Dmi Arpil

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 58
Dubai TV Coverage Summary March '09

Distribution of Coverage by Category Geographic

March '09






c 0 0 104 c 62 c c c 130 41 c c 337

2 3 31 16 8 #REF! 2 7 17 18 0 0 c #REF!

0 13 0 #REF! #REF! 0 1 0 0 20 0 0 61 #REF!

6 c 0 3 1 1 0 2 0 3 #REF! #REF! 40 #REF!

#REF! 1 0 1 1 0 #REF! 2 2 #REF! 0 0 39 #REF!

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 21








# Articles

Bahrain Egypt Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Morocco Oman Pan Arab Qatar Saudi Arabia Syria Tunisia UAE Total


Geographic Coverage - Segregated





40 39


31 30






2 0

0 0 Bahrain

3 1


0Egypt0 0Jordan 0000


7 11


0 Morocco 0 00 Kuwait0 Lebanon



20 18








0 0 Pan0Arab 0 Oman DUBAI ONE


00 0 Saudi Arabia 0 0Syria 0 00 Qatar


00 00 Tunisia




March '09


English 15 7 11 51 11 0

French 0 0 0 0 0 0




# Articles


Arabic 700 170 89 52 30 27

Language Penetration - Segregated





89 52


51 27





0 Arabic DUBAI TV





Language Penetration - Non-segregated 8% Non-segregated

Arabic 1068

English 95

French 0

92% Arabic










Media Type

March '09


Newspapers 634 128 92 87 31 20

Magazines 79 33 9 11 5 7

Websites 0 4 1 4 8 0


# Articles


Media Type Breakdown - segregated



200 128 100



79 31





Newspapers DUBAI TV




0 Magazines DUBAI SPORTS



Media Type Breakdown Non-segregated 12%


Newspapers 992

Magazines 144


Websites 17

86% Newspapers


4 0





8 0

Advertorial Value Equivalent

March '09 Advertorial Value Equivalent in US $ 600,000


Value in US $











Advertorial Value Equivalent - US $






March '09 Reach 14,000,000 12,164,050 12,000,000

Reach 138,907 20,000 12,164,050 8,820,303 9,480,938 2,324,124


9,480,938 8,820,303

# of articles




4,000,000 2,324,124 2,000,000 138,907








Reach 0%0%












March '09 Impressions 40,000,000 36,492,150 35,000,000 416,721 60,000 36,492,150 26,460,909 28,442,814 6,972,372


28,442,814 26,460,909

# of articles


25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 6,972,372 5,000,000 416,721








Impressions 7%










DUBAI TV Dubai TV Media Evaluation Report - March '09 Number of entries Total Circulation Impressions AVE in US$ Editorial media value in US$ Media

c 138,907 416,721 #VALUE! #VALUE! Date




4/9/2009 Taratata 4/1/2009 Naltaqi Maa Barwein 3/28/2009 Cyrine Abdel Nour 3/26/2009 Dubai: We will not dismiss our employees 4/18/2009 Taratata 4/17/2009 Naltaqi Ma Marween Habib' 4/14/2009 Browen Habib 4/14/2009 Taratata 4/12/2009 "Swalefna Helwa" hosts Qatari actor Issa Al Kabisi

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c

4/7/2009 Taratata TV program 4/7/2009 Up & Down 4/6/2009 Nashwa 4/6/2009 Listen and See 4/5/2009 Alamah in Taratata 4/5/2009 Mashaheer Maa Diyala 4/4/2009 Ragheb Alameh 4/2/2009 Jumana Murad and new series with Dubai TV 4/2/2009 Razan and Tamer at Mawed Fe Al Kheran 4/2/2009 Mawed fel Khairan 4/1/2009 "Anta Ajmal" on Dubai TV 3/31/2009 Sireen in lucky year 3/29/2009 "Kulthomiat" 3/29/2009 Syrian stars with Diala Maki 3/29/2009 Umm Kulthoum celebrated on Taratata 3/28/2009 Lawen Hayatak 3/28/2009 Nashwa 3/28/2009 Thirteen Days 3/28/2009 Lawen Hayatak 3/26/2009 On Al Rai and Dubai TV 3/26/2009 Dubai TV 3/26/2009 Meedo Machakel 4/22/2009 Anty Ajmal 4/21/2009 Ragheb Alameh 4/21/2009 Ragheb Alama to receive US$ 15.000 to appear in Taratata 4/20/2009 Elaik 4/19/2009 Mashaheer 4/19/2009 Taratata 4/16/2009 Mawed Fel Kheran 4/16/2009 Dubai TV 4/16/2009 Taratata 4/15/2009 Family problems 4/14/2009 Sawalefna Helwah

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c


Media type

Dubai TV Bahrain Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al

Waqt Wasat Ayam Wasat Wasat Wasat Bilad Waqt Wasat

20,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 20,000 20,000 30,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Egypt Al Mogaz Washwasha Al Shorouk Al Dostour Al Ahram Al Shorouk Al Shorouk Al Dostour Al Shorouk Al Ahram Al Massa'' Al Shorouk Al Shorouk Al Shorouk Al Shorouk Al Ahram Al Massa'' Al Shorouk Ezaa Wa Al Television Ezaa Wa Al Television Ezaa Wa Al Television Al Wafd 24 Hours Al Wafd Al Shorouk Al Kawakeb Al Anbaa Al Dawliya Al Shorouk Al Shorouk Al Shorouk Al Shorouk Rose Al Youssef Newspaper Akhbar Al-Nogom Al Shorouk Al Shorouk

70,000 Newspaper 32,500 Newspaper Newspaper 90,000 Newspaper 1,000,000 Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper 90,000 Newspaper Newspaper 250,000 Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper 250,000 Newspaper Newspaper 40,000 40,000 40,000 150,000 Newspaper Newspaper 150,000 Newspaper Newspaper 45,000 Magazine 150,000 Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper 55,000 Newspaper 287,550 Magazine Newspaper Newspaper

Al Alam Al Youm Al Masry Al Yom Al Ahram Al Massa'' Al Msaaeya Al Shorouk Nahdit Misr Al Akhbar Al Masry Al Yom Al Shorouk Al Shorouk Al Wafd Nahdit Misr Al Ahram Al Ahram Al Massa'' Al Messa Al Shorouk Al Dostour Al Ahram Al Arabi

4/14/2009 Sports TV 4/13/2009 Tsunami 4/13/2009 Nashwa on Dubai TV 4/13/2009 Samirah and Jannat duet in Taratata 4/13/2009 Nashwa hosts 3 female poets 4/13/2009 Abu Firas Al Hamadani granddaughter with Nashwa 4/12/2009 Sahhi W Saree 4/12/2009 Khas Jedan 4/12/2009 Mashaheer on Dubai TV 4/12/2009 Samira, Jannat in Taratata 4/12/2009 Jannat, Samira in Taratata 4/12/2009 Taratata 4/12/2009 "Taratata" hosts Samira Saeed and Bashar Al Shati 4/11/2009 Lawen Hayetak 4/11/2009 Satellite Channels 4/11/2009 Lawen Hayatak on Dubai TV 4/11/2009 15000 for Ragheb to Appear on Taratata 4/11/2009 Marketing

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

4/8/2009 Show TV 4/7/2009 Show TV 4/7/2009 Show TV 4/3/2009 Monica Bellucci 4/2/2009 Programs list 4/2/2009 Programs list 3/30/2009 Shoofeetv ..programs list 30, March 3/30/2009 Shoofeetv ..programs list 30, March 3/30/2009 An interview with Hamdi Qandeel 3/29/2009 List of channels 3/29/2009 TV list 3/28/2009 TV listings 3/26/2009 Program Listing 4/25/2009 TV programs 4/25/2009 T’s program 4/23/2009 Shoofeetv 4/23/2009 Shoofeetv 4/22/2009 Program list 4/22/2009 Show TV listing 4/20/2009 Shoo Fee 4/19/2009 Shoofeetv list for 19, April 4/19/2009 Shoofeetv list 19, April 4/14/2009 Program Listing 4/13/2009 Shoofeetv list 13, April 4/13/2009 Shoofeetv list 13, April 4/12/2009 Shoofeetv 12, April 4/12/2009 Sameera Saeed 4/12/2009 Shoofeetv list 13, April 4/11/2009 Shoofeetv 11, April 4/11/2009 TV program list

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

171,550 250,000 192,859 450,000

90,000 100,919

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine

90,000 90,000 80,000 25,000 90,000 80,000 80,000 90,000 8,000 90,000 80,000 90,000 80,000 80,000 90,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 80,000 90,000 80,000 90,000 80,000 90,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 80,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

42,000 350,000 250,000

150,000 42,000 1,091,859 192,859 450,000

Jordan Al Rai Al Rai Ad- Dustour Al Anbat Al Rai Ad- Dustour Ad- Dustour Al Rai Al Majd Al Rai Ad- Dustour Al Rai Ad- Dustour Ad- Dustour Al Rai Ad- Dustour Al Rai Al Rai Ad- Dustour Al Rai Ad- Dustour Al Rai Ad- Dustour Al Rai Ad- Dustour Ad- Dustour Ad- Dustour Al Rai Al Rai Ad- Dustour

Kuwait c

Al Seyassah Al Qabas An Nahar An Nahar Al Qabas Al Seyassah An Nahar An Nahar Al Seyassah Al Watan-Kuwait Al Seyassah Al Seyassah An Nahar Al Qabas Al Qabas An Nahar An Nahar Al Seyassah Al Anbaa Al Yaqza Al Yaqza Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Watan-Kuwait Al Seyassah Al Seyassah An Nahar An Nahar An Nahar Al Anbaa Al Seyassah Al Anbaa Al Rai Al Seyassah Al Seyassah An Nahar An Nahar An Nahar Al Qabas Al Rai Al Qabas Al Qabas Al-Dar Al Seyassah An Nahar An Nahar Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Qabas Al Rai An Nahar An Nahar An Nahar Al Seyassah Assabah Assabah Al Jaridah Al-Dar

4/10/2009 Sawlefan Helwa 4/10/2009 Sawalefna Helwa 4/10/2009 Messa Mograbi hosts Amar and Carmen 4/10/2009 TMZ on TV 4/9/2009 Mughrabi hosts Al Jarrah 4/9/2009 Thel Al Kalam 4/9/2009 Balsam 4/8/2009 Anti Ajmal 4/8/2009 Barwin Habib hosts Al Kabsi 4/7/2009 Bashar sings duet with Samirah Saeed 4/7/2009 Mawed Fel Khairan 4/7/2009 Al Maraa Al Khalijiya 4/6/2009 Nashwa on Dubai TV 4/6/2009 Fatima Al Tabbakh 4/5/2009 Al Marekh on "Sawalfna Helweh" 4/5/2009 Mashaheer Ma Diala 4/5/2009 Four new Gulf and Syrian series on Dubai channel 4/5/2009 Nashwa program 4/5/2009 Abdullah El Ghadir 4/4/2009 Sameera Saeed 4/4/2009 Sameera Saeed 4/3/2009 Phobia 4/2/2009 Sophia El Marekh at Sawalifna Helwa 4/1/2009 "Sawalfna Helweh" hosts Al Marekh 4/1/2009 Lawen Hayatak 4/1/2009 Sawalefna Helwa' 4/1/2009 Onwan Al Rajol 3/31/2009 Al Maraa Al Khalijiya 3/31/2009 Nashwa 3/31/2009 Mawed Fe Al Khairan 3/31/2009 "Taratata" to host Alameh and Al Khashab 3/31/2009 An interview with Marwan Saleh 3/31/2009 An interview with Misa' Mughrabi 3/30/2009 Tawq Al Yasameen and humanitarian stories in 4 drama works 3/30/2009 Feet health in Vitamin 3/30/2009 Samah Ghandour for first time on Dubai TV 3/30/2009 Taratata celebrates late singer Umm Kulthum 3/30/2009 "Nashwa" on Dubai TV 3/30/2009 Samah Ghandour and fashion 3/30/2009 Maisaa Al Maghrabi 3/30/2009 Fatma El Tabbakh 3/30/2009 Mawed Maa Al Khaizaran 3/30/2009 Sawalefna Helwa 3/29/2009 Syria stars with Dyala 3/29/2009 Syrian drama stars with Diala Maki 3/28/2009 Lawen Hayatak 3/28/2009 Elaiki with Samah Ghandour 3/28/2009 Internet in Arabian gulf woman 3/28/2009 Sirine in Sawalefna Helwah 3/28/2009 Omr EL Chaqa 3/27/2009 TMZ on TV 3/27/2009 Dubai TV 3/27/2009 'Fel Khayran' 3/26/2009 Lawen Hayatak to disscuss mental diseases 3/26/2009 Maysam Nahhas 3/26/2009 Dubai TV series in April 3/26/2009 Sirine abdel nour 3/26/2009 Abdullah Malak

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

81,750 87,650 65,000 65,000 87,650 81,750 65,000 65,000 81,750 70,000 81,750 81,750 65,000 87,650 87,650 65,000 65,000 81,750 89,783 109,686 109,686 81,750 81,750 70,000 81,750 81,750 65,000 65,000 65,000 89,783 81,750 89,783 93,000 81,750 81,750 65,000 65,000 65,000 87,650 93,000 87,650 87,650 20,000 81,750 65,000 65,000 81,750 81,750 87,650 93,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 81,750 20,000 20,000 30,000 20,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Al Rai Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Nahda Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Qabas Al Qabas Al Anbaa Al Anbaa Awan Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Alam Al Youm Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Seyassah An Nahar Al Shahed Weekly Alam Al Youm Al-Dar Al Anbaa Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Watan-Kuwait Alam Al Youm Al Seyassah Al Qabas Al Anbaa An Nahar Al Seyassah Alam Al Youm Al Seyassah An Nahar An Nahar Assabah Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Seyassah

