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from: treee tonia > >to: united grandlodge , kilwinning > > >, kilwinning >, kilwinning > >, kilwinning , kilwinning > >, kilwinning , kilwinning > >, kilwinning , rex king > >, [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >royal masons , [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], > >kilwinning queensland , [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], uglenobility royalty > > >, [email protected], > >royalgrandlodge scotland , usaroyalhouse stuart > >, washington temple , masons ugle > > >, [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected] > >cc: [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], hellsangels , > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], james kelly , kilwinning > >, kilwinning , kilwinning > >, kilwinning , > >kilwinning , kilwinning , > >herdom kilwinning , tasmania kilwinning > >, [email protected], orangefreestate natal > >, [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], > >theordertemple queensland , noble-elite > >royal-freemasons , grandlodge scotland > >, [email protected], [email protected], > >grandlodge tasmania , [email protected], > >transvaal , [email protected], scotland > >unitedkingdom , "stanley e. williams" > > [email protected], [email protected], michael mason > >, [email protected], [email protected], > >hellsangels , [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected] > >cc: [email protected], [email protected], districtgrandsecretary > >, [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

> >[email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], elite masons > > >, elite masonsugle , > > grandlodge scotland , grandimperial > >council scotland , grand masoniclodge scotland > >, elizabeth shoulders > >, elite ugle , elite ugle > >, elite ugle this is in exact words the letter i just received about a > >hour ago .. from queen elizabeth elisabeth 2 ... > > > > > > you have not proved to us that there is nothing you will not do for the > >sang arian race of peoples so how do we trust you and how do we need you > > > > you have not proven that you can be trusted to keep our timehonoured > >secrets" or even taken any of the several rights of >constantly > >are sendin emails to peoples who are not of our kind, with information >you > >have found out.devined or discovered about our send emails >about > > things which you know are private about others. > > > > you have not even shown that you are who you say you are ... anybody > >can get lucky with suggestions and ideas about life, > > but that does not make him a have spent a long time trying to > >show the world what we desire to remain hidden.we have even provided the > >ability to use parh and you have not even used such to prove yourself. > > > > you have even attempted to enter the grounds of the grove and > > you were aware of this being forbidden. > > this transgression alone is beyond our imagination. you have > > said, printed and cause to be said many things, which were adverse to > >myself, and now you want us want us to beleive you are a friend.this is > >not as easy as you might like us to beleive.. > > > > and finally , as to the person who deleived your message, you > > will soon not be able to use him again for anything. he is obviously > >weak or pathetic--we have mo use for him in our lives any more

your question about being allowed to keep these people up to date, seems to us to be a slight be late. you have already been sending these people the messages. however, since we have only said not to copy our messages to anyone, we did say you may paraphrase what we are doing.

this is fine.

as to when to start the begining of the 7 day fasts, i have previously suggested you start right away, however, should you desire to wait til midnight, you may do so. the sooner the better. what anyone is guaranteed we do not know. we guarantee nothing to master mason. why do you believe he is entitled to such? qe what is being said below is the doubts brought upon you by the drugs, not the truth. you must realize that you can draw strength from both pindar and ourselves. as to astral sex, this is being worked on constantly in your mind... accept it for what it is.... your body reacting to the years of abuse. qe there is much here that we should refer to in our reply. yes, you are being manipulative, but it is understandable. let me comment on black containing all colors. this is true. take every color you can find and put them together and you obtain the pure black. if you take away all colors from the mixture, you get white. this, therefore, means that white is an

absence of color, not a color in itself. this also means that black is the most powerful of auras and is the reason yours reacted so much with the one you call master mason. your aura is black, as is ours, and as is his. when black mixes with black, it combines to form an aura of darkness in which no light can escape. when one who has such a black aura does magic without training, it is dangerous. in almost all cases innocents get harmed. you must be careful that you do not attempt to invoke the demons as such until further trained. majikians with black auras are the strongest of majikians. it was hoped by jd and ourselves that you would have the abilities to handle the short 7 x 7. it was felt this way as we believed that you truly meant to do the 44 days upon your own as well. we felt this as it was what came from your lips to our ears. we may have been wrong. we, neither jd nor ourselves, will be coming directly to your rescue. if you do not feel that you can handle it upon your own or with a small amount of coaxing from ourselves, then maybe it is not to be. we had even suggested that we might release your precious master mason as a reward. at this point, we simply do not know what our next step should be. may you see true and be true to your heart. for your heart is your body that is not, and needs to be purified. your mind when not threatened, but upon feel the loss of a love, your mind walls so high and wide, it is a the greatest of defenses. sometimes defenses are good, other thinks, they leave a lot to be desired.

