Draft Bike Plan_revised

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  • Pages: 64

Department of Transportation Services City & County of Honolulu


Department of Transportation Services City & County of Honolulu

Prepared by:

Table of Contents






6 7

Introduction ................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Overview .................................................................................................................1-1 1.2 Plan Development .................................................................................................1-2 1.3 Plan Organization ..................................................................................................1-5 Vision, Goals, Objectives ................................................................................ 2-1 2.1 Vision .......................................................................................................................2-1 2.2 Goals and Objectives ............................................................................................2-2 Encouragement, Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Evaluation ................ 3-1 3.1 Encouragement ......................................................................................................3-2 3.2 Engineering .............................................................................................................3-2 3.2.1 Maintenance ..............................................................................................3-3 3.2.2 Traffic Control Devices ..........................................................................3-3 3.2.3 Subdivision Street Standards ..................................................................3-5 3.3 Education ................................................................................................................3-5 3.4 Enforcement ...........................................................................................................3-6 3.5 Evaluation ...............................................................................................................3-7 3.6 Other Policy Initiatives .........................................................................................3-8 3.6.1 Safe Routes to School ..............................................................................3-8 3.6.2 Complete Streets ......................................................................................3-8 Support Facilities ............................................................................................ 4-1 4.1 Parking .....................................................................................................................4-1 4.2 Showers/Changing Rooms ..................................................................................4-2 4.3 Transit Integration .................................................................................................4-3 Bikeway Network ........................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 Existing Network ...................................................................................................5-2 5.2 Planned Facilities ...................................................................................................5-3 5.2.1 Project Prioritization and Methodology ...............................................5-3 5.2.2 Projected Costs ...................................................................................... 5-23 Implementation and Benchmarks ................................................................... 6-1 References ..................................................................................................... 7-1

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


Table of Contents

FIGURES 1 ‘Ewa and Wai‘anae ........................................................................................................... 5-17 2 Central O‘ahu and ‘Ewa .................................................................................................. 5-18 3 Honolulu ............................................................................................................................ 5-19 4 Downtown Honolulu/UH/Waik!k! .............................................................................. 5-20 5 Ko‘olau Poko and Ko‘olau Loa ..................................................................................... 5-21 6 North Shore ...................................................................................................................... 5-22 TABLES 1 City Parks Bike Parking Standard .....................................................................................4-2 2 Existing O"ahu Bikeways ....................................................................................................5-2 3 Service Classes .....................................................................................................................5-4 4 Overview of Planned O"ahu Bikeways .............................................................................5-4 5 Planned O"ahu Bikeway Projects ......................................................................................5-6 6 Projected City Costs for Future Network ..................................................................... 5-23 7 Plan Benchmarks .................................................................................................................6-2 APPENDIX A O‘ahu Bike Plan Technical Reports listing ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AASHTO BFB BFC C CDC City CO DDC DFM DOT DP DPP DTS EH F FTE GIS HBL HPD HTA

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Bicycle Friendly Business Bicycle Friendly Community City Centers for Disease Control and Prevention City and County of Honolulu Central Oahu City Department of Design and Construction City Department of Facility Maintenance State Department of Transportation Development Plan City Department of Planning and Permitting City Department of Transportation Services East Honolulu Federal full time equivalent geographic information system Hawai"i Bicycling League Honolulu Police Department Hawai‘i Tourism Authority ii

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

Table of Contents


Hawai‘i Visitors and Convention Bureau Ko"olau Loa Ko"olau Poko Lane League of American Bicyclists Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Bicycling Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices North Shore Path public service announcement Primary Urban Center Private Route Shoulder Bikeway Safe Routes to School State shared use path Waianae

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


Table of Contents

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DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

1 Introduction



O‘ahu is at an important juncture in its growth and development, with an opportunity to transform into a highly livable community where public spaces are actively used, and there are safe, convenient, accessible, and attractive transportation options. The O‘ahu Bike Plan provides a strategy for better integrating bicycling into the City and County of Honolulu’s (“City’s”) transportation system. It provides an array of important policy and program recommendations and identifies an integrated network of on-road bike lanes and routes and off-road paths that will link people with their favorite and most visited destinations. There is great potential for bicycles to become a significant transportation mode for O‘ahu and this Plan provides a guide for becoming a bicycle-friendly community.

Ka!a!awa coastline

Photo: HBL

Excessive speeds and the danger resulting from these speeds have fundamentally changed the way our children can enjoy their neighborhood streets. Many parents and schools prohibit their children from riding bicycles to school due to safety concerns. All of O‘ahu’s residents should feel safe on our streets. It is time to promote the practice of Kamehameha I's Law of the Splintered Paddle-the right of all people to be safe on our roadways.

Societal Trends. Several contemporary



Need for Bike Planning. O‘ahu’s physical

beauty, mild year-round climate, and relatively flat coastal plain make it ideal for bicycle transportation. In spite of this, many of our residents are reluctant to use bicycles even for short trips—why?

trends and factors influenced the development of the O‘ahu Bike Plan and point to the need to be a bicycle-friendly community. Among these are public health, livable communities, sustainable mobility, unstable fossil fuel costs, and major planned improvements to the island’s transportation system (see diagram).

Well, like many places in the U.S., O‘ahu has matured as a place dominated by the private automobile, to the detriment of alternative travel modes such as walking, bicycling, and transit. Increasingly, this auto-dependence may affect our quality of life. While the auto provides an important means to move around the island, increasing congestion is making it difficult, time consuming, and expensive to use. Many facets of a Bicycle-Friendly Community DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


1 Introduction

Honolulu should invest in sensible alternative transportation modes that are sustainable, tread lightly on our natural environment, and yield significant health benefits. There is, however, no single panacea. The investment strategy must be built on several wellintegrated legs including transit, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and the automobile. The strategy must also institutionalize the commitment, at all levels of government, to move toward a post automobile-centric era, where several viable--and more sustainable-transportation modes serve the mobility needs of our residents and visitors.


Plan Development

History. Formal bicycle planning in Hawai‘i has matured over the past three decades, as congestion on roadways increased and policy makers looked for alternate transportation modes. In 1977, the Hawai‘i State Department of Transportation (DOT) prepared Bike Plan Hawai‘i for the State’s roadway system. Most recently updated in 2003, implementation of its ambitious projects will complement the City’s bikeway network.

In 1994, the City Council and Mayor adopted Ordinance 94-39 (Revised Ordinances of Honolulu Section 2-12.1) which directed that a bikeway system master plan for urban Honolulu be prepared and updated every five years. The initial 1999 Honolulu Bicycle Master Plan, adopted by City Council Resolution 99252 CD1 in September 1999, was the first significant step towards making Honolulu a bicycle-friendly community. The starting point for this O‘ahu Bike Plan was the 1999 Plan, which covered the geographic area from Pearl City to Kahala. This O‘ahu Bike Plan updates the 1999 Plan, broadening the scope to include the entire island. In 2006, a proposed City Charter amendment (Charter Amendment #8) to make O‘ahu more pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly received 1-2 DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

Islandwide bikeway connectivity

strong support from the island’s voters. The Revised Charter of Honolulu now specifically mentions bikeways under the powers, duties and functions for the Director of the Department of Transportation Services (DTS), and a new section (Section 6-17) has been added that explicitly states the priority of making the City pedestrian and bicycle friendly. The City has already taken large steps towards achieving bike-friendly status since the publication of the 1999 Plan. The City received honorable mention status as a Bicycle Friendly Community in 2007 by the League of American Bicyclists (LAB). The City conducted several feasibility studies for projects recommended in the 1999 Plan and constructed a number of them (first phase of the Young Street bikeway, several College Access projects, etc.). Bike boxes, one of the 1999 Plan recommendations to improve bike safety, have been installed at four intersections on a trial basis. The Diamond Head Bike Staging Facility was opened in 2007 and created a popular and convenient staging area for bicyclist recreation. The City’s bike coordinator continues to work with City and State agencies in coordinating the City’s bike program as well as staffing the Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Bicycling (MACB).

1 Introduction

The City continues to underwrite the “Bike Ed” program and over the past 10 years, over 60,000 fourth graders have received bike skills training because of it. The City maintains a growing network of bike facilities and has placed over 400 bike racks around Honolulu and continues to look for new rack locations. It continues to produce and distribute public service announcements to educate road users and has widely circulated a concise bike safety handout highlighting bicyclist rules of the road. The entire fleet of City transit buses is equipped with bike racks and larger bike racks are gradually being implemented to accommodate more bikes. O‘ahu is well above the national average for bicycle commuting (see chart below) and is home to a vibrant bike culture with a tradition of strong bicycle advocacy.

Update Process. The process to update the

1999 Plan involved a comprehensive approach that addressed both the “soft” (i.e., policies and programs) and “hard” (physical improvements) aspects of bicycling in our community. These efforts, summarized in the following list, form the technical basis for the O‘ahu Bike Plan. Appendix A contains a listing of the major technical reports and work products prepared to support this Plan. Electronic versions of these documents are provided in the accompanying CD-ROM.

verify existing physical bikeway resources and their condition;

create a geographic information system (GIS) and database inventory of existing and planned bikeway facilities;

review and synthesize major plans, laws, regulations, and other policy documents relating to bicycle planning;

review national, state and county roadway design and construction standards related to bicycling;

compile market research on bicycle data relevant to Honolulu;

validate and refine O!ahu’s vision, goals and objectives for bicycling

identify, evaluate, and refine potential programs and policies;

identify major bicycle travel corridors, transit spokes and high volume destinations for detailed study;

recommend practices, improvements, and equipment to integrate bicycling with the proposed rail transit system;

recommend design guidelines and best practices for all bikeway facility types;

identify and prioritize facilities for improvement and recommend preferred design treatments for each facility;

16.0% Share of all commute trips

14.0% 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0%

1.2% 0.9%


4.0% 2.0%

Da vis ,C Bo a ul de lifo Pa rn r, ia lo C ol Al o to r a ,C do Eu a ge lifo r ni ne G a ai ne , O re sv ille gon Tu , cs Flo M rid ad on a , is on Ariz Se ,W on at isc a M tle in ne , W ons as in ap hi ol ng is, to M n Po in n rtl an es o ta d Fo Ur , Or rt eg ba La n o ud Ho n er d a nolu le l ,F u lo r id a Ph O Sa oen ix, ah u n Di Ar eg iz on o, a C O a Ne rla n lifor n do w , F ia Yo lo rk r ,N id Pi ew a tts Ch Yo ica bu rk go rg h, , Pe Illin o n Ra nsy is lv le an ig ia h, Vi Un Da rg i ite ni lla a s St s, T at ex es as Av er ag e


Bike Trips to Work: How O!ahu Compares

2000 Census DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


1 Introduction

develop preliminary cost estimates for route segment improvements; and

prepare an implementation plan and benchmarks for measuring the Plan’s progress.

Public participation and involvement were critical to the Plan’s formulation. Community input was gathered throughout the planning process and included: public workshops held in May and October 2008; small group meetings; a bicycling survey; and general comments submitted through the project website and by telephone. Additionally, the MACB, comprised of a cross section of bicycling advocates and groups, provided advice and support for formulation of the Plan. The Plan identifies important programs and policies to institutionalize bicycle transportation into the routine working of all levels of government agencies and, in some instances, the private sector. Although DTS will lead the implementation of the Plan, it recognizes the need to coordinate with a broad array of agencies, organizations, and interest groups for the Plan to succeed. The diagram to the right summarizes the complexity and range of stakeholders involved in the planning and implementation framework on O‘ahu.

O‘ahu Bike Plan Public Workshop – gathering comments on bicycle network

are direct and continuous, important characteristics of popular bikeways. The ultimate goal is to create an integrated network of bikeways that provides residents a viable and safe transportation alternative to the automobile. Projected cost to design and build all of the projects in this islandwide master plan is about $217 million. City projects total $100 million, a significant portion of which can be funded from regular line agency maintenance and capital improvement budgets, coinciding with other park and roadway improvements. The remaining projects involve State, Federal, private or shared jurisdiction roads.

Bicycle Network. The Plan provides

recommendations for the development of a regional network of 572 miles of new bikeways island-wide (all jurisdictions). Most of the recommended bikeways are within existing street rights-of-way, a choice necessitated by limited land area and predicated on the legal right of bicycles to operate on public roadways.

The recommended bikeways, discussed in Chapter 5, connect primary employment centers and commercial and recreational destinations with residential areas. The routes

1-4 DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

O!ahu Bikeway Planning and Implementation Framework

1 Introduction


Plan Organization

The Plan’s vision, goals, and objectives are outlined in Chapter 2. Chapters 3 and 4 discuss the specific programs and policies that will help to institutionalize bicycle planning into O‘ahu’s transportation and land use planning processes. Chapter 3 discusses the City’s programs and policies that pertain to the transportation planning categories of Encouragement, Engineering, Education, Enforcement, and Evaluation; while Chapter 4 presents programs and policies that support the overall bicycle network, including parking, showers and changing facilities. Chapter 4 also highlights the integration of bicycle facilities with the City’s public transit system. The physical bikeway projects needed to create O‘ahu’s future bikeway network are discussed and illustrated in Chapter 5, as are the associated costs. Finally, Chapter 6 provides specific benchmarks to measure progress in achieving the long-term vision for a bicycle-friendly O‘ahu.

In addition, challenges such as the design, financing, and implementation of the network and the institutionalization of recommended policies and programs will emerge as obstacles. However, with sustained administrative, legislative, and community support, together we can make great strides toward implementing this Plan. The following Hawaiian proverb sums up the attitude we all must share to transform O"ahu into a bike-friendly community. !A!ohe hana nui ke alu !ia (No task is too big when done together by all)

If O‘ahu is to maintain its character and prestige as a great place to live and visit, we should commit the resources to transform our auto-centric transportation system into one that reinforces the qualities that make our Island livable. Nothing less than a fundamental shift in emphasis from the automobile to alternative transportation modes is required to achieve this. The O‘ahu Bike Plan is an important step in that process. To fully realize O‘ahu’s potential as a great place for bicycles, Bike Plan recommendations must lead to physical changes in facilities measured in miles of bike lanes, numbers of bike parking stalls, and the like. It must also lead to changes in the way we currently consider bicycles within the City’s overall transportation system. These changes, in turn, will lead to greater use of bicycles.

