Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 10,939
  • Pages: 53
FADE IN: EXT. CITY PARK- morning The scene opens in a city park. Many people are running around, playing with their dogs or kids. The camera pans around the park until we get to a bench. The camera zooms in on a figure lying on the bench, a newspaper is seen to be covering his face. Two joggers slow down as they run past. jogger 1 (whispering) You think he's dead? jogger 2 (whispering) Who cares? Let's get out of here. JOGGER 1 (whispering) Just wait a sec... She proceeds to walk closer to the figure on the bench when the figure suddenly sits straight up, sending the jogger jumping back and screaming. STEVE, mid twenties, pushes the newspaper off of his head and looks around steve (looking around) Is it morning? I went to bed at night, so this must be the morning. (takes a drink from a beer bottle in his hand) Helooooooo Morning! Steve is apparently drunk, and when he tries to get up off the bench he falls back down. This is when he notices the two joggers. STEVE Oh, hello ladies JOGGER 1 (scoffs) It's just some lousy drunk. (motioning to her friend) Come on.

The two joggers run off, leaving Steve all alone.It is a feeling he has felt many times before. STEVE This world be cruel to those with a hobby for drinking. Steve takes another drink form his bottle and lays back down on the bench, falling asleep. int. apartment building- afternoon The scene opens with Steve lying on his couch, fast asleep. Random bags of chips and bags of cookies lay scattered on the floor. The door to the apartment opens, and a man, JOE, mid twenties, walks through. joe Hey, lazy ass! Get up! He kicks the couch and bags of chips scatter onto the floor. No response from Steve. Joe does it again. JOE Get up NOW! Do you want to miss your interview? This time a response. A mumble, maybe a "one more minute", comes from Steve and he stirs a little on the couch. Joe seems to have had enough, and this time pulls the covers off of Steve, making him fall onto the ground. STEVE I was getting up. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING kitchen- AFTERNOON Joe and Steve sit around the table. Steve is sitting at one end eating a bowl of cereal, and Joe at the the other end, going through Steve's resume. JOE It says here that you wrestled a badger in a steel cage for a children's hospital charity. STEVE (mouth full) Uh-huh JOE You never did that. STEVE Yeah, but I thought adding that would add some flavor to it. You know, make it a

little more interesting. JOE (staring in disbelief) No. What I do know is that you're an idiot. STEVE (mumbling under breath) What do you know JOE WHAT?! STEVE Nothing. JOE Eat you're damn cereal. int. happy burgers fast food restaurant- afternoon Several cars whiz by the fast food chain, and several cars are seen parked in the lot. The scene goes inside where Steve is seated, listening intently. manager We here at Happy Burgers take pride in the fast food industry. If a customer doesn't like their order, they expect and will receive a full refund. STEVE Isn't that kinda stupid? You know if people know this, they're just gonna say they hated their food and get their money back. They'll make off with a free meal. You see what I mean? MANAGER (staring blank eyed straight forward) We here at Happy Burgers take pride in the fast food industry. If a customer doesn't like their order, they expect and will receive a full refund. STEVE (taking a deep breath) I had a feeling you were gonna say that. ext. HAPPY BURGERS FAST FOOD RESTAURANT parking lot- AFTERNOON STEVE

I really thought that would have went better. JOE Oh yeah. Who could resist hiring a college dropout who fought a badger for the sake of young children. What is this world coming to! STEVE You know, I could really go without you're sarcasm right now. I'm starting to get a little annoyed with this stupid job search. Can't I just sit at home and do nothing while you bring home the bacon? JOE Oh, no. We agreed we would both get jobs and pay half of each months bills. We ain't going back on that now. Joe and Steve reach their car and get inside. It would be a long, quiet ride home. int. apartment building bedroom- morning Steve is shown lying in his bed, on foot hanging off of the edge. Cans of beer lay scattered on the floor next to his bed with his hand dangling near them. Joe enters the room, looks down at Steve, shakes his head, and enters the bathroom located in the room. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING kitchen- AFTERNOON Joe and Steve sit around the table, just like the previous morning. Steve is eating a bowl of cereal and Joe sits opposite of him, drinking a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper. STEVE How the Phillies holding up? JOE Eh, they're hanging in there. STEVE That's good, that's good. Hey listen, you wanna read my resume. I cleaned it up a little. JOE (not looking up from his paper and laughing a little) Oh, yeah. What's it say this time? How you fended off an alien invasion with a toothpick and razorblade? STEVE I'm serious man! I'm getting fed up with this too!

JOE I'll believe it when I see it. STEVE Why won't you listen to what I'm saying! I'm seri... JOE I'll give you till the end of the week. No job, no more apartment. Joe puts down the paper he was reading and walks off into his bedroom, leaving Steve alone once again. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING BEDROOM- early MORNING An alarm goes off in a pitch black room, reading 6:00 a.m., and a hand is seen shutting it off. A light turns on and Steve becomes visible, sitting on the bed. He begins to get dressed. ext. city street- early morning Steve emerges from the apartment building with a serious look on his face. He gets into his car and drives off. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING BEDROOM- MORNING Another alarm goes off, and Joe's hand is seen reaching to shut it off. He gets out of his bed and walks towards the kitchen. He walks past Steve's room paying no attention. He doubles back and looks inside to see he is not there. JOE Steve? No response. He walks over to the table and sees a note on it, addressed to him. He opens it and reads aloud, JOE Joe, I went out to find that job we were talking about. Won't be home till I find one. Unless a cougar attacks. Then I'll be straight home. We both know I specialize in badger self defense, not cougar. -Steve A smile creeps across Joe's face and he puts the letter back sown on the table. It was going to be a good day. int. must buy electronics store- afternoon Steve walks into the local Must Buy electronic store, with a determined look on his face. He approaches the customer service desk. Behind it is an average female teenage punk, chewing gum and reading a magazine, not a care in the world.

