Doc 3_rerg_royale-north Rz Ocp Amend Dp

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PRESENTED: JULY 20, 2009 - REGULAR MEETING REPORT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION FROM: FILE: REZONING AND OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN SUBJECT: AMENDMENT APPLICATION NO. 100067 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 100580 (ROYALE PROPERTIES (YORKSON NORTH) LTD.) PROPOSAL: Application to amend the Willoughby and Yorkson Plans; rezone a 2.0ha (5.0 acre) site located at 20984-83 Avenue to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-77; and issue a Development Permit to facilitate the construction of one hundred and two (102) townhouse units. RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY: That Council give 1st and 2nd reading to Bylaws 4756 and 4757 subject to eleven (11) development prerequisites; issuance of Development Permit No. 100580 subject to three (3) conditions; and that staff be authorized to schedule the required Public Hearing.

RATIONALE: Staff are supportive of the development proposal as it conforms with municipal planning objectives for the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, complements adjacent land use designations and facilitates completion of a critical road linkage (209/209B Street) at no cost to the Township.

09-105 08-25-0077

Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 2 RECOMMENDATION(S): That Council give first and second reading to Bylaw No. 4756 to amend the Willoughby Community Plan and Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, and Bylaw No.4757 rezoning 2.0ha (5.0 acres) of land located at 20984-83 Avenue to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-77 to facilitate the construction of one hundred and two (102) townhouse units, subject to the following development prerequisites being satisfied prior to final reading; 1. Completion of a Servicing Agreement with the Township confirming servicing capacities and securing required road and utility upgrades and extensions in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw; 2. Provision of road dedication, widenings, truncations and necessary intersection improvements at 83 Avenue and 209B Street (including securing a one (1) metre road widening for 83 Avenue, an 11 metre dedication for 81A Avenue and a 22 metre dedication for 209B Street complete with adequate truncations) in accordance with the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering. 3. Compliance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering. 4. Compliance with the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw (Tree Protection) No. 4470 including provision of a final tree management plan incorporating tree retention, replacement and protection details to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development. 5. Provision of a 4.5 metre wide greenway dedication and construction along 83 and 81A Avenues to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development, including final acceptance of greenway design, landscape details and security; 6. Completion of on-site landscape plans to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; 7. Compliance with Child Friendly Amenity Area requirements to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; 8. Registration of a restrictive covenant prohibiting parking on internal streets (other than in clearly identified parking spaces) and prohibiting garages from being developed for purposes other than parking of vehicles; 9. Provide, in accordance with the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, a minimum of 5% of the units to be adaptive housing in accordance with Council’s Adaptable Housing Policy; 10. Compliance with the Township’s 5% Neighbourhood Parkland Acquisition Policy; and 11. Payment of applicable Neighbourhood Planning, Site Servicing and ISDC review fees, and supplemental Rezoning and Development Permit Application fees; and further That Council at the time of final reading of Bylaws 4756 and 4757 authorize the issuance of Development Permit No. 100580 for the proposed development subject to the following conditions: a) Building plans being in substantial compliance with Schedules “A” through “J”; b) On-site landscaping plans in substantial compliance with Schedule “K” and in compliance with the Township’s Tree Protection and Street Tree and Boulevard Treatment policies, subject to final acceptance by the Manager of Parks Design and Development; and c) Signage plans being in substantial compliance with Schedule “L” and the Township’s Sign Bylaw; and

Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 3 Although not part of the Development Permit requirements, the applicant is advised that prior to issuance of a building permit, the following items will need to be finalized: d) Payment of supplemental Development Permit application fees; e) Payment of applicable development cost charges and Building Permit Administration Fees; and f) Submission of a site specific stormwater management plan including siltation control to the acceptance of the Township. That Council authorize staff to schedule the required Public Hearing in conjunction with Development Permit No. 100580. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Royale Properties Ltd. has applied to amend the Willoughby Community Plan and the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, and rezone approximately 2.0ha (5.0 acres) of land at 20984-83 Avenue to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-77. The Plan amendments and rezoning will facilitate the construction of one hundred and two (102) townhouse units proposed in accompanying Development Permit No. 100580. Staff are supportive of the development proposal as it conforms with municipal planning objectives for Yorkson, complements adjacent land use designations and facilitates completion of a critical linkage (209/209B Street) at no cost to the Township. Two readings are recommended for the bylaws subject to eleven (11) development prerequisites being finalized prior to final reading. The Development Permit (subject to 3 conditions) is being processed in conjunction with the Community Plan amendments and rezoning application providing Council the opportunity to review the form, character and siting of the proposed development. PURPOSE: The purpose of this report is to advise and make recommendations to Council with respect to Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Development Permit applications submitted by Royale Properties Ltd.

Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 4


Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 5


Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 6 TOWNSHIP ZONING BYLAW NO. 2500

Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 7 Exterior Colour Rendering – SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT

Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 8


Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 9


Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd. 16295 – 36A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 0X5


Integra Architecture Inc. 416 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1T5

Legal Description:

Lot 22, Section 25, Township 8, New Westminster District Plan 1137


20984 – 83 Avenue


2.0ha (5.0acres)

Existing Zoning:

Suburban Residential Zone SR-2

Proposed Zoning

Comprehensive Zone CD-77

Existing Willoughby Community Plan:

Mixed Residential

Proposed Willoughby Community Plan:

Multi Family

Existing Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan:

Mixed Residential (8-10 units per acre)

Proposed Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan:

Townhouse (15-25 units per acre)

E.S.A. Designation:

E.S.A.# 061 – Willoughby and Willowbrook Area (Rating - #3)

BACKGROUND/HISTORY: The subject site is currently zoned Residential Zone SR-2 and is designated “Mixed Residential” in the Willoughby Community Plan (adopted by Council in 1998) and the updated Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan (adopted by Council in 2008). In 2007, a Rezoning and Development Permit application was received to develop a 42 compact lot single family subdivision on the site. After the public hearing and third reading the proponent decided not to proceed due to economic reasons and the subject property currently remains undeveloped. Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd. has since purchased the subject site and is now proceeding with a proposed 102 unit townhouse development.

Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 10 DISCUSSION/ANALYSIS: Community Plan/Zoning Amendments: Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd. is proposing to construct a one hundred and two (102) unit townhouse project at 20984-83 Avenue in Yorkson on 2.0ha (5.0 acres) at a gross density of 50.4 units per hectare (20.4 units per acre). In support of the development, the proponent has applied to: 1. Amend the Willoughby Community Plan from “Mixed Residential” to “Multi Family” ; 2. Amend the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan from “Mixed Residential” (8-10 units per acre) to “Townhouse” (15-25 units per acre); 3. Rezone the subject site from Residential Zone SR-2 to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-77 permitting a gross density of 15-25 units per acre; and 4. Issuance of a Development Permit. Staff are supportive of the amendments on the basis of: 1. The proposed townhouses are an appropriate land use adjacent to the future school/park site. The proposed townhouse units are to be family oriented and generate elementary school age children. The existing school site located next door is expected to be the first new elementary school to be built in Yorkson. Adjacent to it will be a 5 acre neighbourhood park site (already acquired). 2. The proposed townhouses are complimentary to adjacent land use designations, such as the Phoenix townhouse and apartment site immediately to the west, and other designated multi family land to the northwest. 3. The proposed townhouses are better reflective of current land values and housing affordability. These family units are expected to be marketed starting at approximately $300,000. 4. The overall number of units in Yorkson is not increased as a result of this townhouse development. The increased number of units (from 42-102) compensates for units in other Yorkson developments that did not maximize their density/units. Therefore, there is no net increase in units. 5. As a result of point 4 above, no increased impact on servicing capacities is anticipated, however, the proponent is required to verify off-site servicing capacities as a condition of final reading. 6. The development enables completion of 209/209B Street from 81A Avenue to 83 Avenue in an acceptable alignment at no cost to the Township. This road link is considered to be essential to the road network for the Northeast Phase of Yorkson including the development of adjacent lands, and has, to date, not been secured by either the Township or the development community. The subject Royale proposal resolves this problem. Surrounding land uses include: North: 83 Avenue beyond which is a property zoned Suburban Residential Zone SR-2 designated “Mixed Residential” in the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan and existing single family residential lots zoned Residential Compact Lot Zone R-CL; South: 81A Avenue beyond which are properties zoned Suburban Residential Zone SR-2 and designated “Mixed Residential” in the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan; East: 10 acres previously secured for a future elementary school and neighbourhood park; and West: Properties zoned Suburban Residential SR-2 and designated for “Mixed Residential” and ‘Apartment” in the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan.

Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 11 School Sites: The Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan states that “the following general prerequisites must be satisfied prior to the adoption of a rezoning bylaw in any phase: a. the designated elementary school site indicated for that phase, whether it is located in that phase or not, must be secured to the acceptance of the School District, subject to Sections 8.2.6 and 8.2.7…” The proposed development falls within the Northeast Phase of Yorkson. The five acre elementary school site for this phase was previously secured and is located immediately adjacent (east) of the development site. The Yorkson Neighbourhood currently falls within the catchment area of Willoughby Elementary School (located on the southwest corner of 208 Street and 80 Avenue). In the short term, elementary students from the proposed development are expected to attend this school until sufficient numbers are generated to construct additional elementary schools in the Yorkson Plan area. Tentatively, the school site adjacent to the subject site is scheduled to be the next elementary school constructed in Yorkson. Another secondary school site to serve the Willoughby neighbourhoods is yet to be pursued as capacity exists at Mountain Secondary School. An expansion of Mountain Secondary has been identified as a priority in the School District’s capital plan.

