Ep9. Exegesis & Exposition 1 Peter 2 1-3 Web V

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  • Pages: 48
Exegesis (in the study)

Expository Preaching Exposition (in the pulpit) * PCJB PP Presentation devised and prepared at Gujranwala Theological Seminary may be copied for non-commercial use only June 2005

Preliminaries (Some more important than others!)

Why PowerPoint? 

Clarity of outline

Central formatting Use few words per frame One unit of thought to each line 

Ease of editing / manipulating text 

Force of impact

This Presentation… 

Is prepared for use in the classroom

(using a multimedia projector beamed onto a white wall or screen; or a wide screen monitor for small groups (2-10))

Can be easily adapted by the teacher  Allows for class interaction with the text 

(using the edit mode for class suggestions, for “best” lay out of the Scripture text)


The Preacher’s Big Question How do I preach in such a way that people walk out from church saying, “This morning I have heard from God?”

J.I.Packer’s response… “I can only say that you must have heard from God before you start preaching, so that something of what you have heard and the impact it has had on you gets relayed into what you are actually saying.”


For God to speak to you in your

preparation  For His Spirit to guide your thoughts as you expose His Word  For Jesus to be glorified through this study and subsequent exposition

The discipline of

Exegesis bringing out the original meaning of a text

The process of reading carefully what a document says

Exegesis (Alt. Definition)

so that you understand what it means

Exegesis: Exegesis Is a part of the total process of Expository Preaching  It is done primarily during the preparation of an Expository Sermon to ascertain the correct meaning of the text  Its results are explained during the exposition of the passage in the Sermon 

Exegesis avoids “reading into” the text the reader‘s own ideas, and aims instead to enable the text to “speak out” its own message. It normally involves 5 procedures....

Exegetical Procedures: Procedures 1.

Recognise the nature of the writing – its GENRE – not always obvious!


Discern the shape of its STRUCTURE


Identify the SUBJECT of its content


Outline the TEACHING about this subject


Focus on the “HEART-BEAT“ of its message

Exegetical Procedures: Procedures The expanding and contracting movement of a heart beat aptly describes the exegetical process

Movement of the Exegetical Focus

(focusin –G g

St >Su HB-














Movement of the Exegetical Focus

(focusin –G g

St >Su HB-





Note: This pattern reminds us that 

We need to be focused - not allowing interesting but unimportant things to obscure the important matters, yet

We also want to understand fully and accurately what is important and relevant

Exegetical Procedure First decide the GENRE (the literary nature) of the passage 

Decide what kind of writing the text represents – in what literary type it is written    

Is it a letter? a parable? history? poetry? etc

Example: 1 Peter 2:1-3

Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. 

The New International Version, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House) 1984.

Exegetical Procedure: The GENRE 

The general form is that of an epistle (letter).

This passage is an exhortation, 

written primarily to effect a change in 


or 


Exegetical Procedure Then discern the SHAPE of the thought STRUCTURE Note the various ideas or actions that make up the text and their relationships with each other

Discerning The SHAPE of The Thought STRUCTURE This is best done by re-arranging the lay-out of the text using indention to clarify the relationship of the various parts (This method is sometimes called diagraming)

Exegetical Procedure: SHAPING* the STRUCTURE (*Diagraming) 1 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. 2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3 now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. [1] [1]The New International Version, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House) 1984.

Exegetical Procedure Then identify the TOPICS treated in the text   

Note the PEOPLE involved Any ACTIVITIES or EVENTS The IDEAS contained

Which group dominates the flow of the passage?

Exegetical Procedure: TOPICS dealt with 1 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3 now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.[1] [1]The New International Version, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House) 1984.

Exegetical Procedure Then find the over-all SUBJECT 

Looking at the several topics treated in the passage decide what subject would cover them all

Exegetical Procedure: Over-all SUBJECT? 1 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. 2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3 now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

Exegetical Procedure: Over-all SUBJECT

Spiritual Growth

Exegetical Procedure Now outline the TEACHING of the passage about this Subject  

Note each point made about the Subject in turn Try to show how they develop the subject

Exegetical Procedure: TEACHING about the over-all SUBJECT

For Spiritual Growth to take place One must first get rid of bad habits  This by itself is not enough  One needs to be nourished also - by the Lord  This must be desired more than anything else 

Exegetical Procedure Finally articulate the “HEART-BEAT” 

Express the core of the message  

In your own words In a short memorable phrase

Exegetical Procedure: HEART-BEAT? 1 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. 2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3 now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.[1] [1]The New International Version, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House) 1984.

