Evaluation Set #1 Group 4's Complete Assignment

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Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1

Evaluation Set #1 Group 4 Terry Wasserman evaluated numbers 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 Meghan Glasgow evaluated numbers 1, 2, 6, 11, 15 Christina Hill evaluated numbers 10, 13, 16, 17, 20 Jessica Venturo evaluated numbers 9, 12, 14, 18, 19

Reference Sources and Services Spring 2009


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 American Book Publishing Record Citation R.R. Bowker Company. (2008). American book publishing record, Cumulative 2007. New Providence, N.J.: Bowker.

Purpose American Book Publishing Record records all books published or distributed in the United States over the past year.

Scope There are twelve monthly issues combined into the annual record released in March. The 2007 edition contains approximately 55,300 entries. These entries include books, and pamphlets. Not included are government publications, subscription books, dissertations and pamphlets totaling fewer than 49 pages.

Authority The main source of information for the American Book Publishing Record is the MARC records generated by the Library of Congress. The inclusion of pamphlets is more subjective and based on the expertise of the staff.



Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 The American Book Publishing Record is printed monthly with an annual compilation. The 2007 edition is two volumes. Volume one includes general reference and technology, while volume two covers arts, geography, and fiction.

Arrangement The record is arranged in three sections: Dewey 000-900; Adult fiction; and Juvenile. The Dewey section is filled according to Dewey Decimal Numbers while the Adult Fiction and Juvenile are arranged alphabetically. Author, title, and subject indexes are included in the text.

Each entry includes as many of the following as are available: title; added title; subtitle; author statement; edition statement; publication place; publisher; publication date; copyright date; collation; series; general notes; content notes; bibliographical notes; Dewey Numbers; Library of Congress classification numbers; Library of Congress control number; subject tracings; ISBN; binding; and price.

Latest Edition The 2008 edition of ABPR will be released in March of 2009.

Cost 335 dollars per year for monthly editions of the publication downloaded to your computer. The 2008 edition of American Book Publishing Record cost $525.00 for a Hardcopy. This text will be released in March of 2009.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1

Frequency of Publication Monthly with an annual compilation.

Uses and Overall Evaluation This record would be useful for a variety of different reasons. If looking for a specific book or author, the index quickly leads one to the correct page of text. However if simply browsing a subject all possible subject titles need to thought of in order to obtain all possible information.

Bibliographic Index Citation Cooley, L (Ed.). (1991). Bibliographic index: A cumulative bibliography of bibliographies. 1990. New York. H. W. Wilson.

Purpose To create a list of bibliographies published separately and as part of works such as books, pamphlets, and periodicals. It includes information retrieved from other Wilson published texts, as well as several research libraries. The online version Bibliographic Index Plus contains more than 530,000 bibliographies pulled from a variety of texts across many different disciplines.



Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Bibliographic Index includes all bibliographies published within the last five years written in either English or other Western European languages. Not included are non-print items, reprints, catalogs of library holdings, and bibliographies in clinical medicine or case law. All bibliographies published in this work have at least fifty citations with the exception of bibliographies about a person or for specialized or topical material.

Authority Published by W.H. Wilson; the content is pulled from more than 2,800 periodicals and 5,000 books each year.

Format Bibliographic Index can be found in both text and online. Print documents are issued three times a year. Two issues are paper bound and one is a cloth bound edition with and additional four month. Bibliographic Index Plus is the online version and is updated daily.

Arrangement Entries are ordered alphabetically under the main entry. Each main entry is input under a subject heading which conforms to the Library of Congress Subject Headings. For each entry entered under a subject heading there is a full bibliographic citation including author, title, journal or text where the bibliography can be found, date, and page numbers.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1

For the electronic version, Bibliographic Index Plus has an easy to use interface with basic and advanced search options. Search terms allowed for limits by year, peerreviewed material, page images, document type, and physical description. This program also has a detailed search history, thesaurus, and a print/email/save option.

Special Features Some special features available through Bibliographic Index Plus are: Retrospective coverage back to 1982; Links to OPAC; Full text of more than 185,000 bibliographies; and daily updates.

Limitations All bibliographies must contain 50 citations or more to be included. The exceptions to this rule are for bibliographies of works about a person or for a specialized or topical material. Also many bibliographies that would have previously appeared in the print version are only included in the electronic version.

Latest Edition 2004

Cost Bibliographic Index cost 545 dollars for the print version.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Frequency of Publication Bibliographic Index Plus is updated daily while the print version is updated three times a year. Two issues are paper bound and contain four months of the year while the final third is cloth bound and contain both of the paper printings as well as an additional four months.

Books in Print Citation Books in Print. (2007-2008). New Providence, N.J.: Bowker.

Purpose The purpose of this source is to provide absolute coverage of every book within its spectrum that is currently being published or distributed in the United States for librarians and members of the book trade market.

