English Saisumiran Feb 2008

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Unique Combination of Painting and Sai Bhajan For the first time in Delhi with Sai Baba’s blessings Mrs. & Mr. Madan Mohan Tandon brings artist of international fame Sh. Navneet Agnihotri (maker of Asia’s largest Sai Baba’s painting) and Naagar & Party on a consecrated platform in Kamani Auditorium, New Delhi on 10th Feb, 2008 to present this unique combination of art and Sai bhajan in aid to support underprivileged children through Prayas. As per Baba’s direction money realized through the auction of the painting will be donated by Sh. Navneet Agnihotri to Prayas for the rehabilitation of the under privilidged children. Sadguru first looks at the qualification of his disciples and then gives them suitable instructions without unsettling their minds in the least and leads them towards the goal of self realisation. Blessed are the ones who have been identified by Baba himself to truly participate in this sacred event as per their core competencies gifted by Baba. Tandons a devout Sai devotee family to play the lead role, Sh. Vineet Nagpal (Royal card Products) to

design and create Baba’s invitation , Sh. Neeraj Kumar (Managing trustee-Pracheen Sai Dham Mandir, Dev Nagar Police chowkee) to exhibit Sai Ek Parichay - Baba’s teachings and preachings, Naagar and party (Guruji B.M. Naagar, Sh. Bhuvnesh Naithani, Sh. Praveen Mudgal) to sing Baba’s leelas, Sh. Premnath for comparing, Sh. Dharminder Suri (General Secretary - Sai Sawali Regd. Co- Editor Sai Sumiran times) for complete event planning and event management, above all Sh. Navneet Agnihotri through whom Baba will appear on a white canvas and bless us all. If our demerits have come to an end then God arranges our meeting with saints who give us proper direction regarding our welfare. Sadgurus like Sai Baba opens our eyes of intellect and shows us the divine beauty of self and fulfills our tender longings of devotion. When this is done our desire for sense objects vanishes and twin fruits of Vivek (wisdom) and Vairagya (non attachment) come to our hands and knowledge sprouts up even in sleep. -Dharminder Suri

Skeptics and Lord Sainath of Shirdi Many persons on hearing the leelas of Lord Sai used to be skeptical about the efficacy of the leelas. They visited Shirdi in order to verify the authenticity of Baba’s leelas. As Lord Sai nath of Shirdi was/is omniscient He could know the purpose of their visits and removed their doubts. It so happened that the greater the doubting

Thomas initially, the ardent devotee after visiting Shirdi. In this category stories of many persons comes to mind but the classic case is of Jetha bhai Thakkar (Chapter 35). Thakkar Dharamsey Jetha bhai was a solicitor of Bombay. Kaka Mahajani was Manager of the solicitor firm of Jethabhai and was ardent devotee of Baba. Kaka Mahajani was often visiting Shirdi and staying there for days and was returning after For Subscription, Advertisement & any other information about Shri Sai Sumiran Times in U.K. Contact Mr. Jayant Kachhwaha Ph. 07985389420 [email protected] For U.S.A. Contact Mr. Anil Chadha [email protected] For South-East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Contact: Mrs. Sudesh Johar Ph. 61-425222635 61-2-93630105 Email.: [email protected]. For Dhaka contact: Mrs. Jyoti Sidhwani Ph.008801711527982

getting Baba’s permission. This fact was known to Jethabhai. He was doubtful about Baba’s powers and His all pervasiveness. In order to test Baba, Jethabhai also accompanied Kaka to Shirdi with another associate during Shimga holidays. After reaching Shirdi Jethabhai alongwith Kaka went to Masjid for darshan of Baba. There Jethabhai thrice tested Baba’s powers. First all of his doubt was cleared when he desired that he should get seedless raisins, then the raisins he was asked to eat were seedless which was a great surprise for Jethatbhai and his doubt was further removed when the devotee sitting next to him told him that he received variety with seeds. Secondly when a thought came to his mind that if Baba is a great saint then He must read his mind and start distributing by giving raisins to Kaka Mahajani first. This thought was also read by Lord Sainath of Shirdi and Kaka Mahajani was first to receive the raisins. Jethabhai was introduced by Shama to Baba. He forgetting his resolve saluted Baba and also paid dakshina to Baba. When Jethabhai went to

