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Forecasting Financial Markets Testing Strategies

Copyright © 1999-2006 Investment Analytics

Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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Overview Measuring Estimator Performance ¾ Measuring Profitability ¾ Equity Curve Measures ¾ Portfolio Performance Measures ¾

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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Measuring Estimator Performance Correlation coefficient ¾ Theil’s information coefficient ¾ Akaike information criteria ¾ Schwartz Bayesian information criterion ¾ Average relative variance ¾ Directional change predictor ¾ Bull-bear statistic ¾

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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Correlation Coefficient ¾

Most Common Measure of Prediction Accuracy 2 ⎧⎪ n ⎫ ⎨∑ ( yi − y )( f i − f )⎬ ⎪⎩ i =1 ⎭ 2 R = n n 2 2 ∑ ( yi − y ) ∑ ( f i − f ) i =1


i =1

Adjusted R2 = R2 (n+k) / (n-k) ƒ Penalizes for model complexity • k is the number of model parameters

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Theil’s Information Coefficient ¾

Advantages vs. standard measures ƒ Comparison with naïve forecast (ft+1 = yt ) ƒ Considers disproportionate cost of large errors (in MSE) 2

⎛ f t +1 − yt +1 ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ( FPEt +1 − APEt +1 ) ∑ ∑ yt t =1 ⎝ ⎠ t =1 = U= n −1 2 n − 1 2 ⎛ yt +1 − yt ⎞ APE ∑ t +1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ∑ t =1 yt ⎠ t =1 ⎝ n −1

n −1


ƒ FPEt+1 = (ft+1 - yt ) / yt (forecast relative change) ƒ APEt+1 = (yt+1 - yt ) / yt (actual relative change) Copyright © 1999-2006 Investment Analytics

Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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Interpretation of Theil’s U-Statistic ¾

U=1 ƒ Naïve method is as good as technique being evaluated • FPEt+1 = 0; so ft+1 = yt , as for naïve method


U<1 ƒ Technique is better than naïve method • Since FPEt+1 < APEt+1 • Smaller U the better


U>1 ƒ Naïve method will produce better results • Since FPEt+1 > APEt+1

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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Average Relative Variance (Mean Reversion) ¾

Trivial Predictor: Historical Mean n

Tµ =

∑(y t =1


− ft )


∑(y t =1

t +1


− y)


• With Tµ < 1 the forecasting method is making better predictions than simply predicting the mean Copyright © 1999-2006 Investment Analytics

Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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Akaike Information Criteria ¾

Adjusts MSE to take account of complexity of estimator

1 n 2 ⎡n + k ⎤ A = ∑ ( yi − f i ) ⎢ ⎥ − n i =1 n k ⎣ ⎦ ƒ K is the # free parameters in estimator

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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Bayesian Information Criterion ¾

Adjusts MSE for model complexity

k ⎡1 n 2⎤ B = Ln ⎢ ∑ ( yi − f i ) ⎥ + Ln(n) ⎦ n ⎣ n i =1 ƒ K is # free parameters in model (weights)

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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Directional Change Predictor ¾

Directional change predictor ƒ Correctness of sign predictions

1 n d = ∑ zi n i =1 • zi = 1 if (yt+1 - yt)(ft+1 -yt ) > 0; 0 otherwise ¾

Interpretation ƒ D = 1 means perfect prediction of directional changes ƒ D > 0.5 is better than tossing a coin ƒ D = 0 implies 0% predictive ability • Note: easy to obtain large d in trending market

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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The Bear-Bull Statistic ¾

Measures forecasting ability ƒ P1 is percentage of correct bull market forecasts ƒ P2 is percentage of correct bear market forecasts ƒ B = P1 + P2 - 100%


Example: ƒ Predictor which is always right on bull and bear calls: • P1 = P2 = 100%; B = 100% ƒ Predictor which calls all the bulls (but no bears) • P1 = 100%; P2 = 0%; B = 0%

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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Measuring Profitability Net returns ¾ Buy and hold test ¾ Distance from the ideal ¾

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Net Returns ¾

Test of investment strategy ƒ Long positions when expected returns are positive ƒ Short positions when expected returns are negative n

r = ∑ pt ( yt +1 − yt ) t =1

⎧1 if ( f t +1 − yt ) > 0 ⎪ pt = ⎨− 1 if ( f t +1 − yt ) < 0 ⎪0 if ( f − y ) = 0 t +1 t ⎩ Copyright © 1999-2006 Investment Analytics

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Buy and Hold Test ¾

Benchmark to quantify excess returns ƒ Tests whether profitability is due to predictive ability or just general market conditions

c + ( yt + n − yt ) r= yt • C is stock dividend or bond coupon

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Distance From the Ideal ¾

Measures returns from trading system against perfect predictor d n

rd =

∑ p (y t =1 n


∑| y t =1

t +1

t +1

− yt )

− yt |

ƒ Pt as previously defined

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Equity Curve Measures Drawdown ¾ Luck coefficient ¾ Stirling ratio ¾ Risk of ruin ¾

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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Drawdown Equity Curve

Cumulative Returns

130 120 110 100


90 80 70 27
















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Drawdown ¾

Systems with large drawdowns hard to trade ƒ Requires lots of capital & confidence!

