Edt 180a - Anthony Esquivias Publisher Application

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 493
  • Pages: 2
Social Life: What social life? Yea that’s right, trying to have a social life as an adult is hard. You and your friends will probably never have the same days off and most of the time you just want to relax. So plan ahead and make the most of little social life you still have.

Important Notes: •

Learn from you mistakes

Take care of yourself

Make the most of adulthood

Don’t forget to enjoy life!

How to: Survive living life as an adult!

Listen: You know those to things on the side of your head, yeah, your ears! Use them to listen to others, especially elders. Everyone older than, has already gone through the first stages of adulthood and have way more experience than you. Listen to their advice and maybe avoid from making common mistakes.

Work: Work is going to be the rest of your life, and you must come to terms with that. One way to make it better is having your work be something you love.

All images were created by Me (Anthony Esquivias)

Anthony Esquivias Publisher Application EDT 180A




Comedic Relief!

Accept the facts:

Time Management:

Set a Goal(s):

Accept the fact that things are not going to be the same as they use to be. You no longer a child that can spend countless hours in an imaginary world. As tempting as is sounds to forget your responsibilities and become immersed in a figment of your imagination. With getting adulthood comes responsibilities that you can’t avoid… or you could, but then you just end up a bum.

Your time is more valuable now, then it ever has been. Don’t waste it doing things that you don’t like. Invest time in hobbies or passions. Things that will expand you and things that interest you.

Have a reason for doing things. Your goals can as personal as you want from, starting a family, to buying a house, or eventually paying off that house. It doesn’t matter, but the goals will keep you going when times get rough.

Eating Habits: Gone are the days of stuffing you face with junk food, because you will” burn it off.” Now you must think of what your putting in your body and how it is going to affect you. You're not going to live forever so make your body last longer by eating right.

Learn to manage Money:


Taxes, mortgage, rent, Netflix subscription, phone bill all thins that cost money. As an adult you’re going to have to learn to spend less than you earn. It never a good idea to go into crippling debt. Especially if you are in college, because you already have a lot of debt to worry about.

You should probably go to the doctors, at least when you feel sick. Don’t think you can ride that nasty cough through, because it might not just be a cough.

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