Scope Provides entries for all books published after 2000 and active ISBNs. This edition features 1,854,150 active titles published from 2000 on and 3,107,383 active ISBNs representing 72,240 publishers. There are over 294,282 new titles and 328,762 new ISBNs in this edition. The only books not included in this list are books not for sale in the U.S., books not available to the general public, books without a title for sale, ebooks, unbound materials, on-demand books, periodicals, serials and music librettos. (E-books and on-demand books can be found in the online version of Books in


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Print). Books in Print is similar to Forthcoming Books in its scope and differs only in that the latter includes only books about to be published, whereas the former includes only books that are published.

Authority The publisher of Books in Print, Bowker, has been at this for over 60 years and has nearly perfected the system of collecting and disseminating information about books currently in print. Bowker gives publishers 24/7 online access to submit or update publication information using either Bowkerlink or EDI—publishers can also call, fax and write in entries. Bowker relies on the book publishers to provide accurate information, the book publishers in turn rely on Bowker to get their books out to libraries and booksellers—quid pro quo, the source is as accurate as everyone involved can make it.

Format In print and online

Arrangement Designed to be easily searchable by both author and title, Books in Print is a seven volume work. The first through fourth volume are arranged alphabetically by title, volume five concludes titles and begins the section alphabetically arranged by authors. Volume six is dedicated solely to authors and volume seven contains the conclusion of authors and the indexes for publisher and distributor. Each entry


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 contains as many of the following as available: title, subtitle, contributors, edition number and information, publication year, pagination, audience code, binding type, price in USD, asterisk identifies ISBN new to this edition of BIP, publisher’s abbrev. name, foreign publisher ISO code, USA distributor’s abbrev. name.

Special Features The most useful feature of this reference work is its online component. Having the ability to search the print edition via both title and author is convenient; nothing is easier than doing a keyword search online. In addition, the online version has a forthcoming books room which lets the user see “yet-to-be-published” titles, a “fiction connection” site that assists in choosing new reading based on old favorites, a user-friendly website designed for patron use, complimentary online training session, and a “non-fiction connection” assisting readers in finding non-fiction based on prior interests.

Limitations The limits of the print edition are fairly evident: books get published more than once a year. The online version, however, is updated continuously and so is more up-todate. In addition, not having a subject search in the print edition, though spacesaving, is a disadvantage. The online version, again, corrects this problem with the ability to keyword search.

Latest Edition


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 The most recent print edition is the 2008-2009.

Cost $980. If the purchaser enrolls in a standing order, s/he can save 10% on this edition and 5% on all subsequent editions.

Frequency of Publication/Update The print edition is updated annually; the online version is updated continuously.

British Books in Print Citation Whitaker’s Books in Print. 2003. Surrey, England: Nielsen Book Data.

Purpose To provide librarians, researchers and booksellers with a comprehensive list of British books which are in print.

Scope Whitaker’s contains titles that are available to the general public through the book trade in the U.K. English language titles published in Continental Europe as well as titles published else-where with English language text and available through a sole stockholding agent in the UK are also included. Only the more important pamphlets and books costing less than 15p are recorded.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1

Authority Whitaker’s has been compiling this list for over 120 years, since its founder, Joseph Whitaker, published The Reference Catalogue of Current Literature in 1874.

Format The print format published in five volumes is published regularly. There are also microfiche editions that are updated every month or week (depending on service purchased) and Whitaker’s Bookbank CD-Rom, which is updated monthly or bimonthly (depending on service purchased). There are a number of CD-Rom and online options including Whitaker’s Bookbank Global CD-Rom which includes all English language publications, Whitaker’s Bookbank OP CD-Rom which is available quarterly, Book Data’s Bookwise CD-Rom, Book Data’s Premier CD, Book Data’s Compact World CDE, Book Data’s TES CD-Rom, Online Whitaker LibWeb (especially for libraries), Online Whitaker PubWeb (especially for publishers), Book Data’s BD connect, Whitaker Web and Book-find online.

Arrangement The books are listed in alphabetical sequence of authors, titles and subjects. All titles can be found under both author and title; the main entry is the author entry and it is indicated so by being in bold. The editions was printed in five volumes, the first containing A-C, the second D-H, the third I-N, the fourth O-St and the fifth Su-Z. A directory of publishers and their ISBN prefix listings is also included. Each entry


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 includes as much as can be obtained of the following: author, title, subtitle, volume, pagination, illustrations, edition, series, binding if not hardback, price, publisher, date of publication, classification and ISBN.

Special Features The myriad different websites and CD-Roms geared towards the variety of needs of the modern librarian, bookseller and publisher are astonishing. The book itself supplies all of the basic information about every book published in the UK that year; though, as was mentioned about the print edition of Books in Print, the problem there is self-evident, books are not published annually but rather continuously. However, the websites take are of that.

Limitations Without a more recent edition, the print version is obsolete. The online versions, however, are very useful. The time-saving of an online search and the ease of a keyword search are very helpful.

