PREFACE Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to our group for finishing the English paper Assigments Entitled. Our grup also wishes to express our deep and sincere qratitud for those who have gulded in completing this paper. This assignment contains about a news. The main idea of each paragraph some difficulties words, and the synonym of some words. We hope that by this paper can increase our vocabulary and mae us can conclude idea of paragraph. Hopefully this paper can help the readers to explain their knowledge about english reading.
TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE .....………………………………………………............................1 CHAPTER 1………………………………………………............................. 2 1.1 Background of the paper ………………………………………..... 2 1.2 Purpose of the paper ……………………………………………… CHAPTER 2 ……………………………………………............................... 2.1 Find main idea of each paragraph……………………….…… 2.2 Find difficult words ……………………………………… 2.3 Build sentences of some words……………………………… 2.4 Find the synonym of some words………………………………… CHAPTER 3 …………………………………………………................……. 3.1 Conclusion ……………………………………………………… 3.2 Suggest…………………………………………………............... BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………...........…
CHAPTER 1 1.1 Backgroud of the paper
1.2 Purpose of the paper Purpose of the leter to know about the main idea of each paragraph, to find some difficulties words, to find some synonym of words, and build sentences from some words.
CHAPTER 2 The Article
Waria' told to leave their home in Jakarta amid antiLGBT campaign. Seven transgender people in Sumur Utara, Klender, East Jakarta, have been told by residents to leave a boarding house they are currently staying at. "We, kampung Sumur residents, reject the presence of LGBT groups", states a banner put up in front of the boarding house on Saturday. The neighborhood unit (RT) head was collecting signatures from residents to expel the waria, said one of the seven people affected who requested anonymity, using a local term for transgender people. She said they had been accused of prostitution. The boarding house is home to eight people; the eighth room being occupied by a midwife, she said, adding that many more transgender people resided in the area. “We have never broken any rules. We always abide by the regulations set in the neighborhood, including not receiving any guests,” she told The Jakarta Post on Sunday. “Our landlady defends us, but now she is being called an atheist and disgusting and [blamed for] stirring up social tension.” She has stayed in the boarding house for several years; some of her friends have lived there for 10 years or longer and have never been threatened until now. “We have not been physically abused so far, but we do not know what will happen,” she said.
Yulianus Rettoblaut, a well-known rights activist that leads the Indonesian Waria Communication Forum (FKWI), lamented the situation. She attributed the threats to rising anti-LGBT sentiment in the country particularly ahead of the presidential and legislative elections next year, as anti-LGBT statements have been employed by politicians to get votes. “Our [state ideology of] Pancasila guarantees equal justice for all, but we all know transgender people always face discrimination,” she said. Yuli suggested that the seven waria seek assistance from rights groups, such as the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH Jakarta) or Human Rights Watch (HRW) to make sure they got justice. HRW researcher Andreas Harsono said the local residents could not trespass onto their private lives, as long as the landlady did not mind their presence.
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Waria' disuruh meninggalkan rumah mereka di Jakarta di tengah kampanye anti-LGBT Tujuh waria di Sumur Utara, Klender, Jakarta Timur, telah diberitahu oleh warga untuk meninggalkan rumah kos tempat mereka tinggal. "Kami, warga kampung Sumur, menolak kehadiran kelompok LGBT", menyatakan sebuah spanduk dipasang di depan rumah kos pada hari Sabtu. Kepala unit RT mengumpulkan tanda tangan dari warga untuk mengusir waria, kata salah satu dari tujuh orang yang terkena dampak yang meminta anonimitas, menggunakan istilah lokal untuk orang transgender. Dia mengatakan mereka telah dituduh melakukan pelacuran. Rumah kos adalah rumah bagi delapan orang; kamar kedelapan ditempati oleh seorang bidan, katanya, menambahkan bahwa lebih banyak orang transgender tinggal di daerah itu. “Kami tidak pernah melanggar aturan. Kami selalu mematuhi peraturan
yang ditetapkan di lingkungan ini, termasuk tidak menerima tamu, ”katanya kepada The Jakarta Post pada hari Minggu. "Wanita pemilik rumah kita membela kita, tetapi sekarang dia disebut ateis dan menjijikkan dan [disalahkan karena] menimbulkan ketegangan sosial." Dia telah tinggal di asrama selama beberapa tahun; beberapa temannya telah tinggal di sana selama 10 tahun atau lebih dan tidak pernah diancam sampai sekarang. "Sejauh ini kami belum disiksa secara fisik, tetapi kami tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi," katanya. Yulianus Rettoblaut, seorang aktivis HAM terkenal yang memimpin Forum Komunikasi Waria Indonesia (FKWI), menyesalkan situasi tersebut. Dia mengaitkan ancaman itu dengan meningkatnya sentimen anti-LGBT di negara itu, terutama menjelang pemilihan presiden dan legislatif tahun depan, karena pernyataan anti-LGBT digunakan oleh para politisi untuk mendapatkan suara. “Pancologia kami [ideologi negara] menjamin keadilan yang sama bagi semua orang, tetapi kita semua tahu bahwa waria selalu menghadapi diskriminasi,” katanya. Yuli menyarankan agar tujuh waria mencari bantuan dari kelompok-kelompok HAM, seperti Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Jakarta (LBH Jakarta) atau Human Rights Watch (HRW) untuk memastikan mereka mendapat keadilan. Peneliti HRW Andreas Harsono mengatakan bahwa penduduk setempat tidak dapat masuk tanpa izin ke kehidupan pribadi mereka, selama sang induk semang tidak keberatan dengan keberadaan mereka.
