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: Assalamualaikum, Firstly, I would like to show our greatest gratitude, because Dr Sani is willing to spend times with us for this interview. Before I go further, I want to introduce ourselves. My name is Ahmad Solihin and with my team members, Amin and Rafiq.


: Waalaikummussalam, thank you for coming. : Now, I will start with our interview. I would like to ask you about your

personal background such as name, age and others. DR SANI

: My name is Mohd Sani bin Madon and I am 60 years old. I am the senior faculty member of faculty sports science. I am being here since the day one of faculty sports science being formed and that was during 1997. I studied in MPSI. So, I am the alumni of UPSI. After I finished my study in MPSI, I went to Melaka to teach as a teacher in secondary school and later on I further my studies at Universiti Pertanian Malaysia to get my degree and was posted to Kuala Lumpur for three years and was promoted to Language Institute as a sports lecturer and I got opportunities to further my studies in Australia for my master that was during 1994. After I finished my studies, I was posted to Tanjung Malim, that was Institut Perguruan Sultan Idris (IPSI). Then, was sent back in Australia at the same university with the government scholarship to further my studies in doctorate of sports science and 4 years later, I come back to UPSI as a lecturer. So, I am proud to be the part of UPSI’s history or making, meaning that I started from MPSI, then teach as a lecturer in IPSI and promoted as a lecturer in UPSI.


: In your opinion, what is the different between MPSI, IPSI and UPSI?


: Of course there is a big different. But the common thing is education. The different is the development of technology, that is a big different what we see now in UPSI now compared to MPSI. Besides that, the

nature is also differerent. When I was promoted as a lecturer in IPSI, things are getting better but the education system is same to MPSI. Not like now (UPSI), we have all the facilities such as WIFI. But the challenges are also bigger, when it is transform from institute to university. Everything is changes like expectations, quality of educations, and we as a lecturer have Key Perfomance Inducator (KPI). Meaning that every works that you have produced will be evaluated or will be giving marks. Otherwise, your promotion will stay or will not go up. But I did managed to scrumble to the ladder of success like from the ordinary lecturer to the doctortrate, I got my senior lecturership and associate professor during 2011, I guess. Now, I am in one year contract as a senior lecturer. INTERVIEWER

: What are your challenges during study, working and especially when

your contract is being continued and at the same time your age is 60 years old? DR SANI

: Now, after general election, we have new prime minister that is already

93 years old, but I am only 60 years old. So, I am younger than our prime minister. Alhamdullilah, I should thank to Allah s.w.t. because I am healthy. I am yet to have complication in my health like at this age most of the people have already got illness like hypertension, diabetes, and colonary heart problems. But, so far, I am clean in health. So, I think I am capable in continuing my service if needed for a few more years. So, old age is not a big challenges. But during study, of course, we all have challenges. When I continued my studies in Australia, actually my wife was stop working. When I brought my family there, the scholarship was not enough to support my family. So, I must to work part time. During my master and phd years, I worked as a cleaner in shopping complex. I start working from morning to evening and after that I study. That’s I call a challenge because you must to work and study. That’s a challenges for adult students if continuing studies at high level. INTERVIEWER

: My last question is what your opinion about unemployment issue? This is because nowadays, graduated students from university can’t get proper jobs, and there are also many cases thatI these high-graduated worker

especially from degree or diploma are only getting paid below than Rm 1000 and at the same time the living cost is also increasing. DR SANI

: To overcome this issue, I suggested fresh-graduated students to further their studies whether in degree or master. Don’t waste time. For those who are graduated from education degree, if you can, while waiting your time to be posted in any schools, you must continue your study. So, straight ahead if you are not being employed immediately after graduation. But if you are in a situation to support your family or helps your parents perhaps, then do not be choosy to get a good job. This is because there are not many employees can pay as high as your degree level. Don’t expect for that. You must go to any kinds of jobs that you can do with a little pay and then spend wisely with your salary. Another way, you can be your on entrepreneur or in other words starts a small business.


: So, basicly we believe that we have gain a lot from you, gain a lot of informations






recommendations and advices. Again we want to thank because dr are willing to spend time with us for this interview. Until, we see again, assalamualaikum. DR SANI

: You are welcome.

