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VISI-MISI dan PROGRAM KEGIATAN BAHASA INGGRIS Visi: Menumbuhkan minat dan kecintaan anak-anak terhadap bahasa Inggris melalui kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang baik secara lisan maupun tertulis. Misi:   

Memberikan metode pengajaran yang segar dan menyenangkan Mendorong anak-anak untuk berani berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris melalui ungkapan sehari-hari yang sederhana Mendorong anak-anak untuk berani mengungkapkan pikiran dan perasaan dalam bahasa Inggris melalui tulisan

Strategi:  

   

 

Menyusun dan mengembangkan silabus dan rencana pembelajaran yang sesuai kurikulum dengan metode-metode pembelajaran yang segar dan melibatkan aktivitas peserta didik. Menyampaikan materi pembelajaran melalui aktivitas-aktivitas yang menyenangkan: permainan (fun games), proyek-proyek (projects) , outing-class, multimedia, mading, creatiavity class, cooking class, parents visiting, reading stories, watching movies dll. Menyampaikan pembelajaran dengan bahasa pengantar Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia secara billingual. Membiasakan peserta didik untuk meminta ijin, memberikan salam, merespon pertanyaan atau memberikan penjelasan dalam bahasa Inggris dalam tatanan yang sederhana. Mengadakan dikte kosakata bahasa Inggris setiap selesai satu bahasan/ menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Mengadakan kegiatan menulis journal sederhana dalam bahasa Inggris setiap akhir pekan, misalnya, menuliskan ayat alkitab dalam bahasa Inggris, menuliskan hal-hal lain yang dikaitkan dengan materi pembelajaran seperti tenses. Mengadakan program “E-Day” or English Day setiap hari tertentu Mengadakan kegiatan oral test pada setiap akhir semester 2

Program Kegiatan Bahasa Inggris NO



Lord’s Prayer


Daily greeting and simple conversation (asking permissions, asking help, say thank you, borrowing something, etc)


English Day (E-Day)



PROGRAM SEKOLAH Semester 2 tahun pelajaran 2015-2016 Sasaran : PG – TK – SD – SMP Januari’16, Pelaksanaan: Minggu ke 2 Dilakukan setiap pagi pada waktu circle time (PGTK), Morning Hym (SD-SMP) Januari’16 Minggu ke 2

Sasaran : PG – TK – SD – SMP Pelaksanaan: dilakukan setiap hari selama KBM, kecuali untuk kegiatan KBM Bahasa (B. Jawa, B. Indonesia, B. Mandarin)

Setiap hari Rabu Dimulai bulan Februari’16

Sasaran : PG – TK – SD – SMP Kegiatan : Menggunakan (berbicara) dalam bahasa Inggris baik siswa maupun guru. Tujuan : - Supaya siswa terpacu menerapkan teori pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dikelas dalam bentuk oral (verbal) Strategi : - Pemberlakuan E-Day dibuat bertahap sebelum diberlakukan sepanjang hari - Untuk KB – TK: setiap Rabu, pk. 07.30 –

09.00 Untuk SD – SMP : E-Day di berlakukan berdasarkan zona (tempat), yaitu ruang kelas (peserta didik) dan ruang guru (guru). Pengecualian bagi kelas yang sedang belajar B. Inggris, B. Jawa, B. Mandarin. - Tahapan bisa ditingkatkan dengan memperpanjang waktu atau memperluas zona E-day. Sasaran : Guru PG-TK-SD-SMP Materi : - Practicing conversation - Listening - Speaking - Games Pelaksanaan: - Guru SD-SMP di bagi menjadi 3 grup/kelas - Guru KB-TK jadi 1 kelas - Tutor : Mam Lia, Mam Stefi, Pak Hadi Sasaran : PG – TK – SD – SMP Jenis lomba : - Problem Solving - Spelling Bee - Telling Story - Find and Match (K) - Puzzle Words (K) Anggaran biaya : - Property - Hadiah -


English Learning for Teachers (ELT)

Januari’16 Sabtu ke – 2 (SD-SMP) dan Sabtu ke – 3 (KB-TK)



Mei 2016


My Animal Alphabet Poem



2. Look at Me



Say and trace the alphabet correctly Page 4-8  Read the poem  Say the alphabet  Trace the alphabet Part of body and its function Pages 9-10  Say and show part of face (word bank)  Paste sticker to complete picture  Match the word to the part of face Identify gender from the clothes Page 11  Circle the correct clothes  Write correct clothes

Using action words which pupil is able to do and enjoys doing most and help with at home or in school

3. I Can Do That

Page 12-13  Say and do (word bank)  Circle the correct action words  Write the correct action words  Match the word to the picture Page 14-15  Say and do (word bank)  Match the words to the picture  Re-arrange the scrambled words  Circle the correct picture which is match to the action word 1.

