Education Industry Of Uk

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Presented by:

Javeria Penwala Pgd (MBA, New Group)


INTRODUCTION A clear indication of the way in which human effort has been harnessed as a force for the commercial production of goods and services is the change in meaning of the word industry. Coming from the Latin word industria, meaning “diligent activity directed to some purpose,” and its descendant, Old French industrie, with the senses “activity,” “ability,” and “a trade or occupation,” our word (first recorded in 1475) originally meant “skill,” “a device,” and “diligence” as well as “a trade.” Over the course of the Industrial Revolution, as more and more human effort became involved in producing goods and services for sale, the last sense of industry as well as the slightly newer sense “systematic work or habitual employment” grew in importance, to a large extent taking over the word. We can even speak now of the Shakespeare industry, rather like the garment industry. (answers, 2009)

DEFINITION “Any department or branch of art, occupation or business; especially one which employs much labour and capital and is a distinct branch of trade. (Dictionary, 2009)”

There fore according to different authors and scholars it has concluded that Industry means (UK ask, 2009) 1. The people or companies engaged in a particular kind of commercial enterprise. 2. The organized action of making of goods and services for sale. 3. Persevering determination to perform a task

TYPES OF INDUSTRY According to the St Columba’s High School, Perth (2009)

1. Primary industries extract material form the ground 2. Secondary industry start with raw material and manufacture or process them into new products 3. Tertiary industries provide services as education, health, transport, and the military. 4. Distributive or commercial industry(Eisdell, 1839)

TERITARY INDUSTRIES (Service Industry) These industries do not harvest, process or manufacture any product. These industries provide services which often help to improve our life styles.


Education, health, transport, the military services all provides specialist services.

Plumbers, joiners, electricians and car mechanics repair and services equipment for us too.

Shops provide a retail service by selling the goods.

BACK GROUND OF EDUCATION It is a basic human right of all to be able to receive an education. It was after the end of World War II that this became the widely accepted idea in the international community and when active efforts, mainly by governments were made to achieve it. The springboard for action was the universal Declaration of Human rights, adopted in 1948. (Baker and Wiseman, 2007)


UK qualifications are recognised and valued all over the world-in academic institutions, in commerce, industry and government. This is a direct result of the UK` s lengthy tradition of high-quality education ,its continuing commitment to innovation and modernity, and the value it places upon the individual .For all these reasons \ UK education represents a great investment in the future-an investment in opportunity ,earning power ,advancement, career and personal fulfilment.

TYPES Education Establishments •

Nurseries, Sure Starts and Pre-schools

Infant Schools and Infant Schools with Nursery Units

Junior Schools

Primary Schools and Primary Schools with Nursery Units

Secondary Schools

6th Form Colleges

Special Schools

Further Education Colleges

Higher Education Colleges


Centres, Pupil Referral Units and more

Education Sectors •

Community schools

Voluntary controlled schools

Foundation schools

Voluntary aided schools


City technology colleges

City colleges for the technology of the arts

Independent schools and colleges (sprint-mail, 2009)

STATISTICAL DATA (Sprint-mail, 2009) The total number of educational institutions in UK; TYPE OF INSTITUITION


Primary Schools


Secondary Schools


Independent Schools


Nurseries and Pre-Schools


HE & FE Colleges & Universities


According to the figures provided by the website “There are nearly two and a half million students studying in the UK at all levels.” (Universitiesuk, 2009)

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION (UK) Education in England is overseen by the “Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)” and the “Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)”. Secretary of State(DCSF)

Ed Balls MP

Secretary of State(BIS)