Latest Edition Whitaker was bought and swallowed by Nielsen who retained many of the Whitaker websites but did not continue publishing the British Books in Print, rather the reference giant Bowker is now publishing their own version, Bowker’s Books in Print, and the most recent edition was 2006. A supplement, Bowker’s Books in Print Supplement 2007-2008, was published in 2008.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1

Cost $799 for the 2006 edition and $546 for the 2007-2008 supplement.

Frequency of Publication/Update The online sources are updated continuously; however the print source seems to be lagging behind. At the moment it appears the print is being updated bi-annually, but in the book publishing business that is simply not often enough.

Children’s Catalog Citation Price, A. & Yaakov, J. (Eds.). (2001). Children’s Catalog. (18th ed.). New York: The H.W. Wilson Co.

Purpose To provide teachers and librarians with the a comprehensive list of appropriate reading for children from pre-school to grade six. There are also professional aids for children’s librarians and school media specialists.

Scope Children’s Catalog is a selective list of contemporary and classical Children’s fiction. The list includes books, magazines and web resources for children aged 3-12. The books range from modern favorites to beloved classics. The 18th edition includes


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 nearly 7,000 titles. Annual supplements will be produced covering additional fictional works. The books included in the catalog are either written in or translated into English-- only books published in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. and distributed in the U.S. are included.

Authority The Catalog is prepared with the assistance of an advisory committee of experts in library service for children and then the list that the committee agrees upon is then voted on by a group of experienced librarians consulting on the project. It does this much in the same vein as the Fiction Catalog.

Format Print and online versions available (the latter through WilsonWeb at an additional cost).

Arrangement The catalog is arranged into four parts: 1. The Classified Catalog which is listed according to Dewey, followed by Fiction, Story Collections, Easy Books and NonFiction Classics. Part 2. is a List of Recommended Web Resources, 3. the Author, Title, Subject & Analytical Indicies, which serve as comprehensive keys to the classified list, and part 4. the Directory of Publishers and Distributors. For book or story entries, the following are included whenever available: author, title, responsibility statement, publisher, date of publication, pagination, illustration note,


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 series note, price binding and grade level. Availability of CD-Rom or Audio versions are also indicated. For web resources the following are included: title, publisher’s name, telephone, price for subscription services, grade level and URL.

Special Features For the first time, a list of web resources is included in this version (replacing the CD-Rom reference works list). Out-of-print books are also listed in the catalog, giving it a broader depth than simply contemporary literature. The online version offers additional content, allows for keyword searches and entries can contain links to book reviews, from Wilson’s Book Review Digest Plus, either full text or in abstract. In addition, the online version allows for simultaneous searching of other WilsonWeb databases and allows the checking of a local library via OPAC.

Limitations This is not an exhaustive list, rather it is a group of books selected by the editors and the librarians who made up the consulting group that voted on the books to be included. So, it can be a very useful catalog as it is pre-censored, but it is a list of suggested works and not a comprehensive list of all adult fiction.

Latest Edition 2006



Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 The print version is $195, including the cost of the annual supplements. With the purchase of an online subscription, the print edition can be purchased at half price.

Frequency of Publication/Update Print versions are published every five years and the online version is updated continuously.

Cumulative Book Index Citation Cumulative book index, 1993. Vol.1. (1994). H. W. Wilson.

Purpose A record of all English books published throughout the world from 1933 through 1999. The publication stopped printing in March 2000.

Scope Cumulative Book Index catalogs all books published internationally in English. Excluded works include: government documents; maps; music scores; books with fewer than 50 pages except fro poetry, play, bibliographies, juvenile literature, and scholarly works; editions limited to five hundred of fewer copies; self-published works; genealogies, prospectuses, tests, or material of a local nature. Works completely in a language other than English are not included with the exceptions of:


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 dictionaries; grammars; phrase-books; readers; editions of foreign classics; and other aids to language learning.

Authority Cumulative Book Index is published by H.W. Wilson.

Format Cumulative Book Index was published in print format.

Arrangement Entries are arranged in an alphabetical list according to the Library of Congress Filing Rules. There are author, title, and subject entries. The subject heading follow the Library of Congress Subject Headings. A Directory of Publishers and Distributors can be found at the end of the second volume.

Each entry may contain full name, complete title, series, edition, illustration statement, pagination, binding, price, date of publication, and publisher. The International Standard Book Number and Library of Congress control number are given when available.



Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Many different types of publications including government documents, maps, selfpublished works, and other are not included in this work. Also publication was ended in March of 2000.

Latest Edition 2000

Cost Not in Print

Uses and Overall Evaluation Although this text is not longer in print it can be used as a retrospective look at what was in print, in English, internationally from 1933 through 1999.

Fiction Catalog

Citation Greenfieldt, J. & Yaakov, J. (Eds.). (2006). Fiction Catalog. (15th ed.). New York: The H.W. Wilson Co.