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


1 Introduction

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1-6 DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

2 Vision, Goals, Objectives


Vision, Goals, Objectives



The vision for the O‘ahu Bike Plan provides the overall focus and direction for the Plan. It is rooted in the discussions from small group meetings, public workshops, and comments received about hopes for the future of O‘ahu as a bicycle-friendly community. In those discussions, a number of recurring themes emerged of what a bicycle-friendly O‘ahu would look and feel like, including: • • • • • •

improved safety; bicycle amenities; connectivity and accessibility; education; enforcement; and social acceptance.

Based on these themes, and the 1999 Plan’s vision statement, O‘ahu’s twenty-year vision for bicycling is:

“O‘ahu is a bicycle-friendly community where bicycling is a safe, viable, and popular travel choice for residents and visitors of all ages.” To elaborate on the statement, bicyclefriendliness suggests a community where it is easy to ride a bicycle--that is, on O‘ahu, roads are to be shared, and animosity between motorists and bicyclists does not exist. The bicycle network on O‘ahu is comprehensive and continuous, making it convenient to fulfill a range of transportation needs. The essence of the vision is that riding a bicycle is for everyone and O‘ahu offers bikeways that are safe for

all types of people: a child or college student riding to school, an adult commuting to work, or an elderly person riding to the post office. The vision supports bicycle projects, programs, and policies through a series of goals and objectives.


Goals and Objectives

In direct support of the O!ahu Bike Plan’s vision, the goals and objectives form a framework through which the Plan can be implemented. The O!ahu Bike Plan includes the following four goals, each with corresponding supporting objectives. The Plan also establishes benchmarks for measuring progress in achieving these goals and objectives (see Chapter 6 Implementation and Benchmarks). Goal #1: To increase the mode share of bicycle trips. Objective #1: Increase the number of people who ride bicycles. Objective #2: Increase the number of bicycle trips. Objective #3: Provide and maintain a continuous bicycle network. Objective #4: Provide and maintain bicycle support facilities (e.g., showers and bicycle racks). Goal #1 focuses primarily on increasing the number of trips that are made by bicycles. Objectives 1 through 4 support this goal, and are primarily engineering and design oriented, recognizing the themes of increased ridership, improved safety by ensuring maintenance of the bicycle facilities, bicycle amenities, connectivity and accessibility. DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


2 Vision, Goals, Objectives

Goal #2: To enhance cooperation between roadway users. Objective #5: Increase the awareness of bicyclists, motorists, and pedestrians of their rights and responsibilities. Objective #6: Enforce the traffic code. Ke K!n!wai M!malahoe

Goal #2 has objectives based on the themes of improving education, enforcement, and social acceptance. The need for a coordinated strategy to enhance cooperation of roadway users is essential in order to increase the quality of life on O‘ahu and the number of people who choose to ride a bicycle. A recent national study by GMAC Insurance Company (2009) indicates that Hawai‘i drivers rank near the bottom of a national ranking of driver aptitude, reinforcing the need to improve driver skills and awareness. Goal #3: To encourage and promote bicycling as a safe, convenient, and pleasurable means of travel. Objective #7: Provide a variety of bikeways.

#3 and its objectives will help improve bicycle safety and comfort. These objectives also incorporate the themes of access and connectivity including integration with transit, social acceptance, and improving safety through measures of encouragement for all people on the island. The State’s constitution contains a unique provision, originally decreed by Kamehameha I, which guarantees the safety of the highways to all. The Law of the Splintered Paddle or Ke K"n"wai M"malahoe, is paraphrased in the Hawai‘i State Constitution as: “Let every elderly person, woman and child lie by the roadside in safety.” Goal #3 embodies this provision and its contribution to ensure O‘ahu is a Bicycle-Friendly Community.

Objective #8: Reduce the number of traffic crashes involving bicycles.

Goal #4: To be recognized by the League of American Bicyclists as a Bicycle-Friendly Community.

Objective #9: Reduce the number of bicycle thefts.

Objective #12: Implement the O!ahu Bike Plan.

Objective #10: Increase the number of visitors who ride bicycles.

Objective #13: Provide funding to achieve the goals of the Plan.

Objective #11: Ensure integration of bicycles with transit. Goal #3 highlights the need for a safer bicycling environment on O‘ahu. A variety of programs and policies that relate to Goal


DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

Goal #4 is to achieve an accepted 3rd party standard of excellence for a community’s support of cycling. The League of American Bicyclists (LAB) designates communities as “bicycle friendly” when they demonstrate an established high level of support for

2 Vision, Goals, Objectives

bicycling related to the categories of Engineering, Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, and Evaluation (referred to as the five E’s). The City applied for BicycleFriendly status in 2007, and received an Honorable Mention. Attainment of Bicycle-Friendly Community (BFC) designation is a way to measure progress, track achievements in the five E’s, and evaluate the City’s efforts against other communities recognized as premier places for cycling.

Diamond Head Bike Staging Facility

A BFC provides safe accommodation for cycling and encourages its residents to bike for transportation and recreation. Objectives #12 and #13 focus on areas identified in LAB’s feedback on the City’s 2007 BFC application as needing improvement in order to achieve the designation of “Bicycle-Friendly Community.”

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


2 Vision, Goals, Objectives

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DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

3 Encouragement, Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Evaluation

3 Encouragement, Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Evaluation The five “E’s” represent a comprehensive approach used by transportation planners in bicycle planning. The five “E’s” address the myriad of issues and components—both physical and intangible—needed to provide a safe, convenient bicycling experience on the island’s bikeways. They are also used by the LAB in its evaluation of communities for its BFC program. Strength in each of the E’s creates a successful and vibrant bicycle-friendly community. Encouragement programs and policies inspire and support residents in changing their transportation habits to include bicycle use. Engineering programs and policies support the physical improvements built on the ground for bicycle facilities (projects discussed in Chapter 5). Education programs and policies can give bicyclists, motorists, and pedestrians the knowledge and confidence necessary to safely share the road. Enforcement programs and policies help bicyclists ride more often and more safely, and are generally implemented by police officers who help reinforce compliance with traffic laws and safety among all users of the transportation system. Evaluation programs and policies provide feedback on efforts to help public officials learn whether or not implementing the projects, programs, and policies effects change in the bicycle mode share. Additionally, evaluation can improve programs and increase effectiveness of taxpayer investments. This chapter discusses the five “E’s” in detail, and recommends specific programs

Honolulu Bike to Work Day (2008)

and policies that DTS (unless otherwise noted) should pursue to fulfill the vision of the Plan. The chapter concludes with two additional policy initiatives relevant to bicycling: Safe Routes to School; and Complete Streets. By taking a multi-faceted approach to safety involving a variety of programs and policies, the City can educate current riders while encouraging new riders to bicycle in a safe, predictable manner. To increase ridership, as this Plan hopes to do, the community must be confident that bicycling is a safe choice for transportation and recreation. This means increasing the awareness of all roadway users about safe behavior and improving the physical bicycling environment. Based on other jurisdictions’ experiences, and in light of the popularity of bicycling already enjoyed here, investment in encouragement, engineering, education, enforcement, and evaluation programs and policies will help to push O‘ahu to embrace bicycling as an accepted means of transportation. While new bicycle facilities will certainly help to increase bicycling, it is the less costly, often more easily implemented programs and policies that will ensure bicycling permeates into the transportation culture. DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


3 Encouragement, Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Evaluation



Encouragement programs are designed to meet a range of objectives, including raising awareness of bicycling as an activity, as well as the existing bicycle infrastructure; connecting current and future bicyclists to existing resources; and motivating residents to bicycle more often or new bicyclists to start riding. Discussion follows of programs that will help O‘ahu achieve better encourage bicycling.

Programs 1. Implement individualized outreach to O‘ahu residents to include: a. Survey of bicycling needs and questions; b. Delivery of customized packets of maps, brochures, discounts for bike shops; and c. Hosting safety classes and guided rides. 2. Establish a “Bike to Work Week” with program incentives that support bicycling and alternative transportation modes. 3. Include bicycles in the City motor pool. 4. Provide bicycle facility information to residents and visitors: a. Create and disseminate bicycle maps showing designated paths, streets,

lanes, bicycle rental locations, shower and storage facilities (both print and online versions); b. Establish online bicycle trip planning maps, integrated with transit maps, to include route selection based on scenery, topography, type of facility, and points of interest; c. Create information for visitors-including maps, guides, and rules of the road--and distribute to bike shops, hotels, youth hostels, and bed and breakfast accommodations; d. Encourage hotels and other visitor accommodations to provide and/or expand bike parking and storage; and e. Work with Hawai‘i Tourism Authority (HTA) and Hawai‘i Visitors and Convention Bureau (HVCB) to promote O‘ahu as a bicycle-friendly community. 5. Encourage establishment of bike sharing programs on O‘ahu. 6. Encourage employee incentives and participation in LAB’s Bicycle Friendly Business (BFB) program, such as: a. Flextime for bike commuters; b. Cash back to cyclists who do not use employee parking; c. Bike shop discounts; d. Subsidize bicycle repair; e. Encourage friendly competitions that publicize firms’ commuting habits; f. Coordinate a bicycle-buddy system; and g. Sponsor bicycle rides during lunchtime or after work.



In addition to on-the-ground engineering improvements such as bikeway projects (discussed in Chapter 5), engineering-related Bicycle brochures 3-2

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

3 Encouragement, Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Evaluation

programs and policies can help improve bikeway maintenance and provide traffic control devices and signage. 3.2.1 Maintenance Maintenance programs are important to ensure bicycle facilities are in the best condition, resulting in a safer bicycling environment. Both on-street and off-street bikeways need regular maintenance. Bicycles are more susceptible than motor vehicles to roadway conditions such as potholes, broken glass, and loose gravel. Large potholes for a cyclist could easily break a wheel or force a detour into the travel lane. Some cities have set up on-line hazard reporting systems, such as Portland’s B-SMART ~ Bike Safety Monitoring And Reporting Tool. The condition of Honolulu’s roads rank near the bottom1 based on a 2007 national poll by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) (Rough Roads Ahead, 2009). Not surprisingly, a universal theme coming from public bikeway planning meetings was the need to improve conditions of our roadways. The following programs will help to remedy this.

Programs 1. Implement comprehensive on- and offstreet bikeway maintenance programs to: a. Perform street sweeping on roads with bicycle facilities more frequently than those without; b. Promptly repair potholes and cracks along roadway shoulders (minimizing the need for cyclists to dodge into travel lanes); c. Actively coordinate with bicycle 1

Compared to other urban areas (population 500,000 or more) of the U.S.

facility maintenance workers; d. Minimize encroachment from trees and bushes; e. Establish a system to ensure street sweeping after collisions; f. Maintain shared-use paths; and g. Replace non-bicycle-friendly storm grates and utility covers in conjunction with routine maintenance and street resurfacing. 2. Establish a procedure for prompt identification of and response to maintenance needs, including a robust phone hotline and online request system. 3.2.2 Traffic Control Devices Traffic Control Devices, regulated by the Federal Highway Administration’s “Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices” (MUTCD), facilitate safe travel for cyclists throughout the transportation network, and can consist of both vertical signage and onpavement markings. Not only can signage help bicyclists locate the best routes, distance, and direction of popular destinations (wayfinding signage), they can also direct bicyclists to short loop rides around a community, amenities such as bike parking, and bikeway system maps. Signs should be in locations that are easily viewable to bicyclists. In addition to messages telling bicyclists where to ride, such as “Bike Route” signs, signs can also inform bicyclists where not to ride (e.g., sidewalks in business districts or Waik!k!). Adding pavement markings such as a bike box (advance stop line) are a way to give priority to cyclists at signalized intersections. Destination signage helps bicyclists use the bikeway network as an effective transportation system. These signs typically display distance, direction, and in some DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


3 Encouragement, Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Evaluation

cases, estimated travel time information to various destinations.

New Bicycle Destination guide signs proposed for the next MUTCD update.

On O‘ahu, destination signage would be helpful for directing bicyclists to destinations such as Downtown Honolulu, college campuses, beaches and parks, and shopping areas. Signage can also assist cyclists in navigating to major bikeways. The following programs and policies would help O‘ahu establish these types of Traffic Control Devices and enhance the bicycling environment.



1. Establish a variety of on- and off-street signage: a. Continue to promote sharing of roadway space between motorists and bicyclists through signing roadways with “Share the Road” and “Bike Route” signs; b. Promote sharing of and reduce conflicts on shared-use-path space by installing “Share the Path” and “Give Way to Pedestrians” signs; c. Provide wayfinding signage and posted bike maps for popular destinations and short loop rides; d. Install bicycle signals at appropriate intersections; e. Establish pavement markings (e.g., sharrows, bike boxes) where

Bike box at St. Louis Drive and Wai‘alae Avenue intersection 3-4

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

appropriate for additional awareness and marking of bicycle facilities; and Develop a sign maintenance program.

Policies 1. Ensure appropriate accommodations for bicycles during roadway construction, according to recommendations of the MACB. 2. Work with the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) to adopt major bicycle policy statements in the City’s General Plan and Development and Sustainable Communities Plans that “every street and highway on which bicycles are permitted to operate is a ‘bicycle street’ and should be designed and maintained to accommodate shared use by bicycles and motor vehicles” (Primary Urban Center Development Plan, p. 3-61) 3. Work with DPP to create a roadway classification system in the Development and Sustainable Communities Plans that designates bicycle priority streets. 4. Ensure that traffic impact studies conducted for new development projects assess impacts on and identify mitigation for all travel modes (auto, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian). 5. Incorporate appropriate bicycle and pedestrian facilities into all new roads and roadway improvements, ensuring safe linkages to existing bicycle facilities.

