Emw 2009 Camp Brochure

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chaplain will lead a talk on a theme from the Bible. The talks are suitable for campers of all ages, whether or not they regularly attend church. EMW Camps offer a marvellous mix of fantastic friendships, awesome activities, brilliant bible-studies and terrific talks from the Bible. Whether you're a camp veteran, or thinking of coming for the first time, you're sure to find a warm welcome on an EMW Camp. The Evangelical Movement of Wales is a registered charity, and has been running Christian camps for more than fifty years. All staff are Christian volunteers drawn from evangelical churches. These volunteers enable us to keep the cost of camp down to an absolute minimum. The staff/camper ratio averages just over 1:3, and each one is asked for a reference from their church leaders and a disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau. Each camper is placed in a tent or dorm with three or four others which has its own dedicated officer. The officer will lead Bible studies, be available throughout the week, and ensure that everyone in the group is getting the most out of camp. The camp

Camps are deliberately limited in size (usually 35-50 children) so each camper can get to know everyone on the camp and even the quietest campers quickly make friends. Teamwork in games, challenges and light chores all help encourage campers to work together. Many friendships are made and often renewed at camp. Every camp has a wide-range of activities that should please even the most uninterested camper. Sports, arts and craft, "It's a knockout", gorge-walking, trips to the beach, team-building games, table-tennis and swimming are just a few of the activities that leaders will consider. (Licensed activity providers are used for all outdoor pursuits activities.) Evenings are often given over to home-grown entertainment, with plenty of time for laughs together. All this helps to make EMW camps something special for everyone. It's why so many come back year after year. Book early, and make sure you don't miss out in 2009.

A typical day on camp Every camp is different, and every day on every camp is different, too! But your 'average' day will include plenty of good food; free-time for sports; games or just chilling out; a meeting where the camp chaplain will teach a passage from the Bible and apply it at a level just for you and your fellow-campers (we promise there are no boring sermons on camp!); then there's an afternoon full of incredible activities - perhaps a trip off-site to the beach or even a theme-park, perhaps something more challenging like gorgewalking, rock-climbing or archery, perhaps some crazy games or an it's a knockout; perhaps something quieter and more creative like glass-painting or T-shirt design; perhaps even a combination of all of these! Even then the day is not finished. There's still time for a bible-study in your tent/dorm to give you an opportunity to study the bible with your officer and ask questions; then perhaps some evening entertainment - maybe you'll make a guest appearance on the famous 'Camp News'; before a late-night epilogue and a well-earned sleep. And that's just one day! It's no wonder campers and officers go home tired but happy. Our venues EMW Camps are spread over seven venues around Wales. In the North, Quinta is on the English border. It has enormous grounds, and even its own sports hall and swimming pool,

and is ideally located for trips to themeparks and major attractions. Also in the North, but in the heart of 'Welsh Wales' is Bryn-y-groes in Bala. Bryn-y-groes also has it's own grounds (and a new sports hall), and is just a few minutes walk from a leisure centre and Bala's famous lake and mountains - perfect for caneoing and other activities. Not far away is a new site, Pentrenant Hall, near Newtown. It’s a smaller camp, so there will be a great atmosphere. The site is full of things to do, and it's in the heart of the Welsh hills. In the South, Bryntirion in Bridgend is close to the M4, and equally close to some of South Wales' best beaches and attractions. The three outdoor sites at Dyffryn Ardudwy, Talybont and (new this year) Dolgoch Falls are all on Wales' beautiful West Coast. Both Talybont and Dyffryn have indoor cooking and dining facilities, and there are hot showers guaranteed in the shower block - this is 'outdoor' camping in real luxury! Accommodation is in large ridge tents. Dolgoch Falls is for those a little more used to the outdoors, but still has excellent facilities - all under canvas. All three sites are close to beaches, mountains and some great outdoor activity centres.