is pure, it knows this builds these

qe and jd even if were were to send you someone temporarily, for a day or two, to help guide you along the right path, or even if jd himself were to come to you, for a day or two, we fear that you would not be willing to accept the majik that is produced. and, based upon your current living conditions, you would revert right back into your own negative life. are we not wrong? qe

if we were to give you a course of study, in the realm of majik, and asked you to practice it under the influence of the drugs which your body currently hosts, would it not risk you using it unwisely? qe i am not sure what your answer was below.

i simply stated:

my statement ***** even if were were to send you someone temporarily, for a day or two, to help guide you along the right path, or even if jd himself were to come to you, for a day or two, we fear that you would not be willing to accept the majik that is produced. and, based upon your current living conditions, you would revert right back into your own negative life. are we not wrong? qe ***** first, never would we take someone as you and do away with their mind. so, have no fear in that. you will not be drugged and removed or made unaware of your life, and all, as you stated below. what was meant by the statement and question is that we do not know if you, in your addicted state, can have an open enough mind to accept the majik as it is taught to you and as you need to understand. also, it was stated above (and below) that your living with the person who seems to control your every move would make it difficult for anyone we send to so much as meet with you. this is our understanding. what do you think. also, please use paragraphs have spell checked the document, have a question for us, please ask do not wish to miss a question

in your writing.

we appreciate that you

but paragraphs would help.

also, if you

it at the beginning of your documents.


you have, because we did not see a question

mark. thank you, qe we believe you will fight the removal of the drugs from your system, as

you going through withdrawal symptoms (per your statements previously) helped to keep you from working with your master mason on the trip he took you on. what would make you think this time it might be any different? and, on any drug, including aspirin your mind is effected and affected. do not think otherwise. jd we have been getting your voice messages, but have not had time to respond to them. please accept that either jd or myself will get to them as soon as we have a spare moment. qe we are mulling over the various options. out of the question is taking you for 44 days anywhere. we have asked you to show you can do a 7 x 7 on your own as you were planning to do with the 44. you have shown that you cannot do so much as a 2 x 2 on your own. while we are disappointed in this outcome, it does not mean you have any less of our love. jd yes, love, those were paragraphs, so you are doing well. just put thoughts that are the same into the same paragraph. make a new paragraph when you have a different to express. yes, i tis hard to believe. if i were asked 5 years ago, if i thought i would be bothering with you, the answer would be no. it still is a wonder, and we would not be doing so, if it were not some of the things your master mason said. the human black aura, and the sang arian black aura fit together perfectly. much as you might suggest that a male cock fight fit a womans cunt or mouth. they are made for each other, and if you can see the aura vividly, you will see the protrusion of the sang arian black aura fitting into the the humans as they copulate. jd

you do not suck, or at least not in the way you mean it. your addiction may suck, but that is not you. it is the drugs that you take. there are many who get off them on their own. all it takes is the will to do so and the desire to rid your body of the crutch. i know you may seem like this is hard, and it is hard. nobody ever promised you life would be easy, did they? so, buck up, and renew your desire to clean your body of the drugs. do whatever you need to do, to do so. i shall get to your voice messages in about 17 hours or so. qe and jd we know not why your account is suspended as it seems to have been. because of this, we do not know what you are receiving or what you may not be receiving. we pray you receive what we are sending and that you take it all in the light in which it is meant. we have and continue to promise that we shall not lie nor attempt to manipulate you. in response to what we expect in return, it is simply love and trust. we do expect you to tell us what you mean and to mean what you tell us. we do not expect you to attempt to manipulate us either, for you know, as in the past, this does not work in your favour. qe if you feel you owe taxes, then why do you not go to your master mason and ask him to do your taxes. he may not be a sang arian at this point in time, however, he surely would prepare your taxes as that is what he does for employment? qe goddess of free love, we are confused. are you upon the first day of your fast or are you not? as to your comment about the returned email address. we have not changed our address and we continue to receive your message. we received your message stating that you were going to go have an orgasm. was that successful at the time? what pictures went through your mind when you were doing so? next time you go to have such, first remove your clothing and lay upon the top of your bed, breathing quietly for 33 breaths. upon the 34th breath, start to work upon your body as if it were ours. we shall be there. qe very good, so you now see and understand how to do this. please note that not everyone hates you. apparently, the one you eliminated, did not �hate you�, and of course we love you. we long for the day where we may have ritual with you. qe