3 Encouragement, Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Evaluation

6. City agencies involved in roadway maintenance, construction, and design should review and adopt the latest editions of AASHTO’s Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities and the design guidelines outlined in the MUTCD for bikeway facilities (both documents are undergoing significant revisions and will be revised within the next year or two). 7. Periodically update City design manuals to be consistent with most current versions of MUTCD and AASHTO. 8. Incorporate project recommendations from the O‘ahu Bicycle Master Plan into the O‘ahu Regional Transportation Plan and subsequent updates of the State’s Bike Plan Hawaii. 9. Identify opportunities for bicycle projects to be incorporated into capital improvement and maintenance projects. 3.2.3 Subdivision Street Standards Current City street subdivision standards provide an option of providing bike lanes or off street shared use paths (SUPs) for new multilane streets. According to AASHTO standards, SUP’s are considered to be a complementary system of off-road transportation routes for bicyclists and others. They should not be considered a replacement for on-street facilities; therefore, the subdivision standard should be changed to require on street bike lanes on all new multilane roadways and recommend inclusion of SUPs.

Policy Request DPP to amend its subdivision street standard for multilane streets (Arterials 1 and 2) to require on-street bike lanes and continue to encourage construction of adjacent shared use paths.

Kamokila Boulevard bike lane



Objectives for educational programs and policies include promoting safety and educating all roadway users about their rights and responsibilities. The following educational programs and policies can help bicyclists and automobile drivers learn about safely sharing space with other users of the transportation system.

Programs 1. Develop a multi-modal access guide given at point of sale and available at all bicycle shops/online that includes information on the following: a. Map of the island with transit stops, recommended walking and biking routes, nearby landmarks, facilities such as restrooms and drinking fountains, locations of bicycle and vehicle parking, and major roads; b. Public transit service frequency, fares, accepted methods of payment, first and last runs, schedules, phone numbers and websites of transit service providers; c. Walking/biking travel times from transit tops to popular destinations; and d. Accessibility and paratransit services and facilities for the disabled. 2. Expand current education programs: DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


3 Encouragement, Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Evaluation

a. Include questions regarding bicycles on driver’s license tests (not just in the test manual); b. Expand the Hawai"i Bicycling League’s (HBL) current BikeEd education program to include all 4th graders; c. Initiate “Adult Ed” programs to encourage commuting and teach proper etiquette and bike maintenance; and d. Create and air public service announcements (PSAs) regarding the rules of the road and promote the spirit and awareness of Ke K"n"wai M"malahoe (safety of the highways for all--see Goal #3). 3. Establish a neighborhood traffic calming program to make neighborhoods more pedestrian-/bike-friendly: a. Provide technical support to Neighborhood Boards, developers, and public and private sector designers and engineers on traffic calming initiatives; and b. Add bikeway sharing signage (e.g., “Share-the-Road”, “Bicycle Route”) to neighborhood streets. 4. Implement ‘3-foot rule’ legislation and and education campaign to educate motorists and cyclists on safe, minimum passing distances (i.e., a three-foot horizontal separation in the roadway is needed to minimize motor vehicle and bicycle crashes). The same rule should

MUTCD Bicycle Warning sign (W11-1) above Share the Road plaque (W16-1)

also apply to bicyclists passing pedestrians on shared use paths or sidewalks; the larger or faster moving vehicle should always give way to smaller, slowing moving vehicles (or persons).

Policy 1. Continue to provide education and technical assistance to community-based groups that desire to make their neighborhoods more accessible for bicycling, and by doing so support the City’s Charter 8 Amendment mandate of making the City pedestrian- and bicyclefriendly.



Requirements of enforcement programs and policies listed here differ from the five “E’s” due to the essential involvement of the Honolulu Police Department (HPD). Several programs and policies can enhance the HPD’s interaction with DTS, prioritize enforcement activities, and generate valuable statistics regarding collisions that can help determine targets for future education and encouragement programs. The State of Hawai‘i had the 3rd highest average annual fatality rate for bicyclists (4.7 deaths/million residents) in the U.S. from 2001-2005, nearly twice that of the rest of the nation during this period (CDC 2009). During that period, the number of non-fatal crashes increased, from 280 to 329 statewide

Keiki riders in BikeEd 3-6

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

3 Encouragement, Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Evaluation

(State of Hawai‘i DOT 2007). Over the past few years, an average of four bicyclists have been killed on O‘ahu each year and non-fatal bicycle crashes averaged 260 per year (State of Hawai‘i DOH 2008). The majority of non-fatal bicycle crashes are reported as “non-traffic,” (occurring on private roads, driveways and parking lots). Better enforcement and implementation of the O‘ahu Bike Plan should lead to increased safety of O‘ahu’s bicyclists in the future.

Programs Implement programs to enforce the laws of the road as they apply to motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians, including: 1. Integrate bicycle traffic education, including the rights and responsibilities of cyclists, into police officer training; 2. Prioritize enforcement activities to target motorist violations most dangerous to bicyclists; 3. Strictly enforce speed limits on all streets thereby improving pedestrian and bicycle safety and access; 4. Offer ‘fix-it’ ticket policy for improperly equipped or operating bicycles; 5. Offer a traffic school option for bicyclerelated violations for both motorists and bicyclists; 6. Continue to work with neighborhood groups and utilize variable speed feedback signs and trailers to reduce speeds and enforce speed limits; 7. Implement an enforcement program for dangerous behavior on the road by all road users; and 8. Create a positive reinforcement program for good behavior.

Policy 1. Support implementation of the bike/pedestrian safety recommendations in the State DOT’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan (2007).



Evaluation programs and policies, such as those listed here, are critical in determining whether bicycle infrastructure and programs are working to increase ridership and decrease accidents. In the likely event that bicycle ridership increases, the data generated would help the City earn positive media coverage and support its funding proposals for bicycle projects and programs. These data are also useful to compare the relationship between ridership and reported collisions over time.

Programs 1. Conduct annual counts and surveys of bicycle trips according to national best practices: 2. Assist volunteer groups in establishing programs to monitor bicycle use patterns; 3. Conduct baseline counts on key recreation and commuter routes and update counts to track changes in use; 4. Require assessment of bicyclists and pedestrians in all traffic studies; 5. Insert separate bicycle and pedestrian survey questions into any existing travel mode or City audit survey instrument (i.e., break out the combined “bike/ped” components into separate components ); 6. Routinely compile and publish data on crashes/fatalities including their causes and locations (e.g., geographic region; bike path or route); and 7. Conduct counts before and after new projects to monitor use and effectiveness.

Policies 1. Prepare an annual Bicycle Master Plan progress report to be submitted to the Mayor, the Transportation Commission, DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


3 Encouragement, Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Evaluation

the City Council, O‘ahu Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the MACB. 2. Incorporate recommendations of the O‘ahu Bike Plan into other City plans as they are updated. These include the General Plan, Sustainable Communities and Development Plans, and Special Area Plans. 3. Use the benchmarks identified in Chapter 6 to monitor progress toward implementation of the O‘ahu Bike Plan.


Other Policy Initiatives

3.6.1 Safe Routes to School Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a federallyfunded program designed to increase the number of students who walk and bike to school through implementation of the five E’s. Hawai‘i’s program funding is managed by the State DOT. Federal funding for Hawai"i’s program has been about $1 million per year for the past four years. The City should help support expansion of the program to all O‘ahu schools. 3.6.2 Complete Streets Complete Streets is a nation-wide coalition to encourage the development of policies at Federal, State, and local levels that ensure streets design guarantees all users (pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders) are able to safely move along and across a street. In 2009, Hawai‘i Governor Lingle signed S.B. 718 into law (Act 54). The Complete Streets Act requires DOT to convene a statewide task force to review design standards and determine new policy needs to implement a complete streets policy. DTS should work closely with DOT and the task force to create and implement such policies.


DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

4 Support Facilities

4 Support Facilities Support facilities are those that complement the overall network of bicycle facilities (lanes, routes, paths--discussed in Chapter 5), such as parking, showers and changing facilities, and integration with public transit. This chapter identifies a range of programs and policies that address these support facilities.



As more bikeways are constructed and bicycle usage grows, the demand for parking will increase. Bicycle parking should be installed on public property, or be made available to private entities at cost or at subsidized prices to encourage use. Bicycle parking facilities should be required at popular destinations, including major transit centers, government buildings, community centers, parks, schools, and shopping centers.

Short-term bicycle parking accommodates those expected to depart by bike within a two-hour timeframe and is typically provided by racks that support the bicycle but do not have a built-in locking mechanism. The City has an ongoing bike rack placement program where the City installs distinctive bike-shaped racks (see accompanying photo) on sidewalks

Honolulu‘s distinctive bicycle racks

Covered “bike oasis” parking

requested by adjacent merchants. To date, over 400 racks have been installed at locations around the island.

Long-term bicycle parking is for those

riders expecting to leave their bikes unattended for several hours or more. This parking could consist of secure and weatherprotected bike sheds or lockers.

Attended facilities such as Bikestations©

provide attended long-term parking at areas where bicycle use is popular. They often offer other amenities including bicycle rentals and maintenance service for a charge, as well as free access to showers, bike sharing, and 24-hour secure bicycle parking. City parks and buildings need to have adequate bicycle parking to encourage bicycle ridership and minimize automobile use. Policies need to be established to ensure that adequate parking facilities are installed and maintained. The adequacy of bike parking in City parks was assessed as part of the planning process in response to City Council Resolution 07-250. Based on a survey of City park managers, there are very few existing bike racks in City parks. To address this shortfall, a new standard should DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


4 Support Facilities

be adopted to ensure that every City park has at least minimal bicycle parking (to discourage theft and encourage bike use).

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standard of 5% of full time equivalent (FTE) employment, 15% of building occupants for residential projects or a minimum 10% of required auto parking, (whichever is greater). Provide incentives for developers to provide secure short- and long-term bicycle storage facilities and for building owners to retrofit premises to provide these facilities for tenant use. Amend City Parks Department Standard Details to include bicycle parking requirements for all City Parks. Implement Council Resolution 07-250 to install additional bicycle racks in City Parks in accordance with the standards recommended in Table 1, and formally incorporate these into the City’s Park Standards. Promote establishment of attended bicycle parking facilities (e.g., Bikestations©) at major destinations.

Programs Continue and expand bicycle parking facilities through: 1. Installing and managing bike rental lockers for long-term parking at major destinations including the airport, Downtown Honolulu, Park & Ride transit facilities, regional malls, universities, and colleges; 2. Expanding the City’s bicycle rack installation program, especially at major destinations and major event venues (Kapiolani Park, Waikiki Shell, Ala Moana Beach Park); 3. Providing bicycle valet services at major City events to encourage bicycle use; and 4. Designating bicycle parking areas and ensure adequate bicycle parking signs and pavement markings.

Policies 1. Establish a bicycle parking requirement in the City’s Land Use Ordinance and/or Building Code to identify minimum short- and long-term bicycle parking requirements by land use or building type. The requirements should follow the US Green Building Council’s





Table 1 City Parks Bike Parking Standard Number of Park Type Bicycle Racks1 Regional2 10 2 District 8 Community 6 Neighborhood 4 Mini 1 Other 1 1 4-bike capacity 2 50% covered


Downtown Honolulu bike lockers (Pacific Guardian Center)


DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

racks (minimum)

Showers/Changing Rooms

Encouraging developers/employers to provide shower and changing room facilities for employees/tenants should be a component of all commute and traffic demand management programs. These facilities would be used by bicycle

4 Support Facilities

commuters and will encourage more employees to ride their bicycles to work. Some cities in the U.S. have requirements for showers (and bike locker facilities) in new and reconstructed developments (e.g., the LEED standard of one shower or changing room per 0.5% FTE occupants). Requirements can vary based on the size and type of the proposed development.

Programs 1. Promote establishment of a network of destination support facilities to provide bike commuters with clothes storage and shower facilities: a. Encourage developers, building owners, and facility managers to provide shower and changing facilities by offering tax incentives; and b. Encourage health centers and fitness clubs to offer membership packages for bicycle commuters. 2. Promote LAB’s BFB employer awards programs for destination facilities.

Policies 1. Establish a bicycle parking requirement in the City’s Land Use Ordinance and/or Building Code to require showers and associated changing room in new and reconstructed developments following the LEED standard of one shower or changing room per 0.5% FTE occupants.


the availability of secure bike parking or the passengers’ ability to take bikes on the transit vehicles to their final destinations. To do this effectively, the bicycle network must link directly to transit centers and transfer points and there must be adequate accommodation of bicycles at the stops and on transit vehicles. This expands the transit service area, reduces the need for additional auto parking, improves mobility choices, can create denser, mixed-use urban environments, and promotes public health through more active lifestyles.

Honolulu High Capacity Transit Corridor Project. The City, led by the DTS Rapid Transit Division, is in the process of implementing a fixed-guideway transit system that will ultimately extend from Kapolei to UH M#noa and Waik!k!. The project is currently in the environmental review phase (see bikeway maps in Chapter 5 for rail transit alignment and station locations). Ridership projections for 2030 indicate the system will accommodate just under 100,000 boardings each day. Twentytwo stations at approximately one-mile intervals are planned as part of the first phase of development, extending from East Kapolei to Ala Moana Center. The City Department of Planning and Permitting is

Transit Integration

Effective bicycle integration with public transit depends on the ability to bicycle comfortably and safely to and from bus stops and (planned) train stations. Integration with public transit also relies on

Bikes on train (Berlin) DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


4 Support Facilities

undertaking a parallel, community-based, station area master planning effort to coordinate development around each of the planned transit stations. Station area planning has commenced for the six stations at the west end of the line that will be developed first (2010-2013 timeframe). The system is being planned to be bicycle friendly, including provisions to allow bikes on board the guideway vehicles and providing bike racks and lockers at each of the stations, with each station connected to the regional bikeway network.

TheBus. The City’s bus operation has about 250,000 passenger boardings on the average weekday served by a fleet of 540 buses (with about 30,000 bike loadings/month). Bicycle racks are fitted on all the buses with plans to increase rack capacity from two to three bikes over the next few years. Additional bicycle parking at transit stations is needed to accommodate peak hour demands. Key locations include park & ride facilities and transit centers where there is a large volume of morning commuter traffic. As discussed in Section 3.2.2, wayfinding signage at and in the vicinity of transit stations is an important part of the bicycle network and the integration of the transit system. Wayfinding signage should lead bicyclists to bikeways to and from high volume destinations and transit stations, encouraging O‘ahu residents and visitors to bicycle for work and pleasure.

