation 2

projects against the ROI (measured as a projected internal rate of return) from those projects, as in Fig. 18. The higher the curve, the greater is the expected return from the innovation investments.

Fig. 18: Innovation Effectiveness Curve [80]

A company’s effectiveness curve stays remarkably consistent (i.e., with a similar overall shape) over time and usually has three distinct sections: 

Hits: a few high-return projects that usually cannot be consistently replicated;

Healthy Innovation: solid projects that provide the majority of returns;

Tail: low-return projects that shouldn’t remain in the portfolio.


After determining the risk-adjusted benefit of the projects, managers can draw a curve similar to the one 2

above, plotting the E(b) of the projects (instead of the ROI ) against the cumulative costs, and identify the distinct sections, particularly the “tail”. These low-return projects would drain resources from the company while offering very little in return, or possibly even no return at all if things do not go as planned, which usually happens [10], therefore, they should be left out of the portfolio. By cutting its “tail”, the total investment for the “hits” and “healthy innovations” would be the budget necessary to fund the projects with the highest expected returns. On the one hand, if this value is considerably superior to what the company is willing to spend, managers can simply shift their cut-out point to the left until a reasonable budget is reached. On the other hand, if the value is inferior, funding more projects to the right would only extend the tail portion of the effectiveness curve [80], each additional dollar spent ultimately yielding a lower and lower return [10]. Instead, this money should be spent in increasing the height of the curve, which can be achieved by three ways [10]: 

increase the return on their innovation spending (e.g. invest in higher quality and lower costs) and get an option to invest more (and sooner);

master the entire innovation value chain (ideation, project selection, development and commercialization);

learn to outsource segments of the innovation value chain, namely idea generation and development, as superior innovators are doing, and explore the “open innovation models” (addressed in “Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology” [81]).

3.5.2. Evaluation of innovation spending When evaluating the results of the company’s investments, after knowing (or at least having better estimates of) the returns of the projects, the effectiveness curve can be used for its expected purpose: assessing the effectiveness of the company’s innovation spending. This will let the company understand which customer segments or categories generate higher returns and which of “The Seven Types of Innovators” it is, helping it to reprioritize initiatives and redistribute resources [80]. At this stage, reading [10] and [80], in addition to dedicated literature on innovation performance measurement, is recommended. A word of advice by Kandybin and Kihn [10] is that only after improving effectiveness should companies spend more in order to earn more.

3.6. Decision and Conclusions Having reached the main goal of evaluating the potential projects, and constructing a portfolio of projects, decision makers should interpret the results as a recommendation and aid for making the decision, which originates from a specific approach, while considering and discussing the sensitivity/robustness of these results [82]. Meredith & Mantel [21] reminds the critically important fact that models do not make decisions - people do, i.e., regardless of the model used to assist the selection process, the managers will always bear responsibility for the decision. Furthermore, the outcome of this process should include a statement of the key 52

assumptions made, the issues to be addressed in the next decision [22] and a summary of the lessons learned in this process. Without these, according to [83] apud [84], an organization can even regress to a lower level in project management. Todorović et al. [84] recently published a paper on the relationship between project success analysis and knowledge management (by gathering data from over one hundred project managers in different industries in Serbia during 2013), whose reading can be useful for the post-project stages. An evaluation of projects at the closing stages can help to compare the more recent available data with the assumptions made during the selection stage, which can help to identify and understand errors on the estimates and possibly make adjustments on the criteria, descriptors of performance, value functions or ratings for the next selection phase, thus improving continuously the selection of the projects and the decision-making process itself.

3.7. Computational tool: M-MACBETH To support the application of this methodology, namely the first three sections, the use of the M-MACBETH software [69] is proposed, which applies the MACBETH approach [45] presented in Section 0 of Chapter II. The use of this software has three main advantages for the selection of innovation projects: 1.

The qualitative nature of many of their benefits makes it difficult to score projects directly and numerically and, with MACBETH, managers can construct interval value scales based only on qualitative judgements.


The uncertainty associated with innovation projects and, consequently, with the predictions of their future performances, can generate hesitation in the evaluation process, which can be compensated by the possibility of choosing a sequence of qualitative categories instead of being forced to decide on just one. For instance, if the decision maker is not sure if the difference of attractiveness in a certain case is “strong” or “very strong”, or if multiple decision makers do not agree in one category, both can be chosen. Also, as the judgements are given, their consistency is verified [66].