Peter Mandelson PC

At a local level the local authorities take responsibility for implementing policy for public education and state schools.Due to the vast advantages of education and literacy UK government is doing its best in all the ways to promote the arte of education in UK and similarly worldwide. That why UK has been considered among the best places to study globally. For the betterment of the future of UK pupils Children’s secretary Ed Balls stood by ambitious new plans for education reforms today, including a legally enforceable right to one-to-one or small group tuition where pupils fall behind in school. According to him, “If your child starts fall behind, we should step in straight away and give one-to-one or small group tuition.” (24dash, 2009) The UK government policies and rules have encouraged the students nationally for the attainment of study, no matter from which class they belong. Therefore according to the current statistics on full-time young participation by socio-economic class released today show the proportion of England's 18- to 20-year-olds from the top three socio-economic classes taking degrees fell to 41.2% in 2007-08, from 45.2% in 2002-03. Over the same period, going to university full-time became more common among the bottom four socioeconomic groups, with participation rates increasing from 18.1% to 21 %.( guardian, 2009) Taking in consideration the importance of education all the UK governments ,no matter from which era, have contributed a lot for its advancement .The Education budget for the year 2008-2009 is £62.2 billion. (Wikipedia, 2009). Government is also emphasising more on the education as it has become the basic need for a human being. According to the BBC news(2009) the Chancellor Alistair Darling has announced that six forms and colleges in England will have to cut places this September with a pledge of £650m.It would fund an extra 54000 places in sixth forms and further education. According to him: “Today's announcement guarantees young people that their sixth form, college or training place will be protected and paid for by the government. This means that 54,400 more young people will be able to study or train, more than we had planned for last year." Not only in UK but also worldwide due to the advantages of education, UK government is trying its best to raise the rate of literacy among underdevelopment countries therefore in 2006 UK government gave $15 billion to GCE(Global Campaign for Education) for free education to the world’s poorest children. The Global Campaign for education welcomed this highly significant commitment and call on other rich countries to provide long term funding for the 100 million children out of school around the world.(Oxfam,2006)

IMPACT OF EDUCATION ON `HUMAN` Education is not the word of modern era. It has its importance and necessity form the beginning starting with the human. The process of learning and teaching is a daily day process when a child learns from parents, an employer from the boss and a friend from colleague, similarly it can noticed among animals too. According to Owen in his book “The Modern theme (1854)” has expressed the advantage of education and literacy on a Human being. He said that education puts the human being upon thinking, and gives materials for thoughts. By adding more he said that it prepares him for the future usefulness and makes the mind full-fledge for future.

IMPACT OF EDUCATION, ON SOCIETY The difference between a literate and illiterate society and a society with less rate of literacy can easily be evaluated. It gives the society and its people a right definition of life and the right paths to follow on the contrary there are some views regarding the disadvantages of education. Trisha Sanders (associatedcontent, 2007) in the article has compared the essays with positive and negative effect of education. This article is consist of two essays “THE SANCTUARY OF SCHOOL” by Lynda Barry whereas John Holt`s “SCHOOL IS BAD FOR CHILDREN”. Holt believes a child possibly might develop into a horrible person, if he chooses to rebel form his educator’s teaching. Holt exemplifies: “Given no chance to find out who he is- and to develop that person, whoever it is-he soon comes to accept the adult’s evaluation of him” Barry has described school as a safe heaven for her. “I learned to build myself a life preserver that I carry into my home”

NEW ERA EDUCATION Science, engineering and technology (SET) have been at the heart of government policy priorities for many decades because of its contribution to the economy and exploitation on the science base is key to improving productivity and growing the market. Research suggests that SET-based sectors produced 27.3% of the total UK value added in 2002. (Eamon O`Doherty , 2007).Due to the advantages of IT and R&D, education sector is also

moderating the mode of study and techniques. Wireless technology is part of many schools` plans under the Government’s `building schools for the future` initiative. Technology has developed new ways of learning such as ONLINE EDUCATION. The Open University of the United Kingdom (UKOU) established in 1969 as the first online educational institutions It also offers new tools such as multimedia and provides new ways to engage students such as VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT. Technology is also being used in the assessment of students for example AUDIENCE RESPONSE SYSTEM (ARS) which allows immediate feedback tests and classroom discussions. (Wikipedia, 2009).

UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Oxford University is regarded as one of the Worlds’s leading academic institutions and best university in the UK according to Guardian times (guardian , 2009).Regarding its history there is no clear date of foundation, but teaching existed at Oxford in some form in 1096 and developed in 1167(Ox, 2009)

The Rt.Hon Lord Patten of Barnes is the current Chancellor accompanied with John Hood as vice chancellor. There are 38 colleges of the University and 6 Permanent Private Halls (Wikipedia, 2009). The University is offering the courses of UNDERGRADUATE, GRADUATE, LIFELONG LEARNING and ONLINE.

