Doc 4_reg_qc Holdings Rz Ocp Amend

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 28



PROPOSAL: Application by QC Holdings Ltd. to amend the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan and the Township’s Zoning Bylaw to CD-78, to facilitate development of the Willoughby Town Centre (retail/office/apartment uses) on 8.07 ha (19.93 acres) of land located at 20622 and 20682 – 80 Avenue, 20667 – 78 Avenue and 7851 and 7879 – 208 Street. RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY: That Council give first and second reading to Neighbourhood Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 4767 and Rezoning Bylaw No. 4768, and that final reading be subject to completion of thirteen (13) development prerequisites. RATIONALE: Staff supports the development proposal as it is consistent with the overall objectives of the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan and Willoughby Community Plan.



09-107 08-23-0108


Page 2 . . . RECOMMENDATIONS: That Council give first and second reading to Bylaw No. 4768, (and accompanying Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 4767) rezoning 8.07 ha (19.93 acres) of land located at 20622 and 20682 – 80 Avenue, 20667 – 78 Avenue and 7851 and 7879 – 208 Street, to Comprehensive Development Zone (CD-78) to facilitate the first project in the Willoughby Town Centre, subject to the following development prerequisites being satisfied prior to final reading: 1. In accordance with Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan requirements: a. Provide an overall layout plan for the Southwest Yorkson Phase including roads, greenways, environmental setbacks and land use to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development; b. Provide an overall layout plan for the Willoughby Town Centre Area including interim and ultimate road alignments, parking areas, access driveways, greenways and other public amenities to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development; and c. Provide an overall stormwater detention plan for the Southwest Yorkson Phase and secure an adequately sized community stormwater detention pond(s) to service the Southwest Yorkson Phase to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering. 2. Completion of a Servicing Agreement (and phased restrictive covenants, where required) with the Township to secure required road construction and utility upgrades and extensions in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw, and Yorkson Engineering Services Plan to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering; and greenway construction details to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; 3. Completion of a Development Works Agreement (if required) securing off-site servicing to the Southwest Phase, as required by the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development; 4. Completion of an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan in accordance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering; 5. Provision of the necessary traffic improvement details in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw No. 3650 and the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering and the Director of Community Development, including: a. Final completion of a Traffic Impact Study including provision of recommended road dedication, widenings and necessary traffic improvements; b. Securing road dedications of 10.2 metres for 208 Street, 9.7 metres for 80 Avenue, 16.0 metres for 206A Street and 24.3 metres for the proposed High Street; c. Completion of a Road Closure Bylaw for the un-constructed portion of 79 Avenue south of the existing Willoughby Elementary School and for the un-constructed portion of 78 Avenue south of Lot 2, Plan 82374; and d. Registration of an all purpose right-of-way over the internal strata roads and greenlink for municipal services and public access; 6. Compliance with the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw (Tree Protection) No. 4470 including provision of a final tree management plan incorporating tree retention, replacement and protection details, to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; 7. Final completion of landscape plans and details in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw No. 2500 and the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, to the acceptance of the manger of Parks Design and Development including: a. Dedication and provision of security for the construction of a 4.5 metre greenway, or equivalent, along the 208 Street and 80 Avenue frontages, including final acceptance of greenway design plans, sidewalk/trail alignment, and landscaping details;


Page 3 . . . b. Completion of on-site landscape plans for the first phase of development including greenlink plans and compliance with Child Friendly Amenity Area requirements; and c. Compliance with the Yorkson Greenway Amenity Zoning Policy including payment of applicable greenway amenity fee; 8. Compliance with the requirements of the Streamside Protection Bylaw and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans with respect to: a. Final completion of an overall environmental protection/compensation plan for the Southwest Yorkson Phase to the acceptance of the DFO; b. Dedication of environmental compensation areas to the Township for conservation purposes (where required); c. Registration of non-disturbance restrictive covenants (where required); d. Section 35 (HAAD) authorizations being obtained (where required); 9. Compliance with the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, requiring that a minimum of 5% of the units incorporate flex and universal housing requirements i.e. adaptive housing; 10. Submission of detailed Development Permit drawings and schedules for the first phase of development that are consistent with the Town Market Commercial and Town Market Mixed Use Development Permit Guidelines; to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development; 11. Provision of a CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) review of the first phase of development by a qualified CPTED professional (in consultation with the Langley RCMP), to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development, including incorporation of the CPTED recommendations into the final development plans;; 12. Payment of applicable Neighbourhood Planning Administration fees, Parks Design and Development Administration fee, Site Servicing Review fee, Development Works Agreement fee and remaining rezoning fees; and 13. Compliance with the Township’s 5% Neighbourhood Parkland Acquisition Policy; and further That Council authorize staff to schedule the required public hearing for Bylaws No. 4767 and 4768; EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The development of the Willoughby Town Centre is considered to be one of the most critical elements in ensuring the success of the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan. QC Holdings’ application will facilitate construction of Phase One of a multi-phase plan to develop its 8.07 ha (19.93 acres) Town Centre site. To accommodate the proposed development Bylaw No. 4767 amends the Yorkson Neighbourhood plan by reconsidering a number of its policies. Bylaw No. 4768 proposes to rezone the site to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-78. Staff are supportive of QC Holdings development proposal and recommend that the two Bylaws be given first and second reading subject to the completion of thirteen (13) development prerequisites prior to final reading. Although preliminary plans have been submitted, detailed Development Permit drawings will be addressed later in the process, at which time Council will have the opportunity to evaluate the form, character and siting of the individual elements of the project. PURPOSE: This report is to advise and make recommendations with respect to QC Holdings’ rezoning/ neighbourhood plan amendment application in Yorkson.