Smooth equity curve is desirable ¾ Usually harder to obtain than high net return ¾

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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Luck Coefficient ¾

How much of total profit was dependent on most profitable (k) trades(s)?

l (k ) =

Maxk {r0 , r1 , ..., rn } n

∑r i =1



Large L indicates system success unlikely to be repeatable

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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Stirling Ratio ¾

Penalizes average returns for drawdown

1 n ri ∑ n i =1 s= 10 − d i • di is the i-period maximum drawdown. ƒ Can be too slow to change • Recalculate frequently

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Risk of Ruin ¾

Probability that capital will be depleted ƒ Depends on • Probability of successful trade p • Payoff ratio (av. Win / av. Loss) • Fraction of capital exposed to trading ƒ Assume: • Payoff ratio is 1 • We risk all capital • K sequential trades ƒ R ~ [(1-p)/p]k

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Portfolio Performance Measures ¾

Sharpe ratio: (rp - rf) / σp • Measures reward to total risk trade-off


Treynor’s measure: (rp - rf) / βp • Excess return per unit of systematic risk


Jensen’s measure: αP = rp - [rf + βp(rM - rf)] • The portfolio’s alpha - abnormal return above that predicted by CAPM


Appraisal ratio: αP / σ(ep) • Abnormal return per unit of specific risk that could be diversified away using a market index portfolio

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Which Measure to Use ¾ ¾ ¾

Suppose you have invested in a portfolio P Case 1: P is your entire investment fund Case 2: P is your active portfolio and: ƒ You are also investing in the passive market index portfolio


Case 3: P is one of many portfolios ƒ Combined in a large investment fund ƒ E.g. You are one of a number of portfolio managers

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Case 1: P Is Your Entire Investment Fund ¾ Compare

P’s Sharpe ratio with other fund:

ƒ Passive index fund ƒ Professionally managed active funds

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Case 2: P Is Your Active Portfolio ¾

Recall: S2C = S2M + [αP / σ(eP)]2 ƒ SC is the Sharpe ratio of the combined portfolio (M and P)

“How much does your active portfolio P add to the Sharpe ratio SM of your passive market index portfolio?” ¾ Use appraisal ratio: [αP / σ(eP)] ¾

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Case 3: P Is One of Many Portfolios P’s contribution to the entire diversified fund is αP ¾ So could use Jensen’s measure (portfolio alpha) ¾

ƒ But this takes no account of risk ¾

Better to use Treynor’s measure: (rp - rf) / βp ƒ Measure P’s excess return against the systematic risk (beta) rather than the total diversifiable risk (s.d.)

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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Lab: Portfolio Performance Measurement ¾

Advise a client in choice of funds ƒ Use different performance measures


Excel lab: portfolio performance measurement ƒ Complete worksheet ƒ See solution worksheet


See written notes and solution

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Portfolio Performance Measurement Solution Fund P Fund Q Benchmark M Sharpe Alpha (Jensen) Beta Treynor σ(e) Appraisal ratio R2

Copyright © 1999-2006 Investment Analytics

0.43 1.63% 0.70 3.97 1.92% 0.85 91.12%

0.49 5.26% 1.40 5.38 9.35% 0.56 63.82%

0.19 0.00% 1.00 1.64 0 0.00 100.00%

Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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Portfolio Performance Measurement Solution ¾

Both P & Q outperform M: ƒ Higher Sharpe ratios, positive alphas


Fund Q is preferred: ƒ If this fund is the client’s only investment • Higher Sharpe ratio than P ƒ As one of a mix of portfolios • Higher Treynor measure than P


P is preferred if used as an active fund ƒ In conjunction with a passive index fund • Higher appraisal measure than Q

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Summary: Testing Strategies ¾

Appropriate testing metric depends on application ƒ Forecasting ƒ Trading system development ƒ Portfolio management


Models unlikely to perform equally on every basis ƒ E.G. Models with low R2 may generate significant profits ƒ Models with good statistical fit may trade badly


Moral ƒ Decide objective and testing strategy before modeling!

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Testing Strategies

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