yes, you did as instructed. continue to send things like this, or even voice messages to the same group. keep excluding the same person for three days. if you have not been suspended, then you know who it was who turned you in. if you get suspended during those three days, wait until you are reopened, and start sending to a different group, eliminating a differnet person instead of the one you found is ok. jd were you not informed by qe that we would promise to not lie to you, if you would not lie to us and accept us for what we told you? i am disappointed in this message. jd is taking too much energy to bother with this anymore. we see that there is a total distrust by you in us, and we in you. we will answer the following questions and statements, however, do not expect us to respond to any more of your messages. they simply take too much energy, and we can expend that better elsewhere. we are sorry, but an impasse is an impasse. qe yes, we both know who we are. our problem is we do not know how to remove the drugs from your body and remove the doubts the drugs present. if you were master mason you would have to lie , and say what ever you were told to say why would he have to lie if he were us? and who cares? do you doubt that your master mason cared for you? do you think maybe your master mason was not a member of the order? we do not think you have any doubt who your master mason was. we think you simply refuse to deal with anyone but jd and ourselves. this is out of the question. we have too many other duties. you have our love, but not our time. qe your love cannot be real for someone you do not believe is real. to love 100 percent you must believe 100 percent. end of story, or at least your story. qe whenever we need you???????? we have no need for someone who cares so little about the effort we are putting into this, and who thinks so little about what we are bothering to do.

qe no, i do not think you are giving me 94 percent insults, i think that your faith in what we say being only 94 percent as you stated was your belief in us, in a prior message or email, is an insult. we had promised to give you answers to your questions, and to tell nothing but the truth, and in return, you dare to say you only have 94 percent faith in who we are. and, when you say such, you still wish for us to trust that you are some sort of future to us. so, we must have faith in you, without your returning such faith. does this really make sense to you? could you imagine anyone accepting such a statement from you? we think that the drugs you do, have both made you paranoid and giving you false visions. i am not even sure why we have bothered to answer this message, when you know ever well, unless you were in another drug induced trance when you said/wrote that 94 percent comment. jd and qe your final verbal email to us, has just been listened to, and as promised we shall answer your final questions. you asked how many humans have a pure black aura over 2000 years and how many people have not changed when undergoing alkhemy. to the first question we can only say less than a hand full during any lifespan of humans is all we have seen with the pure black aura. this is not a scientific number, but it shows you that if we, both pindar and ourselves have not seen but 10 or fewer living humans at one time with such a pure black aura, you can be assured it is a small number. as to the unchanged after undergoing alkhemy, that is easier. when properly done, we have not seen anyone not accept the change. when improperly done, there are many who have not, but few have lived. this is why there are so few sang arians of full blood and quite a few not of full blood. again, we state we love you, both your mind and body, but do not not love the energy we are expending to get so little in return. so, when you finally and forever decide who we are, we pray we are able to help you get to where you desire to go. in the mean time, we pray you are able to do so without our help but with the help of, maybe jean and z. qe and pindar once again you are questioning who we are and expecting us to not question you. we, for no other reason than this, feel that this cause will not be realized. we pray that you will see the light of all who have been in contact with you, both those who have as ambassadors of ours and those who were working against us. we pray that when you finally learn who is enlightened, and who is trying to harm you, that you will return to us, fully. we have never asked you to keep any secrets in the end from the others, only that you do not relay word for word what we state in emails. others, i believe have asked to to only work for them. we, both myself, qe, and pindar, have only asked you to stop questioning ourselves, and what we tell you. suspend your disbelief if you will. we find that you cannot take what we say at face value but you expect us to drop all and run to your bec and call. this we shall not do. no mater what we offer, you come back with reasons for it not to work and reasons that you will only accept it 94 percent. well, 94 is not enough for us, and it should not be enough for

you. try through what ever other means you can and desire to obtain the clear light to the end of your rainbow. but we shall not accept 94 percent or your insults. it is simple as that. qe and pindar the more we hear what you are saying, the more we feel that we erred in our assessment of the whole situation. too much of what you say is actually no where near the path or the right way into the enlightenment. we wonder if your master mason was not just played for a fool by you. qe jd thank you for your message, and know that we love you as well. you have many who love you, including the queen and i, just as your master mason loves you. we shall try again. jd never fear for we are near. near to your mind and watching you constantly. jd send your master mason an email to his [email protected] account, asking in a concise way if he would be willing to do your taxes for whatever you believe it is worth. he may be receptive. we will contact him to make him more receptive and keep him from doing anything like that. jd we are sorry you are not feeling well. try to drink plenty of water. force it down you, to dilute any toxins which you may have ingested. we love you and we do not wish for you to feel unwell. do your appologies and your manuscript on the trip to frater imhotep soon though. jd and qe forget what we said about black auras. this is nothing you need to worry about anymore. but to answer your question, since you had already asked it when we decided that there was too much effort needed to satisfy you: all living things have an aura. most aura are pale in colour and often a pastel colour. our, qe and jd�s auras are black, one of the richest kind. the sang arian, who use to occupy a body and was called by you master mason, his is black. rarely we find a human with a black aura, but in your case, your aura, should you be able to see it, you would view a black aura. it is as simple as that. it has nothing to do with sex, but to say that when black aura mix, they often produce exciting results. you were able to produce some very good visions while around another black aura. this would be so whether or not you knew the other had a black aura. so, should you run into another with a black aura, you will find more �visions� being brought out, and more accurate visions as well. as to sex, like other things, when you match with an aura and have sex, you will find that it becomes much more satisfying than normal. simple as this. yours, qe and jd