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Page 6 . . .

Preliminary Concept Plan – SUBMITTED BY APPLICANT


Conceptual Elevations: Seniors Building – SUBMITTED BY APPLICANT

Conceptual Elevations: Seniors Building – SUBMITTED BY APPLICANT (Note: Proposed trees are shown at maturity.)

Conceptual Elevations: Irish Cultural Building – SUBMITTED BY APPLICANT


Page 7 . . .

Preliminary Site Concept Plan – SUBMITTED BY APPLICANT Phase 1 Phase 2 Zoning Boundary



Page 8 . . . REFERENCE: Owners:

QC Holdings Ltd. (Qualico) 310, 5620 – 152nd Street Surrey, BC V3S 3K2 The Trustees of Jubilee, Pastoral Charge of The United Church of Canada PO BOX 32094 Langley, BC V1M 2C0


Hugh Carter QC Holdings Ltd. 310, 5620 – 152nd Street Surrey, BC V3S 3K2

Legal Description:

Lot 2 Section 23 Township 8 New Westminster District Plan 82374 Lots 1 & 4 Section 23 Township 8 New Westminster District Plan 74786 Lot 9 Section 23 Township 8 New Westminster District Plan 27628 Lot 14 Section 23 Township 8 New Westminster District Plan 38586


20622 and 20682 – 80 Avenue; 20667 – 78 Avenue; and 7851 and 7879 – 208 Street

Subject Area:

8.07 ha (19.93 acres)

Existing Zoning:

Suburban Residential SR-2

Proposed Zoning:

Comprehensive development zone CD – 78

Willoughby Community Plan:

“Willoughby Town Centre”

Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan:

“Town Market Commercial” and “Town Market Mixed Use”

E.S.A. Designation:

E.S.A.# 061 – Willoughby and Willowbrook Area (Rating - #3)

BACKGROUND: The subject site is the first development proposal in the Southwest Phase of the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan. The subject site is currently zoned Suburban Residential Zone SR-2 (8094m2 / 2 acre minimum lot size) and is designated ‘Willoughby Town Centre’ in the Willoughby Community Plan and ‘Town Market Commercial’ and ‘Town Market Mixed Use’ in the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan.


Page 9 . . . Adopted in 1998, the Willoughby Community Plan describes the Town Centre, in part as follows: “The centrally located Town Centre is intended for a wide variety of more intensive land uses, accommodating a diverse range of functions including retail, and major community facilities. Within the Town Centre it is envisaged that higher density housing will also be accommodated. The Town Centre offers an opportunity to integrate the functions of living, working and playing in a compact, readily accessible area. It is intended that major commercial uses and higher density residential uses will have convenient access to 208 Street and to 80 Avenue.” This application encompasses a significant portion of the Willoughby Town Centre area, an area that is instrumental in achieving the Township’s vision of a core district that will “anchor” development in Willoughby and encourage healthier neighbourhoods, reduce reliance on automobiles and generally enhance the quality of life for area residents. The Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, amended in 2008, further describes the vision for this town centre as follows: “The Willoughby Town Centre consists of Town Market Commercial and Town Market Mixed Use (i.e., integrated residential and commercial) designed to be a walkable environment. It is focused at the intersection of 208 Street and 80 Avenue, the neighbourhood’s two primary roads providing access within and through it. It is here that neighbourhood residents will find a wide range of retail, business and entertainment activities. The Town Centre is further divided into a core and periphery. The intent of the core and periphery distinction is to create a vibrant ‘village’ core with controlled uses and heights while providing significant supportive uses and residential densities on the periphery. Both designations provide for mixed use developments, but only the mixed use land-use designation allows for mixed uses in separate buildings. The Town Market Mixed Use area is located adjacent the Town Market Commercial area and extends the commercial core while providing opportunities for additional office space or higher density residential development than in the core.” In staff’s opinion the land uses contemplated by the QC Holdings application comply with the land use policies of both the Willoughby Community Plan and the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan. DISCUSSION/ANALYSIS: The proponent has applied to develop 8.07 ha (19.93 acres) of land located at 20622 and 20682 – 80 Avenue, 20667 – 78 Avenue and 7851 and 7879 – 208 Street, to facilitate the initial development in the Willoughby Town Centre. Two Bylaws are proposed. The first is Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 4767 proposing minor adjustments to the Town Centre Land Use Policies, as well as other process/timing amendments intended to “kick start” development of the Town Centre. The second is Rezoning Bylaw No. 4768, amending the zoning of the subject properties to Comprehensive Development Zone (CD-78) to accommodate a mixed use development consisting of retail, office, and apartment uses. This report is only intended to address issues of land use and density, as the form, character and siting of the individual elements of the project will be addressed through subsequent Development Permit applications, which staff will present to Council once detailed design work has been completed.