4/25/2009 Elayki 4/25/2009 Lawen Hayatak 4/25/2009 4 Movies on Dubai TV 4/25/2009 "Taratata" program on Dubai 4/24/2009 Humanitarian cases in Qareeb Al Manal 4/24/2009 Naltaqi maa Brouin 4/23/2009 Vitamin on Dubai TV 4/23/2009 Sawalefna Helwah 4/23/2009 Al Ballam looking for trouble 4/23/2009 Madeleina Matar to incarnate Hind Rustom 4/23/2009 Five singing stars honor Abdul Wahab 4/23/2009 Mohamad Abdul Wahab 4/23/2009 Omr El Chaqa 4/22/2009 Shireen in Taratata 4/21/2009 Five singers honoring Abdul Wahab 4/20/2009 Mawed Fel Kheran 4/20/2009 Nashwa 4/19/2009 Fashion on "Elayki" program 4/19/2009 Diala hosts Lebleba and Taim Hassan 4/18/2009 "Lawin Hayatak" 4/18/2009 "TMZ" on Dubai TV 4/18/2009 Damaa Yatima 4/18/2009 Fatima Al Tabbakh 4/18/2009 Taratata 4/18/2009 Taratata 4/18/2009 Maysaa Moghrabi 4/16/2009 Maissam Nahas in Sawalefna Helwah 4/16/2009 Vitamin focuses on neck desc 4/16/2009 Fatima Al Tabakh 4/15/2009 Maissam Nahas guest of Sawalefna Helwah 4/15/2009 Taratata 4/14/2009 Loublouba 4/14/2009 Taratata 4/14/2009 Shireen Abdul Wahab 4/14/2009 Janat and Samira Saeed in "Taratata" 4/14/2009 Sameera Saeed at Taratata 4/13/2009 Nashwal Al Ruwaini hosts granddaughter of Abi Firas Al Hamadani 4/13/2009 'Ilayki' fashion trends from Rome 4/13/2009 'Nashwa' Dubai TV 4/13/2009 Samah Ghandoor in Rome 4/13/2009 Samira Saeed and Janat in "Taratata" 4/12/2009 "Mashaheer Ma Diala" hosts Ramy Ayyache 4/12/2009 Nashwa Al Ruwaini hosts Rawda Al Haj 4/11/2009 Mawed Fel Kheran 4/11/2009 Lawen Hayatak

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

93,000 81,750 81,750 119,300 81,750 81,750 81,750 81,750 87,650 87,650 89,783 89,783 31,000 81,750 81,750 81,750 75,000 81,750 81,750 81,750 65,000 45,000 75,000 20,000 89,783 81,750 81,750 81,750 81,750 70,000 75,000 81,750 87,650 89,783 65,000 81,750 75,000 81,750 65,000 65,000 20,000 81,750 81,750 81,750 81,750

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper


Lebanon Al akhbar Al akhbar Nadine Nadine Al akhbar Nadine

4/9/2009 Today Programs 4/9/2009 "Khas Jeddan" 4/6/2009 Serine Abd Al Noor on Sawalifna Hilwa 4/6/2009 Dubai TV stops Farah Rajab from hosting Sawalifna Hilwa 4/6/2009 Program List 4/6/2009 Taratarta

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c

16,500 Newspaper 16,500 Newspaper 65,000 Magazine 65,000 Magazine 16,500 Newspaper 65,000 Magazine

Al akhbar An Nahar Assayad Al jaras Al akhbar An Nahar As-Safir Al Anwar As-Safir An Nahar Al akhbar As-Safir Al jaras Ad Diyar Kamar magazine As-Safir Al akhbar Ach Chark An Nahar Wafa`a Al akhbar Nadine Nadine Kamar magazine Kamar magazine Al akhbar Star An Nahar Sawa Magazine Sawa Magazine Al Balad Sawa Magazine Al akhbar Al akhbar Al akhbar Al akhbar

4/3/2009 Qareeb Al Manal 4/3/2009 The week's programs 4/3/2009 Victims of Financial Crisis are increasing 4/3/2009 Ragheb Aleme 4/2/2009 Programs list 4/1/2009 Taratata honors Umm Kolthoum 3/31/2009 Sireen Abdul Noor 3/30/2009 Interview with Ahmed Abdullah Al Sheikh 3/28/2009 Mashaheer 3/27/2009 Show Listings 3/27/2009 Qareeb Al Manal and car accidents 3/27/2009 Joelle Mardinian 3/27/2009 Taratata 3/26/2009 Dubai government will not lay off employees 4/25/2009 Taratata TV program 4/25/2009 Dubai TV 4/25/2009 Program Schedule 4/25/2009 Sawalefna Helwa 4/24/2009 TV schedule 4/22/2009 Hussein Ayyach 4/21/2009 List of programs. 4/20/2009 Mawaad Fil Khayran 4/20/2009 Fadel Shaker 4/18/2009 Fadl Chaker in Taratata 4/18/2009 "Taratata" and Melhem Zein 4/18/2009 Machaher Mah Diala 4/17/2009 Shireen 4/17/2009 TV programs 4/17/2009 Chef Osama 4/17/2009 Mashaheer 4/17/2009 MTV 4/17/2009 Mawhed Fel Khayran 4/17/2009 'Qareeb Al Manal' 4/16/2009 List of Programs 4/15/2009 Jamal Al Adel 4/14/2009 Egyptian drama on Gulf screens

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

16,500 45,000 76,192 68,000 16,500 45,000 30,000 60,000 30,000 45,000 16,500 30,000 68,000 16,000 30,000 30,000 16,500 43,000 45,000 19,000 16,500 65,000 65,000 30,000 30,000 16,500 15,000 45,000 25,300 25,300 60,000 25,300 16,500 16,500 16,500 16,500

Magazine Newspaper Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Magazine Magazine Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Al akhbar Achabaka Nadine Al akhbar

4/14/2009 Programs 4/13/2009 Wael Jassar 4/13/2009 'Sawalefna Helwah' 4/11/2009 TV programs

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c

16,500 Newspaper 113,583 Magazine 65,000 Magazine 16,500 Newspaper

4/10/2009 Qareeb Al Manal 4/9/2009 "Maua'ed Fe Al Khairan" 4/8/2009 Samirah meets Jannat and Bashar in Taratata 4/8/2009 Samirah meets Jannat in taratata 4/7/2009 Al Malek Farouq 4/6/2009 Boq'at Daw' 4/4/2009 Beet Jeddi 4/4/2009 Hob Fel Hide Park 4/2/2009 Mawed Fel Khairan 4/1/2009 Anty Ajmal 4/1/2009 "Nashwa" show 4/1/2009 Nashwa Al Ruwaini 3/31/2009 "Bet Jedy" on Dubai TV 3/30/2009 Personal Status Law with Nashwa 3/30/2009 Nashwa discusses Personal Status Law 3/28/2009 Naltaqi Maa Barwin 3/28/2009 Mawed Fel Khairan 3/26/2009 'Mawhed Fel khayran' 4/25/2009 "Naltaqi Ma' Barwin" program 4/25/2009 "Taratata" TV show 4/24/2009 Qareeb Al Manal 4/24/2009 Naltaqi maa Brouin 4/23/2009 Mawed Fy El Kheeran on Dubai TV 4/23/2009 Taratata hosts Asmaa Al Menawar 4/23/2009 Mawed Fy El Khairan 4/22/2009 "Taratata" honors Mohammad Abdul Wahab 4/21/2009 Naltaqi maa Barwein 4/21/2009 Dubai TV 4/20/2009 Nashwa show 4/18/2009 Taratata 4/18/2009 Naltaqi Ma Marween Habib 4/17/2009 Jannat prepares for Hob Emtelak 4/16/2009 Mawed Fy El Kheeran 4/16/2009 Shireen at court 4/15/2009 Al Malek Farouq 4/15/2009 Samirah rejects live concerts 4/15/2009 Samirah Saeed 4/13/2009 Nashwa 4/13/2009 Nashwa hosts female poets 4/13/2009 Taratata 4/13/2009 Mawed Fel Khairan 4/11/2009 "Taratata" hosts Samira Saeed and Wajnat Maheed 4/11/2009 'Naltaqi Ma Barwin Habib' 4/11/2009 Naltaqi 4/11/2009 Sameera Saeed hosted by Taratata

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

90,408 90,408 30,000 150,000 90,408 90,408 90,408 90,408 90,408 90,408 30,000 150,000 90,408 59,266 90,408 90,408 30,000 90,408 96,119 96,119 96,119 23,825 96,119 96,119 30,000 30,000 30,000 96,119 59,266 96,119 96,119 150,000 96,119 30,000 96,119 30,000 150,000 59,266 96,119

4/9/2009 "Maua'ed Fe Al Khairan" hosts Al Jarrah 3/28/2009 Naltaqi Mah Browen 3/26/2009 Al Jasmi and Jamal Salem in Mawed Fy El Kheeran

Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c

Morocco As-Sabah As-Sabah Assahare Al Maghribia Sada Al Massaiya As-Sabah As-Sabah As-Sabah As-Sabah As-Sabah As-Sabah Assahare Al Maghribia Sada Al Massaiya As-Sabah Ahdath Maghribiya As-Sabah As-Sabah Assahare Al Maghribia As-Sabah As-Sabah As-Sabah As-Sabah Al Alam As-Sabah As-Sabah Assahare Al Maghribia Assahare Al Maghribia Assahare Al Maghribia As-Sabah Ahdath Maghribiya As-Sabah As-Sabah Sada Al Massaiya As-Sabah Assahare Al Maghribia As-Sabah Assahare Al Maghribia Sada Al Massaiya Ahdath Maghribiya As-Sabah Risalat Al Ouma Sada Al Massaiya As-Sabah As-Sabah As-Sabah As-Sabah

150,000 96,119 96,119 96,119 96,119

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Oman Al Shabiba Al Shabiba Al Shabiba

37,000 Newspaper 37,000 Newspaper 37,000 Newspaper

Al Al Al Al Al

Shabiba Shabiba Shabiba Shabiba Shabiba

4/25/2009 Barween hosts Fatiha Mursheed 4/25/2009 New 4 films on Dubai TV 4/23/2009 "Mawed Fe Al Khairan" 4/16/2009 Mawed Fel Kheran 4/13/2009 Helala

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c

37,000 37,000 37,000 37,000 37,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

4/10/2009 Taratata 4/10/2009 Lawen Hayatak on Dubai TV 4/9/2009 Programs list 9, April 4/9/2009 Vitamin 4/9/2009 Dubai TV to air new show 'Dhel Al Kalam' 4/8/2009 Program list 4/8/2009 Mohammed Al Zahi 4/7/2009 Sofia Al Mareekh on Dubai TV 4/7/2009 Program Listing 4/6/2009 Programs list 6, April 4/5/2009 TV Programs list 5, April 4/5/2009 Ragheb Alama at Taratata 4/4/2009 TV Listing 4, April 4/3/2009 'Qareeb El manal' 4/2/2009 Program list (2, April) 4/2/2009 Razan and Tamer at Mawed Fe Al Kheran 4/1/2009 Arab TVs today listing 4/1/2009 Hani Naqshbandi 3/30/2009 30, March programs list 3/30/2009 Women issues with Nashwa on Dubai TV 3/30/2009 Nashwa program 3/29/2009 Arab TVs listing 3/29/2009 Taratata celebrates Umm Kulthoum 3/28/2009 Ahmed Abdul Malek with Barween 3/28/2009 Programs list 3/27/2009 Listings 3/26/2009 Salem on Dubai TV 3/26/2009 Arab TVs listing 4/25/2009 Taratata 4/25/2009 TV Programs 4/24/2009 Programs listing 4/23/2009 Ghadah Abdul Razeq in Mawed Fy El Kheeran 4/23/2009 Programs listing 23, April 4/23/2009 Global financial crisis effects on TV drama production 4/23/2009 Dubai TV 4/22/2009 Maisaa Al Maghrebi gets the most handsome TV presenter award 4/21/2009 Al Maraa Al Khalijiya 4/20/2009 Program list 4/19/2009 Arab TVs listing 4/19/2009 Mashaheer Maa Diala 4/18/2009 Programs listing 4/18/2009 Lawen hayatak 4/17/2009 Qareeb Al Manal 4/16/2009 Tsunami 4/15/2009 Nashwa Al Ruwaini wins Feigenbaum Leadership Excellence Award 4/14/2009 TV programs 4/13/2009 Programs list 13, April 4/13/2009 Maa Nashwa 4/12/2009 Mashaheer 4/11/2009 Naltaqi maa Barwen

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

236,988 236,988 356,650 356,650 24,637 356,650 21,661 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 40,000 356,650 236,988 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 21,661 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 40,000 649,779 21,661 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 21,661 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650 356,650

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Pan Arab Asharq Al Awsat Asharq Al Awsat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Rotana Magazine Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Quds Al Arabi Al Hayat Asharq Al Awsat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Rotana Magazine Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Quds Al Arabi Rotana Magazine Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Rotana Magazine Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat

Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Al Hayat

4/11/2009 TV programs



4/10/2009 Dr. Saliha Khalife 4/10/2009 Machaher program 4/9/2009 Thel Al Kalam 4/9/2009 Sawalefna Helwa TV program 4/8/2009 Al Kabsi guest of Barwin Habib 4/8/2009 Sawalefna Helwa 4/8/2009 Naltaqi Maa Brouin 4/7/2009 Al Jarrah and Barakat guests of 'Mawed Fy El Kheeran' 4/7/2009 Al Maraa Al Khalijia 4/7/2009 Mawed fel Kheran 4/6/2009 Sofia El Marekh 4/5/2009 Maa Usama Atyab 4/5/2009 Mashaheer with Dyala 4/5/2009 Alameh, Al Khashab and Samer Al Masri in "Taratata" 4/4/2009 "Vitamin" 4/4/2009 “Maa Osama Atyab” 4/2/2009 Naltaqi Maa Barwein 4/2/2009 Sophia al Mareekh at Sawalefna Helwa 4/2/2009 Maa Al Nas 4/2/2009 Sophia al Mareekh at Sawalefna Helwa 4/2/2009 Vitamin show 4/1/2009 Taratata 4/1/2009 Alameh and Al Khashab in "Taratata" 3/31/2009 Mashaheer Ma Diala 3/31/2009 Al Maraa Al Khalijiya program 3/31/2009 Sawalefna Helwa hosts Cyrine Abdel Nour 3/30/2009 Nashwa opens the file of personal conditions 3/30/2009 Arab and European meals with "Maa Osama Atyab" 3/29/2009 Syrian celebrities with Diala Maki 3/29/2009 Serine Abdul Noor 3/29/2009 Mawed Fel Khairan 3/29/2009 Four New Series on Dubai TV 3/29/2009 Elak program on Dubai TV 3/29/2009 Four Series on Dubai TV 3/28/2009 DMI looks after presenting Emirati local staff in professional style 3/28/2009 Media figures at DMI 3/26/2009 Taratata celebrates Umm Kulthum art 3/26/2009 Al Jassmi and Salem on Dubai TV 3/26/2009 Ahmed Al Jasmi, Jamal Salem in Mawed Fy El Kheeran 3/26/2009 Qareeb Al Manal and car accidents 3/26/2009 Dubai TV preparations for April 3/26/2009 'Taratatta' 3/26/2009 Browen Habib 4/25/2009 "Lawwen Hayatak" TV program 4/25/2009 "Maa Osama Atyab" 4/25/2009 Naltaqi Mah Browen 4/23/2009 Female bodyguard with Nashwa 4/23/2009 Ghadah Abdul Razeq and Khalid Yousef in Mawed Fy El Kheeran 4/23/2009 Al Marah Al Khaleejiyah 4/23/2009 Vitamin discusses eye diseases in a new episode 4/23/2009 The new TV show "Elaiki" 4/22/2009 Diala to host Marcel Khalife and Bassam Kosa 4/21/2009 Ma Osama Atyab 4/21/2009 Taratata TV program

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

356,650 Newspaper

Qatar Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al

Rayah Rayah Arab Arab Rayah Arab Arab Rayah Arab Arab Sharq Rayah Arab Sharq Rayah Arab Rayah Arab Arab Rayah Arab Arab Rayah Rayah Arab Arab Watan - Qatar Arab Rayah Rayah Rayah Arab Arab Rayah Rayah Arab Rayah Rayah Arab Arab Watan - Qatar Arab Sharq Arab Arab Arab Rayah Arab Rayah Arab Rayah Rayah Arab Rayah

45,000 45,000 22,000 22,000 45,000 22,000 22,000 45,000 22,000 22,000 65,000 45,000 22,000 65,000 45,000 22,000 45,000 22,000 22,000 45,000 22,000 22,000 45,000 45,000 22,000 22,000 23,500 22,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 22,000 22,000 45,000 45,000 22,000 45,000 45,000 22,000 22,000 23,500 22,000 65,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 45,000 22,000 45,000 22,000 45,000 45,000 22,000 45,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al

Rayah Arab Arab Arab Arab Arab Rayah Watan Arab Arab Rayah Watan Arab Rayah Rayah Watan Arab Arab Rayah Rayah Arab Arab Watan Sharq Arab Arab Rayah Rayah Arab

- Qatar

- Qatar

- Qatar

- Qatar

4/21/2009 Naltaqi Maa Barwein 4/21/2009 Sawalefna Helwa 4/20/2009 Elayki program 4/20/2009 Dubai TV 4/19/2009 Zain Al Omer and Shireen on "Taratata" 4/19/2009 "Mashaheer Ma Diala" hosts Lebleba and Taim Hassan 4/19/2009 Preparing cheese at home on "Ma' Osama Atiab" 4/18/2009 Fatima Al Tabakh 4/18/2009 Lawen Hayatak 4/18/2009 Naltaqi maa Barwein 4/18/2009 Mawed Fel Khairan 4/17/2009 Al Shawt Al Thaleth 4/16/2009 Qareeb Al Manal 4/16/2009 Sawalefna Helwa 4/16/2009 Mashaheer maa Diala 4/16/2009 Samira Saeed happy with the title of Arab's Janet Jacson 4/15/2009 Thel Al Kalam starts on Dubai TV 4/15/2009 Vitamin program 4/15/2009 Loublouba 4/14/2009 Taratata with Shireen 4/14/2009 Gulf Woman 4/13/2009 Dubai TV 4/13/2009 Abou Feras El Hamadani 4/13/2009 Dubai TV Series 4/13/2009 Nashwa 4/12/2009 Maa Al Nas 4/11/2009 Vitamin on Dubai TV 4/11/2009 Majed Mohsen presents Thel Al Kalam on Dubai TV 4/11/2009 Lawen Hayatak

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

45,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 45,000 23,500 22,000 22,000 45,000 23,500 22,000 45,000 45,000 23,500 22,000 22,000 45,000 45,000 22,000 22,000 23,500 65,000 22,000 22,000 45,000 45,000 22,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

126,000 270,000 250,000 116,609 250,000 135,515 180,000 180,000 270,000 270,000 270,000 116,609 116,609 116,609 270,000 270,000 116,609 270,000 250,000 126,000 55,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine


Saudi Arabia Al Yaum Al- Hayat OKAZ Arriyadiah OKAZ Laha Al Riyadh Al Riyadh Al- Hayat Al- Hayat Al- Hayat Arriyadiah Arriyadiah Arriyadiah Al- Hayat Al- Hayat Arriyadiah Al- Hayat OKAZ Al Yaum Satellite Guide

4/10/2009 Omr Al Shaqa 4/9/2009 Arab TVs today listing 4/9/2009 Youssef Al Jarrah 4/9/2009 Ali Humaid 4/9/2009 Dubai TV 4/8/2009 Sameera Saeed at Taratata 4/8/2009 Mawed Fel Khairan. 4/8/2009 Fahed El Hayyan 4/7/2009 Arab TVs today listing 4/7/2009 Sofia Al Marekh on "Sawalfna Helweh" 4/6/2009 TV Programs list 6, April 4/6/2009 Sophia in Sawalefna Helwah 4/6/2009 Nashwa 4/6/2009 Nashwa show 4/6/2009 "Nashwa" show 4/5/2009 Programs list 5, April 4/5/2009 Taratata 4/5/2009 Ragheb Alamah guest of Taratata 4/5/2009 Alameh and Abu Shahab in "Taratata" 4/5/2009 Stars of singing, acting in Taratata 4/4/2009 Meryam Ameen

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

Arriyadiah Al- Hayat Arreyadi Al Yaum Al Yaum Al Malaeb Al- Hayat Al Sharq Al Awsat-KSA Al Bilad Al- Hayat Al Yaum Al- Hayat Al- Hayat Al- Hayat Al Riyadh Al Shams Arriyadiah Al Shams Arriyadiah Al- Hayat Al- Hayat Al Shams Arreyadi Arriyadiah Arriyadiah Al- Hayat Al- Hayat Al Watan-Saudi Arabia Al Yaum Al Yaum Satellite Guide Al- Hayat Al- Hayat Al Malaeb Al Shams Al Riyadh Al Sharq Al Awsat-KSA Al- Hayat Al Jazirah Al Watan-Saudi Arabia Al- Hayat Al- Hayat Al Nadwah Al Riyadh Satellite Guide Al Bilad Al Jazirah Arreyadi Al- Hayat Al Sharq Al Awsat-KSA Al- Hayat Al Bilad Arriyadiah Arriyadiah Al- Hayat Al Riyadh Al- Hayat Arriyadiah

4/4/2009 Lawen Hayatak on Dubai TV 4/4/2009 TV programs list 4, April 4/4/2009 Ghashamsham 4/4/2009 New drama series on Dubai TV 4/4/2009 Four new Gulf and Syrian series on Dubai TV 4/4/2009 Samah Gandoor in "Elak" 4/3/2009 Dubai program 4/3/2009 program listing 4/2/2009 Taratata 4/2/2009 Taratata TV program 4/2/2009 Mawed Fel Khairan 4/2/2009 TVs listing 4/2/2009 "Mawaed Fe Al Khairan" hosts Mughrabi and Hajras 4/1/2009 Arab TVs listing 4/1/2009 Ghashamsham 4/1/2009 Ghashmshm4 3/31/2009 Korat Al Qadam Al Asiawiya 3/31/2009 Hayat Al Fahd filming "Omer Al Shaqa" 3/30/2009 Nashwa show 3/30/2009 30, March TV programs list 3/30/2009 "Nashwa Show" 3/30/2009 Dubai TV program 3/30/2009 Ghashamsham 3/30/2009 'Gulf Woman' 3/30/2009 Rajul el Million 3/29/2009 Programs listing 3/29/2009 Taratata celebrates Umm Kulthum in Wafa 3/29/2009 “Rehlat Al Million” on Dubai TV 3/29/2009 Syria drama stars with Dyala Makki 3/29/2009 Taratata celebrates anniversary of Umm Kulthoum 3/28/2009 Shams 3/28/2009 Programs list 3/28/2009 Qatari Ahmed Abdul Malek with Barween 3/28/2009 "Sawalfna Helweh" to host Nahas 3/28/2009 Mohamad El Zahrani 3/27/2009 Mohammed Al Zahrani 3/27/2009 TV Listings in Newspaper 3/26/2009 Programs list 3/26/2009 El Zahrani 3/26/2009 Mohamad El Zahrani 3/26/2009 Tony 3/26/2009 Ahmad El jassmi and Jamal Salem on Dubai TV 3/26/2009 'Ghashamsham' 3/26/2009 Dubai has no intention to cut jobs 4/25/2009 Taratata. 4/25/2009 "Mashaheer Ma Diala" hosts Marcel Khalife and Bassam Kosa 4/25/2009 Mohamad Abdo 4/25/2009 Mohamad Abdo and Majed Al Mohandes 4/25/2009 TV schedule 4/24/2009 Programs 4/24/2009 List of programs for today 4/24/2009 Sawalefna Helwa 4/24/2009 Mohamad Abdo 4/23/2009 Mashaheer Maa Diala 4/23/2009 Al Mohandes in honoring ceremony of Abdul Wahab 4/23/2009 Sawalefna Helwa next Tuesday 4/23/2009 Arab TVs listing 4/23/2009 "Taratata" honors Abdul Wahab

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

116,609 270,000 81,000 126,000 126,000 65,000 270,000 236,988 74,472 270,000 126,000 270,000 270,000 270,000 180,000 120,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

116,609 120,000 116,609 270,000 270,000 120,000 81,000 116,609 116,609 270,000 270,000 150,000 126,000 126,000 55,000 270,000 270,000 65,000 120,000 180,000 236,988 270,000 155,000 150,000 270,000 270,000 62,000 180,000 55,000 74,472 155,000 81,000 270,000 236,988 270,000 74,472 116,609 116,609 270,000 180,000 270,000 116,609

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Laha Al- Hayat Al Riyadh Al- Hayat Al Jazirah Al- Hayat Al- Hayat Al- Hayat Al- Hayat Arriyadiah Al- Hayat Al- Hayat OKAZ Al Yaum Al Yaum Al Yaum Al Bilad Al Jazirah Al Yaum Al Yaum Al Riyadh Al Sharq Al Awsat-KSA Al- Hayat Al Bilad Al Yaum Laha Laha Al Shams Al- Hayat Al- Hayat Al Bilad Al Shams Al- Hayat Al Shams Al Yaum Al- Hayat Al Shams Al- Hayat Al- Hayat Al Jazirah Al Yaum Al- Hayat Al Riyadh Al Watan-Saudi Arabia Satellite Guide Satellite Guide Al Bilad Satellite Guide Al- Hayat Al Jazirah Al Malaeb

4/22/2009 Fadl Chaker 4/22/2009 Today's programs 4/21/2009 Majed Al Mohandes in honoring ceremony of Abdul Wahab 4/21/2009 Al Maraa Al Khalijiya 4/21/2009 Mohammad Abdo 4/20/2009 Arab TVs listing April 20 4/20/2009 Elayk 4/19/2009 Arab TVs listing April 19 4/19/2009 "Mashaheer Ma Diala" hosts Lebleba 4/19/2009 Taratata 4/18/2009 Programs listing 18, April 4/18/2009 Lawen Hayatak 4/18/2009 Lubluba 4/18/2009 Mawed Fel Khairan 4/18/2009 Mawed Fel Khairan. 4/18/2009 Al Bader to participate in "Mawa'ed Fe Al Khairan" 4/18/2009 Mashahir 4/18/2009 Mohamad Abdo 4/18/2009 Mohamad Abdo 4/18/2009 Mohamad Abdo 4/18/2009 Loublouba 4/17/2009 TV programs 4/17/2009 Qareeb Al Manal 4/17/2009 "Sawalfna Helwah" hosts Maissam Nahas 4/16/2009 Khadija al Hammadi 4/15/2009 Taratata 4/15/2009 Fahd Al Hayan 4/15/2009 Mohamad Abdo 4/15/2009 Programs Listing 4/14/2009 Programs list 14, April 4/14/2009 Nashwa hosts Arabian female poets 4/14/2009 Taratata hosts Shireen 4/13/2009 Nashwa show 4/13/2009 Libliba in "Naltaki maa Bueen" show 4/13/2009 Hayat Al Fahd 4/13/2009 Arab TVs listing 13, April 4/12/2009 Salama at Taratata 4/12/2009 "Mashaheer Ma Diala" hostsRamy Ayyache and Muna Wasef 4/12/2009 Arab TVs listing 12, April 4/12/2009 Mohamad Abdo on Taratata 4/12/2009 Basheer Ghanem 4/11/2009 Naltaqi maa Barwen 4/11/2009 Samirah Saeed in Taratata on Dubai TV 4/11/2009 Sameera Saeed on Taratata 4/11/2009 German League 4/11/2009 Vitamin 4/11/2009 "Al Mara'a Al Khalijia" 4/11/2009 Presenter wear Scouting clothes 4/11/2009 TV programs 4/11/2009 Riyadh Literary Club hosts Al Shiryan 4/11/2009 Dubai TV

