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  • Words: 2,055
  • Pages: 14
SECTION A ( 20 marks) Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 1. My mother ----------------- the cooking everyday. A. do B. did C. does D. doing 2. This picture is quite different ------------------- that. A. at B. to C. for D. from 3. Mrs Johnson -------------- some fish at the market this morning. A. buy B. buys C. bought D. buying 4. Jashien hurried --------------------- he was afraid of being late. A. so B. while C. because D. although 5. Fauzan ------------------ tripped over a wire and fell flat on his face. A. quietly B. happily C. patiently D. accidentally

Choose the most suitable proverb. Pilih peribahasa yang paling sesuai. 6. Let us help you plan your birthday party. You can’t do everything on your own. After all, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. A. turn over a new leaf B. all that glitters is not gold C. many hands make light work. D. too many cooks spoil the soup

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisi pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikut. Rizq Haikal is a very intelligent boy. He is liked by all his teachers and friends because he is also very ____(7)_______. He always helps his friends who need help with their ________(8)__________. His hobby is ___________(9)_________ as he lives near a river. He usually prepares the bait before he goes to the river.

7. A sad B polite C clumsy D foolish

8. A picture B homework C friendship D photograph

9. A fishing B skating C reading D gardening

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word. Pilih perkataan yang berlawanan maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris. 10. Puan Rashidah was surprised to see Wafiy present for sports practice as he is always ______________. A. gift B. absent C. active D. difficult Choose the sentence with the correct spelling . Pilih ayat yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul. 11. Don’t bathe in the river as it is _____________________ A daengrous B. dengerous C dangeruos D dangerous Look at the picture and choose the best answer. Lihat gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik.


Dates : 24 December 2018 – 5.00p.m.

Plaza Taiping Jaya, Taiping

25 December 2018 - 3.00p.m.,7.00p.m 26 December 2018- 4.00p.m,8.00p.m.

Ticket prices – RM 30.00 and RM 15.00 Tickets can be bought at the following places:

es # 7 Eleven outlets in Taiping # A & W restaurants in Taiping # Plaza Taiping Jaya,Taiping

There will be a spectacular ________(12)_________ show Plaza Taiping Jaya in December. The tickets can be ______(13)__________ at three different places. There will be _____(14)________ shows altogether. There will be only one show on the eve of _______(15)________.

12. A puppet

B magic

C clown

D fashion

13. A taken

B given

C made

D purchased

14. A two

B three

C four

D five

15. A Christmas

B Chinese New Year

C Deepavali

D Hari Raya Puasa

Questions 16 – 20 Read the letter below and answer the questions that follow. Baca surat di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.

Manager’s Bungalow Flemington Estate, 38500 Bagan Datoh, Perak. 12 November 2018 Dear Keerthy, How are you? It has been some time since we wrote to each other. You must hav been as busy as me preparing for our UPSR examination. It’s a big relieve to be done with it. School holidays are around the corner. What are you planning to do? If your family does not have any plans, i would like to invite you to stay with me for a few days. I am sure you have not had the experience of staying in an estate. My father can arrange to take us for a ride in the cocoa estate. You can see how a cocoa plant looks like. You can also try plucking the cocoa fruits. My father suggested we should take a look at how cocoa is processed and enjoy the end product. You would love to eat it. We can also take a drive to Teluk Intan town. You can see the Leaning Tower of Teluk Intan. It is a unique building. The night market in Teluk Intan is also very famous for hawker food. We can enjoy a variety of food. My father will also take us to the fisherman village in Bagan Datuk. You can see how fishermen come home with their daily catch and sell the fresh fish to the people. Some of the fish are also sold to Penang and Selangor

consumers. I am sure you would enjoy your stay here. Take a break from the hustle and bustle in the capital city of Malaysia. Please do come and enjoy the beauty and serenity of life here. I hope you would come and spend a few days with me. I am sure we have a lot to chat. Please convey my regards to your parents . Bye for now. Your friend, Dineshinee.

16. Dineshinee’s father is most probably the ________________ of Flemington Estate A. guard B. manager C. secretary D. supervisor 17. What do you think Dineshinee is referring to as “the end product” ? A. cocoa fruit B. cocoa plant C. chocolate D. chocolate drink 18. Where do you think Keerthy would be able to taste delicious hawker food? A At Flemington Estate. B At the night market in Teluk Intan. C At Bagan Datuk fishermen village. D At the Leaning Tower of Teluk Intan. 19. The word here in the letter refers to_________. A Penang B Selangor C Teluk Intan D Kuala Lumpur 20. The phrase “ hustle and bustle” means A busy and noisy B quiet and beautiful C loud and clear D big and friendly

SECTION B Question 21 Based on the given pictures,give the correct answers in full sentences. Write your answers in the space provided. a) Answer: 2 girls feeding the fish in a pond

__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

The big fish is called Koi fish

b) Mother and daughter in the room

Answer __________________________________

Please tidy your room, Farah

__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

c) An old lady carrying a loaded basket

Answer __________________________________

May I help you to carry the basket?

