Dr. Mohd. Farooq Fazili

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 5
CURRICULUM VITAE Name Fathers Name Residence Phone No. Postal Address Marital status Date of Birth Nationality Religion Passport No.

Dr. Mohd Farooq Fazili Mr. Mohd Shafi Fazili. Raithan Budgam Kashmir 0194-2435649/2434571 01951-277260/277332 Raithan Budgam Kashmir 191111 India Married 01-04-1964 (1st April NH sixty four ) Indian Islam B-0334194 (Expiry Date: 10-11-2009)

Professional Qualifications Degree




Bachelor of medicine &surgery Maternal & Child Health

4years & six months 3 years


Year of completion 1990



SKIMS Soura Srinager Kashmir

GMC Srinager Kashmir

Experience Designation Department





House Job




6 Months

House Job




6 Months

Resident Doctor Jr. Resident




6 Months



MD Resident

Maternal & Child Health Maternal & Child Health Maternal & Child Health

L.D. Hospital GMC Srinager Kashmir Pediatric Hospital GMC. Srinager Kashmir Pediatric Hospital GMC. Srinager Kashmir MCH SKIMS Srinager Kashmir MCH SKIMS Srinager Kashmir MCH SKIMS Srinager Kashmir MCH SKIMS Srinager Kashmir



10 Months &14 Days 3 years



4 months



4 years & 7months

Directorate of Health Services RIHFW Dhobiwan

J&K Health Services Kashmir India J&K Health Services Kashmir India




Till date

8 months &11 days 1 & half year

Resident Doctor Sr. Resident Asst. Surgeon Faculty Member

Child Health

Publications: 1. Research work; Epidemiological correlates of Perinatal Mortality- A hospital based study 1996 ,Farooq Fazili Under 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.


guidance of Mattoo GM (Associate professor Deptt. Of Community Medicine MCH SKIMS Srinager Kashmir) Thesis submitted to the University of SKIMS Soura Srinager Kashmir 1996. Farooq Fazili ,G.M.Mattoo; Epidemiology of Perinatal Mortality ,a hospital based study JK Practioner Vol.6 No.1 JanMarch 1999 Hakeem Khalida, G.N.Shah, Fazili Farooq; Some obstetric and Fetal correlates In association with Anemia in Pregnancy .Indian Journal of Maternal & Child Health 1997 8(2) 48-50p Fazili Farooq ,Hakeem Khalida ;Incidence of Cesarean Section : A Hospital Based study ; JK Practioner Vol.6 No.2 April-June 1999 Fazili Farooq ; Appropriate Technologies For Minimum Perinatal care ,Souvenir CME on Minimum Perinatal Care, SKIMS ,July 1997 Mattoo GM, Shah GN, Dhar GM ,Fazili Farooq ;Epidemiological correlates of protein energy malnutrition ,Abstract book IV post graduate research presentation programme 17-18 May 1993 Fazili Farooq ,G.M.Mattoo; Epidemiological correlates of perinatal mortality : Abstract book VI .post graduate research presentation programme 1996 Fazili Farooq, Mattoo GM; Epidemiology of perinatal mortality: Abstract book XXXII, Annual conference IAPSM, Osmania Medical College Hyderabad Feb.2000.

Papers presented:

• Epidemiological correlates of protein energy malnutrition IV PGRP programme SKIMS 1993 • Epidemiological correlates of perinatal mortality SKIMS PGRP 1997

• Fetal and Neonatal factors influencing perinatal outcome, 26th National Conference of Indian association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM) Jan 27-30th ,1999 Deptt. of PSM Govt. Medical College Surat India • Epidemiology of Perinatal care –IAPSM, Feb.10-12th 2000, Osmania Medical College Hyderabad.

Professional courses attended: 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

IV post Graduate research presentation programme (PGRP) SKIMS May 1993 CME programme “care of mother and child health” Department Of Community Medicine MCH division SKIMS Srinager Kashmir Nov.21 1994. CME programme “care of mother and child health” Department Of Community Medicine MCH division SKIMS Srinager Kashmir Nov.20-24th 1995. CME “Update on tuberculosis” Nov.27 1996 SKIMS Srinager Kashmir. CME “Update on Epilepsy” June 1997 SKIMS Srinager Kashmir. 6th Post Graduate Research Presentation Programme (PGRP) SKIMS Srinager Kashmir Nov.8-9 1997. CME programme “Minimum Perinatal Care”5th July 1997 SKIMS Srinager Kashmir. 7th Post Graduate Research Presentation Programme (PGRP) SKIMS Srinager Kashmir Dec. 1998. CME programme “care of mother and child health” Department Of Community Medicine MCH division SKIMS Srinager Kashmir June 16-18 1998. Recent advances in Medicine –An Update CME programme Srinager Kashmir. 8th Post Graduate Research Presentation Programme (PGRP) SKIMS Srinager Kashmir Nov.4-6 1999. XXXVII National Conference IAPSM, Osmania Medical College Hyderabad 10-12 Feb 2000. Training Technology Course at National Institute of Health And Family welfare, New Delhi Sep.16-27th 2002. Immunization strengthening programme at National Institute Of Communicable Diseases New Delhi June2003 22nd training course on application of research techniques in reproductive biomedicine at National Institute of Health and Family welfare New Delhi from 1st September to 12th September 2003

Dr M. Farooq Fazili

CURRICULUM VITAE Name Fathers Name Residence Phone No. Postal Address Marital status Date of Birth Nationality Religion Passport No.