STEVE Hi, I would like to talk to a manager about a possible open position. customer service rep He's out on lunch. You'll have to wait until 1 when he gets back. Steve looked at his watch. It was 11:50 a.m. STEVE It's not even noon time and he's taking an hour lunch. (raising his voice) What kind of place is this! Random customers in the store stop their previous business and look towards Steve. CUSTOMER SERVICE REP Sir, that's probably not the best first impression to give if you want a job here. STEVE (settling down) Right. So you said one? INT. HAPPY BURGERS FAST FOOD RESTAURANT- AFTERNOON JOE There you go ma'am. Have a nice day. MANAGER Joe, may I speak to you for a moment? INT. HAPPY BURGERS FAST FOOD RESTAURANT office- AFTERNOON Joe walks into the managers office. There are several office chairs and many posters on the wall of the restaurant. MANAGER Joe, as you know we here at Happy Burgers take pride in the... JOE food industry. If a customer doesn't like their order, they expect and will receive a full refund, I know. I've been here since the restaurant opened. What's all this about. MANAGER Well, son, district is making me cut a couple of our employees, and well seeing as

how you have a college degree and all, I'm gonna have to let you go. You can do so much better. JOE But, I told you, I like working here. It's fun for me. I don't wanna go sit behind a desk all day and sell paper! This is what I wanna do! MANAGER Son, please. What's done is done. I'm sorry. You can go clean your uniform and return it later. Why don't you just go home. Hell, I'll even give you this weeks pay check 'cause I love ya. Joe stands up from his chair, nods at the manager, and turns and walks out the door. EXT. HAPPY BURGERS FAST FOOD RESTAURANT PARKING LOT- AFTERNOON Joe continues walking, with a dazed look on his face. He reaches his car, same look on his face, and rives home once again. This time without a job. INT. MUST BUY ELECTRONICS STORE- AFTERNOON The title "MEANWHILE..." appears on the screen and the scene changes back to the Must Buy electronic store. Steve is shown sitting in a chair, fast asleep, in front of the display of big screen T.V.s. The manager, PAUL, early forties, walks into the store and over to the customer service desk. Paul Any urgent calls while I was gone? CUSTOMER SERVICE REP No calls, just a strange man. He came in about an hour ago and was looking for you. Said something about a job. He's right over there, in the T.V.s if you wanna see him. paul All right, thanks. The manager turns and begins to walk towards Steve and his resting location. The manager lightly taps on his shoulder, to which Steve jumps awake shouting, STEVE I NEVER FOUGHT A BADGER FOR A CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL!! Once again, everyone in the store is looking at him, even the manager. STEVE Oh, sorry. PAUL

Are you the one that wanted a job? STEVE Uh, yeah. Why? Did I get the job! PAUL (chuckling) No, not yet. But why don't we step into my office to discuss it. INT. MUST BUY ELECTRONICS STORE manager's office- AFTERNOON Steve enters Paul's office with Paul following. PAUL (motioning to an empty chair) Have a seat. Do you want something to drink? STEVE (as he is sitting down, shaking his head) No, I'm fine thanks. PAUL All right, let's get this started. First question, what is my name? Steve squints as he tries to read the distant name tag worn by Paul. STEVE P...Puul? PAUL (questioned look on his face) What? (looking down at his name tag and chuckling) Oh, no. That's an "A" STEVE Oh, Paul. PAUL Yeah, most people get that one their first shot. STEVE

Yeah well, what can I say. I did have a beer while I was waiting for you. PAUL We don't allow the consumption of alcohol in our store. STEVE Oh, no. Don't worry. I was drinking outside. Same time I was lighting paper bags on fire. Paul is just staring at Steve with a look of disbelief on his face. STEVE (shrugging) You were gone a long time. PAUL All right, moving on. Why do you think you deserve this job? STEVE Honestly, it's just a last ditch effort to get a job. No one else would hire me. PAUl Look, do you want this job or not? Cause I got a ton of guys standing just waiting for you to screw up so they get their shot at it.


STEVE I didn't see anyone outside. PAUL That's because you're in here making an ass out of yourself. (looking over Steve's shoulder) But you're right. No one is out there. But just imagine if there was. Cause I got friends. Tons of em. No matter what Anyone says. ANYONE! Paul begins hyperventilating and starts to lean over on his desk. STEVE Hey, are you okay? You need a paper bag or something? At this point, Paul obviously cannot breathe. He begins pointing at a bag sitting on a chair, motioning for Steve to get it. STEVE What? You need this bag?

Paul nods very quickly and violently, in dire need of the bag. Steve walks over and grabs the bag, handing it to Paul. Paul rips it open and pulls out his inhaler, and upon using it can breathe again. PAUL Sorry, asthma attack. Where were we? STEVE Dude, you almost died and you still want to continue with the interview? Man, you're a trooper. A real trooper. Ya know what, that is why I want to work for you. Because you still carry on after hard times. PAUL You sir, just presented the most ass kissing filled comment I have ever heard. But I'm a sucker for ass kissing. So you just landed yourself a position at Must Buy electronics store. Paul gets up to shake Steve's hand, and Steve does the same. PAUL (looking down at his desk calendar) What's today? Wednesday? STEVE Yes, sir. PAUL All right. What don't you start on Saturday, 9 a.m. sharp. Now go home and get some rest. STEVE I've been resting for twenty-two years. And thanks again. Steve turns and walks out the door. PAUL (muttering) Punk ass kid, trying to kill me. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING KITCHEN- evening The scene changes to show Joe, fast asleep on the couch with beer bottles scattered on the ground. He is in a similar position as Steve when we first saw him. Suddenly, Steve comes bursting through the door. STEVE I GOT A JOB!

JOE (mumbling) Yeah, about you take your gay parade somewhere else. I'm trying to sleep here. STEVE (looking down at Joe) Whoa,

tough day?

JOE (mumbling) I don't wanna talk about it. STEVE Fine. I can take a hint. JOE I lost my job at Happy Burger. STEVE Oh, real... Wait, what? JOE I lost my job, okay? STEVE No, it's not okay. That really sucks, dude. JOE Yeah, well... STEVE What are you gonna do now? JOE I don't know. Move to Hollywood and become a screenwriter, maybe. STEVE (scoffing) Huh, yeah right. Everyone knows that's a lost cause. Hey, I know. I can get you a job at Must Buy.

JOE How? You don't even work there. STEVE Uh, yeah I do. Weren't you listening when I walked in. I said I got a job. And that's where it is. JOE Oh, right. So can you really get me a job? STEVE I could try. After all, I did save the manger's life. JOE (questioned look on his face) What? STEVE Long story, I'll explain later. I start work on Saturday, so I'll try then. Steve walks off into one of the bedrooms, leaving Joe alone in the living room. Joe quickly falls back asleep. INT. MUST BUY ELECTRONICS STORE- Saturday morning Steve and Joe enter the Must Buy one the first day of Steve's employment career. STEVE Follow me. The two walk towards the manager's office. Steve knocks on the door. PAUL What? STEVE It's me. Steve. PAUL Oh! Come on in. Steve opens the door and leads Joe through. PAUL Excited about your first day?

STEVE Yes sir. PAUL (looking back at Joe) Who's that? STEVE Oh. This is my roommate, Joe. He was wondering if he might be able to get a job here. PAUL (to Joe) You gonna try and kill me then save my life like your friend did? JOE Wasn't planning on it. PAUL (sigh of relief) Whew. Thank god. But sorry kid. No spots open. JOE (disappointed) Oh. PAUL But, I'll tell you what. Give it a couple of weeks. I'm looking to fire these two morons on night shift, just waiting for them to screw up. Once they're gone, you got a job. Deal? JOE Yeah, sure. Sounds good. STEVE Thanks Paul. See ya around. Steve and Joe walk out of Paul's office, leaving him there all alone. Outside, Steve walks Joe to the doors of the Must Buy. STEVE Gotta go clock in, this is as far as I walk.

