Bib3a. A Personal Reading List Course Layout Web V

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- A Core Self-Study Course in Theological Studies - 60 KEY BOOKS (+ 18 alternatives, in yellow cells, & 4 large books, in green cells, counted a


DISCIPLESHIP Course (Part 2)

DISCIPLESHIP Course (Part 3)

Biblical Studies 100

123 The Message of the O.T: H.E. Ellison, Paternoster, 1969, 94pp [O.T. Books] [Alt to 122.9] 122.9 Making 117 How to Sense of the O.T: Read the Bible T. For All Its Worth: Longman, Baker, 1998, 154pp D.Stewart / G.Fee, [Alt to SU, 1993, 265pp 123] 152 How to Read Proverbs: Tremper Longman, IVP, 2002, 174pp 103 From Creation to New Creation:Tim Chester Paternoster 2003, 175pp

MINISTRY Course (Part 1) MINISTRY Course (Part 2) MINISTRY Course (Part 3)

LEADERSHIP Course (Part 1)

LEADERSHIP Course (Part 2)

LEADERSHIP Course (Part 3)

OT 120

115 Papyrus, Parchment & Print: H.K. Moulton, Lutterworth, 1967, 77pp

NT 160


Christian DoctrineApologeticsContemp. Studies 200 300 400

163 The Message of the N.T: F.F. Bruce, Paternoster, 1972, 122pp [N.T. Books]

367 * Mere Christianity: C..S. Lewis, Fontana, 1979, 240pp

374 Does God Knowing God: Believe in Atheists?: 1-9 J.I.Packer, H & S, J. Blanchard, 1984, 314pp EP, 2000, 650pp [Pt 1] 367 The Case for 153 Out of The 200 Who Needs Christ: Storm: Theology?: L.Strobel, Christopher Ash, Philip Yancey, S.J.Grenz / R.E.Olson, Zondervan, 1998, IVP, 2004, 111pp Zondervan, 1995, IVP, 1996, 150pp 297pp [Alt to 288pp [Alt to 367] 164.1] 163 Men with a Message: 282 Knowing the H J.Stott, ELT, 1994, Spirit through the OT: C.Wright, Monarch, 2006, 158pp 160pp,[Alt to 829] [N.T. Books] 374 Does God 261 Marriage for Believe in God: C. Ash, IVP, Atheists?: 10-17 2007, 174pp J. Blanchard, EP, 2000, 650pp [Pt 2] 164.4 The Divine Conspiracy *: D. 240 The Incom-parable Christ: J.Stott, IVP, 2001, Willard, Fount, 250pp 1998, 468pp [Sermon on the M.] [Pt 1] 164.4 The Divine 269 What’s So Conspiracy *: D. Amazing about Willard, Fount, Grace? Philip Yancey, 1998, 468pp HarperCollins, 1997, [Sermon on the M.] 292pp (Pt2) 162.3 The NT Documents: Are They Reliable? F.F.Bruce, IVP 1959. 135pp 164.1 The Jesus I Never Knew:


270 The Cross of Christ: J.Stott, IVP, 1989, 340pp

374 Does God Believe in Atheists?: 18-24 J. Blanchard, EP, 2000, 650pp [Pt 3]

Communication Homiletics 500 520

459 Islam and Christian Witness: M.Goldsmith, Marc Europe, 1982, 160pp [Alt to 459.5] 459.5 Faith to Faith: Chawkat Moucarry, IVP, 2001, 307pp [Alt to 459]

208 A Faith to Live By: D. Macleod, Christian Focus, 2002, 333pp [Alt to 208]

164.7 Who 208 Basic Moved the Christianity: Stone?: F. John Stott, Morison, Faber, IVP, 1958, 159pp [Alt 1948. 192pp to 208]

Islam 450

550 Introducing World Missions: A.S. Moreau, Baker, 2005, 352pp [Alt to 712.4]

412 New Issues Facing Christians 459.8 Secret Believers: Today: John Stott; Br. Andrew Hodder 2008, 278pp [Alt to 631] MP, 1999, 435pp [Pt 1]

631 China’s Chr. Millions: Tony Lambert, Mon., 2006 288pp [Alt to 459.8]

413.2 Someone I Love Is Gay: A. Worthen / R.Davis, IVP, 1996, 215pp

553 Christian Mission in the Modern World *: J.Stott, Kingsway, 1986, 128pp 520 I Believe in Preaching: J.Stott, H & S, 1982, 351pp [Alt to 522} 522 Expository 500 Creating Preaching: Understanding: H.W.Robinson, IVP, D.K.Smith, 1997, 230pp Zondervan, 1992, [Alt to 382pp 520]

412 New Issues Facing Christians Today: John Stott; MP, 1999, 435pp [Pt 2]


Missiology Church History 550 600

600.3 History of Christianity: Lion Handbook, Jonathan Hill, 2007, 580pp [Pt 1]

548 A Biblical Standard for Evangelists: Billy Graham, WW, '84 131pp [Alt to 816.2]

419 Christian Zionism: S. Sizer, IVP, 2006, 298pp [Alt to 450]

681 Mountain Rain (Biography of James Fraser): Eileen Crossman, OMF, 1985,246pp

450 Unveiling Islam: E.M./ E.F. Caner, Kregal, 2002, 256pp [Alt to 419] 434.2 The Unique-ness of Jesus: C.Wright, Monarch, 1997, 186pp [Alt to 521.5]

