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  • Pages: 6
Englisch – Aufsätze schreiben Im Laufe deiner Schulzeit werden die Texte, die du in Englisch schreibst, immer umfangreicher. Achte aber darauf, dass deine Sätze nicht auch immer komplizierter werden. Besser ist es in einfachen, verständlichen Sätzen zu schreiben. Wichtig ist es eine bestimmte








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© Nina Rattan

Seite 1 von /from 6

Beispiel: Mindmapping Task (Angabe) „My home town“

Sights (St. Stephen’s Catehdral, Schönbrunn, Hofburg, “Riesenrad”, Prater, Danube Tower, Parliament, Ring-Street, State’s Opera, Karlskirche, Palmhouse, Carnuntum, Kärtnerstraße, House of Music, etc.)

my home town Vienna

typical viennese coffee house (Demel, Sacher, Hawelka, etc.)

in summer (if the weather is nice)

in winter

“Donauinsel” – nice food and cocktails, nice

Christmas market (, in front

music from all over the world

of Schönbrunn, Spittelberg, in front of the town hall, etc.)

different parks (if the weather is nice)


Wienerwald (Lainzer Tiergarten), Schönbrunn,

cheap and easy: Mariahilfer Straße,

Stadtpark, Burggarten, Donaupark, Prater,

Donauzentrum mall, Shopping

Botanischer Garten der Univ. Wien, etc.

City Süd mall luxury and expensive: Kärtner

things you can do in the evening

Straße, Graben

Cinema (generally: Apollo Kino, Cinneplex trendy and different (some new and UCI – Kinowelt; summer: cinema at the

young fashionable designers):

meadow Krieau, cinema at the roof of the,


main Library, cinema in the Augarten park) theater and classical music (Viennese Mozart-Concerts, Viennese Boys choire, Viennese concert hall, Folkopera, etc.) discos / bars: “Ice-Bar Vienna”, “Keiko” à both directly located at the “U-BahnBögen” (beneath the underground nr. 6); several bars and disco “Empire” at the “Bermuda-Dreieck” (just a few minutes away from Sweden Place [undergournd nr. 4]; “Andagio” (Millennium City), etc. “Heuriger” – typical austrian type of “restaurant” owned by a vitner / wine grower – that’s a MUST for every Tourist

© Nina Rattan

Seite 2 von /from 6

Beispiel: Writing a text Task (Angabe) „My home town“

Vienna is a beautiful old town that’s really worth visiting it. If you plan a trip to Austria or especially our capital city, you should at least come for three days or longer. There are a lot of intersting sights to visit and of course there is much more you can do. This city

Einleitung: worum geht es?

is full of culture, possibilities to make sport, traditional coffee houses and nices places in general. But now let’s start our “walk trough Vienna”, where I will give you further information. I think the famous sights of Vienna are the most interesting things for tourists. You can either take the yellow “Tourist tramway” that circles around the ring, take one of the tourist buses or walk around by joining one of the guided tours trough the inner city. Of course you can also walk around by yourself. I suggest to start at the downtown. If you need to go by public transport you can take the underground (nr. 1 or nr. 3) to “Stepansplatz” and visit St. Stephan’s Cathedral. There are different possibilities when visiting the church: you can walk up to one of the church’s tower, take the elevator up to the other tower or go to the catacombs beneath the cathedral. At lunch time I suggest a typical “Heurigen Restaurant”. It is just behind the cathedral and is called “Figlmüller”. This restaurant is famous for it’s typical delicious austrian food. Afterwards you walk down the “Kärtnerstraße” – a huge expensive but beautifull shopping street. At the end of the street you will find the “State’s Opera”. If you like to, you can go inside and take part at the guided tour. Otherwise you can get on the “Tourist Tramway” and circle around the Ring-Street with it’s beautifull buildings. You can get off any place you want to. In the afternoon, if you need a break, you should go to one of Vienna’s typical coffe houses like “Sacher”, “Demel” or Hawelka. Austria (or especially Vienna) is famous for them and I am sure you will like the cakes :-). If the weather is nice there are two other famous tourist attractions you really should visit on the next day and the day after. The first one is Schönbrunn Castle. It’s the place where our emperor and his family used to live. It’s surrounded by a beautifull park. If you walk up the strenuous way to the Gloriette it will be rewarded with a magnificent view over Vienna. One thing I really like is the maze that was reopened a few years ago. It’s really funny to walk trough it and find the right way to the exit. You can have your lunch at the restaurant located in the center of Schönbrunn’s zoo. It is the world oldest Zoo and you will need a lot of time which is rewarded with funny animal shows and interesting information about © Nina Rattan