10-12s 1 18TH - 25TH JULY, BRYNTIRION, BRIDGEND Andrew Rees Ruth McKenna Jon Thomas 2 25TH JULY - 1ST AUGUST BRYNTIRION, BRIDGEND James Williams Lianne Jones Ed Collier

3 1ST - 8TH AUGUST BRYN-Y-GROES, BALA Tim Powell Helen Lockwood Andy Pitt

4 15TH - 22ND AUGUST BRYN-Y-GROES, BALA Mickey Webber Jane Webber Graham John

13-15s 5 18TH - 25TH JULY PENTRENANT HALL Steve Davies Ann Powell Pete Campbell

6 25TH JULY - 1ST AUGUST BRYN-Y-GROES, BALA Dave Roberts Karen McCarthy Martin Williams

7 1ST - 8TH AUGUST BRYNTIRION, BRIDGEND Paul Gamston Jane Gamston Alex Collins

16-18s 8 18TH – 25TH JULY BRYN-Y-GROES, BALA Dan Owen Sharon Owen Jeremy Bailey

9 15TH – 2

QUINTA, NR Steve Hadle Helen Hugh John Richar

11-13s 10 15TH - 22ND AUGUST LLYS ANDREAS, TAL-Y-BONT Mark Barnes Sharon Barnes Tony Seager

14-16s 11 22ND - 29TH AUGUST DYFFRYN ARDUDWY NR BARMOUTH Paul Daniel Katherine Orchard Jon Orchard

17-19s 12 15TH - 22ND AUGUST DOLGOCH FALLS Dan Meiring Rosey Patterson Colin Tamplin


Indoor Camps - £175 Outdoor Camps - £110

After booking: You will receive a letter confirming your place on camp. Later, the leader of the camp will write to you directly.

To book onto camp, simply complete the form on the right, and send it to us at the address below. A non-returnable deposit of £25 per camper is required with your booking. Full payment must be received by 31st May 2009, though you can pay in full when you book. If you cancel your booking less than four weeks before the camp (except for certified illness), only half of the fees (less deposit) will be reimbursed. Bookings will be accepted from 1 March 2009.

Important: It is vital that the camp leader understands any educational, behavioural or medical needs each camper may have. By requesting this at the time of booking, it means we have the maximum amount of time to ensure we can meet those needs. If you do not tell us this information at the time of booking, we may not be able to make provision for a camper who otherwise would be able to attend.

Travel: A camp bus runs from South Wales to each of the North Wales sites throughout the summer, with officers travelling with the campers to ensure their safety. The journey costs £30 (return) and starts at Cardiff Gate, with pick-up points at Bridgend, Llansamlet, Pont Abram, Lampeter and Aberystwyth. A link to rail services is available at Bridgend. A non-returnable deposit of £5 is required to book a place.

Bookings should be sent to: EMW Camps, 12 Hayfield Drive, Gresford, WREXHAM, LL12 8YJ. Unfortunately we are not able to accept bookings over the telephone.

Discounts: Families receiving Income Support, Job Seeker’s Allowance or Working Tax Credit (excluding payments for child care) may request a bursary from the Aunt Bessie fund. Bursaries are usually £30 for outdoor camps and £50 for indoor camps. Please send a photocopy of a proof of eligibility with your form.

You can pay the balance of your fees by cheque, postal order or credit card. Alternatively, we can set up a monthly direct debit (spreading the payments for camp over a period of up to six months). If you require additional booking forms, you may photocopy this one, download one from www.emw.org.uk/camps or ask us for one. This website also keep updated with the latest details on camp places available.

Insurance: All camps are covered by the EMW’s public liability insurance, but we do recommend that all campers take out personal holiday insurance.

We intend to have a great fun week together that is enjoyable for everyone. For some, sharing the week with 50 or so others will be unusual, but it will just add to what makes camp a different experience. However, for it to work safely for everyone’s benefit there will be some ground rules and other terms based on the biblical standards to which the EMW camps are committed. The terms and conditions below in part reflect those standards. Participation: It is expected that everyone will be involved in the daily programme of activities which includes a daily camp service and group Bible studies. Safety: For your own safety and that of others, you will be required to follow the instructions of the group leaders during all the activities of the week. Damage and theft: Wilful damage to the Centre’s property or anyone else’s belongings, or any act of theft, will be charged for. Accommodation: Under no circumstances may you enter the room/tent of a member of the opposite sex. You are not permitted to enter the room/tent of another guest unless invited to do so.