Baba to take His leave he wanted that Kaka Mahajani should also return with him. Generally Baba made Kaka to stay in Shirdi for some days but this time knowing the desire of Jethabhai He allowed Kaka to return to Bombay with Jethabhai. Hari Kanoba (Chapter 49) an other skeptic who went to Shirdi to test Baba and found Him a great satpurush. Baba removed Hari Kanoba’s doubt in a unique way. First Baba got his new sandals disappeared and instilled faith, confidence, trust and removed his doubts by arranging the return of his sandals by telling the boy that the sandals should be returned to the person who was the son of Hari and who was wearing jari bordered turban. Hari Kanoba was surprised as to how Baba could know the name of his father which information he never shared with anyone at Shirdi. After their Shirdi visit both Jethabhai and Hari Kanoba became ardent devotees of Lord Sainath. Today also Baba changes the skeptics into his ardent devotees by removing their doubts and by fulfilling their desires. -Premendra Ojha, (SOS)

“He, who carps and cavils at others, pierces Me in the heart and injures Me, but he that suffers and endures, pleases Me most.” -Sai Baba


New Delhi - February 2008

Baba Blessed Me With Healthy Baby Girl Baba, as promised to you I am writing my experience in the newsletter. I want to thank my Baba for fulfilling all my wishes. I pray that He continues to shower His blessings on my family & me. By His grace, I was blessed with healthy baby girl after struggling with infertility for 6 years and went through a lot of medical treatments. I had completely given up hope in life. Day and night, I would pray to Baba for a child. Once I had gone to Sai temple and saw some people touching Sai Baba Idol’s feet. I thought that only the temple committee people could do that and wished in my mind that I could fall at His feet and beg for my wishes. We came home and at that night, I dreamt of Sai and me touching his feet asking for forgiveness for anything wrong I have done in life. At that moment, my feet were in the air and my head down

and went round and round for some time. I ask for forgiveness again and then Sai blessed me with a big laddoo and said I would get pregnant in 5 months. After 2 months, I did not get pregnant with IVF and doubted again whether it was just my mind playing tricks on me as I pray day and night. Again I lost hope. Then exactly after 5 months from the day I dreamt I went for a FET, which had a very less percentage of getting pregnant. This time it was successful. My pregnancy went on smoothly with some minor problems. But Sai carried this baby for me and is a true gift for me from Him. With His grace, we also got our green cards for which we also went through a lot of hardships of being denied and finally being approved. I pray that He continues to bless us. Jai Sai Ram. PradnyaS, Courtesy-Dipika

Turning Water into Oil Sai Baba was very fond of lights. He used to borrow oil from shopkeepers and keep lamps burning the whole night in the Masjid and temple. This went on for some time. The Banias, who supplied oil gratis, once met together and decided not to give Him oil. When, as usual, Baba went to ask for oil, they all gave Him a distinct “No”. Unperturbed, Baba returned to the Masjid and kept the dry wicks in the lamps. The Banias were watching Him with curiosity. Baba took the Tumrel (tin pot), which

contained very little (a few drops) of oil. He put water into it and drank it, and then, forced it fall into the container. After consecrating the tin-pot in this way, He again took the water from the tip-pot and filled all the lamps with it and lighted them. To the surprise and dismay of the watching Banias, the lamps began to burn and kept burning the whole night. The Banias repented and apologized to Baba to forgive them, Baba asked them to be more truthful in future. (Shri Sai Satcharita)

My treasury is full and I can give anyone, what he wants, but I have to see, whether he is qualified to receive My gift. If you listen to Me carefully, you will be certainly benefited. While sitting in this Masjid I never speak any untruth.” (SAI BABA)