It provides several types of sensitivity and robustness analyses in visual and dynamic tools, which are valuable supports for the decision makers throughout the process and at the decision stage, ensuring their trust in the constructed multicriteria model [61].

There are a large number of applications of the MACBETH approach and the M-MACBETH software reported in the literature, as presented by Bana e Costa et al. [85], and an example of its application in the context of project selection is demonstrated in Chapter IV.


3.8. Project Portfolio Management According to Levine [14], after selecting the portfolio of projects, managers should not only strive to achieve the specific project goals and commitments but also evaluate project performance in order to verify if the previously determined expected benefits continue to be met. Furthermore, they should develop adequate measures to consider terminating or delaying projects that fail to represent efficient use of resources or adequate value. These measures should rely more on formal financial methods as more data becomes available [22]. Another important aspect to be discussed after the selection of the project portfolio is the amount of projects simultaneously in progress. Still according to Levine [14], an overload of the pipeline can cause delay in the projects, decrease in its value and even losing clients. Furthermore, the author states that, by limiting the amount of work, projects can be completed faster, with more profits and more satisfied clients, as well as enabling to start other projects sooner [14]. Naturally, the amount of concerns that influence the development phase of projects and the management of portfolios goes much farther from what is approached here, therefore, reading literature more focused on project management, as in [14], [16], [21], [34], is advised.


4. Example of application In this chapter, an example of application of the proposed methodology for project selection is presented. It is motivated by a real application of project selection and it uses some of the real projects and includes some criteria about eco-design. The remaining information was either added or arbitrated for illustrative purposes, therefore, the intention of this example is not to highlight the projects/criteria/data but rather to demonstrate how the methodology can be applied for a project selection problem. The sections of this chapter are ordered equally to the previous one in order to simplify the search for clarifications in the methodology if needed. Furthermore, reading the M-MACBETH guide [69] can be helpful since it presents a more thorough explanation of all the steps needed to construct a model in the software, although not all of them are in the same order as proposed here. The real application aforementioned was conducted in the context of a PhD Thesis [29] on the innovation in SMEs (small and medium enterprises), where ideas (that is to say potential projects) were evaluated for new product/process development in Fapil, S.A., a manufacturer of domestic products, such as cleaning tools. Considering innovation and sustainability as critical success factors, the eco-innovation is a strategic objective for the company, translating in the eco-design of their innovations, which focuses on the reduction of environmental impacts and efficient use of resources and also improves the brand image. For this reason, the criteria used during the project selection phase include the eco-design principles (possible solutions to improve the environmental impact of a product life cycle [86]) that correspond to the eco-design strategies (EDS) that the company pursues, among other commons ones (financial, market, strategic, intangibles, etc.). Furthermore, it is recommended, as explained previously, the application of this methodology by a team of decision makers, preferably formed by managers of different areas and other stakeholders. In the case stated above, opinions and ratings were collected among the company, suppliers, clients and final users, therefore gathering a larger range of relevant knowledge and insights.

4.1. Setting the Evaluation Process 4.1.1. Criteria identification Fig. 19 shows the (hypothetical) list of criteria that the company has identified, organized in 6 different groups.


Project Criteria Strategic






Reduction of operational costs



Fit to manufacturing, supply chain, distribution, sales


Know-how gained

Brand image


Eco-design principles (production waste, durability, recycling of product, etc.)

Fig. 19: Company criteria

The probabilities of commercial and technical success and the financial investment are not present here since they will be considered later, during the “Risk Analysis” and “Resource Allocation” chapters, respectively. The company should now create an M-MACBETH file with all the identified criteria that will be used as a template for the succeeding evaluation sessions, which are organized in a “value tree”. In M-MACBETH, groups of criteria can be inserted by right-clicking the default node (“Overall”) and clicking “Add a node”, then right-click each group node to add the criteria nodes. Each node properties can be changed at any time by right-clicking it. Fig. 20 shows an example of this tree and the software’s interface.

Fig. 20: Tree of identified criteria


4.1.2. Descriptors of performance Some of the descriptors of performance constructed for the previous criteria are presented in Tab. 11 (as referred previously, the values/statements are for illustration purposes only, since no real data is



Tab. 11: Descriptors of performance

More attractive CRITERIA

C1: Production waste Eco-design

[g/kg of product]

C2: Durability [years]

… Intangibles Market Financial

C3: Recycling of product C4: NPV [Thousand Euros]

C5: Market size [units/year]

C6: Impact on image


Less attractive
















Easily recyclable


Difficult to recycle

Very difficult to recycle

Impossible to recycle











Great impact

Good impact

Little impact

No impact

Bad impact

In M-MACBETH, performance levels can be defined in the “Node properties” of each criterion (by right-clicking it), which are shown in Fig. 21.