4. My Happy Family 2.

Identify the family member Page 16-17  Say the family member (word bank)  Draw lines to match the picture  Write the correct action word  Complete the puzzle Explain how they look like using simple adjectives Page 18-19  Say and show the adjective (word bank)  Thick the table


2. 3. My Home


4. Meet My Pals

2. 3.

 Paste the sticker to identify the family Identify the type of house Page 22  Identify the type of house and getting pupil to write his/her home address Identify things in the bedroom, living room and kitchen. Page 23-25  Talk about pupil’s favorite room at home  Talk about things in bedroom, living room and kitchen

Greet someone in polite way Page 26-27  Match the pictures  Greet someone politely (word bank)  Write the greeting correctly Introducing oneself to another Talk about friend’s activity Page 28-29 Think and match the activities to the related action words

K2 Theme

Overview 1.

5. More of My Friends!

2. 3. 6. Going to School


Using adjective to describe someone Page 30  Get pupil to think of words that describing his/her friend Page 31-32  Get pupil to make simple comparison of two friends using simple comparative  Get pupil to describe his/her friend using superlative words Page 33  Get pupil to use color as adjective to describe fruits and vegetables Using comparative and superlative words to describe someone Using colour as adjective to describe fruits and vegetables Identify different parts of school uniform

Learning Outcomes 


Activity 

Page 36  Say the words (word bank)

Media & Learning Resources  

Pupils as the model of learning Song : Make New Friends

School uniform for boy and girl : short, pinafore, shirt, cap, tie,

2. 3. 4.

The uses of different things in a pencil case Identify vehicles that pupil takes to go to school Observe the safety rules pupil has to obey

  

Identify parts of school: classroom and canteen. Things in the classroom and canteen Activities at school (P.E. lessons and art lessons)

People’s occupations Types of clothes or uniform according to the occupation/profession The nature of work of each profession/occupation (job desk)

7. School is Fun!

   8. People I Meet

Match the parts of school uniform to the boy and girl

Page 37  Say the words (word bank)  Paste the sticker of stationery to the pencil case Page 38  Match the things to the correct words Page 39  Say the words (word bank)  Talk about how pupil go to school  Match the picture to the words  Think critically about things which are wrong Page 40  Say the words (word bank)  Talk about things in the classroom  Find the hidden words and circle Page 41  Say the words (word bank)  Talk about P.E. Lessons  Match pictures to the words  Draw p9  Pupil’s favorite game Page 42  Say the words (word bank)  Identify the picture and write the words  Complete the puzzle Page 43  Say the words (word bank)  Talk about things can be used in Art lessons and draw lines the words to the pictures  Arrange the picture into a good order of sequence Page 48  Say the words (word bank)  Circle the correct jobs based on the picture Page 49  Say the words (word bank)  Match the clothes/uniform to the correct picture  Draw what will the pupil be when grow up Page 50  Say the words (word bank)  Match the nature of work to the jobs Page 51

   

  

  

sock, shoes School equipment : school bag, pencil case, book, water bottle, lunch box, The things in a pencil case: pencil, sharpener, ruler, eraser. Picture of vehicles pupils usually take to school Song : Going to School

Classroom and the things inside Outing class: Go to the school canteen Song:

Ask someone with different jobs to come to school and they tell the pupils lots about their jobs Pupils will wear the clothes as they want to be when they grow up Song : Que Sera Sera

  

   

Identify places around children’s home, e.g. supermarket, fruit shop, clinic and playground. Identify things in the supermarket Identify fruits sold in the fruit- shop Identify medical tools in a clinic Identify things in the playground

Talking about various kind of pets people usually have Talking about children’s pet they own at home Talking about animals found on the farm Talking about animals found in the zoo Talking about sea animals