JOE That's fine. STEVE So, what are ya gonna do all day with no job? JOE I donna know. Eat. Sleep. Eat some more. Sleep some more. Like the good old days. STEVE All right. But, listen. You heard Paul. Couple of weeks and you'll have a job. Just gotta be patient. JOE I know. It's just that since I started working, I've never been out of a job. Aside from college when even then I would work a little. But school kept me busy. I guess I'll live. It'll just be weird. STEVE Ah, go home and get some rest. But don't spend all day watching QVC and buying shit to take up space. I've seen it happen. JOE I'll take your word for it. See ya. STEVE Later. Joe turns and walks out the door, leaving Steve alone. Steve turns around and walks back towards his new life. INT. MUST BUY ELECTRONICS STORE- AFTERNOON After clocking in for work, Steve emerges from the back with his new store uniform, ready for work. Looking nervously around and unsure of really what to do, Steve approaches another employee. STEVE Excuse me? The employee turns around. STEVE Yeah, hi. I'm new here, and I don't really know what to do... Steve leans in and squints as he tries to read the employees name tag.

STEVE ...Jessica. jessica Listen, it's really not that hard. Just walk around and see if any customer needs help finding anything. Our number one priority is to sell shit. STEVE Sell shit. Got it. Thank you. Steve walks away with a new sense of confidence. He approaches an OLD LADY, early seventies, looking at CDs. STEVE Excuse me miss, but do you need help? old lady Noo... I'll be fine.... STEVE All right. But if you need any help, I'll be around. OLD LADY Well, actually there is something... STEVE Oh? What's that? OLD LADY Oh, never mind I found it. STEVE Oh, okay. OLD LADY Oh, that's not it... Young man! Young man! I do need help! The old lady said this loud enough for everyone in that area of the store to turn and look. Most of Steve's confidence has just left the building. STEVE Okay, but there is no need to shout. I'm standing right here. OLD LADY Oh, I'm sorry. You see it's my medication. Which reminds me, I need to fill my

prescription. I should go do that. The old lady begins to walk away, leaving Steve all alone. STEVE Hey lady! Wait! Don't leave yet! I need to sell this shit! By now, everyone in the store is looking at Steve, even the old lady turned around to see the commotion. Embarrassed once again, Steve has no lost all his confidence. At that moment, Jessica walks past. JESSICA Nice job selling the shit Ace. INT. MUST BUY ELECTRONICS STORE MANAGER'S OFFICE- AFTERNOON Steve is shown sitting in an office chair facing Paul. PAUL Listen Paul, you're a good kid. Just trying to find you're place in the world. I'm gonna cut you some slack. You really can't be yelling like that in the store. It scares customers off. And if you scare customers off, we can't sell our shit. Steve immediately looks up and stares at Paul. STEVE Does everyone here say that? PAUL What? Sell our shit? STEVE Yeah. PAUL Yeah. It's sorta our motto. I wanted to put it up on the front of the store, but some people had problems with hat idea. Said it was too vulgar. STEVE I could see where they would get that. PAUL Yeah, whatever I fired their asses. STEVE You're not gonna fire me, are you? PAUL

Fire you? Hell no! I'm just gonna move you to back dock duties, you know unloading and stocking. That is until you get comfortable with the system. STEVE Oh, you scared me. PAUL Yeah, I do that. Actually that's why we stopped going to the retirement home. You see we used to go that old folks home down the road to help out a little, raise some awareness. Turns out my demeanor was scaring some of them into panic fits, not good stuff. They even blamed me for killing old Mr. Overton, by I swear to you, he was already dead. Dude sat there with no expression on his face. I used to poke him with forks and nothing happened. Ah, guess you had to be there. STEVE Guess so. PAUL Well look. I'll let you get back to work. Just head out to the back dock. Mike will show you what to do. Steve gets up to leave. STEVE All right. Thank you sir. Nice story by the way. Steve exits the office, leaving Paul alone once again. PAUL What a kiss ass. But I love 'em. INT. MUST BUY ELECTRONICS STORE back dock- AFTERNOON Steve walks through a door where he is greeted with a blast of cold air and darkness. The storage room is almost pitch black, although a few lights guide the way. The air conditioner is apparently on its highest setting, as the room feels like an ice box. No one is in sight. STEVE Hello? No response. Steve continues to walk through the room, looking for anyone. Suddenly, the lights turn on and the air is turned down. MAN Who's there? STEVE

Uh, hi. I'm Steve. Paul told me to come back here. I'm looking for a Mike. Suddenly, someone jumps out from the boxes stored next to Steve. late thirties, and this is his daily routine.

This is Mike,

Mike Well I'll be damned... Pleased to meet you. I'm Mike. STEVE Oh, hi. Yeah, uh, do.

Paul sent me back here to help you guys out with whatever you

Mike We really don't do anything. STEVE What? Mike No, honest. We usually just hang out in the office until lunch break then come out to eat and head back in. STEVE Then who puts out this stuff into inventory? Mike We do. STEVE I thought you... Mike Oh, no man. I was just messing with ya. Paul would kill us if we did that. (laughing) Oh, man. I'm sorry, that was good stuff. But I'll give ya a break since you're new. Come on, I'll introduce you to the guys. Mike puts his arm around Steve's shoulder and leads him to the back loading dock where there are three other guys standing around. Mike Hey! What did I tell you guys about standing around like lazy sons of bitches! HUH! worker #1

But we are lazy sons of bitches. Mike Doesn't mean you have to show it! Come on now, use your heads! Anyway, this is the new guy, Steve. Scattered mumbles are heard from the group, none to impressed to see him and obviously don't want to be there. Mike began pointing to the nameless figures in the crowd. Mike (to a big, tough looking black man) That's Randall. I wouldn't look him in the eyes. (to a scrawny white man) That's Jay, he is what you see. (to a medium sized white man) And that's my cousin, Aaron. STEVE What's up guys. Steve generates no reply. The group is just looking at him with no expressions what so ever. Mike Wow, this is a first. What no hellos? You're are finally at a loss for words? Still no response from the group. Mike Ahh, who needs ya? Come on Steve. Mike leads Steve away from the group, who are still just standing there. Mike begins to show Steve all of the ins and outs of life on the back dock. Mike Deliveries are usually at six. Right now it is three. That gives you three hours to prepare. (begins moving boxes around) What I usually do is try to make a space where we can just lay the boxes once off of the truck. Then we'll move 'em around to make room to walk and those sort of things. Got it? STEVE

Yeah, seems simple enough. Mike Good. Mike begins to walk away. STEVE Hey, where you going? Mike Who, me? Oh, I never stick around. I'll be back at six, though, don't worry. And through the doors Mike walked, to the outside world. Nevertheless, Steve begins to move boxes in anticipation of the o'clock delivery. Steve looks up and over on the back dock where the silent group is looking at him. STEVE Uh, hey guys. How's it going? randall We don't like newbies. STEVE What's that? aaron newbies, people who are new at something. We don't like 'em. They come and take our jobs. STEVE Oh, sorry guys, but I gotta pay the rent somehow. jay At least let us show the proper technique in moving the boxes. STEVE Oh, okay. The group emerges from the shadows and walk over towards Steve to give him a hand. RANDALL First, you select the proper box. For you, a smaller box will do. JAY Then, you take it and toss it to the side.