Fig. 21: Performance levels of criterion "Durability"

4.1.3. Reference levels The reference levels “neutral” and “good” were chosen, indicated by the bold letters in Tab. 11 and by the colours in Fig. 21, where “4” is set as the upper reference level and “2” as the lower reference level. In M-MACBETH, reference levels can be defined by right-clicking a performance level.

4.1.4. Criteria value functions As explained in Section 3.8.3 of Chapter II, qualitative judgements of difference in attractiveness will be used to generate value-functions for the criteria, by choosing for two elements at a time one (or more) of the following categories of difference in attractiveness: “no (difference)”, “very weak”, “weak”, “moderate”, “strong”, “very strong” and “extreme”. A higher/stronger category means a higher slope of the value function curve. In M-MACBETH, these judgements will be inserted in a “judgments matrix” (opened by double-clicking a criterion in the value tree). Fig. 22 shows the judgements matrix and value function of the criterion "Net present value”, where it can be seen that the difference in attractiveness between 16000€ and 18000€ was defined as being “moderate to strong”, and a pop-up window that appears when the “build (MACBETH) scale” button in the bottom is clicked before all judgements are inserted. If “yes” is clicked the value function will still be built (possibly “simpler” than it should actually be) but the scores can then be adjusted by manually dragging the respective dots or by using other options in the bottom of the window.


Fig. 22: Judgements matrix and value function of criterion "Net present value”

4.1.5. Criteria weighting The weights of the criteria will also be determined by qualitative judgements of difference in attractiveness. In M-MACBETH, the weighting matrix of judgements, shown in Fig. 23, opens in the tab “Weighting – Judgements”, and the software uses the “swing weighting” method explained in Section 0 of Chapter III. The criteria names between brackets (“Cj”) represent an overall reference of the respective criteria (j). Considering that “good” and “neutral” were chosen as references, the overall reference [Cj] has a “good” performance in criterion Cj and a “neutral” performance in the remaining criteria, while [all lower] has a “neutral” performance in all criteria. For instance, the cell {[C4], [C5]} means that a fictitious project with a “good” performance in criterion C4 and a “neutral” performance in the remaining criteria is moderately more attractive than a fictitious project with a “good” performance in criterion C5 and a “neutral” performance in the remaining criteria. Another way to interpret it is to consider the [all lower] fictitious project and ask oneself: “How much more attractive is it to improve the project’s performance to “good” in criterion C4 than in criterion C5?”.

Fig. 23: Weighting matrix of judgements

After filling in the table, click “Build (MACBETH) scale” and choose either “swing weights”, attributing 100 to the most attractive swing, or “fix sum of weights”, which will show the weights normalized to 100 . The


calculated weights appear in a histogram (Fig. 24 at the left), which can also be altered if desired by clicking in “Show thresholds” or “propose scale” (and also “Round to integers” if preferred (Fig. 24 at the right)). The original weights, at the left, will be used hereafter.

Fig. 24: Weights histograms (at the left, proposed by M-MACBETH, at the right, a possible adjustment)

Fig. 24 (left) shows that C4 (NPV) and C5 (Market size) account for almost 2/3 of the total of the weights, C1 (Production waste) has an average weight, followed by C6 (Impact on image), C2 (Durability) and C3 (Recycling of product) that have decreasing weights on the final scores. It is therefore concluded this preparation stage, after having identified the criteria and determined the respective descriptors of performance, reference levels, value functions and weights. The next stage consists in structuring the evaluation.

4.2. Structuring the Evaluation A list of ideas (potential projects) was collected among the different stakeholders of the company [29], from which the following were selected for this example: supply chain optimization (P1), weight reduction of plastic products (P2), utilization of natural fibres (P3), utilization of biodegradable materials (P4), bi-material injection products (P5) and materials that minimize detergent utilization (P6).

4.2.1. Project type filter The company (hypothetically) has one selection method for projects on product development and a different selection method for projects on process improvement. For that reason, it decides to apply this methodology for the first type of projects, therefore leaving the “supply chain optimization” project out of this evaluation session.