Personal conduct: Acceptable standards of behaviour will be required. Behaviour that is not acceptable will be dealt with firmly. Alcohol, smoking, etc.: No alcohol or smoking is allowed in any part of the Centres or their grounds. There will be no smoking or alcohol on camp buses or during organised group activities. Audio equipment: In the interests of safety, good communication and the avoidance of nuisance, the use of any personal audio equipment (TV, computer games, radio, mp3, or CD players) will not be permitted. Please note that in completing the booking form you promise to observe camp rules. We very much hope that by making the ground rules clear at this stage it will not be necessary to deal with anyone for breach of this code. The rules are for the good of all, so the leaders feel it is very important that they are upheld. Any breaking of the rules, therefore, will be dealt with firmly. A deliberate breaking of the rules could lead to expulsion from the Centre without any refund of fees.

Evangelical Movement of Wales, Bryntirion, Bridgend, CF31 4DX [email protected] ● 01656 655886 Registered charity number 222407

Camper: Address:


First name(s):


Postcode: Camper:

Phone: Parent:

Gender: M / F

Preferred Camp :

Name of church or school: Date of birth: Age on 31 Aug ‘09:






(please use the You must specify a second and third choice numbers on the back page) camp, in case your first choice is unavailable.

Does he/she need to take medication regularly? Does he/she have any allergies, including to medication? Does he/she suffer from any illness (eg epilepsy, asthma, etc.)? Does he/she have any educational, behavioural or social needs?

It is vital that the camp leader understands the needs of each camper early in his planning. If you withhold information at the time of booking, we may not be able to make provision for a camper who otherwise would be able to attend.

If you have answered ‘Yes’ to any of the questions above, please give more details below, to ensure that the camp leader is able to make adequate provision for the camper. A more detailed medical form will be sent to you later.

Whilst all reasonable care will be taken for children with allergies, the final responsibility lies with the parents/guardian of the child.

Payment enclosed Camp Deposit:


Bus Deposit (£5 if req’d):

If you would like to be sent details of our easy payment option, which spreads your payment over the next few months, please tick this box. There is no charge for this service, but it is only available for those booking at least eight weeks before camp. Occasionally we use images of camp in publicity material (such as this brochure, or in videos). If you object to your child appearing, please mark this box.

Optional fees: Total:

Cheques should be made payable to: Evangelical Movement of Wales

We would like to send you occasional prayer updates and information about other relevant ministries of the EMW. If you do not want to receive this, please mark this box.

If paying by credit card, please complete the details below: Camper:

Card Number: Expiry date: Issue No: Signature:

(sign) By signing you are agreeing to observe the camp code of conduct.

Name on card: (if stated)

(print full name) Parent/ Guardian: (sign) The parent/guardian must sign if the camper is under 18 years old.

Booking forms should be sent to: EMW Camps, 12 Hayfield Drive, Gresford, WREXHAM, LL12 8YJ

Ar ôl archebu: Byddwch yn derbyn llythyr yn cadarnhau eich lle ar y gwersyll. Yn ddiweddarach, bydd arweinydd y gwersyll yn ysgrifennu atoch yn uniongyrchol. Er mwyn archebu, llenwch y ffurflen a’i hanfon i’r cyfeiriad priodol. Gofynnir am flaendal o £25, na ellir ei ad-dalu. Rhaid anfon gweddill y taliad erbyn 31 Mai 2009, er bod modd talu’n llawn wrth archebu. Os byddwch am dynnu’n ôl lai na phedair wythnos cyn dechrau’r gwersyll, dim ond hanner y taliad (heb gynnwys y blaendal) a ad-delir. Derbynnir archebion o 1 Mawrth 2009. Teithio: Bydd bysiau yn teithio o dde Cymru i’r gwersylloedd yn y gogledd drwy gydol yr haf, gyda swyddogion yn gofalu am ddiogelwch y gwersyllwyr. Mae’r daith yn costio £30 (dwy ffordd). Bydd y bysiau yn gadael Caerdydd ac yn galw ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Llansamlet, Pont Abram, Llanbedr Pont Steffan, ac Aberystwyth. Mae’n bosib casglu o Orsaf Trenau Peny-Bont. Er mwyn sicrhau lle rhaid talu blaendal o £5 na ellir ei ad-dalu.