AARON Then, select another box and repeat the process. STEVE But isn't that a little careless. You know, you might break something. RANDALL HEY! Do you wanna keep your job or lose it? Cause I got no problem ratting you out for something you didn't do. I know these guys got my back. Both Aaron and Jay nod. STEVE Fine. We'll do it your way. Steve begins going through the boxes and tossing them aside. This process is a lot faster and somewhat fun for Steve. STEVE You know guys, this way isn't so bad. RANDALL I told ya. Sometimes you gotta just listen to us. The sequence fades out and is replaced with a black screen with the title, "Three Hours Later", on it. Steve, Randall, Jay, and Aaron are sitting on several boxes looking out upon the back dock. Smoke can be seen circling the group and little baggies litter the floor. They are sharing several stories, pausing to let in a laugh. All four of them have joints in there hands, making the stories even more funnier than they already are. RANDALL My mom used to get dressed up and go out every Sunday night, leaving me and my older brother home alone. And this wasn't any dress. She would wear the smallest dress I have ever seen and go out to where she met my father. Whenever I asked her why she did this, she'd always tell me, 'Boy, you know I'm still looking for you're father.' Randall stops talking and the whole group begins to laugh, unable to stop. JAY Yo Aaron, this is some good pot. AARON That's the only kind I got.

STEVE (squinting) Yo, isn't that the delivery truck? AARON Oh shit! Come on guys! We gotta get this cleaned up before Mike gets back! Upon seeing the truck and hearing of Mike's return, the gang immediately jump up to lend a helping hand. AARON Just dump it all in the boxes! STEVE Won't someone be going through these and see it? RANDALL Kid, you gotta stop thinking so much! Just dump it! Steve does as he is told and dumps what is left of the pot into the empty, nearby boxes. When the place is clear of baggies and somewhat of smoke, the truck arrives on the back dock. The DRIVER, late forties, gets out of the truck with a clipboard for them to sign the waiver. driver Yeah, hey guys. I got a delivery for here. Just gonna need a signature from the supervisor to okay all this. JAY Oh, uh, he's not here right now. Went out to, uh, do some stuff. Cool if we sign? DRIVER That'll be a no go. Gonna need the supervisor. Upon the driver finishing his sentence, Mike bursts through the doors, breathing heavily. Mike Sorry I'm late. Had to deal with a customer. Where do I sign? DRIVER (motioning to the clipboard) Right here. Mike quickly scribbles his initials into the box and hands the board back to the

driver. The driver walks over to the truck and opens the back, revealing a world of must have electronics. The driver pulls out a section of boxes and lowers it onto the dock. DRIVER There you go, fresh new laptops. Mike Thanks. See ya later. The driver waves goodbye and exits back into his truck. Randall and Jay go to retrieve the left behind boxes. Mike (motioning to an empty spot) Just put 'em over there for now. I'll deal with them later. Why don't you guys take lunch now? Mumbles of agreements are heard and Mike exits back into the store. JAY Hey, uh, Steve is it? Ya wanna come out to eat with us? STEVE (surprised) Oh, I don't know. I was just gonna hang around here, ya know... RANDALL What? And not eat? Come on out. Our treat. STEVE (reluctant) Oh, alright, what the hell? INT. HAPPY BURGERS FAST FOOD RESTAURANT- Evening Steve, Randall, Jay, and Aaron all walk into Happy Burgers, ready to eat. walk up to the counter and get ready to order.


JAY Hey, Steve. You know what you want? I'll order and you can grab us a table. STEVE Uh, yeah okay. I'll just have a number 4. JAY

Sounds good. Steve turns around and walks over to find a booth capable of holding the group. Eventually, Steve finds a booth that looks clean and big enough. He sits down and looks up to see the food being brought over. AARON Here we go. Dig in. Hands begin to fly in as everyone is anxious to eat. Everyone begins to eat, talking as they do. RANDALL So Steve. Where'd you work before coming here? STEVE Nowhere, actually. JAY No shit. You one of those slacker guys. Ya know, the one's that sit around all day? STEVE (laughing a little) Yeah, I guess you could say that. Tried out the whole college thing, but that didn't really go too well. RANDALL What happened? STEVE (sighing) I don't know. Too much of a hassle, too much stress. I thought sitting around in your underwear all day would be more fun. And it was. Slight laughter is heard from the table. AARON So why start now? Don't tell me you got bored. STEVE Honestly, it did get a little old. Just wanted something new, you know, experience the world. RANDALL

Whoa man. Don't get all spiritual on our asses. We don't deal well with that. STEVE Point taken. Well, what about you guys? You been working at the Must Buy for a while. AARON Since I was eighteen. STEVE (wide-eyed) That long? AARON Yeah. My dad, actually, used to run the place. That's why Mike is assistant manager. Dad made me work there to support myself 'cause he kicked me out at eighteen. All the better, though. Never would have met these guys. JAY Kiss ass. RANDALL Hey guys, lunch time's almost up. Mine as well finish up and get back to close up. Maybe we'll get out early. JAY Don't count on it. INT. MUST BUY ELECTRONICS STORE BACK DOCK- evening When Steve and the crew arrive back at the store after lunch, Mike is on the back dock waiting for them. MIKE You're all late. RANDALL (mocking tone) Geez, sorry boss. Won't let it happen again. JAY Seriously, what're we five minutes late. MIKE Ten to be exact.