4.2.2. Criteria selection


Among the several eco-design principles that the company can consider as criteria for evaluating and selecting its projects, three principles, which apply to the projects that passed to this stage, where selected for this example, specifically production waste (EDS: “optimization of production techniques”), durability (EDS: “optimization of the impact during its life”) and recycling of product (EDS: “optimization of the product end-oflife”). Another three criteria were also selected, namely the net present value (financial criterion), market size (market criterion) and impact on image (intangible criterion). In a real application more criteria can, and should, be used, such as strategic fit (if applicable) or level of competition in the market, for instance. The template created in Section 3.1.1 can now be edited in order to show only the selected criteria (copy the template, to preserve it for future project selection sessions, and delete the spare criteria). Fig. 25 shows the resulting tree of criteria for this example.

Fig. 25: Tree of selected criteria

4.2.3. Project data collection All data and information concerning the projects that passed the “Project type filter” should now be collected for each criterion and then inserted and organized in a table of performances (in accordance with the descriptors of performance defined in Section 4.1.2), exemplified in


Tab. 12. As explained before, the company should use whatever is available in order to get good estimates on the projects’ data, such as past information and experience, expert opinion, among others, and then try to verify all data resorting to other people, maybe even costumers [21], who can often provide valuable insight on the products.


Tab. 12: Table of performances








Technical Financial Investment Success Success [%]


[thousand €]

































































4.2.4. Triage filter Supposing that among the company’s requisites/requirements are a maximum investment (cost of the project) of 35000€ and a minimum NPV (C4) of 15500€, projects P2 and P6 are therefore rejected. Hence, the rest of the selection process will be restricted to projects P3, P4 and P5. In M-MACBETH, these three projects can now be inserted in the tab “Options – Define” and their respective performances after clicking in “Performances”, illustrated in Fig. 26.

Fig. 26: Options and table of performances


4.3. Project Evaluation In this stage the projects that passed the filters will finally be evaluated, i.e., they will be assigned scores accordingly to their performance on the chosen criteria (partial scores) and then their overall score will be computed by a weighted average.

4.3.1. Scores of the projects Since M-MACBETH already has all the information regarding projects, criteria, performances, value functions and weights, a final table containing the partial and overall scores of the projects can be seen in the tab “Options – Table of scores”, as illustrated in Fig. 27.

Fig. 27: Table of overall scores

It can be seen that P3 has the highest overall score (102.16), mainly due to having the highest score in criterion C4 (“NPV”), which also has the highest weight. It is interesting to notice that only P3 has an overall score over 100, which means that, considering that the reference level “good” is worth 100, it is the only project whose overall performance is understood as better than just “good”, while P4 and P5 are less than “good” but well over “neutral”.

4.3.2. Sensitivity and robustness analysis The weight of criterion C4 has a big impact in the additional score that P3 has over the other projects, but its value is obviously subjective since there is always some uncertainty in the decision makers’ judgements (mainly due to the lack of information in the early stages of innovation projects), so what would happen if this weight was smaller? Would P3 still be the most attractive project? In order to answer this questions, i.e., to understand the influence of the weights, a sensitivity analysis can be performed (by clicking on the tab “Weighting – Sensitivity analysis on weight”). M-MACBETH plots the overall score of all projects, varying the weight of the selected criterion between 0 and 100%, as shown in Fig. 28, while the others change automatically but maintain the same proportion among them. It can be seen that for the current weight of 36.53% on C4 (red line), P3 has the highest score, but for a weight lower than 24.4%, P4 would have the highest score. The two inner dotted lines represent the “margin of uncertainty” that the calculated value of this weight has, while still respecting the judgements. The two outer dotted lines represent the interval in which is possible to change the weight of C4 if other weights are also changed manually. Since 64

the intersection of the lines of P3 and P4 are outside this latter range, it means that P3 will always be more attractive regardless of the weight variation of C4, as long as the matrix judgements is maintained consistent.

Fig. 28: Sensitivity analysis on criterion C4

After performing sensitivity analysis on all criteria, it can be seen that P3 always has the highest score for any variation of weights. Nevertheless, a robustness analysis can be performed to understand the effects of variations on the judgements of criteria (local information) and weights (global information). In M-MACBETH, this can be achieved by clicking in the tab “Options – Robustness analysis” and then setting different degrees of uncertainty (percentage of variation) in ordinal, MACBETH and cardinal information [69]: 

Ordinal information refers only to rank, thereby excluding any information pertaining to differences of attractiveness (strength of preference).

MACBETH information includes the semantic judgements entered into the model, however, it does not distinguish between any of the possible numerical scales compatible with those judgements.

Cardinal information denotes the specific scale validated by the decision maker.