2.1 Find main idea of each paragraph The title of Aricle that we had read is ‘Waria’ told to leave their home in Jakara amid anti-LGBT campaign. So we have find the mean idea of the article. Paragraph 1 => The seven transgender were forced to leave their home. Paragraph 2 =>The Kampung Sumur Residents, rejected the presence of LGBT groups. . The neighborhood unit (RT) head was collecting from residents to expel the waria. Paragraph 3 => The waria had been accused of prostution. Paragraph 4 => The boarding house is home to eight people.
Paragraph 5 => The waria have never broken any rules. And the landlady defends us, . but she is being called an atheist and disgusting. Paragraph 6 = > The waria told that they haven’t been physically abused so far, . but we don’t know what will happen. Paragraph 7 => Yulianus Rettoblaut, a well-know rights activist that leads the Indonesian Waria Communication Forum (FKWI), threats to rising anti-LGBT Paragraph 8 => The seven waria seek assistance from rights groups, . such as LBH Jakarta or HRW to make sure they got justice. Paragraph 9 => HRW researcher Andreas Harsono said, . the local residents couldn’t tresposs into their private lives.
2.2 Find difficulties words When we read English articles, we will find words that we don’t know the meaning of words. And we definitely look for it in the dictionary so that we understand the contents of the article. The Difficult Words: 1. Reject : Menolak 9. Abide : Mematuhi 2. Put Up : Memasang 10. Landlady : Wanita pemilik rumah 3. Expel : Mengusir 11. Sit up : menimbulkan 4. Anonymity : Anonimitas 12. Thisatend : di ancam 5. Accused : Dituduh 13. Quarantee : menjamin 6. Occupled : Ditempati 14. Justice : keadilan 7. Midwife : Bidan 15. Trespass : melanggar 8. Resided : tinggal
5 2.3 Build sentences of some words After we find out the meaning of a difficult word. let's make a sentence so that we are trained in the difficult word. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
The school rejects third of all applicants. We put up a flower board of the funeral home. My brother was expelled from school for this bad behavior. The police will be quaranteed anonymity of witnesses. She accused er employer of six discrimination. The house hasn’t been occupled by anyone months. The family now resides in Southern France. I can’t abide my mother’s rule. Our landlady expelled my friend because they didn’t obey her rule.
10. The teacher told him to stop stirring up trouble. 11. They threatened to kill him unless he did as they asked. 12. The Fridge is quaranteed for three years. 13. We shall do everything to bring the murderes to justice. 14. I didn’t realize i was trespassing on their land. 15. Melvita is midwife who helped my mother to gve birth yesterday.
2.4 Find synonym of some words Synonyms:
Front advance
Disgusting skanky
Well known
familiar, famous
Equal coequal
Secret, personal
As long as
Presence occurence
CHAPTER 3 3.1 The Conclusion Kampung sumur resident rejected the presence of LGBT groups because they gave bad effect for the people. Although they did not break the rules in the environment including not receiving ant quests. So, they tried to get justice from Human Right Watch (HRW) so that they were permited to stay and landlady also agreed about it. 3.2 Suggestion As we know that reading book is important for us. Because by reading book, we can increase our knowledge and increase our vocabulary.