Evaluation Set #3 Group 4's Complete Assignment

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Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3

Evaluation Set #3 Group 4 Reference Sources and Services Spring 2009

Jessica Venturo evaluated encyclopedia numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and dictionary numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 Meghan Glasgow evaluated encyclopedia number 5, 6, 7, 8 and dictionary numbers 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 Christina Hill evaluated encyclopedia numbers 9, 10, 11, 12 and dictionary numbers 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 Terry Wasserman evaluated encyclopedia numbers 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and dictionary numbers 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3

Academic American Encyclopedia Citation Academic American Encyclopedia. (1986). Danbury, CT: Grolier. Purpose / General Information The Academic American Encyclopedia is meant to serve as a reference for the midlevel student. With a multitude of entries, it can serve as a well-illustrated ready reference tool as well. This is the only encyclopedia I examined that contained exclusively full-color illustrations. It also seemed to have more cross-references than other works. Scope This encyclopedia is comprehensive, but seems to strive for a breadth of entries rather than depth. Compared to other general encyclopedias, the entries are midlength. Format The encyclopedia is divided into 21 volumes. Audience The preface identifies the main users of the encyclopedia as students in the upper elementary grades, junior high, high school, college, and “the inquisitive adult”. It outlines how the editors of the encyclopedia attempted to meet the expectations of these users by creating a readable, easily navigable, objective, and comprehensive encyclopedia with full-color visuals. Authority This encyclopedia is published by Grolier, a well-recognized publisher of general encyclopedias. The preface describes the editing process, which is carried out by scholars and subject specialists. Writing Style Entries are short and succinct. They are very easy for the lay person to follow. Currency While the print volume I evaluated was published in 1986, the information it contained seemed quite current for the time. The preface indicates that a yearbook was published annually. According to the Books in Print database, the most recent edition was published in 1998 by Scholastic Library Publishing. Most likely, it was replaced by the Grolier online portal. Viewpoint and Objectivity The objectivity of the text is scholars and experts in each field. The preface also states that the book attempts to not offend readers, and is “free of sexist addressed in the preface, which states that the editors seek to incorporate multiple perspectives


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 from language”. Arrangement and Entry Like most encyclopedias, this volume is arranged alphabetically by subject and contains many cross-references. Many of the entries are supplemented with fullcolor illustrations, fact boxes, graphs, maps, and bibliographies. Index The index appears in the final volume of the encyclopedia. It provides additional cross-references to what appears in the text. Cost Books in Print lists the 1998 edition for $725. It classifies the availability of the work as “hard to find”. Cambridge Encyclopedia Citation Cambridge Encyclopedia. (1997). (3rd ed.) New York: Columbia University Press Purpose / General Information The Cambridge Encyclopedia is a single-volume encyclopedia that was first published in 1990. Despite receiving positive reviews, it has since been overshadowed by the older and well-respected Columbia Encyclopedia. Scope Cambridge aims to be comprehensive, and focuses on breadth rather than depth. Format This is a single volume encyclopedia. In addition to the A to Z entries, there is a tabular ready reference section. Audience Although the entries are short, the vocabulary in this work is very advanced. It is most likely aimed at the high school level and above. Authority Cambridge University Press is a leading publisher of academic texts and journals around the world. It is associated with Cambridge University in the UK. Writing Style Because a number of entries are condensed into a single volume, this encyclopedia reads more like a dictionary. The writing style seems to assume that the reader has a fairly advanced vocabulary. Currency


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Based on the reviews in the Books in Print database, it appears that this encyclopedia was quite current when it was published. The most recent edition was published in 2000. Publication ceased after that year. Viewpoint and Objectivity It would be difficult to provide an in depth explanation of an issue in the space allotted to each entry in this encyclopedia. As such, controversial issues are presented and defined, but the controversy surrounding them is given little more than a mention. There does not appear to be an discriminatory language in any parts of the book I perused. Arrangement and Entry Entries are short and succinct. Some of them have full-color or black and white illustrations. Cross references appear throughout the text. Index Because this is a one volume work, it does not have an index to accompany it. Cost $60, according to Books in Print. Collier’s Encyclopedia Citation Collier’s Encyclopedia. (1996). New York: P.F. Collier. Purpose / General Information Collier’s Encyclopedia is a general encyclopedia for more advanced students and readers. Scope The preface states that the major areas covered in the text are physical science, life science, earth science, social sciences, and humanities. The encyclopedia seems to focus more on depth than on breadth. Format Collier’s is separated into 24 volumes, with a list of contributors and preface in the first volume and the index and bibliography appearing in the final volume. Audience The preface states that the encyclopedia is meant to support the curricula of colleges, secondary schools, and advanced classes in lower grades. Authority Collier’s is a recognizable name in encyclopedia publishing. Its editors and outside contributors, which hale from prestigious universities, are listed in volume 1 along


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 with their credentials and which articles they contributed. Writing Style Compared to other general encyclopedias, the writing appears to be aimed at this more advanced group of students. The information is aimed at non-specialists, but is meant to be relevant to professionals as well. Currency Because the latest volume of Collier’s was published in 1997, it cannot be expected to excel in currency. Viewpoint and Objectivity The preface states that “articles are submitted to authorities representing all major points of view” to insure objectivity. Arrangement and Entry This work is arranged in a similar fashion to other encyclopedias, but contains more in-depth, general articles than short, specific articles. As such, use of the index is essential for research on specific topics, as it includes more cross-references for specific subjects than the encyclopedia itself. Additionally, the bibliography is provided in the final volume rather than at the end of each article. The bibliography contains a subject guide and is divided by subject headings, with sub headings for more specific categories and types of publications. Articles are supplemented with illustrations and photographs, both in color and black and white. Index The bibliography and the index appear in the final volume. As mentioned above, the index is comprehensive and essential to successful research on specific topics. Cost Books in Print lists the price of the latest edition as $499. Columbia Encyclopedia Citation Print: Columbia Encyclopedia. (2000). New York: Columbia University Press. Electronic: Columbia Encyclopedia. (2007). New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved from http://www.bartleby.com/65/ Purpose / General Information The Columbia Encyclopedia is a single-volume reference work that attempts to cover a bit more ground than the Cambridge Encyclopedia. Scope Like Cambridge, this encyclopedia focuses more on breadth than depth, but to a much greater degree. Its entries are shorter and more numerous than those in


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Cambridge. Format This work is a one-volume print encyclopedia. It also appears as a free, searchable encyclopedia through bartelby.com. Audience The audience is not specified in the preface, but the writing style appears appropriate for advanced elementary students and up. Authority Columbia University Press publishes some of the most respected reference texts. Columbia Encyclopedia has been published since the late 1800s and today is unrivaled as a single volume encyclopedia. Writing Style Columbia Encyclopedia is written so that it reads like a dictionary, more so than the Cambridge Encyclopedia. The vocabulary is simpler than Cambridge and it seems to be aimed at less advanced readers. Currency The edition I evaluated was published in 2000, and therefore does not contain any of the events that have occurred over the last decade. However, the most recent edition was published in 2007, and contains over 1,300 new entries according to Books in Print. Viewpoint and Objectivity The length of the entries warrants only a brief definition of controversial issues. I did not see any evidence or discriminatory language. Arrangement and Entry The beginning of the encyclopedia contains a short user’s guide, an extensive list of abbreviations, and a pronunciation key. The entries are arranged alphabetically with cross references, and are supplemented by small illustrations. The illustrations are smaller and less colorful than those that appear in the Cambridge Encyclopedia. Index No index is included with in this work. Cost $80.50 Bartleby.com Citation The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 2001– 07. www.bartleby.com/65/