Purpose The Catalog is meant to assist both librarians and patrons in choosing interesting fiction. It assists librarians in choosing which books to acquisition and which to


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 potentially weed as well as giving patrons a well thought-out list of worthwhile fiction. It is similar to both the Public Library Catalog (its reference and non-fiction companion volume) as well as the Children’s Catalog in both preciseness of scope and authority of compilers.

Scope The 1908 version makes the claim of presenting the best fiction of all time, so the scope is a bit imprecise, but roughly from early English classics to modern adult fiction. The Fiction Catalog is a selective list of contemporary and classical adult fiction. The 15th edition includes 8,000 titles, nearly 3,000 more than the previous edition. It also lists 800 analytical entries for novellas and novels contained within other works. Three annual supplements will be produced covering 2000 additional fictional works. The books included in the catalog are either written in or translated into English-- only books published in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. and distributed in the U.S. are included.

Authority The Catalog was compiled by seasoned librarians from across the country who collectively voted on titles creating a very learned and very broad-based consensus. The names of the key librarians are listed in the acknowledgements.



Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Print and online versions are available (the online edition is available through WilsonWeb at an additional cost).

Arrangement The main part of the catalog lists works alphabetically by author. The second part of the catalog is a title and subject index. The catalog also includes a list of publishers. Entries include all of the available bibliographic information: author, title, publisher, date of publication, pagination, illustration note, price, out-of-print status, reprint publication data, ISBN and LOC control number.

Special Features One of the most important features of the print edition is the access users gain to materials based on subject, theme or genre via the Subject index. Out-of-print books are also listed in the catalog, giving it a broader depth than simply contemporary literature. There is also the companion publication, Public Library Catalog: Guide to Reference Books and Adult Nonfiction, which readers interested in biography or literary history might want to examine. The online version offers additional content, allows for keyword searches and entries can contain links to book reviews, from Wilson’s Book Review Digest Plus, either full text or in abstract. In addition, the online version allows for simultaneous searching of other WilsonWeb databases and permits one to check his/her local library for the title via OPAC.



Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 This is not an exhaustive list; rather it is a group of books selected by the editors and the librarians who made up the consulting group that voted on the books to be included. So, it can be a very useful catalog as it is pre-censored, but it is a list of suggested works and not a comprehensive list of all adult fiction.

Latest Edition 2006

Cost The print version is $240, including the cost of the annual supplements. With the purchase of an online subscription, the print edition can be purchased at half price.

Frequency of Publication/Update 15 editions have been published since 1908. However, the online version is updated either daily or weekly, depending on need.

Forthcoming Books Citation Forthcoming Books. 43 (1). (Spring 2008). New Providence, N.J.: Bowker.

Purpose To provide librarians, booksellers and others with the most up-to-date bibliographic information possible about books being published in the coming quarter.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1

Scope This is a list of books being published between March-June of 2008, it includes 34,143 titles from 1,982 publishing houses. The only books not included in this list are books not for sale in the U.S., books not available to the general public, books without a title for sale, e-books, unbound materials, on-demand books, periodicals, serials and music librettos. (E-books and on-demand books can be found in another Bowker title, Books in Print).

Authority Bowker’s is a highly respected publisher, having published Books in Print for over 60 years, and receives bibliographic information about the books from the publishing houses themselves. In fact, Bowker’s Electronic Data Interchange is available online 24/7, making it quick and easy for publishers to submit or update bibliographic data on forthcoming books.

Format In print—an online version is also available via the forthcoming books room of booksinprint.com.

Arrangement Modeled after the Library of Congress catalogue but with more detailed subject headings (eg., not just Accounting, but Cost Accounting). However, Forthcoming


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Books includes four headings not found in the LOC: Fiction, Geographical, Drama and Children’s Fiction. The headings are arranged alphabetically. One can look under subject, author or title indicies to find a book. Each entry includes all or as many of the following as possible: author, title, subtitle, edition number, edition information, editors, LOC control number, series title and number, illustrations, pagination, audience code, grade range, publication year, type of binding, price, ISBN, publisher’s order number, additional binding ype, price information, foreign publication symbol and US distributor.

Special Features Bowker’s has been printing Forthcoming Books for over sixty years and has nearly perfected its system of providing up-to-date bibliographical information to its users. Via Bowker’s Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), which is available 24 hours a day online, publishers can submit or update bibliographic data on forthcoming books whenever it is convenient for them to do so. Bowker’s then updates its own online database, the forthcoming books room found via booksinprint.com, continuously. Other useful features for librarians and booksellers alike are the audience code and grade range that are included in most entries, making it easier to connect the right type of books with the right people.

Limitations Forthcoming Books is a very thorough reference work and has few limitations—the online version is easy to search, via booksinprint.com and has nearly up-to-the-


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 minute information. The print version does have small type and though the subject headings are more detailed, a researcher may not be readily able to find the specific subject s/he is interested in given the limited number of headings.

