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Forecasting Financial Markets Nonlinear Dynamics

Copyright © 1999 – 2006 Investment Analytics

Forecasting Financial Markets – Nonlinear Dynamics

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Overview Fractal distributions ¾ ARFIMA models ¾ Chaotic systems ¾ Phase space ¾ Correlation integrals ¾ Lyapunov exponents ¾

Copyright © 1999 – 2006 Investment Analytics

Forecasting Financial Markets – Nonlinear Dynamics

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Fractal Distributions ¾

Problems with Gaussian theory of financial markets ƒ Non-normal distribution of returns • Fat tails • Peaked


Pareto (1897) ƒ Found that proportion of people owning huge amounts of wealth was far higher than predicted by (log) normal distribution ƒ “Fat-tails” ƒ Many examples in nature

Copyright © 1999 – 2006 Investment Analytics

Forecasting Financial Markets – Nonlinear Dynamics

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Pareto-Levy Distributions ¾

Levy (1935) generalized Pareto’s law ƒ Described family of fat-tailed, high-peak pdf’s


Pareto-Levy density functions ƒ Ln[f(t)] = iδt - γ|t|α(1+iβ(t/|t|)tan(απ/2) ƒ Parameters • α is measure of peakedness • β is measure of skewness (range +/- 1) • γ is scale parameter • δ is location parameter of the mean

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Characteristics of Pareto-Levy ¾

α is fractal dimension of probability space ƒ α=1/H ƒ 0<α<2 • If α = 2, (β = 0, γ = δ = 1) distribution is Normal ƒ EMH: α = 2; FMH: 1 < α < 2 ƒ Self-similarity • If distribution of daily returns has α = a, so will distribution of 5-day returns

ƒ Variance undefined for 1 <= α < 2 ƒ Mean undefined for α < 1

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Undefined Variance ¾

Example: Volatility in the S&P 500 Index S&P 500 Index Roling 12 Month Volatility 200%




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98 M ar -

96 M ar -

94 M ar -

92 M ar -

90 M ar -

88 M ar -

86 M ar -

84 M ar -

82 M ar -

80 M ar -

78 M ar -

M ar -



Forecasting Financial Markets – Nonlinear Dynamics

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ARFIMA Models ¾

Generalized ARIMA models ƒ ARFIMA(p,d,q) • Fractional differencing parameter d = H - 0.5


Models fractal Brownian motion ƒ Short memory effects ƒ Long memory effects

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Nonlinear Dynamics

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ARFIMA(0, d, 0) No short memory effects ¾ Long memory depends on parameter d ¾

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

0 < d < 0.5: black noise -0.5 < d < 0: pink noise D = 0: white noise D = 1: brown noise

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Nonlinear Dynamics

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ARFIMA(0, d, 0) ¾

d < 0.5 ƒ {yt} is stationary ƒ Represented as infinite MA process ∞

yt = ∑ψ k ε t − k k =0

(k + d − 1)! ψk = k!(d − 1)! Copyright © 1999 – 2006 Investment Analytics

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ARFIMA(0, d, 0) ¾

d > - 0.5 ƒ {yt} is invertible ƒ Represented as infinite AR process ∞

yt = ∑ π k yt − k k =1

(k − d − 1)! πk = k!(d − 1)! Copyright © 1999 – 2006 Investment Analytics

Forecasting Financial Markets – Nonlinear Dynamics

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ARMA(0, d, 0) ¾





(−1) k (−2d )! γk = (k − d )!(− k − d )!

(− d )! 2 d −1 ρk ~ k (d − 1)!

as k → ∞

Partial Autocorrelation

d φ kk = k −d Copyright © 1999 – 2006 Investment Analytics

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ARFIMA(1, d, 0) ¾

Process: (1 - αB)∆dyt = εt ƒ Combines long and short term memory processes


Correlation function

(− d )!(1 + α ) k ρk = × 2 (d − 1is)!the(1Hypergeometric − α ) Ffunction (1,1 + d ;1 − d ;α ) ƒ F(a,b;C,z) 2 d −1


Example: AR(1) vs. ARFIMA(1,d, 0) ƒ AR(1): a = 0.711 ƒ ARFIMA(1, d, 0): d = 0.2, a = 0.5

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Nonlinear Dynamics

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AR(1) vs. ARFIMA(1, d, 0) 0.8 0.7


0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3




0.1 0.0








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Forecasting Financial Markets – Nonlinear Dynamics

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Estimating ARFIMA Models ¾

Step 1 ƒ Estimate d in ARIMA(0, d, 0) model ∆dyt = εt • Use R/S analysis to estimate d



¾ ¾

Step 2 ƒ Define ut = ∆dyt ƒ Use box-Jenkins analysis to fit model αBut = βBεt Step 3 ƒ Define xt = (βB)-1(αB) yt Step 4: estimate d in model ∆dxt = εt Repeat steps 2-4 until parameters converge

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Chaotic Systems ¾

Charaterized by: ƒ Fractal dimension ƒ Sensitivity to initial conditions


Phase space ƒ Scatter plot of system variables ƒ Allows for visual inspection for patterns