Parks and Recreation: The Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan states that “the following general prerequisites must be satisfied prior to the adoption of a rezoning bylaw in any phase: b. the designated neighbourhood park site indicated for that phase, whether it is located in that phase or not, must be secured to the acceptance of the Township, subject to Sections 8.2.6 and 8.2.7…” The proposed development falls within the Northeast Phase of Yorkson. The five acre elementary school site for this phase is immediately adjacent (east) to the development site and was secured through previous development. In addition to the future school/park site, playing fields and playground equipment are available at the Willoughby Elementary School (approximately 600 metres away) and the existing Willoughby Neighbourhood Park (approximately 1 kilometre away). A child friendly amenity area will also be provided on the subject townhouse site. In addition, the proponent has volunteered to provide a one year family pass to Langley recreation facilities to each townhouse purchaser. Greenways/ Open Space: As part of the project, the applicant will be required to dedicate and construct street greenways (including a pathway and landscaping ) along 81A Avenue and 83 Avenue. Forming part of the overall neighbourhood greenway network, the proponent in total will be dedicating approximately 551 m2 (0.14 acres) to the Township for this purpose. Prior to final reading the proponent must secure dedication and construction of the street greenways to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development.

Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 12 On February 16, 2009 Council adopted the Neighbourhood Park Land Policy whereby 5% of land being developed is transferred to the Township, or provision of a cash-in-lieu payment to the Township equal to 5% of the land being developed is secured. The applicant has proposed to dedicate approximately 684m2 (3.47% of the developable land) along the east property line to be added to the future neighbourhood park site. The shortfall (302m2 /1.53%) is proposed to be secured by provision of a cash-in-lieu payment. The cash-in-lieu payment will be used by the Township to acquire neighbourhood park elsewhere in Yorkson. Staff are supportive of this proposal as it will increase the area of the future neighbourhood park site giving greater flexibility in the park design. Prior to final reading the proponent must satisfy the Neighbourhood Park Land Policy to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development. Child Friendly Amenity Area: Section 111.6 of the Township’s Zoning Bylaw requires provision of one or more “Child Friendly Amenity Areas” for townhouse developments, on the basis of 8m2 per residential unit resulting in a total of 816m2 (8,783ft2) required. In accordance with these provisions, the applicant is proposing to locate the child friendly amenity area in the centre of the site. Prior to final reading, the child friendly amenity area requirements must be secured to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development. Tree Protection/Replacement: An Integrated Site Design Concept (ISDC) was provided by the applicant’s consultants (Froggers Creek Tree Consultants, Jonathan Losee Ltd. (landscape architect), Hunter Laird Engineering Ltd. and Integra Architects Ltd.). The submitted information indicates that 23 significant trees exist on the site with 3 proposed to be retained. In accordance with the Township’s Tree Protection Bylaw, a total of 141 replacement trees are required to be planted on-site. This calculation excludes street trees and greenway plantings and gives credit for the three retained trees. Final tree retention, protection, and replacement plans are subject to final acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development. Landscaping: The on-site landscape plan proposes extensive plantings of flowering shrub and groundcovers throughout the townhouse site, including trees and planting along the internal private strata road, 81A Avenue and 83 Avenue, adjacent to each townhouse unit and in yard areas. Street frontages will feature landscaping in planting areas adjacent to the buildings. Wood privacy fencing is proposed between the rear yards of the units and a low rail fence and pedestrian gates along 81A Avenue, 83 Avenue and 209B Street. A children’s play area (with play equipment and seating) will be installed near the centre of the site. Street trees and boulevard treatment will be installed along 81 A Avenue, 83 Avenue and 209B Street in accordance with Township policy. The proposed landscape plan is attached as Schedule K of the Development Permit. Prior to final reading the landscape plans must be completed to the acceptance of Manager of Parks Design and Development. Servicing: Servicing of the Yorkson Neighbourhood was reviewed by the Engineering Division as part of the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan review. Prior to final reading the proponent is required to secure full municipal services and enter into a servicing agreement in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw. In the Northeast Phase of Yorkson an innovative stormwater management plan is required which includes both on-site and off-site infiltration facilities in accordance with the Yorkson Creek Water Resources Plan which must be adhered to. Road widenings of approximately 1.0 metre along 83 Avenue, 11.0 metres along 81A Avenue and 22 metres for 209B Street in accordance with the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw are

Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 13 also required to be secured prior to final reading. A Sediment and Erosion Control plan is also required in accordance with the Sediment and Erosion Control Bylaw. No increased impact on servicing capacities is anticipated, however, the proponent is required to verify off-site servicing capacities as a condition of final reading. Environmental: The Northeast Phase of Yorkson has several undeveloped properties containing drainage and road side ditches. Envirowest Consultants Ltd. was engaged to assess the existing watercourses and ditches and prepare a comprehensive environmental protection/compensation plan to the acceptance of DFO. This plan was recently approved by DFO. No watercourses or ditches were identified on the subject site. The Township’s Environmentally Sensitive Areas (E.S.A.) Study identifies the lands as forming part of the Willoughby and Willowbrook Area. As part of the required Servicing Agreement, the applicant will be required to provide full urban services. A stormwater management plan and sediment control measures will also be required as a prerequisite to the rezoning bylaw in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw and the Township’s Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw. The provision of these and compliance with the Township’s Tree Protection Bylaw satisfy the management guidelines identified in the Township’s Environmentally Sensitive Areas Study. Transit: Transit has not yet been extended into the Yorkson Neighbourhood. The nearest bus service is currently provided at approximately 202A Street and 80 Avenue. The road layout of the overall Yorkson development, however, has been designed to accommodate the provision of future transit routes in accordance with Translink’s operating policy/procedures, which Council each year is given an opportunity for input. It is anticipated that transit service will shortly be available on 208 Street one block to the west. Parking: A total of 253 parking spaces are proposed on the site plan. They consist of 204 indoor spaces, 27 driveway spaces and 22 visitor spaces. The proposed parking arrangement complies with the Township’s Zoning Bylaw provisions. The applicant will be required to register a restrictive covenant prohibiting parking on the internal roadways in the project (other than clearly identified parking spaces) and prohibit garages from being developed for purposes other than the parking of vehicles. Flex and Universal Housing: In accordance with Section 4.2.1(9) of the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan a minimum of 5% of the units in any residential development are required to provide flex or universal housing. The proponent has designed specific adaptive housing unit types (type 2-B and type 5-B) to accommodate the flex/universal housing requirements. These adaptive unit types have been specifically incorporated into Development Permit No. 100580. Subject to a detailed dimensional review at the Building Permit stage, the Yorkson Plan requirement has been adhered to.

Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 14 Development Permit: As the site is designated as a mandatory Development Permit area, the applicant has also applied for a Development Permit. In accordance with Council’s policy, supporting materials have been submitted detailing the proposed development’s form, character and siting. Development Permit guidelines relevant to the site are contained in the Willoughby Community Plan (see Attachment A). Proposed Development Permit No. 100580 is attached to this report (see Attachment B). The proposed development will consist of 102 townhouses situated in clusters of four to six units. A combination of eight (8) wider units (side by side double garages) and ninety four (94) narrower units (tandem parking garages) is proposed. The development will consist of ninety four (94) 2 bedroom units and eight (8) 3 bedroom units ranging in size from 139m2 (1,500ft2) to 201m2 (2,164ft2). The units will have garages on the ground floor, living areas on the second floor and bedrooms on the upper floor. Five (5) of the units (or 5% of the units) have been designed to comply with the Township’s Flex/Universal Housing (Adaptable) requirements. Building design incorporates mainly three (3) storey massing. Units fronting 81A Avenue, 83 Avenue and 209B Street have been designed to be ground oriented with entrances facing the street, with pedestrian connection (via private sidewalk and stairs) to the municipal greenway. The proposed streetscape treatment will therefore be pedestrian friendly, providing views from the street and sidewalks into the development. The buildings feature articulated including steeply pitched roofs combination of materials in trims/fascias/brackets, vinyl, wall shingles.

walls with a variety of window bays and architectural detailing incorporating gable ends. Exterior finishing will feature a neutral and earth tone colours, including stone, wood shingles, board and batten siding and architectural asphalt roof

The proposed building height (3 storeys), site coverage (35%) and building siting comply with the CD-77 zoning provisions. The architects’ design rationale states: “The buildings are traditional in character, respectful of the rural history of Langley. Sloping roofs, cupola style roof elements are reminders of the simple utilitarian structures of the Fraser Valley. The simple massing is articulated with a variety of windows and bay windows. Entrance porches at the ground level welcome both residents and visitors and provide a street presence to complement the neighbourhood. A mix of board and batten and horizontal siding is accented by shingled wall and column elements. Warm earth tones are used throughout. Through the ISDC process, extensive landscaping has been provided and significant trees have been retained at the northwest corner of the site. In addition to the child friendly play areas, private outdoor space available to each unit is to be well landscaped in order to ensure that this development is a positive contribution to the environment. While not formally being part of the green rating systems such as LEED and Built Green, our client intends to follow a significant number of green strategies which contribute to neighbourhood sustainability and a better environment. The townhome building form will provide a diversity of housing units for the neighbourhood, giving an option for young families or families looking to downsize. The townhome form is a density which helps to support a good transit system. The proximity of the site adjacent to the future elementary school and park will encourage pedestrian

Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 15 activity and reduce vehicle trips. Creating adaptable housing units based on Langley’s Universal Housing requirements will give residents an option for persons with disabilities as well as senior’s who want to remain in their neighbourhood. Energy efficient lighting such as compact fluorescents or LEDS, energy star appliances including fridges, washer/dryers, and dishwashers, and electric rather than gas fireplaces will be used to conserve electricity. High efficiency water fixtures such as dual flush toilets and low flow faucet aerators in shower heads and kitchen and bathroom faucets will be used to conserve water. All insulation is to be low or zero formaldehyde. All interior paints are to be low VOC. Drought tolerant plants and efficient irrigation technology will be implemented to minimize exterior water use. Development Prerequisites: 1. Completion of a Servicing Agreement with the Township confirming servicing capacities and securing required road and utility upgrades and extensions in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw; 2. Provision of road dedication, widenings, truncations and necessary intersection improvements at 83 Avenue and 209B Street (including securing a one (1) metre road widening for 83 Avenue, an 11 metre dedication for 81A Avenue and a 22 metre dedication for 209B Street complete with adequate truncations) in accordance with the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering. 3. Compliance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering. 4. Compliance with the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw (Tree Protection) No. 4470 including provision of a final tree management plan incorporating tree retention, replacement and protection details to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development. 5. Provision of a 4.5 metre wide greenway dedication and construction along 83 and 81A Avenues to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development, including final acceptance of greenway design, landscape details and security; 6. Completion of on-site landscape plans to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; 7. Compliance with Child Friendly Amenity Area requirements to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; 8. Registration of a restrictive covenant prohibiting parking on internal streets (other than in clearly identified parking spaces) and prohibiting garages from being developed for purposes other than parking of vehicles; 9. Provide, in accordance with the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, a minimum of 5% of the units to be adaptive housing in accordance with Council’s Adaptable Housing Policy; 10. Compliance with the Township’s 5% Neighbourhood Parkland Acquisition Policy; and 11. Payment of applicable Neighbourhood Planning, Site Servicing and ISDC review fees, and supplemental Rezoning and Development Permit Application fees. POLICY CONSIDERATIONS: The one hundred and two (102) unit townhouse proposal requires the Willoughby Community Plan, Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan and Zoning Bylaw to be amended. Staff are supportive of these amendments on the basis of: 1. The proposed townhouses are an appropriate land use adjacent to the future school/park site. The proposed townhouse units are to be family oriented and generate elementary school age children. The existing school site located next door is expected to be the first new elementary school to be built in Yorkson. Adjacent to it will be a 5 acre neighbourhood park site (already acquired).

Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 16 2. The proposed townhouses are complimentary to adjacent land use designations, such as the Phoenix townhouse and apartment site immediately to the west, and other designated multi family land to the northwest. 3. The proposed townhouses are better reflective of current land values and housing affordability. These family units are expected to be marketed starting at approximately $300,000. 4. The overall number of units in Yorkson is not increased as a result of this townhouse development. The increased number of units (from 42-102) compensates for units in other Yorkson developments that did not maximize their density/units. Therefore, there is no net increase in units. 5. As a result of point 4 above, no increased impact on servicing capacities is anticipated, however, the proponent is required to verify off-site servicing capacities as a condition of final reading. 6. The development enables completion of 209/209B Street from 81A Avenue to 83 Avenue in an acceptable alignment at no cost to the Township. This road link is considered to be essential to the road network for the Northeast Phase of Yorkson including the development of adjacent lands, and has, to date, not been secured by either the Township or the development community. The subject Royale proposal resolves this problem. Staff recommend that Bylaw’s 4756 and 4757 be given two readings (subject to 11 development prerequisites) and that staff be authorized to schedule the Public Hearing in conjunction with the Development Permit Hearing. Respectfully submitted,


Willoughby Community Plan Development Permit Guidelines Development Permit No.100580 text and Schedules A through L: Schedule A –Colour Rendering Schedule B – Site Plan Schedule C – Typical Building Elevations Schedule D – Typical Building Elevations Schedule E – Typical Building Elevations Schedule F – Typical Building Elevations Schedule G – Typical Floor Plans Schedule H – Typical Floor Plans Schedule I – Typical Floor Plans Schedule J – Adaptable Floor Plans Schedule K – Landscape Plan Schedule L – Signage Plan

ATTACHMENT A Excerpt from Willoughby Community Plan Bylaw 1998 No. 3800 MULTI FAMILY (I.E. APARTMENT, TOWNHOUSE, ROWHOUSE, DUPLEX, TRIPLEX AND FOURPLEX) DEVELOPMENT General The following guidelines apply to all multi-family development.

Site Design o

While providing individual design character, buildings shall be designed to integrate and complement adjacent developments with respect to siting, setbacks, design, exterior finish, landscaping and parking areas. Facade and roofline articulation with porches and other projecting elements is required. Blank or undifferentiated facades shall be avoided.


Buildings shall be sited and designed to maximize sun penetration to adjacent roads, sidewalks and properties.


