Dr Marcus Episode 1

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 1,785
  • Pages: 5
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Episode 1: Snatched from the Streets! Introduction Dr Marcus sat back and swirled the amber liquid in the glass. He raised the glass to his lips and enjoyed the fiery taste of the brandy. Marcus reflected on the conversation over dinner- finally the plans where beginning to take shape. It looked as though he was correct about Harun Al-Omar- he’d just joined the team and he’d was already proving himself to be a valuable addition. Harun was able to provide intimate information about Cairo and it’s people, in fact Harun had even been able to arrange an alternative guide for them, a local guide who wouldn’t screw them over like last time. Rene’s money was being well spent. Rene Theroux, successful business man, philanthropist and hobby Egyptologist agreed to bank roll the expedition- provided that he could come along. And the expedition, well the expedition involves finding the fabled lost valley of the dead. It was then the waiter arrived. “M'excuser monsieur, I have been given this note for you… You are Dr Marcus Edwin, oui?” Marcus glanced up at the man and nodded, the waiter smiled and handed him a small envelope, instantly Marcus recognized the scrawl on the front. “Avery” He whispered. “What’s this about?” Marcus opened the letter and read it, twice, before handing it over to Harun. Harun, glanced down at the note, his head immediately jerked up. Marcus noticed the worried look creep across Harun’s face before his normal taciturn visage returned. “Lets go” Marcus’ voice was barely audible. Harun nodded in agreement his hand swaying to the ever present dagger at his side, the dagger which he passed off as an ancient family relic and a ‘traditional ceremonial piece of grab’. As the pair made a quick exit through the service door, the confused waiter glanced at the opened note now lying face up on the table. “Marcus get yourself back to the University immediately… Don Chianti is sending men to get you… Get yourself out! -Jack Avery”

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The Scenario Dr Marcus and Professor Harun are discussing plans for their upcoming dig over dinner when they receive a message telling them to get out of there- a local mobster is going to attempt to kidnap him. The gangsters are waiting outside the restaurant, Jack Avery and some members of the faculty are making their way to the restaurant to ensure the doctors safety. Mean while the action has caught the attention of the AIIA (the American International Intelligence Agency) who surprisingly, are sending several agents to ensure the doctor remains out of the mobsters and their employers hands.

The Board The playing space is 3’ by 2’. The board should be set up as a street scene with a restaurant, a small park and several buildings. Please note the entrance points for the different groups involved within the scenario. 3


Legend Building with Pavement


Parks with Trees


Faculty Set up Area AIIA Set up Area



5 7

The Models Each of the Players has a grade three model. There are four player models required to play the scenario these are; Dr Marcus, Professor Harun, Jack Avery and Captain Howard Black. Another 5 characters are available for additional players. Due to the unique set up of the board, this scenario is not an evenly pitched battle. The total pool of grades open to the GM depends on the total number of heroes, this is displayed in the table below. Number of Heroes Maximum Gangsters (Total Grade) Grade. 4 (12) 9 5 (15) 10 6 (18) 12 7 (21) 14 2|P a ge

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8 (24) 9 (27)

16 18

Set-up Dr Marcus and Professor Harun should set up first, they must be placed within 1” of a door of the restaurant. Jack Avery and any members of the faculty are placed next, they must be placed on the table edge. The gangsters set up next, they must be placed within 18” of the restaurant, but no closer than 6” to a member of the faculty or Dr Marcus/Professor Harun. The AIIA agents are kept off the board, and at the start of each turn one of the AIIA players must roll a dice and compare it to the table below. Turn Roll Required to Enter the table. 2 10 3 8+ 4 6+ 5 Automatic. When the AIIA Agents are activated they are placed on the board edge, and may move normally according to initiative.

Victory Conditions The game ends when Dr Marcus leaves table edge 4. If he is unconscious and carried of by a gangster, pushed off by a gangster or carried by the gangsters in the back of a vehicle then the gangsters have won. However if Dr Marcus walks off of table edge 4, with friendly models then both the Faculty and the AIIA are considered to have won the scenario.