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Surrounding Land Uses: North:

Northeast: East:

South: West:

80 Avenue, beyond which are suburban residential lots (zoned SR-2, but designated ‘Mixed Use’ and ‘Apartment’ in the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan and the subject of a current rezoning and OCP amendment (208 Developments) proposing apartment and townhouse uses); Willoughby Elementary school, (zoned P-1, but designated Town Centre Commercial in the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan); 208 Street, beyond which are suburban residential lots (zoned Suburban Residential Zone SR-2 and designated for ‘Apartment’ in the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan); 78 Avenue, beyond which is a suburban residential lot (zoned SR-2, but designated ‘Apartment’ in the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan); suburban residential lots (zoned SR-2, but designated ‘Mixed Residential’ and ‘Townhouse’ in the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan).

Development Permit: All of the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan area is designated as a mandatory Development Permit area in the Willoughby Community Plan. Applicable is “Development Permit Area ‘J’ – Town Market Commercial” and “Development Permit Area ‘K’ – Town Market Mixed Use.” Subsequent to rezoning (or further along in the rezoning process) the proponent intends to submit a detailed Development Permit application to Council. The Development Permit will address the details of the form and character of the Town Centre development including siting, mass, height, access, parking, landscape, tree protection/replacement, child friendly amenity areas, building materials, colours and other site development items. The Development Permit will be reviewed by Council and is required to be issued prior to the issuance of any building permits for the site. In support of the rezoning the proponent has submitted a number of preliminary plans. Land Use: The QC Holdings’ Development Proposal complies with the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan’s land use policies for the Town Centre lands, permitting a mix of institutional, commercial, residential and retail uses. Proposed Bylaw No. 4768 establishes a new Comprehensive Development Zone for the Willoughby Town Centre consistent with these policies. Primary land uses proposed for Phase One of the QC Holdings development include seven mixed commercial / residential buildings consisting of retail units at grade with three stories of residential apartments above, two larger format retail anchors (grocery store and pharmacy), a two story office building, a restaurant and a number of smaller retail units. In total, Phase One is proposed to have approximately 10,219 m2 (110, 000 ft2) of commercial floor space and 192 residential units over a gross site area of 4.98 ha (12.31 acres). Phase Two of the project is envisioned to consist of higher density residential uses, including towers up to 12 storeys in height, (subject to design and engineering requirements outlined in the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan,) with a combination of street fronting townhouse and commercial podiums. Phase Two will have approximately 750 residential units and a yet to be determined amount of commercial space. Staff supports the land uses proposed as they comply with the land use policies outlined in the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan for the Town Centre area.


Page 11 . . . Sub-zone Requirements: The zoning and density being proposed by QC Holdings complies with the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan land use designations and policies. Rezoning Bylaw No. 4768 implements these policies by creating a new Comprehensive Development Zone (CD-78) and nine (9) subzones for the Willoughby Town Centre, a summary of which follows:

CD-78 (Willoughby Town Centre) Sub-zone


Commercial Density (Gross Floor Area)

Residential Density (Units per Acre)

Height (Storeys)

CD-78 (A)

Commercial Uses/ Accessory Uses

Minimum 4200 m2 / Maximum 8000 m2


2 or fewer

CD-78 (B)

Commercial Uses/ Apartments/ Accessory Uses

Minimum 1100 m2 / Maximum 3700 m2

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

4 or fewer

CD-78 (C)

Commercial Uses/ Apartments/ Accessory Uses

Minimum 900 m2 / Maximum 5100 m2

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

CD-78 (D)

Commercial Uses/ Apartments/ Accessory Uses

Minimum 900 m2 / Maximum 3250 m2

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

4 or fewer

Minimum 450 m2 / Maximum 4400 m2

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

4 or fewer

CD-78 (E)

Apartments/ Townhouses/ Commercial Uses/ Accessory Uses

Mid-rise: 80-120 upa

5 to 12

Apartments/ Seniors Housing/ Townhouses/ Commercial Uses/ Accessory Uses

Minimum 450 m2 / Maximum 5100 m2

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

4 or fewer

Mid-rise: 80-120 upa

5 to 12

Commercial Uses/ Apartments/ Townhouses/ Accessory Uses

Minimum 700 m2 / Maximum 2550 m2

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

4 or fewer

Mid-rise: 80-120 upa

5 to 12

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

4 or fewer

Mid-rise: 80-120 upa

5 to 12

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

4 or fewer

Mid-rise: 80-120 upa

5 to 12

CD-78 (F)

CD-78 (G)

CD-78 (H)

CD-78 (I)

Apartments/ Townhouses/ Seniors Housing/ Accessory Uses


Apartments/ Townhouses/ Seniors Housing/ Commercial Uses/ Accessory Uses

Maximum 4200 m2

4 or fewer


Page 12 . . .