Programs Improve bike accessibility to, and integration with, transit facilities by: 1. Installing wayfinding signage at appropriate locations to provide estimated distance and time to and from transit stations and bus stops. 2. Providing online “bikes on transit” information, including trip planning tools and maps. 3. Adding bike routes to transit maps and creating bike maps that include transit routes. 4. Installing and managing convenient and accessible bicycle parking at TheBus park & ride lots and transit centers, and at the proposed rail transit stations. Bicycle parking should be provided for at least one percent of projected daily boardings for each facility. For stations with high AM boarding volumes (e.g., >1,000), 25% of the bike parking should be in the form of bicycle lockers. Bicycle parking facilities should be located within 300 feet of the station entrance. 5. Routinely reassessing effectiveness of bike-transit integration, transit-related bike parking facilities, and bicycle rider satisfaction to ensure a high level of service. 6. Coordinating CIP bike network improvements with station development plans to ensure stations are connected to the regional bikeway network.

Policies 1. Continue to allow folding bicycles on all City transit vehicles. Folding bikes must be small enough to be placed on either the passenger’s lap or under their seat. 2. Ensure that the new rail transit system is bike friendly by adopting the following policies: a. Ensure every guideway vehicle has a TheBUS bike racks 4-4

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

4 Support Facilities

convenient area to store bicycles. b. Ensure all transit station stairs are equipped with “stair rails” to facilitate moving bicycles to and from the platform (limited elevator capacity will not be sufficient to provide adequate access to platforms). c. Encourage attended parking facilities such as Bikestations© to locate adjacent to stations with high AM peak period boardings (e.g., >1,000) to provide services such as bike repair, and showering and dressing room facilities for the commuting public.

Stair rail (BART station)

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


4 Support Facilities

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DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

5 Bikeway Network

5 Bikeway Network An extensive network of lanes, paths, and routes is key to making O‘ahu a bicyclefriendly community. Connecting riders to popular destinations and everyday services will encourage more people to ride for both utilitarian trips as well as recreation. A key component of this network is ensuring that facilities connect to one another, providing a continuous route and multiple options to arrive at destinations. A wide variety of facilities is the best manner in which to serve the diverse types of riders. The four major types of bicycle facilities are lanes, paths, routes, and shoulder bikeways.

Lanes Bicycle lanes are on-street facilities delineated by a wide, white line. Separated from vehicular lanes, they are typically five to six feet in width (four foot minimum) and contain pavement stencils that indicate they are for bicycle use only.

Paths Bicycle paths, referred to as shared use paths or SUPs, are off-street facilities constructed of either concrete or asphalt and 12 feet in width (10-foot minimum). These gradeseparated facilities are family and beginner rider friendly, often traveling through parks

Waialua Beach Road bike path

and in general providing a more leisurely, less direct route. SUPs are considered to supplement, rather than replace, on-road bicycling facilities.

Routes Bicycle routes are on-street facilities, posted with street signage and in some instances, pavement markings. A wide outside traffic lane (14 feet) is typically preferable for routes to enable cars to safely pass bicyclists without crossing the centerline. Shared lane markings (e.g., sharrows) are an option that can be incorporated into popular bicycle routes where curb lane width is not sufficient for a vehicle to pass without crossing the centerline. Sharrows indicate where riders should travel in the lane, reducing potential conflicts with motorists and parked cars, while providing a visual reminder to drivers of bicycle users on the roadways. Sharrows will be included in the forthcoming MUTCD update. Bicycle routes can also be identified by signage only.

Sharrow: New Shared Lane Pavement Marking symbol proposed for the next MUTCD update

Young Street bike lane DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


5 Bikeway Network

Shoulder Bikeways Shoulder bikeways are wide paved shoulders, at least four-feet in width (five-feet when adjacent to a guard rail, curb, or other barrier used along highways). They are typically separated from vehicle traffic through striping treatments to delineate the space for use by bicycles and pedestrians. It is important to note that with very few exceptions, bicycles are permitted to travel on all public streets within the City, regardless of whether it has been defined as a bikeway.

Shoulder bikeway (Brisbane, Australia)

the City and other entities. The network is composed of 45 miles of lanes, 42 miles of paths, and 32 miles of routes. There are no existing shoulder bikeways.

At present, O‘ahu is served by a series of bikeways that are not yet linked systematically, although there are a few notable exceptions such as the Pearl Harbor Bike Path and the Kalanianaole Highway Bike Lanes in East Honolulu. An often heard comment from community members is that the network is not connected. Connecting segments of the existing network therefore became important prioritizing criterion in selecting new bikeway projects.


Table 2 summarizes existing bicycle facilities for O‘ahu by planning area (Development Plan or Sustainable Community Plan), facility type, and mileage, with City-controlled facilities identified separately from other jurisdictions. The accompanying pie chart summarizes the existing bikeway facilities by City Development Plan (DP) area (discrepancies between the table and chart are due to rounding).

Existing Network

Currently, O‘ahu has 106 bicycle facilities, covering 119 miles under the jurisdiction of Table 2 Existing O!ahu Bikeways DP Area

Existing Bikeways (County) Type (miles) Lane Path Route Subtotal

Central O"ahu East Honolulu Ewa Ko"olau Loa Ko"olau Poko North Shore Urban Honolulu Wai"anae Total


4 0 5 <1 7 0 8 0 24

4 0 5 0 2 7 12 0 30

2 4 0 0 3 0 3 0 12

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

10 4 10 <1 12 7 23 0 66

Existing Bikeways (State/other) Type (miles) Lane Path Route Subtotal TOTAL 0 5 5 0 2 0 8 1 21

4 0 5 0 0 0 3 0 12

6 0 0 0 0 2 0 12 20

10 5 10 0 2 2 11 13 53

20 9 20 <1 14 9 34 13 119

5 Bikeway Network Distribution of Existing O!ahu Bikeways (in miles, all jurisdictions)

W ai‘anae, 13

Central O‘ahu, 20

Urban Honolulu, 34

East Honolulu, 9

‘Ewa, 20

North Shore, 9


Ko‘olau Poko, 15

Ko‘olau Loa, <1

Planned Facilities

The total proposed new network for O‘ahu (for all jurisdictions) includes 356 facilities, covering 572 miles. A mix of lanes, paths, routes, and shoulder bikeways create a diverse range of riding experiences while connecting existing facilities and creating an extensive island-wide network. If all of the proposed facilities are built, O‘ahu would have nearly 700 miles of bikeways. The proposed network for City facilities is comprised of 293 miles; 279 are under other jurisdiction (State, Federal, private, or a combination thereof). Projects have been identified for communities throughout the island, ensuring that the proposed projects form a complete connected network that serves each community.

prioritize projects. The flow chart below illustrates the prioritization process. Initially, potential bikeway projects were identified based on public input, adopted plans, and professional judgment of transportation planners and bicycling stakeholders. Proposed bikeways were chosen based on serving popular destinations, while creating an extensive connected network for O‘ahu. In order to provide access to a variety of destinations, project priorities were based on the number of “service classes,” described in Table 3, met by each project. Each project underwent extensive evaluation and was assigned to one of the three priority levels described below. Facilities that connected to other existing bikeways, or served multiple classes (e.g., they connect UH M#noa to Waik!k!), were assigned higher priorities than those that did not connect or only served one or no service class. Engineering feasibility and construction costs were also considered in order to determine the highest priority projects. Priority One projects are considered the most important facilities for the network and should be completed within the next 5-10 years. Priority Two projects should be implemented following the completion of all Priority One projects. These projects will

5.2.1 Project Prioritization and Methodology Potentially, any existing roadway, unofficial path, or desirable route to travel could become a bikeway project. However, this Plan narrowed the set of potential projects by using several criteria to screen and Project prioritization methodology DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


5 Bikeway Network

Table 3 Service Classes Types


College Access

Projects that directly serve a college campus or support an important link to the college (e.g., University Avenue bicycle lanes).

Crosstown Route

Continuous routes within urban Honolulu that traverse large areas of the City (e.g., Young Street). Facilities that serve popular park areas and/or connect public park facilities to one other (e.g., Kapiolani Park Path). Facilities that branch off major arterial streets, providing an alternate “back roads” route as well as recreational riding opportunities (e.g., Tantalus Loop Ride). Facilities that serve popular destinations for riders, such as shopping centers, parks, or other highly frequented areas (e.g., Downtown Honolulu and Waik!k!). Facilities that connect geographic regions. Different from the Crosstown Routes, these facilities support the larger regional bikeway network (e.g., Kamehameha Highway from Wahiaw# to Hale‘iwa). Facilities that connect to TheBus transit centers and the planned rail stations (e.g., Mokuola Street bike lane).

Lei of Parks Loop Ride

Popular Destination Regional Corridor

Transit Access

help expand the overall network, providing multiple routes to important services.

Table 4 summarizes all planned bikeway facilities on O‘ahu by DP area, with Citycontrolled facilities identified separately from other jurisdictions. The accompanying pie charts summarize the planned City bikeway project and the total planned O"ahu bikeway facilities, respectively. Both charts indicate bikeway project mileage by DP area.

Priority Three projects are the balance of the projects and when constructed will create an extensive network of bicycle facilities, multiple routes for destinations, and a comprehensive system that makes it easy and attractive to ride on O‘ahu.

Table 4 Overview of Planned O!ahu Bikeways Proposed Bikeway Projects (City) Type (miles) DP Area Lane Central O'ahu 14 East Honolulu 0 Ewa 30 Ko'olau Loa 0 Ko'olau Poko 7 North Shore 2 Urban Honolulu 64 Wai'anae 0 Total 117


Path 12 1 15 0 3 1 9 0 41

Route 8 11 5 7 34 9 46 15 135

Subtotal 34 12 50 7 44 12 119 15 293

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

Proposed Bikeway Projects (State/other) Type (miles) Lane 6 0 5 0 4 0 17 0 32

Path 13 0 36 0 7 10 3 8 78

Route 4 0 34 25 23 26 6 19 136

Shoulder Bikeway Subtotal TOTAL 8 31 65 4 4 16 0 75 125 0 25 33 9 43 88 11 47 59 0 26 145 0 27 42 33 279 572

5 Bikeway Network

Planned City Bikeway Projects (miles) W ai'anae, 15 Urban Honolulu, 119

Central O'ahu, 34 East Honolulu, 12 Ewa, 50

Total Planned O!ahu Facilities (in miles, all jurisdictions) Central O‘ahu, 65 East Honolulu, 16

W ai‘anae, 42 Urban Honolulu, 145


Ko'olau Loa, 7 North Shore, 12

Ko'olau Poko, 44

Table 5 lists the 356 planned bikeway projects proposed in all jurisdictions (i.e., City, State, Federal, private) and includes a brief bikeway description, facility type (path, lane, route, or shoulder bikeway), ownership, length, estimated cost, and DP area in which it is located. Each project has been assigned a unique project code (e.g., 1-1, 2-1, 3-1) for identification purposes, with the prefix (i.e., 1-, 2-, or 3-) indicating its priority class. Within each priority class, the projects were sorted by DP area, then alphabetically, and then assigned the second number of the project code. Other than indicating its priority class, the project codes do not indicate a project’s relative importance within each priority class.


Ko'olau Loa, 33 North Shore, 59 Ko'olau Poko, 88

The maps also show major bus transit and park & ride facilities, the proposed rail alignment and station locations, and locations of schools, parks, colleges, and major destinations. The proposed bikeway system will provide a variety of facilities for various rider experience levels, ages, and competencies. These include grade-separated paths, onstreet lanes and routes, as well as loop rides and commuting corridors and connections to popular destinations. Taken together, the Plan improves mobility for young and older, student and commuter, and recreational and competitive cyclists.

These facilities are also depicted in the maps that follow the table (Figure 1-6). The maps show both the existing and proposed facilities in all jurisdictions in order to represent the future comprehensive islandwide network. Existing routes, lanes, and paths are shown with solid lines; proposed facilities are shown as dashed lines, with facility types shown in different colors. Each proposed bikeway is labeled with its project code, which can be crossreferenced with Table 5.

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


5 Bikeway Network

1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9

Mokuola Street Kamaaha Avenue Makakilo Loop North-South Road Wakea Street Kamehameha Hwy (Koolauloa) Laie Loop

1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13

Hamakua Drive Kalaheo Avenue Kamehameha Hwy (Kaneohe) Kawainui Marsh Path (Western Section) Cane Haul Road Haleiwa Road Kamehameha Hwy (North Shore) Ala Moana Beach Park (extension)

1-14 1-15 1-16 1-18

1-19 Ala Moana Blvd (Kakaako) 1-20 Aloha Tower Path 1-21 Civic Center Shared Use Path 1-22 Date Street Bike Path (Extension) 1-23 Diamond Head Road (Eastern Segment) 1-24 Diamond Head Road (Western Segment) 1-25 Dole Street 1-26 Kalakaua Avenue (Southern Section) 1-27 Kapahulu Avenue Key L R P SB

Lane Route Path Shoulder Bikeway


C St F Pv

Kamehameha Hwy to Paiwa Street South end of Meheula to Mililani Shopping Center Nalii Street to Farrington Hwy Manawai (extension) to future Kapolei Pkwy Farrington Hwy to Mekila Street Farrington Hwy to Essex Road Kamokila Blvd to Saratoga Avenue Oopuola St to Crouching Lion Naniloa Street_Hale Laa Blvd_Cane Haul Roads Keolu Drive to Kailua Road Kaneohe Bay Drive to Kailua Road Kahuhipa Road to Kaneohe Bay Drive Mokapu Blvd to Kailua Road

0.95 690 CO 2.64 1,917 CO


C C C St C St C

0.20 0.39 5.18 3.72 1.22 25.25 3.98


C C C St/C

0.79 461 KP 2.12 1,122 KP 1.09 636 KP 2.80 2,580 KP


Pv C St C

2.99 2,128 NS 1.60 1,104 NS 9.23 1,380 NS 0.15 109 PUC



2.97 3,688 PUC



Paki Avenue to Kuilei Cliffs Beach Park


East West Road to St Louis Drive Ala Moana Blvd to Kapahulu Avenue Ala Wai Blvd to Old Waialae Road