Encounter Markets Marker Number Encounter 1 Sleeping Drunk 2 Nothing 3 The Watcher in the Park 4 Paper Boy 5 Nothing 6 Tony Costello & Mike Lucini 7 Find a Penny… Sleeping Drunk: A drunken worker has found a quiet place to catch 40-winks, however the character who activates the encounter notices an old six-gun protruding from his inside pocket. A successful DODGE test is required to remove gun from the drunks pocket without waking him. If the dodge test is failed then the drunk wakes up and immediately attacks the character removing the pistol. The drunk

3|P a ge

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will continue to fight until he drops his opponent or is himself dropped. When he drops his opponent he staggers to the nearest table edge and is removed from play. Location (Die Roll) Head (1) Torso (2-4)



Wound Level

BR=2 4 BR=2 Killed BW=3 4 BW=3 BW=3 GT=5 GT=5 GT=5 Arms (5-7) HT=3 4 HT=1 HT=3 SH=5 SH=4 SH=5 Legs (8-10) DG=3 4 DG=2 DG=3 SP=5 SP=5 SP=3 Nothing: Thankfully this encounter chit holds nothing!

Killed HT=1 SH=3 DG=2 SP=1

No Attacks Can’t Carry Crawl Only

The Watcher in the Park: The model that activates this encounter must make a BRAINS test. As the model gets closer to the marker they notice a shadow figure running away. The model cannot catch up with the figure that immediately leaves the board. If the BRAINS test is passed then the model noticed the figure dropping something. Give the players handout 1- which is scrunched up packet of Gitanes- a French cigarettes. This clue won’t mean much to the players just now. If the model failed their BRAINS test then they don’t notice the figure dropping anything. Paper Boy: The encounter is a paper boy selling papers. The model activating the encounter may spend the rest of the round picking up a paper. If they do give the players handout 2 which is a newspaper clipping. The newspaper clipping details a gang fight which occurred a few days before- the paper gives the players a bonus in the next episode- they get to choice of area to set up in. Tony Costello & Mike Lucini: These two ‘free’ half grade gangsters have been given orders to attack anyone who attempts to intervene in the kidnapping. When activated the GM may use them in the round as though they where waiting Location (Die Roll) Head (1)



Wound Level


Wound Level








Brawn=3 Guts=4 Arms (5-7) Heater=2 Shiv=2 Legs (8-10) Dodge=3 Speed=6 Skills: Pistol, Sprint (+1).


BW=3 GT=4 HT=2 SH=2 DG=3 SP=5



BW=3 GT=4 HT=2 SH=2 DG=3 SP=5


Torso (2-4)

4 4

HT=1 SH=1 DG=1 SP=3

No Atk Carry Crawl

4 4

HT=1 SH=1 DG=1 SP=3

No Atk Carry Crawl

Find a Penny…: This encounter emulates the old saying, about finding pennies passing them on and getting good luck. Give the player who activates the encounter handout 3- a penny. If the player keeps the coin he gets an additional ‘free’ hero point to use in this scenario. However the player may pass it to 4|P a ge

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another player, if they elect to do that then the player who the penny is passed to receives two ‘free’ hero points to use in this scenario- the activating player receives no benefits except a warm fuzzy feeling for helping another player out.

Special Rules Night Rules: All line of sight is reduced to 12”, unless the target is on the main street i.e. not an alley way of the park. If the target is on the lighted street then they are considered to be obscured beyond 12”. (Obscured models are -2 to hit). Out for Dinner: Dr Marcus and Professor Harun where out for dinner, and as such they don’t carry any weapons except from Professor Harun’s traditional dagger (his short blade). Jack Avery carries both of their equipment. Jack may pass the equipment to another model, he can only pass it to one model a round. While passing the equipment Jack cannot fire or move (although he may move before he passes the equipment) and must be in base to base contact with the model. If Jack is knocked unconscious a model may move into base to base contact with him and spend the round collecting the equipment. If Jack is panicked while carrying the equipment then he immediately drops it, place a marker to show where he dropped it. Any model may move up to the equipment and spend the rest of the round picking it up (meaning that they cannot shoot or willingly go prone.) Don’t shoot the Doc: The gangsters are not willing to take the chance of killing Dr Marcus, and so may not shoot at the Doctor unless he shoots at the model or a friendly model within 6”. Get the Doc!: The gangsters are hoping to beat the Doctor unconscious and either carry him off of the board- either by muscle or in the back of a van. If the Doctor is knocked unconscious then any gangster models may attempt to lift the unconscious doctor and carry him. To successfully lift the doctor the model must make a successful BRAWN check- multiple models may lift the Doctor, pooling their BRAWN scores. Any model carrying Dr Marcus may do nothing other than move- and they do so at half of their SPEED score.

5|P a ge

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