Eg Of A Start And End Outine

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 7
EG OF A START ROUTINE PROGRAM trans_routine. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS routine DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_transform DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF _ty_s_SC_1, * Field: PSPNR WBS Element. PSPNR TYPE N LENGTH 8, * Field: PSPHI Current proj no. PSPHI TYPE N LENGTH 8, * Field: BANFN Purchase Req.. BANFN TYPE C LENGTH 10, * Field: BNFPO Requisn Item. BNFPO TYPE N LENGTH 5, * Field: FRGDT Release Date. FRGDT TYPE D, * Field: MENGE Quantity. MENGE TYPE P LENGTH 7 DECIMALS 3, * Field: MEINS Unit of Measure. MEINS TYPE C LENGTH 3, * Field: EBELN Purchase Order. EBELN TYPE C LENGTH 10, * Field: BEDAT PO Date. BEDAT TYPE D, * Field: BSMNG PO Quantity. BSMNG TYPE P LENGTH 7 DECIMALS 3, * Field: WERKS Plant. WERKS TYPE C LENGTH 4, * Field: MATNR Material. MATNR TYPE C LENGTH 18, * Field: TEXT Short Text. TEXT TYPE C LENGTH 40, * Field: RECORD Record Number. RECORD TYPE RSARECORD, END OF _ty_s_SC_1. TYPES: _ty_t_SC_1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF _ty_s_SC_1 WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPE-POOLS: rsd, rstr. *$*$ begin of global - insert your declaration only below this line *-* ... "insert your code here *$*$ end of global - insert your declaration only before this line *-* METHODS start_routine IMPORTING request type rsrequest datapackid type rsdatapid EXPORTING monitor type rstr_ty_t_monitors

CHANGING SOURCE_PACKAGE type _ty_t_SC_1 RAISING cx_rsrout_abort. METHODS inverse_start_routine IMPORTING i_th_fields_outbound TYPE rstran_t_field_inv i_r_selset_outbound TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set i_is_main_selection TYPE rs_bool i_r_selset_outbound_complete TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set i_r_universe_inbound TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_universe CHANGING c_th_fields_inbound TYPE rstran_t_field_inv c_r_selset_inbound TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set c_exact TYPE rs_bool. ENDCLASS. "routine DEFINITION *$*$ begin of 2nd part global - insert your code only below this line * ... "insert your code here *$*$ end of 2nd part global - insert your code only before this line * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS routine IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_transform IMPLEMENTATION. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Method start_routine *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Calculation of source package via start routine *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * <-> source package *----------------------------------------------------------------------* METHOD start_routine. *=== Segments === FIELD-SYMBOLS: <SOURCE_FIELDS> DATA: MONITOR_REC

TYPE _ty_s_SC_1.

TYPE rstmonitor.

*$*$ begin of routine - insert your code only below this line *-* ... "insert your code here *-- fill table "MONITOR" with values of structure "MONITOR_REC" *- to make monitor entries ... "to cancel the update process * raise exception type CX_RSROUT_ABORT. *$*$ end of routine - insert your code only before this line *-* ENDMETHOD. "start_routine *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Method inverse_start_routine *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * This subroutine needs to be implemented only for direct access * (for better performance) and for the Report/Report Interface * (drill through).

* The inverse routine should transform a projection and * a selection for the target to a projection and a selection * for the source, respectively. * If the implementation remains empty all fields are filled and * all values are selected. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* METHOD inverse_start_routine. *$*$ begin of inverse routine - insert your code only below this line*-* ... "insert your code here *$*$ end of inverse routine - insert your code only before this line *-* ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.

"inverse_start_routine "routine IMPLEMENTATION


PROGRAM trans_routine. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS routine DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_transform DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION.

* * * * * * * * *

TYPES: BEGIN OF _ty_s_TG_1, InfoObject: ZPOPR popr details. /BIC/ZPOPR TYPE /BIC/OIZPOPR, InfoObject: PSPHI Current number of the appropriate project. /BIC/PSPHI TYPE /BIC/OIPSPHI, InfoObject: BANFN Purchase Requisition Number. /BIC/BANFN TYPE /BIC/OIBANFN, InfoObject: BNFPO Item Number of Purchase Requisition. /BIC/BNFPO TYPE /BIC/OIBNFPO, InfoObject: FRGDT Purchase Requisition Release Date. /BIC/FRGDT TYPE /BIC/OIFRGDT, InfoObject: EBELN Purchase Order No. /BIC/EBELN TYPE /BIC/OIEBELN, InfoObject: BEDAT Purchase Order Date. /BIC/BEDAT TYPE /BIC/OIBEDAT, InfoObject: WERKS WERKS. /BIC/WERKS TYPE /BIC/OIWERKS, Field: RECORD. RECORD TYPE RSARECORD, END OF _ty_s_TG_1. TYPES:


TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF _ty_s_TG_1 WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPE-POOLS: rsd, rstr. *$*$ begin of global - insert your declaration only below this line *-* ... "insert your code here *$*$ end of global - insert your declaration only before this line *-* METHODS end_routine IMPORTING request type rsrequest datapackid type rsdatapid EXPORTING monitor type rstr_ty_t_monitors CHANGING RESULT_PACKAGE type _ty_t_TG_1 RAISING cx_rsrout_abort. METHODS inverse_end_routine IMPORTING i_th_fields_outbound TYPE rstran_t_field_inv i_r_selset_outbound TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set i_is_main_selection TYPE rs_bool i_r_selset_outbound_complete TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set i_r_universe_inbound TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_universe CHANGING c_th_fields_inbound TYPE rstran_t_field_inv c_r_selset_inbound TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set c_exact TYPE rs_bool. ENDCLASS. "routine DEFINITION *$*$ begin of 2nd part global - insert your code only below this line * ... "insert your code here *$*$ end of 2nd part global - insert your code only before this line * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS routine IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_transform IMPLEMENTATION. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Method end_routine *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Calculation of result package via end routine * Note: All not overwritten field values within the routine * are transferred from the corresponding source fields. This * means, all fields not supplied by the transformation source * are send with initial values to the transformation target. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * <-> result package *----------------------------------------------------------------------* METHOD end_routine. *=== Segments === FIELD-SYMBOLS:

TYPE _ty_s_TG_1.


TYPE rstmonitor.

*$*$ begin of routine - insert your code only below this line *-* ... "insert your code here *-- fill table "MONITOR" with values of structure "MONITOR_REC" *- to make monitor entries ... "to cancel the update process * raise exception type CX_RSROUT_ABORT. *$*$ end of routine - insert your code only before this line *-* ENDMETHOD. "end_routine *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Method inverse_end_routine *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * This subroutine needs to be implemented only for direct access * (for better performance) and for the Report/Report Interface * (drill through). * The inverse routine should transform a projection and * a selection for the target to a projection and a selection * for the source, respectively. * If the implementation remains empty all fields are filled and * all values are selected. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* METHOD inverse_end_routine. *$*$ begin of inverse routine - insert your code only below this line*-* ... "insert your code here *$*$ end of inverse routine - insert your code only before this line *-* ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.

"inverse_end_routine "routine IMPLEMENTATION


PROGRAM trans_routine. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS routine DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_transform DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF _ty_s_SC_1, * Field: PSPHI Current proj no. PSPHI TYPE N LENGTH 8, * Field: BANFN Purchase Req.. BANFN TYPE C LENGTH 10,


Field: BNFPO Requisn Item. BNFPO TYPE N LENGTH 5, END OF _ty_s_SC_1. TYPES: BEGIN OF _ty_s_TG_1, * InfoObject: ZPOPR popr details. /BIC/ZPOPR TYPE /BIC/OIZPOPR, END OF _ty_s_TG_1. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPE-POOLS: rsd, rstr. *$*$ begin of global - insert your declaration only below this line *-* ... "insert your code here *$*$ end of global - insert your declaration only before this line *-* METHODS compute_ZPOPR IMPORTING request type rsrequest datapackid type rsdatapid SOURCE_FIELDS type _ty_s_SC_1 EXPORTING RESULT type _ty_s_TG_1-/BIC/ZPOPR monitor type rstr_ty_t_monitor RAISING cx_rsrout_abort cx_rsrout_skip_record cx_rsrout_skip_val. METHODS invert_ZPOPR IMPORTING i_th_fields_outbound TYPE rstran_t_field_inv i_r_selset_outbound TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set i_is_main_selection TYPE rs_bool i_r_selset_outbound_complete TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set i_r_universe_inbound TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_universe CHANGING c_th_fields_inbound TYPE rstran_t_field_inv c_r_selset_inbound TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set c_exact TYPE rs_bool. ENDCLASS. "routine DEFINITION *$*$ begin of 2nd part global - insert your code only below this line * ... "insert your code here *$*$ end of 2nd part global - insert your code only before this line * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS routine IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_transform IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD compute_ZPOPR. * IMPORTING * request type rsrequest * datapackid type rsdatapid * SOURCE_FIELDS-PSPHI TYPE N LENGTH 000008 * SOURCE_FIELDS-BANFN TYPE C LENGTH 000010 * SOURCE_FIELDS-BNFPO TYPE N LENGTH 000005

* *


TYPE rsmonitor.

*$*$ begin of routine - insert your code only below this line *-* ... "insert your code here *-- fill table "MONITOR" with values of structure "MONITOR_REC" *- to make monitor entries ... "to cancel the update process * raise exception type CX_RSROUT_ABORT. ... "to skip a record * raise exception type CX_RSROUT_SKIP_RECORD. ... "to clear target fields * raise exception type CX_RSROUT_SKIP_VAL. RESULT = . *$*$ end of routine - insert your code only before this line *-* ENDMETHOD. "compute_ZPOPR *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Method invert_ZPOPR *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * This subroutine needs to be implemented only for direct access * (for better performance) and for the Report/Report Interface * (drill through). * The inverse routine should transform a projection and * a selection for the target to a projection and a selection * for the source, respectively. * If the implementation remains empty all fields are filled and * all values are selected. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* METHOD invert_ZPOPR. *$*$ begin of inverse routine - insert your code only below this line*-* ... "insert your code here *$*$ end of inverse routine - insert your code only before this line *-* ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.


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