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  • June 2020
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Nombre:____________________________________________Fecha:____________________________________ VERBO TO BE ESTRUCTURA VERBO TO BE FORMA AFIRMATIVA.


Pronombre Personal I You He She It We They

Pronombre Personal I You He She It We They

forma verbo to be am are is is is are are

complemento beautiful. beautiful. beautiful. beautiful. beautiful. beautiful. beautiful.


Forma Verbo to be Am Are Is Is Is Are Are


Forma Verbo to be+not am not are not is not is not is not are not are not

Complemento beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful.


complemento Yes, / pronombre/verbo to be No,/pronombre/verbo to be+not

I you he she it we they

beautiful? beautiful? beautiful? beautiful? beautiful? beautiful? beautiful?

Yes, i am Yes, you are Yes, he is Yes, she is Yes, it is Yes, we are Yes, they are

No, i am not No, you are not No, he is not No, she is not No, it is not No, we are not No, they are not

A) complete los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo to be (am, is, are) 1. Sara__________my best friend 2. Adam and John:_______teachers. 3. She__________my sister. 4. We_________good students. 5. They_________doctors. 6. It_________an organge. 7. Abraham and I ______brohers. 8. He______a nice person. 9. It______a copybook. 10. You________a dentist.

B) A continuación, se le presenta una serie de oraciones escrita incorrectamente, ordénelas utilizando la estructura correcta del verbo to be. Observe el ejemplo del numeral 1 1. I / not / a student / am R// I am not a student 2. He/ my / brother/ is


3. The girls/ beautiful/ are


4. She /in the classroom/ is


5. We/ not/ are/ sad


6. My father/ happy/ is


7. My mother/ a housewife/ is


8. She/ not/ my cousin/ is


9. Adam/ intelligent/ is


10. Mary/ friendly/ is


C) Observe los dibujos y luego responda las preguntas utilizando respuesta corta afirmativa o negativa según sea el caso. Observe el ejemplo del número 1 1. Is he a teacher?

R// No, he is not

2. Is it an elephant? __________________ 3. Is it a computer?


4. Are they students? __________________ 5. Is he in the park? __________________ 6. Is he a dentist?


7. Are they books?


8. Is mom in the kitchen?


Utilice su diccionario para traducir el vocabulario que no sepa. Recuerde estudiar los deportes y los números cardinales.

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