Attractors ƒ Region in phase space where solutions lie ƒ Can have Euclidean or fractal dimension

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Example: Logistic-Delay Function Equation: Xt = aXt-1 (1-Xt-2) ¾ Attractor dimension ¾

ƒ Depends on constant a • Point attractor (spiral) for smaller values of a • Limit cycle (ellipse) as a increases

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Logistic Function: a = 1.8 The Logistic Function 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0

Phase Space of the Logistic Function 0.70 0.60


0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.00









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Logistic Function: a = 2.2 The Logistic Function 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0

Phase Space of the Logistic Function


1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.00







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Forecasting Financial Markets – Nonlinear Dynamics

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Fractal (“Strange”) Attractors Example: Henon attractor ¾ Equations ¾

ƒ xt+1 = 1+yt - axt2 ƒ yt+1 = bxt ¾

Phase portrait shows strange attractor ƒ Fractal dimension 1.2 ƒ 1 < D < 2 indicates presence of 2 variables in system

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Henon Attractor Phase Portrait of the Henon Attractor 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -1.5



-0.1 0.0




-0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5

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Forecasting Financial Markets – Nonlinear Dynamics

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Strange Attractors in the Capital Markets? ¾

Examine phase portrait of financial time series ƒ Fractal attractor would indicate chaotic (i.e. deterministic) process. ƒ Dimension of attractor would indicate # of system variables


Problem: ƒ What is dimensionality of phase space?

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Constructing Phase Space ¾

Recall Henon attractor ƒ Phase space constructed using scatterplot of two variables X and Y


Reconstruct phase space ƒ Use scatterplot of Xt and Xt-1 ƒ Generates same map ƒ Note: constructed using one variable, no equations

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Reconstructed Phase Portrait for Henon Attractor Reconstucted Phase Portrait 1.5 1.0


0.5 0.0 -1.5







-0.5 -1.0 -1.5


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Forecasting Financial Markets – Nonlinear Dynamics

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Phase Space Dimensionality ¾

Ruelle: reconstructed vs. actual phase space ƒ Same fractal dimension ƒ Same Lyapunov spectrum


Takens(1981): ƒ Can reconstruct phase space by lagging time series for each dimension


Problem: what time lag to use? ƒ i.e. What dimension is attractor? • Need to embed it in higher dimension than its own • Dimension of attractor does not change when embedded in higher dimension (e.G. A plane in 3-D space still has 2-D)

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Determining Embedding Dimensionality ¾

Wolf: mt = Q • M = embedding dimension • T = time lag • Q = mean orbital period


Example ƒ If period is 48 iterations we require: • 2 points lagged 24 iterations in 2-D space • 3 points lagged 16 iterations in 3-D space

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Fractional Dimensionality of Phase Space ¾

Time series ƒ One variable ƒ Dimensionality < 2


Phase space ƒ Includes all variables in system ƒ Dimensionality depends on complexity of system • May be > 3-D

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Correlation Dimension ¾

Correlation integral ƒ Grassberger & Procaccia (1983) ƒ Measures probability that pair of points in attractor are within distance R of one another ƒ Approximates fractal dimension

1 Cm ( R ) = 2 N


∑ Z (R− | X

i , j =1 i≠ j


− X j |)

ƒ Z(x) = 1 if x > 0; 0 otherwise

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Estimating the Correlation Integral ¾

As R increases, Cm(r) should increase in proportion to RD ƒ Cm(R) ~ RD

¾ ¾

Log[Cm(R) ] = const + Dlog(R) Procedure ƒ Measure Cm(r) for increasing values of R ƒ Log-log plot of Cm(r) vs R ƒ OLS estimate of slope is correlation dimension D for embedding dimension m

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Correlation Integral of the Henon Attractor Correlation Dimension 0.0 -1.0











y = 1.2014x - 0.5762 R2 = 0.999

-0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8


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BDS Test for Randomness ¾

Brock, Dechert, Scheinkman (1987) ƒ Lag time series {yt, t = 1, . . , T} in N lagged series • Reconstruct n-dimensional phase space a la Takens ƒ CN(R,T) → C1(R)N as T→ ∞ ƒ BDS test statistic 0 .5 T WN ( R, T ) =| C N ( R, T ) − C1 ( R, T ) N | × σ N ( R, T )

• σN(r,t) is the SD of the correlation integrals • W ~ No(0,1) • For large W, reject the hypothesis that series is random – Note will detect both linear and non-linear, so typically use AR(1) residuals to filter out linear effects

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BDS Test of Financial Markets Series Dow (20 day returns) Yen (daily) S&P 500 (weekly)

Dimension 6 6 6

W 28.72 116.05 23.89

ƒ All tests based on AR(1) residuals of above series ƒ Sources: Hsieh(1989), LeBaron(1990), Peters (1993)

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Lab: Estimating the Correlation Dimension for the S&P 500 Index ¾