Shri Sai Sumiran Times

Leelas of Baba in Amritwani by Mrs. Veena Gupta It was birthday of our There were other usual Even One Leela of Baba daughter-in-law on 16 th Leelas of oozing Udi, should be enough, but we January (Wednesday), and formation of words RAM, here at SHAM. OM. Oozing of Holi Sidhartha Water from the Charans. Extension Eating of Bhog. Udi on Bhog, have become documents and Lockets etc. so used to Devotees interested in these Leelas attending Sri Sai Amrit Vani, and they have in person may contact on become, part phone nos. 26346942, of our life. 9868966605 or 9312494767 mother of our Daughter-in- only after 11 AM and before law offered Gulab Jaman this 8 PM (IST) on any day Thursday to Baba for the except Thursdays but please birthday. After the puja the don't call on Thursdays, Or box offered to Baba of Prasad send the emails to was opened. Only half the [email protected] Gulab Jaman was there and Devotees should not bring a very beautiful pearl was any bhog with them and be there on the Gulab Jaman. It in time. Kids are not allowed is not possible to describe in the hall. Last to last Thursday there the feelings of the devotees. Devotees may also join the was lot of honey from the Hand of Mrs Gupta was yahoogroup of the devotees Photo of Baba on the wall. shaking and many devotees of Sai Baba by typing http:// Honey was collected in the had tears in their eyes. I groups.yahoo.com/group/ trays. Last Thursday honey attach a photo of the Gulab mysaibaba20 and send the was oozing from the statue, Janam with the pearl. letters to the group of 3100 and it was collected in a A devotee offered members by sending a katori. This Thursday Udi milkcake to Baba in the bhog, single letter to was oozing from all the as usual, part of it was [email protected] photos with usual words of missing. Ashok Gupta RAM, SHAM & OM.

Spread Your Hands With Faith, There I Stand Behind You “I may be here in My physical body, and you may be far away beyond the seven seas. Yet, whatever you do there I know instantly. Wherever you may be, when you spread your hands before Me in supplication with faith and devotion, there I stand behind you day and night, as steadfast as your faith and devotion is,” said Baba to Cholkar. Baba’s words are true for each and every devotee even now; as they were then. This is such a Leela where Baba literally went beyond the seven seas to rescue a devotee. It was during World War1, Capt. Jahangir F. Daruwala was at sea, with his fleet of ships. To his utter dismay he realized that three of his ships were hit by the enemy and were sinking fast. Soon these three ships with the passengers and himself would meet the same fate. Being a good

Captain he hoped to ferry the remaining ships to safety. He had Baba’s photograph in his pocket. He promptly took it out and earnestly prayed to Baba to come to their rescue. Just as he has praying, Baba sitting in the Dwarkamai shouted “Haq, haq”. The devotees surrounding Baba, were astonished to see Baba completely drenched from head to toe. The water flowed in torrents, and the Dwarkamai soon became a pool of water. The devotees simply removed buckets and buckets of water from the Dwarkamai for about an hour. Then they gave Baba dry clothes to wear. As Baba was silent about the cause of His being drenched, one of the devotees drank the water as holy water and found it extremely salty. He wondered at that, but kept quiet. Simultaneously, at sea, Capt. Daruwala saw Baba in per-

son, pull and tow his ships to safety. On the third day after this incident Baba received a telegram from the Captain, thanking Him for the rescue operation. Immedi- S ately on his return he came to Shirdi and fell at Baba’s feet. He thanked Baba for answering his prayers so swiftly and saving the lives of his crew and the passengers. Capt. Daruwala was an ardent devotee and he took a great deal of interest in Baba’s affairs. He donated Rs.2,200/- in two installments for the repair of the Sabha Mandap as a small ‘thank you gesture’ CourtesyAmbrosia In Shirdi by Vinni

Legal Advise Column In this column our Legal Advisor would give advise to the querries of the readers. The desirous readers may send their querries to Editor, Shri Sai Sumiran Times, F44-D, MIG Flats G-8 Area, Hari Nagar, New Delhi-110064.