Neighbourhood Plan Amendment: As noted, the subject site is currently designated ‘Town Market Commercial’ and ‘Town Market Mixed Use’ in the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan. To facilitate the proposed development the following amendments have been requested: A) Locating major retail anchors (i.e. major grocery store and pharmacy) south of the High Street, as opposed to the current requirement for these uses to be located north of the High Street. Staff do not object to this change and support amending the locational criteria to only require that major anchors be located adjacent to the High Street. This adjustment remains consistent with the plan’s intent calling for the more intense commercial uses to be located along the High Street. B) Exempting the Town Centre’s phase one development from the need to secure a new Elementary School/ Neighbourhood Park site in the Southwest Phase prior to development. Section 8.2.7 of the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan already excludes commercial development from these development prerequisites. The proponent initially intended to develop the High Street with strictly commercial uses and defer all residential development to later stages. However, discussions between the applicant and staff led to the conclusion that to create an effective pedestrian centre with strong urban design and a true sense of place, it is vital to include a residential component along the High Street in conjunction with commercial development. In order to facilitate the preferred mixed use High Street design, staff suggest that Section 8.2.7 of the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan be amended to exempt Phase One mixed-use development along the High Street from the Elementary School / Neighbourhood Park development prerequisite. All future residential development in the Town Centre, and elsewhere in the Southwest Phase of Yorkson, will still be required to satisfy this requirement prior to development. In the interim any children generated by the subject development will still be able to attend the existing Willoughby Elementary School. Due to the nature of this anticipated residential development (i.e. apartment units above commercial) the number of children generated is expected to be very low. Staff Support the proposed neighbourhood plan amendments as they serve to improve the viability of the Town Centre development and remain consistent with the overall goals and objectives of the Willoughby Community Plan and Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan. Greenways: As part of the project, the applicant is required to develop a pedestrian friendly street interface along the 80 Avenue and 208 Street frontages, as identified in the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan. These pedestrian facilities will connect to adjacent street greenways and form part of the overall Yorkson Neighbourhood greenway network. These sections of street frontage are designed to be the equivalent of a street greenway; however, they will be provided in a modified form in recognition of the more dynamic, urban nature of the Town Centre. They will include


Page 13 . . . widened sidewalks, weather protection in the form of awnings and galleries, expanded hard surfaces, street trees in decorative grates, and street furniture such as benches and trash cans. Details of the open space improvements (i.e. required hard and soft landscaping, street furniture etc.) will need to be finalized to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development prior to final reading of the Rezoning Bylaw. The Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan also identifies areas where greenlinks are required. Greenlinks are privately owned and maintained greenways that are not adjacent to public roads, yet are intended for public use. One greenlink is required on site to provide public pedestrian connection from 78 Avenue to the High Street at the heart of the Town Centre. As a condition of final reading the proponent will be required to secure the greenlink and street fronting pedestrian facilities by means of a public access right-of-way, and secure construction as part of a Servicing Agreement. Prior to final reading the proponent must also comply with provisions of the Yorkson Greenway Amenity Zoning Policy. Tree Protection/ Replacement: The applicant has submitted a tree survey indicating that 231 significant trees currently exist on site. The applicant has indicated that very few of these trees will be retained. The Township’s Tree Protection Bylaw, however, requires that approximately 600 replacement trees be planted, plus street trees. As the ultimate site plan has yet to be determined, the number of retained and replacement trees may be subject to change. Ultimate tree protection and replacement details are subject to the final acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development prior to final reading. Transit: Transit has yet to be extended into the Yorkson Neighbourhood. The road layout of the overall Yorkson development, however, has been designed to accommodate the provision of future transit routes in accordance with Translink’s operating policies and procedures. Each year Translink provides Council with the opportunity to input/comment on transit routes in the Township. It is believed that 208 Street will initially become a transit route with the Willoughby Town Centre as a primary destination. Servicing: Servicing of the Yorkson Neighbourhood was reviewed by the Engineering Division as part of the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan review. Prior to final reading the proponent is required to secure full municipal services and enter into a Servicing Agreement in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw. The Servicing Agreement will include all municipal off-site road and utility upgrades/extensions and a stormwater management plan. A Sediment and Erosion Control plan will also be required in accordance with the Sediment and Erosion Control Bylaw. The applicant is proposing to stage the development in two (2) phases; the first phase will be centred along High Street and will consist of the anchor retail tenants and a number of mixed use buildings (up to 4 storeys), the second phase will be around the edges of the site and will consist of mid-rise residential and some minor commercial uses, (up to 12 storeys). A restrictive covenant will be required to be registered, prior to final reading, restricting development of each phase until a Servicing Agreement is finalized for that phase. This will enable detailed servicing requirements to be dealt with on a phase by phase basis.


