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Forecasting Financial Markets Neural Networks Copyright © 1999-2006 Investment Analytics

Copyright © 1999-2006 Investment Analytics

Forecasting Financial Markets – Neural Networks

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Overview Overview of neural networks ¾ Design considerations ¾ Applications ¾

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A Neural Network ¾

Processing elements ƒ Neurons • Receives & processes input(s) • Delivers single output


Network ƒ Collection of interlinked neurons ƒ Grouped in layers • Input • Intermediate (hidden) • Output

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A Schematic Diagram of a Neuron

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The Neuron Analogy

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A 3 Layer Neural Network

Network Inputs

Network Outputs

Hidden Layer Copyright © 1999-2006 Investment Analytics

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Processing Information ¾

Inputs ƒ Correspond to single attributes • Can include qualitative data


Outputs ƒ Solution to a problem • E.g. forecast, or binary value


Weights ƒ Express relative importance of data • On inputs or data transferred between layers ƒ “Learning” = adapting weights

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Neural Networks

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Activation Function ¾

Determines whether a neuron will “fire” ƒ I.E. Produce an output


Weighted sum of inputs ƒ For N inputs i into neuron j N

Y j = ∑ Wij X i i =1

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Neural Networks

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Transfer Function ¾

Transforms or normalizes output ƒ Also called a transformation or squashing function


Popular choice ƒ Sigmoid : f(x) = 1/(1+e-x)


Alternative: threshold detector / hard limiter ƒ E.G. F(Yj) in range {0, 1} if Yj > 0.5, 0 otherwise

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Architecture / Network Topology Number of neurons ¾ Number of hidden layers ¾ Connections ¾

ƒ Feed forward/backwards ƒ Fully or partially connected ¾

Static or adaptive architecture

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Learning ¾

Supervised ƒ Uses set of inputs for which desired output is known ƒ Cost function f(desired-actual) used to change weights ƒ Example: Hopfield network


Unsupervised ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Network shown only inputs No information on “correct” outputs Self-organizing Example: Kohonen self-organizing feature maps

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Training ¾

Data divided into training & testing data sets ƒ Training set used to adapt weights • Many iterations or “epochs” • Training time dependent on data, network architecture, learning algorithm

ƒ Forecasting performance tested on test data set • Cost function comparing desired vs. Actual outputs ƒ Stopping rule • Determines when to terminate training – When weights stabilize – When cost function minimized – Danger of over-fitting

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Neural Networks

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Applications in Finance Bankruptcy prediction ¾ Bond rating ¾ Consumer credit scoring ¾ Financial market forecasting ¾

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Equities, currencies, commodities, bonds, derivatives Security selection Portfolio optimization Trading systems

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A Simple NN Example ¾

Supervised Learning of OR operator ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Inputs X1, X2 Outputs Z (desired), Y(actual) Weights W1, W2 ; initial values 0.1 and 0.3 Transfer Function • F(Y) = 1 if Y > Threshold Value (0.5); 0 otherwise ƒ Learning • ∆ = (Z - Y) • Wi(final) = Wi(initial) + α∆Xi • α is learning coefficient (0.2)

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A Simple NN Example

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Design Considerations Network performance ¾ Control mechanisms ¾

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Choice of activation function Choice of cost function Network architecture Gradient descent/ascent efficiency Learning times

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Network Performance Measures ¾

Convergence ƒ Accuracy of model fitness in-sample


Generalization ƒ Accuracy of model fitness out-of-sample


Stability ƒ Variance in prediction accuracy

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Convergence ¾

Is network capable of learning classification? ƒ Under what conditions? ƒ What are computation requirements?


Fixed topology networks ƒ Prove convergence by showing error tends to zero in limit as t →∞ • Using gradient descent


Other networks ƒ Show that network can classify the maximum # possible mappings with arbitrarily large probability

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Generalization ¾

Ability to classify data outside training set ƒ Most important performance criterion


Analogy with curve fitting ƒ Two problems • Finding order of polynomial • Estimating coefficients ƒ Too low order (NN structure too simple) • Bad approximation both in- and out-of-sample ƒ Too high order (NN structure too complex) • “Over-fitting” : fits test data well, but out-of-sample performance poor

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Stability ¾

Consistency of results ƒ When network parameters are varied • Networks often vary widely in predictive performance • “Chaotic”: highly sensitive to initial conditions


Two components of error • Bias: due to parameterization & associated assumptions • Variance: sensitivity to changes in estimated parameters ƒ Regression: high bias, low variance ƒ Neural networks: low bias, high variance • No parameterization, but may fit entire family of polynomials to given data set

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Choice of Activation Function ¾

Sigmoid Functions ƒ Differentiable and well behaved


Symmetric ƒ Typical: scaled hyperbolic tangent e Sy − e − Sy f ( y ) = A tanh( Sy ) = A Sy e + e − Sy 2A = A− 1 + e 2 Sy

• A is amplitude • S is slope at origin Copyright © 1999-2006 Investment Analytics

The Symmetric Scaled Hyperbolic Tangent Function 1.5



0.0 -2.0












Forecasting Financial Markets – Neural Networks

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Choice of Activation Function ¾

Choice of sigmoid parameters ƒ A = 1.7159, s = 2/3 • F(-1) = -1 and f(1) = 1 – Gain in squashing transformation is normally around 1

• ∆2f/δx2 is max at ± 1 – Improves convergence at end of learning session


Symmetric vs. Asymmetric sigmoid functions ƒ Refenes & Alippi (1991) • Symmetric functions capable of speed of convergence over asymmetric functions by factor of 10