Shri Sai Sumiran Times

New Delhi - February 2008

Baba Saved My Husband Rama Krishna G. Kothari was born in 1908. He was a Pathari Prabhu by caste. His parents first visited Shirdi in 1911. On that visit, they saw Baba standing near the railing of Dwarakamai, distributing Udi to the devotees. They were filled with devotion, and were overwhelmed with the love, to see this beautiful sight. Upon their return home, they started worshipping a photograph of Baba. They also started doing Bhajans and called the Bhajan Mandali (group) ‘Sai Laj’. In 1913 his father was seriously sick with pneumonia. Dr. Naik was treating him, but was skeptical of his recovery. He told the family that the chances of recovery were slim, and he would succumb to the disease. Hearing this his mother prayed to Baba and vowed that if her husband survived, she would do ‘Padyatra’ (walk) to Shirdi and thank Baba. The Bhajan Mandali also came to his home to perform the Bhajans (hyms), the whole night. At nightfall the disease took a serious turn, the doctor was summoned at 10.00 P.M. He gave the patient an injection and medicines but told the wife that at about 12.00 P.M. her husband would die. The relatives on hearing this, read the Bhagwat Gita to the patient. Simultaneously Baba’s Bhajans continued. At about 11.00 P.M. the patient started to suffocate, and had great difficulty in breathing. The distort wife seeing his condition wailed and cried saying ‘Baba save my husband’. The crisis lasted till 1.00 A.M. when the doctor was called again. He again gave the patient an injection & assured them that the crisis were over. The Bhajans continued till 4.00 A.M. when the Bhajan Mandali and the relatives assured the wife that her husband had survived, so she better get ready, for the ‘Padyatra’ (pilgrimage by foot) as per her vow. From that time the patient steadily recovered and was ambulant in a few moments. So the family and the Bhajan Mandali started for Shirdi. At Kopargaon, the family hired five bullock carts to take them to Shirdi. But the wife would not sit in the cart. She just walked, behind the carts although her

Our Journey Towards Building Sai Mandir In Columbus, Ohio - USA

legs were swollen and bruised. A short distance from Shirdi there was a stony, and thorny path. So she went and rested under a tree. She noticed a man with a white beard in a shepherd’s dress. He approached her and said, “Your vow has been accepted by Baba so mother, go the rest of the distance by bullock cart”. The lady heard the loving tone in the voice but she adhered to her vow, and trudged the rest of the way. When she reached Dwarkamai, Baba was seated with His devotees when Baba said to Nana Saheb, “I met this lady on the way and told her to ride in the cart, but she would not listen. See how swollen and bruised her legs are! But they will be alright by the evening.” True to His words the swelling and the bruises vanished by evening. They stayed at Shirdi for a few days and returned home with Baba’s blessings and Udi. Courtesy-Ambrosia In Shirdi by Vinni

It was through Baba’s blessings and grace that we started our first Sai Bhajan with three families during the first Thursday of February 1999. It all began with the leelas of Baba when one of the devotees brought a beautiful photo of Baba ( Baba sitting on a stone) from India and wanted to place the photo in the local temple. However, for some reason, it did not occur. He then expressed his desire to start bhajans on Thursdays with my family and so began the devine mission in Columbus. Both of our families joined together with another family for the first Sai Bhajan. Since then not a single Thursday has gone without having Baba’s Bhajans and with this upcoming month of February, we will be completing nine years by Baba’s grace and we are celebrating this joyful ninth anniversary of bhajans from February 7 to February 9, 2008. As Baba says that “I will pull my devotees to me wherever they are” we saw devotees pouring into weekly bhajans. As we started rotating the Bhajans, at devotees homes, the number of devotees It is you sai to WH. M I increased many fold. By express my fellings 2001, the number of families It is you sai to whom I increased to almost fifty. Later that year, I had a personal share my joy, experience, which prompted It is only you sai near whom I shed my years the idea of building a mandir for Baba: of sadness BABA’s Inspiration: After the It is you & you and no initial Bhajans in 1999, I are elso Baba wanted to donate money for with the name of yours Baba’s Idol in India and with what is impossible that in my mind, during my Hanuman had even visit to India in 2001, I inquired crossed about donating money for The mightly occan with Baba’s idols at couple of temples. your name As it is said that “Man Not I am the great proposes and God disposes”, devotee meera nor Baba had a different idea and Tulsidass so He didn’t want my But a humble devotee of donation to go anywhere else. yours After my arrival back to US, standing before you before forming the Sri Sai praying for a glimpse of Baba Temple Society of Ohio, yours one day I had a dream where I was standing in the sai devotee Pooja Soni Dwarakamai with folded hands and asking “BABA,