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


Central Oahu East Honolulu Ko"olau Loa Ko"olau Poko

DP Area


Kamehameha Hwy to Haleiwa Bypass Road Waialua Beach Road to Kamehameha Hwy Kaukonahua Road to Oopuala Street Connect existing mauka and makai bike paths, extend path to Kewalo Harbor Kalakaua Ave. to end of existing Nimitz Bike Lane Aloha Tower to Waterfront Park Punchbowl Street to Alapai Street End of existing Date St. Path to Ala Wai Bike Lanes Kuilei Beach Park to Fort Ruger Park

City State Federal Private




C/St 0.99 C 0.25 C/St 0.11





Code Name PRIORITY 1 PROJECTS 1-1 Central Oahu Regional Park 1-2 Lanikuhana Avenue

Length (miles)

Table 5: Planned O!ahu Bikeway Projects

661 -563 --6,050 146

CO Ewa Ewa Ewa Ewa KL KL

282 182 80











0.63 1,396 PUC 1.18 -- PUC



1.12 2,448 PUC

NS North Shore PUC Primary Urban Center W Waianae

5 Bikeway Network

1-35 Waianae Coast Path PRIORITY 2 PROJECTS 2-1 Ainamakua Drive 2-2 Anania Drive 2-3 Awalau Street 2-4 Awanui Street Path 2-5 California Avenue 2-6 Cane Haul Road (South) 2-7 Farrington Hwy (Waipahu) 2-8 Hoaeae Stream Path 2-9 Honowai Street 2-10 Kamehameha Hwy (Mililani) 2-11 Kamehameha Hwy (Waipio) 2-12 Kapakahi Stream Path 2-13 Kilani Avenue 2-14 Kipapa Gulch Path 2-15 Kunia Road 2-16 LCC (Ala Ike Street) 2-17 LCC Access Road (Mauka) 2-18 Leeward Bikeway (Phase 1) 2-19 Leilehua Golf Course Road 2-20 Leokane Street_Kaihuopalaai Street 2-21 Leoku Street 2-22 Leowahine Street 2-23 Meheula Parkway 2-24 Paiwa Street 2-25 Royal Kunia Loop

Length (miles)

DP Area


Description Kapiolani Blvd to H-1 Freeway Kapahulu Avenue to Alohea Avenue & South to Fort Ruger Park Victoria Street to Ward Avenue Dole Street to Maile Way University Avenue to UH Lower Quarry Pensacola Street to Isenberg Street Plantation_Waianae Valley_ Lua Hmstd_Mailiilii_Paakea_Lua Nvl Lualualei Naval Road to Makaha


Code Name 1-28 McCully Street 1-29 Monsarrat Avenue_Diamond Head Road 1-30 Thomas Square Park Path 1-31 University Avenue 1-32 Varsity Place 1-33 Young Street 1-34 Maili to Waianae (Valley Loop)

Cost ($1000s)

Table 5: Planned O!ahu Bikeway Projects (continued)



0.61 79 PUC 2.36 1,377 PUC



0.11 80 PUC 0.36 1,190 PUC 0.15 84 PUC 1.40 1,535 PUC 9.34 2,211 W


St/C 8.16 7,520


Mililani Mauka Park and Ride to Kualapa St L C 1.12 122 CO Meheula Parkway to Kipapa Gulch Path R C 1.27 126 CO Farrington Hwy to Awanei Street L C 0.39 42 CO Farrington Hwy to Pearl Harbor Bike Path P C 0.38 350 CO Plum Street to Iliahi Elem School R C 1.71 170 CO Waipahu Street to Waipio Point Access Road P C/Pv 1.16 -CO Fort Weaver Road to Kamehameha Hwy L St 2.89 3,004 CO Honowai Street to Pearl Harbor Bike Path P C 0.88 811 CO Fort Weaver Road to Loaa Street R C 0.71 71 CO Meheula Parkway to Ka Uka Blvd R St 2.76 130 CO Waipio Uka Street to Waipahu Street R St 0.91 54 CO Farrington Hwy to Pearl Harbor Bike Path P C 0.41 298 CO Koa Street to Wahiawa Elem School R C 0.67 25 CO Anania Drive to Central Oahu Regional Park P St 2.63 1,910 CO Anonui Street to Wilikina Drive SB St 7.11 431 CO Secondary Access Road to Waiawa Road L St 1.22 -CO Kamehameha Hwy to LCC R St 0.27 150 CO Philippine Sea Rd to Waipio Point Access Rd P St 5.99 4,800 CO Kamehameha Hwy to Wikao Street R C 0.27 27 CO Fort Weaver Road to Leokane Street R C 1.64 62 CO Waipahu Street to Pearl Harbor Bike Path Leoku Street to Waipahu Street Entire Length Farrington Hwy to H-1 Freeway Loop from Anonui Street to Royal Kunia Golf Course


DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


0.57 0.47 4.96 1.08 1.65


62 47 539 117 179


5 Bikeway Network


DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


DP Area

Cost ($1000s)

Length (miles)

Description Pearl Harbor Bike Path to Waipahu Street Loaa Place to Waipahu Street Pearl Harbor Bike Path to Kapakahi Stream Path 2-29 Waipahu Depot Road_Waipio Pt Connecting Pearl Harbor Bike Path to Access Road (Western Segment) Waipio Soccer Park 2-30 Halemaumau Street Niu Valley Loop 2-31 Hawaii Kai Drive Kalanianiole Hwy to Lunalilo Home Road 2-32 Hawaii Kai Drive (extension) Kalanianiole Hwy to Lunalilo Home Road 2-33 Kalanianaole Hwy (Hanauma Bay) Sandy Beach Park to Lunalilo Home Road 2-34 Kalanianaole Hwy (Makapuu) Makapuu Beach Park to Sandy Beach Park 2-35 Kawaihae Street Kalanianaole Hwy to Hawaii Kai Drive 2-36 Keahole Street Kalanianaole Hwy to Hawaii Kai Drive 2-37 Portlock_Lunalilo Home Road Kalanianaole Hwy to Lunalilo Home Road 2-38 West_East Hind Drive Aina Haina Valley Loop 2-39 Aliinui Drive (Extension) Connect to future Kapolei Parkway 2-40 Coral Sea Road_Saratoga Avenue Around Barbers Point Airfield 2-41 Farrington Hwy Bike Path Kapolei Golf Course to North-South Road 2-42 Farrington Hwy (Hoopili) Kapolei Golf Course to Fort Weaver Road 2-43 Farrington Hwy (Hoopili) Future North-South Rd to Ft Weaver Rd 2-44 Farrington Hwy (Kapolei) Kamokila Blvd to Kalaeloa Blvd 2-45 Fort Weaver Road Kolowaka Drive to end of public road 2-46 Fort Weaver Road Farrington Hwy to Hanakahi Street 2-47 Honouliuli Path Leeward Bikeway to North Road 2-48 Hoopili Projects Entire Hoopili Development 2-49 Kalaeloa Blvd Kapolei Parkway to Barbers Point Beach Park 2-50 Kapolei Parkway Kamokila Blvd to Fort Barrette Road 2-51 Kapolei Parkway (Ewa Beach) Geiger Road to Papipi Road 2-52 Kapolei Parkway (Kapolei) Fort Barrette Road to Kolowaka Drive 2-53 Keoneula Blvd Extension Coral Sea Road to Kamakana 2-54 Leeward Bikeway (Phase 2) Lualualei Naval Road to Philippine Sea Road 2-55 Makaiwa Hills Farrington Hwy to Aliinui Drive 2-56 Manawai Street (Extension) Kamokila Blvd to Future Kapolei Parkway 2-57 Mango Tree Road Leeward Bikeway to Honouliuli Path 2-58 North Road Fort Weaver Road to Iroquois Drive 2-59 Onuela Beach Park Through the park 2-60 Palailai Mall Kamokila Blvd to Leeward Bike Path 2-61 Papipi Road Fort Weaver Road to Oneula Beach Park


Code Name 2-26 T. Makalena GC Stream Path 2-27 Village Park Connector 2-28 Waikele Stream Path


Table 5: Planned O!ahu Bikeway Projects (continued)


0.94 866 CO C/Pv 1.20 1,106 CO C 0.64 590 CO C




R C 0.85 85 EH R C 1.70 169 EH R C 1.80 509 EH SB St 2.97 10 EH SB St 1.49 9 EH R C 0.90 90 EH R C 0.71 71 EH R C 0.81 30 EH R C 1.15 114 EH L C 1.71 -Ewa P St 5.51 -Ewa P St 1.10 1,014 Ewa R C/St 3.44 1,133 Ewa P C 2.30 -Ewa R St 0.74 885 Ewa P St 2.93 2,542 Ewa R St 6.19 616 Ewa P C/Pv 3.51 2,549 Ewa R Pv 12.11 -Ewa R St/C 2.73 14 Ewa L P P L P R L P L P P R

C C C C St C Pv

0.95 -Ewa 0.72 -Ewa 2.82 -Ewa 3.22 -Ewa 9.06 6,075 Ewa 2.25 1,515 Ewa 0.61 -Ewa C/Pv 3.20 2,949 Ewa C 1.71 186 Ewa C 1.05 763 Ewa Pv 0.93 -Ewa C 0.87 87 Ewa

5 Bikeway Network

2-76 Kamehameha Hwy (North Kaneohe) 2-77 Kaneohe Bay Drive 2-78 Kapaa Quarry Road 2-79 Kawainui Marsh Path (Levee to Kailua Town) 2-80 Kawainui Marsh Path (Southern Section) 2-81 Keaahala Road 2-82 Keolu Drive 2-83 Waimanalo Loop 2-84 2-85 2-86 2-87 2-88 2-89 2-90 2-91

Kuulei Road Likelike Hwy Lilipuna Road Luluku Road Mokapu Blvd Waihee Road Wanaao Road Farrington Hwy (Mokuleia)

DP Area


Cost ($1000s)

Saratoga Road (Extension) UH West Oahu Rd. "F" Uluohia Street Waipahe Place Awakea Road Hahani Street Kaha Street Kahekili Hwy Kahuhipa Street Kailua Shopping Center Kalanianaole Hwy (Castle Junction) 2-74 Kalanianaole Hwy (Kailua) 2-75 Kalanianaole Hwy (Waimanalo)


Length (miles)

2-63 2-64 2-65 2-66 2-67 2-68 2-69 2-70 2-71 2-72 2-73

Description Fort Weaver Road to Future North-South Rd Kalaeloa Road to Geiger Road Farrington Hwy to North-South Road Kamokila Blvd to Kamaaha Avenue Aliinui Drive to Ko Olina Marina Kailua Road to Keolu Drive Kailua Road to Hamakua Road Oneawa Street to Kawainui Park Kamehameha Hwy to Haiku Road Kamehameha Hwy to Haiku Stairs Hamakua Drive to Kailua Road Castle Junction to Kamehameha Hwy


Code Name 2-62 Renton Road


Table 5: Planned O!ahu Bikeway Projects (continued)





C St Pv

4.32 0.90 0.27 C/Pv 0.33 C 0.67 C 0.19 C 0.27 St 3.32 C 1.57 Pv 0.34 St 1.82

469 --12 97 21 29 173 156 247 636

Ewa Ewa Ewa Ewa KP KP KP KP KP KP KP

Kailua Road to Olomana Golf Links Olomana Golf Course to Makapuu Lighthouse Heeia to Kahekili Hwy


St St

2.52 10 KP 6.30 3,510 KP



4.14 2,306 KP

Kamehameha Hwy to H-3 Interchange Mokapu Blvd to Kalanianaole Hwy Existing Levee Path to makai side of Kawainui Canal Quarry Road to Existing Levee Path


St 4.22 189 KP C 2.54 1,415 KP St/C 0.26 2,253 KP


St/C 1.78 1,640 KP

Windward Community College to Kamehameha Hwy Kalanianaole Hwy to Wanaao Road / Hamakua Drive Kumuhau_Waikupanaha_Ahiki_ Hihimanu_Poalima_Oluolu streets Hamakua Drive to Kalaheo Road Kahekili Hwy to Kamehameha Hwy Kamehameha Hwy to Kamehameha Hwy Loop around Hoomaluhia Gardens Kaneohe Bay Drive to North Kalaheo Ave Kamehameha Hwy to Ahilama Road Kailua Road to Keolu Drive Kamehameha Hwy (Waialua) to End (Kaena Beach)






2.67 3,236 KP







C St C C St C C St

0.74 0.49 2.39 3.46 3.35 0.41 0.85 9.49

256 178 90 344 105 306 85 453


DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan




5 Bikeway Network

Cost ($1000s)


Length (miles)

C 0.78 603 C/St 2.07 1,503



Table 5: Planned O!ahu Bikeway Projects (continued)

Code Name 2-92 Goodale Avenue 2-93 Haleiwa_Waialua Beach Park

Description Farrington Hwy to Waialua Beach Road Kaiaka Bay and Haleiwa Beach Park

2-94 Kaena Point Path

Farrington Hwy (Waianae) to Farrington Hwy (Mokuleia) Haleiwa Bypass to Kuahelani Ave Kamehameha Hwy to Waialua Beach Road Nimitz Hwy to Salt Lake Elemantary School Nimitz Hwy to Dillingham Blvd Pearl Harbor Bike Path to Ulune Street Ala Moana Blvd to South Street North King Street to University Avenue University Avenue to Isenberg Street University Avenue to Date Street Bike Path Bridge crossing over Manoa-Pololo Stream Nimitz Hwy to Beretania Street Ala Moana Blvd to Ward Avenue Loop route off Nimitz Hwy Alapai Street to Ward Avenue Dillingham Blvd to Nimitz Hwy Diamond Head Road to Kealaolu Avenue Manoa-Pololo Bike Path to Kapahulu Ave Beretania Street to Ala Moana Blvd

SB St 11.44 R C 7.38 L C 1.20 L C 0.41 L C 0.56 R C 0.98 L C 3.32 R C 0.28 L C 0.37 P C/St 0.03 R C 0.38 R C 0.76 R C 1.18 L C 0.26 P C 0.25 R C 1.51 P St 0.28 L C 1.00