JAY Oh, ten whole minutes. I'm surprised the store didn't crumble down in our absence. MIKE Hey Steve. Paul was telling me about your friend, the one who wanted a job. Tell him he's got one. Jay you're fired, Randall you're on strike two. Steve and Aaron, don't let it happen again. You're all dismissed. Clock out. Mike turns and walks through the door and back into the store, leaving the entire group stunned. JAY Man, whatever. I was gonna quit anyway. Jay turns and walks back towards his car, his life has turned another page. The rest of the group walks up to clock out and follow Jay's lead, going home. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING- evening Steve opens the door to see Joe lying on the couch, watching a Spanish soap opera. STEVE You actually watch this junk? JOE Shh! Spanish woman (on T.V.) ¿qué has dicho? SPANISH man (on T.V.) preguntaban por tu hermana. The soap opera on T.V. fades into a commercial, leaving Joe sitting on the couch with his mouth hanging open. JOE POR QUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STEVE You know what they were saying? JOE

I think it was something about a goat. STEVE All right, then. I won't even ask anymore. Steve walks into the kitchen and throws his bag onto the kitchen table. He pulls out a mug and pours himself some coffee. He walks back into the living room and sits on the couch. STEVE Got you a job today. Joe immediately sits up upon hearing this, excited by the news. JOE You did? STEVE Well, I didn't really get it for you. S guy got fired so his spots yours. If you're interested. JOE Hell yeah I'm interested! What am I going to be doing? Steve Working on the back docks with me. Just unloading some boxes to put into storage, not too bad. JOE All right! I love ya man! STEVE Yeah, yeah. Save the gay parade for a later day. JOE No man. You don't know how happy I am. STEVE All right, settle down. Don't wet yourself. Steve gets up off of the couch to put his cup in the dishwasher. STEVE I'm going to bed. You probably should too. Don't wanna be late tomorrow. JOE

Yeah, yeah. Oh, by the way, I ordered some power tools off of QVC today. They should be here next week. Steve enters his bedroom shaking his head. INT. MUST BUY ELECTRONICS STORE- AFTERNOON Steve and Joe walk into the Must Buy the next afternoon with a new sense of confidence. Joe has finally rebounded and Steve is living the life. They approach Paul's office to get everything settled with him for Joe to start work. Steve knocks on the door and the two men stand there, waiting patiently. After a brief moment, PAUL Yeah? What? Who is it? STEVE Uh, it's me sir, Steve. PAUL (releaved) Oh, come on in. Steve opens the door and he and Joe enter the confines of what is Paul's office. PAUL Well, what can I do for you boys? STEVE Oh, not much. But last night Mike told me that got fired and all.

Joe could get a job now, since Jay

PAUL Oh, no. No, I'm sorry but Mike's not in charge of hiring like that. True, Jay did get fired and that is his decision. But, I'm sorry Joe we don't need ya yet. Still waiting on those boneheads at night, ya know the ones I was telling you about, waiting on them to screw up. Just gotta hold out a little longer. Joe is looking down at the ground, clearly disappointed. JOE All right. I'll wait. Joe turns and walks out of the office, on his way out of the store. STEVE Hey, uh Paul? What the hell was that? PAUL

What're you talking about? STEVE I told him last night that he would have a job today and he got himself all wound up. Even missed the end of his soap opera. From Spain no less! PAUL Wee, Steve you shouldn't have done that. We can't just hand out jobs like that. Gotta be patient. STEVE He's been waiting for to him what is an eternity. He hasn't been out of a job this long before. He expected a job by now. PAUL Well, maybe he should just look for another job in the meantime... STEVE Oh and then just come running back here when you finally decide to give him a job? PAUL I don't know, I'm just trying to help out a little. STEVE You could help him out by giving him a damn job! (settling down) But, in the meantime can I have the day off. Gotta help him out a little, keep his spirits high. It's the least you could do. PAUL Yeah, all right. I'll see you tomorrow. STEVE Thanks. EXT. must buy PARKING LOT- AFTERNOON Steve comes running out of the store, trying to catch up with Joe. He runs out and sees him nowhere. JOE Hey dumb ass, looking for someone? Steve turns and sees Joe leaning up against the side of the Must Buy smoking a cigarette.

STEVE I didn't know you smoked. JOE Just started. Needed something to keep me busy, Spanish soap operas couldn't do it all the time. STEVE Hey, I'm sorry about what happened in there. I really thought you were getting that job. JOE No biggie. I just gotta wait a little longer. STEVE Yeah, but that's still not right. You were expecting a job, and you didn't get one. Let me make it up to you. I took the day off, I'll devote it to you. JOE No, you don't have to... STEVE No seriously, I want to. JOE If you insist. STEVE All right. Where do you want to go? JOE Well... INT. HAPPY BURGERS FAST FOOD RESTAURANT play area- AFTERNOON Steve is shown sitting on a bench eating a hamburger. Joe is sitting across from, eating his food as fast as he can. JOE (mouth full) Done! Can I go now?! STEVE Fine, but be careful.

Joe bursts up from his chair and runs towards the big playground located inside of the Happy Burger. He takes off his shoes and begins to climb inside the tubes, pushing kids out of his way in the meantime. Joe begins to climb through the tubes and makes his way towards the top of the playground, where there is a window. He knocks hard on the window to get Steve's attention. Steve looks up, and Joe is waving at him. Steve waves back. Joe then attempts to continue onwards, but something is wrong. Joe cannot move. He knocks on the window again and Steve looks up. Joe tries to yell "I'm stuck!", but no sound can get through the window. Joe tries to move again but is unsuccessful. That's when Steve realizes Joe is stuck. STEVE Oh shit! You're stuck! Joe tries to say "DUH!" and throw his hands up in the air, but instead he hits his head on the top of the tube. STEVE Wait there. I'll get help! Steve runs off to tell someone, anyone of his friends troubles. Joe is seen sitting in the tube, waiting to be rescued. Then, a girl climbs up the tube and sits next to Joe. little girl Hi. JOE HI there. LITTLE GIRL What're you doing? JOE I'm stuck. LITTLE GIRL Oh. Nobody down there likes you. They say you taking up everybody else's turn. JOE Well, they can come up here but there won't be any where for them to go. The little girl gets a surprised look on her face, and looks down at the other kids. LITTLE GIRL Hey you guys, he said we can all come up! JOE

(puzzled look on his face) Wait? What? No! That's not what I said! But it was too late. The enormous crowd of kids came rushing up from the bottom of the tube, pushing Joe and the little girl farther into the tube. JOE Hey, kids! Stop that! That's really starting to hurt! The kids weren't listening, because, well they're kids. In the nick of time, Steve come running back into the Happy Burger play area with a fireman, carrying a chainsaw. Steve pointed to Joe, showing the fireman where he was. fire CHief All right, I'm gonna need everybody out of the tubes so I can get that poor man out of there. Moans are heard from the group of kids as they are led away from the play area by their parents. When all the kids are gone, the fie chief goes to work. He uses the chainsaw to cut apart the tubes and safely return Joe to the ground. A net is placed towards the bottom of the ground to catch Joe. JOE Thank you so much. That won't happen again. FIRE CHIEF Let's hope not. They do put those safety rules on there for a reason. JOE Well, I know for next time. Steve and Joe turn and walk out of the Happy Burger with a new story to tell. STEVE Well, that didn't go so well. Where to now. JOE Steve, I really appreciate this but I really just want to go home. STEVE Oh, come on. Where to? JOE Well... ext. puffs putt putt golf course- afternoon

