Effective Communication Skills

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  • Words: 1,064
  • Pages: 2
DATE: TO BE ADVICE TIME: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm VENUE: HOTEL IN K.L.

PREFACE In recent years there has been a shift in thinking about the role of a manager, much of it articulated in the concept of transformational leadership. Ideas have also been changing about how best to help middle managers learn. Middle managers need relevant skills to help them be flexible and manage their demanding lives. This course is part of a career development programme designed for self-paced learning. New business forces, demand a different approach to the development of employees. Capable and committed people have become the critical source of competitive advantage. Emphasis must be shifted from training as a series of top-down intervention to a focus on individual learning. To know more please visit our web-site at www.tnisolution.com. Corporates and social organizations who are interested to provide opportunities for their people to develop themselves will find this course a stepping stone to making your middle managers, who have supervisory or managerial responsibilities, become potential change agents resulting in having a positive effect on the workplace. This is Course No.5 of our series of “Professional Mgt. Course for Career Development” and credit hours are given if Certification is required. (Cert. In Management awarded by the Institute of Leadership & Management U.K with post-nominal letters of “AMInstLM.”)

COURSE TRAINER – MR. N. THAGARAJ Mr. Thangaraj is a Senior consultant specializing in orgnisational development and industrial relations. Academically, he holds a B.Sc. (Resource Economics), Master of Science and Advance Professional Diploma in Management. He is currently embarking on a doctorate program at a local university. Thangaraj also attended a stint in management at the renowned Sunridge Park management center, U.K. in 1994. In 1999, he was awarded the coveted “Best Overall Performance” certificate in the AISP examinations conducted by the ISP. Vastly experienced as a trainer, Thangaraj has conducted numerous training sessions for personnel in the senior management and supervisory levels in the area of leadership and supervisory competencies. He has conducted training for DRB-Hicom, Marconi, NEC, Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Larfarge, EMC, Kris International Travel Tours, FELDA and many more big names. IDEAL PARTICIPANTS Middle managers, Supervisors, Executives and those who aspire to become one of these. ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS Course Fee

: RM 850.00

All cheques to be crossed and made payable to Training Network Incorporated Sdn. Bhd. Name 1

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This course provides the essentials of effective communication in all its forms relevant to the manager. Emphasis on non-verbal communication and feedback skills complements the coverage of face-to-face communication.


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METHODOLOGY Lectures accompanied with lots of workshops, group discussions and activities to ensure that the participants will apply what they have learnt to real life situations at workplace. Workbook material provided.

For further details, please contact Ms Vani at 03 2330 8135 or fill up your details below and fax it to 03 2330 8133 or 23308100 PSMB – Approved Training Provider PSMB – Claimable – SBL Scheme


SESSION 1 : COMMUNICATION PROCESS The trainer will ensure that the participant knows: •The importance of effective communication at work and the effects of poor communication •The stages in communication: Sender-encoding – transmission – decoding – receiver •The possible barriers to communication and the methods to overcome them •Ways to ensure effective communication in the workplace By the end of the session the participant should be able to: •Understand the concept of the communication cycle •Recognise and overcome barriers to communication •Apply basic theories to ensure effective communication in the workplace. SESSION 2 : COMMUNICATION MEDIA The trainer will ensure that the participant knows: •Of the different types of communication including oral, written, visual, and electronic and their relative advantages and disadvantages •Techniques of face-to-face and indirect communication, and when each is appropriate •The concept of non-verbal communication – body language •How to use feedback to check effectiveness of communication By the end of the session the participant should be able to: •Select and use the most appropriate and effective method/channel of communication for a specific situation or purpose •Use non-verbal behaviour as appropriate to specific situations •Check that communications has been properly received and understood SESSION 3 : NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION The trainer will ensure that the participant knows: •How to identify aspects of body language including facial expressions •The impact of personal appearance and use of mannerisms in the workplace •How to identify aspects of sending, receiving and interpreting unspoken messages (including inflection and tone) •The effects of attitudes, perception and cultures on the interpretation of non-verbal messages

By the end of the session the participant should be able to: •Identify a range of non-verbal and behavioural factors which affect people •Assess the impact of different behaviours in the workplace •Interpret non-verbal signals from others SESSION 4 : MEETINGS The trainer will ensure that the participant knows: •The purpose, value and types of meetings •How to consult with others and prepare to contribute effectively to a meeting •How to make effective contribution to discussion/decision making during a meeting •The roles and responsibilities of individuals at a meeting •Basic note-taking skills •The importance of follow-up procedures after a meeting and how to use action plans to do so By the end of the session the participant should be able to: •Understand the different types of meetings and their relevance in communications and decision making •Prepare to contribute to a meeting •Maintain own notes of a meeting •Follow up after a meeting to ensure effective outcomes. SESSION 5 : GIVING AND RECEIVING FEEDBACKS The trainer will ensure that the participant knows: •The importance of feedback to improve communication and performance. •Different types of feedback and their relative values in communication (visual, written, oral, aura) •How to use feedback to improve the performance of individuals in the workplace. •How to use feedback techniques (formal/informal; positive/negative timescales; format) •How to elicit feedback from others to improve own performance. By the end of the session the participant should be able to: •Understand the nature and importance of feedback •Use feedback to check the effectiveness of communication. •Use feedback to improve the performance of others. •Use feedback to motivate individuals •Invite and accept feedback to improve own performance.

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