9. Where I Live

    10. My Animal Friends

Say the words- another kind of occupations/jobs(word bank) Match the riddle to the picture as the answer

Page 52  Talk about things sold in the supermarket  Write the things according to the picture  Draw line to match the things which can be eaten and cannot be eaten  Talk about shopping attitudes and suggesting problem solving: based on Ravi’s and Alice’s problem Page 53  Talking about fruits sold in a fruit shop  Discuss about the taste of different fruits  Talking about children’s favorite fruit Page 54  Say the medical tools used by paramedic in the clinic  Write name of medical tools used by paramedic in the clinic Page 55  Talk about things in the playground  Talk about child’s favourite spot in the playground  Discuss about the importance of observing safety rules while in the playground  Circle the correct words and complete the puzzle. Page 56  Talk about pet animals  Ask children what pet they own at home  Match the animals to their homes Page 57  Talk about farm animals  Cross out the part that does not belong in each row Page 58  Talk about zoo animals  Match each parts of body to the name Page 59  Talk about sea animals  Match with sea animals which with tails

  

  

GSP page 52-55 Video about supermarket, fruit shop, clinic and playground Song:

GSP pages 56-59 Video about animals Song : Old Mc. Donald Has a Farm The Zoo Song

and without tails

PRIMARY LEVEL Grade One – 1A Unit



How to great people (p. 2-3) 1. Hello (p. 2-11)

Reading Hello! (p.2)

Asking for spelling (p.6)

I Like School (p.8)

Vocabulary Body parts (p. 5)

How to form questions to ask for someone’s age (p. 16)

Writing exercise based on statements about one’s belongings (p.17)

Learning how to interact in the class (p. 19)

Listening Identifying people and objects (p. 9)

Projects Drawing a boy/a girl

Beginning sound ‘t’ and ‘b’ (p.10)

Bidding farewell (p.7) Statements about one’s belongings.

2. My Classroom (p.12-23)

Speaking Introducing oneself (p.4)

My Classroom (p.12) This Is The Way (p.20)

Things in a school bag (p.14) Things in a pencil case (p.15) Things in a classroom (p.18)

Identifying same beginning sounds in different words (p….) Beginning sounds ‘ d’ and ‘p’ (p.22)

Drawing and labeling the things in my pencil case

3. My Family (p. 24-35)

Capitalization in “Mr” and “Mrs” (p. 28)

Capitalization in names and the pronoun ‘I’ (p.31)

Capitalization of the pronoun ‘I’ (p.29)

Introducing and describing oneself (p.31)

Word pairs (p.30) Personal pronouns to identify people (p.41) 4. At The Park (p.3647)


Colours and Shapes (p. 48-59)

Grade Two – 1B Unit 6. Let’s Help Out (p.213)

Simple present tense to talk about present states (p.42) The article ‘a’ and ‘an’ (p.43) Colours as adjectives (p.52-53)

Grammar Preposition of position (p.8)

Pronouns (p.16-17) 7. Where I Live (p.1425)

8. Let’s Go Shopping (p.26-37)


What Is in the Garden? (p.38-49)

10. On The Farm (p.


‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these, and ‘those’ to refer to things (p.42-43) Plural form of countable nouns (p.53) Full stop, question marks

My Family (p.24)

Talking about age (p.29)

This Is My Family (p.32)

Practicing how to spell things that are found in the park (p.40)

Introducing yourself (p.29) Using the articles ‘a’ and ‘an’ to refer to objects (p.43)

Describing pictures using adjective (p.54)

Expressing what colours one likes (p.55)

Writing Using preposition to write about things in a house (p.9)

Writing addresses (p.20)

Possessive adjective (p .16-17) Countable and uncountable nouns (p.30)

Introducing others (p.28)


At the Park (p.36-37) Fun in the Sun (p.44)

Colours and Shapes (p.48) My Painting (p.56)


Asking politely (p.4)

Let’s help out (p.2)

Expressing thanks (p.5)

Two men and a fish (p.10)

Asking and telling where one lives (, p.21)

Where I live (p.14) Grandpa’s house (p.22)

Family members (p.2627)

Let’s Go Shopping (p.2627)

Using ‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these’, and ‘ those’ (p.44)

Shopping with mum (p.34) What is in the garden? (p.38)