475 4,111 130 45 327 97 361 11 216 801 14 180 44 35 182 150 203 584


18th Avenue to Ainakoa Ala Moana Blvd to McKinley HS Waihona Street to Arizona Memorial Nimitz Hwy to Vineyard Blvd Nimitz Hwy to Damien High School Kapahulu to Diamond Head Road Ala Moana Shopping Center to Nehoa Waialae Avenue to 18th Avenue Middle Street to River Street River Street to Kapiolani Blvd Acacia Road to Kamehameha Hwy University Avenue to Waiaka Road Nimitz Hwy to end Oahu Avenue to Paradise Park Dole Street to Date Street


2,875 204 4,233 700 1,060 617 108 1,583 214 413 38 146 246 182 1,609


2-95 2-96 2-97 2-98 2-99 2-100 2-101 2-102 2-103 2-104 2-105 2-106 2-107 2-108 2-109 2-110 2-111 2-112 2-113 2-114 2-115 2-116 2-117 2-118 2-119 2-120 2-121 2-122 2-123 2-124 2-125 2-126 2-127

Kamehameha Hwy (Wahiawa) Kaukonahua Road Ala Lilikoi Street Alakawa Street Aloha Stadium Access Lanes Auahi Street Beretania Street Coyne Street Date Street Date Street Bike Path Bridge Fort Street Mall Halekauwila Street Honolulu Airport Hotel Street Iwilei Transit Station Kahala Avenue Kaimuki HS Bike Path Kalakaua Avenue (Northern Section) Kalanianaole Hwy (Kahala) Kamakee Street Kamehameha Hwy (East Loch) Kapalama Canal (Eastern side) Kapalama Canal (Western side) Kapiolani Park Keeaumoku Street_Kona Street Kilauea Avenue King Street (Northern Section) King Street (Southern Section) Kuala Street Kuilei Street Lagoon Drive Manoa Loop Manoa-Palolo Stream Path

5-10 DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan



St C St C C C C C C C C C C C C

3.51 1,886

0.87 0.35 5.42 0.76 1.15 0.85 1.86 1.29 1.97 3.80 0.28 0.25 2.26 4.84 0.99


5 Bikeway Network

2-134 Old Waialae Road 2-135 Pearl Harbor Bike Path (Arizona Memorial) 2-136 Pearl Ridge Transit Station 2-137 2-138 2-139 2-140 2-141 2-142 2-143 2-144 2-145 2-146 2-147

Pensacola Avenue Piikoi Street Queen Street Radford Drive River Street Salt Lake Blvd School Street South Street University Upper Fire Road Waialae Avenue Waikamilo_Kalani_Puuhale_ Kamehameha Hwy 2-148 Waimano Home Road 2-149 Ward Avenue 2-150 Waterfront Park 2-151 Wilder Avenue 2-152 Farrington Hwy (Nanakuli) 2-153 Makaha Valley_Huipu Drive_Kili Drive PRIORITY 3 PROJECTS 3-1 Cane Haul Road (North) 3-2 Farrington Hwy (Leeward CC) 3-3 H-2 Mililani Interchange 3-4 Honowai Street 3-5 Kamananui Road

Bridge over H-1 H-1 Freeway to Wilder Avenue North King Street to Kamehameha Hwy Valkenburgh Street to Waiakamilo Road H-1Freeway to Kuakini Street Nimitz Hwy to Existing Nuuanu Stream Path Bridge over H-1 to Saint Louis Heights Drive Kamehameha Hwy to Arizona Memorial

DP Area

Cost ($1000s)


Length (miles)

Name McCully Street Bridge Metcalf Street Middle Street (Southern Section) Nimitz Hwy Nuuanu Stream Nuuanu Stream Path (Extension)


Code 2-128 2-129 2-130 2-131 2-132 2-133


Table 5: Planned O!ahu Bikeway Projects (continued)



0.02 2,606 PUC C/St 0.18 20 PUC C 0.46 50 PUC St 4.78 1,365 PUC C 0.33 304 PUC C 0.07 51 PUC


C/St 0.50 1,652 PUC













1.05 103 PUC 1.20 132 PUC 1.21 169 PUC 0.24 26 PUC 0.22 8 PUC 2.54 662 PUC 2.68 1,564 PUC 0.78 63 PUC 0.11 80 PUC 1.35 1,522 PUC 1.35 788 PUC

Kamehameha Hwy to Komo Mai Drive Ala Moana Blvd to Prospect Street UH Medical College to Ala Moana Shared Use Path Dole Street to Spencer Street Mohihi Place to Farrington Hwy at Honokai Hale Makaha Valley Loop


C C St

1.25 1.16 0.71


C St

1.20 149 PUC 5.53 1,345 W






Waipahu Street to H-2 Freeway Kamehameha Hwy to Kamehameha Hwy At Meheula Parkway Aiki Street to Waipahu Street Kamehameha Hwy to Wilikina Drive

P C/Pv 2.35 L St 0.77 L C 0.27 L C 0.18 SB St 1.13

-410 29 20 65


Kamehameha Hwy to Pearl Harbor Bike Path Waimanu Street to Wilder Avenue Ala Moana Blvd to Wilder Avenue Fort Street Mall Path to Ala Moana Center Bougainville Drive to Kamehameha Hwy Nimitz Hwy to Beretania Street Kamehameha Hwy to Ala Lilikoi Street Iolani Avenue to Middle Street Ala Moana Blvd to Beretania Street East West Road to Pamoa Road St. Louis Heights Drive to 18th Avenue Waiakamilo detour around Nimitz Hwy

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


136 98 516


5 Bikeway Network

3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-22 3-23 3-24 3-25 3-26 3-27 3-28 3-29 3-30 3-31 3-32 3-33 3-34 3-35 3-36 3-37 3-38

Pearl Harbor Bike Path to Waiawa Road

Lumiaina Street to Kamehameha Hwy Waipahu Street to Pearl Harbor Bike Path Proposed Village Park Connector path to Waipahu St. Waipahu Street Kunia Road to Kamehameha Hwy Waipio Point Access Road Pearl Harbor Bike Path to Farrington Hwy Ahukini Street Lunalilo Home Rd to Kamiloiki Elem School Analii Street Kalani Waialae Iki Park to Keikilani Aina Haina Elem School Hanauma Bay Road Kalanianaole Hwy to Hanauma Bay Hawaii Kai Golf Course Hawaii Kai Drive to Kalanianiole Hwy Hind Iuka Drive Kalanianaole Hwy to Wailupe Valley School Wailua Street Hawaii Kai Drive to Lunalilo Home Road Aliinui Drive Extension (Northern Alii Nui Drive to Farrington Hwy Section) Bravo Road Ewa Beach Road to Iroquois Point Olai Street Kalaeloa Blvd to Coral Sea Street DHHL (Eastern Section) Bikeway for the Eastern DHHL development DHHL (Western Section) East West Road to Kapolei Parkway East-West Rd North South Road to Fort Weaver Road Enterprise Avenue Leeward Bikeway to Midway Street Essex Road Hanson Road to White Plains Beach Ewa Marina Access Connection to Ewa Marina Fort Barrette Road (Kapolei) Farrington Hwy to Renton Road Fort Barrette Road (Southern Roosevelt Avenue to Saratoga Avenue Section) Geiger Road Kapolei Parkway to Leeward Bike Path H-1 Makai Bike Path North South Road to Kunia Road H-1 Mauka Bike Path Makakilo Drive to Kunia Road Hanson Road Geiger Road to Essex Road Iroquois Drive North Road to Heron Avenue Kaimalie Street Kaiee to Fort Weaver Road

5-12 DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

DP Area

Length (miles)

3-10 LCC - Pearl Harbor Bike Path Access 3-11 Lumiaina Street 3-12 Pupupuhi Street 3-13 Village Park Connector (extension)

Description Widen overpass across H-1/H-2 Kamehameha Hwy to Waipio Uka Hokuahiahi Park to Mehuela Street Kunia Road to Aiki Street


Name Kamehameha Hwy (Waipahu) Ka Uka Blvd Kuahelani Avenue Kupuna_Loop_Kahakea_Street


Code 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9

Cost ($1000s)

Table 5: Planned O!ahu Bikeway Projects (continued)


St C C C

0.73 7,144 CO 0.27 27 CO 2.20 1,598 CO 0.86 86 CO



0.70 1,613 CO



0.13 0.52 0.16



3.06 10,112 CO 0.40 290 CO 0.73 27 EH 1.10 799 EH



0.32 0.93 0.55 0.37 0.22


F C St

3.57 75 Ewa 1.78 1,039 Ewa 1.34 -Ewa


St C St F C St C

0.91 1.16 1.01 0.64 1.45 1.22 0.31


C St St F C C

1.56 169 Ewa 2.63 2,424 Ewa 2.67 2,461 Ewa 1.55 601 Ewa 1.02 111 Ewa 0.71 516 Ewa

13 56 147

12 92 21 37 --

--354 248 158 133 34



Ewa Ewa Ewa Ewa Ewa Ewa Ewa

5 Bikeway Network

3-51 3-52 3-53 3-54 3-55 3-56 3-57 3-58 3-59 3-60 3-61 3-62 3-63 3-64 3-65 3-66 3-67 3-68 3-69 3-70 3-71 3-72

DP Area

Length (miles)

3-46 3-47 3-48 3-49 3-50

Description Kalaeloa Harbor to Coral Sea Road Kapolei Parkway to Leeward Bike Path Kapolei Parkway to Leeward Bike Path Kapolei Parkway through Kapolei Park to Leeward Bike Path Kapolei Villages to Kapolei Parkway Kapolei Parkway to Iroquois Point Drive Leeward Bikeway to beginning of Keaunui Bike Path Makakilo (Lower Section) North of Koolina to Makakilo Drive Ocean Pointe Keoneula to Ewa Marina Access Plantation Road (E-W Connection) Future Kapolei Pkwy to Hanson Road Pohauapuna Road Papipi Road to Fort Weaver Road UH West Oahu Rd. "A" Farrington Hwy to UH West Campus (NE section) UH West Oahu Rd. "B" North-South Road to UH West Campus (NE section) UH West Oahu Rd. "C" Off Road "F" heading NE UH West Oahu Rd. "D" Road "B" to Road "F" UH West Oahu Rd. "E" North-South Road to Campus (E section) UH West Oahu Rd. "G" Road "F" to DHHL subdivision Hauula Homestead Road Hauula Valley Road Kaaawa Loop Huamalani Street_Lihimauna_ Hauhele_Kekio_ Pohuehue Road Kahuku Subdivision Loop Pualalea_Kekauoha_Huehu Streets Ahilama Road Pulama Road to Waihee Road Anoi Road Luluku Road to Likelike Hwy Aumoku Street Kaneohe Bay Drive to Mokulele Drive H-3 Freeway Service Road Kaneohe to Halawa Valley H-3 Freeway- Kahekili Interchange Kahekili Hwy to Kaneohe Bay Drive Hamakua Marsh Trail Kawainui Marsh to Hamakua Drive Kamehameha Hwy (HPU Campus) Koolau View Drive to Pali Hwy Kamehameha Hwy (Kahaluu) Waiahole Valley Road to Kahekili Hwy Kamehameha Hwy (South Likelike Hwy to Koolau View Drive Kaneohe) Keneke Street Greenway Along the Stream Kihapai Street Kaha Street to Kailua Road Makalani Street Kaneohe Bay Drive to Kamehameha Hwy Mapele Road Waihee Road to Ahaolelo Road Maunawili Loop Kalanianaole Hwy to Maunawili Valley


Name Malakole Street Kamaaha Avenue (Extension) Kamokila Blvd (Extension) Kapolei Community Park Connector 3-43 Kapolei Villages Path 3-44 Keaunui Drive (Northern Section) 3-45 Keaunui Drive (Southern Section)


Code 3-39 3-40 3-41 3-42

Cost ($1000s)

Table 5: Planned O!ahu Bikeway Projects (continued)



2.30 1,342 Ewa 0.29 -Ewa 0.17 -Ewa 0.13 -Ewa



0.83 1.17 0.43


C C C C St

3.98 3,668 Ewa 0.53 -Ewa 0.62 362 Ewa 0.87 632 Ewa 0.26 -Ewa







St St St St C C

0.19 0.77 0.32 0.25 1.13 1.11

----242 111

Ewa Ewa Ewa Ewa KL KL


C C C C St C C St St St

1.07 106 KL 0.77 147 KP 0.35 13 KP 0.82 82 KP 8.81 4,908 KP 0.48 18 KP 0.48 442 KP 1.26 460 KP 1.94 708 KP 1.08 1,503 KP



0.35 1.18 0.61 0.75 2.63

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan



254 117 61 581 99

Ewa Ewa Ewa


5 Bikeway Network

5-14 DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

C C St C St C C C C C C St/C C C C C C C C C C C C C St/C C C C C C C C C C C C C C

DP Area


Cost ($1000s)

Description Kamehameha Hwy to Kaneohe Bay Drive Kalanianaole Hwy to Kalanianaole Hwy Pali Lookout to Old Pali Hwy Mokapu Road to Kuulei Road Kamehameha Hwy to Pali Tunnel Makalani Street to Castle High School Ahilama Road to Kamehameha Hwy Kamehameha Hwy to Hihimanu Street Puiki to Goodale Avenue Haleiwa Road to Kamehameha Hwy Waialua Beach to Kealohanui Street Kaukonahua Road to Kamehameha Hwy Alohea Avenue to Waiomao Road Waialae Avenue to Kilauea Avenue Diamond Head Road to Kilauea Avenue Pukoloa Street to Kikowaena Street Moanalua Road to Ulune Street Nimitz Hwy to School Street Iolani Avenue to Spencer Street Salt Lake Blvd to Moanalua Road 10th Avenue to Makapuu Avenue Airport loop to Lagoon Drive Sand Island Access Road to Nimitz Hwy Nimitz Hwy to Queen Emma Street King Street to Kapiolani Blvd Radford Drive to Salt Lake Blvd Ilalo Street to South King Street Puuhale Road to Liliha Street School Street to North King Street Kapahulu Avenue to 10th Avenue Ala Wai Yacht Harbor Moanalua Road to Kamehameha Hwy Keawe Street to Ahui Street South School Street to Ward Avenue Coyne Street to South King Street Kapiolani Blvd to King Street Kamehameha Hwy to Komo Mai Drive Kulawai Street to Honomanu Street

