Palestinian National Authorty Ministry Of High Education Directorate Of Education

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 4
PALESTINIAN NATIONAL AUTHORTY Ministry of High Education Directorate of Education – Tulkarm Shuwaikah Secondary Girls ‘ School

‫بسم الله الرحمن‬ ‫الرحيم‬

‫السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬

‫مديرية التربية‬ ‫طولكرم‬/‫والتعليم‬

2007 /1 / ---

Tenth Grade Section : A , B , C

Part 1-Reading (10) marksk

:Read the following passage and then answer the questions - 1

( 10)

Fish and chips" is deep-fried fish in batter with deep-fried potatoes, and a popular take-away food. Fish and chips is originally from the United Kingdom, but also very popular in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and some coastal towns of the Netherlands and Norway; and also increasingly so in the United States and elsewhere. For decades it was the dominant (if not the only) take-away food in the .United Kingdom The fried potatoes are called chips in British and international usage; and while American English calls them French fries, the combination is still called "fish and chips". (Potato chips, an American innovation, (.are a different potato-derived food, and are known as crisps in the United Kingdom Fish and chips have separately been eaten for many years – though the potato was not introduced to Europe until the 17th century. The originally Sephardi dish Pescado frito, or deep-fried fish, came to .Netherlands and England with the Spanish and Portuguese Jews in the 17th and 18th centuries The dish became popular in more widespread circles in London and the south-east in the middle of the 19th century (Charles Dickens mentions a "fried fish warehouse" in Oliver Twist) whilst in the north of .England a trade in deep-fried "chipped" potatoes developed It is unclear when and where these two trades were merged to become the fish and chip shop industry we know today. The first combined fish and chip shop was probably the one opened in London by Joseph .Malin in 1860 .During World War II, fish and chips were one of the few foods that were not rationed in the UK ?what do they call fish and chips in Britain-1 .--------------------------------------------------------------?When did the dish become popular -----------------------------------------------------------------(circle T (If the statement is true) or F (if the statement is false-3 ."a-Americans call "French fries" what British call "chips ( T) (F ) .b-The potato was introduced to Europe in the 18th century ( T ) (F ) c-fish and chips is a fast food ( T ) (F ) ----------------------The pronoun them ( line 6 ) refers to-4 ?Give a suitable title for the passage-5 .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------Give a word from the text which means popular-6 complete the following sentence-7 .Joseph Malin opened fish and chip shop in ----------------------century choose the correct answer-8 --------------------The word merged ( line 15 ) means a-combined b-separated c- introduced (II-Part Two (Writing (put 2 commas , 2 apostrophes, 2 full-stops , and 3 capital letters(4.5 p -1


personally I prefer camping I belong to the girl scouts and we always go in summer-that’s your winter.we leave wellington and cross to south island Its beautiful down ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.(Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences (2 points -2 people , day , will , moon, one , on, live , the-1 .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'll , and , for , come , wait ! ,you , it , carry-2 .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Write about one of the three types of Palestinian food: falafel , hummus ,or sambousek -3 (Key words: ( Popular food ,delicious, fast food ,consists of ,sandwich, pie , salad) (10 p -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------

Part Three: Vocabulary (A-Write the suitable word from the list beside its meaning (5 p Revise ,safety ,publish , create , require need 2------------------,study work again,---------------1 make 4------------,a place which is away from danger,--------------3 to produce a book or a newspaper ,-------------5 (B-Complete the following sentences with suitable words chosen from the list below(5 p Paramedics , expelled , attachment , refugees ,contains .------------ Iam sending a picture of my self as an-1 The -----------gave the injured child first aid and then took him to hospital-2 Palestinian-----------------live in camps in Palestine and Arab countries-3 The book -----------a section on healthy eating-4 The student was -----------from school for smoking-5 (C-Complete the sentences with these opposites (6 p Left , lend , outside , arrived , inside , borrow .I need to ---------$5.00 until tomorrow. Can you help me ? Yes , of course, I'll -------------you the money-1 The plane-------------London at 9.00 yesterday and -------------in Beitut about four hours-2 It's very hot--------------in the sun ,so let's stay--------.It's much cooler in the house-3

( Part Four: (Language) (10 p :A-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d ? Did Ali hurt-------------when he fell-1 a-herself b-himself c-hisself d-ourselves

I ------------there for about ten minutes when the others arrived-2 a-was b-have been c-had been d-am being She---------him at the moment-3 a-e-mailing b-e-mails c-has e-mailed d-was e-mailing He listens to the staff a lot and always---------notes of their ideas-4 a- takes over b-takes out c- takes off d- takes down While I ----------the envelope, my hands were shaking-5 a-opened b-was opening c-had opened d-were opening I love playing----------football than anything else-6 a- some b-the c-a d-x .I don't know who will be at the door-----------it is , just tell him that I sent you-7 a-however b-whatever c-whoever d-whichever !Wow !You are doing all the work.----------------a lot-8 a-Thanks to b-Thanks for c- Thanks d-Thanks much .------------- The time 9.50 is written-9 a-ten to ten b-ten fifty c-quarter to ten d-fifty minutes past ten B-Add a tag question to each

p) 3) : statement

?-----------------,I 'd rather visit Paris-1 ?-----------------,The students 'd taken exams-2 ?--------------------,Children like chocolate-3 ( D-Are the following relative clauses full or reduced (2 p (--------)Carrie was one of the people who we interviewed-1 (--------) There are a lot of teenagers who don't eat well-2 (C-Form A-wh question for the underlined words ( 2 p .They took him to the hospital-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------.The students visited the teacher-2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------.

( Part Five:(listening) (3 p ( ( ( (

) A:Do these questions go up or down at the end? Draw arrows( ) or ) ?When did she make the phone call-1 ), ( ) ?Would you like to try an energetic activity or practical activity-2 ) ?Can you speak Spanish-3

( B-Listen and complete this card (10

------------------------------------------:First name:-------------------------------------Family name -------------------------------------------:Date of birth:--------------------------------Place of birth ------------------------------------------------- :Brothers-------------------------------------Sisters -------------------------------------------Present job-------------------------------- previous job --------------------------------------Hobbies---------------------------------- countries visited

(Part six: (speaking ( A-Decide what people should say in these situations .tick (  ) the correct box (3 p .You want the typist there to type your name on the personal card for you -1

( ) a-type my name , for me ( ) ? b- Can you type my name , for me ( ) ?c-Could you type my name , for me , please Your friend has an exam tomorrow and doesn’t care ,you want to advise her -2 ( ) a-I order you to study for the exam ( ) b-You should study hard for the exam ( ) c-You can study for the exam You met an old friend you say to her -3 ( ) a- we must keep in touch .let's swap e-mail addresses ( ) b-Let's stay in touch. We should swap phone numbers ( ) c-We have to keep in touch. let's swap addresses (B-What do you say in these situations. Write your sentence in the space provided (4 p ( The flight attendant wants the passengers to return to their seats ( polite request -1 .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your friend is a school leaver. He wants to join Bir Zeit University, but she can't decide-2 (which subject she should study. (Give her a suggestion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good Luck

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