Employee Training And Development

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  • Words: 483
  • Pages: 20
Employee Training and Development

What is Training & Development? •

Helping organizations solve problems through employee training: • A planned effort to facilitate the learning, retention and transfer of job-related behavior.

ASTD: http://www.astd.org

Who receives training? •

Examples • New employees, customer service training, communication skills, team training management skills, diversity training, conflict resolution.

QG: How does new information and communication technology affect training?

Adult Learning Theories •

Social Learning Theory (Bandura) • Learning through observing • Modeling behavior • Examples

Important factors of Training Success • •

Employee Readiness Transfer of Training

Employee Characteristics for Readiness • •

Ability Attitudes and Motivation Learning Styles

Transfer of Training Issues • • •

Improve job performance Materials learned in training used on job Level of Transfer • Zero! • Positive • Negative

Design Factors & Transfer of Training • • • • •

Feedback General Principles Identical Elements Overlearning Sequencing • Part vs. Whole • Massed vs. Spaced

Work Environment & Transfer •

Reasons for Failure • Training dissimilar to job • Trained behavior not supported on job • Trained behavior not often needed

How to do Training and Development • • • • •

Needs assessment Set Objectives Training Design Deliver the training Evaluation

How to do a Training Needs Assessment •

Organizational Analysis • Organizational functioning, problems and goals • Benefits of training to the organization

Job or Task Analysis • Work that needs to be done

Person Analysis • What employees can do • What they should be able to do

Setting the Training Goals • •

Establish training goals Set Behavioral objectives to reach goals • What must be learned? • Measurable Behaviors

Training Development •

Develop training tasks to meet objectives • Content • Designing HOW to present the material to the employees so they learn it and it transfers to the job.

Training Methods: In house • • •

On the job training Apprenticeship Vestibule Training • Next to actual work site and hands-on experience

Job Rotation • Target all employees • Leadership track

QG: Experiences and effectiveness?

Training Methods: Off-Site

Lecturing Behavioral modeling Simulations Computer assisted training

QG: Experiences and effectiveness?

• • •

Training Methods: Management • • •

Case Studies Role playing Experiential management “games” and simulations • Blindfolded rope

Conferences • Facilitated open discussions

Training Methods: Management •

Mentoring • Traditional, Step-ahead, Peer • Informal vs. formal


QG: Why are management training methods different from other forms of training? Turn in!

Review of Training & Development • • • • •

Needs assessment Set Objectives Training Design Deliver the training Evaluation

Evaluation Measures •

Training Criteria: • Reaction • Learning

Performance Criteria: • Behavioral • Results

CHOOSE one (or more!)

Design of Evaluation Study • • •

One Group Basic experimental Designs Quasi-Experimental Designs • Solomon 4 group design

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