after listening to the last message, we have also realized that you are correct, in you are getting your memories without any need for help from either qe, jd or the one you called master mason. no need to bother you with any of us. you will eventually be able to know it all from your own use of the drugs and whatever other methods you can find on the internet. qe jd not to worry any more about that jean or the z man. they are both headed off on false trails to enlightenment. 8.3 9.2 or any other such listing of numbers, is of no consequence. you need not worry about us either, and for that reason you may wish to contact back with those two. apparently you have no interent to receive our messages, but what has been said is that you still did not trust us, and since you for some reason feel we must trust you before you shall consent to trust us, well, we have decided that we would releave you of such burden by simply telling you, that you need not worry. this attempt between ourselves, qe and jd is taking too much energy, and we are going to answer this messages, and after that we shall not worry anymore about your contacts. we love you, but not the energy it is taking to convince you. qe jd to reply to this message. we know what your master mason thought of us, as we were originally the ones who sent him to you. to see if there was any further need to read your messages, or should we just simply put out a mass delete to all in the order. your master mason came back and gave us some information which he gleaned from you. it was this information which told us to have him continue to meet with you and to take you through past lives regression to learn more. we know you to be mary, but this is by doing what we can to understand your visions, as you have placed them over the internet. this does not mean any more than that. qe you must learn that you have made your life and the life you have made is that of being with the drug of your choosing. this prevents you from being in the world and functioning. you feel alive with your drug, and that is where you desire to stay. the whole world is out there for you if you were to choose to do away with the drug you chose. realize that the world functions, at least those who have never heard of your drug, and that world is alive. once you remove the clutches of that drug from your system, you will once again feel alive every day. without the biting need for artificial stimulants or stimulus. qe is not going to respond to you until you have shown your ability to do away with such. jd there is nothing that can substitute for your own desires to get off the drug. it would be nice if waving a wand or drinking a potion or even some magical words could make removing the drugs from your system as easy as it was to put the drugs there. detoxing the body of such a drug is a hard task, but it is made easier by the knowledge that after a few days, you will again feel like you are living the life that was meant to be. sure, while you are detoxing your body, you may feel like you are dieing. you may feel like you only live when you have the drug, but that is your body lying to you mind. you may hurt now, but know this: there is a real life after your

drug. get it out of your system and you will know that you are your own master. get it out of your system and gain qe�s belief in you once more. jd how do we know you to be mary. we know it because of some of the things you have said. not one of them is your saying that you are mary. we know it because of the life you currently live is very similar to the early years of mary. we know it because of our research into the life of mary and because of the people we have known over the eons. study mary and you will find yourself. there is little real doubt that you are mary. where the doubt does come in, is if you are able to accept mary�s lot in life and rid yourself of the early years of accepting temptations of the drugs and wine, and move on to be the true goddess of free love. with the drugs you will always be what you are today. without the drugs, you may be able to see the real future as well as the real past. jd i was not able to understand most of what was on this recording. please restate our message. if possible type your message, but that is not a requirement. your audio messages are easier for me to comprehend than your written messages, however this one is a bit broken up when i listen to it. remember, you only fail if you give up. this is a lesson your president bush has stated over and over again regarding the war in the middle east. so, get back on the horse, and start again, and keep starting over every time you fall off. eventually, you will succeed at getting the drug out of your system. realize that it was not put into your system over night, and it will not come out of your system that fast either. remove it from your life and from your temptation. substitute something better for the drug. put orgasm on a higher plane than the drug and give yourself such over and over again. do whatever is necessary to keep from falling, but when you do fall, get back up as soon as you realize you have fallen and get back upon the path to life. pindar every time you fall off the horse, get back on. it is when you fall off and do not get back on to the right track that is when you will have lost me. pindar jd it is fine to draw on whatever energy you can, until you can get well. i believe it is wonderful that you are trying again. i can feel that you really want to succeed, and i pray you will. jd may the gods look favorable upon your efforts and give you the energy and mindset to carry out what you begin. jd

no, neither qe nor i have sent jean to you for educational purposes. as you know we have been suspicious of what jean is doing for some time now. we think that he is out to make all the money he can from what little is knows. it seems that he has set up several profitable organizations and we think that he is charging entry fees to some people for these. once they pay, they get to find out that they are a member of an exclusive group. so exclusive, that it only consists of them and a few others who have paid to enter as well as a few people who he has given memberships to free. but in no way is what he is doing being condoned by either qe nor i. as you very well know, qe has decreed that you must get through the 7x7 before she will even talk about training you. i am a bit more lenient, but i would want you to be taught be someone who knows more than what he reads on a website. remember, jean is the one who said that i was dead. pindar this is when i asked him why you would send me teh invitation for thetreee& maybe he wants you to use his org for email, thereby giving him some credit. i do not know.


