Effective Communication

  • May 2020
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PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN LIVING 7. Effective Communication

This week’s Bible Reading Memorise Hebrews 1:1-2 Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.

Psalms 90-92 2 Corinthians 1 2 Corinthians 2 2 Corinthians 3 2 Corinthians 4 2 Corinthians 5 2 Corinthians 6

“In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets; but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things.”

From the very beginning God has communicated. In Genesis 1:3 “God said...” He is a God who has spoken, not a God who remained silent. There many ways of communicating – through speaking, through writing, through demonstration... Make a list of the ways you can think of that God has communicated to humanity. 1. God has spoken 2. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ 5. __________________________________ Now look at these Bible verses and mark the ways they show how God has communicated to humans – and in some cases still does communicate to us. Exodus 31:18 _____________________________________________________________ Genesis 41:25 _____________________________________________________________ Exodus 3:1-2 ______________________________________________________________ 1 Kings 19:11-13 __________________________________________________________ Psalm 97:6 _______________________________________________________________ Romans 2:14-15 __________________________________________________________ Acts 2:17 ________________________________________________________________ 1 Corinthians 12:7-10 ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

This list is not complete. The truth is that God communicates with mankind through many different ways. Sometimes he speaks... • Loudly, audibly and verbally (with words) • Silently or inwardly in the heart and conscience • Visually with pictures, visions, dreams • Actively in the works of His power Some of the ways in which God communicates are known as ‘general revelation’, because they only reveal general truths about God such as His power (in nature) and His moral qualities (in our consciences). Other ways are known as ‘specific revelation’, because when God speaks (through prophets and other ways) He tells us specific truths about Himself. 1. God speaks through His Word The most detailed and helpful way in which God communicates is through His Word. When He speaks, His communication is detailed and specific. There are several ways by which God has spoken and we can know His word. How has God spoken? Hebrews 1:1 _______________________________________________________________ Hebrews 1:2-3 __________________________________________________ (see John 1:1) Ephesians 3:4-5 ____________________________________________________________ 1 Thessalonians 2:13 ________________________________________________________ The Bible, which is God’s Word written, contains the 66 books that are universally recognised as the inspired and authoritative Word of God. The Bible contains writings of history, prophecy, worship and wisdom in the Old Testament, which is also the Bible of the Jews. The New Testament contains the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, God final and ultimate revelation – and the teachings of the apostle that provide the full communication of God sufficient for salvation and holy living. How does God communicate today? 2 Timothy 3:14-17 __________________________________________________________ Romans 10:14-15 ___________________________________________________________ John 13:35 ________________________________________________________________ God’s special revelation is His Word, contained in our Holy Bible, which is the Truth to be communicated by us today, through preaching, teaching and living example. 2. Communicating the Gospel through Preaching “How are they to hear without a preacher?” Preaching has been defined as ‘the public proclamation of Christianity to the non-Christian world.’ It is different from the teaching or explanation of the Word of God to believers. Preaching is one of the greatest of all biblical gifts and preachers are the most important communicators of the Truth of the Gospel. There

are many different kinds of preaching to be found in the New Testament and in Christian history. For example: • • •

The Greek word kerysso means to publish or proclaim loudly and publicly the great things that God has done (as in Luke 12:3) The Greek word euangelizomai means to bring Good News – from this we get the word ‘evangelize’. (see 1 Thessalonians 3:6) The Greek word parrhesiazomai means to proclaim the Word with boldness and courage (see Acts 9:27)

Which of these words do you think has been used in the following New Testament verses? 1 Thessalonians 2:2 _____________________________________________________ Romans 10:15 __________________________________________________________ Acts 13:46 _____________________________________________________________ Acts 8:5 _______________________________________________________________ Read one of the great messages of the apostle Paul in Acts 17:22-31. We have much to learn from the sermons in Scripture – and there are many we can study. Do a short analysis of this message and answer the following questions. The purpose of this study is to help you to improve your ability to communicate the Gospel. •

How does Paul try to gain the attention of his listeners? (verse 22-23)

How does he show that he is not just preaching, but also that he understands their culture and beliefs? (verse 23)

What illustrations does he use to gain their interest?

