Europe Video Cloze

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Name: __________________________ Europe Video Cloze Watch Videos on

Week 5

European Geography: Regional Overview of Western Europe (2:31) Most of Western Europe is a _________________ surrounded by the ______________ and ________________ oceans, the ___________ __________ and the _______________________ ______. The Western European ___________________ is comprised of the countries of: _________________, ________________, _______________, _______________, _________________, ________________, ________________, _______________, _________________, _________________, _______________,________________, _________________,_________________,________________, the ________________, _________________ and ______________ are also _____________ ______________ countries, even though they are _______________ from the ___________________ land mass. __________________ is also part of Western Europe, even though it lies at the ________ of the _____________ ______________. __________________ has more than _______________ islands! And it’s bordered by the _______________ ________, the ________________ and the _____________ ______. Its capital is _________________. Athens is considered the birthplace of _____________ ________________. Standing watch over Athens is the ________________. ________________ a statesmen in ancient Athens was ______________ by an __________ to transform the ____________ into a city of __________________. Oracles were _______________ believed to _________________ the wishes of the _____________ __________. The ______________ became the showcase of _____________, ____________ buildings and huge ____________ and ____________ statues. Now in _____________, the grandeur of these _____________ is still awe-inspiring. At the top of the Acropolis is the _________________. Completed in ______________ it is the largest ____________ ___________ in Greece. Except for its ___________ ____________ it was built entirely of _____________. Dedicated to the ___________ _____________, the Parthenon housed a giant ____________ of her. Though the contributions of ancient Greeks are well known, Athens ______________ the world’s stage. As the _____________ of Greece and the ____________ of _____________ ______________ culture, Athens hosted the 2004 _________________ ______________. European Geography: Spain and Portugal (2:31) Spain and Portugal make up the ___________ _____________, an _____________ in the ______________ south ____________ of Europe. Slightly larger than __________ the size of _____________, Spain is bordered by the ______________ __________ to the __________ ________ and the ________ of ___________ to the ____________, _______________ to the ___________ ___________, ______________ to the _____________ , the __________________ _______ to the south and ___________ ____________ and _______________ on the _____________. The _____________ _____________, the _____________ ____________, Ceyta and ___________ are also part of _____________. Spain’s capital is _____________, located in the center of the country, which is home to _____ ___________ people.

_____________ is just smaller than the state of ________________. The country is home to ______ _____________ people, most of whom speak ____________. ____________ Portugal’s’ capital is located on the __________ most point of the continent of _____________. _____________ is a ______________ natural _________. The city has a _____________ extending back __________ years! During the _________ and ___________ centuries, Portugal experienced an era of ________ _____________, building Europe’s __________ ______________ empire by establishing ____________ around the world. ______________ was transformed into the _____________ capital of a vast _____________. In ___________ a massive _____________reduced the city to rubble, but some of its ___________ and former ________________ are visible today. Every ____________ the streets of _____________ burst alive with ___________ in honor of _____________ ___________. The feast of _______ ______________ the patron saint of ____________ is a _____________but fun filled _________________. The night before the feast, the celebrants enjoy a ____________ _____________. Multicolored paper ___________, ____________ and _____________ line the parade route, ______________glow and ______________ is abundant. Grilled _____________ are part of a popular meal. On the day of the ___________ many couples ____________. Traditionally ____________ ___________ sponsors the _______________ of ___________ couples and provides a _____________ for them. _______________ is a city that easily mixes the __________ and _____________, so today the ___________ of Portugal is one of ____________ most ________________ cities.

European Geography: Belgium and the Netherlands (2:27) The ________________, also known as _________________ is located in _____________ ______________ Europe. It is bordered by the __________ ______ to the North and West, ________________ to the ___________ and _____________ to the South. The _____ _____________ people who love in the _______________ speak ____________ and _____________. Belgium is bordered by ____________ to the ___________ __________ and _____________ to the West and southwest. Belgium is one of the ______________ countries in ____________, just about the size of the state of _______________. Once part of the ______________, ______________ won its ____________________ in _____________. Now it is one of Europe’s most ____________ and _____________ populated nations. _______________ is home to over ______ __________ people, who speak primarily __________ and ____________. ___________ the area of _________________, the Netherlands has _________ miles of coastline. This coastal _______________ and major _________ and the _____________ encouraged international _____________ throughout ____________ history. The city of _________________ is the capital of the Netherlands. In addition to being a _________ ________ and center of the _____________ ____________ ________________, Amsterdam is an _______________ and _________________ center in Europe. _______________ _______________, Amsterdam is home to more than _______ canals which are flanked by ___________ and crossed by nearly ______ ____________! Residents, _____________ and ____________ alike travel its _____________ ion ___________ __________. Many old and _____________ houses line the __________.