ACADEMIC DIVISIONS There are four Academic divisions within Oxford University: Humanities Medical Sciences Mathematical, physical and Life sciences Social sciences (ox, 2009)

The academic year is divided into three terms; Michaelmas Terms (October -December), Hilary terms (January-March) and Trinity terms (April -June). (Wikipedia, 2009)

NUMBER OF STUDENTS There are over 20,000 students at Oxford, including 11,734 undergraduates and 8101 post graduates. Among these students more than 7100 students are citizens of 142 foreign countries and territories. The collegiate system is at the heart of the Universities success, giving students and academies the benefits of belonging to both large, internationally renewed institutions and to a small, interdisciplinary academic community. The students of Oxford university have recognition worldwide due to its sophisticated mode of teaching therefore Oxford won more research income form external sponsors than any other UK university in 2007-2008,earning over £285m (38 percent of total income)form this source.Oxford`s overall annual research income reaches almost £390m,the highest income at any UK university(ox,2009).

FAMOUS OXONIANS Oxford has produced gifted men and women in every sphere of human endeavour who have studied or taught at the university. Ed Balls, current Member of Parliament in UK Rowin Atkinson , Actor Dr Monmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India Bill Clinton, President of the United States Till now 25 British prime Minister,47 Noble Prize winners at least 6 kings,12 saints and 20 Archbishops of Canterbury; some 50 Olympic medal winners;10 Chief Executive officers and 9 Chairmen of UK FTSE 100 companies; and the editors of 2 UK national newspapers. had become the part of this organisation. (Ox, 2009)

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE Cambridge University is one of the crown jewels of the English university system. It consistently ranks as one of the top university in the world and welcomes students from around the globe into its 800-year old academic tradition. The current Chancellor of the University is HRH the duke of Edinburgh.

800 YEARS (1209-2009) In 1209, the scholars who were the refuges from hostile Townsmen in Oxford migrated to Cambridge and settled there. At first they lived in lodging in the town, but in time houses were hired as hostels with masters in charge of the students. By 1226 the scholars were numerous enough to have set up an organisation. ( cam,2009) In 2009 the University is celebrating its 800th Anniversary which will be celebrated with variety of events throughput the year.

MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the University of Cambridge is to contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest internationals levels of excellence. (Cam, 2009).

THE COUNCILS OF SCHOOLS The term `School` in Cambridge usually indicates an administrative grouping of related subjects. There are six schools: •

Arts and Humanities

Biology Sciences, including Veterinary Medicine

Clinical Medicine

Humanities and Social Sciences

Physical Sciences


Each of these bodies covers a specified group of faculties. Each has an elected supervisory body. (Cam, 2009)

MEMBER COLLEGES Cambridge University is a federation of individual colleges. There are 31 colleges in Cambridge. Three are for women (MURRAY EDWARDA, NEWNAHM and LUCY CAVENDISH) and two admit only graduates (CLARE HALL and DARWIN) (cam, 2009). Each has its own tutors, admissions, ground ,residence halls and traditions. While each college monitors student’s academic progress and personal welfare. The faculties of the university are responsible for teaching and scholarship within their discipline and provide tutors to students within their disciplines in the colleges.

NUMBER OF STUDENTS AND STAFF According to the current statistical data there are 18,077 students in all the faculties consisting of 3527 foreigners students. The total staffs of the college is 8807 in which 2773 are contract researchers (cam, 2009)

SUPERVISIONS The Hallmark of Cambridge University academics are the supervision system. The supervision is typically a one-hour meeting between one or two students and the tutor. Supervisions usually meet once a week or every other week and at the centre of the supervisions are an essay topic is an effort to provide new insights. At the end of the supervision, the tutor will assign a new topic and may offer recommended reading.