How does he appeal to his listeners beliefs in order to prove the truth of his message?

How does he introduce the Gospel message?

Does he give an appeal for salvation?

Every Gospel message in the New Testament can teach us something to help us to improve our personal ability to communicate. They are all different. Sometimes there is a clear appeal for salvation; sometimes not. Study the sermons in Acts to see how you can improve your communication of the Gospel message to unbelievers.

3. Communicating through Teaching It has been said that “the kerygma (preaching the Gospel) proclaims what God has done, while the didache teaches the implications of salvation for Christian conduct.” What is the didache? Didache is the Greek word in the New testament that means ‘teaching’ or ‘doctrine’, and the ‘teacher’is the didaskalos. He (or she) is a very important part of the church, without whom we could not grow up to be mature Christians. Read Luke 4:31-44 Jesus came to Capernaum. What did he do there? 31-32 didache ____________________________________ 43 euangelizomai __________________________________ 44 kerysso______________________________________ Jesus was a teacher (and a preacher and evangelist). Study some of his teaching and see what lessons you can learn that will make you a better teacher of Christian truth. One of Jesus’ most famous teaching sermons is found in Luke 6:20-49. •

How long was Jesus’ sermon? Read it through and time yourself. How long was it? _____________ Probably we have a summary shortened version, but the good lesson is that you do not need to preach a LONG sermon in order to preach a GOOD sermon.

How many main points did He make in his sermon? You may find it difficult to divide the passage, so we will give an outline. Please look for the main themes we note and fill in your comment. Verses 20-26 Blessings and Woes Verses 27-36 Love, do good and give Verses 37-42 Don’t judge Verses 43-45 Good and bad fruit Verses 46-49 Obedience to God’s word Jesus had a well planned message. You will probably not have so many points in your teaching messages, but it is good to be as clear and well planned as He was. Many preachers think that three main points is enough.

What illustrations did Jesus use to make his sermon interesting and relevant to his audience? Jesus was a good story teller, but he was also good at telling stories that made good sense to his listeners. Do you think Jesus had a sense of humour? ______________

4. Communicating through your life The greatest sermon you will ever preach will be the message of the way you live. The preacher who talks about love, but hates his brother, will never communicate his message. This is our final, but perhaps the most important truth in our short introduction to the important art of communicating Truth. Read John 13:35 What is the message? Read 2 Timothy 2:23-26 How did Paul want his disciple Timothy to teach his followers?

♦ Apply this lesson to your life 1. Examine how many ways you have come to know about God – through your parents, through nature, through the church... How many other ways has God spoken to you? Then think about the important role of the Bible in your understanding of God, the world and yourself. Could you ever have been saved without the Word of God? 2. Do you have a gift as a preacher? Or a teacher? Have you tried? Prepare an evangelistic sermon (with illustrations and maybe some stories) with three clear points and a final appeal to make a decision. 3. Look at your own life and behaviour. Is your life the same as the message you preach? How consistent are you? A Prayer while you study this lesson: Lord, thank you for communicating your Word to us through so many ways, but above all through your Word in the Bible. Help me to learn its message, so that I can preach its Good News and teach its doctrines to a world in need. And above all, make my life a faithful reflection of your Truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen ♦ Team group study questions: 1. Discuss the importance of understanding the various ways that God has revealed Himself. How many ways can you think of that God has communicated with His creation?

2. Why is the Bible so important in God’s plan of communication? Does God communicate to us today in other ways (such as prophecy, visions, dreams, words of knowledge)? How can we know that these forms of communication are genuinely from God? 3. We are an essential part of God’s purpose for communicating His salvation message to the lost.. How can we discover what our gift is – preacher, teacher, evangelist, writer, personal counsellor, etc. Share together what gift each one feels they have as communicators of the Gospel. 4. Prepare together a simple evangelistic outline based on Luke 18:19-31. Answers to the question: “Which words were used?” 1 Thessalonians 2:2 (parrhesiazomai – speaking boldly) Romans 10:15 (both kerysso – how can men preach; then euangelizomai – preach good news) Acts 13:46 (parrhesiazomai – speaking boldly) Acts 8:5 (kerysso – proclaimed Christ)

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