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3

Purpose / General Information Bartleby.com provides free access to books of all kinds. Included on this site are reference, verse, fiction, and nonfiction books. A few reference texts include Columbia Encyclopedia, The Encyclopedia of World History, Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations, World Factbook, Anatomy of the Human Body, Robert’s Rules of Order, and many more. Scope Bartleby has a strong literature focus with sections on verse, fiction, and nonfiction. Despite this a wide variety of subject are covered within this area including anatomy, geography, etiquette, and more. Encyclopedia reference is pulled from the Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th edition. This text is a general encyclopedia and contains information on most topics. Format Bartleby is an internet resource. They do however have a store from which print versions of many of the online resources can be purchased. Audience Text is written for high school through adult audiences. Authority Bartleby receives information directly from well known and established publishing companies. Writing Style All text is taken directly from other resources. Currency The Columbia Encyclopedia through Bartleby.com webpage was last updated in December 2007. Arrangement and Entry Bartleby.com allows for keyword searches within any one text on the website or through the entire website. Bartleby Daily provides a biography, definition, quotation, and poem of the day. Through Columbia Encyclopedia entries are listed in an alphabetic index of more than 51,000 entries. Search options for this section also include keyword full text search and entry word search. Other information included within the encyclopedia page is bibliographic record, an abbreviations guide, and a pronunciation key. Index Searches can be completed on the website through the subject, title, and author indexes. Within the Columbia Encyclopedia page there is an alphabetic index of entries as well as an index to biographical entries.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3

Cost All features are free of charge however Bartleby.com reserves the right to charge fees at any time. The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia Citation Purpose / General Information The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia is also known as Encyclopedia.com. This multimedia encyclopedia covers many different topics with access to more than 50,000 topic summaries, pictures, and videos. This website provides credible entries from published sources such as Oxford University Press and Columbia Encyclopedia. Scope As a free online encyclopedia, Encyclopedia.com covers information on many different subjects including art, science, sports, medicine, accounting, and management. A few well known encyclopedias that are available through this source are The Columbia Encyclopedia, Oxford’s World Encyclopedia, and The Encyclopedia of World Biography. The Dictionary collection contains items that are both general and very specific such as the Oxford Pocket Dictionary and A Dictionary of Food Nutrition. Format This is an online reference resource with keyword search options. It contains information from more than 49 encyclopedias from a wide array of reliable print and online sources. Audience The audience that these entries are written for are all ages. According to the website “Encyclopedia.com is an ideal online reference source for researchers, students, educators, and professionals alike.” Authority A few reliable encyclopedias that are available through this online “research library” include: The Columbia Encyclopedia; World Encyclopedia; Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery; and Encyclopedia of World Biography. Writing Style Entries are taken directly from other encyclopedia sources. The writing style for each entry therefore depends on the original entry’s location. Viewpoint and Objectivity Due to the fact that this website only provides information from other sources no personal opinions seem to be expressed. Included in the “essential readings” section


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 of the webpage are links to articles of a factual nature, and opinions pieces from both sides of an issue. Arrangement and Entry Entries are returned through keyword searches. Searches return results from several different sources such as The Columbia Encyclopedia, or The Oxford Dictionary and an option to compare entries side by side. There is also a section of related topics with links to other entries. Also provided are links to “essential readings” These readings can include other encyclopedia entries, newspaper and magazine articles, and facts or information from other sites. Cost This reference tool is available free of charge at www.encyclopeida.com. Compton’s Encyclopedia and Fact-Index Citation Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc. (2007). Compton's encyclopedia & fact-index. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica. Purpose / General Information The 2007 Edition of Compton’s Encyclopedia and Fact-Index contains more than 50,000 articles, maps, charts, tables, and other images in 26 volumes for students ages 10 to 17. They work to give the basic facts while providing students with the desire to dig deeper for their answers to more complex questions. Scope Compton’s Encyclopedia and Fact-Index includes 37,000 articles and 23,000 maps, charts, table, and other images over 26 volumes of text. The information is meant for use for students ages 10 to 17 however college students and adults might also find some information covered useful. Coverage of school subjects is extensive. Special features include biographies, glossary of terms included in articles, times lines, previews or table of contents for longer articles, and 23,000 images to make the text visually appealing. Format Compton’s Encyclopedia and Fact-Index is available in Print, CD-ROM, and online formats. The Print version is contained in 26 volumes that weight about 56 pounds. The CD-ROM format contains up-to-date interactive material. Audience This encyclopedia is designed for use by students ages 10 to 17. Authority Compton’s Encyclopedia is produced by Encyclopedia Britannica.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3

Writing Style The writing in Compton’s Encyclopedia is straightforward and easy for elementary and high school student to understand. Information is consistent with the content for National Curriculum Standards and benchmarks. Currency More than 50 percent of the content has been revised or is entirely new since 2004. Articles included in these revisions include Australia, genetic engineering, global warming, Hamas, Iraq, New Orleans, Pope Benedict XVI, astronomy, and more. The CD-ROM version is updated monthly. Viewpoint and Objectivity This encyclopedia is objective in its articles with equal representation of both sides of controversial items through bibliographic materials. Arrangement and Entry Entries are organized in alphabetical order. Some important features contained in each volume include lists of question that introduce each volume, and a guide that organizes the information contained in the volume into subject, articles and page numbers. Most entries include bibliographies with related sources that are written in language that children from 10 to 17 would find easy to understand. Also included are numerous pictures. Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia 1999 Edition, the CDROM version of the text, has an easy to use user-friendly interface. Searches are completed through a Boolean search engine. Video clips, sound clips, pictures, and web links are also incorporated with many articles. Index Volume 26 of this encyclopedia contains the Fact-Index. The Fact-Index is a miniature encyclopedia that has more than 29,000 short article entries. It also contains a traditional index. Cost Compton’s Encyclopedia can be purchased in print format for 599.00 dollars. The CD-ROM version, Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia 99 costs only 40 dollars and the online version is available at www.comptons.com/encyclopedia for no cost. Encyclopedia Americana Citation Scholastic Library Publishing. (2006). Encyclopedia Americana. Danbury, Conn: Scholastic Library Pub. Purpose / General Information Encyclopedia American was the first encyclopedia ever published within the United States. It is an encyclopedia written for a mature audience, grades 8 and up, with 30 volumes of information. The 2006 edition contains more than 45,000 articles written


