People who break the law forfeit their right to be treated in a civilissed way by society. Do you agree?
It is quite conceivable that those who commit a crime are treated in a derogatory way by their community, specifically in certain plaes where they want to eventually belong after being absolved. Indeed, this incorrect habit remains in time since previous centuries. A major question to be considered is whether states representatives and law breakers’ relatives encourage them to comply with the stipulated social agreement. In the first place, many former convicts find it impossible to reinsert into society. For instance, when searching for a job. According to the New York Times, there are several prejudices such as being robbed by candidates with criminal records. Nevertheless, in order not to be involved in discriminatory scandals, it has been reported that: “Business owners had no idea there was anything wrong with practices like a blanket ban on hiring anybody involved in a previous crime”. yet, it is a well-known fact that a relevant factor to apply for a job is not having participated in illegal practices. Subsequently, even family members react in a similar manner. It seems that the disgrace of having a person in the family related to a delict is more relevant than assisting their own blood to help to surpass the legal issue. Exclusion leads to alterations in behavior, such as depression for not being emotionally content, aggressiveness not only with their relatives but also with any other individual. However, the worst conduct expected is suicide. Afterwards, in both scopes family dishearten and the impediment to make a progress in life, many psychologists say that empathy should occupy a prominent place owing to the fact that people might not understand what they are going through. What is more, it is often alleged that with the intention of preserving the common uncorrupted human stereotype, marginalization to those who do not meet with these requirements is increasing. To the best of my knowledge, the reason why the criminals infringe the law is not significant; this idea of ignoring the motives is a label set by society. Thus, taking all the arguments into account, I would say that despite committing a crime, the lack of support not received by those who are obliged to encourage the promotion of the corrupted individual normally occurs. Needless to say, only when these attitudes have changed, will people gradually lose the sense of coexistence and compliance with the statute.