Latest Edition Spring 2009 is the most recent edition, however the online database, as previously mentioned, is updated continuously.

Cost $299.95 per annum

Frequency of Publication/Update The print version is printed quarterly and the online version is update continuously.

Fulltext Sources Online

Citation Fulltext Sources Online. (2009). Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc.

Purpose The purpose for this publication is to provide libraries and researchers with information on where periodicals could be found in full text online.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Scope FSO includes entries for 16,873 publications, which appear in 25 different aggregator products in full text. Contact information is provided for the aggregators and vendors as well. The resource also lists 2,440 URLs that provide free web archives.

Authority Information in this directory is obtained directly through aggregators and publishers who provide full text articles online, and compiled by the directory staff.

Format Fulltext Sources Online is a print directory of publications available in full text from major database vendors. An electronic version and a web-based version also exist.

Arrangement Entries in FSO are arranged alphabetically by title. The introduction includes bulleted tips for using the resource, and sample entry with a key. A list of all URLs within the text appears ahead of the main section. Subject, geographic, and languages indexes are also included, along with contact information for each of the aggregators listed.

Special Features The listing of URLs includes web pages that contain free archives.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1

Latest Edition January 2009

Frequency of Publication Biannually in January and July

Cost Individual issues are available from the publisher for $149.

Uses and Overall Evaluation This directory would be useful to libraries who are looking to subscribe to a database that included specific periodicals, or for researchers who are looking for a specific periodical or articles on a specific subject online.

Gale Citation Gale’s Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media. 2005. 140th edition. (New York: Thomsen Gale).

Scope Latest Edition of Gale was published this year in 2009 with another to be published in September 2009. This material excludes newsletters and directories. There are


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Five Volumes; Volume 1: Alabama-New Hampshire, Volume 2: New JerseyWyoming and Canada, Volume 3: Indexes, Volume 4: Regional Market Index, Volume 5: International. The information provided is through media professionals who responded to requests for updates of their information by the Gale publishers. There are daily removals of organizations identified as ceased.

Listings of radio, cable, and television stations as well as companies. The addresses, fax, telephone, webpage, email, date when founded, subscription rates, availability, and top ranking employees are listed.

Authority Publisher websites, publication websites, and replies from organizations.

Format Comes in print and is distributed in the United States, Canada, and other countries. It continues to be published as well as free updates sent out as a supplementary issued in between editions. There are electronic formats available as a database at their website gale.com/bizdev.

Arrangement The material is arranged alphabetically by state then by Canadian regions followed by International Countries. Within those alphabetized states, regions, and countries the companies and stations are alphabetized by name. Within the station and


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 companies information the name of the company, enumerated on the left, there is the address, Telephone number, fax number, Email address, Owner’s name, hours of operation, Key personnel employee, their rates or subscription price, and URL.

Special Features Supplementary updates are sent in between editions.

Cost $1,100 as listed in BookInPrint.com

Jake Citation (2003). Jointly administered knowledge environment. Retrieved March 16, 2009, from Jake Web site: http://jake.openly.com/

Purpose Jake or the Jointly Administered Knowledge Environment is the first open source URL link-server. It links to several databases which have a variety of articles and journals.

Scope The scope of Jake is hard to determine as no preface or “about Jake” section are available on the website. A quick search however provides a large range of materials


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 from a variety of sources including HealthWatch, ERIC, Academic Universe, Informe, Biology Digest, and many others. Based on this search it is evident that many different disciplines are covered as well as more than one language is used.

Authority Jake is an open source network associated with Cushing/Whitney Medical Library at Yale University School of Medicine, and Genamics.

Format The format for Jake is an online search engine maintained by Open Source technology.

Arrangement Jake uses a search option in order to obtain results. If the title of the journal or database or the ISSN is known the items can be found easily. Further search options include “sounds like” and “don’t auto-truncate” buttons. There are locations for further information such as volume, issue, pages, and year.

Each entry contains the following information: the name of a database or journal; the Jake ID number; type of publication; ISSN; the number of databases is it indexed in; whether full-text documents exist; and the names of the databases in which it is indexed.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Cost Free

Frequency of Publication Updated daily

Uses and Overall Evaluation This website is hard to understand and use. The interface is not user friendly and there are very few search options. Although some interesting and beneficial results can be obtained from a search most links do not work and any real links to information is hard to find. Overall this site is disappointing and needs to be better maintained.

Magazines for Libraries Citation Laguardia, C., & Katz, W. A. (2008). Magazines for libraries. New Providence, N.J.: ProQuest.

Purpose The purpose of this publication is to provide information on periodicals for readers, school libraries, and public libraries. The publication is distinguishes itself from other bibliographies featuring periodicals because it aims to be an authority on the usefulness of serials to a library’s collection, and inclusion in the work should be


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 considered a recommendation. Its annotations are more detailed and critical than other works of its kind.