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 by experts in easy to understand language. There is a strong scholarly emphasis as well as a focus on the United States. Scope The 2006 edition of Encyclopedia Americana is contained in 30 volumes with 45,000 articles, 23,000 illustrations, and 353,000 index entries. Its focus is on U.S. history, geography, bibliography, science and technology. Other countries and topics are covered as well and they make a point of noting that these topics are not sacrificed for the others. Depth and coverage is extremely good. The 2006 edition includes major revisions on articles having to do with science, technology, society and politics, visual and performing arts, literature, philosophy, and others. Format The print edition is available in 30 volumes. It is also available on CD-ROM, exactly the same as the print edition. The online version is available through a subscription with Grolier. Audience Encyclopedia Americana is advertised as being a resource for “grades 8 and up” yet many entries in the text prove that it can be used as a general reference source for most adults. Authority Encyclopedia Americana was the first encyclopedia printed in the United States and has been published for more than 175 years. Articles are written by experts in their respective fields. It is also published by Scholastic with the online version being produced through Grolier. Writing Style Articles are written by experts in their fields. Some articles can be technical in language however the majority are very easy to understand. Currency The print version is updated annually. The 2006 edition included 9,500 pages that were revised or added from the 2005 edition as well as 450 new photographs, illustrations and maps. The American Annual is also published annually which compiles all of the year’s main events. The online version is updated quarterly and monthly updates to links. Viewpoint and Objectivity The text remains objective throughout controversial article topics. Arrangement and Entry The print version of Encyclopedia Americana is organized alphabetically. Articles vary in length from a couple hundred words to more than 100 pages. Several articles even include their own table of contents and bibliographic materials. Cross-


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 references can be found throughout the text. Illustrations are used sparingly with only 23,000 appearing in the entire text and only 20 percent of those being in color. The online version allows for keyword and Boolean based searches. Other features of the online version include access to The Americana Journal, 6,000 bibliographies, 155,000 website links, and access to several other resources. Index There is a comprehensive index included for the print version. Cost The 2006 text can be purchased for 729.00 dollars. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences Citation: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 19 vols. New York: Free Press/Macmillan, 1968-1991. Scope Text written for researches inside and outside academia, the audience is high school and college students. Includes cross-referencing and indexes. Some topics include the routinization of the use of applied statistics and mathematically modeling as well as the rise of cultural studies. Social developments that have transformed Orientalism, causality, post colonialism, etc. society are included such as Authority Edited my expert William A. Darity Jr. Professor of Economics and adjunct faculty in sociology at the University of North Carolina. Over 2,000 authors. Kister’s Best Encyclopedias: A Comparative Guide to General and Specialized Encyclopedias Citation Kister, Kenneth F. Kister's Best Encyclopedias: A Comparative Guide to General and Specialized Encyclopedias. 2d ed. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press, 1994. Purpose Provides authoritative answers to such questions about general topics. The encyclopedia aims to guide consumers to distinguish the quality of an encyclopedia. Scope Descriptive and critical information about more than 1,000 encyclopedias. Authority


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 A compilation by various librarians, scholars, and experts. Accuracy Describes all aspects of the encyclopedia to the best of their ability. Arrangement The front of the book provides notes concerning all the important aspects of an encyclopedia, the purpose, history, types, uses, publication, merchandising, and evaluation. There is a preface, acknowledgments, entries, then index. Cost $145.00 McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Citation McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. 8th ed. 20 vols. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997. Scope Twenty volume set with topics ranging from 1994-1997 with 7100 entries and 1750 of 13,000 are of illustrations. Entries include acquired immunological tolerance, aircraft design, fingerprinting, industrial trucks, and narcotics. Authority Around 5,000 authors from universities, industry, and government agencies including Nobel Prize winners. Accuracy Revised for accuracy every 5 years. Cost Full set $3, 407. 63 Microsoft Encarta Online Citation Microsoft Encarta Online. http://encarta.msn.com/ Purpose Encourages Learning and respect by ensuring their content follows the Internet Content Rating Association’s Guidelines. Scope Covers various topics and includes articles as well as cross-references of searched topic. Over 5,000 detailed articles illustrations and photos. Format


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Online Authority Articles chosen are of award winning content. Accuracy Contains award winning content about various topics. Arrangement Articles will have the outline, media items, web links, related items, and further reading lists and links. Special Features Premium subscription allows full access to up-to-date content, more multi-media and more relevant and reliable information. Cost Will be discontinued refunds of yearly subscription will be issued. Subject Encyclopedias: User Guide, Review Citations, and Keyword Index Citation Mirwis, Allan. Subject Encyclopedias: User Guide, Review Citations, and Keyword Index. 2 vols. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press, 1999. Purpose / General Information The Subject Encyclopedias is really a list of good subject encyclopedias written between 1990-1997 for older students or adults. It was published by Oryx Press, an independent well-respected publisher that has since been purchased by Greenwood Publishing Group, another, larger, well-regarded publisher. Scope It is an index to assist students and/or library patrons in finding and using the appropriate subject encyclopedias for their research. Over 1100 subject encyclopedias are included. Format Subject Encyclopedias was published in print form only. The 2nd volume has a keyword index to articles from nearly 100 of the subject encyclopedias—these articles were chosen so as to be useful to library patrons in beginning their research. Audience The audience for these volumes is older high school or college students and adults. Authority


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Aside from the authority of the publisher, the editor chose only subject encyclopedias that had been reviewed in scholarly journals. Writing Style Listings are clear and concise. Currency The Subject Encyclopedias was published in 1999. Viewpoint and Objectivity Including all “scholarly-recognised” subject encyclopedias means a great breadth of information and without comprehensive articles there is little room for bias. Arrangement and Entry Articles are arranged by partial LOC classification number. Each entry includes a bibliographic citation, citations to reviews and awards from library journals, approximate number of OCLC holdings, a title index, LC subject headings index, Dewey classification index, publisher index, and rating index are also provided. Part II of Subject Encyclopedias is a keyword index to specific articles from 98 subject encyclopedias, selected from the entries in Part I because they were deemed to be useful to library patrons in beginning a subject search. Index The source is an index—there is no additional index. Cost $187.95 for both volumes (on Amazon.com). New Encyclopaedia Britannica Citation New Encyclopaedia Britannica. 15th ed. 33 vols. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., 1992. www.eb.com Purpose / General Information First published in 1768, the Encyclopaedia Britannica has been a mainstay at most libraries since the turn of the last century. The publishing house moved from the United Kingdom to the United States in 1901, but retained its British orthography while broadening its subject matter to compete in the US market. Scope Originally written at some length, articles are now concise and straight to the point while continuing the Britannica’s tradition of erudition. Format The New Britannica is available in print and cd-rom, as well as an online edition of the Britannica.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3

Audience The New Britannica is written with college students and educated adults in mind. It is a general encyclopedia, useful to someone looking to get a first grasp on a new topic. Authority Articles are not signed, but the editorial board is made up of academics from some of the most prestigious universities in the world. There are over 4000 contributors as well as a full time staff of 100— Writing Style The sophistication of the writing fits well with the editors’ intended readership—it is written in an academic style for use by those familiar with scholarly writings. Currency The New Encyclopaedia Britannica begin evaluated was published in 1992. Viewpoint and Objectivity The New Britannica is a fairly traditional and conservative encyclopedia. With the vast number of scholars a wide-array of viewpoints are given, but the encyclopedia does tend towards being more conservative. Arrangement and Entry Entries are arranged in continuous alphabetical order, regardless of the spaces between the words. The encyclopedia is arranged into three basic sections: a micropaedia (consisting of short articles, usually fewer than 750 words, vol. 1-12), a macropaedia (consisting of long articles, 2+ pages, vol. 13-29) and a propaedia (a summary of all human knowledge, vol. 30). Index The final volumes, 31-32, are the index. Cost New Encyclopaedia Britannica published in 2007 costs $1149. Britannica Citation Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved from www.britannica.com on 8 April 2009. Purpose / General Information The encyclopedia itself is a general encyclopedia spanning the breadth of human knowledge in a clear and easy to read form. Whereas, the website is a watered down version of the old warhorse, The Encyclopaedia Britannica, now in its third century of publication. There is also a premium version of the website that contains the entire