pindar this is him telling me not to accept your invitation into no, do not enter into this site. we have people already doing that, and discovering what he is up to. just leave it alone. you have enough on your plate as it stand now. lovingly pindar if it would help at all, please feel free to call boho, and give them the number of the beast and the number of the gods together intertwined. this should let them then answer one question honestly for you. you can ask them anything, and they will answer honestly. ask them if you should question what we say or not or ask them if pindar is real. they will let you know, in their way, the answer. one question, and one question only. i wish there was something i could do for your addiction, but as you understand i cannot come there in person, and i cannot take you out of there at this point either. i wish i could be there to hold you, and comfort you in person, but i cannot. pindar do we really need to go through this one again? if you wish to abandoned the road you are on, you must show that you can at least do some of it yourself. this is what frustrated the queen with you. with me, i do not care if it takes you 100 attempts to ride the horse, as long as you keep attempting. and, yes, in the long scheme of things, the eons we have traveled to get to this current point and time, we do have plenty of time left. so, stop the complaining about your needing something additional to get off the drugs. you were able to get on them yourself, i know you will be able to get off them yourself. i have confidence in you. pindar as pindar, i am married to the world. this is not a stupid question. you are may be my special girl though, as i consider you to be such. my love extends to such a degree for you, that it has no boundaries.


7:48 pm - 0 comments - 0 kudos - add comment - edit - remove from qe ii to treee, march-april-may-june 2006 current mood: adventurous category: myspace

from qeii and pindar - pindar is jd or james de , but really he is baron david rene james de rothschild. i didnt realize it was the baron at first , i thought he was a messenger for qe, but it turns out he is the pindar , im not including my letters i wrote to elizabeth and pindar cuz they are way too long and serious bad grammer and mispells and english and also are very very very very very long , usually, pindar, jd, the baron rothschild , before he reveiled himself to me, i didnt knoe who i was talking to so for a while he used broken english(hes from france-- it took me about 3 months after i began corrisponding with qe and pindar before i realized it was pindar _sang arian -- the dragon lord we have no doubt why you wish to serve us. just remember, my promise included not to lie to you, and for this to work, you must also not doubt what we say. qe the promise referred to in the message below was a promise made between your master mason and us. not between you and us. our promise between you and us, is simple.

we promise to be honest and

straight forward with you. your promise is to be the same with us. we have not promised you anything more. if you are under the impression that your 44 day fast was to take place in boho, you are mistaken. show us where we promised such! we have said that you feel you need to do a regimented fast before even attempting to do such a long one. this has been proven out by the inability for you to complete the second stage of the 7 stage 7 day fasting. this step we must get over before we can take this further. we hope you understand. if not, please show us where we promised you more than honesty. qe we know of whom you are.

we have few questions until you get through

at least the 7 day fast period. this is the first step. we will answer yours, but not for an unlimited period of time. we expect you to complete your promise in full to us as we shall to you. we are positive that you are mary m reliving such past. do you not see this in your own self, and in your own real current life? qe this was when i said that michael rodgers didnt need to be punished and that he didnt tell me any secrets , because i channeled information and my esp when around him showed me things which is true , most of what i learned from him is what i channelleed and then he( michael rodgers confirmed, i was told that he was punished because when i was taken to tonopah to be hypnotized , i didnt let him and i guess this was a violation of his contract you dare doubt the terms and conditions where violated when we tell you in no uncertain terms they were? among other items his promise of age regression hypnosis was one we were counting upon. did this happen? qeii tthis is when i asked if jd was pindar yes, you are correct, jd is indeed the one you are seeking and he is not deceased. you are also correct in that george bush is a good man. he is also alone much now that he does not have master mason around to confide in. we shall see about that soon. qeii you are in contact with only two entities. we are queen elizabeth ii, and james dean, or jd. james dean is not this jean person. we know who jean is, and we are monitoring his path quite closely. we do not know, at this point in our travels, what side he may fall upon. james dean has been on holiday for the past week or so. we do code many things, but when we do to you, we shall inform you of such. if you question anything that is possibly a code, we shall help you see through it. agree? qe

this respect goes along with our mutual promises.