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

135,515 270,000 180,000 270,000 155,000 270,000 270,000 270,000 270,000 116,609 270,000 270,000 250,000 126,000 126,000 126,000 74,472 155,000 126,000 126,000 180,000 236,988 270,000 74,472 126,000 135,515 135,515 120,000 270,000 270,000 74,472 120,000 270,000 120,000 126,000 270,000 120,000 270,000 270,000 155,000 126,000 270,000 180,000 150,000 55,000 55,000 74,472 55,000 270,000 155,000 65,000

Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Magazine Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper


Syria Al Thawra Al Thawra Baladna

4/9/2009 Mawed Fy Al Kheeran discusses social issues 4/9/2009 "Qalam Rasas" 4/8/2009 Samer Al Masri in Taratata

Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c

80,000 Newspaper 80,000 Newspaper 90,000 Newspaper

Baladna Baladna Al Thawra Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Al Thawra Baladna Baladna Baladna Al Thawra Baladna Al Thawra Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Al Thawra Al Thawra Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna

4/8/2009 Mashaheer 4/6/2009 Dubai TV 4/5/2009 Samer Al Masri in Taratata 4/5/2009 Ragheb Alameh hosted in Taratata 4/5/2009 Dubai TV listing 4/4/2009 "Lawen Hayatak" 4/3/2009 Dubai TV listing 4/1/2009 Dubai TV channel. 3/31/2009 Dubai TV 3/30/2009 Dubai TV 3/30/2009 Al Malek Farouk 3/30/2009 Al Malek Farouk TV series 3/30/2009 Dubai TV channel 3/29/2009 Taratata 3/29/2009 Dubai programs list 30, March 3/29/2009 Syrian drama stars with Dyala Makki 3/28/2009 Dubai TV Channel 3/26/2009 Nashwa Al Ruwaini 3/26/2009 Dubai TV program list 3/26/2009 Nashwa show 4/25/2009 Lawen Hayatak 4/24/2009 Dubai TV 4/24/2009 Qareeb Al Manal 4/24/2009 Qareeb Al Manal 4/24/2009 Dubai TV channel 4/22/2009 Taratata TV program 4/22/2009 Naltaqi maa Barwein program 4/22/2009 Maa Osama Atyab 4/22/2009 Dubai TV list for 22, April 4/19/2009 Lebleba and Taim Hassan on "Mashaheer Ma Diala" 4/19/2009 Dubai TV programs list 4/17/2009 Dubai TV 4/17/2009 Loublouba 4/15/2009 Dubai TV list 4/15/2009 Enwan Al Rajol on Dubai TV 4/12/2009 Mashaheer with Dyala Makki 4/12/2009 Dubai TV list 12, April 4/11/2009 Psychological diseases and personal experiences on "Lawen Hayatak"

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

90,000 90,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 80,000 90,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 80,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

c c c c c c

150,000 30,000 150,000 150,000 30,000 212,853

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

c c c c c c

550,000 150,000 94,275 88,800 104,250 30,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Magazine

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c



Al Khaleej Al Wahda Al Khaleej Al Khaleej Al Wahda eyeofdubai Al Khaleej Al Ittihad Al Bayan Kul Al Usra Jawaher

Dubai has strong evidence convicting announced suspecs in the Chechen 4/10/2009 leader murder 4/10/2009 Vitamin program 4/9/2009 Thel Al Kalam on Dubai TV 4/9/2009 Colorful ideas in Sawalefna Helwah 4/9/2009 Majed Mohsen presents Thel Al Kalam on Dubai TV 4/9/2009 Dubai TV Launches New Weekly Programme 'Dhel Al Kalam' 4/9/2009 Dubai TV Launches New Weekly Programme Dhel Al Kalam 4/8/2009 Omr Al Shaqa exclusively on Dubai TV 4/8/2009 Mawed Fy El Kheeran 4/8/2009 Al Maraa Al Khalijia 4/8/2009 Sameera Saeed at Taratata 4/8/2009 Taratata

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English English, Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

Infinity Infinity Al Bayan Al Khaleej Al Emarat Al Youm Al Manara Al Khaleej Al Emarat Al Youm Al Khaleej Al Bayan Al Sada Al Sada Al Sada Al Sada Al Sada Sayidaty Sayidaty Al Bayan Al Khaleej Shahrazad Shabab 20 Kul Al Usra Al Emarat Al Youm Al Emarat Al Youm Al Khaleej Khaleej Times Al Wahda Al Wahda Al Ittihad Al Wahda Al Ittihad Gulf News Al Bayan Al Wahda Al Emarat Al Youm Al Ittihad 7Days Al Sada Al Sada Al Sada Al Bayan Sayidaty Zahrat Al Khaleej Al Ittihad Al Bayan Al Wahda Al Khaleej Ahlan-Arabic Ahlan-Arabic Sayidaty Sayidaty Sayidaty Al Khaleej Al Ittihad Al Wahda Al Khaleej Ahlan-Arabic

- Dubai

- Dubai

- Dubai - Dubai

- Dubai

4/8/2009 TV Impacts 4/8/2009 Children and TV 4/7/2009 Interview with Adnan Al Marzouqi 4/7/2009 4 stars in taratata on Dubai TV 4/7/2009 Qareeb Al Manal contributes in treating 100 cases 4/7/2009 Dubai Hatha Al Sabah 4/7/2009 Fashion stars on "Elayki", Dubai TV 4/6/2009 Interview with Abdul Aziz Najm Qassem 4/6/2009 Mawed Fy Al Kheeran 4/6/2009 Sawalefna Helwah 4/5/2009 Vitamin 4/5/2009 Sahar Al Mizari 4/5/2009 Chef Osama visits Rashid Centre 4/5/2009 Roaia on Noor Dubai TV 4/5/2009 Elayki 4/4/2009 Elayki 4/4/2009 Sawalefna Helwa 4/2/2009 Vitamin 4/2/2009 Sawalefna Helwa 4/1/2009 Asmara in Taratata 4/1/2009 Visit to Dubai Media Incorp. 4/1/2009 An interview with Mariam Amin 3/31/2009 Khalifa Discusses Various Issues with Leaders 3/31/2009 Khalifa Discusses Various Issues with Leaders. 3/31/2009 Taratata TV program 3/31/2009 We are committed to the success of the summit: UAE Foreign Minister 3/31/2009 Lawen Hayatak 3/31/2009 Naltaqi Maa Barwein 3/31/2009 Bashar Al Shatti 3/31/2009 Nashwa Al Ruwaini 3/31/2009 We are committed to the success of the summit: Abdullah bin Zayed 3/31/2009 Committed to success 3/30/2009 Nashwa on Duai TV 3/30/2009 Women stories with Nashwa on Dubai TV 3/29/2009 Majid bin Mohammad Media Youth Award 3/29/2009 "Taratata" hosts new singers 3/29/2009 Fillies out in force 3/29/2009 Hussein Al Jasmi 3/29/2009 TV Anchor Abeer Ahmad 3/29/2009 Movie Schedules 3/28/2009 Elaiki on Dubai screen 3/28/2009 Mawed Fel Kheran, weak performance 3/28/2009 Nichan 3/27/2009 Nashwa 3/27/2009 Taratata celebrates Umm Kulthum 3/27/2009 Vitamin on Dubai TV 3/27/2009 Dubai TamerMedia and Razan on Dubaiand TV Higher Colleges of Technology Sign Incorporated Partnership for Production of Joint TV Programmes to Build National Human 3/26/2009 Capacities 3/26/2009 Warda 3/26/2009 Mashaheer Maa Diala 4/25/2009 Dhel Al Kalam 4/25/2009 "Taratata" TV show 4/25/2009 Mawhed Fel Khayran 4/25/2009 May Movies 4/24/2009 Taratatata honors Mohammed Abdul Wahhab 4/24/2009 Children obesity on "Vitamin" program 4/24/2009 Media plays an essential role in the global financial crisis. 4/23/2009 Harayer

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

35,000 35,000 88,800 150,000 100,000 33,000 150,000 100,000 150,000 88,800 106,500 106,500 106,500 106,500 106,500 138,907 138,907 88,800 150,000 33,000 75,000 104,250 100,000 100,000 150,000 86,400 30,000 30,000 94,275 30,000 94,275 116,590 88,800 30,000 100,000 94,275 60,899 106,500 106,500 106,500 88,800 138,907 198,375 94,275 88,800 30,000 150,000

Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Magazine Magazine Newspaper Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

English Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c

212,853 21,000 21,000 138,907 138,907 138,907 150,000 94,275 30,000 150,000 21,000

Newspaper Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine

Al Mara'a Alyaum Al Khaleej Al Wahda Al Wahda Al Bayan Al Ittihad Al Wahda Al Khaleej Al Emarat Al Youm - Dubai Al Sada Al Sada The National Zahrat Al Khaleej Al Emarat Al Youm - Dubai Sayidaty Sayidaty Sayidaty Sayidaty Sayidaty eyeofdubai Zahrat Al Khaleej The National Khaleej Times Al Khaleej Al Emarat Al Youm - Dubai Al Ittihad Arabian Woman - Arabic Al Bayan OK! Middle East Ahlan-Arabic Al Khaleej Al Wahda Al Khaleej Al Khaleej Al Khaleej Al Bayan Al Bayan Al Khaleej Akhbar Al-Arab Al Bayan Al Ittihad The Gulf Today Al Bayan Al Emarat Al Youm - Dubai Al Sada Campaign Middle East MediaWeek Middle East Gulf News The National Al Bayan Sayidaty Sayidaty

4/23/2009 Mawed Fel Kheran 4/23/2009 "Qareeb Al Manal" program 4/22/2009 Nashwa 4/22/2009 Al Maraa Al Khalijiya 4/22/2009 Marsom Aa'eli TV series 4/21/2009 Ghada Abdul Razeq 4/20/2009 Fateha Marshid on "Naltaqi Ma' Bawin" 4/20/2009 Nashwa talk show 4/19/2009 Dubai Sports channel 4/19/2009 Thel Al Kalam 4/19/2009 Mawed Fel Khairan 4/18/2009 Poster boys for the nation 4/18/2009 Jumana Murad 4/18/2009 Mawed Fel Kheran 4/18/2009 Nashwa Al Ruwaini 4/18/2009 Harayer 4/18/2009 Al Daawa Aama 4/18/2009 Asa Khair 4/18/2009 Taratata Arab Media Group Supports Dubai Autism Centres Third Annual Autism 4/18/2009 Awareness Campaign

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English, Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

70,000 150,000 30,000 30,000 88,800 94,275 30,000 150,000 100,000 106,500 106,500 90,000 198,375 100,000 138,907 138,907 138,907 138,907 138,907

Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Magazine Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine


550,000 Newspaper

4/18/2009 Stars news 4/17/2009 A TV show with a future 4/17/2009 Being in tune with the times 4/17/2009 ‘New fee structure on the anvil’ 4/17/2009 Make Your Own Chance 4/17/2009 Taratata 4/16/2009 Nashwa Al Ruwaini eHosting DataFort seeks to strengthen regional presence through 4/16/2009 participation in Gitex Saudi Arabia 2009 4/16/2009 Aiisha Ramadan 4/16/2009 Maisaa Al Maghrebi gets the most handsome TV presenter award 4/15/2009 Mashaheer Ma Diala 4/15/2009 Al Maraa Al Khalijiya 4/15/2009 Maysam Nahhas 4/15/2009 Dina Al Sharaf 4/14/2009 New style for Lawen Hayatak 4/14/2009 Satellite channels race to host Islamic scholars 4/14/2009 Taratata 4th season 4/13/2009 Shirine talks about motherhood in 'Taratata' 4/13/2009 Nashwal Al Ruwaini hosts granddaughter of Abi Firas Al Hamadani 4/13/2009 Evan Al Zubaidi 4/13/2009 'Ma'a Osama Atyab' 4/12/2009 Nashwa interviews Arab poetesses 4/12/2009 Mawed Fy El Kheeran celebrates Egyptian art 4/12/2009 Thel Al Kalam starts on Dubai TV 4/12/2009 Taratata program 4/12/2009 Will TV rebrand reap reward? 4/12/2009 Mohsen fronts community show 4/11/2009 Solid evidence against Delimkhanov - Dahi 4/11/2009 I use culinary knowledge to reduce food bills 4/11/2009 Al Kabsi with Barwin Habib 4/11/2009 Dubai Hatha Al Sabah 4/11/2009 UAE faces at DMI channels

Arabic English English Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c

198,375 90,000 86,400 150,000 100,000 94,275 100,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine

Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic English English English English Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

88,800 8,165 21,000 150,000 30,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 88,800 88,800 150,000 110,000 88,800 94,275 46,200 88,800 100,000 106,500 12,500 10,000 116,590 90,000 88,800 138,907 138,907

Newspaper Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Magazine



Taratata Naltaqi Maa Barwein Sawalefna Helwa Highlights Taratata Naltaqi Ma Marween Naltaqi Ma Marween Taratata Swalefna Helwa

63 41 43 80 66 43 47 56 73

Taratata Up & Down Nashwa Listing Taratata Mashaheer Maa Diyala Taratata Series Mawed Fe Al Kheran Mawed fel Khairan Anta Ajmal

28 cc 26 cc 4 cc 5 cc 10 cc 4 cc 30 cc 14 cc 24 cc 20 cc 4 cc 25 cc 4 cc 6 cc 12 cc 4 cc

Mashaheer Maa Diyala Taratata Lawen Hayatak Nashwa Listing Lawen Hayatak

Movies Anty Ajmal Taratata Taratata Elaik Mashaheer Taratata Mawed Fel Kheran Taratata Swalefna Helwa

cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc

7 cc 3 cc 8 cc 4 cc 0.13 pg 14 cc 3 cc 3 cc 29 cc 4 cc 5 cc 0.25 pg 4 cc 6 cc

Listing Series Nashwa Taratata Nashwa Nashwa Khas Jedan Mashaheer Taratata Taratata Taratata Taratata Lawen Hayetak Highlights Lawen Hayetak Taratata