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 contents of the 32 print volumes as well as an online school edition for youths. Scope In 1994 the Britannica became the world’s first online encyclopedia and remains a standard by which other compare. As of 1933 the encyclopedia was continually revised annually and it is updated even more frequently online. Format While still available in a print version as the New Encyclopedia Britannica the many online versions have given it international prominence (Britannica Mobile, Britannica on YouTube, Britannica Online Premium, Britannica Online Student, etc…). A CD-Rom is also available of the encyclopedia and has been since 1989. Britannica also offers articles to users via other respected magazines and journals. Audience The Britannica is written for a general audience of educated adults. It is considered more academic than its oft-found shelf-mate, WorldBook. Authority The writers and editorial board of Britannica consist of leaders in their fields, from Nobel Laureates to renowned artists, presenting a nearly unimpeachable façade of respectability, knowledge and authority. Writing Style Articles in the Britannica are clear and easy to read (despite still being written using the English spellings instead of the American ones). The interface is also very userfriendly. Currency The encyclopedia is updated frequently and the editorial board meets regularly to discuss changes and advances to the text. Viewpoint and Objectivity Britannica is a fairly conservative encyclopedia where matters of controversy are concerned. It is certainly objective and gives broad coverage to a wide array of topics, but if there is a viewpoint to lean towards, the Britannica will lean towards the more conservative one. Arrangement and Entry Keyword searches are easily performed and the interface is user-friendly, however, I repeatedly ran into the problem of not being a premium subscriber and so only being allowed to view part of an entry (not very rewarding or useful). Index N/A.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Cost The cost can be obtained from the corporate office and depends on the features desired. The Random House Encyclopedia New Revised 3rd Edition. Citation The Random House Encyclopedia. Rev 3rd ed. New York: Random House, 1990. Purpose / General Information Random House is the largest American publishing house—known for its dictionaries and fictional presses (Knopf, Bantam Dell, Doubleday, etc.). Scope The encyclopedia is geared towards older children and as a basic reference for adults. It would be easy for a teacher to create a curriculum based on the large subject areas covered in the “colorpedia’s” nearly 14,000 entries. Format The encyclopedia is available in a print edition. It is broken up into a number of sections: the colorpedia, time chart, alphapedia and atlas. The colorpedia has over 11,000 color illustrations, whereas the alphapedia is a more traditional all-print listing. Audience Too sophisticated for elementary school children, the encyclopedia was likely intended for middle school and high schoolers. The articles can be long, but are exceedingly well illustrated and will retain a child’s visual interest. Authority Articles are not attributed and so there is no way to decide who contributed to what —there is a list of editors and contributors, many of whom are specialists. Writing Style The writing is more complicated than one would instinctually assume, given the wonderful illustrations. A younger child would love the pictures, but would be unable to read the text. However, the encyclopedia is really too simplistic for college students or educated adults, so it is best used by 12-18 year olds and adults looking for fairly simple explanations. Currency It is outdated, no doubt—it was published in 1990, before the World Wide Web. Viewpoint and Objectivity Controversial topics are glossed over—there are fewer than 100 words on AIDS. Arrangement and Entry


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 It’s arrangement is unusual and although the “colorpedia” has excellent illustrations, the encyclopedia is not in an overly user-friendly form. The time chart and atlas are helpful, but it would have been easier to have one encyclopedia instead of two separate parts (colorpedia and alphapedia). Index An index would have added greatly to this encyclopedias usefulness—without one, it is difficult to find articles. Cost At the time of purchase, this edition cost $129.95. World Book Encyclopedia Citation World Book Encyclopedia. 22 volumes. Chicago: World Book, 2008. Purpose / General Information World Book is probably one of the most used and best known encyclopedias in the library. It is a general knowledge encyclopedia and has been in publication for nearly a century. Scope World Book is intended for a general audience and as such has an easy to use format and clear presentation of materials that elementary school children are able to follow. Articles begin with the basic information and progress to more advanced information within the article. Articles are not too long for a child’s attention span while still being informative. There are over 27,000 illustrations and 3800 contributors to the articles. Format The World Book is available in many forms, from the print edition to the online edition to the dvd edition (that has over 10,000 pictures and illustrations and more than 1500 maps as well as a search engine). The print edition even comes in different spinal bindings: the classic binding or the spinescape. Audience The World Book is written with students in mind and so the articles’ depth and length are suited to even elementary students. Authority The World Book has nearly 4000 contributors, many of whom are specialists in their fields, and each article is signed. Writing Style The writing style of the encyclopedia is student-friendly, the English is clear and easy to follow. Each entry begins fairly simply and the longer ones progress to a


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 more advanced level, but even younger children can usually understand the first paragraph of entries. Currency The World Book has updated or revised nearly a third of its content over the past half decade. Published and revised annually, it is as up-to-date as possible. Viewpoint and Objectivity As it is written with children in mind, most topics are treated fairly and with a more international perspective due to the diversity of the contributors. Arrangement and Entry The encyclopedia is arranged alphabetically, letter by letter. Each entry is well-layed out and easy to follow, the more complicated entries including outlines, chronologies and a list of related topics. There are also guides to writing and speech making included in the encyclopedia. Index The index is a separate volume, entries are listed alphabetically by letter. Cost The print edition for this year is $1009. The dvd is selling for $40 and the online subscription is $50.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3

Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviation Citation Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations Dictionary. (2006). Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale. Purpose This dictionary lists and defines acronyms, intialisms, abbreviations, and similar contractions. Scope This dictionary provides definitions for thousands of acronyms, initialisms, and abbreviations for a variety of fields. Format The print edition has four volumes, which are arranged alphabetically. Capitalization, spacing, and punctuation are not taken into account. An e-book version also exists. Authority Thomson Gale is a leading publisher of reference books. Contributions were compiled by experts in each of the represented fields. Understandability Looking up an abbreviation that has several different meaning attached to it can be a bit dubious. Subject headings might lend this work a bit more clarity, but it is still an excellent resource. Comprehensiveness There were over 800,000 entries in the 2003 edition, and the 2006 has since added to this number. Currency The work was published in 2006 and contains new terms in areas such as associations, medicine, education, and the internet. Value-added features A companion volume, called Reverse Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations, can be purchased from the publisher. It arranges entries alphabetically by meaning. Cost Print: $685 E-book: $984 American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language Citations


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Print: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. (1980). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Electronic: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. (2000) Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Retrieved from: http://www.bartleby.com/61/ Purpose A desk dictionary for high school students and above. Scope The scope of the American Heritage Dictionary is midway between a college dictionary and an unabridged dictionary, with an emphasis on etymology. Format The American Heritage Dictionary is available in printed format and as a free online resource through bartleby.com. Authority In addition to being one of the most recognizable names in standard desk dictionaries, American Heritage provides a list of editors, contributors, and their usage panel consulted while compiling the dictionary, along with their credentials. Understandability Definitions are very comprehensible. Etymological notes add to the understanding of word. Comprehensiveness The latest edition contains over 90,000 entries. Currency 10,000 new entries were added to the 2000 edition. The latest edition was printed in June of 2001. Value-added features Katz states that “American Heritage is the best singe desk dictionary for etymology and details on the linguistic sources of most words” (2002, pp. 393). The online version contains 900 full-page, color illustrations, language notes, and root word appendixes. Cost The price of the most recent print version ranges from $5.99 to $19.60, depending on the publisher. The online version is available for free. Columbia Dictionary of Quotations Citation Columbia Dictionary of Quotations. (1993). New York: Columbia University Press.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3