Page 14 . . . Prior to final reading the proponent is also required to provide a stormwater management plan for the Southwest Phase as delineated on Map 4 of the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan. The location of the proposed detention pond is to be adjacent to the headwater of Yorkson Creek. Securing a suitable site for the detention pond is required prior to final reading of the Rezoning Bylaw. The proponent is required to design and secure the community stormwater detention pond to service the Southwest Phase, to the acceptance of the Township. The proponent may also choose to enter into a Development Works Agreement (DWA) with the Township (similar to a latecomer’s agreement) dealing with the recovery of some front-ended servicing costs. In this case, a DWA is anticipated for the stormwater detention pond serving all of the Southwest Phase. Completion of the DWA, if required, must occur prior to final reading of the Rezoning Bylaw. Although a traffic study was conducted as part of the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan update process, a site specific traffic impact study must be finalized by the proponent for the subject development. It will primarily examine the internal vehicle circulation, the impact of the development on the existing and future municipal road network, and make recommendations for interim and ultimate road designs. Ultimately the site will be designed in accordance with the recommendations of the report, in consultation with the Township’s Traffic Engineering Department, to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering. This has been included as a development prerequisite. Road dedication, widenings and necessary traffic improvements (including approximate dedications of 24.3 metres for the High Street, 16 metres for 206A Street, 10.2 metres for 208 Street, 9.7 and metres for 80 Avenue, in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw No. 3650 and the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan) must be secured prior to final reading to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering. The development will also require the completion of a Road Closure Bylaw for the unconstructed portion of 79 Avenue south of the existing Willoughby Elementary School and for the un-constructed portion of 78 Avenue south of Lot 2, Plan 82374 Advance Street Plan: In accordance with the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, the initial development in each phase must provide an overall layout plan addressing roads, pedestrian links, greenways, watercourses, environmental compensation areas, land use and housing types. The layout is to ensure that each phase can develop in an overall comprehensive manner and is to function as an evolving guide to development. Such a plan has been prepared by the proponent and has been tentatively accepted by Township staff. As per the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, prior to final reading the proponent must finalize details of the layout plan to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development. Town Centre Concept Plan: In accordance with the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, initial development in the Town Centre area must provide a comprehensive development plan for the Town Centre area to the acceptance of the General Manager of Community Development, that addresses the following: “…land use, pedestrian and traffic circulation, massing and location of buildings, location of ‘landmark’ buildings, architectural continuity, streetscape design, parking and the location and use of the heritage school house and appropriate landscaping around the building.”


Page 15 . . . The conceptual site plan submitted (See page 8) forms the basis of this comprehensive development plan. It should be noted that this plan will provide general details of development for adjacent properties and establish fixed points of access for vehicular and pedestrian movements, however, specific siting and uses will be determined on an application by application basis as the Town Centre builds out over time. School Sites: The Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan states that “The following general prerequisites must be satisfied prior to the adoption of a rezoning bylaw in any phase: a.

the designated elementary school site indicated for that phase, whether it is located in that phase or not, must be secured to the acceptance of the School District, subject to Sections 8.2.6 and 8.2.7;…”

As noted previously the applicant requests that this requirement be eased for the first phase of development. The Yorkson Neighbourhood currently falls within the catchment area of Willoughby Elementary School (located adjacent to the site on the southwest corner of 208 Street and 80 Avenue). In the short term, elementary students from the proposed development are expected to attend Willoughby Elementary School (which has some capacity available). Yorkson students will attend it until sufficient numbers are generated to construct additional elementary schools in the Yorkson Plan area. The School District has indicated that the first Yorkson school to be constructed will be an elementary school on a site already acquired by the School District on 83 Avenue, east of 208 Street. Nevertheless, given the housing form proposed in phase one, it is not expected that many elementary students will be generated. The proposed development falls within the Southwest Phase of the Yorkson Plan. The ultimate location for the five acre elementary school site for this phase is envisioned to be south and west of the subject site, closer to the centre of the catchment area. If Council agrees to the Yorkson Plan amendment contemplated in this report, prior to the development of subsequent residential units (beyond Phase One) the elementary school site will need to be secured to the acceptance of the School District and Township. Another secondary school site to serve the Willoughby neighbourhoods is yet to be pursued as capacity exists at Mountain Secondary School. An expansion of Mountain Secondary has been identified as a priority in the School District’s capital plan. Yorkson secondary school students will be expected to attend Mountain Secondary. Parks and Recreation: The Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan states that “The following general prerequisites must be satisfied prior to the adoption of a rezoning bylaw in any phase:… b.

the designated neighbourhood park site indicated for that phase, whether it is located in that phase or not, must be secured to the acceptance of the Township, subject to Sections 8.2.6 and 8.2.7;…”

As noted previously, the applicant requests that this requirement be eased for the first phase of development.


