En Intelligent Network

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  • Words: 1,660
  • Pages: 21
National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 Technical Seminar On Description of Wireless intelligent network with the use of case Maps Under The guidance of N.Srinivasu

By S.Rabindra kumar patro Roll No. :200117185 Branch: EI S.Rabindra kumar Patro



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004

Wireless Intelligent Network The idea of WIN is to include IN concepts in IS-41, to facilitate creation of new services in mobile systems. WIN also adopts a number of IN concepts, such as the one of Distributed Functional Plane and Functional Entities. WIN introduces the concept of Network Entities (NEs) and their respective network reference model. Multiple NE may be combined in one PE NE are similar to PE in that a NE may contain several FE. WIN does not want to recommend Physical Entities. Network entities are still abstract with respect to PE and can be implemented in several ways

S.Rabindra kumar Patro



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004

UCMs for WIN

S.Rabindra kumar Patro



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 ORIGINATOR Root Map

WIN Database Management




Feature Active Update




Call Origination



Get Call Answer Get Call No Answer

The originator can at any time perform a location update or a feature activation. It can also originate a call. By intervention of the terminator, the call is either answered or not.

S.Rabindra kumar Patro



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 TERMINATOR Root Map Location




WIN Database Management

Feature Active Update In1

Call Origination




Get Call Answer Get Call No Answer

The originator can at any time perform a location update or a feature activation. It can also originate a call. By intervention of the terminator, the call is either answered or not.

S.Rabindra kumar Patro



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004


S.Rabindra kumar Patro



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 WIN Distributed Functional Model (DFM) Management related functions SMF



To any FE


Service Control Reated functions  



Call Control related functions



Wireless Access Mobility related functions




S.Rabindra kumar Patro







ACF Authentication Control CCF Call Control LRFH Location Registration-HLR LRFV Location Registration-VLR MACF Mobile Station Access Control RACF Radio Access Control RCF Radio Control RTF Radio Terminal SCEF Service Creation Environment SCF Service Control SDF Service Data SMAF Service Management Access SMF Service Management SSF Service Switching SRF Specialized Resource


National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 Some important WIN Functional Entities Call Control Function (CCF) provides call and service processing and control.It is a function that handles all normal calls by providing the process and the control of call/connection between network subscribers. It also provides IN service access. Service Switching Function (SSF) is associated with CCF and provides the set of functions required for interaction between the CCF and a service control function (SCF) by managing signaling between them. Mobile Station Access Control Function (MACF) stores subscriber data and dynamically associates system resources with a particular call (TLDN assignment,see later). Location Registration Functions (LRFV and LRFH) provides the service logic and service data function to manage the mobility aspects for wireless users (VLR and HLR);

S.Rabindra kumar Patro



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 Some important WIN Functional Entities Service Control Function (SCF) commands call control functions in the processing of WIN provided and custom service requests. It contains all the logic and data required to provide a service. It may interact with other functional entities to access additional logic or data. Service Data Function (SDF) contains customer and network data for real-time access by the SCF in the execution of WIN-provided services specialized Resource Function (SRF) provides the specialized resources required for the execution of WIN-provided services (e.g., digit receivers, announcements, conference bridges, etc.).

S.Rabindra kumar Patro



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 WIN Network Reference Model (NRM) IP




SME Cell




AC: Authentication Center External Networks BS: Base Station (PSTN, ISDN, …) EIR: Equipment Identity Register HLR: Home Location Register IP: Intelligent Peripheral MC: Message Center

S.Rabindra kumar Patro



MS: Mobile Station Mobile MS MSC: Switching Center SCP: Service Control Point SME: Short Message Entity SN: Service Node VLR: Visitor Location Register


National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 Some important WIN Network Entities Mobile Station (MS) interface equipment used to terminate the radio path at the user side. It provides the capabilities to access network services by the user. Mobile Switching Center (MSC) constitutes the interface for user traffic between the cellular network and other public switched networks, or other MSCs in the same or other cellular networks Home Location Register (HLR) location register to which a user identity is assigned for record purposes such as subscriber information (e.g., profile information, current location, authorization period, etc.) Visitor Location Register (VLR) retrieves information for handling of calls to or from a visiting subscriber Service Control Point (SCP) acts as a real-time database and transaction processing system to provide service control and service data functionality