Listing Listing Listing Higlights Listing Listing Listing Listing Qalam Rasas Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Taratata Listing Listing Listing

10 cc 33 cc 7 cc 33 cc 4 cc 17 cc 1 cc 12 cc 6 cc 9 cc 16 cc 57 cc 9 cc 4 cc 21 cc 5 cc 14 cc 0.06 pg

95 cc 94 cc 30 cc 11 cc 94 cc 30 cc 30 cc 94 cc 120 cc 93 cc 30 cc 100 cc 30 cc 30 cc 98 cc 30 cc 94 cc 94 cc 30 cc 94 cc 30 cc 94 cc 30 cc 95 cc 30 cc 30 cc 57 cc 97 cc 99 cc 30 cc

Sawlefan Helwa Sawlefan Helwa Mawed Fel Khairan TMZ Mawed Fel Khairan Thel Al Kalam Balsam Anti Ajmal Mashaheer Ma Diala Taratata Mawed Fel Khairan Al Maraa Al Khalijiya Nashwa Fatima Al Tabbakh Sawalfna Helweh Mashaheer Ma Diala Series Nashwa Series Taratata Taratata Qareeb El Manal Sawalifna Helwa Sawalifna Helwa Lawen Hayatak Sawalifna Helwa Onwan Al Rajol Al Maraa Al Khalijiya Nashwa 'Mawhed Fel khayran' Taratata Sawalifna Hilwa Mawed Fel Khairan Series Vitamin Taratata Taratata Nashwa Elaiki Mawed Fel Khairan Sawalefna Helwa Mawhed Fel khayran Sawalefna Helwa Mashaheer Ma Diala Mashaheer Ma Diala Lawen Hayatak Elaiki Al Maraa' Al Khalijiya Sawalefna Helwa Series TMZ TMZ 'Mawhed Fel khayran' Lawen Hayatak Sawalefna Helawa Series Sawalifna Hilwa Naltaqi Maa Boween

46 cc 16 cc 40 cc 7 cc 14 cc 20 cc 8 cc 7 cc 28 cc 35 cc 16 cc 12 cc 7 cc 54 cc 12 cc 7 cc 60 cc 12 cc 39 cc 0.44 pg 0.44 pg 18 cc 45 cc 28 cc 13 cc 66 cc 7 cc 7 cc 49 cc 114 cc 39 cc 147 cc 129 cc 39 cc 11 cc 76 cc 48 cc 7 cc 14 cc 34 cc 164 cc 17 cc 43 cc 18 cc 18 cc 6 cc 35 cc 11 cc 12 cc 23 cc 7 cc 7 cc 17 cc 11 cc 11 cc 21 cc, 20 cc 17 cc 44 cc

Elayki Lawen Hayatak Movies Taratata Qareeb Al Manal Naltaqi maa Brouin Vitamin Sawalefna Helwah Series Series Taratata Taratata Series Taratata Taratata Mawed Fel Kheran Nashwa Elayki Mashaheer Ma Diala Lawin Hayatak TMZ Series Sawalefna Helwah Taratata Taratata Mawed Fel Kheran Sawalefna Helwah Vitamin Sawalefna Helwah Sawalefna Helwah Taratata Taratata Taratata Taratata Taratata Taratata Nashwa Elaiki Nashwa Elaiki Taratata Mashaheer Ma Diala Nashwa Mawed Fel Kheran Lawen Hayatak

Listing Series Sawalifna Hilwa Sawalifna Hilwa Listing Taratata

43 cc 12 cc 27 cc 1 pg 10 cc 62 cc 8 cc 53 cc 37 cc 27 cc 127 cc 155 cc 30 cc 57 cc 32 cc 64 cc 27 cc 35 cc 7 cc 9 cc 7 cc 60 cc 24 cc 34 cc 94 cc 29 cc 48 cc 11 cc 71 cc 17 cc 71 cc 15 cc 12 cc 103 cc 52 cc 93 cc 28 cc 33 cc 7 cc 69 cc 53 cc, 22 cc 15 cc 9 cc 35 cc 10 cc

35 cc 21 cc 0.13 pg 0.25 pg 38 cc 2 pg

Qareeb Al Manal Listing Highlights Taratata Listing Taratata Sawalifna Hilwa Highlights Mashaheer Listing Qareeb Al Manal Highlights Taratata Highlights Taratata Lawen Hayata Listing Sawalefna Helwa Listing Higlights Listing Mawaad Fil Khayran Taratata Taratata Taratata Machaher Mah Diala Taratata Taratata Ma Osama Atyab Machaher Mah Diala Higlights Mawhed Fel Khayran Qareeb Al Manal Listing Series Series

7 cc 125 cc 0.13 pg 0.25 pg 32 cc 13 cc 10 cc 45 cc 7 cc 125 cc 12 cc 69 cc 0.25 pg 41 cc 2 pg 9 cc 70 cc 11 cc 126 cc 1 pg, 1 pg 34 cc 0.25 pg 1 pg, 1 pg 1 pg, 1 pg 1 pg 6 cc 0.25 pg 127 cc 0.25 pg 0.19 pg 30 cc 0.25 pg 6 cc 35 cc 5 cc 122 cc

Listing Taratata Sawalefna Helwah Listing

35 cc 0.25 pg 0.13 pg 34 cc

Qareeb Al Manal 'Mawhed Fel khayran' Taratata Taratata Series Series Series Series 'Mawhed Fel khayran' Anty Ajmal Nashwa Nashwa Series Nashwa Nashwa Naltaqi Maa Barwin Mawhed Fel khayran Mawhed Fel khayran Naltaqi Ma' Barwin Taratata Qareeb Al Manal Naltaqi maa Brouin Mawed Fy El Kheeran Taratata Mawed Fy El Kheeran Taratata Naltaqi maa Brouin Sawalefna helwah Nashwa Taratata Naltaqi maa Brouin Taratata Mawed Fy El Kheeran Taratata Series Taratata Taratata Nashwa Nashwa Taratata Mawed Fel Khairan Taratata Naltaqi maa Brouin Naltaqi maa Brouin Taratata

9 cc 9 cc 69 cc 42 cc 14 cc 7 cc 14 cc 14 cc 25 cc 14 cc 39 cc 89 cc 11 cc 27 cc 14 cc 13 cc 12 cc 11 cc 8 cc 9 cc 25 cc 93 cc 23 cc 67 cc 57 cc 212 cc 88 cc 11 cc 34 cc 25 cc 26 cc 38 cc 10 cc 10 cc 12 cc 43 cc 36 cc 11 cc 9 cc 42 cc 61 cc 57 cc 10 cc 10 cc 57 cc

Mawhed Fel khayran Naltaqi Mah Browen Mawhed Fel khayran

23 cc 26 cc 12 cc

Naltaqi maa Brouin Movies Mawed Fel Kheran Mawed Fel Kheran Nashwa

Taratata Lawen Hayatak Listing Vitamin Thel Al Kalam Listing Series Sawalefna Helwa Listing Listing Listing Taratata Listing Qareeb El manal Listing Mawhed Fel khayran Listing Highlights Listing Nashwa Nashwa Listing Taratata Naltaqi Mah Browen Listing Listing Mawed Fel Khayran Listing Taratata Listing Listing Mawed Fel Kheran Listing Higlights Movies Mawed Fel Kheran Al Maraa Al Khalijiya Listing Listing Mashaheer Maa Diala Listing Lawen hayatak Qareeb Al Manal Series Nashwa Listing Listing Nashwa Mashaheer Naltaqi maa Barwen

36 47 31 30 22

cc cc cc cc cc

22 cc 19 cc 56 cc 9 cc 295 cc 61 cc 0.19 pg 13 cc 60 cc 49 cc 57 cc 17 cc 58 cc 21 cc 56 cc 17 cc 59 cc 30 cc 58 cc 21 cc 63 cc 58 cc 19 cc 9 cc 50 cc 54 cc 17 cc 58 cc 0.25 pg 56 cc 56 cc 21 cc 56 cc 81 cc 131 cc 0.25 pg 18 cc 56 cc 55 cc 21 cc 57 cc 10 cc 12 cc 8 cc 0.25 pg 56 cc 59 cc 13 cc 12 cc 14 cc


Al Maraa Al Khalijia Machaher Thel Al Kalam Sawalefna Helwa Naltaqi Mah Browen Sawalefna Helwa Naltaqi Mah Browen Mawhed Fel khayran Al Maraa Al Khalijia Mawed fel Kheran Sawalefna Helwa Maa Osama Atyab Machaher Taratata Vitamin Maa Osama Atyab Naltaqi Maa Barwein Sawalefna Helwa Maa Al Nas Sawalefna Helwa Vitamin Taratata Taratata Mashaheer Ma Diala Sawalefna Helwa Sawalefna Helwa Nashwa Maa Osama Atyab Mashaheer Ma Diala Sawalefna Helwa Mawed Fel Khairan Series Elak Series Highlights Highlights Taratata Mawhed fil Khayran Mawhed Fel khayran Qareeb Al Manal Listing Taratata Naltaqi Maa Barwein Lawwen Hayatak Maa Osama Atyab Naltaqi maa Barwen Nashwa Mawed Fel Al Marah AlKheran Khaleejiyah Vitamin Elaiki Mashaheer Ma Diala Ma Osama Atyab Taratata

58 cc

16 cc 15 cc 40 cc 30 cc 34 cc 28 cc 34 cc 14 cc 20 cc 16 cc 6 cc 18 cc 44 cc 35 cc 18 cc 34 cc 23 cc 51 cc 26 cc 24 cc 19 cc 97 cc 30 cc 24 cc 46 cc 48 cc 35 cc 27 cc 23 cc 21 cc 16 cc 113 cc 24 cc 35 cc 48 cc 94 cc 36 cc 17 cc 37 cc 33 cc 43 cc 94 cc 31 cc 34 cc 40 cc 39 cc 18 cc 34 cc 13 cc 15 cc 28 cc 25 cc 39 cc 45 cc

Naltaqi Maa Barwein Sawalefna Helwa Elaiki Nashwa Taratata Mashaheer Ma Diala Ma Osama Atyab Sawalefna Helwa Lawen Hayatak Naltaqi maa Barwein Mawed Fel Khairan Higlights Qareeb Al Manal Sawalefna Helwa Mashaheer maa Diala Taratata Thel Al Kalam Vitamin Naltaqi maa Barwein Taratata Khaleejiyah Eliky Nashwa Series Nashwa Maa Al Nas Vitamin Thel Al Kalam Lawen Hayatak

20 cc 70 cc 25 cc 34 cc 98 cc 27 cc 39 cc 10 cc 46 cc 45 cc 32 cc 30 cc 39 cc 13 cc 9 cc 27 cc 41 cc 18 cc 24 cc 21 cc 38 cc 15 cc 28 cc 21 cc 38 cc 30 cc 23 cc 13 cc 41 cc

18 cc Series 30 cc Listing Mawhed Fel khayran 18 cc 10 cc Highlights 7 cc Mubasher lel Mushahedeen Taratata 2 pgs Mawed Fel Khairan. 28 cc 30 cc Highlights 26 cc Listing 11 cc Sawalefna Helwah 30 cc Listing 10 cc Sawalefna Helwah Nashwa 13 cc Nashwa 4 cc Nashwa 11 cc 25 cc, 27 cc Listing Taratata 4 cc Taratata 16 cc Taratata 14 cc Taratata 26 cc 0.25 pg

Lawen Hayatak Listing Series Series Series Elaiki Listing Listing Taratata Taratata Mawed Fel Khairan Listing Mawed Fel Khairan Listing Series Series Korat Al Qadam Al Asiawiya Series Nashwa Listing Nashwa Listing Series Al Maraa Al Khalijia Listing Taratata Series Mashaheer Ma Diala Taratata Listing Naltaqi Maa Barwein Sawalfna Helweh Series Series Listing Listing Series Series Taratatta Maed Fe Khayran Series Highlights Taratata Mashaheer Ma Diala Taratata Taratata Listing Listing Listing Sawalefna Helwa Taratata Mashaheer Maa Diala Taratata Sawalefna Helwa Listing Taratata

3 cc 30 cc 37 cc 48 cc 42 cc 14 cc 14 cc 48 cc 56 cc 58 cc 24 cc 26 cc, 27 cc 15 cc 25 cc, 25 cc 74 cc 67 cc, 10 cc 9 cc 32 cc 4 cc 25 cc, 25 cc 56 cc 21 cc 77 cc 24 cc 8 cc 30 cc 20 cc 18 cc 20 cc 44 cc 0.25 pg 30 cc 9 cc 44 cc 13 cc 20 cc 56 cc 27 cc, 25 cc 21 cc 21 cc 60 cc 15 cc 29 cc 75 cc 0.25 pg 47 cc 185 cc 24 cc 26 cc, 25 cc 62 cc 25 cc, 26 cc 48 cc 24 cc 12 cc 31 cc 21 cc 26 cc, 25 cc 25 cc

Taratata Listing Taratata Al Maraa Al Khalijiya Taratata Listing Elayki Listing Mashaheer Maa Diala Taratata Listing Lawen Hayatak Al Maraa Al Khalijiya Mawed Fel Khairan Mawed Fel Khairan. Mawed Fel Khairan Mashaheer Maa Diala Taratata Taratata Taratata Naltaqi Maa Barwin' Listing Qareeb Al Manal Sawalfna Helwah Higlights Taratata Series Taratata Listing Listing Nashwa Taratata Nashwa Naltaki maa Bueen Series Listing Taratata Mashaheer Ma Diala Listing Taratata Series Naltaqi maa Barwen Taratata Taratata Listing Vitamin Al Mara'a Al Khalijia Sawalefna Helweh" Listing higlights Series