Using full stops, question marks and commas (p.57)

Using ‘do you/they’, ‘Does he/she/it’ to ask question (p.45) Talking about animal sound (p.55)

The big, fat mango (p.46) On the farm (p.50-51) Alex at the farm (p.58)

Describing members of my family

Beginning sounds ‘m’ and ‘n’ (p.34) Things in the park (p.3839)

Beginning sounds ‘f’ and ‘v’ (p.40)

Drawing and writing about what my friends and I do at the park

Identifying colours and shapes (p.57)

Drawing a rainbow

Verbs (p.42)

Shapes (p.50) Colours (p.51)

Vocabulary Rooms and things in a house (p.6-7)

Place in a neighborhood (p.18-19)

Asking for assistance (p.32-33) Using countable and uncountable noun (p.31)

Identifying member of family (p.33)

Beginning sounds ‘h’ and ‘l’ (p.58)

Listening Identifying prepositions of position (p.11) Beginning sounds ‘j’, ‘k’, and ‘r’ (p.11-12) Identifying types of housing and places in a neighborhood (p.23)

Projects Describing a picture Asking politely and roleplaying Writing about my neighborhood

Things in a supermarket (p.28-29)

Begining sounds ‘w’ and ‘y’ (p.24) Identifying items in a supermarket (p.35)

Writing a shopping list and role-playing

Things in a garden (p.40-41)

Beginning sounds ‘s’ and ‘z’ (p.36) Identifying items in a garden (p.47)

Drawing and describing things in my garden

Farm animals and their young (p.52)

Beginning sounds ‘q’ and ‘x’(p.48) Listening to simple instruction (p.59)

Choosing animals for my farm

Verb related to animals

Beginning sounds hard

and commas (p.56)

Grade Three – 2A Unit 1.



The Calendar (p. 213)

Capitalization in days of the week and months of the year (p.5-6)

My Day (p.14-25)

‘In’ and ‘On’ to talk about days, dates, time and months (,p.7) ‘In’ and ‘at’ to indicate time and periods of time (p.16-18)


Writing Identifying day, date and month (p.8)

Speaking Using ‘before’ and ‘after’ for the order of days and months (p.9)



The Calendar (p.2)

Days of the week (p.5)

Grandpa’s 60th Birthday (p.10)

Months of the year (p.6)



A Day at the Zoo (p.26-37)

Writing a letter (p.19)

Making appointments (p.20-210

What Do We Wear? (p. 38-49)

‘s’ to show possession (p.43) ‘Who’ to find identity (p.55) 5. People Who Help Us (p. 50-61

Grade Three – 2B Unit 6.


Holiday Time (p.213) Once Upon a Time

Identifying animals and their actions(p.30)

Expressing prohibitions (p.33)

My Day (p.14-15) Time to Sleep (p.22)

Describing one’s friends (p.44)

Dressing up(p.45)

Words related to time (16-17)


What Do We Wear? (p.38-39)

Animals (p.28-31) Action words and adjectives related to animals (p.28-29)

Clothing (p.40-41)

The Party Dress (p.46) Using ‘can’ or ‘can not’ (p.57)

Asking for assistance (p.54)

‘Can’ and ‘cannot’ to talk about ability ( p.56)

Simple past tense (p.4)

A Day at the Zoo (p.2627) Mothers and Babies (p.34)

Adjectives to talk about animals (p.31) ‘has’ and ‘have’ to indicate possession (p.32) ‘A’, ‘an’, ‘the’ to talk about objects (p.42)

People Who Help Us (p.50-51)

Jobs (p.52-53)

At the Hairdresser (p.58)

Projects Making a calendar of my birthday month

Writing Writing a postcard (p.6-7)

Speaking Expressing intention and desire (p.8-9).