Exegetical Procedure: The HEART-BEAT

Find your satisfaction in

God and

his goodness alone

Summary 1.

Recognise the nature of the writing – its GENRE – not always obvious!


Discern the shape of its STRUCTURE


Identify the SUBJECT of its content


Outline the TEACHING about this subject


Focus on the “HEART-BEAT” of its message

The discipline of

Exegesis bringing out the original meaning of a text

The art of

Exposition applying the original meaning of a text to a present situation




Exegesis is done primarily during the preparation of an Expository Sermon to ascertain the correct meaning of the text Its results may be explained in the Sermon during the Exposition of the passage




The Exposition in the sermon uses the insights of the Exegesis gained in preparation to make a contemporary application of the original message

Exposition Exposition is an application of what has been learnt from the Exegesis to the needs of the listeners

Expository Preaching Expository preaching “exposes” the original meaning of the text in such a way as to allow the text to “expose” the listeners to its “heart-beat” message so that they hear the living Word of God speaking to them now


  



(in the Study)

(in the Pulpit)

GENRE STRUCTURE CONTENT (activities, ideas,

GENRE (if significant)

CONTENT (Ideas / Activities / Events / Topics / People

events, topics, people)

 

Over-all SUBJECT TEACHING about the over-all Subject HEART-BEAT

 

Over-all SUBJECT TEACHING about this Subject EXEGESIS of difficult parts

  


Exposition (in the Pulpit) The GENRE 

Explain the GENRE (if significant) A letter of encouragement This passage exhorts the readers to change their attitude and behaviour The writer uses a riské metaphor to emphasise his point

Exposition The CONTENT 

Explain what the Passage is about by describing the general CONTENT

- Its Ideas / Events / Activities / People involved Two sections: 1st topic is about getting rid of vatious sins 2nd topic is about desiring the means to grow spiritually The image of a baby sucking at its mother‘s breast is used to emphasise the need to really want to grow

Exposition The SUBJECT of the passage 

Identify the over-all SUBJECT of the Passage Taking the two topics together, (negatively) getting rid of sins and (positively) thirsting for the milk that enables growth to take place, we see the writer is concerned over-all with

Spiritual Growth, its negative and positive requirements

Exposition TEACHING on this Subject 

Expound the text‘s TEACHING about this Subject.

For Spiritual Growth to take place Bad habits need ‘binning‘  Getting rid of bad habits is not enough  There is need of nourishment also, which comes from the Lord  This must be desired more than anything else 

Exposition The HEART-BEAT 

Focus on the HEART-BEAT of the passage Don‘t think you will grow simply by getting rid of some bad habits!

Find your satisfaction in

God and his goodness alone

Exposition APPLICATION 

APPLY the teaching about the over-all Subject to today

Why does evil hold more fascination than good in our thinking? Resist the tendency to concentrate on sins to be avoided without positive motives Check out what motivates your church life – is it thirst for the Lord and what He has to offer?

Exposition EXHORTATION 

EXHORT your listeners to put this into practice

Get rid of all the filth that is dragging you down today! Find your satisfaction

in God and his goodness alone!

Steps in the Process of Expository Preaching (Full version)

Preparation (in the Study)   

 

Exposition (in the Pulpit)

Recognise the nature of the writing – its GENRE – not always obvious! Analyse the STRUCTURE of the Passage Analyse the CONTENT of the Passage, noting: the various topics, people, and happenings, included.

Explain the GENRE (if significant)

Find the over-all SUBJECT of the Passage Identify the TEACHING about the over-all Subject; outline what is being said about this subject

Expose the original HEART-BEAT of the Passage

Explain what the Passage is about by describing the general CONTENT - Its Ideas / Events / Activities / People involved Identify the over-all SUBJECT of the Passage Expound the text‘s TEACHING about this Subject. Full version would include EXEGESIS of difficult parts Focus on the HEART-BEAT of the passage APPLY the teaching about the over-all Subject to now

EXHORT your listeners to put this into practice

The End

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