Length (miles)

Name Mokulele Drive Old Kalanianaole Hwy Old Pali Road Oneawa Street Pali Hwy (Tunnels) Puaina Street Wailehua Road Waimanalo District Park Kealohanui Street Paalaa Road Puiki Street Wilikina Drive 10th Avenue 16th Avenue 18th Avenue Ahua Street Aiea Heights Drive Alakea Street Alapai Street Aliamanu Drive Alohea Avenue Aolele Street Auiki Street Bishop Street Blaisdell_McKinley HS Path Bougainville Drive Cooke Street Dillingham Blvd Gulick Avenue Harding Avenue Holomoana Street Honomanu Street Ilalo Street Iolani Avenue_Prospect Street Isenberg Street (Northern Section) Isenberg Street (Southern Section) Kaahumanu Street Kaamilo Street


Code 3-73 3-74 3-75 3-76 3-77 3-78 3-79 3-80 3-81 3-82 3-83 3-84 3-85 3-86 3-87 3-88 3-89 3-90 3-91 3-92 3-93 3-94 3-95 3-96 3-97 3-98 3-99 3-100 3-101 3-102 3-103 3-104 3-105 3-106 3-107 3-108 3-109 3-110


Table 5: Planned O!ahu Bikeway Projects (continued)

1.17 44 KP 1.56 155 KP 1.50 336 KP 1.29 719 KP 1.60 601 KP 0.43 43 KP 0.31 255 KP 0.41 298 KP 0.38 38 NS 0.76 29 NS 0.56 312 NS 3.93 103 NS 2.12 211 PUC 0.61 61 PUC 0.33 36 PUC 0.07 8 PUC 0.18 20 PUC 0.82 31 PUC 0.05 5 PUC 1.76 191 PUC 0.34 37 PUC 0.86 93 PUC 0.79 79 PUC 0.60 23 PUC 0.43 312 PUC 0.60 65 PUC 0.76 83 PUC 1.43 4,726 PUC 0.56 61 PUC 1.31 730 PUC 0.27 29 PUC 0.16 17 PUC 0.33 16 PUC 0.48 52 PUC 0.17 18 PUC 0.39 42 PUC 1.01 110 PUC 1.35 147 PUC

5 Bikeway Network

Length (miles)

Cost ($1000s)

DP Area

Description Kakaako Transit Station to South Street Bike Lanes 3-112 Kalia Road Ala Moana Blvd to Saratoga Road 3-113 Kamehameha IV Road North School Street to Likelike Hwy 3-114 Kanealii Avenue Lusitana Street to Kapalu Street 3-115 Kaonohi Street Kamehameha Hwy to Laelua Street 3-116 Kapalu Street Kanealii Avenue to Pauoa Road 3-117 Kapiolani Blvd Maunawai Place to South King Street 3-118 Kapiolani-Waialae Intersection Kapiolani Blvd to Waialae Avenue 3-119 Kaua Street Middle Street to Moanalua Gardens Street 3-120 Kilauea Avenue (Extension) 18th Avenue to Makapuu Avenue 3-121 King Street (Chinatown) King Street/Beretania Street split to River St 3-122 Kuakini Street Liliha Street to Nuuanu Avenue 3-123 Liliha Street (Nuuanu) H-1Freeway to Wyllie Street 3-124 Liliha Street (Palama) King Street to H-1Freeway 3-125 Lusitana Street Iolani Avenue to Pauoa Road 3-126 Makapuu Avenue Kilauea Avenue to Alohea Avenue 3-127 Makuahine Street North School Street to Kalihi School 3-128 Middle Street (Bridge) Bridge over H-1 Freeway 3-129 Middle Street (Northern Section) Kaua Street to Haumana Place 3-130 Moanalua Gardens Kaua Street to Jarrett White Road 3-131 Moanalua Road Hoomalu to Waimano Home Road 3-132 Moanalua Road (Aiea) Kaahumanu Street to Aiea Hts Drive 3-133 Moanalua Rd (Moanalua Gardens) Ahua Street to Kaua Street 3-134 Moanalua Road (Tripler) Jarrett White Road to Ala Kapuna Street 3-135 Mokauea Street Auiki Street to North King Street 3-136 Nehoa Street Lusitana Street to Oahu Avenue 3-137 Noelani Street Moanalua to Kaahumanu Street 3-138 Nuuanu Avenue Vineyard to Pali Hwy 3-139 Old Pali Road Pali Hwy to Pali Hwy 3-140 Pali Hwy (Lower Nuuanu Valley) Nuuanu Ave to Waokanaka Street 3-141 Pali Hwy (Punchbowl) Central High School to Wyllie Street 3-142 Pali Hwy (Reservoir) Old Pali Road to Pali Lookout Access Road 3-143 Pali Hwy (Upper Nuuanu Valley) Pali on-ramp to Old Pali Road 3-144 Pali Lookout Access Road Pali Hwy to Pali Lookout 3-145 Palolo Loop Waialae Avenue to 10th Avenue 3-146 Pauoa Road Lusitana Street to Kapalu Street 3-147 Pearl Harbor Bike Path Access at Kamehameha Hwy to Pearl Harbor Bike Blaisdell Park Path


Code Name 3-111 Kakaako Transit Station


Table 5: Planned O!ahu Bikeway Projects (continued)







C C C C C C C C C C C C St C C C St C C C C C C C C C C C St C St St St C C C

0.49 53 PUC 0.67 73 PUC 0.55 21 PUC 1.54 167 PUC 0.09 3 PUC 0.33 193 PUC 0.14 15 PUC 0.87 508 PUC 0.28 30 PUC 0.22 24 PUC 0.40 40 PUC 0.99 108 PUC 0.37 546 PUC 0.55 55 PUC 0.27 158 PUC 1.58 157 PUC 0.05 75 PUC 0.44 48 PUC 0.58 421 PUC 1.23 134 PUC 1.78 193 PUC 0.32 35 PUC 1.37 1,263 PUC 0.94 102 PUC 2.65 264 PUC 1.23 134 PUC 1.23 685 PUC 1.78 177 PUC 1.31 335 PUC 1.57 875 PUC 1.49 135 PUC 1.68 936 PUC 1.14 61 PUC 2.42 91 PUC 0.55 21 PUC 0.18 131 PUC

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


5 Bikeway Network

Key L R P SB

Lane Route Path Shoulder Bikeway

C St F Pv

City State Federal Private

5-16 DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


Central Oahu East Honolulu Ko"olau Loa Ko"olau Poko

DP Area

3-169 Ke Ala Pupukea Path (extension)

Cost ($1000s)

Wyllie Street Farrington Hwy (Waianae) Kolekole Pass Nanakuli Valley Loop

Length (miles)

3-165 3-166 3-167 3-168

Description Kamehameha Hwy to Pearl Harbor Bike Path Kamehameha Hwy to Pearl Harbor Bike Path Kamehameha Hwy to Pearl Harbor Bike Path Kamehameha Hwy to Pearl Harbor Bike Path Ahua Street to Salt Lake Blvd Nimitz Hwy to Vineyard Blvd Nimitz Hwy to Moanalua Road Bougainville Drive to Kamehameha Hwy Icarus Way to Ulune Street Kalia Road to Kalakaua Avenue Alapai Street to Wilder Avenue Auwaiolimu Street to Nehoa Street Aiea Heights Drive to Halawa Valley Street Waialae Avenue to Varsity Place Beretania Street to King Street Kuilei Road to Kapiolani Blvd Cane Haul Road Bike Path to Kamehameha Hwy Bike Lanes Liliha Street to Nuuanu Ala Hema Street to Puhano Street Paakea Road to Wilikina Drive Nanakuli Avenue_Nanaikala Street_ Haleakala Avenue Pupukea Beach Park to Haleiwa Beach Park


Code Name 3-148 Pearl Harbor Bike Path Access at Kanuku Street 3-149 Pearl Harbor Bike Path Access at Lehua Avenue 3-150 Pearl Harbor Bike Path Access at McGrew Point 3-151 Pearl Harbor Bike Path Access at Pearl Kai Center 3-152 Pukoloa Street 3-153 Punchbowl Street 3-154 Puuloa Road 3-155 Radford Drive_Valkenburgh Street 3-156 Red Hill 3-157 Saratoga Road 3-158 Spencer Street 3-159 Tantalus Loop 3-160 Ulune Street 3-161 University Lower Quarry 3-162 Victoria Street 3-163 Waiaka Road 3-164 Waihona Street


Table 5: Planned O!ahu Bikeway Projects (continued)






















C C C C C C C C C/St St C C C

0.26 0.85 1.15 0.95 1.01 0.27 0.51 8.87 1.16 0.41 0.13 0.17 0.37

28 92 125 103 931 29 55 333 125 45 14 18 40



C St F C

0.26 28 0.74 412 12.35 463 2.52 366




4.55 1,115


NS North Shore PUC Primary Urban Center W Waianae

5 Bikeway Network

5.2.2 Projected Costs The projected costs for all projects in the future bikeway network—regardless of jurisdiction--are estimated at $217 million. They consist of $100 million in City projects and the remaining $117 million in State, Federal, private, and shared jurisdiction projects. Table 6 summarizes costs for all City projects by priority level. Table 6 Projected City Costs for Future Network Length Cost Priority (miles) ($ million) 1 40 $18.6 2









The costs are preliminary, order of magnitude estimates, and include striping, pavement markings, and signage, based on site inspection and recent bid tabulations. For construction of bikeways on existing roadways and intersections, costs include traffic control. A soft cost and contingency budget of 25% is also included. To the extent possible, right-of-way acquisition has been avoided. Costs for State projects are based on Bike Plan Hawai!i 2003 estimates, escalated by 25%. The $100 million estimate for City projects is a conservative estimate that assumes the projects are built on an individual, standalone basis, and that all improvements are classified as “bicycling projects.” A number of the projects, such as lane striping and intersection improvements, can be programmed as part of regular roadway repair, maintenance, and improvement projects. Strategies to bundle projects together, such as a series of interconnecting

bikeways or entire mega-projects such as the urban Honolulu lei of parks, would reduce projected per mile costs by achieving economies of scale in the design and construction process. A number of the project recommendations are for State and Federal facilities that will need to be prioritized and programmed under the State highways funding process. Creativity in identifying alternative funding sources and getting projects built will be required to realize the completed O‘ahu network as proposed and outlined in the O‘ahu Bike Plan. State of Hawai‘i Law (§264-18 HRS) requires that at least 2% of eligible federal funds, as well as other available state highway fund moneys, shall be expended for the creation of bicycle facilities as well as safety devices along bikeways. The City Bike Fund raises about $400,000/year from bicycle/moped registrations and dedicated to funding bicycle projects as well as the BikeEd program and the City’s Bicycle Coordinator position. Additional resources from City’s general fund can also be allocated to bikeway projects. Other potential sources of funding may be available through park improvement projects and public works projects. Some projects, such as the Kapahulu bikeway, have broad community benefits, and could be justified for funding with community redevelopment funds. A one-cent gasoline tax could be used for bicycle facilities and other human-powered modes of transportation. This tax could potentially generate an additional $3.3 million dollars annually for bicycle projects (based on the City’s 2007 rates of highwayuse gasoline and diesel consumption, 2007 State of Hawaii Data Book).

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


5 Bikeway Network

Federal, State, and private-sector funding will be used for a number of segments of the future network, particularly in the fast growing ‘Ewa district. Additional revenue could be raised through the implementation of Community Facilities Districts, tax increment financing districts, and traditional improvement district programs. Partnerships with community groups and non-profit organizations can help small projects become implemented quickly.

5-24 DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

6 Implementation and Benchmarks


Implementation and

Benchmarks Implementation of The O!ahu Bike Plan depends on the funding and actions of a variety of responsible parties and stakeholders. They include DTS (primary proponent of City roadway facilities and O!ahu Bike Plan policies and programs), the Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM) (responsible for ongoing maintenance of City facilities), City Council (adopts the City’s operating and capital budgets), and State DOT (responsible for State roadways improvements, such as shoulder bikeways). Clearly, funding for projects and programs is critical to the Plan’s execution and the City’s budget process plays a pivotal role. The City’s budget process, which is nearly a yearround effort, involves the Executive Branch (line agencies and Mayor) and City Council. The public may participate at various points in the process. Agencies begin preparing budget requests in July for submittal to the Mayor for review by September 1 (capital budget) and October 1 (operating budget). The Executive Program and Operating Budget and the Executive Program and Capital Budget are submitted to City Council in March of the following year, after which Council holds public hearings on the budget proposals. Council may then delete, amend or add to any item in the proposals. Council then holds three readings on the budget resolutions (open to the public and held on separate days) and must adopt the executive budget ordinances by June 15. Without final Council action by that date, the executive budget ordinances go into effect as submitted by the Mayor upon the start of the new fiscal year on July 1.

Benchmarks have been developed to measure the success of how Plan implementation is meeting the goals and objectives outlined in Chapter 2. Benchmarks are used to indicate progress in reaching an ultimate vision, and specify a timeframe in which achievement should be attained (2010, 2015, 2020, and 2030). Benchmarks are crucial in recognizing and defining priorities, as well as in measuring the achievement of goals and objectives that support the vision of a bicycle-friendly O‘ahu. The benchmarks listed in Table 7 are organized by the four goals and 13 objectives of the Plan. Each objective is accompanied by a specific benchmark(s). Unless otherwise noted, DTS is the responsible party for implementing, tracking, and evaluating progress on the benchmarks.

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


Table 7 Plan Benchmarks 5-Year (2015)

Expand street festival to every weekend for an entire month. Expand bike count program geographically.

Commute mode share has doubled 2010 levels. Bicycle registrations have doubled from 2010 levels.

Establish a one-day street closure for festival in several areas of the island. Expand program to semiannual counts, and publicize trend data online.

Commute mode share has increased by 50% over 2010 levels. Bicycle registrations have increased 50% from 2010 levels.


Bicycle trips have increased by 50% over 2010 levels.

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

Establish baseline inventory of bicycle trip counts (see Objective 1 year-1).

Bicycle trips have doubled from 2010 levels.

Expand to several Bike to School Days.