Sai Baba

please let me know how I can fulfill my wish?” Immediately, I heard Baba’s voice loudly saying “Mandir” “Mandir” twice. I could not believe myself and did not reveal this to anyone at that time. During the same weekend, I happened to visit the local Sri Sathya Sai center after six months. On the same day, a divine person from India, who has written many books on Sri Shirdi Baba was at the center. In her discourse, she mentioned that she got a vision from Baba that there will be a temple here in the city where two to three devotees will be starting and others will be joining. After hearing that, I was shocked and addressed the gathering about the dream I had ; soon by Baba’s grace, in a major step Sri Saibaba Temple Society of Ohio was formed in 2001. By 2003, the number families participating in the Bhajans increased to approximately one-hundred and this required us to look for an alternate location instead of devotees’ homes. In June of 2003, a leased accommodation was taken in a shopping mall. Once again, through Baba’s miracle we could obtain this place with a rent, much lower than the market price. Initially, devotees did all of the four Aartis to Baba on a regular basis, and later on a priest was hired to perform the daily rituals for Baba. We continued for almost two years at the same place before moving to our current location.

Dharmvir Singh


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8/14, Ground Floor, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008 E-mail : [email protected]

We celebrate all the major festivals at the mandir including Sri Rama Navami, Guru Purnima, Vijay Dasami, and Baba’s Punya Tithi. At present, around 200 devotees attend the bhajans and on festival days, the number goes upto 400. Numerous devotees have experienced miracles in this temple. With Baba’s grace and devotees’ support, we bought 7.75 acres of land in 2005. This wooded land has a natural creek and a few people with divine powers have expressed that Baba had visited and sat at this site for sometime. Bhumi Suddhi pujan was done last year and we are finalizing on the design of the Mandir. The estimated cost of the project would be around 2.5 million dollars and we are seeking Baba’s blessings to complete this divine project. It is BABA who has been working towards building the temple; we are simply the instruments that He has chosen for this great cause. I will try to post other miracles and experiences whenever Baba permits. Jai Sai Ram, In Sai’s Service, Varaha N Appikatla, Columbus, Ohio- USA Subscribe for Shri Sai Sumiran Times. Annual Subscription Rs. 100/- only For Subscription & Advertisements contact: Anju Tandon - 9818023070, Dharminder Suri 9811205800


Shri Sai Sumiran Times

New Delhi - February 2008

Shri Sai Satcharitra In Audio CD This is to inform you that with the blessings of Lord Sai Baba, the life history of Sai Baba the entire Holy Granth, Shri Sai Satcharitra, has been compiled in the form of Audio C.D. (MP 3) in the resonating voice of Shri Shailendra Bharti who too is a great disciple of Lord Sri Sai Baba. All the fifty-one chapters included in Sai Satcharitra have been compiled with melodious background music in the CD. After visiting the different temples of Shri Sai Baba throughout the country, it is noticed that the devotees are not aware of the life history and the valuable preaching of Lord Sri Sai Baba. Many a times they are left to themselves for deciphering the important events, which had happened during the lifetime of our Lord SRI Sai Baba. Keeping in view the aforesaid circumstances, it is of utmost importance that we all disciples of Lord Sai Baba try and spread the message of Sai Baba to the best of our capabilities. The messages and the life history

along with the important events which had happened during the life time of Lord Sai Saba is known to all the Darshanarthies who visit the temples all over the world. It is in this context that the Pracheen Sai Dham Temple has released the CD on 20th November 2007 in a grand ceremony held at Talkatora Stadium at Delhi. Pracheen Sai Dham Temple expresses its deepest gratitude towards the Shirdi Sai Sansthan, which has helped in releasing the said audio CD. In case the managing committee of any temple requires copies of said audio CD, the same will be provided. I can assure you that this is the best way to feel the holy and gracious presence of our Lord Sri Sai Baba through the Audio CD. I can also assure that this would help a great deal in increasing concentration and leading your mind and soul towards the ultimate goal of achieving the selfrealization. Neeraj Kumar

