Eumedis Graphic Charter

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  • December 2019
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EUMEDIS Logo graphics charter



Logo graphics charter


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1-Philosophy To be fully effective, the EUMEDIS visual identity must abide by strict graphic rules and be used with the greatest consistency possible. This graphics charter establishes the basic principles governing the use of the logo. It must be strictly observed to prevent any changes that could lessen the impact of the EUMEDIS identity.

Description - The EUMEDIS logo is based on the amphora, a symbol of trade between Mediterranean peoples. - The network of connections symbolises the exchange of information. - The waves represent the Mediterranean Sea. - The European flag and the words “EuropeAid /Co-operation Office” indicate the European Commission’s financing of the project.



Logo graphics charter


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2-Colours The colours are drawn from a warm chromatic range based on yellow, ochre and grey, complementing the blue waves and the European flag.

Amphora Cyan 0% Magenta 20 % Yellow 70 % Black 0%


Shadow of the amphora Cyan 10 % Magenta 30 % Yellow 70 % Black 0%

Gray lines

Cyan 60 % Magenta 10 % Yellow 0% Black 0%

Cyan 0 Magenta 0 Yellow 0 Black 40

Main blue

Gray nodes

Cyan 100 Magenta 80 Yellow 0 Black 0

% % % %

Cyan 0 Magenta 0 Yellow 0 Black 60

% % % %

% % % %

Stars Cyan 0 Magenta 0 Yellow 100 Black 0

Black and white version The logo is available in black and white (without shades of grey) if colour reproduction is not possible.

% % % %



Logo graphics charter


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3-Volumes The substance of the logo is created by the different shapes it contains. Since any changes to these shapes would destroy the logo, it is imperative to respect the following instructions on size, proportions and composition.

Size Always at least 25 mm The logo may not be reduced to a height of less than 25 mm.

Proportions Changes to the proportions of the logo are prohibited.

Composition Changes to the composition of the logo are prohibited.



Logo graphics charter


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1/2 A

Blank area The logo must be surrounded by a blank area. No visual elements may be placed in this area. A

The size of the area is calculated as 1/4 of the height of the European flag contained in the EUMEDIS logo.

A = 1/4 of the height of the flag


The blank area to the left and the right is measured from the edges of the flag and beneath the logo from the line at its base. The upper blank area is equal to half the reference distance measuring from the upper extremity of the logo.


Variation of the logo A variation of the logo has been created for the official EUMEDIS web site, This version may in no case be used for other purposes.

Version strictly reserved for the web site,

4-Background To ensure that the colours of the logo stand out against a coloured background, a white cartridge at least as large as the protected area must be used. Only a very light background may justify the absence of a white cartridge.

Photo In no case may the logo be placed on a photograph without the presence of a white cartridge at least as large as the protected area (see chapter 3).



Logo graphics charter


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Light background

Dark background

The logo may be placed on a very light background. This background may not exceed 10% of the value of a pure colour.

In no case may the logo be placed on a flat tint of more than 10% without the presence of a white cartridge at least as large as the protected area (see chapter 3).



Logo graphics charter


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5-Typography Administrative documents The font to be used in all administrative documents relating to EUMEDIS is Arial (regular, bold and italic).

Arial Regular :

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Prestigious documents The font to be used in all prestigious documents (brochures, folders, presentation leaflets, etc.) relating to EUMEDIS is Helvetica Neue Roman, bold, thin and heavy (with their italics).

Helvetica Neue Roman :

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Helvetica Neue Bold :

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Helvetica Neue Thin :

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Helvetica Neue Heavy :

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

6-Languages The logo is available in three languages: English, French and Arabic. In a linguistic context not using one of these three languages, the English version of the logo should be used.



Logo graphics charter


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8-Where can the logo be obtained ? Downloading The logo can be downloaded from the address in the following formats: - JPEG, - WMF (Windows metafile), - EPS Illustrator, - TIFF, in quadrichromy, RGB and black & white.

Further information For additional information on the EUMEDIS logo and its use, please contact:

EUMEDIS MDP 4 Rue de la Presse B-1000 Brussels Belgium

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: + 32 2 227 11 63

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