This one on the __________________ is now a ________________, but it was once the home of _________ _________ and her family. As ________, the ____________ hid inside during the ____________ occupation of the ______________ during WWII. The family stayed in a _____________ __________from ______ until ________________. When the ________________ discovered them. __________ ____________diary of her families __________ __________ of _____________ is a classic of ________________. Most of the city’s ___________ residents _______________ into __________ _____________ ____________. Amsterdam is well known for _______________ and________________ activism. So the city that is more than ________ years old is a ________________ and ______________ metropolis.

European Geography: Overview of Eastern Europe (2:33) Eastern Europe consists of the following countries: ________________, _____________, _________________, _______________, ________________, ____________________, _________________,________________,________________,_____________________, _________________,_______________, ________________, _____________ _____________________, _________________, _______________, ______________, __________________, ________________ and _________________. (Whew!) ________________ area of ___________________ sq. miles makes it the ___________ largest ________________, although each country is ____________ and share some __________________ similarities; each spent a period of ____________ _____________ under the ______________ of another ________________, either the former ___________________ of ________________. The country of Poland lies at the ________________ ____________ if the European __________________. Throughout history it was an important ______________ ____________ between __________ and _____________. But because of its ________________, Poland was often on the ______________ in ________________. Its ______________ have changed many times. From ___________ until ___________, Poland was controlled by the ___________________. When ______________ authority __________________, ______________ became ________________ and established a _________________ _____________. _________________, like the rest if the countries in ________________ began to _________________ its economies with _____________ and _____________ reforms. The capital of ____________, _____________ was nearly destroyed during __________. Poles have ________________ their city and today the _________ is dotted with modern _____________. ______________, the _____________ largest city in ______________ didn’t experience the ___________________ of ____________ and its Grand, historic ______________is well known. Today the ______________ about the ______________ of ____________ Europe is __________________ in the _______________ people of the region.

European Geography: Baltic States and Belarus (2:43) _______________, _______________, _______________ and _______________ are countries in _______________ ____________. All __________ countries share a _______________ ______________- each was once part of the former _________________. At the ________________ of _______________, the country of Belarus was divided between ____________ and ___________. When the U.S.S.R. or __________ ____________ was formed in 1922, ____________ became a ______________ Republic. Then in ________, Lithuania, ______________ and ____________were _______________ _____________ and formally _______________ in to the ___________________ as ________________. With _____________ leading the way , all _____________ countries emerged as _____________ states in _________ After the collapse of _________ ______________! _____________ is its capital city, ______________ is the capital of ______________, ________________ capital is ________________ and _____________is ____________. In each of these countries, people speak ________________, but each country has its own _____________ too, maintained even through ______ years of __________ rule. During the ____________ _________, _____________ was a large and powerful ______________, its many _____________ made it an important ____________ on the ___________ ___________ between _________ ____________ and ____________. Wealthy _______________ built ___________ on the banks of the ________ ________. The country’s oldest city, _________________, on the _____________ ______ is one of Eastern Europe’s _____________ ports. Most _______________ live in ____________, but they enjoy ____________ _______________ during every season. The primary religion is ________________. The tradition of planting ___________ on this hilltop may have begun in the ________________. Under Soviet rule, the _____________ _______________ the ________________ at least _____ times to demonstrate their control over the ___________, but every time they replanted the crosses to demonstrating their __________ but ___________ rejection of the ___________ ________________. As in other _________ ____________, they are proud to live in _________________ states .As they work to modernize their _______________, they continue to experience their heritage and _______________ _____________.

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