Fig. 29 shows the three projects, and the two reference levels, ordered by their overall attractiveness, where the plus sign illustrates “additive dominance” (the option is globally more attractive), the triangle illustrates “dominance” (the option is more attractive in every criteria) and the question mark illustrates the case where no conclusion can be drawn.


Fig. 29: Robustness analysis (0% variation)

As a result of increasing the uncertainty in all information (by 1% at a time), a “questions mark” appears first for {P3, all upper} and then for {all upper, P4}. However, as can be seen in Fig. 30 (left), only at 10% an “additive dominance” between two projects was lost, namely P3 and P4. The “additive dominance” between P4 and P5 was lost at 11%.

Fig. 30: Robustness analysis (10% variation on the left, different variations on the right)

As a conclusion, P3 appears to be a relatively robust choice, since it remains the most attractive project for variations of up to 10% in all information. Furthermore, it is interesting to notice that the variation in C4 has the biggest impact in this scenario, as illustrated in Fig. 30 (right): if a 5% variation is chosen for C4, all the other parameters have to change 25% in order to change P3’s “additive dominance”.


4.4. Risk Analysis Risk will now be taken into account, expressed by the probabilities of technical (P t) and financial (Pf) success, whose values were estimated in Section 4.2.3. The commercial success was not included since, hypothetically speaking, the company cannot provide valid estimates for it or because the probabilities are identical among all projects. Henceforth, the two projects that failed the triage filter (P2 and P6) will also be used, simulating that they passed the triage filter, merely for the purpose of making a more interesting illustration of risk and resource allocation analysis. Obviously, this should not be done in a real situation. The overall probabilities of success (P) and overall scores (V) of the five projects are shown in Tab. 13, together with their respective computed expected benefit (E). Tab. 13: Table of expected value

Probability of success (%)

Overal score

Expected benefit




P = Pt*Pf


E =V*P































Fig. 15 shows a graph of the “final projects” (P3, P4 and P5) and the “other projects” (P2 and P6) with their overall scores plotted against the probability of success, where the size of the circles depict the investment.


Fig. 31: Probability of success VS Overall score

The dotted line represents the “efficient frontier”, formed by the non-dominated projects P3, P4 and P5, since P4 has a higher return than P6 for the same probability of success (78%) and likewise to P3 and P2. If the decision was to be made based on this graph, decision makers could reject P2 since not only it is dominated by P3 but it is also more expensive, while P6 is cheaper than P4 and could be worth the 11.27 score difference.

4.5. Resource Allocation Finally, admitting the same five projects that are competing for limited resources, a resource allocation analysis will be performed to reach a final portfolio of projects, using their expected (risk-adjusted) benefit and investment (cost). Tab. 14 shows some portfolios that can be constructed supposing that the company has a predetermined budget of 115.000€, organized by decreasing order of E/C ratio. The common (E/C ratio) prioritization approach would result in portfolio A (project 2 does not fit in the budget), while an optimization approach would result in portfolio C, which has a higher benefit for the available budget than portfolio A but has a lower E/C ratio. Nevertheless, either approach is better than a prioritization based of benefit only, which would originate portfolio D that has a much smaller benefit for the available budget and a smaller E/C ratio.


Tab. 14: Possible portfolios of projects

Portfolio of Projects

Expected benefit

























A: {6,3,4,5}




B: {6,3,4,2}




C: {6,3,5,2}




D: {3,2,4}





[thousand €]


Fig. 32 shows all the possible 32 (=2 ) portfolios that can be created with this five projects, where the grey line represents the efficient frontier (non-dominated portfolios) and the black dotted line represents the convex efficient frontier [76] (formed by the portfolios that have the highest benefit/investment ratio, depicted by circles).

Cumulative Expected Benefit




A: {6,3,4,5}






D {6,3}

150 100


Efficient projects


Remaining projects

{} 0 0







Cumulative Investment [thousands] Fig. 32: Portfolios of projects

In a decision-making perspective, it could be recommendable to increase the available budget to 120.000€ and choose portfolio B, which ensures a higher benefit and also better value-for-money than portfolio C, as can be seen in Fig. 32. Furthermore, if there is a much higher number of projects and also constraints/synergies between projects, the use of software is advised, as explained in Section 3.5 of Chapter III.


It should be noted that in order to choose an “optimal” portfolio, the company should also seek the right balance of projects, in terms of number, long/short duration, high/low risk, alignment with the business's strategy, types of projects and products/technologies/markets [14] and address other relevant issues, such as the possibility to partially fund some projects and the costs of not financing projects [79].

