Dreamis Newsletter Vol1 March 2009

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  • Pages: 2
March 2nd, 2009  Volume 1, Issue 1 

Dreamis Newsletter  DREAMIS   An Innovation in Financial Management Related   to Disasters 

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Dreamis Prototype Up and Running  ;3.(012 7() 7&33.)*4$ 9. (77.22./ %) *,. '.9 1) 1*2 -3%*%*$-. "%30B <,. /(*(9(2. 7&33.)*4$ 7%)*(1)2 /(0(8. ()/ 4%22 "1)()71(4 /(*( %" %6.3 DE -(2* /12(2? *.32B F%& 7() 2.* *,. -(3(0.*.32 *% .A(01). *,12 /(*( 9$ 7%&)*3$5 /12(2*.3 *$-. ()/ .6.) 9$ 2.7*%3B <,. (9141? *$ *% *3(7+ 3.7%)2*3&7*1%) "1)()71)8 '144 9. (6(14(94. 2%%)B <,. ;3.(012 *.(0 12 (42% /.6.4%-1)8 ( 0.? *,%/%4%8$ "%3 *3(7+1)8 /12(2*.3 312+ 3./&7*1%) .A-.)/1? *&3.2B G &2.3 8&1/. 12 (6(14(94. %) *,. '.921*. ()/ $%& 7() (42% 7%)*(7* %&3 *.(0 "%3 0%3. 1)"%30(*1%) %3 "%3 ( /.0%)2*3(*1%)B H../9(7+ ()/ 7%00.)*2 (3. 6.3$ '.47%0.B

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Maintaining Accountability during Disaster Recovery  )."171(31.2 "%3 ',%0 *,. (1/ 12 1)*.)/./ '()* *% +)%' ,%' *,. "&)/2 '144 9. &2./ "%3 *,.13 9.)."1*B

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Expenditure Tracking Lessons from the Aceh­ Nias Recovery Programme  G)%*,.3 10-%3*()* 3.(2%) "%3 7(-*&31)8 3.7%)2*3&7*1%) /(*( 12 1*2 &2. "%3 3.*3%2-.7*16. ()(4$212 "3%0 ',17, 4.22%)2 7() 9. /3(') "%3 "&*&3. -&3-%2.2B <,. *%- *,3.. 4.22%)2 3.4(*./ *% .A-.)/1*&3. "3%0 *,. G7., ?R1(2 3.7%6.3$ -3%83(00. 1)74&/.Y UB! @.7*%32 2,%&4/ 9. /."1)./ ()/ 0(*7,./ '1*, ;(0(8. ()/ Z%22 7(*.8%31.2 PB! <% (6%1/ /%&94.?7%&)*1)85 .A-.)/1*&3. "%7&2 2,%&4/ 9. %) .1*,.3 .A.7&*1)8 S= "&)/1)8 (8.)7$


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Dreamis Headquarters  ^%34/ T()+ _(+(3*( _(+(3*( @*%7+ \A7,()8. T&14/1)8 <%'.3 P5 UP*, H4%%3 CVSR\Y `P?PU?aPDD?[EEE5 \?>G!ZY J07+.%)K'%34/9()+B%38 5 ^\T@!<\Y ,**-YMM'''B/3.(012B1)"%


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