Reading A Holiday Time (p.2-3)

Writing a beginning and

Telling a story (p.18-19)

Once upon a Time (p.14-

Listening to questions and answers about time (p.23) Ending sounds ‘t’ and ‘x’ (p.24) Identifying animals from given clues (p.35)

Recording and writing about when my friends wake up and go to bed

Drawing and writing about my favourite zoo animal

Ending sounds ‘f’ and ‘b’ (p.36)

Identifying different types of clothing (p.47) Ending sounds ‘p’ and ‘g’ (p.47) Listening to locate specific information (p.59)

Creating and describing a T-shirt

Writing about people I know and their jobs

Ending sounds ‘n’ and ‘m’ (p.60)



People and things at an airport (p.5)

Locating specific information (p.11)

Fairy tale characters

Ending sounds ‘k’, ‘l’, and ‘d’ (p.12) Listening to identify

A Fishing Adventure (p.10) Plurals of nouns and

Listening Inferring answer about calendar and days of the week (p.11) Beginning sounds hard ‘g’ and soft ‘g’ (p.12)

Making apologies (p.2021) Present continuous tense to talk about what is happening (p.28-29)

‘c’ and soft ‘c’ (p.60)

Projects Creating and writing a postcard about my holiday Telling story with picture

(p. 14-25)

simple past tense (p.16-19)

ending for a story (p.20-21)



The White Elephant (p.22) 8.


The Weather (p. 26-37)

Our Clothes (p. 3849)

10. Getting Around (p.50-61)

Using ‘the’ to talk about unique things (p.28-29) Adjective of quality (p.3132) ‘a pair of’ to refer to countable nouns in twos (p.42) Adjective of quality (p. 44) Simple present tense to talk about habits (p. 5253)

Writing about the weather (p.30)

Using ‘a pair of’(p.43)

Using prepositions to show position and direction (p.56)

Describing the weather (p.33)

Using size to describe things (p.45)

Giving directions (p.57)

The Weather (p.26-27) The Wind and The Sun (p.34) Our Clothes (p.38-39) Centipede’s New Shoes (p.46)



A Helping Hand (p.2-13)

Feelings (p. 1425)

Grammar ‘Should’ and ‘should not’ to express duties and prohibitions (p. 4-5) Subject and object pronouns to identify people, animals and objects (p. 6-8) Likes and dislikes (p.1617))

Types of transport (p.5253)

The Little Red Car (p.58)

Things on the street (p.54-55)

Animal World (p. 26-37)

‘Who’ to find identity (p.29) ‘Where’ to find out about

Beginning vowels ‘a’ and ‘e’ (p.24) Identifying different kinds of weather (p.35) Beginning vowels ‘i’, ‘o’ and ‘u’ (p. 35-36) Identifying people from clues about dressing (p.47) Short vowels ‘a’ and ‘e’ (p. 48) Listening to locate specific information (p.59)


Creating a weather chart

Drawing and writing about the clothes I wear

Giving directions

Short vowels ‘i’, ‘0’ and ‘u’ (p. 60)






‘should’ and ‘should not’ to express duties and prohibition (p. 5)

A Helping Hand (p.2-3)

Words related to helping out (p.4-5)

Inferring and identifying pictures from grammatical clues (p.11)

Writing about how to help out in the classroom and at home

The Typhoon (p.10)

Digraphs ‘ch’ and ‘sh’ (p.12) Using adjectives to describe feelings (p.19)

Feeling expressed in conversation (p.20-21)

‘How’ to ask for feeling (p.18) ‘I feel’ or ‘I’m talk about feelings (p.18) ‘What’ to identify an object (p.28)


Writing Writing about helping each other (p.9)

Things we wear for different occasions (p.40-41)

Getting Around (p.5051)

Preposition to show position and direction (p.54-55)

Grade Four – 3A Unit

Words related to the weather and four seasons (p. 28-29; 31-33)

fairy tale characters (p.23)

Writing rules (p.33)

Imperatives for prohibition and instructions (p.32)

Feelings (p. 14) Sam at the Cinema (p.22)

Adjectives to describe how people feel (p.16-17) Rides at a fair (p. 16-17)

Animal World (p. 26)

Animal homes (p. 30)

A Home for Kitten (p.34)

Adjectives to describe texture (p. 31)

Understanding sentences about feeling (p.23)

Designing a fair

Digraphs ‘th’ and ‘wh’ (p.24) Inferring answers from clues about animals and homes (p.35) Beginning blends ‘br’ and ‘cr’ (p.36)

Making a class book ‘Animals and Their Homes’

places (p.29) Apostrophe s to show possession (p.30) Irregular plurals (p. 40) 4.