Scope The publication contains bibliographic data on magazines, journals, and newsletters that might be useful for public, academic, and school libraries. It aims to contain only the highest quality publication within the given specifications. It gives a good overview of general publications that might be available on a given topic, but those looking for a periodical on a very specific topic may not find what they are looking for.

Published in December of 2008, the work appears to be quite current. Web addresses are provided for most publications. However, few, if any, exclusively online publications are listed.

Authority Information is provided by publishers compiled by subject specialists working for Magazines for Libraries.

Format Magazines for Libraries is a print index that provides bibliographic data and descriptions of in-print periodicals.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Arrangement The bibliography is organized by alphabetically subject heading, then alphabetically by title. The table of contents displays the order in which the subject headings occur. There are cross references within the text. The indexes list entries by title, by ISSN, and by topic. Each entry is formatted consistently, with a sample entry and description of each part of the entry in the “How to Use this Book” section. There is also a glossary for abbreviations used, and a list of suggested abstracts and indexes.

Each entry is followed by a short, critical annotation about the work. According to the “How to Use this Book” section, the annotations describe “the scope, purpose, and intent of each magazine, bias (if any), and target audience”. While the annotations provide information on strengths and weaknesses, inclusion of the title in Magazines for Libraries should be considered a recommendation.

Special Features The most obvious special feature associated with this publication is the extended annotations.

Libraries may also subscribe to an updating service for this publication through Ulrichsweb.com.

Latest Edition 17th edition


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1

Frequency of Publication Yearly

Cost Available for purchase from publisher’s website (Bowker) for $330.

Nation Union Catalog Citation Library of Congress, & American Library Association. (1968). The National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints; A cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. London: Mansell.

Purpose The purpose of the National Union Catalog was to create a list of holdings of major research libraries in the United States and Canada. More than 1,000 libraries reported their holdings over a 70 year period to create this list.

Scope There is entries for all motion pictures even the filmstrips and are not available in microform. It includes new and previous cataloging information in the Library of Congress catalog cards. Each catalog entry includes the film’s producers and


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 distributing agencies. Since 1957 the cards that are included in the National Union Catalog have been Catalog by the Library of Congress but were previously provided by other sources. There is also a list of abbreviations, marks, and symbols used in the entries.

The Nation Union Catalog covers all film and motion picture materials located in the library of congress catalog. It also has a list of film distributor companies, production companies, and addresses of said companies.

Authority The content is collected from 1,000 different libraries but began as the card catalogue of the Library of Congress, to be distributed to libraries. The American Library Association sponsored the printing.

Format The format is in print and comes in 754 volumes. It is the written out form of the catalog cards. It is compiled by the Catalog Maintenance and Catalog Publication Division of the Library of Congress. They are listed as those to contact if further inquiry or correction is needed. This is no longer published; however, the Library of Congress now has its catalog with all of its materials online at catalog.loc.gov.



Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 The first portion lists different Film Libraries, Distributers, Production Companies, and Manufacturers. The National Union Catalog goes on to list Production companies and the films produced by them. The films produced include the length, whether or not it is in color, the year distributed, if it was shot in more than one part or sequence, subject words that can be associated with the film, and a brief summary.

Latest Edition The latest available edition lists that it ranges in movies from 1968-1972 and is available online on the Internet Archive Search Database.

Frequency of Publication/Update It is no longer published or updated but is preserved online and in library reference archive sections.

New Serial Titles

Citation Library of Congress, & R.R. Bowker Company. (1975). New serial titles, 19501970, subject guide. New York: Bowker.



Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 The purpose of this work was to provide bibliographic data on the serials received by the Library of Congress and other participating libraries. This would be a useful list to researchers and non-participating libraries.

Scope According to the preface, “entries [were] included for all titles regardless of initial data of publication or type of serial” with the exception of newspapers, which were not included.

The directory began publication in 1950 when Union List of Serials ceased publication. This directory ceased publication in 1999. It is assumed that the Library of Congress chose to focus its efforts on expanding its online catalog, rather than maintaining a print record. The new title is misleading in that it implies it is a directory of newly published serials, rather than a continuation of the union list.

Authority Information is compiled from the card catalogs of the Library of Congress and participating libraries.

Format New Serial Titles was both a print index and a union catalog, providing information on new and reformatted periodicals as they were published from 1950 onward.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Arrangement This work was compiled from the cataloging records of the Library of Congress and other participating libraries. The entries in this directory are set up like a “card catalog”. Because a group of libraries were responsible for compiling the entries for this directory, there is little consistency from record to record.

The publication has two volumes. Periodicals in this index are arranged alphabetically by title, with volume one covering A-K and volume 2 holding M-Z. Cross reference are provided for journals with former titles. New additions to the collection, title changes, periodicals experiencing a new start, and periodicals in prepublication are clearly marked. An ISSN index is also included.

