Employee Induction In An Organization

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,117
  • Pages: 11
Employee induction in an organization Induction is a necessity for future performance of the new employee or even for existing employees who are transferred to other functional areas. It is absolutely vital for new starters. Good induction training ensures new starters are retained, and then settled in quickly and happily to a productive role. It’s more than skills training and is about the basics that seasoned the employees i.e what the shifts are, where the notice-board is, what is the routine for holidays, sickness, where's the canteen, what's the dress code. New employees also need to understand the organization's mission, goals, values and philosophy, personnel practices, health and safety rules, and of course the job they're required to do, with clear methods, timescales and expectations. Induction includes an orientation about the company, the various department products and services along with a formal introduction to all staff and an overview of job roles. It is therefore important to plan an appropriate induction programs as it also marks the beginning of the employer-employee relationship. Induction is a must in every organization. In fact there are many companies that do not allow new recruits to take up responsibilities without attending the induction session. On the point of values and philosophy, induction training offers a wonderful early opportunity to establish clear foundations and expectations in terms of ethics, integrity, corporate social responsibility, and all the other converging concepts in this area that are the bedrock of all good modern responsible organizations.

The guidelines to design the prefect induction program: 1. Induction should be flexible and employee centric. 2. Draw a plan on whom to involve in the induction (like HR, HODs, etc) and form them accordingly. 3. Employ a range of communication techniques like group discussion and presentations (Power Point/overheads/slides) as part of the training process. 4. The HR team usually handles the initial paper work like giving details about the company its history office locations, business operations, products and services, departments and their functionality, hierarchy company policies and procedures and a write up explaining the job profile, responsibilities and accountabilities of the new employee.

5. The HOD/senior colleagues can provide an in-depth insight of the respective employee’s job and responsibilities, how the role fits into the team and the business as a whole set performance standards and targets and identify training requirement, if needed. 6. Give the new recruits sufficient time at least two-four weeks to settle down and know the job and how to be done. 7. Maintain a performance tracking book and minutes of other regular meetings. 8. Try not to overload the employees with too much information. 9. Have a follow up appraisal to sort out any queries that they may have. 10.Ensure that all new recruits are given a positive message and consistent information. The new recruits should be made to feel welcome and accepted. 11.Before the candidate reports keep essentials like entry passes and a work station along with a working computer, phone, and other required stationary ready. 12. Other methods clued furnishing employees with an induction manual, giving pre-employment information packs including staff handbooks with an outline of the initial programs, offers of pre-employment visits and guided of the company.

The induction coordinator has the following responsibilities:

Report on progress & provide feedback to the HR department


Devise a program to meet the requirements of the HR Department. & any other

PROCESS Meet regularly with the new employees to review progress & identify outstanding & training gaps

Ensure all arrangements have been made

Indicators of an effective induction program include:     

An actively supportive and closely involved supervisor or manager. Accountability, ensuring induction occurs. Professional development and learning planning being part of the induction process. Tailoring to the needs of the new staff member. New staff members taking a proactive role in their own induction.

As with any type of training, it is vital to review and seek feedback after induction training. It is useful to evaluate induction programs, to identify aspects that could be improved and ensure that the process is continually improved. Organizations need to analyze overall feedback results from new starters, to be able to identify improvements and continuously develop induction training planning. Feedback is also taken from staff that helps to provide the induction training for new starters with a positive feedback and constructive suggestions. The benefits of induction programs are vast and include:  It gives information about the skills and knowledge required for the job.  Induction aids first time managers in a new industry to settle confidently and easily into the new role.  Increased retention of newly hired employees.  Improved employee morale and increased productivity.  A properly crafted induction program will save time and money in the long run. Money that might have ended up being spent on covering absences and hiring replacements if induction isn't done well.  Integrates newcomers into their working environment quickly and makes them productive.  It makes the employees feel welcomed and valued, and gives them a positive impression of the organization.  It helps minimize employee turnover and recruitment costs.

 Gives an understanding of the company’s mission, structure culture, policies procedures and methods of working.

IT’s importance in the current scenario The changing business scenario and workforce trends have made employee retention a crucial problem that needs to be solved. An effective employee induction program is one such tool that is used for successful employee on boarding and employee retention. Employee Induction is defined as a systematic organizational effort to assist personnel to adjust readily and effectively to new assignments, so that they can contribute maximum to the working of the system. Induction programs for new recruits are increasingly becoming a common practice in most companies. Earlier a new employee would be assigned a mentor who would familiarize the entrant with the ins and outs of the company. However, now the realization of proper induction training can better develop the connection between an employee and organization which in turns fosters loyalty and long term association. The length and nature of induction program varies according to the organizational policy. It encompass a formal training period which takes the entrant over the company’s vision, past growth, business verticals, products and services as well as systems and processes. On the other hand it may be a more casual, interactive session among the new employees, senior management and old timers of the company. In the business world, “the more effective the employees and the quicker their integration with the company, the greater will be the profit generation for an organization”. The Employee Induction Program should be designed in such a way that it provides relevant information to the employees. Provision of reality checks through surveys, feedbacks, and appraisals help the employer ensure the effectiveness of the induction program.