Buildings sited on corners shall address both street edges, shall express a visually stimulating ‘landmark’ architecture, and be massed to define the intersection.


On sloping sites, buildings should be massed to create a terraced form of development and provide view opportunities for a majority of housing units.


Site planning and landscaping for residential development should take into account established principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) – including opportunities for neighbourhood surveillance of pathways, landscaped areas and roadways and provision of defensible space that is clearly separated by fences, landscaping or paving, readily visible by residents and adequately lit.


In order to allow for stormwater infiltration to maintain flow in watercourses, development is encouraged to maintain low surface imperviousness through compact building form and site layout, consideration shall be given to alternative stormwater and road standards, use of pervious surface materials where feasible and preservation of existing vegetation.


Multi family buildings shall be designed to maximize avoidance of leaky condominium syndrome by using industry best building practices.


Mail box kiosks located within a stratified development shall be protected from the weather, be architecturally integrated into the development and be located adjacent to a visitor parking stall with pull-out.


A pedestrian connection shall be provided for each unit/or group of units (as determined by the Township) to the street or street greenway. Public, semi-public and private space shall be clearly delineated.


Presenting garages to public roads is discouraged. Offsetting garages behind the front face of the building is encouraged. Carports are not permitted. Developments shall register a restrictive covenant on title preventing conversion of the garage to any other use that prohibits vehicle storage.


Development of street facing buildings (i.e. the front door is facing towards the municipal roadway) is required abutting a street or street greenway, other than 200 and 212 (between 76 and 80 Avenues) Streets.

Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 18 o

A strong street presence is required through extended porches, recessed entries and ground oriented units.

Building Form o

Pitched roofs are required unless a green roof is provided. Pitched roofs shall have architectural grade roof material, including ridge caps and shadow lines.

Exterior Design and Finish o

The main entrance of the building should be clearly identified by the architecture of the building and include such elements as pedestrian awnings to provide protection from the weather. Exterior materials shall consist of wood, brick, stone, metal, glass, ceramics (other than for a roof) and/or concrete composite board.


Vinyl as a secondary material is permitted, however, a variety of cladding orientation, material, design and/or colour shall be used.


Exterior finish of buildings shall be high quality to ensure integrity of the building envelope and to present an attractive appearance. Stucco siding shall be restricted to no more than 25% of any given elevation, but where it is used it shall be inspected and certified by a qualified independent contractor.


All glass weather protection designs shall be comprised of frosted glass.


Mechanical equipment shall be screened or integrated with the roof form, as viewed from the street or higher buildings, in a manner consistent with the overall architecture of the building.


To provide visual interest elevations of buildings facing a street shall have architectural details such as roofline height, varied paint treatments, windows, articulation in the building envelope, etc.


Building elevations that are visible from adjacent roads and municipal greenways shall be finished and treated similar to the front elevation – in terms of architectural details and the quality of the exterior finish/materials.

Landscaping o

Development is encouraged to retain existing significant trees within the development in accordance with the Township of Langley’s Tree Protection Bylaw, as amended.


On-site landscaping shall be required to enhance the appearance of the development, screen parking, loading and utility areas, and garbage containers/enclosures from adjacent properties and roadways. Best efforts should be made to appropriately screen all utility boxes and meters.


A landscape plan shall be prepared by a registered B.C. Landscape Architect.


Playground facilities shall be provided, in accordance with the Township’s Child Friendly Amenity Area requirements, as amended.


Entrances shall be articulated with appropriate low fencing and high quality features to provide distinction between public and private space.

Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 19


The use of perimeter berms (in most circumstances), high fences and security gates is discouraged to provide surveillance and a more pedestrian-friendly street system. Fences adjacent to a public road allowance or a street greenway shall not exceed 122 cm (48 inches) in height. These fences shall be made of natural materials and be designed to complement the building and be an open picket fence design. Fences must permit observation of the public realm and incorporate landscaping to soften their appearance from the road.


Where lots abut municipal property (i.e. environmental area or a park) a black coated chain link fence shall be constructed to municipal standard. If an adequately landscaped buffer (native plant species are encouraged) of at least 2 metres in width is provided on the greenway side of the fence to the acceptance of the Township, other fence types may be used provided they are visually permeable above 122 cm (48 inches) and do not exceed 180cm (6 feet) in total height.


If security fencing is required for storage areas, black coated chain link fencing screened with hedging material may be used.


A 5 metre wide landscaping area and a fence shall be provided on multi family properties along abutting lots designated for non residential development (other than municipal greenspace). Fences should be aesthetically designed and reflect adjacent residential building character where applicable.