S.Rabindra kumar Patro


National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 Some important WIN Network Entities Intelligent Peripheral (IP) performs specialized resource functions such as playing announcements, collecting digits, performing speech-to-text or textto-speech conversion, recording and storing voice messages, facsimile services, data services, and so forth. Authentication Center (AC) manages the authentication information related to the MS. Service Node (SN) This is to accommodate implementers that for any reason do not want to implement MSC, SCP, IP. It is superfluous if MSC, SCP, IP are properly implemented

S.Rabindra kumar Patro


National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 WIN Incoming Call Screening Service Provides for alternate routing, blocking, or allowing of specified incoming calls

Incoming Call Termination Treatment Terminated normally to the subscriber with normal alerting Terminated normally to the subscriber with distinctive alerting Forwarded to another number Forwarded to voice mail Routed to subscriber-specific announcement Blocked

S.Rabindra kumar Patro



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 Incoming Call Screening (ICS) Scenario wthUse Case Maps :

The start point (Incoming Call) leads to the ICS stub, which gives one of five possible outcomes: • Call Setup (with normal or distinctive alerting) • Call Forwarded • Voicemail • Announcement • Call Blocked S.Rabindra kumar Patro



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 Incoming Call Screening (ICS) ICS can use a number of screening factors to determine which termination action is appropriate. These factors are related to calling party characteristics: • number, identity • speech or voice-based identification procedure • password They can also be related to called party characteristics: • location • status Or to other factors such as: • date • time S.Rabindra kumar Patro



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 WIN Feature:CNAP, Call Name Presentation Calling Name Presentation (CNAP) provides the name identification of the originating party (e.g. personal name, company name, “restricted”, “not available”) to the terminating subscriber. The Calling Name Information (CNA) may be provided explicitly to the terminating network from the originating network (passed  through SS7 as a parm)  or it may be derived from the Calling Number Information (CNI) which is generally  provided to the terminating network from the originating network.

When the CNAP service is invoked, the terminating network shall send the calling name information (if it can find it and it is not restricted) to the terminal during alerting on incoming calls. The terminal shall display the calling name information or other appropriate message RND (Redirecting Name Delivery) option: in case call was forwarded, RND provides the name of the last redirecting party as well as the name of the originating party

S.Rabindra kumar Patro



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 CNAP Typical Scenario 3 HLR

4 1

Location Request

Incoming Call

Return loc result, TLDN

If Called MS found and not busy, return loc result with TLDN




Route Request


Home of terminating party

S.Rabindra kumar Patro


Return result with display text

Serving MSC

voice path

Home MSC

Service Request with calling #

Call routed by using TLDN. Caller # also delivered. Term. party is roaming



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 CNAP Typical Scenario A terminating MSC receives an incoming call indication and sends a LOCATION REQ to the HLR of the called subscriber. This one is roaming. The HLR determines the current serving LA for the called MS and sends a ROUTE REQ to its MS (through the corresponding serving VLR) for obtaining a Temporary Local Directory Number (TLDN). The MACF functional entity inside the serving MSC assigns a TLDN to the destination device and returns it to HLR (through the VLR). HLR returns routing info, TLDN to Home MSC

S.Rabindra kumar Patro



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004

CNAP Typical Scenario Home MSC uses TLDN to route call to serving MSC. A direct link between the two MSCs, to the terminating device is now established. Serving MSC encounters trigger denoting CNAP service for MS. It queries the SCP which is supposed to have some way to find the name of the user (this could be not so simple, but is not discussed in the standard). SCP returns info to serving MSC, which is now able to provide the name info to the called MS

S.Rabindra kumar Patro



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004 Conclusions on WIN WIN is a valuable attempt to merge IN and mobility concepts shares limitations of IN on how features can be constructed

S.Rabindra kumar Patro



National Institute of Science & Technology

Technical seminar-2004

Thank You

S.Rabindra kumar Patro



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