Steve and Joe are on the mini golf course, Steve up to hit. STEVE All right little ball, go to your calling. Steve hits the ball. It goes into the hole. STEVE YES! That is what I'm talking about! You're turn. Joe puts down his ball and measures up his shot. He puts his club down and attempts his shot. The ball ricochets off of a wooden statue, hits and windmill, and comes back to hit Joe in the face. JOE (grabbing his nose) Oh, dammit. That hurts! STEVE (laughing) You okay chief? JOE Yeah, I'm glad you thought that was funny. Ah, dammit. Joe puts his ball back down and lines his shot up. He takes a swing and this time the ball lands up in the water. JOE All right, I'm done. Let's go. STEVE What? Come on man. JOE No. I'm serious Steve. Let's just go home. STEVE Fine. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING- EVENING Steve and Joe enter their apartment and Joe immediately jumps on the couch and turns on the T.V. Steve walks into the kitchen. STEVE

You want anything to eat? JOE (O.S.) Not hungry. Steve closes a cabinet and walks back into the other room. STEVE I'm going to bed. Night. JOE Night. Steve walks into the bedroom and closes the door behind him. Joe looks over at the door and when he is sure that Steve will not be back out, he gets up and goes to the other bathroom. He begins tearing through the medicine cabinet. He finds a bottle of pills and takes the bottle with him. He goes to the kitchen and takes a beer from the fridge. Then he goes and sits on the couch, pill bottle and beer bottle in hand. He begins to read the directions on the bottle of pills. JOE Should never be taken with alcohol... Joe unscrews the pill bottle and pours a couple in his mouth, then opening the beer and taking a swig of beer. JOE Ah... INT. APARTMENT BUILDING BEDROOM- MORNING Steve awakens in the morning to the sound of his alarm. He looks at the clock. It reads 8 a.m. He groans and gets out of bed and walks towards the door, opening it revealing the living room. And Joe lying on the floor, unconscious with the beer and pill bottles lying near him. Steve barrels through the door and rushes to his friends side. STEVE Joe! Oh god, what did you do? Joe! Wake up! Steve notices the pill bottle near him and picks it up. Then he sees the beer bottle and then throws the pill bottle down and rushes towards the phone. He dials 911. After a ring, 911 operator 911, what's you're emergency? STEVE My friend, he, I don't know if he's dead, or unconscious, oh god. Please help.

911 OPERATOR Okay, sir. We're sending over an ambulance to your house now, just stay calm. STEVE Thank you. Steve hangs up with the operator and is now crying. He kneels down to his friend and continues to cry. int. pleasant view hospital waiting room- morning Steve is sitting in a chair with his head in his hands. A doctor walks through the doors with charts in his hand. doctor Steve? Steve looks up and over at the doctor. STEVE Uh, yeah. Right here. DOCTOR Oh, Steve. How ya holding up? STEVE Not too good actually. How's Joe? DOCTOR Well, he should be fine. He's sleeping now, but you can go see him once he wakes up. STEVE Is he gonna need to stay overnight or anything like that? DOCTOR With the way he's doing right now, we're just gonna wait till he wakes up, do a couple of tests and if all goes well, he should be heading home tonight. Steve nods, taking a deep breath. DOCTOR You're a good friend. The doctor turns and walks back through the doors leaving Steve with a sense of hope. He sits back done in his chair and begins to wait. Minutes become hours and Steve begins to fall asleep. He stirs in his chair, when finally the doctor emerges from the doors and walks towards Steve. He shakes him awake.

DOCTOR Steve? Steve sits straight up in his chair, now fully awake. STEVE Oh, doctor. Yeah, what's up? DOCTOR Joe's awake now, you may go see him. STEVE Oh, thanks doc. The doctor turns and walks away and Steve stands up out of his chair and stretches, then proceeds to go see his friend. INT. PLEASANT VIEW HOSPITAL joe's room- AFTERNOON Steve enters Joe's hospital room and we see Joe lying in a bed, covers pulled up to his chest. STEVE Hey buddy. How's it going? JOE (quietly) Hey. STEVE You look good. Feeling okay? JOE Holding on. STEVE You look good, though. We'll get you out of here real soon. Joe lays his head back down and closes his eyes, going back to sleep. Steve gets up and leaves the room. He checks his cellphone, the clock reading 2:26. Late for work. INT. MUST BUY ELECTRONICS STORE- AFTERNOON Steve rushes through the doors of the Must Buy, trying to put on his vest and name tag at the same time. He heads towards Paul's office and knocks on the door. A slight cough is heard from the inside.

PAUL Just a minute! Papers are heard shuffling around and cabinets being slammed closed. PAUL Yeah, come in! Wait! Who is it? STEVE It's Steve. PAUL Oh, well why didn't you say that it the first place! Get the hell in here! Steve opens the door and enters the office where Paul is sitting in his chair, feet up on the desk. PAUL How can I help you good sir? STEVE (puzzled) Uh, yeah. Just wanted to apologize for being late and all. JOe's in the hospital, so I was there with him. PAUL Hospital? Is he okay? STEVE Yeah, yeah. He'll be fine. Nothing serious. PAUL Okay. Yeah no big deal. Nothing going on here today. Go clock in. Steve turns to leave, but Paul stops him. PAUL Oh, before I forget. Whenever he's up to it. Joe can come on in and interview for that job. Fired those idiots this morning. STEVE Oh, cool. He'll be happy to hear that. Thanks. PAUL

No prob. Hey, you still coming over to that retirement home on Saturday? Do a little charity? STEVE Wasn't planning on it. This is the first I've heard of it. PAUL Well, there you go. I'm inviting you. STEVE I thought you weren't allowed back in that place after you killed that old guy. PAUL There is no proof I did that! Anyway, they decided to let be back in, but on close watch. Real close watch. STEVE Alright, I guess I'll go. PAUL Fantastic. NOW GO GET TO WORK! (laughing) Oh, I'm just kidding. But seriuosly, you can go. Steve turns and leaves, closing the door behind him. PAUL I need more people like him in my life. INT. PLEASANT VIEW HOSPITAL WAITING ROOM- evening Steve walks through the hospital doors and up to the receptionists desk. STEVE Uh, hi. I'm Steve. Here to see Joe. From Steve's side, Joe's doctor looks over at Steve. DOCTOR Oh, Steve. Hi.Let me take you to Joe's room. The doctor finishes writing and hands his clipboard to a nurse, then gestures for Steve to follow him. DOCTOR Joe woke up about an hour after you left.