2. REFLECTION i. Introduction Interview is a meeting where the interviewee answered the questions asked by the investigator. In this session, we agreed to interview a lecturer from faculty of sports science in UPSI. We get a lot of knowledge and it is useful to us. We have a lot of interest in his achievements during his life. From the interview, we can increase our communication skills and improve our pronunciation. He is Profesor Madya Dr Mohd Sani bin Madon, 60 years old, he is a senior lecturer of the Sultan Idris University of Education (UPSI) from faculty of sports science. He is now in one year contract of working.

We chose him as the person that we wanted to interview because of his extensive experience in the education. Additionally, he is alumni of UPSI, so we believe that he can give a lot of informations especially regarding to the history of UPSI. We are also believe that he has many experience during working, studying and his idea about current issues We interviewed him on 22nd May 2018, Tuesday, at Block 6, Faculty of Sports Sciences. We started the interview on 11.15 am until 11.45 am. We took 30 minutes for the interview session. ii. Content In the interview, Dr Sani started with his personal and professional background that is focus on the education background and working experience. After that, He also shares somes difference between MPSI, IPSI and UPSI especially the expanding of the facilities, different nature and challenges. Then, Dr Sani also said that working during at the age of 60 years old is not a though challenges for him because he is still fit and healthy. In addition, he stated that all of us have problems or challenges during studying. In his experience, his challenges started during Master and Phd years. This is because he must manage his time between working and studying because he has a family to take care. Dr Sani advises the students to straight ahead continue studies after finishing degree. He also told, do not be choosy to get a good jobs after graduated, do any jobs that you can do or start a small business. iii. Conclusion During the task, we find that there are many weaknesses. For example, we are not fluent in English, so it is a little bit annoying when it comes to interview or ask question to the individu. To correct the problem, before starting the interview the investigator should launch every pronunciation so that it is not stuck. Next, it's hard to gather to conduct an interview session between the challenges we have to go through. This is because some of us have to follow other programs. Therefore, in the future, we need to agree to choose the right time for us to make any interviews to be delayed many times. In conclusion, we learned a lot of things during the session. We recognize that we need to be smart enough to keep it going. We also realize that spirit and responsibility are important when doing something. We also agree that this task is required for all students who take English 3 Proficiency as it will assist students in many ways.

PERSONAL REFLECTION AHMAD SOLIHIN BIN ABD RAHMAN (D20162075840) Introduction We have been instructed to complete an assignment of interviewing one who can be regarded as a public figure. The assignment is a group assignment. Accordingly, we are advised to create a group of five to six members. After completing the formation of the group, the next step is to find an appropriate public figure to interview. We begin discussions with each member to present someone who is appropriate to interview. After discussing, we have decided to choose Dr Mohd Sani bin Madon from faculty of sports science as our preferred public figure. He is a senior lecturer and an alumni in UPSI. Content However, his busy schedule with class schedules and meetings has become a barrier to us to continue the task. We had to wait for him to have time to continue his assignment. Lastly, Dr Sani agreed to spend time for our interview. We have made an interview on May 22, 2018 at Block 6, faculty of sports sciences at his office. During an interview among the things interviewed were related to personal background especially in his background study.In addition, he said that one of the main reasons he became a lecturer in sports science because he loves to teach and he has a great passion in sports. Conclusion After the interview session, we have divided the assignment into each member. Among them is editing a video that was recorded. Additionally, each member works together to prepare an assignment report. The cooperation given by each expert is excellent. Each of them tried to complete the task despite busy with other affairs. I would like to thank each group member for completing the assignment until completion. Throughout this assignment, we get to know each other even though we are from different courses. Therefore, I would like to thank the group members and lecturers who have given us guidance to complete the assignment. Muhammad Najmi bin Mohd Azmi (D20162076372) Introduction On 22nd May 2018, Tuesday, at Block 6, Faculty oProfesor Madya Dr Mohd Sani bin Madonf Sports Sciences, we wnet to interview a , 60 years old, he is a senior lecturer of the Sultan Idris University of Education (UPSI) from faculty of sports science. We started the interview on 11.15