Parking Lot Landscaping o

In addition to trees and landscaping around the perimeter of surface parking areas, shade trees and landscaping is required within parking areas at the following frequency: •

One tree per six parking stalls to be located in a minimum of 10 cubic meters of growing medium (structural soil, deep root soil cells, or planting beds) so that the tree will be sustained into maturity. Two adjoining rows of parking stalls (front to front) will require a minimum of one tree per bank of 12 parking stalls spaced no more than 18 meters between trees. A minimum grid placement of 18 meters on center should be attained for trees placed in parking areas. In addition to the foregoing, the end of each single row of parking stalls will require a tree and 2 metre wide landscaped area between the end parking stall and the adjacent drive aisle.

Trees within parking areas should be of a type and height (at least 8 feet) so that the clearance to the underside of the tree extends above the height of standard types of vehicles that do not require clearance lights. Deciduous shade trees should be a minimum of 6cm calliper with a 1.8 meter clear stem at time of planting. Tree stems must be protected on all sides with a minimum of 1 meter of clearance to the front face of an adjacent barrier curb or other protection from vehicle overhangs.

Shrubs and groundcovers should be planted around the base of all trees.

Parking and Traffic/Pedestrian Circulation o

Pedestrian connections shall be provided throughout the development, including through parking lots, and to adjoining land uses. Ornamental paving materials (stamped and coloured concrete or better) are required for all pedestrian connections.

Rezoning/OCP Amendment Application No. 100067 and Development Permit No. 100580 (Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd.) Page 20 o

Provision of underground parking is encouraged and shall be designed with CPTED principles. Access to either underground or structured parking should be from a lane if possible.


Parking shall be provided in enclosed and secured garages attached to individual units or in a secure underground parkade.


Tandem parking on all end units is not permitted.


Surface parking should be provided for in a number of smaller areas rather than one large lot, and shall be located primarily in the interior of the site or otherwise screened from view. Surface parking shall integrate landscaping and other design elements to reduce the massing of parking areas. Vehicular entrances shall be landscaped, not gated, to create a subtle boundary between the semiprivate and public areas.


Private driveway access over greenways should be consolidated and minimized to ensure maximum safety of the users of the greenway. Private driveways accessing arterial roads may be restricted.


Wheelchair access shall be provided throughout the development. TOWNHOUSES/ROWHOUSE These guidelines are in addition to section and apply to all townhouse developments.

Site Design o

Ground-oriented developments shall be designed with continuity in the design with respect to the exterior finishing materials and architectural detailing. Individual or paired units shall be significantly visually differentiated from other adjoining units (i.e. staggering in plan or elevation, varying rooflines [no flat roofs permitted unless a green roof is provided], variation in exterior materials, variation in paint treatments, and architectural detailing).


Developments which include multiple buildings on the same site shall include significant variation in the exterior design, façade, roofline articulation, material and colour of buildings.


Units shall be oriented towards public roads, street greenways and greenlinks/commons where applicable.


Scale building height and massing in proportion to open spaces.

Landscaping o

Where there are multiple buildings on a site, buildings should be located to enclose courtyards and other landscaped spaces.


Development Permit No. 100580 This Permit is issued this _______ day of ____________, 2009 to: 1.

NAME: Royale Properties (Yorkson North) Ltd. ADDRESS:


16295 – 36A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 0X5

This permit applies to and only to those lands within the Municipality described as follows and to any and all buildings, structures and other development thereon: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:

Lot 22, Section 25, Township 8, New Westminster District Plan 1137

(hereinafter called the “said lands”) CIVIC ADDRESS:


This Permit is issued subject to compliance with all of the Bylaws of the Municipality of Langley applicable thereto, except as specifically varied or supplemented by this permit as follows: a) b)



20984 – 83 Avenue

Building plans being in substantial compliance with Schedules “A” through “J”; Finalization of on-site landscaping plans in substantial compliance with Schedules “K” and “M”, and in compliance with the Township’s Tree Protection and Street Tree and Boulevard Treatment policies, subject to final acceptance by the Manager of Parks Design and Development; and Signage plans being in substantial compliance with Schedule “L” and the Township’s Sign Bylaw.

Although not part of the Development Permit requirements, the applicant is advised that prior to issuance of a building permit the following items will need to be finalized: d) e) f)

Payment of supplemental Development Permit application fees; and Payment of applicable development cost charges and Building Permit Administration Fees; and Submission of a site specific stormwater management plan including siltation control to the acceptance of the Township.


The land described herein shall be developed strictly in accordance with the terms, conditions and provisions of this Permit and any plans and specifications attached as a Schedule to this Permit which shall form a part hereof. This Permit is not a Building Permit. All developments forming part of this Development Permit shall be substantially commenced within two years after the date the Development Permit is issued. This permit shall have the force and effect of a restrictive covenant running with the land and shall come into force on the date of an authorizing resolution passed by Council. It is understood and agreed that the Municipality has made no representations, covenants, warranties, guarantees, promises or agreement (verbal or otherwise) with the developer other than those in this Permit. This Permit shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION PASSED BY COUNCIL THIS ____ DAY OF __________, 2009.