458.7 The Blood of the Moon: G. Grant, Nelson, 2001, 195pp [Alt to 696.1]

521.5 Spirit Empowered Preaching: A.Azurdia, Chr. Focus, 1998, 192pp [Alt 434.2 ]

589.5 Missions in the3rd Millennium: Stan Guthrie, Paternoster, 2000, 225pp

600.3 History of Christianity: Lion Handbook, Lion, 1977, 640pp [Pt 2]

oks, in green cells, counted as 9 books)




Historical TheologyDiscipleship 690 700

711 Peace with God: Billy Graham, WorldWide, 1984 121pp [Alt. to 712] 712 We Would See Jesus: R&R Hession, CLC, 1997, 148pp [Alt. to 711] 691 The History of Christian Thought: J. Hill, Lion, 2003, 352pp

Education 730

722 Effective 713.5 The Pursuit of Christian Living: Holiness: J. Selfridge, J.Bridges, Paternoster, Christian Focus, 1999, 192pp 1994, 176pp

750 Learn How to Study*: D.Rowntree, Warner Books, 1998, 243pp [Alt to 750]

712.4 The Call: Os Guinness, Paternoster, 2001, 249pp [Alt to 550]

750 Use Your Head: Tony Buzon, BBC Active, 2006, 168pp [Alt to 750]

710 Discipleship: D.Watson, Hodder, 1981, 287pp

773 I Want to be a Christian: J.I.Packer, Kingsway, 1977, 249pp

Pastoral Care 800

Revival 820

701 Streams of Living Water: R. J. Foster, Harper, 1998, 378pp

829 Let No Man Deceive You: Sue Wallace, New Wine, 1986, 123pp [Alt to 282] 719.1 Boundaries: H.Cloud / J.Townsend, Zondervan, 1992, 304pp

816.2 God Does Heal Today: R.Dickinson, Paternoster, 1995, 343pp [Alt to 548]

727.3 Leadership is an Art *: Max DePree, Dell, 1990, 148pp [Work Ethics / Leadership]

803 Spiritual Leadership *: J. Oswald Sanders, Moody, 1994, 160pp


God's World: K. Gnanakan, SPCK, 1999, 176pp [Environmental Theology]

2nd half of

introduce the reader to

804 The Effective Pastor *: P.White, Christian Focus, 1998, 260pp [Alt to 800]

the main areas of basic theological studies over a 9 "term" period. Catalogue AVAILABILITY numbering follows "A Progressive Classification" (P.B., 2008 Ed.)titles While most are currently in print (published 1990 or later), some are older classics, obtainable only from theological libraries or 2nd-hand book-shops Note: All titles can be LEVELS STUDY foundOF in the Library of Gujranwala Theological Seminary, Pakistan. 1st Year: DISCIPLESHIP course. (4163 pages) This lays a basis for future study. : 2nd Year: MINISTRY course. (5089 pages) Prepares for local 841.1 Jesus Driven Ministry: Ajith Fernando, ministry in a congregation. 3rd Year: LEADERSHIP course. (6217 pages) IVP, 2002, 255pp [Alt to 841.1] For potential church leaders 841.1 Mentoring INTER-ACTIVE METHOD of STUDY for Mission: G. Each book may be studied by Krallmann, Gabriel, analyzing (and taking notes on) 2002, 214pp each chapter as follows: [Alt to 841.1] CHAPTER TITLE …………………………………………. SUBJECT

840 Relational Leadership *: W.C.Wright, Paternoster, 2000, 216pp [Alt to 844]

814 Going the 800 Skilful Shepherds *: Distance: Peter D.Tidball, IVP, 1997, 368pp Brain, St Matthias [Alt to 804] Press, 2004, 260pp [Min. Stress]

* Book worth detailed study

!st half of book Pt 2: < "A Progressive Classification" No. book THIS LIST

contains titles of books that will

830 Created For Worship: Noel Due, Mentor,, 2005, 311pp

719.8 Genius, Grief & Grace G. Davies, Chr Focus, 2001, 383pp (Select 5 chs.)

Leadership 840

828: The Living Church John Stott, IVP, 2007, 192pp

712.5 Born for 712.5 Screwtape Letters: Battle: C.S. Lewis, R.A.Matthews, OMF, Fontana, 1942, 124pp 1981, 182pp [Alt to 712.5 <] [ 712.5 >]

718.8 Christian Giving: V.S.Azariah, Lutterworth, 1954, 96pp

696.1 The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind: Mark A.Noll, IVP, 1995, 274pp [Alt to 458.7]

Ethics 720

S: Selected chapters Pt 1:

(What is this chapter about?)


(note up to 6 maximum for each question)

What significant FACTS are given? - What EVENTS described? INSIGHTS GAINED What IDEAS presented? - What ISSUES raised? What new understandings have 844 A Passion for been gained? Faithfulness: What previous mis-understandings J.I.Packer, H&S, 1995, are now clarified? 224pp APPLICATION [Alt to 840] Are there any ways List some examples in which the lessons of the chapter apply to us today? EVALUATION 842.2 Dying for

822.1 I Will Pour out My Spirit: Change *: R.E.Davies, Monarch, L.Anderson, Bethany 1992, 288pp House, 1990, 208pp

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