Monthly S&P index returns (AR(1) residuals) ƒ Cycle estimated at 42 months from R/S analysis


Estimate correlation dimension ƒ Use embedding dimensions m = 5 to 10 ƒ Lags = Int[42 / m]


Chart log[Cm(r)] vs log(r) • M = 5 to 10


Regression analysis ƒ Estimate phase space dimensionality D • OLS estimate of slope in log(r) = Dlog[Cm(r)]

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Solution: Estimating the Correlation Dimension for the S&P 500 Index Correlation Index of the S&P500 Index -1.14







0.0 -1.00







5 Copyright © 1999 – 2006 Investment Analytics







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Solution: Estimating the Correlation Dimension for the S&P 500 Index S&P 500 Index - Estimated Fractal Dimension

Correlation Dim ension

5.50 5.00 y = -0.1078x 2 + 2.08x - 4.8576 R2 = 0.9684

4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 5






Em bedding Dim ension

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Solution: Estimating the Correlation Dimension for the S&P 500 Index DEST SE t p R2

5 2.86 0.029 98.45 0.000 99.90%

6 3.82 0.043 88.13 0.000 99.87%

7 4.15 0.017 247.26 0.000 99.98%

8 5.12 0.058 88.19 0.000 99.87%

9 5.10 0.029 174.43 0.000 99.97%

10 5.14 0.045 114.02 0.000 99.92%

ƒ Fractal dimension estimate Stablizes around 5.17 ƒ Concurs with LeBaron & Scheinkman (1986) • Daily stock returns had fractal dimension between 5 and 6 ƒ Interpretation • 5 or 6 dynamic variables determine S&P index process • Extremely complex system, impossible to estimate Copyright © 1999 – 2006 Investment Analytics

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Other Studies of Fractal Dimension ¾

Peters (1991) ƒ Criticized LeBaron Study • Data insufficiency - would require 106 data points to estimate fractal dimension reliably Use of returns not appropriate for study of non-linear effects

• ƒ Used inflation-adjusted prices over 40 year period ¾

Findings ƒ Equity Index US (S&P500) Japan Germany UK

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Est. Dimension 2.33 3.05 2.41 2.94

Forecasting Financial Markets – Nonlinear Dynamics

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Lyapunov Exponents ¾

Measure of sensitivity to initial conditions ƒ How rapidly nearby points in phase space diverge (+ve) or converge (-ve) ƒ One exponent for each dimension of phase space • Linear dimension grows at rate 2L1t • Area grows at rate 2(L1 + L2 )t etc.


Equation Lyapunov exponent for ith dim. pi(t) ⎡1 ⎛ pi (t ) ⎞⎤ ⎟⎟⎥ Li = Lim ⎢ Log 2 ⎜⎜ t →∞ ⎣ t ⎝ pi (0) ⎠⎦

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Lyapunov Exponents and Attractors ¾

Point attractors ƒ 3 negative exponents


Limit cycles ƒ 2 negative, one zero exponent • 2 dimensions that converge


3-D strange attractors ƒ One positive, one zero, one negative • Positive exponent shows sensitivity to initial conditions • Negative exponent causes diverging point to remain in range of attractor

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Lyapunov Exponents and the Capital Markets ¾

Strange attractor? ƒ Positive exponent due to technical factors or sentiment ƒ Negative exponent due to fundamental value • Brings prices back into “reasonable” range

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Lyapunov Exponents and Time Series ¾

Find largest positive Lyapunov exponent L+ ƒ Measured in bits per day ƒ Means we lose L+ bits of predictive power / day


Example: L+ = 0.1 ƒ We lose 0.1 bits of predictive power / day ƒ Suppose we can measure today’s conditions to 1 bit precision ƒ Information will lose all value after 1 / 0.1 = 10 days

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Estimating the Largest Lyapunov Exponent ¾

Wolf’s algorithm ƒ Measures divergence of nearby points in reconstructed phase space ƒ Indicates how rate of divergence scales over fixed intervals of time ƒ Should converge to L+ if appropriate embedding dimension m and time lag t are chosen m ⎛ L' (t j +1 ) ⎞ 1 + ⎟ L = ∑ Log 2 ⎜ ⎜ L(t ) ⎟ t j =1 j ⎝ ⎠

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Largest Lyapunov Exponents of International Equity Markets Equity Market

Lyapunov (bit / month)

S&P500 UK Japan Germany

0.0241 0.0280 0.0228 0.0168

Indicated Cycle (months) 42 36 44 60

Source: Peters (1991) Copyright © 1999 – 2006 Investment Analytics

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Conclusions ¾

Long memory process ƒ Confirmed by two independent methods of analysis • R/S and Lyapunov


Equity and bond markets - nonlinear systems ƒ Aperiodic cycles • E.g. Average cycle length 42 months in S&P 500 index ƒ Strange attractors • Fractal attractor dimension 2.33 (5.17) ƒ Fractional noise short term (technical factors?) ƒ Chaotic long term (fundamental analysis?)


Currency markets have no cycle - black noise

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