STEVE How is he? DOCTOR Oh, he's doing much better. Should be about ready to go home. They reach Joe's hospital room and inside Joe is sitting on his bed, watching the T.V. JOE Oh, there you are. I couldn't take any more of this basic cable. You ready to blow this joint? STEVE Just as long as you're sure you're ready to take off. You feeling okay? JOE Hey, never better. You know me. DOCTOR All right Joe, you're free to go whenever. Upon hearing this news, Joe hops up off of his bed and grabs his jacket. JOE Let's go. Steve turns to leave, with Joe following. ext. hospital parking lot- evening A light rain begins to fall as Steve and Joe exit the hospital and enter their car. JOE You up for burgers? STEVE You know we have to talk about this. JOE What? Come on. It's done and over with. STEVE You tried to kill yourself.

JOE But I failed. See how that works out. STEVE Stop doing that. Stop trying to play everything off, like it's nothing. JOE Look, we're two different people, okay. You're used to being out of work, I'm not. I know this was a stupid conclusion to come to, like something a moron does in the movies. But I'm past it now. Never again. STEVE You're right never again. But if you do, and you fail again, I'll personally finish you off myself. That's a promise. JOE I hear 'ya. STEVE All right. So you said you wanted burgers? INT. HAPPY BURGERS FAST FOOD RESTAURANT- EVENING Steve and Joe walk into their regular Happy Burger restaurant, where the manager seems to waiting for them. JOE I don't care what you say, there is no way Die Hard is a better action movie than the Terminator. No way. STEVE Whatever, you're just bias. Ever since you swear you were using the urinal next to Arnold Schwarzenegger, your on a Terminator high. JOE I'm telling you it was him. STEVE Well then explain to me why he would be in a bookstore at ten 'o clock at night. JOE Maybe he's a late reader, I don't know go ask him. What do you want to eat? Joe then turns to see the manager behind the counter, staring at him. MANAGER

Hello, Joe. Haven't seen you in a while. JOE Oh, yeah. You know, I've been around. MANAGER That's good. You should experience the world. It is a big place. JOE Yeah, it sure is. MANAGER Say, how would like to have you're old job back? There's an open spot. JOE Why? What happened to the other guys? MANAGER They kept urinating in the deep frier when I was on break. Didn't go too well with customers. They don't like piss fries. JOE I wouldn't think so. MANAGER No. One would not think so. Well, do you want the job or not? STEVE Oh, I wouldn't. Joe turns back to look at Steve. JOE And why is that? STEVE Well, I was gonna wait till later, but Paul said you can get you're job at Must Buy now. Open spot. JOE Really! That's great! Joe looks back at the Manager. JOE

Sorry old buddy. I'm moving on to bigger and better things. Joe turns back to Steve and starts to lead him out of the Happy Burger. JOE With this good of news, we need to celebrate with good food. My treat! Steve and Joe walk out of the Happy Burger, but quickly return. JOE I just realized I don't have any money to live big. Happy Burger it is. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING- EVENING Steve and Joe walk back into the apartment, Joe happier than he has ever been. JOE Once i get my first pay check, we're going out to eat. And I mean really eat. No more of that greased up crap we're used to eating. I mean some fine dining. STEVE Yeah, you don't get payed that well. JOE Well then I'll save it up, but we'll go out and fine dine. You'll see, I'll show ya. STEVE All right, I believe you. I'm turning in, you should too. Big day tomorrow. JOE Yeah, yeah. I'll sleep after my stories. Joe turns on the T.V. as Steve walks into his bedroom, closing the door behind him. INT. MUST BUY ELECTRONICS STORE MANAGER'S OFFICE- AFTERNOON Steve and Joe are sitting in Paul's office as he goes over Joe's resume. After what feels like forever, Paul looks up. PAUL Well, looks like we have a new member of the Must Buy family. Welcome Joe. JOE Thank you , sir. PAUL

Whoa, Steve. Didn't you tell him? steve Oh no, must've slipped my mind. JOE What? Tell me what? STEVE Well, Paul doesn't like to be called sir. Makes him feel older. JOE Well, what do I call you? PAUL Paul stupid. Didn't you just hear him. He called me by my name, so you do the same. JOE Oh, okay. PAUL No get to work! Joe looks thrown back, not expecting this sudden urge of emotion. Then Paul begins to laugh. PAUL Oh, I'm just messing with ya. STEVE Don't feel bad. He got me with that one too. Joe breathes a sigh of relief, and sits there not knowing what will come next. PAUL Okay. Joe, I'll have you work on the back docks, Steve can show you the ropes. And Steve, I'll probably have you on floor duty next week. JOE So Steve won't be working with me? PAUL No college boy, will that be a problem? JOE

No sir... I mean Paul. PAUL Good. A smile begins to creep across his face, until he begins to burst out laughing. PAUL I'm sorry, I can't hold a straight face that long. Joe looks over to Steve, who is also laughing. JOE I don't know if I want to be working here in these conditions. PAUL No, no. It's just because you're the new guy, that's all. I probably won't even talk to once you've been working here for a few weeks. JOE Oh, great to know. PAUL Especially at that old persons home. Gotta watch what I say. Well anyway, you two are free to go. Steve and Joe get up and leave Paul's office. Once outside, Joe looks to Steve. JOE Is he always like that? STEVE Yeah, but you get used to it. Come on, back dock is this way. INT. MUST BUY ELECTRONICS STORE BACK DOCK- AFTERNOON Steve and Joe walk out to the back dock, where Randall and Aaron are sitting. STEVE Hey guys. Mike around? RANDALL The hell would I know. AARON Should be back in his office.

STEVE Yeah thanks. Steve leads Joe back to where Mike's office is located. He knocks on the door. MIKE (O.S.) Come in. Steve opens the door and leads Joe inside, where Mike is sitting at his desk. MIKE Steve, what can I do for you. STEVE Well Mike, we have a new helper here. This is my friend and roommate, Joe. MIKE Well, it's nice to have you aboard. JOE Thank you. STEVE Well, we'll let you get back to work. MIKE All right. Sounds good. Steve and Joe exit Mike's office and go back to where Randall and Aaron are sitting. STEVE Hey guys. Can I talk to you for a minute? RANDALL Hell no. AARON Yeah, go ahead. STEVE This is Joe, he'll be working with us now. But on a sad note, I will be leaving next week. it's back to the store floor for me. RANDALL

Thank god. 'Bout time we got rid of you. STEVE Always the kind one, thanks Randall. AARON Alright. Welcome Joe and Steve, you will be missed. RANDALL Trucks here. They all get up to help unload the truck while Joe stands back to watch how it is done. AARON Mike! Trucks here! Mike emerges from his office, mumbling something under his breathe, and signs the papers. Aaron, Randall, and Steve begin to move the boxes around as Joe watches in awe. EXT. MUST BUY PARKING LOT- evening Steve and Joe emerge from the Must Buy after a hard days work, with a sense of accomplishment. STEVE So, think you'll be up to the challenge? JOE What, of doing that? Yeah. I could do that in my sleep. Steve begins to laugh a little at his friends remark. STEVE Oh, so you think it's that easy? All right. We'll see. The two men reach their car and get in their respective sides, Steve in the driver's seat and Joe as the passenger. INT. MUST BUY ELECTRONICS STORE- AFTERNOON The next day, Steve and Joe walk through the doors of the Must Buy, where Paul is waiting for them. PAUL Gentlemen, good to see you. STEVE