Pwysig: Mae’n allweddol fod arweinydd y gwersyll yn deall unrhyw anghenion addysgol, ymddygiadol neu feddygol sydd gan y gwersyllwyr. Trwy dderbyn y wybodaeth hon gyda’r ffurflen gais, bydd modd inni ymateb i’r anghenion hyn.

Oni anfonir y wybodaeth wrth archebu, mae’n bosibl na fyddwn yn gallu paratoi darpariaeth ar gyfer gwersyllwyr a fyddai wedi gallu mynychu fel arall. Gallwch dalu gyda siec, archeb bost neu gerdyn credyd. Gallwch hefyd drefnu debyd uniongyrchol misol (gan ymestyn y taliadau ar gyfer y gwersyll dros gyfnod o chwe mis).

Gostyngiad: Gellwch ofyn am ostyngiad os ydych yn derbyn Cymhorthdal Incwm, Lwfans Ceisio Gwaith, Credyd Treth Gwaith (ddim yn cynnwys taliadau am ofal plant). Fe allwch ofyn am grant o gronfa Aunt Bessie. Mae’n arferol rhoi grant o £50 ar gyfer gwersylloedd dan dô. Yswiriant: Mae pob gwersyll yn dod o dan yswiriant atebolrwydd cyhoeddus MEC, ond argymhellir i bob gwersyllwr gael yswiriant gwyliau personol.

Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at wythnos o hwyl gyda’n gilydd. Efallai i rai ohonoch bydd y profiad o rannu wythnos gyda rhyw hanner cant o bobl eraill yn brofiad newydd, ond mae hyn yn un o’r pethau a fydd yn gwneud yr wythnos yn brofiad gwahanol. Er mwyn i bawb gael y gorau o’r wythnos, ac er mwyn diogelwch pawb, nodwn rai rheolau a’r safonau beiblaidd sydd ynghlwm wrth wersylloedd y Mudiad. Mae’r rheolau a’r termau isod i raddau yn adlewyrchu’r safonau hynny. Cymryd rhan: Mae ’na ddisgwyl y bydd pawb yn cymryd rhan yn y gweithgareddau a fydd yn cael eu trefnu. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys gwasanaeth dyddiol ac astudiaethau beiblaidd mewn grwpiau. Diogelwch: Er mwyn eich diogelwch chi ac eraill, bydd gofyn i chi roi sylw i gyfarwyddiadau’r swyddogion yn ystod yr holl weithgareddau. Niwed a lladrad: Byddwn yn delio yn ddifrifol ag unrhyw niwed i eiddo’r Ganolfan neu eiddo rhywun arall neu unrhyw ladrad. Ystafelloedd: Nid yw bechgyn i fynd i ystafelloedd y merched na merched i ystafelloedd y bechgyn o dan unrhyw amodau. Ni ddylech fynd i ystafell un o’r gwesteion eraill heb wahoddiad.