SCHEDULE A – Colour Rendering SCHEDULE B – Site Plan SCHEDULE C – Typical Building Elevations SCHEDULE D – Typical Building Elevations SCHEDULE E – Typical Building Elevations SCHEDULE F – Typical Building Elevations SCHEDULE G – Typical Floor Plans SCHEDULE H – Typical Floor Plans SCHEDULE I – Typical Floor Plans SCHEDULE J – Adaptable Floor Plans SCHEDULE K – Landscape Plans SCHEDULE L – Signage Plan




























Bylaw No. 4756 amends the Willoughby Community Plan by amending the land use plan from ‘Mixed Residential’ to ‘Multi Family’, and the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan from ‘Mixed Residential’ to ‘Townhouse’ for a 2.0ha (5.0 acre) site located at 20984-83 Avenue to facilitate the construction of one hundred and two (102) townhouse units.

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF LANGLEY LANGLEY OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN BYLAW 1979 NO. 1842 AMENDMENT (WILLOUGHBY COMMUNITY PLAN) BYLAW 1998 NO. 3800 AMENDMENT (YORKSON NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN) BYLAW 2001 NO. 4030 AMENDMENT (ROYALE PROPERTIES LTD.) BYLAW 2009 NO. 4756 A Bylaw to amend Willoughby Community Plan Bylaw No. 3800 and Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan Bylaw No. 4030; WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and desirable to amend “Willoughby Community Plan Bylaw No. 3800 and Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan Bylaw No. 4030” as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Langley, in Open Meeting Assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1.

This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as “Langley Official Community Plan Bylaw 1979 No. 1842 Amendment (Willoughby Community Plan) Bylaw 1998 No. 3800 Amendment (Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan) Bylaw 2001 No. 4030 Amendment (Royale Properties Ltd.) Bylaw 2009 No. 4756”. 2. Langley Official Community Plan Bylaw 1979 No. 1842 Amendment (Willoughby Community Plan) Bylaw 1998 No. 3800 is further amended by amending the plan map as shown delineated on Schedule “A” attached to and forming part of this Bylaw to “Multi Family” and Amendment (Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan) Bylaw 2001 No. 4030 is further amended by amending the plan map as shown delineated on Schedule “A” attached to and forming part of this Bylaw to “Townhouse” for the lands described as: Lot 22, Section 25, Township 8, New Westminster District Plan 1137


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Deputy Township Clerk

Bylaw No. 4756 Page 2


EXPLANATORY NOTE Bylaw No. 4757 rezones 2.0 ha (5.0 acres) of land located at 20984-83 Avenue to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-77 to facilitate the construction of one hundred and two (102) townhouse units.


WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and desirable to amend “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500” as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Langley, in Open Meeting Assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500 Amendment (Royale Properties Ltd.) Bylaw 2009 No. 4757”. 2. The “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500” as amended is further amended by a. Adding to Section 104.1 – Zones the words “Comprehensive Development Zone CD-77” after the words “Comprehensive Development Zone CD-76” b. Adding to Section 110 after the words “CD-76” the words “CD-77 1,600 m2” c. By adding after Section 976 “Comprehensive Development Zone CD-76” the following as Section 977 “Comprehensive Development Zone CD-77” 977 – Comprehensive Development Zone CD-77 Uses Permitted 977.1 In the CD-75 Zone only the following uses are permitted and all other uses are prohibited: (1) accessory buildings and uses (2) accessory home occupations subject to Section 104.3(l) (3) townhouses Density 977.2 The density permitted shall be no less than 37 units per hectare (15 units per acre) and no greater than 62 units per hectare (25 units per acre). Lot Coverage 977.3 Buildings and structures shall not cover more than 40% of the lot area. Siting of Buildings and Structures 977.4 Siting of buildings and structures shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Development Permit. Height of Buildings and Structures 977.5 The height of buildings and structures shall not exceed three (3) stories.

Bylaw 4757 Page 2 . . .

Parking and Loading 977.6 Parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Section 107 and be in accordance with the provisions of the Development Permit. Subdivision Requirements 977.7 All lots created by subdivision shall comply with Section 110 of this Bylaw and the Township of Langley “Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw”. Landscaping, Screening and Fencing 977.8 Landscaping areas, landscaping screens and fencing shall be provided in accordance with the Development Permit. Child Friendly Amenity 975.9 Child Friendly Amenity areas shall be provided in accordance with Section 111.5 and in accordance with the Development Permit. Development Permit Requirements 977.10 An application for a Development Permit shall be submitted to Council for its consideration prior to issuance of a Building Permit.


The “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500” as amended is further amended by rezoning the lands described as: Lot 22, Section 25, Township 8, New Westminster District Plan 1137 as shown delineated on Schedule “A” attached to and forming part of this Bylaw to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-77


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Deputy Township Clerk

Bylaw 4757 Page 3 . . .

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