Purpose This dictionary is a compilation of quotations that is arranged by subject to facilitate browsing. Scope The book contains 18,000 quotations under 1,500 topics which were selected to represent the range of the human experience, according to the introduction. Format The print version contains entries arranged alphabetically by subject with an index of sources. The book is also available online through bartelby.com. Authority The Columbia University Press is a leading publisher of world renowned reference books. Understandability The book is well-organized, and often entertaining. Comprehensiveness With 18,000 quotations, book is not quite as comprehensive as Fowler’s, but contains 11,000 quotations that have never appeared in any other quotation book. Currency The most recent edition was published in 1993. Each entry contains a sprinkling of modern and historical quotations. Value-added Features A citation is provided for each quotation. The introduction provides an interesting glimpse into how the quotations were selected. Cost $64.50 Familiar Quotations Citation Print: Bartlett, John (ed.) (1992). Bartlett's Familiar Quotations : A Collection of Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature. (16th ed.). Boston: Little, Brown. Electronic: Bartlett, John (ed.) (1999). Bartlett's Familiar Quotations : A Collection of Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature. Boston: Little, Brown. Retrieved from: http://www.bartelby.com/100/ Purpose


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations serves as a compendium of famous quotations from ancient Egypt and biblical times to the present day. It is a useful resource for writers and public speakers. Scope The editors attempt to encompass all quotations that have influenced speech throughout the ages. Format Familiar Quotations is available in print and online. Entries are arranged alphabetically by the source of the quotation. The index is searchable by author, subject, and keyword in both versions. Authority Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations has been in print for over a hundred years and is regarded as a trusted source. Understandability This resource is well organized and easy to navigate. Any incomprehensibility in the quotations is the fault of the author, not the compiler. Comprehensiveness The most recent addition contains 25,000 quotations from 2,500 authors. Currency The electronic version focuses mostly on historical quotations, but the print version contains quotations from modern personalities such as Maya Angelou, Bill Clinton, and Jerry Seinfeld. Value-added features Footnotes provide added information about the origins of some quotations. Cost The price of the print version ranges from $5.95 to $79.99 depending on the distributor. The online version is available for free at bartelby.com. Dictionary of American Slang Citation Chapman, R. L., Wentworth, H., & Kipfer, B. A. (1995). Dictionary of American slang. New York: HarperCollins. Scope The third edition of the Dictionary of American Slang contains more than 19,000 terms of American slang. Words included range from the common and acceptable to the most unmentionable. All periods of American history are covered from railroad workers, to cowboys, to the rock ‘n roll world.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Format Dictionary of American Slang is available in print from HarperCollins. Authority Edited by Robert L. Chapman and published by HarperCollins. Arrangement and Entries Entries are arranged in alphabetical order. For each entry the term is given in bold print with variations of the term given in parentheses and the definition following. Use examples are given in italicized text following the definition. Cross-references are used considerably. Accuracy Terms seem to be very accurate. Understandability The definitions that are given are easy to understand. Comprehensiveness This dictionary accomplishes its goal of creating a dictionary of American slang from across many generations and America. Currency The third addition contains over 2,000 new terms including terms that have come into being because of the invention of the computer and its popularity. Value-added features Included in the text are pronunciation guides, word origins, and examples of appropriate usage. A highlighting system has also been integrated to help user know which terms should be used with caution. Cost The fourth edition can be purchased through any bookstore for about forty dollars. New Fowler’s Modern English Usage Citation Burchfield, R.W. (1996). New Fowler’s Modern English Usage. New York: Oxford University Press. Purpose Fowler’s is a guide to properly using words when writing and speaking the English language. Scope


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Entries describe the proper usage of thousands of English words, including proper grammar, syntax, style, and appropriateness. Word usage is covered for all major English speaking countries. Format The most recent edition of Fowler’s is a single volume paperback book. Authority The most recent edition was edited and updated by Robert Burchfield, who was the Chief Editor of the Oxford English Dictionary from 1971 to 1984. The Chicago Tribune called him the “greatest living lexicographer”. Understandability The entries in this book are quite readable, and often entertaining. Comprehensiveness Usage for thousands of English words are included in this text. Emphasis is placed on British and American usage, but Australian usages are presented as well. Currency Burchfield added 24 new entries in a special supplement. Entries themselves have been updated to reflect usage in the 1990s. Value Added Features Several entries reference popular culture. Cost $29.95 Funk and Wagnalls New Standard Dictionary of the English Language Citation Funk and Wagnalls New Standard Dictionary of the English Language. (1963). New York: Funk and Wagnalls. Purpose This dictionary was intended as a standard, unabridged dictionary. Scope The Standard Dictionary of the English Language was first published by Funk and Wagnalls in 1894. The New Standard Dictionary of the English Language is a result of several decades of changes and additions to that original text. The editors have attempted to capture the language as it is being used during the time of publication. Format This is a print dictionary published in two volumes.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Authority The dictionary was prepared by 380 scholars and specialists under the direction of the editing staff. Understandability The definitions are well organized and easy to understand. Comprehensiveness Certainly one of the largest standard dictionaries available, but with very few modern words and word uses. Currency I was unable to find any evidence that Funk and Wagnalls continues to publish dictionaries with this exact scope and title. The 1963 appears to be very outdated in both appearance and scope. Value-added features Several entries include small illustrations. Cost Unavailable A Dictionary of Modern American Usage Citation Garner, B. A. (1998). A dictionary of modern American usage. New York: Oxford University Press. Scope A Dictionary of Modern American Usage is the authoritative reference work on the way American’s use the English language. Topics covered include: basic grammar; word preferences; punctuation; idiomatic phrases; and spelling. Modern American Usage prides itself on being the essential work for teachers, scholars and students, professional editors, proofreaders, businesspeople, advertising and public-relations writers, and others. Format This printed text is available through Oxford University Press. It contains more than 700 pages in a single volume and weights approximately 2.8 pounds. This text can be found online through a subscription with Oxford University Press for their Oxford Reference online. It is one of more than on hundred texts included in the package. Authority A Dictionary of Modern American Usage is published by Oxford University Press. It is written and edited by Bryan Garner.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3

Accuracy Library Journal refers the A Dictionary of Modern American Usage as “the best of its kind”. Entries are direct and precise with extreme accuracy. Understandability Entries are clear and concise. Each entry is printed in bold text. Definitions of usage, examples, and a short history of origin and usage are given for many texts. Several entries also contain written examples to display how to use the rule. Crossreferences are used heavily throughout. Comprehensiveness This dictionary contains a vast amount of information on the English language as used by Americans, as is its mission. Currency A Dictionary of Modern American Usage reports the newest usages of the “American” language. Since 1998 a second edition has been produced under the name Gardner’s Modern American Usage. This text contains more than 1,300 new entries as well as revisions to several others. Cost Through Oxford Press this text is available for $21.95. Oxford Reference Online which provides access to the dictionary can be purchased for $19.95 a month or for $159.00 for an annual subscription. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary Citation Merriam-Webster, Inc. (2003). Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary. Springfield, Mass: Merriam-Webster. Scope The Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary is written for an audience of college level students, yet the definitions and information found within would be helpful for all adults. This dictionary is based on the unabridged Webster’s Third New International Dictionary. However from this text definitions were simplified and shortened as well as terms that were too technical, archaic, and esoteric were deleted. In addition to Webster’s Third, as with all previous editions of this text the words were taken from the collection of citations, which total more than 15,700,000, housed in the offices of the company. 5,700,000 of these citations were not available to the producers of Webster’s Third. Format