Mudiad Efengylaidd Cymru, Bryntirion, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, CF31 4DX [email protected] ● 01656 665911 ● Elusen Gofrestredig 222407

Ymddygiad personol: Disgwylir safon dderbyniol o ymddygiad bob amser. Byddwn yn llawdrwm ar unrhyw gamymddwyn. Alcohol, smygu ac ati: Ni chaniateir alcohol na smygu tu fewn nac ar dir unrhyw un o’r canolfannau. Ni chaniateir smygu nac alcohol ar fysiau’r gwersyll nac yn ystod unrhyw weithgareddau. Nid oes hawl bod ag unrhyw ddeunyddiau y bernir eu bod yn anghyfreithlon yn ôl rheolau’r Llywodraeth. Offer sain: Yn enw diogelwch, cysylltiadau da a pheidio ag aflonyddu eraill, ni chaniateir defnyddio unrhyw offer sain personol (teledu, gêmau cyfrifiadur, casetiau, radio, neu grynoddisg). Wrth lofnodi’r ffurflen archebu nodwch, os gwelwch yn dda, eich bod yn addo ufuddhau i reolau’r gwersyll. Gobeithiwn wrth egluro’r pethau hyn ar y dechrau na fydd angen delio â neb fydd yn torri’r rheolau. Maen nhw wedi eu creu ar gyfer lles pawb, ac mae’r arweinwyr yn teimlo ei bod yn bwysig eu bod yn cael eu cadw. Yn dilyn unrhyw dorri o’r rheolau, felly, byddai canlyniadau pendant. Gallai torri bwriadol o’r rheolau arwain at gael eich danfon o’r gwersyll heb ad-daliad o’r ffioedd.

Gwersyllwr: Enw(au) cyntaf: Cyfeiriad:

Cyfenw: Côd Post:




Gwersyll o’ch dewis:

Enw eglwys neu ysgol: Dyddiad geni: Oed ar 31 Awst ’09:


A ydych eisiau lle ar y bws i’r gwersyll? blwyddyn


Ydi ef/hi yn cymryd meddyginiaeth yn rheolaidd? Ydi ef/hi yn dioddef o unrhyw alergedd i feddyginiaeth neu unrhyw alergedd arall? Ydi ef/hi yn dioddef o unrhyw anhwylder (e.e. epilepsi, asthma etc)? A oes ganddo ef/ganddi hi anghenion addysgol, ymddygiadol neu gymdeithasol?

Mae’n angenrheidiol fod arweinydd y gwersyll yn deall anghenion y gwersyllwyr wrth gynllunio’r gwersyll. Os na roddwch wybodaeth wrth archebu, mae’n bosibl na fyddwn yn gallu trefnu darpariaeth briodol.

Os mai ‘ie’ oedd yr ateb i unrhyw un o’r cwestiynau uchod, gofynnir i chi nodi mwy o fanylion isod, er mwyn i arweinydd y gwersyll sicrhau darpariaeth briodol ar gyfer yr holl wersyllwyr. Anfonir ffurflen feddygol atoch yn nes ymlaen.

Tra cymerir pob gofal o blant sy’n dioddef o alergedd, y rhieni/gwarchodwr fydd â’r cyfrifoldeb terfynol dros y plentyn.

Amgaeaf Blaendal gwersyll:


Blaendal bws (£5 os yn briodol): Ffioedd pellach (os dymunir): Cyfanswm: Sieciau yn daladwy i: Mudiad Efengylaidd Cymru Llenwch y manylion ar y dde os ydych am dalu trwy gerdyn credyd. Rhif cerdyn:

Os hoffech dderbyn manylion am ein opsiwn taliadau hawdd, sydd yn ymestyn y taliadau dros y misoedd nesaf, ticiwch y blwch os gwelwch yn dda. Does dim pris am ddefnyddio’r gwasanaeth yma, ond nid yw ar gael os nad ydych yn archebu lle o leiaf wyth wythnos cyn y gwersyll. (arwydder) Trwy arwyddo rydych yn cytuno i gydymffurfio â rheolau’r gwersyll.

Dyddiad terfyn: Arwydder:

Byddem yn hoffi anfon gwybodaeth atoch am weithgareddau perthnasol MEC a llythyron gweddi yn achlysurol. Nodwch os nad ydych am eu derbyn.