The World of Plants (p. 3849)

At the Beach (p. 50-61)

Instructions (p. 44)

‘very much’ to express degree (p. 42) ‘some’ and ‘any’ to show quantity (p.41) Connectors ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘but’ (p. 54)


Completing a set of instructions (p. 45)

Exclamation marks (p.55)

The World of Plants (p.38) Grandpa’s Plant (p. 46)

Using commas in lists (p. 56)

Exclamations (p. 57)

Filling speech bubbles (p. 57)

At the Beach (p. 50)

Parts of a tree (p.40) Things in the garden (p.41) Vegetables and flowers (p.41) Things and animals at the beach (p. 52-53)

A Sunny Afternoon (p.58)

1. Beach Day (p. 1-12)

Past Simple (positive, negative, interrogative, and short answers) ( p.6) May, can (asking permission and possibility) ( p.5) Present Perfect (positive) ( p 22-23)

2. Football Club (p. 1324)

3. The sneaky cats (p. 25-36)

Subject Pronoun

Writing Write an experience of visiting some place Write an experience about holiday Write about a football club Write about favorite sports (p.17)

Present Perfect (negative, interrogative) Since and for ( p. 29)

Write about pet animals

Object pronoun

Completing sentences (p. 29)

Talking about public places

Talking about favorite sports Talking about hobby

Present perfect vs Past Simple

Reading Reading text and underlining the past verbs (p.3-4) Reading Text and answering the questions (p. 11) Reading Text and answering the question (p. 14-15)

Beginning blends ‘dr’ and ‘fr’ (p. 48) Identifying objects in a list (p. 59)

Vocabulary Public Places

Talking about pet animals Description about animals

Completing sentences (p. 47)

Talking about desert Talking about plants and animals

Projects 1. 2. 3. 4.

Many kinds of sports Hobbies


Reading Text and answering the questions (p.26-27)

Pet animals and their foods

Listening to friend’s answer about vegetables they have eaten ( p.33)

Reading Text and answering the question (p.39-40)

Plants and animals in the desert

Listening the text about desert ( p 38)

Interviewing someone about his/her pet animal Write a description about animals and plants which live in earth

Writing lists

Listening Listening the text “Beach Day” (p.3-4)

Choose the main idea ( p.14-15)

Completing sentences (p. 23)

Comparative and superlative 4. Plants and animals in the desert (p. 37-50)

Speaking Talking about holiday

Following instructions

Beginning blends ‘pr’ and ‘gr’ (p. 60)

Commas in list of item (p.55)

Grade Five – Best English Unit Grammar

Sequencing instructions (p. 47)

Listening to friends opinion (discussion)

Writing a short paragraph Describing something Having a simple discussion about certain topic Giving a presentation about certain topic Interviewing someone

Presentation about plants and animals Write and draw your dream country

5. I haven’t visited America (p. 63-74)

6. In the sea (p. 77-88)

Preposition of place (p.86)

Write a paragraph using preposition of place

Preposition of time (p.88)

Completing sentences (p. 86; 87)

Talking about travelling the world (the dream of travelling the world) Mention kinds of animals who live in the sea (using flash card)

Future (will) (p.93)

Reading Text and answering the question (p.58;65-66) Reading Text and answering the questions (p. 79-80)


Reading dialogues (p.91)


Sea creatures ( p.82)

Reading Text (p.101) 7. I will do it (p. 89 - 102)

Comparing things Completing sentences (p. 110)

Grade Six – Best English Unit Grammar 1. Save the animals (p. 114)

3. May I come to your party? (p. 29-38)

4. A Gentle Alien Invades My Hometown (p. 41-50)

Listening about new words (sea creatures) (p.82) Listening to the conversation ( p. 91)

8. Transportation (p. 103-114

2. Dream of a Healthy Environment (p. 17-26)

Listening a song “Five loaves and two fishes” Listening to text “Fun City” ( p. 66)

Writing Completing the sentence using phrasal verbs (p. 10)

Simple Past, Subject pronoun Requests and commands (may, would, can) ( p.31)

Write paragraphs about saving the earth/Make a paragraph about healthy environment/Write paragraphs about saving water planet from pollution (p.13) Completing the sentence using phrasal verbs (p.21; 2425) Completing the sentence using phrasal verbs (p.31a) Write an invitation and greeting card (p.32-33) Classified feminine and masculine words then write a story using feminine and masculine words ( p.47)