__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

Qestion 22 22 Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. Mr Rahul is a technician. He is a very hardworking man. He works for a small electrical company in Kepala Batas. He often goes to his customers’ houses to install or repair electrical appliances. One day, a wealthy businessman requested Mr Rahul to install some electrical appliances in his bungalow. Mr Rahul agreed and arrived at the bungalow early the next morning. He began his work and completed half his job before taking a break for lunch. After lunch, he continued his work. He placed the ladder against the wall and climbed up to the second floor of the bungalow. He was standing at the edge of the roof and doing some wiring on the roof. Suddenly, he slipped and before he knew what had happened, he was falling straight down on the ground below. Tick ( / ) the correct answer. a) Mr Rahul works as a _________________ mechanic businessman technician b) The wealthy businessman lives in a Single storey bungalow Three storey bungalow condominium

c) Why does Mr Rahul go to his customers’ houses? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

d) When did Mr Rahul stop for lunch? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

e) What happened to Mr Rahul when he was standing at the edge of the roof? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

23 Study the table below and answer the questions that follow. Teliti jadual di bawah dan jawab soalan – soalan berikutnya.


Blueberry pie

peanut butter

Custard puff

Tri-colour cream tart

doughnut Sold at

Deena Bakery

Vika Bakery

Misha Bakery

Oreo Bakery

Usual price

RM 12.90

RM 9.90

RM 11.50

RM 9.00

Price after discount

RM 10.00

RM 7.00

RM 9.90

RM 8.00

Question 23 Write True or False in the space provided Tuliskan True atau False di ruang yang disediakan ( a ) Peanut butter doughnuts are available at Vika Bakery.


) ( 1 mark )

( b ) The cream tart is made of two colours.



( 1 mark )

Write your correct answer in the space provided.

( c ) Roopa has RM 15.00. She wants to buy a pastry for herself and her sister. Which pastry can she buy with the amount of money she has?

( 2 marks )

( d ) Nikita loves peanut butter. Which bakery do you think she would go to?

( 2 marks )

( e ) Aziana loves pastry with fruits. Which pastry would she buy? Why?

( 2 marks )

Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow. Baca dialog di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

It is Sunday morning. Monica and Raihana are at Kuala Gandah. Monica

Luckily the weather is fine today. I was so worried we would be drenched.


Yes Monica. We are indeed very lucky. Let’s go to the ticket counter and buy our tickets.


Yes , let’s get them quickly.


Wow! Look at these mammals. They are so huge. I have never seen them in real.


Look at their broad ears. They are the largest mammal on land. They can weigh up to 17 tonnes.


I have read about this sanctuary. They help to preserve these mammals. That’s a good move.


We will be able to see them bathing in the river at 2p.m. It is 11a.m. now. We will have to wait for some time.


Why not? We can walk around this place and get more information. We are also allowed to feed them. It is going to be our first experience.



That’s great. I would love to feed them. Look! There are baskets of sugarcane and fruits. Let’s go and feed them. This is going to be a memorable trip. We shall share our experience with our classmates. They will be very excited.

Question 24 and 25 Tick (√ ) the correct answer. Tandakan (√ ) pada jawapan yang betul.


(a) Yes , let’s get them quickly. The word them in the dialogue refers to …..

mammals tickets umbrellas (1 mark) (b) How long do Monica and Raihana have to wait to see the mammals bathe in the river? Three hours Four hours Five hours (1 mark)

25a). What animal are Monica and Raihana talking about? State one sentence from the dialogue to support your answer. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Sentence: ____________________________________________________________ (2 marks)


What do the girls plan to do while waiting to see the mammals bathe in the river? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ __________ (2 marks)


How did the girls feel when they saw baskets of sugarcane and fruits? Why? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ___________ (2 marks)

ANSWERS SET 1 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. B

11. D 12. B 13. D 14. D 15. A 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. A

Question 21 a) What is the big fish called? b) Sure, mum. I will do it now. c) Yes please. Thank you.

Question 22 a) b) c) d) e)

technician three storey bungalow Mr Rahul goes to his customers’ houses to install or repair electrical appliances Mr Rahul stopped for lunch after completing half his job. When Mr Rahul was standing at the edge of the roof, he slipped and fell on the ground.

Questions 23 a) True b) False

d) Roopa can buy peanut butter doughnuts with the money that she has. e) Nikita would go to Vika Bakery. f) Aziana would buy blueberry pie because there are blueberries in the pie.

Questions 24 & 25 24 a) tickets b ) 3 hours 25 a) Monica and Raihana are talking about elephants. They are the largest mammal on land / Look at their broad ears.

b ) The girls plan to feed the elephants while waiting to see the mammals bathe in the river.

c) The girls were excited when they saw the baskets of sugarcane and fruits because they were going to feed the elephants for the first time.

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