do you

lay low on the subject of jean for now. do not him bother and he not you. soon it will be found what side he stands upon. regarding queen elizabeth and goddess selias, either are fine and proper, as long as you do not use just names given. jd some colors on colors as you are prone to use hurt the eyes. this is the reason for the request. are you part sang arian. this we cannot answer without a most complete examination of your body. maybe this can be done for you as it is a question we would like answered. we shall consider it. if you did not succumb to the change you would be one of the few. the very few. the programming which was done upon you was neither authorized in full nor was it preordained. so, this we cannot tell you the full reason as to why you did not take, nor what happened. it would help for you to completely describe what took place during the ritual sex portion of the trip. as to sending what we talk about to jean or z, we am not sure where jean now stands. we would prefer you did not send exact copies of what we discuss. qe may take us a few days to answer your messages, so please do not get worried that they will be missed. little.

time is something we find we have

as to the heart and the mind issue. the mind is where the heart stems from. we do not actually feel with our heart. the heart is an organ which pumps our blood. we agree with you, if you were to say, the "heart" in quotes as referring to the natural thought of love stemming from the heart. so, i really do not think we have a disagreement here. your love, does stem from that which we may call the "heart" in our poetic writings. but that "heart" in our poetic writings is a reaction which takes place in the brain and is felt in the "heart".

i hope this makes this understandable. it is such a shame that you did not allow hypnosis to help open up your spirits. it is a way to help bring these things to the surface and allow for better control of the spirits by your own self.


pindar is alive and well. he shall contact you some day, not just to prove of his life but to improve your life. qe well written and understandable. we know you will be tested, and we know that these will not be easy tests to follow. you will need to break the bond of your body and mind. you will need to learn that it is your mind and not the vessel containing it that is of importance. these tests we believe you will pass.we are strong as you may believe. there has not been any serious attack upon our �cap stone� for hundreds of years. this does not mean we are weak now, it simply means we are almost all attempting to work together in one direction. this is true, but there are a few exceptions. qe


this personage (michael rodgers) has a very strong and long lived aura. it is believed that your own aura mixing with his allowed for you to see or �intuit� much more than you would have otherwise been able to see. it is this mixing of auras which aids in the revival of your spirits.we know not where you have brought your sons into this topic. the ritual of mary is not to be the time you are brought into the grove. at least this is not of our current planning. however, through proper use of meditation, following this strict regiment as you shall be given, it is believed that you will have your sons again. keep on the regimented fast, and use your sons names as part of your chant as well.

and when times get rough, use sex, both ritual and without ritual to stay our course. qe the sang arian whom you speak of here by the name known as michael rodgers is an honorable personage. it was through him we finally saw of your potential. we have removed the sang arian presence in him because of his violation of terms and conditions. however, at no time was he not honorable. for that, this has been what may turn out to be a temporary resting place for the presence again. never place yourself and your own ambitions above such a sang arian. at least not while in such presence. qe you do us proud, and we are sure you will do well with this. if all goes as planned, and if we see that you can keep all your energies focused we may even return the sang arian life force to one who is precious to you in 11 days. keep up this work and energy. qe we say jd is from the middle of france, however, it has been years since he lived there. resides in the queens court.

he now

do you remember what osiris said when meeting you upon the streets? while the crowd was surrounding the poor young lady? qe we have met you and we feel it will all go as is planned. as to jean de cabalis, he is but a road block placed there on purpose. as with all road blocks you should concentrate on how to avoid such in your travels, not to run into them. we shall meet sometime, but it will not be on this trip, as these are fully scheduled years in advance. jd will give you a time and a place and a way, when the time is right. qe

over the years, we have learned to take omens seriously. as you ask.

we shall do

qe jean knows what we tell him. he is a good, upright man and he will test you. see his tests for what they are. roadblocks which are placed there for a purpose. we need to know how serious you are in this desire and the work to obtain it. this is when i asked if i was insane no, you are not. you are at times confused. this is true. but you know what you are doing when you hurt others. you just do it anyway, yes? qe

true love heals all. a goddess of free love is what you do. you give your love freely. you should learn to do this not just in the physical sense of the word, but in how we feel you do mean it, in the sense of loving all, including those who do not at times love you back. this comes from her. qe indeed keep a journal for us. sending it as often as you care to do so. any visions should also be sent. the time is right. we pray and you should as well. try chanting an hour during each day. chant of your desires to love everyone and your love for us. chant also of your sins, and your desires to make amends. it is how it should be, and we are not mad at you. know you only know as much as you can see, and there are something we have allowed you to see, and other things we have made you to see. how can you be strong without being aggressive? this is easy. we simply turn our aggression to something more productive. qe do you know the name mary magdalene from your history? what is causing your uneasiness?