Mawed Fy Al Kheeran Qalam Rasas Taratata

2 pgs 24 cc, 25 cc 26 cc 12 cc 129 cc, 148 cc 25 cc, 27 cc 11 cc 26 cc, 25 cc 15 cc 4 cc 26 cc, 24 cc 8 cc 13 cc 30 cc 30 cc 21 cc 33 cc 22 cc 40 cc 44 cc 19 cc 50 cc 8 cc 47 cc 59 cc 1 pg 0.25 pg 50 cc 25 cc, 27 cc 25 cc, 27 cc 21 cc 58 cc 12 cc 28 cc 27 cc 27 cc, 26 cc 5 cc 11 cc 27 cc, 25 cc 15 cc 28 cc 12 cc 27 cc 12 cc 0.13 pg 0.13 pg 30 cc 0.13 pg 26 cc, 26 cc 10 cc 34 cc, 34 cc

12 cc 33 cc

Mashaheer listing Taratata Taratata listing Lawen Hayatak Listing Listing Listing Listing Series Series Listing Taratata listing Mashaheer Mashaheer Nashwa listing Nashwa Lawen Hayatak Listing Qareeb Al Manal Qareeb Al Manal Listing Taratata Naltaqi maa Barwein Maa Osama Atyab Listing Mashaheer Ma Diala Listing Listing Naltaqi Maa Browen Listing Enwan Al Rajol Mashaheer Ma Diala Listing Lawen Hayatak

Highlights Vitamin Thel Al Kalam Sawalefna Helwah Thel Al Kalam Thel Al Kalam Thel Al Kalam Series Mawed Fy El Kheeran Al Maraa Al Khalijia Taratata Taratata

17 cc

48 cc

59 cc 44 cc

44 cc 13 cc

102 cc 33 cc 16 cc 43 cc 58 cc 295 cc 295 cc, 295 cc 161 cc, 158 cc 38 cc 20 cc 2 pgs 1 pg

0.13 pg Highlights 0.13 pg Highlights 143 cc, 149 cc Highlights Taratata 23 cc 131 cc Qareeb Al Manal Dubai Hatha Al Sabah 0.5 pg 38 cc Elayki 102 cc, 76 cc Highlights Mawed Fy Al Kheeran 49 cc Sawalefna Helwah 21 cc Vitamin 0.13 pg 1 pg Dubai Hatha Al Sabah Maa Osama Atyab 0.5 pg 1 pg Roaia Elayki 0.63 pg Elayki 0.19 pg Sawalefna Helwa 0.06 pg Vitamin 20 cc Sawalefna Helwa 9 cc 0.5 pg Taratata 0.25 pg Highlights 3 pg Sawalifna Hilwa 129 cc Highlights 129 cc Highlights 64 cc Taratata 30 cc Highlights Lawen Hayatak 19 cc Naltaqi Maa Barwein 31 cc 15 cc, 21 cc Taratata 20 cc Nashwa 72 cc Highlights 11 cc Highlights 25 cc Nashwa 44 cc Nashwa 66 cc 55 cc Taratata 85 cc 0.25 pg 0.13 pg Series 0.5 pg Movies 126 cc Elaiki 0.13 pg Mawed Fel Kheran 0.13 pg Highlights Nashwa 43 cc 127 cc Taratata 22 cc Vitamin 38 cc Mawed Fel Kheran 1178 cc, 1178 cc Highlights 0.13 pg Highlights Mashaheer Maa Diala 0.13 pg Thel Al Kalam 0.13 pg Taratata 3 pg Mawhed Fel Khayran 0.13 pg 28 cc Movies Taratata 44 cc 36 cc Vitamin 50 cc Higlights Harayer 0.13 pg

Mawed Fel Kheran Qareeb Al Manal Nashwa Al Maraa Al Khalijiya Series Mawed Fel Khairan Naltaqi Ma' Bawin Nashwa higlights Thel Al Kalam Mawed Fel Khairan higlights Mawed Fel Kheran Mawed Fel Khairan Nashwa Harayer Al Daawa Aama Asa Khair Taratata higlights Series higlights higlights higlights higlights Taratata Nashwa

2 pgs 28 cc 24 cc 27 cc 129 cc, 126 cc 29 cc 28 cc 16 cc 18 cc 0.25 pg 2 pgs 133 cc, 37 cc 0.5 pg 139 cc, 87 cc 0.13 pg 0.25 pg 0.5 pg 0.5 pg 0.13 pg 295 cc 1 pg, 1 pg, 1 pg, 1 pg 208 cc 61 cc 27 cc 129 cc, 86 cc 34 cc 5 pgs

41 cc 0.13 pg 0.13 pg 16 cc 23 cc 12 cc 161 cc, 157 35 cc 140 cc 140 cc, 140 35 cc 20 cc 157 cc, 131 32 cc 30 cc 148 cc, 140 161 cc, 106 1 pg 0.56 pg Higlights 0.13 pg Thel Al Kalam 77 cc Higlights 100 cc Ma Osama Atyab 30 cc Naltaqi Ma Barwin Dubai Hatha Al Sabah 2 pgs 0.25 pg Higlights higlights higlights Mawed Fel Khairan Mashaheer Ma Diala Al Maraa Al Khalijiya Sawalefna Helweh Maraa Al Khalijiya Lawen Hayatak higlights Taratata Taratata Nashwa Al Saqara 'Ma'a Osama Atyab' Nashwa Mawed Fy El Kheeran Thel Al Kalam Taratata




cc cc

SAMA DUBAI TV Dubai TV Media Evaluation Report - March '09 Number of entries Total Circulation Impressions AVE in US$ Editorial media value in US$ Media

c 20,000 60,000 #VALUE! #VALUE! Date




Arabic Arabic

c c


Media type

Sama Dubai TV Bahrain Al Watan - Bahrain Al Wasat

4/9/2009 Gulf Film Festival on Sama Dubai 3/26/2009 Dubai: We will not dismiss our employees

27,500 Newspaper 30,000 Newspaper


Egypt Al Ahram Al Massa'' Al Shorouk Al Ahram Al Massa''

4/8/2009 Gulf Film Festival on Sama Dubai 3/27/2009 Nafahat on Sama Dubai 4/16/2009 Al Da'awa Ama


c c



250,000 Newspaper Newspaper 192,859 Newspaper


Jordan Al Rai Ad- Dustour Ad- Dustour Al Rai Al Rai Ad- Dustour Ad- Dustour Al Rai Ad- Dustour Al Rai Al Rai Ad- Dustour Ad- Dustour Al Rai Ad- Dustour Al Rai Ad- Dustour Al Ghad Al Rai Al Rai Ad- Dustour Ad- Dustour Ad- Dustour Al Rai Al Rai Ad- Dustour Ad- Dustour Al Diyar

4/9/2009 Shoofeetv 9, April 4/9/2009 Shoofeetv list for 9, April 4/8/2009 Shoofeetv 8, April 4/8/2009 Show TV 4/7/2009 Show TV 4/7/2009 Show TV 4/6/2009 Shoofeetv 6, April 4/6/2009 Shoofeetv list for 6, April 4/5/2009 Shoofeetv 5, April 4/5/2009 SHoofeetv list for 5, April 4/2/2009 Programs list 4/1/2009 Shoofee TV 3/30/2009 Shoofeetv ..programs list 30, March 3/30/2009 Shoofeetv ..programs list 30, March 4/25/2009 TV programs 4/25/2009 T’s program 4/23/2009 Shoofeetv 4/23/2009 Top names in journalism to attend Arab Media Forum 4/23/2009 Arab Media Forum 4/23/2009 Shoofeetv 4/22/2009 Show TV listing 4/20/2009 Program listing 4/19/2009 Shoofeetv list for 19, April 4/19/2009 Shoofeetv list 19, April 4/13/2009 Shoofeetv list 13, April 4/13/2009 Shoofeetv list 13, April 4/13/2009 'Lel Asrar Khoyot' 4/13/2009 Talal Abu Ragheb

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

90,000 80,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 80,000 80,000 90,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 80,000 80,000 90,000 80,000 90,000 80,000 55,000 90,000 90,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 80,000 80,000 15,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Ad- Dustour Al Rai Al Rai

4/12/2009 Shoofeetv 12, April 4/12/2009 Shoofeetv list 13, April 4/11/2009 Shoofeetv 11, April

Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c

80,000 Newspaper 90,000 Newspaper 90,000 Newspaper


Kuwait An Nahar Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Seyassah An Nahar An Nahar Al Seyassah An Nahar Al Seyassah An Nahar Al Seyassah An Nahar Al Seyassah

4/9/2009 Balsam 4/6/2009 Harayer 4/4/2009 Ma Al Nas 4/3/2009 Sama Cinema 4/3/2009 Sama Dubai movies 4/3/2009 Sultan Al Shae`er on Sama Dubai 4/2/2009 'Al Daawa Aamah' 4/25/2009 Najma w sama 4/24/2009 Najma Wasama 4/23/2009 Al Dawah Ammah 4/23/2009 Sama Dubai TV 4/22/2009 Harayer on Sama Dubai next Monday 4/20/2009 "Harayer" on Sama Dubai 4/18/2009 Harayer 4/16/2009 Balsam 4/13/2009 'Arabesque' Ameera on 'Harayer'

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

4/3/2009 UAE movie 4/3/2009 Victims of Financial Crisis are increasing 3/30/2009 Interview with Ahmed Abdullah Al Sheikh 3/26/2009 Dubai government will not lay off employees 4/17/2009 Saud Al Ka'bi

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

4/1/2009 Balsam 3/31/2009 "Asa Khair" 4/13/2009 "Khalti W Amti"

Arabic Arabic Arabic

4/23/2009 Top names in journalism to attend Arab Media Forum 4/20/2009 Sama Dubai

Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c C C 16

65,000 81,750 81,750 81,750 81,750 81,750 81,750 65,000 65,000 81,750 65,000 81,750 65,000 81,750 65,000 81,750

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Lebanon Layalina-Lebanon Assayad Al Anwar Ad Diyar Sawa Magazine

c c c c C

12,100 Magazine 76,192 Magazine 60,000 Newspaper 16,000 Newspaper 25,300 Magazine

Morocco As-Sabah As-Sabah As-Sabah

c c C 8

90,408 Newspaper 90,408 Newspaper 96,119 Newspaper

Oman Al Shabiba Al Shabiba

c c

37,000 Newspaper 37,000 Newspaper


Pan Arab Al Hayat Rotana Magazine Rotana Magazine Al Hayat Al Hayat Al Hayat

4/8/2009 Program list 4/6/2009 Abd Al Mohsen Nemer in "Geran" 4/6/2009 Al Maydan, concludes 4/3/2009 Sama Dubai. 3/27/2009 Dubai Media Incorporated, HCT join hands 4/20/2009 Harayer 4/20/2009 Program list

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c

356,650 21,661 21,661 356,650 24,637 356,650 356,650

Newspaper Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper


Qatar Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al

Arab Rayah Rayah Arab Rayah Arab Arab Arab Rayah Arab Rayah Rayah Arab Arab Rayah Arab Arab

4/9/2009 GFF on Sama Dubai 4/8/2009 Sama Dubai broadcast GFF activities 4/3/2009 Sama Dubai represents last interview with Sultan El Shaer 4/2/2009 Maa Al Nas 4/2/2009 Sama Cinema 4/2/2009 Sama Cinema 4/1/2009 "Al Daa'wa Ama" 3/30/2009 Collaboration agreement DMI, staff HCT in professional DMI looks after presentingbetween Emirati local 3/28/2009 style 3/28/2009 Media figures at DMI 4/24/2009 Al Dawah Ammah 4/22/2009 UAE's fashions on "Harayer" 4/22/2009 Diabetes on "Balsam" 4/20/2009 Harayer 4/18/2009 Al Dawaa Aamah 4/13/2009 Harayer 4/12/2009 Maa Al Nas

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

22,000 45,000 45,000 22,000 45,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 45,000 22,000 45,000 45,000 22,000 22,000 45,000 22,000 22,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

236,988 180,000 180,000 270,000 81,000 270,000 236,988 81,000 116,609 81,000 180,000 236,988 155,000 180,000 270,000 236,988 126,000 126,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper


Saudi Arabia Al Sharq Al Al Riyadh Al Riyadh Al- Hayat Arreyadi Al- Hayat Al Sharq Al Arreyadi Arriyadiah Arreyadi Al Riyadh Al Sharq Al Al Jazirah Al Riyadh Al- Hayat Al Sharq Al Al Yaum Al Yaum





4/10/2009 MBC TV 4/9/2009 Hayat Al Fahad 4/9/2009 Hayat Al Fahad 4/6/2009 Harayer 4/4/2009 Maram leaves to UAE 4/3/2009 Sama Dubai TV 4/3/2009 program listing 4/1/2009 Al Nemer takes part in "Al Da'era" 3/31/2009 Al Daawa Aamah 3/26/2009 Eraj participates in "Al Jeeran" 3/26/2009 Dubai has no intention to cut jobs 4/24/2009 Programs 4/24/2009 600 figures in journalism to attend the Arab Media Forum 4/23/2009 Top names in journalism to attend Arab Media Forum 4/20/2009 Harayer 4/17/2009 TV programs 4/17/2009 Al Jiran 4/16/2009 Khadija al Hammadi

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c


Syria Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna

4/10/2009 Sama Dubai programs list 4/8/2009 Gulf Film Festival on Sama Dubai 4/6/2009 Sama Dubai 4/6/2009 Harayer 4/5/2009 Sama Dubai program list

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c

90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000

Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Layalina-Syria Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna Baladna

4/5/2009 Maa El Nas 3/30/2009 Sama Dubai TV channel 3/30/2009 Sama Dubai TV channel. 3/29/2009 Sama Dubai programs list 30, March 3/28/2009 Sama Dubai TV 3/28/2009 'Nejma Wa Sama' 4/23/2009 UAE-international film 4/22/2009 Balsam on Sama Dubai 4/19/2009 Sama Dubai programs list 4/19/2009 "Techno Media" 4/12/2009 Sama Dubai list 12, April 4/12/2009 Maa Al Nas on Sama Dubai

