Eid Al Adha : The festival of Sacrifice
« Indeed I turn my face towards The One Who originated the heavens and the earth; upon the way of Abraham, the unswerving one, and I'm not of those who commit shirk [polytheism]. Indeed my salah, my sacrifice, my living and my dying is for Allah, the Sustainer of the worlds. There is no associate with Him, and so I have been commanded, and I am from the ones who submit. O Allah! (This sacrifice) is from me, for You. »
What is Eid Al Adha? Eid Al Adha is a muslim holiday, celebrated by Muslims worldwide.
Muslims celebrate Eid Al Adha to remember and commemorate the willingness of the prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismael as an act of obediance to God. How do muslims celebrate this Eid?
1. Start the morning with Prayers in a local mosque.
2. Slaughter and skin the animal, it can be « sheep », « cow », or « camel »
3. Eat from the meat: muslims usually eat « barbeque » as a first meal.
4. Give meat to the poor and needy
Finally ……………… I wish a happy Eid to all Muslims, especially the people of the small village.