10-Year (2020)

Expand to annual Bike to Work Week event. Expand to include Bike to School Day.

Objective #2: Increase the number of bicycle trips.

Develop a plan to create baseline inventory of bike traffic counts at selected screen-lines along corridors, with participation from bicycling partners. Organize and implement an annual “bike count” day. Maintain 2000 Census mode split (1.2% for Honolulu; 0.9% for O‘ahu) in 2010 Census. Bicycle license registration have increased to 25,000/year (from 5-year average of 23,000/year).

Continue to hold and promote, in collaboration with bicycling partners (DOT, HBL, and cycling groups), an annual Bike to Work Day. Establish a one-day street closure for bicycle/pedestrian festival.

Objective #1: Increase the number of people who ride bicycles.

Goal #1: To increase the mode share of bicycle trips.

1-Year (2010)

6 Implementation and Benchmarks

Bicycle trips have doubled from 2020 levels.

Bicycle registrations have doubled from 2020 levels.

Commute mode share has doubled 2020 levels.

Continue to refine bike count program.

Expand street festival to a semiannual event.

20-Year (2030)

5-Year (2015) Complete 50% of Priority One project recommendations.

Complete remaining Priority One project recommendations.

10-Year (2020)

City hosts two events using bike valets.

Initiate an outreach program to educate employers on the benefits of commuter cycling and participation in LAB’s BFB program. Host an annual recognition program for employers that have adopted bike friendly personnel policies.

Honolulu has two businesses certified by LAB as Bicycle Friendly Businesses. Many employers are offering convenient showers and changing facilities to all commuter cyclists who need them. Awards program has grown to include several geographic areas and competitions between public/private sectors. A number of firms have received LAB BFB status. City regularly hosts events using bike valets.


Implemented plan that addressed shortfalls.

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

Honolulu has ten businesses certified by LAB as Bicycle Friendly Businesses. Reassess and re-evaluate major employment areas to ensure parking and support facilities exist for cyclists. Create a plan to address shortfalls.

Four attended parking/showers/lockers facilities have been established in high demand areas across the Island.

Additional attended parking/showers/ lockers facilities have been established in other areas of the Island.

Attended parking/showers/lockers facilities are operational in Downtown Honolulu. Other locations are under active consideration.

Support establishment of BikeStation© or similar attended parking/showers/lockers facility in Downtown Honolulu through tax incentives or other economic incentives. Implement O‘ahu Bike Plan standards for City Parks bicycle parking. All parks meet bicycle parking standards.

Showers and changing facilities available at all employment centers.

Long-term bike parking available at all high-volume destinations (educational institutions, the airport, and transit centers).

Bike parking and support facilities available in most major commercial and employment centers (for example: Downtown, regional malls, colleges, and universities).

Complete the majority of Priority Two project recommendations.

20-Year (2030)

Coordinate with DPP to introduce an amendment to the Land Use Ordinance/Building Code that follows LEED-NC Bicycle Support Facilities credit requirements.

Objective #4: Provide and maintain bicycle support facilities (e.g., showers and bicycle racks).

Identify sufficient sources of funds to design & construct desired bicycling facilities. Create an implementation plan for how high-priority projects will be built.

Objective #3: Provide and maintain a continuous bicycle network.

1-Year (2010)

6 Implementation and Benchmarks

5-Year (2015)

10-Year (2020)


Broadcast two additional new PSAs. Bike PSAs are now heard regularly by most Island residents. Scientific polls indicate a shift in attitude between motorists and cyclists and a broad acceptance of the “law of the splintered paddle.” Violations relating to bicycle offenses held constant at 2010 levels.

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

Broadcast two new PSAs reminding motorists and bicyclists of their rights and responsibilities on the road, emphasizing safety for all roadway users.

PSA program is continuously refined and improved Violations relating to bicycle offenses reduced 10% over 2010 levels.

Expand bicycle education to ensure safe cycling classes are held regularly at convenient locations and times across the Island.

Expand bicycle education to include classes for adults. Work with City Parks Dept. to include safe cycling education in its list of offered programs/classes.

Objective #6: Enforce the traffic code.

Expand to quarterly Island-wide events promoting cycling activities.

Expand Island-wide event promoting cycling activities to a semi-annual events working with bicycling partners. Bicycle education program is continuously refined and improved.

Plan and hold annual Island-wide events promoting cycling activities in conjunction with bicycling partners.

Engage bicycling partners in planning annual Island-wide events promoting cycling activities.

PSA program is continuously refined and improved Violations relating to bicycle offenses reduced 20% over 2010 levels.

Bicycle education program is continuously refined and improved.

Consider further expansion of the BikeEd program.

Establish a high school BikeEd refresher program. Re-evaluate the BikeEd program to ensure it is reaching its goals.

100% of all 4th graders receive bicycle education through Bike Ed.

20-Year (2030)

Expand the BikeEd grant to double the number of 4th graders who receive bicycle education through BikeEd.

Objective #5: Increase the awareness of bicyclists, motorists, and pedestrians of their rights and responsibilities.

Goal #2: To enhance cooperation between roadway users.

1-Year (2010)

6 Implementation and Benchmarks

5-Year (2015)

10-Year (2020)

Complete 50% of Priority One project recommendations in roughly equal proportions of lanes, routes, and paths.

Number of major bicycle crashes reduced by half from 2010 data; with zero fatalities.

Bicycle thefts are reduced by 10% over 2010 levels.

25% increase in the number of bicycle rentals over 2010 levels. Update the bike map and create an interactive online version showing O‘ahu bicycle network and popular destinations for Island guests. HVCB, HTA, and the City promote O"ahu as a Bicycle-Friendly Island publicizing listing as one of LAB's Bicycle-Friendly Communities.

Obtain baseline information on number of bicycle rentals.

Distribute visitor-friendly maps of O‘ahu’s bicycle network and popular destinations to hotels to be made available to each guest. HVCB, HTA, hotels, bike shops promote bicycle tours, club rides, and rentals.

Objective #10: Increase the number of visitors who ride bicycles.

Coordinate with HPD to obtain data on number of bicycle thefts.

Continue to install bicycle parking in safe, secure areas visible to passersby.

Objective #9: Reduce the number of bicycle thefts.

Implement a program where State (e.g., DOT, DOH) and City (e.g., DTS, HPD) agencies set bicycle safety metrics and publish an annual report. Establish a baseline of crash data.

Objective #8: Reduce the number of traffic crashes involving bicycles.

Identify sufficient sources of funds to design and construct desired bicycle facilities.

Objective #7: Provide a variety of bikeways.

HVCB, HTA promote Island-wide cycling events to visitors (See Objective 5).

Bicycle rentals have increased by 50% over 2010 levels.

Bicycle thefts are reduced by 20% over 2010 levels.


HVCB, HTA promote O‘ahu as a destination for Island-wide bicycle tours.

Bicycle rentals have doubled 2020 levels.

Bicycle thefts are reduced by 40% over 2010 levels.

Number of major bicycle crashes reduced by half from 2020 data; with zero fatalities.

Complete the majority of Priority Two project recommendations.

20-Year (2030)

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

Number of major bicycle crashes reduced by half from 2015 data; with zero fatalities.

Complete the rest of Priority One project recommendations.

Goal #3: To encourage and promote bicycling as a safe, convenient, and pleasurable means of travel.

1-Year (2010)

6 Implementation and Benchmarks

5-Year (2015)

Install wayfinding signage to and from all transit centers. Continue to upgrade internet-based tools to assist intermodal integration.

Establish a wayfinding signage program.

Coordinate with Google to synch O'ahu bicycle maps other modes of Google trip planning.


Identify necessary areas of improvement and issues that need to be addressed in the five-year bike plan update.

Regularly provide news organizations with updates of bicycle improvements and events. Bike PSAs are heard regularly by most Island residents. Implement improved maintenance procedures such that maintenance requests decrease by 10% from 2010 levels and average response times are less than 48 hours.

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

Prepare and distribute bicycle maintenance improvement request forms online, to bike shops, satellite city halls, etc. Use Facility Inventory Database to streamline maintenance requests and establish a baseline. Seek Mayor’s Advisory Council on Bicycling advice on the O‘ahu Bike Plan implementation and annual goal-setting.

Broadcast one new PSA illustrating the health benefits and convenience of bicycle riding.

Objective #12: Implement the O‘ahu Bicycle Master Plan.

10-Year (2020)

A comprehensive wayfinding signage plan has been implemented for all rail transit stations.

Install bicycle parking and wayfinding signage at all high-volume destination transit stops and rail transit station meeting O!ahu Bike Plan standards.

Evaluate and assess maintenance improvement program and prepare a plan to address any necessary improvements. Continue to improve maintenance procedures such that maintenance requests decrease by 15% from 2010 levels. Obtain feedback from bicycle riders on effectiveness of maintenance program. O‘ahu Bike Plan is regularly updated and improved on a five-year cycle. Increased efforts to work with bicycling partners and members of the public to make certain adequate bicycling projects, policies, and programs exist.

Program is continuously refined and improved

Refine/improve PSA program as needed.

Re-evaluate bicycle parking and signage at transit stops to ensure adequate level of service. Ensure all transit centers have at least one bicycle facility serving it.

20-Year (2030)

Re-evaluate effectiveness of the PSA program.

Goal #4: To be recognized by LAB as a Bicycle-Friendly Community.

Ensure all transit centers have adequate bicycle parking according to O!ahu Bike Plan standards. Identify transit stops in need of bicycle parking and wayfinding signage.

Identify and install lockers or other longterm bicycle parking at two major transit centers according to O!ahu Bike Plan standards.

Objective #11: Ensure integration of bicycles with transit.

1-Year (2010)

6 Implementation and Benchmarks

See Objective 3 Year-1.

Increase funding for bicycle programs and facilities by 100% from 2010 levels.

Objective #13: Provide funding to achieve the goals of the Plan.

Maintain and enhance the O'ahu Bike Plan website as a central repository of bicycle plan information as well as other bicycling information.


Increase funding for bicycle programs and facilities by 400% from 2010 levels.

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

Increase funding for bicycle programs and facilities by 200% from 2010 levels.

Evaluate success of the website to disseminate O‘ahu Bike Plan information to the public

Achieve Platinum–level BicycleFriendly Community designation by LAB.

Re-apply to LAB to achieve a higher award level.

Achieve LAB Bicycle-Friendly Community status.

Host a national conference.

Host a regional conference. Present research findings at national conference.

Host a Statewide conference on the state of bike planning, with an emphasis on technical training and best practices/lessons learned. Re-apply to LAB to achieve a higher award level Bicycle-Friendly Community designation. Continue to update and enhance the O’ahu Bike Plan website and explore using new technologies for route and trip planning.

In association with bike partners, host a county-wide forum to discuss bike planning tools and techniques

20-Year (2030)

10-Year (2020)

5-Year (2015)

1-Year (2010)

6 Implementation and Benchmarks


DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan

6 Implementation and Benchmarks

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7 References



AASHTO. 2009. Rough Roads Ahead: Fix them now or pay for it later. AASHTO. 1999. Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities. CDC. 2009. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. webapp.cdc.gov/sasweb/ncipc/mortrate 10_sy.html. City of Boulder. 1996. Transportation Master Plan: Chapter 6. mobility and access - bicycle system plan. City and County of Honolulu. Revised Charter. 2006. Section 6-17. City and County of Honolulu. 2009. Waipahu Neighborhood TOD Plan. Public Review Draft. Prepared by Van Meter Williams Pollack. City of Davis. 2006. Comprehensive Bicycle Plan. City of Davis Public Works Department and City of Davis Bicycle Advisory Commission. City of Portland. 1996. Bicycle Master Plan. www.portlandonline.com/shared/cfm/ image.cfm?id=40414. City of San Francisco. 2005. Draft San Francisco Bicycle Plan: Policy Framework. www.sfmta.com/cms/bproj/documents /Draft_Entire_Plan_000.pdf. City of Seattle. 2007. Seattle Bicycle Master Plan. www.seattle.gov/transportation/ bikemaster.htm.

GMAC Insurance. 2009. Press Release with Study Results. www.gmacinsurance.com/SafeDriving/ PressRelease.asp. LaHood, Ray. 2009. U.S. DOT Press Release. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood Reminds Drivers and Bicyclists to Share the Road During Bicycle Safety Month. www.dot.gov/affairs/2009/dot7109.ht m. League of American Bicyclists. Bicycle Friendly Communities Campaign. www.bicyclefriendlycommunity. org. League of American Bicyclists website. www.bikeleague.org. Nabti, Jumana, Mathew Ridgeway, and the ITE Pedestrian and Bicycle Council. 2002. Innovative Bicycle Treatments: An Informational Report. Institute of Transportation Engineers. Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center. www.bicyclinginfo.org/faqs. Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center. Develop Plans and Policies. www.bicyclinginfo.org. Pinsof, Susan Anderson and Terri Musser. 1995. Bicycle Facility Planning. American Planning Association, Planning Advisory Service Report No. 459. Pukui, Mary Kawena. 1983. ‘Olelo No‘eau: Hawaiian Proverbs & Poetical Sayings. State of Hawai‘i Constitution. Kamehameha's Law of the Splintered Paddle. Article IX Public Health & Welfare, Public Safety. Section 10. State of Hawai‘i DOH 2008. Traffic related bicycle crash data involving injuries by County.

DRAFT O‘ahu Bike Plan


7 References

State of Hawai‘i DOH 2007. Hawaii Physical Activity & Nutrition Plan 2007-2012. State of Hawai‘i DOT. 2007. Hawai‘i Strategic Safety Plan 2007-2012. State of Hawai‘i DOT. 2003. Bike Plan Hawaii: A State of Hawaii Master Plan. U.S. Department of Commerce. 2000 American Community Survey: Means of Transportation to Work for Workers 16 years and over. U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census. //factfinder.census.gov. U.S. Department of Commerce. Journey to Work in the United States: 2000 Census of Population and Housing. Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census. U.S. DOT. Federal Highway Administration. 2000. Design Guidance Accommodating Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel: A Recommended Approach: A US DOT Policy Statement Integrating Bicycling and Walking into Transportation Infrastructure.


DRAFT O‘ahu Bicycle Master Plan

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