am until 11.45 am. We took 30 minutes for the interview session.We chose him as the person that we wanted to interview because of his extensive experience in the education. Additionally, he is alumni of UPSI, so we believe that he can give a lot of informations especially regarding to the history of UPSI. We are also believe that he has many experience during working, studying and his idea about current issues. Content We had prepared some questions before the interview session and the question is about a background profile such as background education,working experience, obstacle during work of Profesor Madya Dr Mohd Sani bin Madon and opinion about unemployment issue. During this interview, our interviewee has shared so many experiences of him to get the ‘Dr’ title. He is proud to be the part of UPSI’s history or making, meaning that he started from MPSI, then teach as a lecturer in IPSI and promoted as a lecturer in UPSI. Reflecting on how he go on his studies he is so proud of his studies because he managed to scrumble to the ladder of success like from the ordinary lecturer to the doctortrate, and got the senior lecturership and associate professor during 2011. Next, Dr. Sani also emphasis on how he faced obstacles during his studies, working and especially when his contract is being continued and at the same time his age is 60 years old but his in good health. But during his studies in Australia, actually his wife was stop working. When he brought his family there, the scholarship was not enough to support his family. So, he must to work part time. During his master and phd years, he worked as a cleaner in shopping complex. He start working from morning to evening and after that he study. That’s he call a challenge because you must to work and study. That’s a challenges for adult students if continuing studies at high level. I also felt impressed when Dr. Sani told us that he need to face with that challenge during his studies. Conclusion In conclusion, I have learn how hard and sacrifice that Dr. Sani had make to archieve his ‘Dr’ title. And for me Dr. Sani is one of the person who inspired me to be a good student with a good archievement. Last but not least, I hope that I can work hard and smart like Dr. Sani since he has been my role model. His personality required in every single student if we want to success in life.


D20162076140 INTRODUCTION On 22 May 2018, we went to interview a lecturer from the Faculty of Sports Science and Coaching, at Block 6, Faculty of Sports Science and Coaching, in Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, UPSI. He is Professor Madya Dr. Mohd Sani bin Madon, he was a senior lecturer in faculty of sport science and coaching, 60 years old, and he is now in one year contract working. We chose him to interview because he have a lot of extensive experience in education. Additionally, Dr. Sani was the alumni of UPSI, so we believe that he can give us a lot of information about the education and especially the history of UPSI. CONTENT There are six question that we asked from Dr. Sani regarding his experience among he study at the UPSI and until he got Phd.. I am going to explain roughly what I have understood during the interviewed session. First of all, I would like to express my feeling that I am so proud of Dr. Sani because he contributed his time and energy to achieve what he want to happen in his life. In the interview, Dr. Sani started with his personal and professional background that is focus on the education background and working experience. After that, he also shares somes difference nature and cahllenges. Then, Dr. Sani also said that working during at the age of 60 years old is not a though challenges for him because he still fit and healthy. In addition, he stated that all of us have problems or challenges during studying. In his experience, his challenges started during Master and Phd years. This is because he must manage his time between working and studying because he has a family to take care and give the attention. Furthermore, Dr. Sani advice us and our student to straight ahead continue studies after finishing degree. Lastly, he also told us that do not be choosy to get a good jobs after graduates, do any jobs that you can do or start a small business. CONCLUSION During the task, I am find that there are many weakness. For example, I are not fluent in English, so it is a little bit annoying and problem when it comes to interview or ask question to the individual. To correct the problem, before starting interview we as the investigator must launch every pronouncition so that it is not stuck.

Then, it is hard to gather to conduct an interview session between the challenges we have to go through. This is because some of us have to follow other programs. Therefore, in the future, we need to agree to choose the right time for us to make any interview to be delayed many times. Conclusion, I am learned a lot of things during the session. I am and team recognise that we need to be smart and keep going. We also realize that spirit and responsibility are important when doing some work or something. MUHAMMAD AMIN BIN RAZAK ( D20162076144 ) INTRODUCTION On 22 may 2018, Tuesday , we want to interview a lecturer from University Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI).His name is Professor Madya DrMohd Sani bin Madon , his age is 60 years old and from Faculty of Sport Science and Coaching. His being here since the day one of faculty sports science being formed and that was during 1997. his studied in MPSI and his the alumni of UPSI. After his finished study in MPSI, his went to Melaka to teach as a teacher in secondary school. Later his studies at Universiti Pertanian Malaysia to get degree and his posted to Kuala Lumpur for three years. His got opportunities to further studies in Australia for master that was during 1994. After Dr Sani finished the studies, his was posted to Tanjung Malim, that was Institut Perguruan Sultan Idris (IPSI). .This interview session took approximately 30 to 40 minutes . The interview session was held at room lecturer at Faculty of Sport Science and Coaching. Dr sani is an idol for a new lecturer in faculty of Sport Science and Coaching. CONTENT We had prepared some questions before the interview session and showedthe question to our interviewee because we want to help him to be ready to answer all of our questions and the questions is all personal background, different between MPSI, IPSI and UPSI? , challenges during study, working and unemployment issue. Through the first question Dr sani believes that there is a big difference. which is different is technology development, which is far different from what we see now in UPSI compared to MPSI. otherwise, its nature is different. when DR was promoted to lecturer at IPSI, the situation improved but the education system was similar to MPSI. Not like now (UPSI), we have all the facilities such as WIFI. But the challenges are also bigger, when it is transform from institute to university. Everything is changes like expectations, quality of educations, and a lecturer have Key Perfomance Inducator (KPI). Meaning that every works that you have produced will be evaluated or will be giving marks. Otherwise, your