Presentation about traditional transportation

Speaking Talking about extinct animal

Transportation (p. 108)



Reading text (Unit 1; p.3-5)

Animals and environment (p.6)

Reading dialogue

Phrasal verb (p.8-9)

Listening a poem ( p. 94) Listening to monologue (Caleb’s ship)



Listening to text (p.3-5)

Making a poster to save endangered species (Unit 1; p.7)

Listening to the phrasal verbs (p. 8-9, p.11-12)

Having discussion about a certain topic Giving presentation about certain topic

Answering questions Choose the best titles

Giving direction to others Talking about healthy environment Asking permission Offering something Requesting and giving commands ( p.31)

Choose the main idea ( p.19-20)

Phrasal verb (p. 22-23)

Listening to the phrasal verbs (p. 22-23)

Words related to greeting Card (p.32-33)

Listening to the teacher requesting and giving commands (p.31)

Words related to factors endangering Species ( p. 34-35) Masculine and Feminine words (p.45-47)

Listening to songs (Five loaves and two fishes) Listening to the feminine and masculine words ( p. 45-47)

Writing a story (Unit 1; p.13-14) Asking permission

Completing a story ( p. 50) 5. Save Our Planet (p. 63-76)

Present perfect (p.75)

Talking about factors endangered the earth

Reported speech ( p.6667)

Talking about the earth

Asking permission, offers (p.99)

Visiting someone for dinner or party (p.99)

Conjunctions (or, and, because, so, neither… or, either …nor) (p.9293)

Giving direction

Reported Words ( p.6667)

Listening to friend’s opinion (discussion) Listening to the reported words ( p.67)

6. He Has a Headache in Antarctic (p. 79-88)

7. May I Play and Sing? (p. 91-100)

Talking about how to make the water be cleaned

8. Water Planet (p. 103110)

Words related to water Planet (p. 104-105 )

Listening to friends’ presentation about saving water planet from pollution Listening to monologue


Grade Seven – English in Mind Level Starter Unit Grammar 1. He’s a footballer

The verb be (singular):


Write about self story, family

Speaking Saying where are you

Reading Dialogues:

Vocabulary Countries and

Listening My hero/heroin

Projects Presentations


2. We’re a new band (p.18-24)

statements and questions (who, what, how old, where) (p.13/2;15/7)


from (p.14/4)

In a queue (p 12/1)

The verb be (plural): negatives and questions (I don’t like../do you like....). (p.19/2;20/4)

Email about your favourite band(p.24/12)

Talking about your hero (p.17/8) Talking about likes and dislikes(p.20/4;21/7)

Heroes and heroines (p.16) Dialoque Member of a band (p.18/1)

Talking about singers and bands (p.20/4)

Object pronouns (p.21/5)

nationalities (p.14/6)


Positive and negatives adjectives (p.20/3)

People talking about likes and dislikes (p.21/7)


Dialogue: Free time activities (p.23/11)

Photo story: Just a little joke (p. 22)

Song: Are We alone? (p 18) 3. She lives in Washington (p. 2631)

4. Where’s the cafe (p.32-39)

Present simple: positive and negative; questions and short answers. (p.27/2) Possessive ‘s and possessive adjectives (p.28/6) There’s/there are (p.33/4) Positive imperatives (p.34/6) Preposition of place (p.35/7) Has/have got (p.41/2b) Why....?Because....(p.41/2a)

Paragraph about your family (p.31/10)

Text about your town/city (p.38/12)

8. Don’t do that! (p. 60-66)

Talking about the present (p27/4)

Articles: America’s First Lady (p26/1) Web Pages: Things to see and Do in London (p.32/1)

Talking about places in town (p.34/5)

Description of a friend or family member (p.45/9)

Describing people (p.42/6;43/7) Giving personal information (p. 43/7c)

I’d like/would you like...? (p.49/3d)

7. I sometimes watch TV (p.54-59)

Culture in Mind: British families (p.30/9)

Giving direction (p.35/7)

5. They’ve got brown eyes (p.40-45)

6. This is delicious (p. 46-53)

Talking about family (p.29/7)

Email to English family about food likes and dislikes (p.52/10)

Ordering food in restaurant (p.49/5)

Countable and uncountable nouns (p.48/3a) This/that/these/those (p.48/3b) Present simple with adverbs of frequency (p.55/3)