Enw ar y cerdyn: Rhif cyhoeddi:

O dro i dro byddwn yn defnyddio lluniau a dynnwyd yn y gwersylloedd ar gyfer cyhoeddusrwydd (e.e. y daflen hon neu fideo). Nodwch os ydych yn gwrthwynebu i’ch plentyn ymddangos yn y rhain.

(Switch yn unig)

(printiwch enw llawn) Rhiant/ Gwarchodwr: (arwydder) Os yn talu â cherdyn, rhaid mai deiliad y cerdyn yw’r rhiant sy’n arwyddo.

Dylid anfon archebion ar gyfer y gwersylloedd Cymraeg at: Mudiad Efengylaidd Cymru, Bryntirion, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, CF31 4DX

Mae Gwersylloedd y Mudiad yn cynnig pob math o bethau - cyfeillion gwych, gweithgareddau gwahanol, astudiaethau a sgyrsiau bywiog am y Beibl. Os ydych wedi bod sawl gwaith, neu’n meddwl dod am y tro cyntaf, cewch groeso cynnes ar Wersyll MEC. Mae neges y Beibl yn ganolog i holl wersylloedd MEC. Mae gan bob gwersyll Gaplan a fydd yn trafod thema o’r Beibl gyda’r gwersyllwyr bob dydd, sy’n addas i oedran y gwersyll, boed y gwersyllwyr yn mynychu eglwys neu beidio. Caiff pob gwersyllwr ei roi mewn ystafell wely gyda thri neu bedwar o wersyllwyr eraill, gyda swyddog ymroddgar yn gofalu amdanynt trwy arwain astudiaethau Beiblaidd, bod ar gael trwy gydol yr wythnos a sicrhau bod pawb yn y grwp yn elwa o holl weithgareddau’r gwersyll. Mae staff y gwersylloedd i gyd yn wirfoddolwyr Cristnogol wedi eu cyrchu o eglwysi efengylaidd. Ar gyfartaledd, bydd 1 swyddog i bob 3 gwersyllwr. Mae’n ofynnol i’r arweinwyr a’r swyddogin gyflwyno geirda gan eu heglwys a chwblhau gwiriad Swyddfa Cofnodion Troseddol.

Mae cydweithio’n rhan hanfodol o wersyll, yn y gemau a’r tasgau ysgafn a roddir i’r timau. Mae’n gyfle da i wneud ffrindiau ac adnewyddu cyfeillgarwch. Cyfyngir niferoedd y gwersylloedd yn fwriadol (tua 35-50 mewn gwersyll) i sicrhau bod pawb yn dod i nabod ei gilydd, hyd yn oed y gwersyllwyr swil. Yn aml caiff y gwersyllwyr yr un faint o anogaeth o’i ffrindiau newydd âg y gânt gan y caplan a’r swyddogion. Mae gan bob gwersyll ddewis eang o weithgareddau; mae ’na rywbeth i blesio pawb, hyd yn oed y gwersyllwr mwyaf diddiddordeb! Chwaraeon, celf a chrefft, cystadlaethau, canwio, teithiau i’r traeth, tennis-bwrdd, nofio: dyma rai o’r gweithgareddau posibl. (Mae darparwyr gweithgareddau trwyddedig yn cael eu defnyddio ar gyfer pob gweithgaredd awyr agored.) Mae’r nosweithiau yn gyfle i fwynhau adloniant. Mae hyn oll yn gwneud gwersylloedd MEC yn rhywbeth arbennig iawn i bawb. Dyna pam y bydd mae cymaint o wersyllwyr yn dod nôl bob blwyddyn, a’r gwersylloedd yn llenwi mor gyflym. Archebwch le mor gynnar ag sy’n bosib!


10-13 oed 13 8FED – 15FED AWST QUINTA Emyr James Gwawr Davies Gwydion Lewis

14-18 oed 14 8FED – 15FED AWST BRYN-Y-GROES, Y BALA I’w gadarnhau Heledd Job Mark Thomas

Gwersylloedd Cymraeg - £175

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