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HAUPTTEIL 1. Absatz Sehenswürdigkeiten

the animals. The zoo is located right next to the castle. In the evening I would suggest you to have dinner at the danube tower. It’s a quite huge tower with a rotary restaurant. While eating, you will see the lights of Vienna with additional information of the buildings you see. After two interesting days there is still much more to see. If the weather is nice again I would suggest to visit the Prater, an old “amusement park”. Next to it’s famous attractions it is also a nice place to take a rest and walk around in the surounding park. At the entrance you will find the “Riesenrad”. If you still don’t have enough from Vienna’s beautifull view and want to enjoy it once more you can go on a ride. By the way, the Riesenrad was part of the world fair, at the beginning of the 20th century, where the Eiffel-Tower was shown as well. After enjoying an intersting day you will probably wonder if there is anything to do in the evening and I can tell you: yes there is quite a lot. In summer, when the weather is usually nice, you can spend a nice evening at one of Vienna’s outdoor cinemas in Augarten Park, at the roof of the main library or just at Kriau meadow. As Austria’s State’s Opera is very famous you could also check if you get tickets for an opera. If you prefere operetta there are a few nice places like the summer stage of Baden, a small town very close to Vienna, or “Mörbisch”. You can get on a bus that brings you to this place in Burgenland and carries you home afterwards. It is famous because, it’s a stage based on the water of lake Neusiedel. A lot of tourists

2. Absatz Abendgestaltung

are interested in Viennese Mozart concerts and in concerts of the famous Viennes boys choire. Of course I understand that not everyone likes theater. Therefore you could also go to one of Vienna’s bars or restaurans. In summer there are some pretty cool ones like “Sand in the City”, “Hermanns Strandbar” or “Badeschiff”. There is also the “Bermuda-Dreieck”, which is a part of Vienna where a lot of bars are and it is a place especially for young people. Also very nice are the “ICE-Bar Vienna” and the “Keiko”. But don’t think Vienna’s nice in summer only. In winter I deeply suggest the different christmas markets of Vienna like the ones in front of the town hall or of Schönbrunn Castle and Spittellberg. They are very beautifull and are really worth visiting them, because they spread a special kind of christmas feeling and the glogg is really great! I am sure you are wondering what shopping is like in Vienna. There are different possibilities. You can either go to Mariahilferstraße, this is a long shopping street with different shops that you may find in any other city, or to one of the big shopping malls like “Donauzentrum” and Shopping City Süd”. If you are looking for trendy and modern

© Nina Rattan

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3. Absatz Einkaufen in Wien

things made from you designers I suggest to go to “Neubaugasse” which








Kärtnerstraße and Grabe are shopping streets in the first district, but they are specialized on luxury and quite expensive things.

Shopping is nice and can be relaxing, but there are much more things you can do in Vienna. One thing is sports. If the weather’s nice you can go to the “Donauinsel”, where you can either rent a bike or a pedal boat. Of course you could also go to the high ropes course if you are free from giddiness. Some people tend to swim in the danube, but that’s something I wouldn’t suggest, because it is quite dirty, but to do

4. Absatz Sport in und um Wien

sports on the water is quite harmless. If you like windsurfing than there are two possibilities. Either you go to the lido “Alte Donau”, where you can rent an equipment or take part in a course, or you take the train to lake Neusiedl. This takes about one hour and there are a lot of windsurf-rentals. It’s also a place where some professional windsurfers are training and where the world-championship is held every year.

There is so much to do in Vienna. It is really a beautiffl town and it’s really worth seeing it. As every holiday ends faster than you like you should concentrate on the things you really like to do The best time for a visit is summer. If you plan a trip to our beautifull city you should take a few days to have enough time for the most important sightseeings, the beautiful parks, the big amount of cultural things like concerts and the different theaters, big shopping streets and of course the different forms of sports activities. I suggest you to make a short plan, in which you point out what you absolutely want to visit. Then you will see how much time you will need. I am sure you will like our capital city because it offers different things for all kind of free-time activities. The only thing, that’s left to say now, is to wish you a pleaseant stay. Have a nice time.

© Nina Rattan

Seite 5 von /from 6

Abschluß: was ist dein Fazit (Ergebnis)? Kurze Zusammenfassung und Fazit angeben

Themen für andere Texte

über mich und Andre

Meine Welt

Let me introduce myself... My sister/brother My father's/mother's job My best friend People I like Problems of young people What I think about fashion My strangest dream Who can be a hero? Would you do any voluntary activity?

My home town Which do you prefer - city life or country life? Holidays at home or abroad? I'm happy when... If I had a million dollars... Living as a teenager in my country

Gesundheit What's my day like? What I like to eat... At the doctor's Try to convince your friend to stop smoking/drinking/taking drugs My attitude towards sport My favourite sports I like fast food I'm a vegetarian

Ich als Kunde I like/don't like shopping Pocket money how much do you get - how much do you need? Do you save money?

Englisch weltweit Life in Britain/the USA/Australia/Northern Ireland (or another English speaking country) Why should people speak English?

© Nina Rattan

Hobbys und Freizeit Cost of Cds/DVDs My hobbies and interests My favourite pop group My favourite sport An interesting weekend An interesting film/book My last holidays in... Plans for my next holidays I have a dangerous hobby Umwelt My pet How can you save the environment? Endangered animals Skiing and the environment Why I like animals

Ausbildung und Arbeit Applying for a job Give arguments for or against teenage working My dream job My dream school My favourite subject School uniforms Schools in the USA/Britain and Germany

Medien und Kunst Do you like reading? Which do you prefer reading a book or watching the film? I like my mobile phone I like watching TV. I like playing on the computer. There's too much violence on TV Success changes people - what do you think? Die Vergangenheit, die Gegenwart und die Zukunft A day without electricity My future wife/husband How do you see yourself in 10 years? Christmas - an old tradition that should be kept or big business for the industry

Seite 6 von /from 6

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