Page 16 . . . The proposed development falls within the Southwest Phase of the Yorkson Plan. If Council agrees to the Yorkson Plan amendment contemplated in this report, prior to the development of subsequent residential units (beyond Phase One) the neighbourhood park site school site will be secured to the acceptance of the Township. Staff are supportive of this request as, in addition to the playing fields and playground equipment located immediately adjacent to the development site at the Willoughby Elementary School, the existing Willoughby neighbourhood park (located at 84 Avenue and 206 Street) is approximately 750 metres from the development site. The future Yorkson Community Park site is planned to be located immediately north of the development site, across 80 Avenue. Prior to final reading the proponent is also required to comply with the Township’s 5% Neighbourhood Parkland Acquisition Policy. Although few children are expected to be generated in Phase One of the development (due to the proposed housing form), the development will include the requisite child friendly amenity areas, the details of which will be determined in the future Development Permit. Flex and Universal Housing: In accordance with Section 4.2.1(9) of the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan a minimum of 5% of the units in any residential development shall provide either flex or universal housing prior to final reading of the rezoning bylaw. The Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan defines flex and universal housing as follows. Flex Housing:” is an innovative approach to home design, renovation and construction that emphasizes accessibility and is engineered to adapt at minimal cost to the changing needs of occupants over their lifetime. The principles of accessibility, adaptability and affordability are applicable to the design and construction of single family dwellings, duplexes, multi-units, townhouses and even apartments, allowing residents to convert space as their needs change. The concept includes: • The use of health materials including structural elements, flooring choices, heating systems and finishes that provide improved indoor air quality and ventilation have been incorporated into the house; • The us of energy efficient Power Smart appliances and lighting, plus a high efficiency forced-air heating system; and • Wheelchair accessibility through widened hallways and doorways, lowered countertops and placement of light and electrical switches within easy reach. The house is designed so that it can accommodate a future elevator.” Universal Housing: “Universal design are those home design features that make a home safe and comfortable for everyone, young or old, whether they have a disability or not. It’s making a home for all ages. Examples include cabinets with pull-out and kitchen counters at several heights to accommodate different tasks and postures”. The proponent has agreed to provide a minimum of 5% of the units as adaptive housing in accordance with Township policy. This will be secured by Restrictive Covenant and detailed in the future DP.


Page 17 . . . Environment: In accordance, with the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan the Town Centre development is required to comply with the Township’s Streamside Protection Bylaw and obtain approval from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Section 35 approval). These issues have been addressed as a part of the Yorkson Neighbourhood plan review process in consultation with DFO and the proponent’s consultants. Evolving from this process was the need to protect the headwaters of Yorkson Creek and compensate for the piping of a number of roadside drainage ditches. Township staff are close to resolution of these matters with DFO, within the context of an overall environmental protection/compensation plan for the Southwest Phase. Final acceptance of this plan by DFO is required prior to final reading. The Township’s Environmentally Sensitive Areas (E.S.A.) Study identifies the lands as forming part of the Willoughby and Willowbrook area. As part of the required Servicing Agreement, the applicant will provide full urban services as well as a stormwater management plan and sediment control measures as a prerequisite of the rezoning application. Completion of these requirements and compliance with the Township’s Tree Protection Bylaw satisfy the management guidelines identified in the Township’s Environmentally Sensitive Areas Study. Rezoning Development Prerequisites: Prior to final reading of the rezoning bylaw, the following items must be finalized: 1. In accordance with Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan requirements: a. Provide an overall layout plan for the Southwest Yorkson Phase including roads, greenways, environmental setbacks and land use to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development; b. Provide an overall layout plan for the Willoughby Town Centre Area including interim and ultimate road alignments, parking areas, access driveways, greenways and other public amenities to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development; and c. Provide an overall stormwater detention plan for the Southwest Yorkson Phase and secure an adequately sized community stormwater detention pond(s) to service the Southwest Yorkson Phase to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering. 2. Completion of a Servicing Agreement (and phased restrictive covenants, where required) with the Township to secure required road construction and utility upgrades and extensions in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw, and Yorkson Engineering Services Plan to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering; and greenway construction details to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; 3. Completion of a Development Works Agreement (if required) securing off-site servicing to the Southwest Phase, as required by the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development; 4. Completion of an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan in accordance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering;