4.6. Decision and Conclusions This evaluation session resulted in the recommendation of portfolios C or A, depending on the preference (highest E or highest E/C ratio, respectively), or portfolio B, in case the company is willing to spend an extra 5.000€. Decision makers should now discuss the robustness of these results in order to make a well-founded choice, since they will always bear responsibility for the decision [21], in addition to making a statement of the key assumptions made, the issues to be addressed in the next decision [22] and a summary of the lessons learned in this process. Later, at the closing stage of the projects, they should compare the more recent available data with the assumptions made during the selection stage in order to identify and understand errors on the estimates and improve their project selection process.


5. Conclusion This chapter provides a summary of the foregoing chapters of this thesis, as well as the resulting conclusions and suggestions for future developments.

5.1. Summary This thesis explained the importance of project selection in order to have a successful innovation value chain, as well as the challenges in their application in companies. It focused on the different approaches and methods used in the literature for evaluating and prioritizing potential projects at the early stages of innovation in a context of limited resources and different business constraints. An exhaustive list of different criteria and descriptors of performance was developed, establishing the foundation for the evaluation of the potential benefits of the projects that, together with the incorporation of risk and the construction of a portfolio of projects, compose the proposed methodology for project selection, which is the main contribution of this thesis. Furthermore, in order to demonstrate how the methodology could be applied in a real scenario, an example of application is presented, which also illustrates the use of the M-MACBETH software.

5.2. Findings The literature research allowed to verify the challenges stated in the introduction, that the methods are usually too simple or excessively elaborate for most managers and companies. Furthermore, it allowed to notice that some companies lack a formal selection process and, among the ones that do not, the most common mistakes that lead to ineffective portfolio management are the over-reliance on financial models and the inexistence of strategic criteria and criteria for Go/Kill decisions.

5.3. Contributions In order to deal with these issues, a comprehensive methodology to assist companies in selecting innovation projects was proposed. It is an objective procedure that involves multicriteria (including non-financial and intangible) decision-making, filters projects according to requisites and deals with risk analysis and resource allocation, therefore achieving the objective of being simultaneously complete and simple to understand, apply and adapt to the specific needs of the company, while generating valuable information in a timely and useful fashion. This thesis contributes to theoretical and practical knowledge, both in Chapter II - State of the Art, and in Chapter III - Methodology for Project Selection. On the one hand, by founding typical project selection steps/techniques with theoretical ground that is often absent in the literature, regarding, for instance, decision-making, options rating, scores aggregation and portfolio construction. On the other hand, practical contributions are made with the proposition of a new methodology, where there is a logical sequence of stages 71

that a company should execute in order to ensure a complete, simple and transparent process of project evaluation and selection.

5.4. Challenges and Limitations The main challenges faced while carrying out the research for thesis are concerned with the models for project selection, the descriptors of performance and risk. Firstly, the extremely vast amount of different types and variations of models made it impractical to mention, explain and discuss all of them. For this reason, only more broad and common types of models were presented, omitting the explanation of, for instance, more complex programming models. Secondly, the use of descriptors of performance (or scaling statements) is rare in the literature and was challenging to find. The more valuable contributions in this topic belong to [22], [23] and [25]. Finally, although the probability of success is sometimes referred as an option to address risk and uncertainty, practical examples of its incorporation in the project selection process were not found except for its use as a criterion. Therefore, it is acknowledged that the approach developed here for risk analysis is a new proposition that, in some cases, might fall behind more sophisticated techniques.

5.5. Applications of this Thesis It is the author’s belief that the reading of this thesis can be helpful for any manager responsible for project selection but especially for companies that do not have a formal and objective project selection process. The information collected regarding the importance of this task, the different methods and criteria available, the analysis of risk, the resource allocation and the proposed methodology itself, can constitute a valuable aid for companies to build their own project selection process or to compare with the currently implemented one. It is recognized, however, that each method may only be appropriate in certain situations, for a specific company and project circumstances.

5.6. Recommendations for Future Development Based on the challenges identified earlier, two suggestions of additional work are made. A thorough list of all the available methods for project selection, together with their explanation, advantages and disadvantages and, when required, exemplification and application, would strongly contribute to this field. It would expedite and improve the research conducted by academics and companies, assisting them in choosing the most adequate method for each situation. In addition, it would be interesting to use and compare, in a real project selection scenario, the risk analysis proposed with the use of probabilities of success as criteria and especially with the usual models based on the estimation of probability distributions. This would allow comparing the simplicity and practicality of the first two approaches with the sophistication and complexity of the latter.


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