promotion will stay or will not go up. Pertaining to the second question, Dr Sani said, but during study, of course, we all have challenges. When I continued my studies in Australia, actually my wife was stop working. His brought family there, the scholarship was not enough to support his family. So, his must to work part time. His worked as a cleaner in shopping complex. Dr.Sani start working from morning to evening and after that his study. Pertaining to the last question, Dr Sani said, if you can, while waiting your time to be posted in any schools, you must continue your study. CONCLUSION In conclusion, I can find out a little bit about the life of Dr Sani. Many lessons can be learned from Dr Sani's life. We as students must constantly improve our knowledge in order to help the nation. Effort and determination on the gap between the desired and the current performance is one of the key factors that eventually separates the very best from the very good. I hope Dr Sani is always healthy. Khalis Aizuddin Bin Mulyadi (D20162075799) Introduction First of all, we were given task that we need to interview someone with a career. Before interview, we were list down the plan to make the interviewed will be a smooth process. On 22nd May 2018, Tuesday, at Block 6, Faculty Profesor Madya Dr Mohd Sani bin Madon from Sports Sciences, we wnet to interview a , 60 years old, he is a senior lecturer of the Sultan Idris University of Education (UPSI) from faculty of sports science. We took 30 minutes for the interview session which is start at 11.15 am till 11.45 am. We chose him as the person that we wanted to interview because of his extensive experience in the education. Additionally, he is alumni of UPSI, so we believe that he can give a lot of informations especially regarding to the history of UPSI. We are also believe that he has many experience during working, studying and his idea about current issues. Content Before we went for this interview we have prepared a few question for him. The question is all about background profile such as background education, working experience, obstacle during work and also his comment or opinions about the unemployment issue. When the interview begin, Dr Sani has shared a lot of experiences and emphasis on how he faced obstacles and risks until now he get the tittle Professor Madya Dr Mohd Sani. One of his

greatest experience is he is part of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, UPSI’s history. This is because, he started from MPSI, then teach as a lecturer in IPSI and now promoted as a senior lecturer in UPSI at the age of 60 years old. Looking on based on he go on his studies he is so proud of his studies because he managed to scrumble to the ladder of success like from the ordinary lecturer to the doctorate, and got the senior lecturership and associate professor during 2011. Furthermore, Dr Sani also emphasis on how he faced obstacles during his studies and working at overseas carrying his family and also his contract is being continued and at the same time his age is 60 years old but the most impressive thing is his in good health. When he is studying at Australia continuing his master, his wife had to stop her work. He brings all his family to stay with him at Australia. Although Dr Sani got scholarship, it is not enough to support his study and family. So, Dr Sani which is a student need to get a part time job to support his study. He works as a cleaner at one of the shopping complex near his university in the morning until evening and after finish his work he continue his study. It is really hard to do two thing at the same time which is study and working. That’s a challenges for adult students if continuing studies at high level. I also felt impressed when Dr Sani told us that he need to face with that challenge during his studies. For myself I do not know that I can face it or not. Conclusion In conclusion, I hope Dr Sani will success in his whole life and will always be in the pink of health. And for me Dr Sani is one of the person who inspired me to be a good student with a good achievement. Last but not least, from this exposure, I hope it can work and study like him since he is my idol. His personality required in every single student if we want to be a smart student, good worker and success in life.

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