Page 18 . . . 5. Provision of the necessary traffic improvement details in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw No. 3650 and the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering and the Director of Community Development, including: a. Final completion of a Traffic Impact Study including provision of recommended road dedication, widenings and necessary traffic improvements; b. Securing road dedications of 10.2 metres for 208 Street, 9.7 metres for 80 Avenue, 16.0 metres for 206A Street and 24.3 metres for the proposed High Street; c. Completion of a Road Closure Bylaw for the un-constructed portion of 79 Avenue south of the existing Willoughby Elementary School and for the un-constructed portion of 78 Avenue south of Lot 2, Plan 82374; and d. Registration of an all purpose right-of-way over the internal strata roads and greenlink for municipal services and public access; 6. Compliance with the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw (Tree Protection) No. 4470 including provision of a final tree management plan incorporating tree retention, replacement and protection details, to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; 7. Final completion of landscape plans and details in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw No. 2500 and the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, to the acceptance of the manger of Parks Design and Development including: a. Dedication and provision of security for the construction of a 4.5 metre greenway, or equivalent, along the 208 Street and 80 Avenue frontages, including final acceptance of greenway design plans, sidewalk/trail alignment, and landscaping details; b. Completion of landscape plans for the first phase of development including greenlink plans and compliance with Child Friendly Amenity Area requirements; and c. Compliance with the Yorkson Greenway Amenity Zoning Policy including payment of applicable greenway amenity fee; 8. Compliance with the requirements of the Streamside Protection Bylaw and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans with respect to: a. Final completion of an overall environmental protection/compensation plan for the Southwest Yorkson Phase to the acceptance of the DFO; b. Dedication of environmental compensation areas to the Township for conservation purposes (where required); c. Registration of non-disturbance restrictive covenants (where required); d. Section 35 (HAAD) authorizations being obtained (where required); 9. Compliance with the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, requiring that a minimum of 5% of the units incorporate flex and universal housing requirements i.e. adaptive housing; 10. Submission of detailed Development Permit drawings and schedules for the first phase of development that are consistent with the Town Market Commercial and Town Market Mixed Use Development Permit Guidelines; to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development; 11. Provision of a CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) review of the first phase of development by a qualified CPTED professional (in consultation with the Langley RCMP), to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development, including incorporation of the CPTED recommendations into the final development plans;;


Page 19 . . . 12. Payment of applicable Neighbourhood Planning Administration fees, Parks Design and Development Administration fee, Site Servicing Review fee, Development Works Agreement fee and remaining rezoning fees; and 13. Compliance with the Township’s 5% Neighbourhood Parkland Acquisition Policy. POLICY CONSIDERATIONS: The development of the Willoughby Town Centre is considered the most crucial element of ensuring the success of the Willoughby Community Plan and the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan. QC Holdings’ Rezoning and Neighbourhood Plan amendment requests serve to facilitate the implementation of these plans in a manner that is consistent with the overall goals and objectives of the Plan. Adjustments to the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan’s implementation policies are supported by staff and are considered a practical approach to ensuring the success of the Willoughby Town Centre. Staff recommend that Rezoning Bylaw No. 4768 and Neighbourhood Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 4767 be given first and second reading and that the public hearing be scheduled. Final Reading of the Bylaws is subject to the thirteen (13) development prerequisites outlined in this report. Development Permit(s) detailing the form, character and siting of subsequent development will follow this rezoning request. Respectfully submitted,




Bylaw No. 4767 amends the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan to allow large format retail uses in the Town Market Mixed use designation and to allow the development of a limited number of residential units in the Town Market Area without first securing an Elementary School / Neighbourhood Park site for the Southwest Phase, in order to facilitate the construction of a multi-phase, mixed use, residential, retail, and office project.

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF LANGLEY LANGLEY OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN BYLAW 1979 NO. 1842 AMENDMENT (WILLOUGHBY COMMUNITY PLAN) BYLAW 1998 NO. 3800 AMENDMENT (YORKSON NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN) BYLAW 2001 NO. 4030 AMENDMENT (QC HOLDINGS) BYLAW 2009 NO. 4767 A Bylaw to amend Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan Bylaw No. 4030; WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and desirable to amend “Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan Bylaw No. 4030” as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Langley, in Open Meeting Assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1.

This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as “Langley Official Community Plan Bylaw 1979 No. 1842 Amendment (Willoughby Community Plan) Bylaw 1998 No. 3800 Amendment (Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan) Bylaw 2001 No. 4030 Amendment (QC Holdings) Bylaw 2009 No. 4767”.


Langley Official Community Plan Bylaw 1979 No. 1842 Amendment (Willoughby Community Plan) Bylaw 1998 No. 3800 Amendment (Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan) Bylaw 2001 No. 4030 is further amended as follows: a. By deleting the following from Section, “Large format commercial stores are permitted only in the Town Market area” and replacing with the following, “Large format commercial stores, (i.e. anchor tenants) may be considered adjacent to the High Street subject to the conditions set out in Section” b. By deleting the text of Section 8.2.7 and replacing it with the following Section 8.2.7: “Sections 8.2.1 and 8.2.2 shall not apply to commercial or industrial development that does not include a residential component, nor shall they apply to mixed-use development located in sub-zones CD-78 (A), (B) (C) and (D) as shown in Section 978.12 of the Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500.”


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Deputy Township Clerk


EXPLANATORY NOTE Bylaw No. 4768 rezones 8.07 ha (19.93 acres) of land located at 20622 and 20682 – 80 Avenue, 20667 – 78 Avenue and 7851 and 7879 – 208 Street in the Willoughby Town Centre, to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-78 to facilitate the construction of a multiphase, mixed use, residential, retail, and office project.


WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and desirable to amend “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500” as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Langley, in Open Meeting Assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500 Amendment (QC Holdings) Bylaw 2009 No. 4768”. 2. The “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500” as amended is further amended by: a. Adding to Section 104.1 – Zones the words “Comprehensive Development Zone CD-78” after the words “Comprehensive Development Zone CD-77” b. Adding to Section 110 after the words “CD-77” the words “CD-78 1000 m2” c. By adding after Section 977 “Comprehensive Development Zone CD-77” the following as Section 978 “Comprehensive Development Zone CD-78” 978 – Comprehensive Development Zone CD-78 Uses Permitted 978.1 In the CD-78 Zone, subject to Section 978.11, only the following uses are permitted and all other uses are prohibited: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

accessory buildings and uses accessory home occupations subject to Section 104.3(l) Apartments Townhouses Commercial uses Offices Retail Seniors Housing

Zoning Amenity Policy 978.2 Pursuant to Local Government Act provisions, all development shall comply with the Yorkson Greenway Amenity Zoning Policy; and with the Township’s 5% Neighbourhood Parkland Acquisition Policy.

Bylaw 4768 Page 2 . . .

Density 978.3 (1) (2)

The minimum and maximum residential density permitted for each sub-zone shall be as shown in Section 978.11 The minimum and maximum commercial density permitted in each sub-zone shall be as shown in Section 978.11

Lot Coverage 978.4 Buildings and structures lot coverage for each area shall be in accordance with the provisions of a Development Permit. Siting of Buildings and Structures 978.4 Principal buildings and structures shall be sited in accordance with the provisions of a Development Permit. Height of Buildings and Structures 978.5 Except as provided for in Section 104.5, the height of buildings and structures shall be as shown in Section 978.11 and shall be in accordance with the provisions of a Development Permit. Parking and Loading 978.6 Parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Section 107 and shall be in accordance with the provisions of a Development Permit. Subdivision Requirements 978.7 All lots created by subdivision shall comply with Section 110 of this Bylaw and the Township of Langley “Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw”. Landscaping, Screening and Fencing 978.8 Landscaping areas, landscaping screens and fencing shall be provided in accordance with a Development Permit. Development Permit Requirements 978.9 An application for a Development Permit shall be submitted to Council for its consideration prior to issuance of a building permit. Child Friendly Amenity 978.10 Child Friendly Amenity areas shall be provided in accordance with Section 111.5 and in accordance with a Development Permit.

Bylaw 4768 Page 3 . . .

Sub-zone Requirements 978.11 The specific uses for each sub-zone area (as shown in Section 978.12) shall be in conformance with the following table: Sub-zone


Commercial Density (Gross Floor Area)

Residential Density (Units per Acre)

Height (Storeys)

CD-78 (A)

Commercial Uses/ Accessory Uses

Minimum 4200 m2 / Maximum 8000 m2


2 or fewer

CD-78 (B)

Commercial Uses/ Apartments/ Accessory Uses

Minimum 1100 m2 / Maximum 3700 m2

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

4 or fewer

CD-78 (C)

Commercial Uses/ Apartments/ Accessory Uses

Minimum 900 m2 / Maximum 5100 m2

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

CD-78 (D)

Commercial Uses/ Apartments/ Accessory Uses

Minimum 900 m2 / Maximum 3250 m2

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

4 or fewer

Minimum 450 m2 / Maximum 4400 m2

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

4 or fewer

CD-78 (E)

Apartments/ Townhouses/ Commercial Uses/ Accessory Uses

Mid-rise: 80-120 upa

5 to 12

Apartments/ Seniors Housing/ Townhouses/ Commercial Uses/ Accessory Uses

Minimum 450 m2 / Maximum 5100 m2

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

4 or fewer

Mid-rise: 80-120 upa

5 to 12

Commercial Uses/ Apartments/ Townhouses/ Accessory Uses

Minimum 700 m2 / Maximum 2550 m2

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

4 or fewer

Mid-rise: 80-120 upa

5 to 12

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

4 or fewer

Mid-rise: 80-120 upa

5 to 12

Low-rise: 40-80 upa

4 or fewer

Mid-rise: 80-120 upa

5 to 12

CD-78 (F)

CD-78 (G)

CD-78 (H)

CD-78 (I)

Apartments/ Townhouses/ Seniors Housing/ Accessory Uses


Apartments/ Townhouses/ Seniors Housing/ Commercial Uses/ Accessory Uses

Maximum 4200 m2

4 or fewer

Bylaw 4768 Page 4 . . .

Sub-zone Areas 978.12

Bylaw 4768 Page 5 . . .


The “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500” as amended is further amended by rezoning the lands described as: Lot 2 Section 23 Township 8 New Westminster District Plan 82374 Lots 1 & 4 Section 23 Township 8 New Westminster District Plan 74786 Lot 9 Section 23 Township 8 New Westminster District Plan 27628 Lot 14 Section 23 Township 8 New Westminster District Plan 38586. as shown delineated on Schedule “A” attached to and forming part of this Bylaw to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-78.


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Deputy Township Clerk

Bylaw 4768 Page 6 . . .

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