ORGANISATION’S VIEW From the organization's point of view, Induction is the period which prepares the new joiner for their role and gives them the basic knowledge required to begin functioning effectively and safely from the very beginning. It is also the period during which the employer can quickly confirm the wisdom of the decision the individual has made to come and work there and make them feel welcomed and valued. The employing organization ensures that the new employee receives quite a range of information. This is explained by this design:

This gives the candidates good grasp of functions and facilitate their future functioning efficiently. Today, new recruits are expected to be self-starter from day one. Thus, it becomes mandatory to make inductions a vital part of recruitment as it benefits both, the employer and the employee.


From the individual's point of view it is the period where they learn about their new organization, their new job and the people with whom they will be working. It is also the period during which they absorb the culture, ethics and standards of the business and begin to form judgments about what is acceptable and non-acceptable in terms of behaviors and inputs. The key concerns of all new entrants, irrespective of age or seniority tend to be similar. These early concerns are about very personal issues such as: • • • • •

Who are my bosses and what are they like? Who will I be working with? What are they like? What are the arrangements for pay, holidays, meal breaks and flexi time? What is my workplace like? Will I have all the equipment I need? What are the rules, standards etc which I need to fit in with?

When these personal issues are addressed the new entrants will be interested in their work and will reduce the retention ratio.

Induction policies mbil is adopting


When the induction training is conducted the main task of the HR personnel is to analyze the gap between the policies made by the organization and its implementation.

Induction Training Feedback Analysis

Induction Feedback is required to identify the satisfaction level of employees for which the induction is conducted. It also make the organization know about, is the induction conducted as per planned. The feedback is taken keeping in mind the various parameters which are essential for induction. The most important aspect of induction feedback is the suggestions given by the employees. And the organization has to work upon to achieve maximum satisfaction of employees and make the induction program effective. Rating scale of various parameters Induction Feedback


A v e r a g e

3.6 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.3 Felt Welcomed and valued on arrival.

HR Program was J oining InfrastructureCourteousness to conducted in lne Documents filled Received the ID the entie with the plan are of card and Visiting Induction discussed importance and card in time as experience relevance defined

Graded parameters

The above figure shows the average grading given by different employees to the various parameters shown in the diagram. This figure helps us to know about the pitfalls in the whole induction program. As seen from the above figure, the third & fourth parameter shows the lowest average. It means that the organization has to work upon the plan in accordance with the implementation and timely delivery of the ID and Visiting cards.

Analyzing process There are many ways to analyze the Induction Feedback Form. One process has been described above in detail. The next way in which we can analyze the

Induction Feedback Form is by going through “their overall induction experience” of the employees. First of all, all the employees are divided into the level I & II. Level I comprises of Supervisor - Sr.Officer/Sr.Engineer Level II comprises of Assistant Manager – Manager This differentiation makes easier for an organization in analyzing the Induction Feedback Form. On the basis of the overall induction experience given by the employees is considered & the following conclusion can be drawn.

Overall Induction Experience of employees 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%

Excellent & Very good

Good & Informative

Effective & Useful

The induction experience of the employees as shown in the above figure reflects that the overall induction training is good & informative. But there is a still more room for improvement. For the maximum satisfaction of the employees the organization needs to make its induction program more excellent and effective.

The most important step in Induction Feedback is the analysis of the suggestions provided by the new recruiters. The following are the suggestions listed below given by the employees while induction training in MoserBaer (MBPV).

LIST OF SUGGESTIONS PARAMETERS Better time management Proper training schedule Detailed trainings on each vertical Plant visit should be more sequenced Properly plan the industry visit & keep a professional person/HR who can guide us properly while the visit. More technical classes should be included. Welcome kit should be given Soldering should be automatically at module line Should be held repetitively More time should be given for induction Some more should added in presentation slide it reflect the whole organization. More focus on the three products Should be provide letter pads Smell of acids should be controlled in cell line area Reading material/handouts should also be provided MBIL Visit should also be included



both both

4 (L1), 1 (L2) 2 (L1), 2 (L2)


4 (L1), 1 (L2)


14 (L1), 2 (L2)


3 (L1), 2 (L2)


5 (L1), 1 (L2)





















Groups Who visited the Plant should be very small because in large group we do not understand the facts very clearly.



More Hindi oriented



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