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 The Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary is available in print, CD-ROM and through the internet. The CD-ROM and internet editions contain all of the text from the print version as well as some multimedia features such as sound and graphics. Authority This text is published by Merriam-Webster. Accuracy Entries seem to be extremely accurate. Understandability Definitions are precise and clear with an emphasis placed on the contemporary use and pronunciation of the words. Entries are begun by the term in bold type. Following this term each entry includes the part of speech, pronunciation, inflections, etymology, definitions, notes of usage, and any synonyms. If possible the date of the first known occurrence of the word is given. Comprehensiveness This dictionary is one of the most comprehensive of its kind. It draws its words from Webster’s Third International Dictionary which is one of the most comprehensive unabridged dictionaries available. With more than 15,700,000 available citations for use this dictionary includes words that are used both commonly and uncommonly throughout the English speaking world. Currency While Webster’s Third International Dictionary is known to be in need of revision to update many entries an emphasis is place upon having definitions that are consistent with the contemporary use and pronunciation of the words. Value-added features • Separate lists of abbreviations; chemical elements; foreign words and phrases; biographical names; geographical names; signs and symbols are all included. • Contains a Handbook of Style • There are excessive explanatory notes • Explanatory chart at the beginning of the text details each part included in the entries. Cost This dictionary is available through Merriam-Webster for $26.95. This print version comes with the CD-ROM. The internet edition is available online at http://www.merriam-webster.com/ free of charge. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Thesaurus Citation


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Merriam-Webster's collegiate thesaurus. (2003). Springfield, Mass: MerriamWebster. Scope The Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Thesaurus is written for an adult audience and specifically the average college student. Similar to the Collegiate Dictionary the words included in this text are developed from word lists created based on Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. More than 340,000 synonyms, antonyms, and related and contrasted words are included in this text. Format Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Thesaurus is available in print, CD-ROM and through the internet. The Thesaurus is offered as a portion of the Merriam-Webster Online. Authority The thesaurus is published by Merriam-Webster. Accuracy Entries are extremely accurate and informative. Understandability Entries are organized in alphabetical order. Each entry contains a definition of the term, a list of synonyms, antonyms, and other terms that are related or contrast. The key term is separated from the rest of the text by bold font. A useful addition to the text is the guide words that can be found in the top corners of every page. This text also used thousands of examples to display how the words are mean to be used in context. Comprehensiveness The list of words included in this thesaurus is generated based on the citation bank developed for the Webster’s Third New International Dictionary. It is therefore very comprehensive. Currency There is a focus in this text similar to that of the Collegiate Dictionary to keep terms up to date and contemporary. Cost This text cost $18.95 but can be accessed on the internet through http://www.merriam-webster.com/ free of charge. Merriam-Webster Online Citation (2009). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved April 12, 2009, from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Scope Merriam-Webster Online’s online dictionary is based on the print version of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (The 11th edition). Included from this text are the A-Z entries, Abbreviations, Foreign Words and Phrases, Biographical Names, and Geographical Names sections. It also includes illustrations and tables, with the exception of the Signs and Symbols section. In addition to the basic dictionary features there are also a Thesaurus, Spanish/English dictionary and a Medical Dictionary. Format This is an online product that draws its information from several printed texts including Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Thesaurus, and Merriam-Webster’s Medical Dictionary. Authority Published and edited by Merriam-Webster. Accuracy All text is taken from print publications. The text seems to be very accurate. Understandability Entries are easy to understand. Entry titles are given in bold at the top of the page with different possible uses given directly under. Pronunciation, function, etymology, and a definition are all given as well. There is also and interactive feature that reads the word aloud. Comprehensiveness This site encompasses not only a good general dictionary but a thesaurus, Spanish/English Dictionary and a medical dictionary. In addition to these texts they also have daily updates and games to learn spelling. Entries can be found through keyword searching and limited by the type of resource being searched. Currency Due to the online format words are able to update much more quickly that the printed text. This being said almost all text is taken directly from the print versions. Value-added features • Word of the Day • Word Games • Spelling Bee Hive – Has coverage from the national Spelling Bee as well as the words used in the Bee and games with those words. • Links to other sites such as Britannica Online, Learner’s Dictionary, and their online store. • Downloads to have Merriam-Webster Dictionary on Google or your desktop. Cost 31

Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Features on this site are free however many of the link require a subscription to use. Oxford Dictionary of Quotations Citation Knowles, E. (1999). The Oxford dictionary of quotations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Scope The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations compiles more than 20,000 quotations from more than 3,000 authors. The text chronologically spans centuries of literature and documents from 16th-century merchants to currant royalty. Quotations in this text can come from many different locations such as literature, technological and cultural change, or even royal figures. Texts that quotation can come from include: novels; plays; poems; diaries; letters; speeches; and biographies. This dictionary also contains many special sections including: Advertising slogans; Film lines; Newspaper headlines and leaders; and Last words. There is also a significant amount of cross-referencing in this text. Format The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations is available in print format. It is also available through Oxford Reference Online as one of many resources available in their reference package. Authority It is published by Oxford University Press and written and edited by Elizabeth Knowles with Angela Partington. Accuracy The quotations seem to be accurate. Each is taken directly from specific sources and the name of that source as well as page numbers is given in most entries. Understandability Entries are arranged according to alphabetical rules by the author’s surname. Author’s names are followed by the dates of birth and death as well as a brief description as to who they are. Within each author’s entry text are separate by the location the quote was found and within each of these divisions they are arranged alphabetically according to title. Cross references are used throughout the text. Each quotation includes the actual quotation, the year it was published or said, and if possible the location that it was published as well as the page numbers. Two indexes, a thematic index and a keyword index are included to assist in find entries. The thematic index contains a selection of quotations on a specific subject. Each subject heading is followed by a short line from each of the selected quotations as well as a reference to author’s name, page number, and quotation number. The Keyword index organizes words by the most significant in each quotation and allows them to be traced in this way. These key words are kept in strict alphabetical order.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3

Comprehensiveness This dictionary accomplishes exactly what it set out to do, create a complied list of many important quotes from throughout history. Currency For the 1999 edition of this text more than 2,000 brand new quotes were added. While this text does provide current quotations from people and authors of today it is also an important retrospective resource. Value-added features • Contains a selective thematic index which allows the best quotation on given topics to be found. A few samples of topics are age, America, or the press. • Author descriptions for each quote. • Special section including: Advertising slogans; Film lines; Newspaper headlines and leaders; and Last words. Cost The print version of this dictionary can be purchased through Oxford University Press for $50.00. Oxford Reference Online which provides access to the dictionary can be purchased for $19.95 a month or for $159.00 for an annual subscription. Oxford English Dictionary Citation Oxford English Dictionary. 2d ed. 20 vols. New York: Clarendon Press/Oxford University Press, 1989. Purpose / General Information To provide alphabetical series words that have formed in the English language from the first known definition to its most present use along with all relevant facts, pronunciation and etymology. Scope The dictionary lists all definitions associated with the word, the proper spelling, pronunciation, etymology, and other related facts. Format Print Audience Students and scholars. Authority Amassed by the editorial staff with help of organizations and many different individuals. Arrangement and Entry


