Ep14. Expounding Luke 2:39-40 Web V

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Preparing A Short Expository Sermon An introduction to Expository Preaching Part 2 EXPOSITION * PCJB PP Presentation devised and prepared at Gujranwala Theological Seminary may be copied for non-commercial use only June 2005

These frames follow on from: EP13 Exegeting Luke 2:39-40 which should be read first

The Expository Sermon

Two parts to any Expository Preaching: 1. (Study) Preparation (Exegesis) (See separate presentation)

2. (Pulpit) Exposition

Expounding in the Pulpit 1. Explain what the Passage is about by describing the general CONTENTS and its CONTEXT 2. Identify the over-all SUBJECT of the Passage 3. Expound the text‘s TEACHING about this Subject 4. Focus on the HEART-BEAT of the passage 5. APPLY the teaching about the over-all Subject to your listeners and their world 6. EXHORT your listeners to embrace the Heart-beat and apply it to their lives

Example Exposition of

Luke 2:39-40

When they had finished everything required (Mary and Joseph)

by the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. The child grew and became strong, (Jesus)

filled with wisdom; and the favour of God was upon him.

Exposition Stage 1 Explain what the Passage is about: • •

Its Ideas / Actions The People involved

This shares what was studied in the PREPARATION


Stage 2 Identify the over-all SUBJECT of the Passage This shares what was studied in the PREPARATION

Exposition Stage 3 Expound the TEACHING of The Text

Background & Context Exegeting Verse 39 (share relevant findings of previous exegesis preparation)

What did the Law of the Lord require of them? a) That Mary purify herself by offering two sacrifices in the Temple b) That Mary make a payment for the birth of her first-born (a reminder of Israel’s redemption from Egypt)

The Law’s Requirement (Lev 12)

A Jewish woman who gave birth to a son, had to go to Jerusalem forty days after the birth, and offer two sacrifices in the temple for her ritual purification…

John Nollard tells us: “In the case of a firstborn son there was also a requirement that he be acknowledged as belonging to the Lord in a special way (Exod 13:2, 12, 15). In fact, the child had to be redeemed by the payment of a fee of five shekels (Num 18:15–16)…

…Though this payment could be made anywhere in the land, the ideal was to present the child at the temple (Neh 10:35–36). And when this was done, the purification and presentation would be done together…

…To use two turtledoves or young pigeons for the sacrifice instead of the usual lamb and one turtledove or pigeon was actually a concession for poor folk.” (Lev 12:8).[1] [1]Nolland, John, Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 35a: Luke 1:1-9:20, (Dallas, Texas: Word Books, Publisher) 1998.

Background & Context

What was their business at home? Joseph was a carpenter, and probably had by now a backlog of orders to complete and was missing the income they represented!

Meaning of Words Exegeting verse 40a What was the effect of the parents’ obedience upon their child? He developed • Physically, (“became strong”) and • Mentally / spiritually (“filled with wisdom”)

Meaning of Words

How did God respond to this family? His grace (“favour”) was upon the child

Exposition Stage 4 Focus on the HEART-BEAT of the passage: Making obedience to God‘s law a family priority precedes God‘s blessing


Stage 5

APPLY the Teaching

Exposition So what is the secret of a home that is blessed by God?

The secret of a home that is blessed by God It is a home where, • despite poverty and • despite pressure of work, attention is paid to God’s Word and God’s commands are put first.

Exposition To see the importance of right family priorities, compare two OT families: – Eli’s and Hannah’s (1 Sam 2)

Exposition Stage 6 EXHORT your listeners to put this teaching into practice

The secret of a home blessed by God • Don’t make excuses for neglecting God’s Word in your family • Be ready to respond to His Word by putting what God wants of us before our own agenda.

Exposition Bring home • the reality, • the significance, and • the urgency of the message of these verses

The Reality: • God really does bless those who put Him first The Significance: • We so easily neglect His Word for our own affairs The Urgency: • When our children are grown up, it is too late to set a good example

Summary of Part 2 : Exposition 1. Explain what the Passage is about by describing the general CONTENTS: 1. Its Ideas / Actions 2. The People involved

2. Identify the over-all SUBJECT of the Passage 3. Expound the text‘s TEACHING about this Subject* * Fuller version would include: •

EXEGESIS of difficult parts of the Passage

4. Focus on the HEART-BEAT of the passage 5. APPLY Teaching about the over-all Subject to today 6. EXHORT your listeners to put this into practice


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