Evaluation Of Online Learning

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  • Words: 568
  • Pages: 6
Sultan Qaboos University College of Education Learning & Instructional Technology Department TECH4102: Evaluation in Educational Technology Spring 2009

Evaluating an E-learning Tutorial "Workplace English"

Done by: Amal AL-Balushi (66755) Khadeejah AL-Shidhani (61344) Course instructor: Dr Alaa Sadik, [email protected]

Overview: This project is about e-learning tutorial that is provided by Athabasca University. The tutorial contains lessons and interactive exercises for practicing English grammar. It helps to improve communication in the workplace which is divided into the following sections: •

Trades and Labour.

Health and Wellness.

Administration and



Retail and Sales.

Banking and Personal

Food Services and

Finance. •


Hospitality and Tourism. It includes 86 units contained in the following grammar

sections: •

Adjectives & Adverbs.

The Basic Sentence.






The Passive.

How & Why?

The Noun Phrase.

Connecting Ideas

Types of sentences.

It uses a variety of media such as text, audio and video. This is the link for the tutorials: http://www.wpeau.ca/ Purpose: Evaluating the learning environment of Workplace English in terms of: •

Tutorial and assessment component.

Interaction component.

Management component.

Support component.

Instruments: The researchers used some items from the survey provided by the Centre for Research in Distance & Adult Learning in The Open University of Hong Kong. It is provided in this site http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/doviles/index.html. They used Survey Console to create their survey in. Their survey includes 4 sections:

Tutorial & Assessment (13 items).

Interaction (13 items).

Management (5 items).

Support (14 items).

It is provided in this link http://www.surveyconsole.com/console/TakeSurvey?id=570298 Participants: The sample of the study was 20 university students. The link of the survey was sent to them via the e-mail. Results: The survey results show that the tutorial environment is effective. Most participants scores range between strongly agree and agree for most of the survey items (see the appendix). For the assessment and tutorial component, more than 50% of the participants have chosen one of the two options (strongly agree, agree) for all the items. However, in the interaction component all items have been agreed on by more than 50% participants except the following items, which are mostly related to the collaboration between students: •

I cooperate with fellow students online

I have made friends with other students on this course.

I get my tutor's feedback on my assignments via the Internet.

I communicate with other students on this course online.

The course promotes collaboration among fellow students For the management component, more than 60% of the

participants have agreed on most of the items. Finally for the support component, all items have been agreed on by more than 50% of the participants except one which is: •

The technician is available for fixing computer hardware problems.

Conclusion: From the previous shown results it's obvious that the environment of the online tutorial is effective in all aspects except in the collaboration facilities. The designers of the tutorial should put more concern on providing collaboration facilities for students to share and help each other, especially when it comes to the issue of isolation among online learners.

Appendixes Survey Report : Evaluation of E-learning tutorial

Survey Statistics

Viewed 20

Started 20

Completed 20

Completion Rate 100%

Drop Outs (After Starting) 0

Average time taken to complete survey : 1 minute(s)

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