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c

90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000

UAE Al Wahda Al Wahda

4/9/2009 Jamal Matar on Sama Dubai screen 4/9/2009 Issue of students hit by vehicles tackled

Arabic Arabic

c c

30,000 Newspaper 30,000 Newspaper

Jawaher Jawaher HIA Jawaher Jawaher Al Khaleej

4/8/2009 Fazza’ Championships 4/8/2009 City of Life 4/8/2009 Harayer at Malaysia 4/8/2009 An interview with poet Rashid Sharar 4/8/2009 Holoon Um El Oloom 4/7/2009 Sama Dubai broadcast GFF activities Dubai Municipality contributes Dh1.5m to Higher Colleges of 4/7/2009 Technology 4/7/2009 Dubai Municipality 4/7/2009 Latest fashion in Harayer Dr. Sheikh Sultan honours DMI's Sama Dubai TV for promoting 4/7/2009 Emiratisation 4/6/2009 Interview with Abdul Aziz Najm Qassem 4/6/2009 Syrian actress Reem Darwish 4/6/2009 Haloum EM El Oloum 4/4/2009 Al Daawa Aama 4/2/2009 Al Daawa Aamah 4/2/2009 Sultan Al Shaer Dubai Media Incorporated staff marks 'Arab Orphans Day' with 4/2/2009 visit to Zayed Centre for Family Care 4/2/2009 "Haloon Umm Al Oloom" comedy sereis during Ramadan

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c

30,000 Magazine 30,000 Magazine 60,000 Magazine 30,000 Magazine 30,000 Magazine 150,000 Newspaper

Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c

150,000 Newspaper 110,000 Newspaper 30,000 Newspaper

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c

33,000 100,000 88,800 40,000 138,907 30,000 30,000

Arabic Arabic English, Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c

150,000 Newspaper 70,000 Magazine

c c c c c c c c c c c c c

550,000 88,800 75,000 75,000 85,000 22,000 22,000 106,500 106,500 46,200 138,907 138,907 30,000

Website Newspaper Magazine Magazine Newspaper Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine Newspaper Magazine Magazine Newspaper

c c c c c c

550,000 30,000 30,000 88,800 94,275 70,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper










Al Khaleej Akhbar Al-Arab Al Wahda Al Manara Al Emarat Al Youm - Dubai Al Bayan Bint Al Khaleej Sayidaty Al Wahda Al Wahda Al Khaleej Al Mara'a Alyaum Al Bayan Majid Shabab 20 Emirates Business 24/7 Arabian Business-Arabic Arabian Business-Arabic Al Sada Al Sada The Gulf Today Sayidaty Sayidaty Al Wahda

4/2/2009 DMI visit Zayed Centre for Family Care 4/2/2009 DMI Visit Zayed Centre for Family Care 4/1/2009 Al Fossha visits Majid 4/1/2009 Visit to Dubai Media Incorp. 3/29/2009 DMI, HCT sign deal to train students for media projects 3/29/2009 The Power List's most inspirational personalities 3/29/2009 The Power List's most inspirational personalities 3/29/2009 TV Anchor Abeer Ahmad 3/29/2009 Al Meidan-4 Winners Honored 3/28/2009 Partnership to boost national human capacities 3/28/2009 Maa Al Nas 3/28/2009 'Al Dawa Amah' on Sama Dubai 3/27/2009 Dubai Media Incorportated Dubai Media Incorporated and Higher Colleges of Technology Sign Partnership for Production of Joint TV Programmes to Build 3/27/2009 National Human Capacities 3/26/2009 Jamal Matar on Sama Dubai 3/26/2009 Collaboration agreement between DMI, HCT 3/26/2009 Collaboration between DMI, HCT 3/26/2009 Academic cooperation agreement 3/26/2009 Al Maydan 4 concludes Dubai Media Incorporated and Higher Colleges of Technology Sign Partnership for Production of Joint TV Programmes to Build 3/26/2009 National Human Capacities

3/26/2009 Dubai Media Incorporated

3/26/2009 Dubai Media Incorporated.

eyeofdubai Al Wahda Al Wahda Al Bayan Al Ittihad Al Mara'a Alyaum

English, Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

English English, Arabic English, Arabic

Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper

Sayidaty Gulf News Al Khaleej Al Ittihad Emirates Business 24/7 Al Wahda Ahlan-Arabic Al Bayan Digital Studio Al Khaleej Al Bayan Al Sada Sayidaty Sayidaty Sayidaty Layalina Al Sada Sayidaty Sayidaty

4/25/2009 Al Dahwa Ama 4/23/2009 Top names in journalism to attend Arab Media Forum 4/23/2009 Participants at Arab Media Forum, revealed 4/23/2009 600 figures in journalism to attend Arab Media Forum 4/23/2009 Arab Media Forum draws the best of region 4/23/2009 600 figures in journalism to attend the Arab Media Forum 4/23/2009 Harayer 4/23/2009 600 figures in journalism to attend the Arab Media Forum 4/23/2009 DMI and HCT team up to co-produce programmes 4/21/2009 Fashion lines on "Harayer" 4/20/2009 Harayer 4/19/2009 Latest fashion lines 4/18/2009 Harayer 4/18/2009 Al Daawa Aama 4/18/2009 Asa Khair 4/15/2009 UAE-international film 4/12/2009 Stars news 4/11/2009 On Sama Dubai screen 4/11/2009 UAE faces at DMI channels

Arabic English Arabic Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

138,907 116,590 150,000 94,275 85,000 30,000 21,000 88,800 9,000 150,000 88,800 106,500 138,907 138,907 138,907 20,000 106,500 138,907 138,907

Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine



Gulf Film Festival Highlights

37 cc 80 cc

Gulf Film Festival Nafahat Al Da'awa Ama

5 cc 3 cc 3 cc

Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Series Highlights

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 98 30 44 43 94 30 30 30 94 95 30 39 36

cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc

Listing Listing Listing

30 cc 97 cc 99 cc

Balsam Harayer Ma Al Nas Movies Movies Interview 'Al Daawa Aamah' Najma w sama Najma w sama Al Dawah Ammah

8 cc 11 cc 18 cc 7 cc 7 cc 28 cc 7 cc 7 cc 7 cc 16 cc 7 cc 9 cc 7 cc 9 cc 7 cc 9 cc

Harayer Harayer Harayer Balsam Harayer

Movies Highlights Highlights Highlights

1 pg 0.13 pg 45 cc 41 cc 0.25 pg

Balsam "Asa Khair" Series

15 cc 11 cc 9 cc


Listing Geran Al Maydan Interview Highlights Harayer Listing

68 cc 4 cc

61 cc 0.13 pg 0.13 pg 9 cc 590 cc 19 cc 56 cc

Gulf Film Festival Gulf Film Festival Highlights Maa Al Nas Movies Movies Al Dawaa Aamah Highlights Highlights Highlights Al Dawah Ammah Harayer Balsam Harayer Al Dawaa Aamah Harayer Maa Al Nas

22 22 24 26 25 17 11 45 48 94 10 15 20 18 11 23 30

Listing Series Series Harayer Series Interview Listing Series Al Daa'wa Ama Series Highlights Listing Listing Listing Harayer Listing Series

56 cc 20 cc 20 cc 11 cc 25 cc 6 cc 48 cc 29 cc 8 cc 14 cc 75 cc 62 cc 50 cc 38 cc 13 cc 50 cc 13 cc 59 cc

Listing Gulf Film Festival Listing Harayer Listing

cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc

Maa El Nas Listing Listing Listing Listing 'Nejma Wa Sama' 0.25 pg Balsam Listing Techno Media Listing Maa Al Nas

Al Dawah Aammah Highlights Fazza’ Championship Gulf Film Festival Harayer Highlights Series Gulf Film Festival

25 cc 25 cc

Highlights Highlights Harayer

91 cc 41 cc 36 cc

Highlights Highlights Series Series Al Daawa Aama Al Daawa Aama Interview

0.25 pg 30 cc 30 cc 0.13 pg 1 pg 26 cc 62 cc

Highlights Series

66 cc 0.13 pg

Highlights Highlights Al Fossha Highlights Highlights Highlights Highlights Series Al Maydan Highlights Maa Al Nas Al Daawa Aama Highlights

19 cc 0.38 pg 0.25 pg 81 cc 0.13 pg 0.13 pg 0.13 pg 0.5 pg 11 cc 1 pg 0.13 pg 95 cc

2 pgs 2 pgs 3 pgs 0.13 pg 0.13 pg 12 cc

Highlights Highlights Highlights Al Maydan

590 cc 19 cc 38 cc 75 cc 14 cc 4 pgs


2356 cc


Highlights Highlights

Al Dahwa Ama Highlights Highlights Highlights Highlights Highlights Harayer Highlights Highlights Harayer Harayer Harayer Al Dahwa Ama Asa Khair Highlights Listing Listing Listing

1 pg 48 cc 81 cc 37 cc 108 cc 99 cc 0.13 pg 118 cc 0.38 pg 13 cc 20 cc 0.19 pg 0.25 pg 0.5 pg 0.5 pg 0.38 pg 0.13 pg 1 pg 0.25 pg

INDUSTRY NEWS Dubai TV Media Evaluation Report - June 2007 Number of entries Total Circulation Impressions AVE in US$ Editorial media value in US$ Media

49 5,476,133 16,428,399 112,089 224,178 Date





Media type




Satellite TV channels and monopolizing dramatic works Local opinions on TV Channels Viewer dailies

Arabic Arabic Arabic

c b b 3

500,000 600,000 20,000

Newspaper Newspaper Magazine

51.00 38.00 0.25

1,530 1,938 250

1,500,000 1,800,000 60,000

6/24/2007 6/8/2007

Al Jazeera's correspondent Salaam Khodr interview Heated competition

Arabic Arabic

c b 2

24,000 24,000

Newspaper Newspaper

128.00 12.00

1,664 120

72,000 72,000

Kuwait Al Anbaa Al Qabas Al Seyassah Al Rai Al Qabas

6/19/2007 6/8/2007 6/21/2007 6/23/2007 6/24/2007

Al-Muslim in Dubai for "Al-Aseel" Halima is active in her work while Ghadan is Lazy "Alam Modhesh" soon on Sama Dubai TV Mashael: I am the first Kuwaiti presenter that wants to act Halima Poland has no disputes with Rotana

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

b c c c c 5

82,127 87,650 50,000 88,000 87,650

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

25.00 70.00 63.00 32.00 65.00

350 1,890 1,701 864 1,755

246,381 262,950 150,000 264,000 262,950

Pan Arab Al Hayat


The channels' market unveils the viewers' identity and their ideology


b 1






6/2/2007 6/3/2007 6/5/2007

Asian Olympic teams The commercial channels steal the Saudis Huge Media presence to cover football games

Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c b

75,400 120,000 126,000

Magazine Newspaper Newspaper

0.50 154.00 296.00

1,350 4,620 9,176

226,200 360,000 378,000

6/5/2007 6/6/2007 6/16/2007 6/25/2007

Unprecedenteed attendance of media at the final match of Saudi league Phenomenon threatens famous Arab singers Orbit sport channels Dubai kidnaps Yasser

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

b b c b 7

126,000 95,000 75,400 120,000

Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Newspaper

64.00 183.00 1.00 5.00

1,344 4,392 2,700 125

378,000 285,000 226,200 360,000

6/2/2007 6/2/2007 6/3/2007 6/3/2007 6/5/2007 6/5/2007 6/7/2007 6/7/2007 6/8/2007 6/8/2007 6/8/2007 6/8/2007 6/10/2007 6/10/2007 6/11/2007 6/11/2007 6/13/2007 6/15/2007 6/17/2007 6/17/2007 6/19/2007 6/19/2007 6/19/2007 6/20/2007 6/21/2007 6/21/2007 6/22/2007

TV banned! "Mohamad Abdo" and "Abou Beker Salem" Dubai International Sports Conference 2007 Second Dubai International Sports Conference 2007 Second Dubai International Sports Conference begins today Second Dubai International Sports Conference begins today Football Association honors best players Football Association honors best players DSS finishes preparations for launching the event Dr. Barween Habib Panel meets to discuss DSS preparations Exclusive rights struggle begins From here and there Criticism for Dina Azar Iraqi programs presenter can sing and act Iraqi programs presenter can sing and act It's all about creating Short message TV needs to consider non-arabic muslims Shrine's advices More calls for Dubai TV channel Shubeer…from Dream to El Beit Beitak Um Khammas on commercial boards in Ras Al Khaimah Ghazi Hussein during Ramadan Bin Mammam in interview with Dubai Sports DSS fiesta opens today with much to offer for one and all On Dubai TV Dubai Culture and Art Forum' receives full support from Dubai's leading public and private institutions Dubai Culture and Art Forum kicks off tomorrow Culture forum gets support from sponsors Dubai Culture and Art Forum'

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English Arabic English Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English Arabic

b c b c c c b c c b c b c c b b c b b c b b b c b c c

94,275 198,375 90,000 94,550 90,000 94,550 90,000 30,000 90,000 90,000 67,030 100,000 93,600 93,600 90,000 90,000 99,856 94,275 71,555 93,600 71,555 94,275 94,550 90,000 94,275 67,030 100,000

Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

31.00 1.00 396.00 415.00 415.00 650.00 128.00 175.00 184.00 76.00 72.00 44.00 0.25 0.50 184.00 184.00 116.00 26.00 17.00 0.25 14.00 8.00 59.00 80.00 395.00 323.00 51.00

372 5,590 4,752 4,565 6,640 7,150 1,536 3,150 2,944 836 1,152 792 688 1,375 3,680 2,208 2,320 312 459 688 378 96 649 1,440 4,740 5,168 1,020

282,825 595,125 270,000 283,650 270,000 283,650 270,000 90,000 270,000 270,000 201,090 300,000 280,800 280,800 270,000 270,000 299,568 282,825 214,665 280,800 214,665 282,825 283,650 270,000 282,825 201,090 300,000