NOBEL PRIZE The university has more noble prize winners than any other institutions .from 1901(when noble prize started) till now the university have won 83 noble prizes specially for significant advances as diverse as the discovery of the structure of the DNA, the development of a national income accounting system, the mastery of an epic and narrative psychological art and the discovery of penicillin. (Cam, 2009)

ALUMNI Cambridge university has educated 15 British Prime ministers, including Robert Walpole, at leas 23 heads of state or heads of government have attended Cambridge university ,including 3 prime ministers of India ,two prime minister of Singapore, Stanley burse (PM of Australia),Tunk Abdul Rahman (first Prime minister of Malaysia) and Margate II of Denmark(Queen Regnant of Denmark) (Wikipedia,2009)


Queen Margaret University (formerly Queen Margaret University College and Queen Margaret College), is a smallest university of Scotland. Professor Anthony Cohen is the current Principal and Vice Chancellor. The universities annual turn over are £27.4 million. (QMU, 2009)

MISSION STATEMENT To enhance the Quality of life and serve Communities, through excellence and leadership in vocationally and professionally relevant education, research and consultancy, as a university which is outward looking and committed to innovation ,participation and lifelong learning.(QMU,2009)

BRIEF HISTORY Named after the Saint Maragret, the 11th century Queen of Scotland, the institution dates back to 1875 and was originally a school of cookery for women. The college had been awarding its own degree since 1992, and in 1998, the college was granted full degree powers, which enabled it to award its own research and higher degree. As a result in 1999 the college took the name QUEEN MARGARET UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. After further improvements to the college the institution was awarded full university statues, becoming Queen Margaret University in January 2007. (En-wikipedia, 2009)

QUEEN MARGARET`S INNOVATIVE NEW CAMPUS Scotland’s first new university of the 21st century got a new campus to match, when QMU relocated form its original three campuses to a purpose-built campus at Craig hall. The new campus takes the form of an innovative academic village, with high-tech buildings and attractive parkland spaces. (Qmu, 2009)

ASIA CAMPUS The Queen Margaret University, Asia Campus opened in April 2008 and provides business degrees to about 1600 students. The campus is located in a former school building in the balestier District of Singapore and is a joint Venture with a private education Provider. (Enwikipedia, 2009)

SCHOOLS The School of Business, enterprise and management encompassed subjects of Management and entrepreneurship Marketing, retail and consumer studies Tourism, hospitality and events

The School of Drama and Creative Industries encompasses the subjects of:

Drama and Performance Production and cultural management

The School of Health: Die tics Nursing Occupational Therapy and arts therapies Physiotherapy Podiatry Radiography The institute for International Health and Development

The School of Social Sciences, Media and Communication encompasses the subject of: Media, Communication and Sociology Psychology Speech and Hearing Sciences

NUMER OF STUDENTS According to the statistical data provided by the university Annual Report 2008 there are 5665 students in the university which consists of 12%overseas students and 80% of them are women. (Qmu, 2009)


According to the Universities website the university was recently presented with International Green Apple Award 2009 for the built Environment and Architectural Heritage. The new campus is considered to be an inspirational example of a modern university facility and is one of the UK`s most environmental sustainable university campuses. (Qmu, 2009)

NOTABLE ALUMNI Some of QMU`s graduates have gone to become stars of Prime time TV, radio and film, they include •

Douglas Andeson (British television presenter)

Edith Bowman (BBC Radio 1 presenter)

Craig Hill (Comedian & Actor)

CONCLUSION The education industry being the part of tertiary industries is the essential component in any field for business, manufacturing or even the life. For the accomplishment of a task, there is an initial and essential step to know the way and mode to follow. In every industry the need to know the method behind and knowledge to perform is the essential and initial step that has to be taken. Hence fro the accomplishment of any work the proper way and guidance is necessary. Education is not providing the way in the business or industrial sectors, it is also a very important factor in one’s life. A child’s born till the death of a man all are comprises of learning and education. It also gives the path to follow in life and way to lead your life. Now in today’s era of modern technology education has been considered as the basic need of life along with food and shelter. Therefore all the rich countries along with the UK are performing their part to provide opportunities and financial aid to the underdevelopment countries for their level of literacy to become high.

REFERNCE Baker,D.&.Wiseman,W.A.,2007.Education for all:global promises,national challenges.Bingley:emerald group publishing

Doherty,E.,2007.Education in Changing environment.vol.4:Informing Science Eisdell,S.J.ed.,1839.The principles of national economy and taxation,volume 1:G.B.whittaker and co Owen,O.,1854.the modern theme.oxford:oxford university ety_comparing_pg2.html?cat=4 _of_the_university/index.html dex.html 008.pdf ns/qmu_wins_green_gown_award.htm

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