Elohim 11-28-02

  • November 2019
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W Any suggestions how terry can be a clearer connection C to get out of the way. To squelch the adversarial ambiances that she’s taken on . there were entities on her before that were more amenable than the ones who have surfaced at this time and the focus of the last few days have been very hard. (dog barks) worldly influences don’t disturb us. We are at a different level and connected through the channel. She is a very pure channel if she in her own right could be there without the many gaggle of interferers and resistances that are put up by entities on her. W Can you help her release these entities or give her the clearest way to get through that. C She chooses her own path to get through that and there is something to be said for her path. Of course there are other ways. But she does not see them. W could you give her an example of another way? C to release them into the light. And to let them heal with the light of the other realm instead of being reborn on this realm again. To give them some time on the other realm without the intereferences of daily living and the warlike attitude of your people. W as far as the entity who is released, is that way just as effective as far as the entities future karmic release? C there’s something to be looked at here in that one of the things that , it’s a complex issue because there’s a lack of trust of the entities and they hang on for dear life because they have been so beaten. It’s a friendship type of connection where there is nurtueing given and their trauma has been so horrendous that they have not been able to find a way out of it on their own and one of the ways is to allow the space to fin d their own space again so they know they exist as a being. The other thing is as she released one of them to the higher realm at having been wrapped in the clouds and allowed him to heal on his own and she was afraid he would not be able to heal however in time he will be able to trust his surroundings the entities in the horrible event they underwent were not able to trust their surroundings so they cling on for dear life to the only surrounding that they have left that they feel that they can trust. It’s a very great trauma when the surroundings take over the locomotion of the being the soul, an example would be an atomic bomb blast where the walls explode on the person, the surroundings take o ver the locomotion of the being and intotal it takes over the soul for a time and it’s such a traumatic experience that the being needs special circumstances to recover because they tend to hang on to the next thing they see as stable. W Do you have any recommendations to Terry about the location where she is working? C The location feels pretty safe. We don’t see any violation of the location at this moment but you have a larger question in your mind. W What about a possible nuclear blast in LA.

C She would also be concerned about you and your location . W I’m further away though. C However you travel into the city. W Is this something to be concerned about? C I do not see a concern at this time, however there are elements on the earth who would wish destruction on your AREA AND THERE COMPLEX CHANNELS that could become interactions that could place the area in jeopardy at some time in the future. But not for the time being> W how many months in the future? C in these rapidly changing times it could change rapidly. There are so many possibilities and motivations that some people might put something into play in a shorter period of time but you will still have Ra watching to make these more unlikely. W do you have any suggestions how I can relate to the experiences I am going through regarding daphne? C daphne is an extraordinary being and channel and daphne has her own things that she is dealing with and it cannot be forced and she will need to come to her own mind. She is an inviolate being. You cannot force or violate that. She’s radiate beautiful being and clear energy and channel in her own right and that is to be respected and you can honor and respect that and she will get that. She’s a delicate sensitive spirit that needs to be nurtured for herself and allowed her freedom to expand into her realm and have her be honored and cherished and she will grow and expand and it’s only in this way that you can reconnect at the highest. There’s a basic connection there but she needs her freedom , the freedom to be her and to be honored , to know that she is loved for her own creativity and joy and beauty. She’s a very sensitive musician and one of the finest ways you can connect is b y honoring that and not by indicated her music is like white noise but by honoring the part of the music that you see as pure joy expression. The best of what she does honor that and play music. Indicate that you can ---- that it is simple and if you see her, set up circumstances for joy and play music if you can find this expression you can be together again in joy through the honoring of her and letting her shine not for taking the shiningness for yourself. W in terms of my feelings, what’s the best way to get these through my system so I can function best. C realize that hurt feelings are based on past similar experiences where the past experience magnifies the hurt of the present. Seeing Terry helps to clear some of that. She lets you talk and let you get out some of the feelings and she lets you feel you are Realize

that you are loved and you are doing the work that other people are not doing and cannot even see and you are very needed. Not everyone will see this. People have there own growth patterns and if they don’t understand it is not personal. And that all things can heal in time. Above all don’t take it personally. W How can Terry improve her situation with John? C John is very hurt, He feels unloved and in the way. He feels that it would be better for Terry if he lived alone. He tries in his way to help her as he can. He’s very ashamed of his body. He’s in very great pain. Terry could give him more concern, more caring. Perhaps instead of hanging up perhaps to connect more often or better with him or the quality of experience with him. It’s the same as you and Daphne. When you’re with daphne to make joy every minute as much as possible. To bring light to the relationship. Terry needs to not make john wrong so much. She has a tendency to make him wrong. She needs to make him shine. She needs to let him know she cares. W is there a way for John to accept in a better spirit the relationship terry and I have. C it’s very hard for him being from a puritan family. He doesn’t see the rightness of that. But he does realize that he hasn’t given terry the basics that she needs. Therefore he tolerates this. W is your council paying attention to me even when we’re not doing this channeling? C Oh yes W How can I access that? C Be aware. You have a tendency to be to focused. Be aware. We are a radiant energy in your space and we are with you always. Be aware of our energy and you will be able to access us. It is a matter of you being aware of our frequency and our energy because we are there with you and are pleased to be of service to you. You are very rare. W is that why you chose daphne to talk through? C that could be said. Terry was open…………….the night that daphne had terry over and we established a communication path at that time and then spoke again through terry the night she was with you and she was trying to keep it all quiet and you were very important to this. We wish to share with you it’s a really ………….. W I sense that I have a somewhat unique ability to communicate with the masses and the public. C you have the ability to connect with people. You have spent lifetimes developing that in the various occupations you have done. You have researched it, negotiated with people, worked with their energies, not only this lifetime but in other lifetimes.

W when did I first enter the reincarnational pattern and where did I go? C Rajan Malva? The great God and energy in the sky looking down upon the people. And they were very small . You were separate and you had the desire to bring them back home once again and you still struggle with it and there’s a sadness in you to know……. W, when did I first take on an incarnation? C. we are going to look closer and time is millions of years. you were maldek before, We request to close the session at this time as we are losing the connect. W thank you for coming. Is this something we can resume in the future C yes certainly. The channel cares and wishes to establish a better connection. W thank you for showing up C it’s our honor and our service.

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