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Preface, The New oxford English Dictionary Project description, an Introduction including special features, principles of integration, the translation of phonetic systems, new vocabulary, statistics, then general explications of vocabulary, classification of the vocabulary, main words, subordinate words, combinations, derivatives, ordering of entries, ordering of senses, pronunciation, the history of the oxford English dictionary, key to the conventions of the dictionary, key to the pronunciation, List of abbreviations, signs and note on proprietary names. Cost $848 for the full set Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English Citation Partridge, Eric. Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English. 8th ed. New York: Macmillan, 1984. Purpose / General Information To give a comprehensive and educational resource about unconventional colloquial and slang English words from a variety of English speaking countries and cultures. Scope Over 60,000 entries and 2,000 pages. Coverage of English slang worldwide such as; America, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India, South Africa, Ireland, and the Caribbean. Format Print Audience Intended of educational use. Authority Edited by Tom Slzell American Slang expert, Terry Victor a slang-collector and the original author Eric Patridge. Cost $57.95 Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary Citation The Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary. 2d rev. ed. New York: Random House, 1998. Purpose / General Information


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 To provide an affordable comprehensive collection of definition of words from the English language. Scope Over 315,000 entries and over 2,400 maps and illustrations as well as 1,000 entries of new words. Format Print Audience Personal, professional, and institutional library use. Authority Consultants to the editors who expertise in linguistics and the English language. Currency Updates of incorrect entries or modifications to entries. Arrangement and Entry Contents, preface, new words section article, new words listed A-Z, vocabulary entries A-Z. Can be browsed by main entry, definition, or anagram. Each word has the definition, etymology, written pronunciation, date of when word or phrase entered into the English language, part of speech, synonyms, antonyms, and usage. Cost 49.95 Random House Webster’s College Dictionary Citation Random House Webster’s College Dictionary. 2d ed. New York: Random House, 1999. Purpose / General Information To be a source of information about the English language for not only college students but for most inquiring people. Scope The correct spelling, hot it should be hyphenated, pronunciation, variety of forms, the meaning, origins, and history of a vocabulary entry. Format Print Audience College students and most inquiring people.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Authority More than twenty years of research by random house staff. Currency Words are frequently updated from suggestions and comments of users Arrangement and Entry Preface, Staff list, consulting staff list, historical timeline of English language, etymology key, Language key, pronunciation key, foreign sounds key, an article of the Pronunciation of English, then vocabulary entries A-Z. Cost $36.25 Random House Webster’s College Thesaurus Citation Random House Webster’s College Thesaurus. New York: Random House, 1997. Purpose / General Information To give accurate and up-to-date definitions to old and recent vocabulary in the English language. Scope More than 12,000 main entries with synonym and antonym lists, over 400,000 word choices. Sentences giving examples of appropriate context. Format Print Audience College students, writers, public speakers, and scholars. Authority Scholars and experts. Currency Updated every couple of years. Arrangement and Entry Vocabulary entries from A-Z. Cost $22.95 Roget’s II: The New Thesaurus Citation Roget’s II: The New Thesaurus. 3d ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1995.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3

Scope Definitions, full list of synonyms, and appropriate usage, cross-referenced words, and an index which refers to related meanings. Authority Most of the editors contain masters degrees or a Ph.D. Accuracy Each editor specializes in a specific subject to master the vocabulary of that subject to ensure the content is accurate and up-to-date. Arrangement Preface, introduction, how to use this book, vocabulary entries A-Z. Cost $36.99 Roget’s International Thesaurus Citation Roget’s International Thesaurus. 5th ed. New York: HarperCollins, 1992. Scope More than 330,000 words and phrases organized into 1,075 categories, thousands of cross references, hundreds of supplemental words and synonyms. Authority Barbara Ann Kipfer, Ph.D; Dr. Robert L. Chapman, Editor: Greg Chaput and contributions by Dr. Tracy Mansfield. Arrangement Biography of Peter Mark Roget, How to Use this Book, Peter Roget’s Preface to the First Edition, Foreword by Barbara Ann Kipfer, Ph.D, synopsis of categories, abbreviations used in this book, thesaurus of English words and phrases, index, and finally a how tot use this index. Cost $79.81 Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage Citation Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage. Springfield, Mass.: Merriam-Webster, 1989. Purpose


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 The aim of the dictionary is to discuss commonly confused words or phrases explicating them via their historical and modern contexts. Scope There are approximately 500 entries including both idiomatic phrases and commonly misused words. Format It is available in print format and the words are listed in alphabetical order, letter by letter. Authority The authors and editors of the volume are on staff with Merriam-Webster and are listed by name in the preface. Merriam-Webster itself is over 150 years old and one of the most well-regarded leaders in the dictionary publishing industry—it is now a subsidiary of Encyclopedia Britannica. Accuracy Given the authority and the fact that there were five copy editors/proof-readers going over the text, this dictionary is probably as close to accurate as is possible. Understandability Written for a scholarly audience, the language is sophisticated without being convoluted. There are explanatory notes, a guide to pronunciation symbols and a history of English usage in the preliminary pages to assist the reader further. There is also a bibliography at the end of the volume. Comprehensiveness The editors looked through a number of sources with similar concerns to find the subjects of this book and did a thorough job discussing most of the chosen terms/idioms. However, this is only 500 English words; many more are misused or misunderstood everyday and this is only a sampling of what the editors understood to be the most grievous issues. Currency This volume was written in 1989 and the English language, due mainly to the introduction of the World Wide Web, has undergone an enormous overhaul. Another volume was published in 1994 and in 2002 a concise version came out as well. Value-added features The brief history of English usage is particularly useful to the novice. Cost $18.45 for the 1994 edition on Amazon.com. Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Citation Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms. Springfield, Mass: Merriam-Webster, 1984. Purpose A dictionary to help readers understand the subtle distinctions between synonyms. Scope This dictionary distinguishes the differing implications, connotations and applications amongst synonyms to assist the reader in choosing the exact right word. It also lists antonyms as well as analogous and contrast words. Format This dictionary is available in a single volume print edition. In addition to the dictionary, the volume offers a survey of the history of English synonymy, an analysis and definition of both synonym and antonym as well as an introduction to analogous and contrasted words. There are also explanatory notes and a list of the authors quoted in the definitions. Authority Merriam-Webster is one of the oldest publishers in the business and now a subsidiary of Britannica—it is an authority in and of itself. In addition, the writers of the dictionary were all from the editorial staff of Merriam-Webster and are acknowledged in the preface. Accuracy This volume is a revision of a previous edition—the preface acknowledges the editorial staff who put together and revised this edition. Understandability This is a fairly easy to use dictionary, including definitions of the words and, unlike Roget’s Thesaurus, lists of antonyms and analogous words are included with each entry as well. The definitions also use quotations to better explain word distinctions. Comprehensiveness The dictionary is based on American English usage and as such is from a somewhat narrow perspective. Currency The version being evaluated was printed in 1984. Value-added features The way the synonyms are distinguished is very useful—especially the way the synonyms themselves are not only listed but defined so that the distinction can be made exceedingly clear. Some of the quotes really bring the dissimilarities to life. Cost