Subscribe for Shri Sai Sumiran Times. Annual Subscription Rs. 100/- only For Subscription & Advertisements contact:

Gayatri Mantra

Anju Tandon - 9818023070, G.R. Nanda Dharminder Suri 9811205800

The Gayatri- Mantra is a very sacred mantra from the Vedas. It has been known to guide one’s thoughts in the right direction. om bhürbhuvah svah, tatsaviturvarenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi, dhiyo yo nah prachodayät Om is the basis of everything, earth, the space in between and the heavens. We invoke that Lord who is the most venerable, the Sun.We meditate upon the splendor of that effulgent, allknowing Lord. May He brighten our minds and direct our intellects in the right direction.


Whoever puts his feet on Shirdi soil, his sufferings would come to an end 11 Holy Sayings - “Whoever puts his feet on Shirdi Soil, his sufferings would come to an end”. The soil of Shirdi speaks smiles and answers our questions. There may be many Gods and temples in other places, but at Shirdi, we find all Gods and Goddesses in Sri Sai Baba. We may find very good Vedantic teachers in our towns and villages, but at Shirdi, we find Sadguru Sai Baba to grant us spiritual insights as well. We may love our dwelling places, but

Shri Sai Baba’s 11 Assurance to his devotees 1. Whoever comes to may abode, their suffering will come to an end once and for all. 2. The helpless will experience plenty of joy, happiness and fullfilment as soon as they climb the steps of the Dwarka Mayee. 3. I am ever vigilant to help and guide all those who come to Me, who surrender to Me and who seek refuge in Me. 4. There shall be no dearth of any kind in the houses of my devotees. I shall fulfil all their wishes. 5. If you look to Me, I shall look to you and take care of all your needs. 6. If you seek My advice and help, it shall be given to you at once. 7. If you cast your burdens on me, I shall surely take them on and relieve you of them. 8. I shall be ever active and vigorous even after casting away My body. 9. My mortal remains will speak, execute and discharge all the needs of my devotees. 10. I shall respond and act in human form and continue to work for my devotees from My Samadhi. 11. My tomb shall bless, speak and fulfil the innumerable needs of My devotees.

Shirdi draws us wholly towards it by its loving spirituality. Our native place may be our birth places but Shirdi is a place of the holy parent. In our places, we may have our houses, but Shirdi is everybody’s home. It is the final abode of all. Tirupati, Kashi, Gaya, Prayaga, Kedarnath, Badrinath, Mathura, Rameshwaram and Vrindavan are pious places, pilgrim centers, Punyakshetras. Is Shirdi also a Punyakshetra? What is a Punyakshetra? In the field of magnetic energy the power of magnet is enormous. Similarly in a place of punyakshetra, the power of virtue is great. Magnet draws iron pieces. Punyakshetra draws common folks as well. The iron pieces are changed into a magnet. Similarly people are transformed into divinity by a pious place. By visiting a Punvakshetra, we get punya and it is a passport to take us to better Lokas for

higher happiness. It will also take us to the top of the spiritual ladder and keep us in a state of Samadhi. Every time you visit Tirupati, you acquire some punya. That punya liberates you from the shackles of samsara. If not, it will cause your rebirth. Your Punya should take you to a good guru. That Sadguru is at Shirdi. There you will get to know about the path for selfrealization, which is beyond Papa and Punya, sin and virtue. Gurukshetra paves the way for Atmasakshatkar. It fulfils the goal of life by granting Moksha. Without a guru, we can’t have Mukti or liberation. The all pervading energy is originated at Shirdi. So it is the center of cosmic energy. (to be contd….) (Source Eleven Holy Sayings of Shirdi Sai Baba by Pujya Shri Ananda Sai Swamy) -Sudesh Johar

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