maybe this is


qe first you must forgive self before you can love self. to do so, you must think about what you have done wrong. you must apologize for such wrongs. you need not be forgiven by others, but you must apologize for such wrongs. once you have apologized to all, you can forgive yourself for such. you must of course mean the apologies. so, to do the preceding, you must first list out all of your sins, and to who those transgressions may have been against. when this is done you send out email or phone call to each who you must apologize to. if you need help or not understand this, send copy of your transgression to us and we will explain further who you transgress against. against.

sometimes, it is not easy to know who the sin transgresses

qe we all carry both the sin of eve as well as the forgiveness of jesus for such original sin. your transgressions are of both old lives as well as current, but before we can get to old lives, we must clear the sin of the current life. we wish to be born again in a symbolic fashion, not through an actual death of your current body. these short fasts will help in this action. qe this is simple. do these short fasts growing them one day at a time. it is still felt that you have not the fat storage to do even a 7 day fast. if you have pictures of your fat reserve, please send them. iif you not have such pictures, then just be careful that you do not faint. the fast is to stay away from anything but water for such days. qe no, you do not do a preparation fast by starting at 3 days. you start at one day, take one day off. then do 2 days and take one day off. then three

days and take one day off. continue this as shown, using no diet pills or any other medications. the only thing you use during the fasts is water. on the day off you can eat anything. you should not smoke or drink alcohol during fast. through the above you will work yourself up to 7 day fast at one time. understand? day of sunday.

you should start this on the frist moment of the sabbath

qe it does no good to antagonize anyone when you are to be the goddess of free love. jd as i comprehend it, tophet and molech is names people giving to owl on one part of bg. to i and to queen elizabeth, are not important at all to taurus... taurus very important. but not tohet and molech. when i say we know many names for you, i speaking of in life past. not in calling names to you. in that you too have more than one name, but i talk about past, not now. james dean queen know all or almost all. very smart and knows all.

she have ears in walls far away.


james dean yes, we are alright, but we have not told you to go to the mojave. wonder why you do so? there is no call from us to do this trip.


james dean lana shoulders is you biological mother? james dean april 29 "so i dont knoe that everyone and everything is alrigh because you have not answered me"

i do not know where it is written that i must answer you, nor do i know where you have asked me a direct question, that i have not answered. you go to boho if you want, but should you go without permission, then all we plan on doing for you is no longer on the table. you would be considered a tresspasser.

may it is under consideration. as proof of your intent, you may satisfy the worry of your abilities by showing that you have the ability to hold to a 7 day fast. not traveling into any desert, but doing so where you habitat now. do so by using only water and fasting first for 1 day. then attempt a 2 day fast. after breaking the 2 day fast, attempt a 3 day fast. after breaking the 3 day fast, attempt a 4 day fast. this way working your way to 7 days. during any fast, you are to meditate. you are allow no drugs or alcohol nor anything but water to pass through your lips. your meditation should be as you so sweetly put in a prior email much like this hippi of older days. you should think of natural healing on each of these days. you are to think of freely loving those you have met upon the path you have desired to take.

you are to love yourself as you would another.


it does no good to antagonize anyone when you are to be the goddess of free love. jd this is from pindar ( he who says he is pindar but this is when i didnt knoe it was pindar and he was writing to me under the name james dean , which is interesting because baron david rene james de rothschild is teh hed of the illumaniti, at this tyme i didnt knoe about the rothschilds or that teh name james de is a family name in teh rothschild family, he is from france, and he wrote to me at first in broken english, and told me later that is because that is what the queen told him to do, he said he was a servent of teh queen elizabeth , and did not reveil to me that he was pindar , until i finally figured it out , which i

will include here in these series of letters.. this was when michael rodgers was being punished for me using his name in the guild feb 24 because you keep useing name of the one you say is not who give you information. everytime you do, you hurt that man more. and you know that you do this. either you are dumb or he is dumbest. the saying is "you put a nail in him for every time your say his name". march 30 now i read group of yours, and watch you carefully. i been instructed to ask why you not bathing twice a day and not doing other things to purify self as commanded? if this message show up on web, then expect no more contact from qe ii. james dean april 3 you to have been reborn. but it you refused the directions of queen. she direct you bathe two times each day, and you not do so. she not going to tell you what else you need, since you not take her directions on first time. i not afraid anyone.

except maybe queen when mad.

april james dean13 year and friday 13 come right after that. month of tarus come soon, yes? so what? you no do what she said needed to be reborn. queen is capable of love. i not ask her. she is tired, but good mother. james dean you be tricked by jean, and zsniel, but not by queen. queen honest, when you are honest and obey. not care about you when you not love and be as directed. james dean you may write, but not giving my address, yes. you may tell of me being in the france, but not more than this. you may not tell of what is communicated, until after the begining of the month of taurus. james dean please not to worry at this point.

not over think of what the queen

wants. you will be told, as long as you follow directions. is to bathe twice per day as instructed.