Well we do work here. PAUL Ah ha! That's what I love about you. Always the quick wit. Anyway, Steve I'm gonna need you on the floor today. STEVE I didn't think that was until next week. PAUL Yeah I know, but a couple of guys called out so we're a little short. Joe, you should be fine back there right? JOE Yeah, should be. PAUL All right. Then it's settled. Paul begins to walk away, but turns back to Steve and Joe. PAUL Oh, by the way. You're still on for the old people home tomorrow right? STEVE Yeah, I'll be there. PAUL Oh, Joe you're invited too. This time Paul does turn and walk back into his office, closing the door. JOE What's this about an old person's home? STEVE It's some place they used to go to for a charity event or something like that. You're welcome to come. JOE Yeah, sure. What the hell. STEVE All right. Mine as well get to work. Good luck back there.

Steve and Joe part ways to go get ready for work. INT. MUST BUY ELECTRONICS STORE BACK DOCK- AFTERNOON Joe walks through the doors to face his new challenge. Randall and Aaron are sitting, similar to the way they were yesterday. JOE Hey guys. AARON Yo, what's up. Joe, right? JOE Yeah. AARON I'm Aaron and that's Randall in case you didn't catch it yesterday. Where's Steve? JOE Paul got him working on floor duty. AARON Already? JOE Yeah. AARON Oh well. His loss. You can have a seat, this job is basically sitting around. JOE Oh, cool. Joe sits down next to Aaron and stares out the back dock. Aaron nudges his shoulder and offers him a cigarette, which he declines. Mike walks out of his office and stands behind the group. MIKE Where's Steve at? AARON On floor duty today. MIKE Oh, all right. At least we got you on board, eh Joe?

JOE Yeah, glad to be here. Randall gets up onto his feet. RANDALL First delivery of the day. The rest of the guys get up to go retrieve the order. Once the truck leaves, the guys begin to sort the boxes into stock. INT. MUST BUY ELECTRONICS STORE- evening Joe walks back into the Must Buy after a hard days work. He looks around until he finds Steve, who is helping a customer. He approaches him and waits until he is done talking. STEVE Oh hey. Ready to get out of here? JOE Yeah, actually Aaron invited me to go out for a drink, said you can come to. Cool? STEVE Yeah, sure. Let me go clock out and we can go. Steve walks away to go clock out and Joe stands there waiting. Aaron emerges from the back dock, ready to go and shortly joined by Steve. As they were walking out of the store, Paul emerges from his office. PAUL Hey, you guys

headed out?

STEVE Yeah, gonna go grab a bite to eat. PAUL Oh cool. Mind if i come? The three guys look at each other, unsure of how to respond. PAUL Oh, come on. STEVE Yeah, all right come on.

INT. SMOKEY'S BAR AND GRILL- EVENING The guys walk into the bar and grill and are led to a table and handed menus. PAUL I've never been to this place before. Is it new? AARON No, I think it was built before the Must Buy. PAUL Oh, really. I don't get out much. So what's good to eat here? STEVE Steak's pretty good. PAUL Nah, I don't eat steak. This sounds good, filet mignon. correct. That's what I'll have.

French for fish is I'm

The waitress returns to take their orders, starting with their drinks then their food. Once she leaves, conversation starts up again. PAUL So, who's up to go to the shooting range tomorrow? Steve, I know Ican count on you. STEVE Actually, I gotta go pick up some friends at the airport, so I won't be able to make it. Sorry. PAUL Oh, that's just wonderful. How about you Aaron? Joe? AARON No can do. JOE I'll be with Steve. PAUL You both gotta go? JOE Yeah, it's more of a two person thing. You know.

PAUL No, I don't but whatever. You're all gonna miss the fun. STEVE I think we'll live. The waitress returns with their orders and places them on the table, and begins to walk away. PAUL Hey this isn't what I ordered! waitress Yes it is sir. That's filet mignon. PAUL (pointing to his plate) This is. WAITRESS Yes. PAUL Oh, boy was I wrong. Okay thank you. The waitress leaves and the guys are looking at Paul. PAUL So I made a mistake, sue me. Anyway, who do I have working on the back dock? AARON Me and Joe. PAUL All right. On Monday, we gotta prepare for Black Friday. You know how much of a livin' hell that'll be. Paul takes another bite of his steak and a sip of his beverage. PAUL There's gonna be a load of shipments comin' in all week, so you all are gonna have to be in top order so we can get this done. Aaron Yes, sir.

JOE You got it. PAUL Good boys. Steve, I hate to do this to you but I'm gonna need you to work the floor on Friday, deal with the crowd. STEVE No problem. PAUL Yeah you say that now. Wait until it's time to face the customers. STEVE How bad could it be? Just push and shove back, they'll move. No worries, I got it. PAUL Glad to hear it. We're running a huge sale in this Thursday's paper, so expect the worst on Friday. I'll bring leftovers, but feel free to contribute. Paul gets up from the table and pats his pockets. PAUL Oh, looks like I'm a little short on cash. You guys can spot me, right. Thanks. Paul walks out of the restaurant, leaving the guys dumbfounded. INT. MUST BUY ELECTRONICS STORE- Wednesday afternoon Several employees are gathered in the break room when Steve and Joe enter. At the front is Paul, standing atop a stool, demanding order. Paul Those old-timers, like myself, know what this is all about. For those new staff members, I will explain. Every year at this time, we must unite to defeat the evil that is Black Friday shoppers. Over the years, we have always lost someone to these people, and it is time to stop! Gasps are heard around the room, as they are still reeling from the remark of losing someone. PAUL No, no people. I meant they quit. They're all fine, probably working at a shoe store, smelling people's feet all day. Poor saps. Anyway, we have some guidelines to go over before the big day arrives. Joe and Steve find a chair and are seated.

PAUL Now, I'm sure everyone nows that this upcoming Friday is Black Friday, our busiest day of the year. To be better prepared for it, I have created a chart to help us through the day. Paul gets down from his stool, hands out paper to everyone in the room. PAUL As you can see from this, our doors open at 6 a.m. At that time, I will be in my office, where I will remain all day and I am not to be disturbed. JOE So how is this supposed to help us? PAUL Oh, help you? I have no idea how to help you. Good luck I guess. Paul steps down from his stool and begins to exit the room. PAUL Everyone back to work. Groans are heard as everyone follows Paul out.

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