Dr. Mohd Farooq Fazili Mr. Mohd Shafi Fazili. Raithan Budgam Kashmir 0194-2435649/2434571 01951-277260/277332 Raithan Budgam Kashmir 191111 India Married 01-04-1964 (1st April NH sixty four ) Indian Islam B-0334194 (Expiry Date: 10-11-2009)

Professional Qualifications Degree




Bachelor of medicine &surgery Maternal & Child Health

4years & six months 3 years


Year of completion 1990



SKIMS Soura Srinager Kashmir

GMC Srinager Kashmir

Experience Designation Department





House Job




6 Months

House Job




6 Months

Resident Doctor Jr. Resident




6 Months



MD Resident



10 Months &14 Days 3 years



4 months



Pediatric specialist

Maternal & Child Health Maternal & Child Health Maternal & Child Health Elbeida Hospital Al-Jabal-Al-Akhdar



4 years & 6months 8 months


Regional Institute

L.D. Hospital GMC Srinager Kashmir Pediatric Hospital GMC. Srinager Kashmir Pediatric Hospital GMC. Srinager Kashmir MCH SKIMS Srinager Kashmir MCH SKIMS Srinager Kashmir MCH SKIMS Srinager Kashmir MCH SKIMS Srinager Kashmir Department Of Health AlJabal-Al Akhdar , Elbeida Libya J&K Health Services


Till date

1 & half

Resident Doctor Sr. Resident

Child Health


Of Health and Family Welfare (RIHFW) Dhobiwan

Kashmir India


Publications: 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Research work; Epidemiological correlates of Perinatal Mortality- A hospital based study 1996 ,Farooq Fazili Under guidance of Mattoo GM (Associate professor Deptt. Of Community Medicine MCH SKIMS Srinager Kashmir) Thesis submitted to the University of SKIMS Soura Srinager Kashmir 1996. Farooq Fazili ,G.M.Mattoo; Epidemiology of Perinatal Mortality ,a hospital based study JK Practioner Vol.6 No.1 JanMarch 1999 Hakeem Khalida, G.N.Shah, Fazili Farooq; Some obstetric and Fetal correlates In association with Anemia in Pregnancy .Indian Journal of Maternal & Child Health 1997 8(2) 48-50p Fazili Farooq ,Hakeem Khalida ;Incidence of Cesarean Section : A Hospital Based study ; JK Practioner Vol.6 No.2 April-June 1999 Fazili Farooq ; Appropriate Technologies For Minimum Perinatal care ,Souvenir CME on Minimum Perinatal Care, SKIMS ,July 1997 Mattoo GM, Shah GN, Dhar GM ,Fazili Farooq ;Epidemiological correlates of protein energy malnutrition ,Abstract book IV post graduate research presentation programme 17-18 May 1993 Fazili Farooq ,G.M.Mattoo; Epidemiological correlates of perinatal mortality : Abstract book VI .post graduate research presentation programme 1996 Fazili Farooq, Mattoo GM; Epidemiology of perinatal mortality: Abstract book XXXII, Annual conference IAPSM, Osmania Medical College Hyderabad Feb.2000.

Papers presented:

• Epidemiological correlates of protein energy malnutrition IV PGRP programme SKIMS 1993 • Epidemiological correlates of perinatal mortality SKIMS PGRP 1997

• Fetal and Neonatal factors influencing perinatal outcome, 26th National Conference of Indian association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM) Jan 27-30th ,1999 Deptt. of PSM Govt. Medical College Surat India • Epidemiology of Perinatal care –IAPSM, Feb.10-12th 2000, Osmania Medical College Hyderabad.

Professional courses attended: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

IV post Graduate research presentation programme (PGRP) SKIMS May 1993 CME programme “care of mother and child health” Department Of Community Medicine MCH division SKIMS Srinager Kashmir Nov.21 1994. CME programme “care of mother and child health” Department Of Community Medicine MCH division SKIMS Srinager Kashmir Nov.20-24th 1995. CME “Update on tuberculosis” Nov.27 1996 SKIMS Srinager Kashmir. CME “Update on Epilepsy” June 1997 SKIMS Srinager Kashmir. 6th Post Graduate Research Presentation Programme (PGRP) SKIMS Srinager Kashmir Nov.8-9 1997. CME programme “Minimum Perinatal Care”5th July 1997 SKIMS Srinager Kashmir. 7th Post Graduate Research Presentation Programme (PGRP) SKIMS Srinager Kashmir Dec. 1998. CME programme “care of mother and child health” Department Of Community Medicine MCH division SKIMS Srinager Kashmir June 16-18 1998. Recent advances in Medicine –An Update CME programme Srinager Kashmir. 8th Post Graduate Research Presentation Programme (PGRP) SKIMS Srinager Kashmir Nov.4-6 1999. XXXVII National Conference IAPSM, Osmania Medical College Hyderabad 10-12 Feb 2000. Training Technology Course at National Institute of Health And Family welfare, New Delhi Sep.16-27th 2002. Immunization strengthening programme at National Institute Of Communicable Diseases New Delhi June2003 22nd training course on application of research techniques in reproductive biomedicine at National Institute of Health and Family welfare New Delhi from 1st September to 12th September 2003 MASSURG at SKICC Srinagar Kashmir Dec 2003. Training course on HIV/AIDS at state Institute of Health and Family welfare Japur Rajasthan India feb.2004.

Dr M. Farooq Fazili

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