22 May 2009
Emerging Markets Macro Comment Serdar Küçükakιn, Senior Economist
Looking at Latin America •
Growing differences between countries
Monetary policy is effective
In this comment we will focus on Latin America. Firstly, we
Argentina also continues to point in the direction of a sustained
will differentiate between two groups of countries when it
contraction in manufacturing activity. Industrial production
comes to the economic outlook, while secondly we will
contracted 1.1% mom in March. Other indicators, such as
challenge the view held by some (and not so few) market
cement, automotives, steel and electricity consumption, all
participants that monetary policy is not particularly
suggest that activity is continuing to flounder. More importantly,
effective in Latin America.
the political instability ahead of the June mid-term elections and the highly uncertain outlook that might develop afterwards
Differentiating between countries
do not bode well for a quick turnaround in confidence and
While economic performance in the final-quarter of 2008 was
domestic spending.
dismal in practically all countries in the region, data for the first quarter of 2009 suggest that the subsequent dynamics diverge
From a structural standpoint, several characteristics could
between two groups of countries. For some time, we have
account for the differences between the two groups of
made a distinction between the inflation-targeting countries,
countries, with economic proximity to the US being an obvious
such as Brazil and Chile, and countries such as Argentina (and
factor. Its economic ties with the US mean Mexico is suffering
Venezuela), where politics and debt concerns are relevant
relatively more, while the relative importance of “cyclical
economic drivers. At the current juncture, however, another
sectors”, such as the automotive sector, in Brazil may also
source of differentiation is emerging: in a few countries the
explain the magnitude of the turnaround. Changes in the fiscal
business cycle appears to be bottoming out, while others
policy applying to this sector account for some of the rebound
continue to be under considerable stress.
in Brazil. Since November last year, the government has given two tranches, totalling BRL 2.5 billion (USD 1.23 billion), of tax
Industrial production gives a fairly timely picture of activity
cuts on vehicles.
dynamics. Actual data show that industrial production in Brazil troughed in December 2008, with a colossal 20% contraction in
Other differences between the two groups of countries are
the period September - December. Since the beginning of
attributable to policy and its effectiveness, especially with
2009, however, industrial production has actually grown in
regards to monetary policy. Countries with more credible
every month on a mom basis. March industrial production in
monetary policies (i.e. inflation-targeting regimes) have been
Chile meanwhile increased by 15.1% mom, which was the
able to ease monetary policy considerably. Since January this
steepest monthly increase since March 2007. Furthermore,
year Brazil has cut its Selic rate by 350 basis points to 10.25%,
Chile is implementing a massive fiscal stimulus package of
which is the lowest level since inflation-targeting started in
USD 6 billion (GDP 3.3%), which will also lend a helping hand
1999. In Chile the central bank has also been easing
to growth.
aggressively. Since the start of the year the policy rate has been cut by a total of 700 basis points to 1.25%. Despite the
Mexico and Argentina show a different picture and, in our view,
fact that the policy rate has already reached a very low level,
are still in contraction mode. March industrial production in
further cuts are expected.
Mexico declined by 2% in March. Furthermore, the fact that manufacturing activity has continued to fall in the US suggests
The central banks of Argentina and Venezuela do not have an
more weakness is in the pipeline for Mexico (around 80% of
explicit policy rate that they communicate with market
Mexican exports go to the US). The swine flu epidemic also
participants. In the case of Venezuela, the main instrument for
points to the same conclusion. While it is very difficult to
monetary policy has been the use of international reserves,
calculate exactly the negative effect that the epidemic will have
because policymakers have frequently used changes in the
on economic activity, it is clear that it could bring additional
exchange rate to deal with the expansion of money caused by
downdraft forces.
fiscal expenditure.
SERDAR KÜÇÜKAKΙN +31 (0)20 629 5086
22 May 2009 Summing up, countries such as Brazil and Chile, which
between the debt of the financial systems of emerging Europe
generally have sound fiscal and monetary policies, in
and that of Latin America, and nobody has questioned the
combination with fairly strong starting positions, are most like
effectiveness of policy rate cuts in emerging Europe. This claim
to bottom out first. Countries such as Argentina and Venezuela
could sound somewhat emotional, but we will also outline
on the other hand, with their populist policies and practically no
some “rational” arguments below as to why we believe that
access to international capital markets because they have
rate cuts in Latin America do matter.
previously defaulted on some of their foreign debt, will most probably bottom out later. Compared with these two groups of
Financial debt
countries, Mexico is somewhere in the middle. It generally has
sound macro-economic policies in place, including, for example, an inflation-targeting central bank. However as explained above, the country is suffering greatly from its close economic ties with the US. Effectiveness of monetary policy Inflation-targeting central banks in Latin America, as explained
300 250 200 150 100 50 0
above, have cut rates aggressively and are expected to
Euro zone
continue to relax monetary conditions. However, there has Bank assets Private debt securities
been some discussion among market participants about the effectiveness of monetary policy in these countries. The concerns relate to past experience with the region, as well as
Latin Asia Emerging America Europe Stock market capitalisation
Source: IMF
to the current maturity of the region’s financial system. We understand where these concerns come from as, in the past,
Firstly, lower interest rates cause individuals and businesses to
the instable economic environment in the region meant there
alter their spending and investment decisions, even if their
was little scope for a counter-cyclical monetary response.
bank balances are small. In the current economic setting of a
Indeed, past crises in the region have tended to expose a
full-blown credit crisis in the eurozone and the US, the
widespread lack of confidence in the banking system. This lack
traditional transmission channel of monetary policy through the
of confidence in turn led to higher rather than lower interest
banking system is actually working better in Latin America than
rates for the sake of financial stability. Since then, however, a
in the eurozone and particularly the US, and there are no signs
lot has changed in the region. Many countries, including Brazil,
of disruption in the process of money creation. The monetary
have been operating sound macroeconomic policies for years.
multiplier for countries such as Mexico and Chile has remained
Indeed, the fact that many central banks in the region are now
virtually unchanged at around 8.5 in the past couple of months,
targeting inflation is strong evidence that something has
while the monetary multiplier in Brazil was boosted by the
changed structurally because an inflation-targeting regime is
central bank’s decision to lower reserve requirements by 30%
only possible in a stable, or at least relatively stable, macro-
last September from around 5 at the start of 2008 to almost 8
economic environment.
The second concern relates to the (allegedly) limited financial
Secondly, to the extent that rate cuts can lead to a depreciation
debt in Latin America. Market participants expressing this
of the local currency, monetary policy decisions can boost the
concern tend to make a comparison with fully developed
competitiveness of exports and import-competing sectors.
economic blocs such as the US and the eurozone. To us, this
Dismissing the effectiveness of monetary policy means
is like comparing apples and oranges. Latin America is an
ignoring these two (key) channels of monetary policy
emerging region and so, compared to that of the eurozone and
especially the US, its financial system is understandably less developed. As the above graph shows, there is little difference
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SERDAR KUCUKAKIN +31 (0)20 629 5086