The majority of entries in this directory depended on Library of Congress Subject Headings to describe the listed periodical. In some cases, a short description was provided in addition.

Special features A list of participating libraries is included, and each entry indicates which libraries receive the periodical. The list indicates whether libraries lend periodicals, or whether they can furnish photocopies or microfilms.

Latest Edition The latest cumulative edition of this reference was published in 1999.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1

Frequency of Publication Monthly, with culminations

Cost The Cataloging Distribution Service of the Library of Congress is offering annual accumulations for a discounted price of $135 in North America, and $165 outside of North America.

OCLC Online Union Catalog Citation OCLC. (1992). OCLC FirstSearch. [Dublin, Ohio]: OCLC. http://newfirstsearch.oclc.org/FSIP.

Purpose The purpose of OCLC is to connect libraries and countries to work together in order to create a global resource which has as much organized material as possible. It is through the resources of OCLC that many digital problems are being dealt with and solved such as access, discovery, delivery, and preservation of content.



Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 The scope of OCLC includes: Every type of physical and electronic format such as books, videos, serial publications, articles, recorded books and music, sheet music, genealogical references and many more; popular and rare resources; and materials in more than 470 languages ranging from 112 countries and territories.

Authority OCLC creates its’ large databases with the help of libraries from around the world. The Preseident and Chief executive officer is Robert L. Jordon. Other administrators are Rick J. Schwieterman, Karen Calhoun, Rein van Charldorp, Bruce Crocco, Lorcan Dempsey, Catherine K. De Rosa, and many others.

Format Access to OCLC is available through different search tools such as FirstSearch. FirstSearch works with WorldCat and other OCLC programs to bring the most comprehensive search possible to users. Through FirstSearch there are more than 85 million records, several million of which are full-text. The web interface is easy to use and can be customized to each user.

Arrangement Results in FirstSearch are returned according to the default ranking called “Number of Libraries.” This means that records are ranked according to the amount of libraries in possession of the item, with the records that are held the most being recalled at the top of the list.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1

Entries Entries are input according to MARC formatting rules designed by the Library of Congress.

Special Features •

Limited free versions of WorldCat are available at WorldCat.org

Link to your library’s web-based catalog

Seven different choices for interface languages including English, French Spanish, and Japanese

Uses and Overall Evaluation The Online Union Catalog is easy to use and has a more comprehensive list of resources than any other catalog today. With billions of records and millions of fulltext articles OCLC is extremely effective in today’s digital age. OCLC can be used to find out which titles a library holds, or to place an ILL request within FirstSearch. Its quick responses, large collection and easy to use features make it one of the best resources of the day.

Cost Some elements of WorldCat are available for free at WorldCat.org.

Frequency of Publication


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Updated consistently PubList Citation PubList.com. Infotrieve. http://www.publist.com/

Scope The information provided about publications is the title, formats available, publisher address, editor contact information, ISSN number, and circulation information. Journals could be in .pdf format or photocopies of full-text.

Subscription access to print and electronic publications of magazines, journals, ejournals, newsletters, monographs, formats of titles, publisher address, editor contacts, ISSN numbers and circulation information. Infotriece allows for abstract and full-text access to online journals.

Authority Publishing companies of the searchable titles provide the information.

Format It is an electronic-based reference website with access to publication information of print and electronic publications such as; magazines, e-journals, newsletters, monographs, and journals.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Arrangement The search quick search options provide a title search only, however, the advanced search options a search can be conducted by title, publisher, subject, ISSN, and country of publication.

Special Features A feature called Infotrieve can give access to the full-text version of journal articles over the internet.

Cost PubList.com is free however, journal articles can be purchased.

The Reader’s Adviser Citation The Reader’s Adviser. 1994. 14th edition. 6 volumes. New Providence, New Jersey: R.R. Bowker, A Reed Reference Publishing Company.

Purpose Materials are meant for use of librarians and patrons. Originally compiled by a bookseller it is intended to give book retailers a basic inventory of essential print titles to recommend to costumers. It is a guide to classic titles which include their bibliographic details. It also includes encyclopedias, chronology of authors included


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 in the material, rare books, literature divided into time periods and origin, as well as a list of other novels written by the author.

Scope It has a list of abbreviations, chronology of authors, reference works, and bibliographies: historical, analytical, enumerative, it lists titles from literatures from certain cultures i.e. Volume 1: The Best in Reference Works, British Literature and American Literature, Volume 2: The best in World Literature, Volume 3: The best in Social Sciences, History, and the Arts, Volume 4: The Best in Philosophy and Religion, Volume 5: The best in Science, Technology, and Medicine.

Authority Published by R.R. Bowker.

Format Print form

Arrangement It first shows the contents of the material, then the preface, which explains the historical origins of the material, a list of abbreviations used in the material, the chronology of the authors, the introduction, and then the titles of Reference Works, British Literature, and American Literature in Volume 1.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Special Features Includes tips for book collectors, tools for book selection, as well as tools for periodical and newspaper identification.