Talking about routines (p.57/9) Talking about TV Programs (p.57/7)

Negative imperatives (p.61/2)

Family member (p.28/5)

Places in town (p.34/5) Number 100+ (p.33/2)

Asking for and giving directions (p.35/7)

Photo story: A charity run (p.36/8) Culture in Mind: Different culturesdifferent pets (p.4445/8)

Parts of the body (p.42/5)

Descriptions: Of people (p.42/6-43/7)

Articles: Sally or Paula? (p.40/1) Articles: Unusual food around the world (p.46/1)

Food (p.47/2)

Dialogue: In restaurant (p.49/5)

Days of the week (p.55/2)

Dialogue: About TV likes, dislikes and habits (p.57/7)

Email about your friends and your likes and dislikes (p.66/12)

Talking about how you feel (p.62/5)

Culture in Mind: What British teenagers watch (p.58/10) Articles: Different places – different lives (p.54/1) Web Pages: Email about feelings (.63/6)

Writing story/drama/poem Reading and translating story Debate Interview Journalism

Photo story: Enjoy your lunch! (p.50/6) Paragraph for a school magazine about the TV programs you like (p.59/11)


TV programs (p.56/5) Telling the time (p.57/8) Adjectives to describe feeling (p.62/4)

A picture story (p.64/8) Song: Don’t stop ( p.63/7)

Can/can’t (ability) (p.69/2) 9. Yes, I can (p.68-73)

Email about sport (p.73/11)

Like/don’t like + - ing (p.71/8) Present continuous (p.75/3)

A holiday postcard (p.80/13)

10. A bad storm’s coming (p.74-80)

Special days (p.8287)

Email about a festival (p.87/10)

Prepositions: at, in, on (p.83/3)

Past simple: was/wasn’t; were/weren’t (p.89/2)

Talking about times and dates (p.83/3) Describing what someone is wearing (p.84/6a)

One/ones (p.85/8g)


Talking about likes and dislikes (p.71/9) Talking about what is happening now (p.76/5) Talking about your house and flat (p.77/8)

Can/can’t (asking for permission) (p.85/8a) 11.

Talking about abilities (p.70/5)

Email about a past holiday(p.94/11)

Talking about clothes and shopping (p.84/6b) Talking about the past (childhood) (p.94/12)

He was only 22 (p. 88-94)

13. What happened? (p. 96-101)

14. Things change (p.102-108)

Past simple: regular and irregular verbs(questions and negatives) (p.97/2 & 4;p.98/6)

Paragraph for a school magazine about a famous person in the past (p.101/10)

Comparison of adjectives (p.103/2a)

competition text comparing life in the past and present (p.108/12)

Than (p.103/2e)

Photo story: Kate looks great! (p.64/8) Articles: We never wind, but we always win (p.68) Articles: Round the world – alone (p.74/1) Photo story: A kick about (p.78/9) Culture in Mind: The Edinburgh Festival (p.86/9) Articles: Scotland- a land of traditions (p.82/1) Articles: The Day The Music Died (p.88/1)

Asking and answering questions in questionnaire(p.99/7)

Photo story: An accident in the park (p.92/7) Culture in Mind: The Daughter of a Lion (p.100/9)

Comparing people and things in the classroom (p.103/4; p. 105/7b)

Articles: She said ‘NO’ (p.96/1) Articles: From London Bank to Thailand Hotel (p.104/5)

Describing things using adjective (p.105/7a)

Photo story: So sorry (p.106/8)

Sports (p.70/6)

House and furniture (p. 77/7)

Months of the year and season (p.83/2)

Amazing abilities (p.69/3) Conversation: About sports (p.71/7) Conversation: What is happening now (telephone conversation) (p.74/2) Descriptions: Of models in a fashion show (p.84/5)

Clothes (p.84/4)

Time expressions (p. 89/4)

Conversation: About the Beatles (p.90/5)

Ordinal numbers and dates (p.91/6) Verb and noun pairs: make/do/take/have (p.99/8)

Radio quiz show about historic events (p.98/5)

Adjectives and opposites (p.105/6)

Comparing the 1960s with the present (p.102/1)

Giving presentation about your country(p.108/13)

Grade Eight – English in Mind Level 1 Unit Grammar







1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

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