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 This edition can be purchased for $15.61 at Amazon.com. Webster’s New World College Dictionary. Citation Webster’s New World College Dictionary. 4th ed. New York: MacMillan, 1999. Purpose This dictionary is one of Merriam-Webster’s many that are on the market today. Scope The dictionary’s aim is to assist students in the comprehension of the fairly esoteric words or unusual meanings of familiar words that they are likely to encounter in the course of their university studies. Format This dictionary is in print form—In addition to the dictionary itself there are guides to the dictionary and to pronunciation. There is an essay by S.I. Landau on English language dictionaries as well as a world atlas. There is also an enormous Reference Supplement at the end of the book. Authority There are a vast array of editors, writers and contributors; most of whom have academic credentials and the least of whom is still a scholar in his or her own right. The publisher itself, Merriam-Webster, is one of the best regarded in the industry. Accuracy The dictionary is stored electronically and thus has the double assurance of having been checked over when being digitized. In addition, it took four years to compile this edition and so there was ample time to check for errors. Understandability The entries are nicely presented and easily followed. The word-breaks are particularly useful and comprehensible. The cross-references, idioms and usage labels are especially helpful. Comprehensiveness The editorial staff keeps track of the way language is used via the collection of thousands of expressions and citations each month. These then form the backbone of the revisions to the word definitions. Currency This edition is ten years old and could probably stand to be updated as the technical jargon of the last decade has been woven into our daily English usage. Value-added features


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 The Reference Supplement is by far the most value-adding feature including all manner of useful facts. To name but a few, the supplement contains world, Canadian and US city populations, monetary units, books of the Bible, American Sign Language, commonly used weights and measures, periodic table of elements, the Constitution and the Amendments. Cost This can be purchased at Barnes & Noble for under $30. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language. Citation Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language. Unabridged. Springfield, Mass: Merriam-Webster, 1993. Purpose Merriam-Webster’s comprehensive English dictionary, it defines nearly every word in the English language. It is also the dictionary of choice at the New York Public Library’s Humanities Research Division. Scope This dictionary includes over 450,000 words—there are over 6 million citations included in the definitions. This edition took 757 editor-years to complete. Format It is in one, gigantic printed volume. Authority All of the authority of Merriam-Webster’s 100+ years stands behind this behemoth. In addition, the editorial staff consisted of scholars in almost every major field as well as 200 other supporting staff members. Accuracy Beginning in 1936, dictionary editors began systematically combing through magazines, newspapers, journals, catalogues and books to discover word usage to include in the dictionary—this time-intensive process guarantees a well-developed understanding of word usage. Understandability Enormous tome, tiny print and easily torn pages—every student on earth has dealt with one of these and although it is unwieldy, the definitions it provides are valuable. Comprehensiveness The aim of the dictionary is the entire English language as it is currently being written and spoken. It’s as comprehensive as it gets. Currency


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 This dictionary is now sixteen years old. It does not include most of the new terms derived from internet usage and could stand an update. But if it cost $3.5m to produce this volume in 1993, the cost alone may well be prohibitive. Value-added features In addition to a plethora of features contained in the preliminary pages (explanatory notes on spelling, plurals, capitalization, pronunciation, etc…), there are also more than 50 tables on everything from Easter dates to Morse code to Uralic languages included in the dictionary. In addition, there are eight full page illustrations. Cost This dictionary can be purchased for $81.27 on Amazon.com. Cost Free. World Book Dictionary Citation World Book Dictionary. 2 vols. Chicago: World Book, 1997. Purpose World Book Inc., well-regarded producer of the student encyclopedia, created a similarly simple and user-friendly dictionary. Scope With a clear and concise writing style, the over 225,000 entries are made easily accessible to student readers (age 10+). And the 3000 illustrations not only assist in comprehension but serve to make the 2 volume set less intimidating. Format The dictionary is printed in two volumes. It is also available online through a subscriber service. Included in the print edition is a pronunciation guide, a guide to prefixes/suffixes and capitalization. Authority The dictionary was created for a well-regarded encyclopedia publisher by lexicographers, etymologists and linguists—it does not have the built-in authority of the OED, Merriam-Webster or even Random House, but it is still published by a reputable source. Accuracy Having created 3 million word usage quotations over the better 3rd of a century, the focus of the dictionary is on terms in common usage and not, say, the more esoteric terms found in the OED or Webster’s Unabridged.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 Understandability Though 2 volumes might be a bit cumbersome, the articles are easy to read and begin with the most common form of the word (ie, the one children are most likely to have heard and be comfortable with). Comprehensiveness It is not meant as a comprehensive dictionary; rather it is a self-proclaimed abridged dictionary. However, the definitions are complete enough to be used by children or adults. Currency It is over a decade old at this point, but it is still useful for the words it contains, it is simply lacking in newer ones. Value-added features The online version is the best feature—it allows for keyword searches and for searches of the entire World Book library. Cost The print edition is $89.95 and the online subscription is $79.95. Your Dictionary Citation www.yourdictionary.com Purpose YourDictionary is a website for students and includes well-regarded dictionaries, thesauri and glossaries. Scope Intended for students or those beginning in a new field, YourDictionary has a full range of sources from Webster’s New World Dictionary to community forum discussion on etymologies to Roget’s Thesaurus to the American Slang Dictionary. The website makes available audio pronunciations, language forums and articles as well. Format The dictionary is available online and is free. Authority The site is produced by a media conglomerate (LoveToKnow) but the accuracy of definitions is guaranteed by the dictionary’s publisher, Merriam-Webster. Each definition taken from Webster’s New World Dictionary is sited. Accuracy


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 The definitions from Webster’s New World Dictionary are highly accurate—as a Merriam-Webster publication, one would be hard-pressed to find a serious objection to the validity of the content. Understandability The layout of the webpage is fairly easy to follow, though the Google sponsored ads get in the way. A box including language and translation tools as well as a separate area on how to create an effective search are both useful and on the homepage. Comprehensiveness YourDictionary claims to be the most comprehensive site with over 2500 dictionaries and grammars available in over 300 languages. Currency The website is updated daily, however the important updates are those made by Merriam-Webster and Collins to Webster’s New World and Roget’s Thesaurus. Value-added features The myriad dictionaries and articles that are available via the Language Articles tab are impressive and potentially handy. The community forums are very interesting for “word nerds” and the world games present a fun way to broaden one’s vocabulary. Cost Free. OneLook Dictionaries Citation www.onelook.com Purpose OneLook is a search aggregator and not a dictionary in and of itself. Scope OneLook has access to over 5 million words on 900 different online dictionaries. Users can find definitions of words, sites that translate that word into different languages and find words that fit a certain pattern (eg., b*?d: bard, bead, bird, etc…). Format This is a free online site. Authority Because this is a search aggregator, the user is relying on the dictionaries or websites supplied by OneLook. The site indexes around a thousand different online dictionaries including such standards as the Compact OED, Merriam-Webster’s Online, Webster’s New World, American Heritage and InfoPlease. However, it also


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #3 contains many, many unknown quantities and so the user must be cognizant of the site s/he is sent to. Accuracy Again, the accuracy the user is interested in is not that of the search aggregator, but of the websites themselves. Understandability The site is easy to use and has such novel features as wildcard searches (especially made for crossword buffs) and reverse dictionary searches. Comprehensiveness Searching nearly 1000 sites defines comprehensive. Currency The sites are all updated regularly and OneLook is updated daily. Value-added features The ability to look up phrases is a bonus as is the translation search. But the best feature is the wildcard search that allows partial words to be queried. Though the reverse dictionary search that allows for meanings to be looked up is also a wonderful tool.


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