Cost $140 per volume but can receive the whole set for $500 as listed by their publishers Greenwood Publishing Group http://www.greenwood.com/catalog/BORA146V3.aspx.

Standard Periodical Directory

Citation The Standard Periodical Directory 2009. (2009). Oxbridge Communications.

Purpose The purpose of the Standard Periodical Directory is to be a comprehensive bibliography of periodicals in the United States and Canada. It does not limit entries based on quality, but strives to be as thorough as possible within its geographic limitations. It would serve as a good alternative to the print version of Ulrich’s for small libraries who have little need for access to foreign serials.



Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 This index lists a total of 64,355 titles, which include magazines, journals, newspapers, newsletters, journals, directories, and yearbooks. Many of these publications are exclusively online, but most are in print with an online presence.

Authority Information is provided by publishers and edited for clarity and brevity by directory staff.

Format The Standard Periodical Directory is comprehensive a print index of periodicals published in the United States and Canada.

Arrangement The periodicals in the directory are listed alphabetically by subject, and then by title. The table of contents lists the page number for each subject heading. There is a title index, as well as an index for periodicals that have changed their names.

The information within the directory is provided by publishers, but it is edited by the directory’s staff for clarity and brevity. It is unclear whether the authors have viewed the materials or not.

Each entry includes a one-sentence description of the publication, which provides a clear statement of the scope and purpose of the title without criticism.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1

This index appears to be very current. It contains web-based publications, such as online magazines and blogs, in addition to print materials.

Latest Edition The latest edition published is the Standard Periodical Directory 2009.

Frequency of Publication Yearly

Cost Available for purchase through the publisher for $1895

Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory Citation Ulrich's international periodicals directory: A classified guide to current periodicals, foreign and domestic. (2000). New York: R.R. Bowker.

Purpose The purpose of Ulrich’s is to provide libraries with a comprehensive index of periodicals published worldwide. Both the print and online versions of Ulrich’s were created to be used in libraries.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Scope This publication was first published in 1932, and continues today. It aims to be a comprehensive directory of periodicals available throughout the world, in-print or online. The print version is published in four volumes. The current addition contains over 218,290 serials classified under 898 subject headings. 62,061 of these are available exclusively online, or in addition to other media.

According to its “FAQ” section, the online version has a greater number of entries and more detail to its entries than the print version. It also has more access points available for searching.

Authority This directory is a collaborative effort between Ulrich's staff, information specialists, serialists, national libraries, and serials publishers who continuously update, maintain, and add to its collection.

Format Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory is both a print index and an online database of periodicals published around the world.

Arrangement The print version is arranged alphabetically by subject heading, with the first three volumes of the work containing classified listings of serials, and the fourth volume


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 containing a title index, an ISSN index, an index of publications of international organizations, and listings of U.S. newspapers, ceased serials, serials online and serials on CD-ROM. The “User’s Guide” section provides information on the formatting of each entry, along with a sample entry and key. It also explains the meaning of symbols that appear next to the titles. A “Subject Guide to Abstracting and Indexing” is included, along with a translation of the subject headings into French, German, and Spanish.

Online, serials may be browsed according to 21 different classifications, including title, subject, language, country of publication, Dewey Decimal Number, etc. Advanced searching options are available to connect users to periodicals through every possible access point.

Special Features Because of the scope and size of the print version of Ulrich’s it is limited in the special features it can offer. The online resource is offered as an alternative to the print version, rather than a supplement.

The online version contains a variety of special features. A desktop alert feature keeps subscribers updated on serials that are added to the directory, have changed names, or have ceased publication. Free technical support and product training are available with each subscription.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1 Latest Edition The 47th edition is the latest publication of the print version. The online version is updated continuously.

Frequency of Publication A new edition of the print version is published yearly. The online version is updated on a daily basis.

Cost The print version may be purchased through the publisher for $966. A subscription to the online version depends on the type of library the product will serve and how many individuals will use the product.

What Do I Read Next? Citation What Do I Read Next? Reader's adviser. Thompson Gale. http://0-rqst-agent.autographics.com.csulib.ctstateu.edu/LoginModule /Goto.aspx?cuid=rqst&dataid=52

Scope It ranges from older publications as well as the latest titles and ranges in both fiction and non-fiction. There are over 100,000 searchable titles include Adult, Children, and Young Adult non-fiction and fiction.


Group 4 – Glasgow, Hill, Venturo, and Wasserman – Evaluation Set #1

Authority Printed by Thompson Gale.

Format Accessed online through agent or IConn.org in which literature both fiction and nonfiction can be searched. New titles are added couple times a year.

Arrangement The information is accessed through basic and advanced search tools with a keyword search, exact title, series, genres, and award winners. Include characters or the locations in the book, description, date of publication, a list of books also written by the author, and books of a similar nature.

Special Features Award winning books are searchable within the database.


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