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Cost Function ¾

Quadratic cost function is most common ƒ Least mean square error

1 n 2 E = ∑ ( d i − yi ) 2 i =1 • Yi is current output from unit i • di is desired output from unit I ƒ Discounted least square error

1 n 1 2 E= ∑ ( d − y ) i i ( a + bi ) n i =1 1 + e Copyright © 1999-2006 Investment Analytics

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Learning ¾

Gradient descent used to minimize cost function ƒ Change weights in proportion to δi = δe/δWi • ∆Wij(t+1) = λ δi yij


Learning rate (step size, momentum) λ

ƒ As λ → 0 and t→∞ this procedure will find MSEMin ¾

Difficult to find appropriate rate ƒ Too small • Slow convergence • May get trapped in local minima ƒ Too large: unstable weights

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Learning Rate ¾

Optimal learning rate pattern ƒ Smooth MSE chart (for each layer) ƒ Smooth weight histograms (for each layer)


Learning rate adjustment ƒ One rate for entire network ƒ Different rates for each layer ƒ Different rate for each weight

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Learning Rate Rules of Thumb ¾

If no connections that jump layers ƒ Learning rate for hidden layer λL = 0.5 λ L+1


With connections that jump layers ƒ Learning rate for hidden layer λL = 0.75 λ L+1


Check sign of consecutive weight changes ƒ If same, increase λ ƒ If opposite, decrease λ


If MSE chart is erratic ƒ Reduce learning rate (for that layer)

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Network Architecture ¾

Hidden units ƒ In general, the fewer the better • Network will generalize better ƒ Another approach: weight sharing • Imposing equality constraints amongst connections strengths • Reduces # free parameters while preserving network size and ability to recognize complex patterns


Hidden layers ƒ Typically start with one ƒ If use more than one make sure to connect each layer to all prior layers

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Network Architecture ¾

Constructive techniques ƒ Hidden units added incrementally


Pruning techniques ƒ Attempts to eliminate redundant units


Genetic algorithms ƒ Selects “fittest” of several competing networks

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Constructive Techniques ¾

Tiling algorithm ƒ Divide training data set into “faithful” & “unfaithful” classes • I.E. Those the network recognizes correctly and those it doesn’t ƒ Add ancillary unit and connect to layer above ƒ Select one unfaithful class and train new unit to subdivide it into faithful and unfaithful classes ƒ Repeat until no unfaithful classes remain • Always possible - worst case: one unit for each input pattern ƒ Add new master output unit and connect to all layers • Training the new unit to learning mapping to desired output

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Other Constructive Techniques ¾

Cascade algorithm ƒ Adds hidden unit to maximize magnitude of correlation between new unit’s output and residual error signal to be minimized


Dynamic node creation ƒ Add new unit is rate of error decrease falls below certain value

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Pruning Techniques ¾

Multi-stage stage pruning ƒ Outputs of hidden units analysed to see if any are not contributing to solution • Output of unit doesn’t change for any input pattern • If output from two units is identical or opposite (for all inputs) ƒ Repeat for next layer


Weight decay ƒ Weights without much influence subjected to time decay ƒ Equivalent: add penalty term to cost function • E* = MSE + bσσwij2

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Genetically Evolved Neural Networks ¾ ¾ ¾

Initial population of randomly generated networks Proceed through training cycle with all networks At end of initial training cycle ƒ Worst performing networks are deleted ƒ Best performing networks are “mated”

¾ ¾

Continue training with all networks Occasional random mutations introduced ƒ Randomize weights of lowly ranked networks ƒ Change forecast horizon, lags on input variables

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Genetic Evolution of a Neural Network

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Training ¾

Epoch ƒ # Training cycles after which weights are updated


Determining epoch size ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ


Start with initial epoch Train network for large # (10,000) iterations Test network and record R2 (for each output) Repeat for variety of epoch sizes Pick epoch size that maximizes R2

Controlling over-fitting ƒ Terminate training when MSE on test set starts to rise

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Initial Weights ¾

Start with unequal initial weights ƒ Rumelhart, Hinton, Williams (1986) • Will not converge if solution requires unequal weights


Testing stability ƒ Initial weight matrix defines starting point on the weight-error surface ƒ Need several training sets with different random weights to test for statistical stability

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Data Modeling ¾

Detrending ƒ Removing of seasonality and trends to achieve stationarity


Normalization ƒ Variables scaled to have zero mean, unit SD • Brings inputs into normal operating range of activation function • Otherwise activation values may tend to zero – Network paralysis

X i (t ) = Copyright © 1999-2006 Investment Analytics

X i (t ) − X i



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Data Modeling ¾

Scaling of Outputs ƒ Some transfer functions reach max/min values only when inputs reach infinity Y ′(t ) = SCALE × Y (t ) + OFFSET MAX − MIN SCALE = YMax − YMin OFFSET = MAX −


MAX − MIN YMax YMax − YMin

Multi-Collinearity ƒ Independent variables are correlated • Solution: use principal components analysis to orthoganalize inputs

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Lab: Modeling Implied Volatility on IBEX Options ¾

Compare two forecasting techniques ƒ Regression ƒ Genetic neural network


Forecast implied volatility ƒ Evaluate trading performance

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Solution: Modeling Volatility on IBEX Options Cumulative Returns 300%


Buy & Hold

Neural Network






0% 1



10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52


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Solution: Modeling Volatility on IBEX Options

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Summary: Neural Networks ¾

Pros ƒ Can capture non-linear effects • Pattern recognition ƒ Process model not required ƒ Wide range of applications in finance


Cons ƒ ‘Black-box’ approach ƒ Sometimes poor stability & generalization characteristics

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