first directions

james dean as we speak between worlds, queen has mounted large force to save child. you may spend all day praying to osiris that attempt to free child come so. but do not tell world of this attemp, or spys will warn of this fight to come. pray most important during bathes and when sleep ready. james dean

i understand, but blessed be queen, not me. i but humble servant of queen. you accept her as you say, and you will be at her side one day. the time when come the need for more than one mother. you be like the wife to queen. you next to her one day. i only wish i could be like you. jame dean queen want you knowing that you have not permission to enter bg. no at this time. she has effected control at bg, and no child there was found. no sacrifice of such either. the childs is nowhere to be found. queen will tell you when bg is open to you, but until you not go near. queen worry about you, and what you do. how you think childs were there? james dean

it is not for you to feel any differnt about. it is for you to be different. you should now add prayer to bathe times. one at sunrise. one at sunset. qeii did text you. even mention taurus to you. she never mean that your child was there. if jean or z told you such, or used her name, they are not working for the best of all-kind. qe ii will no longer text you. any further text by her will not be from her. assume they are really jean or zn. rest assured that your child was not at bg.

james dean i am not knowing why i should not get your email. you send it to me. i interpet it, and answer. you will feel different when complete each step with all your mind, soul, thought, belief and body. no sacrafice going on now. i cant not be sure about july yet. james dean

i is no michael rodgers. i know the cellphone text from queen and not through you. this is why i say she will not text you more from such device. she say that if you get more text they are not from her. as to your michael rodgers, sang arian you know removed from him. he no member of inner sanctum for time now. maybe in future we shall use his body. no now. we are happy that the bathe ritual is starting to help you, but know that is but one step. you must keep to ritual. james dean your michael rodgers not mind controler now.

he is of no use to us for

time. he forced to tell you some things, other things he tell you truth about. pindar is not elizabeth. we know many name for you. sometime you will know them. james dean ritual is best when many of same are helping to perform. but rituals work even with one or two. you are not alone. but not with people. james dean youi next direction. you are to remove yourself from any drugs you take. not even aspirin. you not to drink alcohol or take any other form of drug. none. continue with bathes. james dean 7:27 pm - 0 comments - 0 kudos - add comment - edit - remove to treee from qeii, 2-12 2006 current mood: anxious category: myspace

to treee feb 12 2006 delivered from michael rodgers of 1515 e tropicana , las vegas nevada court 181 royal order of jesteres, for queen elizabeth ii

> >to treee from qeii feb 12 2006 > > > > you have not proved to us that there is nothing you will not do for the > >sang arian race of peoples so how do we trust you and how do we need you > > > > you have not proven that you can be trusted to keep our timehonoured > >secrets" or even taken any of the several rights of >constantly > >are sendin emails to peoples who are not of our kind, with information >you > >have found out.devined or discovered about our send emails >about > > things which you know are private about others. > > > > you have not even shown that you are who you say you are ... anybody > >can get lucky with suggestions and ideas about life, > > but that does not make him a have spent a long time trying to > >show the world what we desire to remain hidden.we have even provided the > >ability to use parh and you have not even used such to prove yourself. > > > > you have even attempted to enter the grounds of the grove and > > you were aware of this being forbidden. > > this transgression alone is beyond our imagination. you have > > said, printed and cause to be said many things, which were adverse to > >myself, and now you want us want us to beleive you are a friend.this is > >not as easy as you might like us to beleive.. > > > > and finally , as to the person who deleived your message, you > > will soon not be able to use him again for anything. he is obviously > >weak or pathetic--we have mo use for him in our lives any more qeii then i treee

forwarded this letter

from: treee tonia > >to: united grandlodge , kilwinning


> > >, kilwinning >, kilwinning > >, kilwinning , kilwinning > >, kilwinning , kilwinning > >, kilwinning , rex king > >, [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >royal masons , [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], > >kilwinning queensland , [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], uglenobility royalty > > >, [email protected], > >royalgrandlodge scotland , usaroyalhouse stuart > >, washington temple , masons ugle > > >, [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected] > >cc: [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], hellsangels , > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], james kelly , kilwinning > >, kilwinning , kilwinning > >, kilwinning , > >kilwinning , kilwinning , > >herdom kilwinning , tasmania kilwinning > >, [email protected], orangefreestate natal > >, [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], > >theordertemple queensland , noble-elite > >royal-freemasons , grandlodge scotland > >, [email protected], [email protected], > >grandlodge tasmania , [email protected], > >transvaal , [email protected], scotland > >unitedkingdom , "stanley e. williams" > > [email protected], [email protected], michael mason > >, [email protected], [email protected], > >hellsangels , [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected] > >cc: [email protected], [email protected], districtgrandsecretary > >, [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], > >[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

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