Arabic Arabic English Arabic

b b c c 31

90,000 94,275 67,030 100,000 5,476,133

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

40.00 31.00 49.00 323.00

480 372 784 6,460 112,089


Egypt Al Akhbar Al Gomhuria TV Dish

6/10/2007 6/22/2007 6/25/2007

Jordan Al Arab Al Yawm Al Arab Al Yawn

Saudi Arabia Satellite Guide Al Shams Al Yaum Al Yaum Al Madina Satellite Guide Al Shams UAE Al Ittihad Zahrat Al Khaleej Al Khaleej Al Bayan Al Bayan Al Bayan Al Khaleej Al Wahda Al Bayan Al Bayan Khaleej Times Al Emarat Al Youm Al Sada Al Sada Al Khaleej Al Khaleej Gulf News Al Ittihad 7Days Al Sada 7Days Al Ittihad Al Bayan Al Khaleej Al Ittihad Khaleej Times Al Emarat Al Youm Al Khaleej Al Ittihad Khaleej Times Al Emarat Al Youm

6/24/2007 6/25/2007 6/25/2007 6/25/2007

270,000 282,825 201,090 300,000 16,428,399



DUBAI SPORTS Dubai TV Media Evaluation Report - March '09 Number of entries Total Circulation Impressions AVE in US$ Editorial media value in US$ Media

#VALUE! 12,164,050 36,492,150 0 0 Date





Media type



Dubai Sports Bahrain Al Wasat

3/26/2009 Dubai: We will not dismiss our employees



4/10/2009 German League 4/3/2009 Watch today 4/2/2009 Football matches 4/2/2009 Football matches. 3/31/2009 Sports 3/29/2009 Sports TV 3/28/2009 Sports TV 28, March 4/25/2009 MAtches 4/23/2009 Sports TV 4/18/2009 Today’s football matches 4/17/2009 Sport 4/15/2009 April 15 matches


c c c c c c c c c c c c

30,000 Newspaper Highlights

80 cc

Egypt Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al

Gomhuria Shorouk Dostour Dostour Alam Al Youm Alam Al Youm Alam Al Youm Alam Al Youm Alam Al Youm Alam Al Youm Shorouk Alam Al Youm

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

650,000 Newspaper Newspaper 90,000 Newspaper 90,000 Newspaper 171,550 Newspaper 171,550 Newspaper 171,550 Newspaper 171,550 Newspaper 171,550 Newspaper 171,550 Newspaper Newspaper 171,550 Newspaper

German League Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing

7 cc 1 cc 25 cc 15 cc 10 cc 16 cc 16 cc 17 cc 10 cc 19 cc 2 cc 10 cc


Jordan Al Rai

4/10/2009 Shoofeetv



90,000 Newspaper Listing

60 cc

Arabic Arabic

c c

75,000 Newspaper Etisalat Cup 8 cc 75,000 Newspaper Asian Qualifiers-World cup 2010 153 cc



60,000 Newspaper Highlights

Kuwait Alam Al Youm Alam Al Youm

4/7/2009 Dubai Sport 4/1/2009 Bahrain to meet Qatar

Lebanon Al Anwar

3/30/2009 Interview with Ahmed Abdullah Al Sheikh

45 cc


Pan Arab Al Hayat

4/10/2009 Al Nahyan International Cup



356,650 Newspaper Al Nahyan International Cup 9 cc

Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c

45,000 Newspaper Highlights 22,000 Newspaper Highlights 45,000 Newspaper Listing

48 cc 94 cc 17 cc



45,000 Newspaper Highlights

23 cc

Qatar Al Rayah Al Arab Al Rayah Al Rayah

DMI looks after presenting Emirati local staff in 3/28/2009 professional style 3/28/2009 Media figures at DMI 4/12/2009 Dubai Sport channel Dubai Sports Presents A Range Of Programmes To Mark 4/12/2009 The President’s Cup Final


Saudi Arabia

Al- Hayat Arriyadiah Arreyadi Al Madina Arreyadi Arriyadiah Arriyadiah Arriyadiah Arriyadiah Satellite Guide Satellite Guide Satellite Guide Satellite Guide Al Jazirah Arriyadiah Satellite Guide Satellite Guide Satellite Guide Arriyadiah Arriyadiah

4/10/2009 Dubai Sport TV 4/10/2009 Tariq Al Hammadi 4/5/2009 Today's matches 5, April 4/5/2009 Today's matches 5, April 4/5/2009 Today's matches 5, April 3/30/2009 KSA's New Coach 3/30/2009 'Aljamaheer' 3/30/2009 Graphic Designs 3/29/2009 The Japanese referee was rightful in Saudi match vs. Iran 3/28/2009 Sport Channels 3/28/2009 All dream to play in South Africa 4/25/2009 UAE football league 4/25/2009 German Football League 4/22/2009 Al Hilal match 4/20/2009 "Dawrina" 4/18/2009 German League 4/18/2009 UAE's League 4/18/2009 Asian Champions League 4/17/2009 "Al Jamaheer" focuses on President's Cup 4/15/2009 Watch on TV

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

270,000 116,609 81,000 95,000 81,000 116,609 116,609 116,609 116,609 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 155,000 116,609 55,000 55,000 55,000 116,609 116,609

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper

New programs Highlights Listing Listing Listing Highlights 'Aljamaheer' Highlights Highlights FIFA World Cup FIFA World Cup UAE League German League Match German League UAE League Asian Champions League Al Jamaheer Listing

33 cc 80 cc 10 cc 17 cc 11 cc 80 cc 9 cc 35 cc 19 cc 1 pg 0.5 pg 0.25 pg 0.25 pg 48 cc 6 cc 0.5 pg 0.25 pg 0.13 pg 25 cc 14 cc


UAE Al Wahda Al Khaleej Akhbar Al-Arab Al Bayan Akhbar Al-Arab Al Al Al Al Al Al

Khaleej Bayan Bayan Bayan Bayan Bayan

Al Khaleej Al Khaleej Al Bayan Al Bayan Akhbar Al-Arab Al Emarat Al Youm - Dubai Shabab 20 Al Bayan Al Bayan Al Emarat Al Youm - Dubai Al Wahda Gulf News Al Ittihad Al Bayan Emirates Business 24/7 Panorama -The Gulf Today Magazine Gulf News Al Bayan Al Emarat Al Youm - Dubai Al Bayan Al Ittihad

4/10/2009 Dubai Sport TV 4/10/2009 Dubai Sport TV 4/10/2009 Dubai Sport covers President's Cup tournament DSF Office Briefs DSS Organizing Committee On Plans For 4/9/2009 2009 Dubai Summer Surprises 4/9/2009 Dubai Summer Surprises DSF Office Briefs DSS Organizing Committee On Plans For 4/9/2009 2009 Dubai Summer Surprises 4/8/2009 ART demand $20 million for World Cup broadcasting 4/7/2009 Programs list 4/6/2009 Dubai Sport channel 4/5/2009 DMI celebrates mothers' day 4/4/2009 The Dubai Autodrome honors Dubai Sport Channel English broadcaster for final Etisalat Cup on Dubai Sports 4/3/2009 Channel 4/3/2009 Dubai Sports Tv 4/3/2009 DMI's Dubai Sports Tv 4/2/2009 Al Shabab to leave to Dammam 4/2/2009 Saudi Football League 4/1/2009 Ghorab and Humaid talk is nonsense, Al Serkal 4/1/2009 Visit to Dubai Media Incorp. 3/31/2009 DMI celebrates Mother's Day 3/31/2009 Hilal Mohammad intends to resign 3/29/2009 Mitsu 3/27/2009 Dubai Media Incorportated 3/27/2009 Pakistan-Australia series tickets on sale Dubai Media Incorporated and Higher Colleges of Technology Sign Partnership for Production of Joint TV 3/26/2009 Programmes to Build National Human Capacities 4/24/2009 Dubai Sports TV covers Powerboat race 4/24/2009 At bottom of events 4/24/2009 'They will come at us very hard' 4/24/2009 Chapal Cup 4/23/2009 'This will make all of Dubai proud' 4/23/2009 Karate and Taikondo delegation visits Dubai Sport 4/23/2009 Dubai Sports Visit 4/22/2009 Fayez Jumaa 4/22/2009 Fayez Juma

Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c

30,000 Newspaper New programs 150,000 Newspaper New programs 110,000 Newspaper New programs

28 cc 62 cc 87 cc

Arabic Arabic

c c

88,800 Newspaper Highlights 110,000 Newspaper Highlights

114 cc 68 cc

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c

150,000 88,800 88,800 88,800 88,800 88,800

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Highlights Highlights Listing Etisalat Cup Highlights Dubai Sport Channel honored

132 cc 28 cc 41 cc 45 cc 342 cc 33 cc

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English

c c c c c c c c c c c c

150,000 150,000 88,800 88,800 110,000 100,000 75,000 88,800 88,800 100,000 30,000 116,590

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Etisalat Cup Etisalat Cup Etisalat Cup Highlights Highlights Highlights Highlights Highlights Highlights Highlights Highlights Highlights

42 cc 39 cc 81 cc 29 cc 31 cc 220 cc 0.25 pg 74 cc 40 cc 45 cc 95 cc 24 cc

English Arabic Arabic English English English Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c

212,853 Website DMI partnership with HCT 94,275 Newspaper Powerboat race 88,800 Newspaper 85,000 Newspaper Highlights Newspaper Chapal Cup 116,590 Newspaper Highlights 88,800 Newspaper Highlights 100,000 Newspaper Highlights 88,800 Newspaper Highlights 94,275 Newspaper

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

2356 cc 13 cc 30 cc 98 cc 30 cc 120 cc 71 cc 100 cc 94 cc 92 cc

Al Ittihad The Gulf Today Al Khaleej Al Ittihad Al Bayan Al Bayan Al Emarat Al Youm - Dubai Al Khaleej Al Wahda Al Ittihad

4/22/2009 Sabah Al Khiar ya Emarat 4/21/2009 Child obesity campaign launched 4/21/2009 Media delegation visits Rashid Center 4/21/2009 Khalil Ghanim hospitalized 4/21/2009 Dubai Sport Channel. 4/21/2009 Rashid center 4/19/2009 Dubai Sports channel 4/17/2009 Dubai Sports TV 4/17/2009 Dubai Sports TV 4/17/2009 Dubai Sports Council Organizes A Workshop

Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c

The National The National

4/16/2009 Marsh bowled over 4/16/2009 Series with Australia to provide perfect fillip for Pakistan SMC affirms the importance of the collaboration between 4/15/2009 sport committees SMC affirms the importance of the collaboration between 4/15/2009 sport committees 4/15/2009 Al Ain's German coach may face disciplinary action 4/15/2009 Dubai Sport Channel 4/15/2009 Sport media committee 4/15/2009 Hassan Habib 4/14/2009 History Repeats Itself for 9-man Al Shabab 4/13/2009 Plenty on Offer

English English

c c

90,000 Newspaper Highlights 90,000 Newspaper Highlights

22 54 80 12 68 68 18 11 40 18 74 cc 61



94,275 Newspaper Highlights

101 cc

Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic English English

c c c c c c c

4/13/2009 Evan Al Zubaidi Dubai Sports presents a range of programmes to mark the 4/12/2009 President's Cup Final Dubai Sports introduces a range of programmes to mark 4/12/2009 the President's Cup Final Special programs on Dubai Sports for 3 days to cover 4/12/2009 President Cup Dubai Sports Presents A Range Of Programmes To Mark 4/12/2009 The President’s Cup Final 4/12/2009 Ahmad Joka and Madrid Club 4/11/2009 UAE faces at DMI channels 4/11/2009 Bu Midian Awad

Arabic English, Arabic

c c

1,500,413 Newspaper Highlights



21,800 Newspaper Highlights



150,000 Newspaper President Cup

70 cc

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c

88,800 Newspaper President Cup 94,275 Newspaper Madrid Club 138,907 Magazine Highlights 88,800 Newspaper Highlights

4 cc 5 cc 0.25 pg 44 cc

Al Ittihad Al Bayan Khaleej Times Al Khaleej Al Khaleej Layalina Khaleej Times Khaleej Times Al Bayan - Arabic Al Fajr Al Khaleej Al Bayan Al Ittihad Sayidaty Al Bayan



61 #VALUE!

94,275 46,200 150,000 94,275 88,800 88,800 100,000 150,000 30,000 94,275

88,800 86,400 150,000 150,000 20,000 86,400 86,400

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Newspaper Newspaper

Highlights Highlights Highlights Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Highlights

Highlights Highlights Listing Highlights

88,800 Newspaper


cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc, 68 cc

77 cc 39 cc 17 cc 80 cc 0.13 pg 60 cc 33 cc 157 cc, 131 cc 162 cc 40 cc

DUBAI ONE Dubai TV Media Evaluation Report - March '09 Number of entries Total Circulation Impressions AVE in US$ Editorial media value in US$ Media

#VALUE! 8,820,303 26,460,909 #VALUE! #VALUE! Date


language Col./Bw Circulation

Media type



Dubai One Bahrain

Al Watan - Bahrain Gulf Daily News Gulf Daily News Gulf Daily News Al Wasat Gulf Daily News

4/9/2009 Gulf Film Festival on Sama Dubai 4/4/2009 TV Bahrain 3/31/2009 Local channels 3/28/2009 Television 4 3/26/2009 Dubai: We will not dismiss our employees 4/11/2009 TV Bahrain's most extensive guide

Arabic English English English Arabic English

27,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 30,000 12,500

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Film Festival Listing Listing Listing Highlights Listing

37 30 30 30 80 30

650,000 250,000 55,000 110,000 55,000 55,000 350,000 650,000 55,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Highlights Film Festival Listing Listing Movies Movies Movies Movies Movies

3 cc 5 cc 6 cc 6 cc 5 cc 5 cc 12 cc 4 cc 5 cc


90,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 90,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 90,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing Listing

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

c c

c c c c

cc cc cc cc cc cc


Egypt Al Gomhuria Al Ahram Al Massa'' Rose Al Youssef Newspaper Egyptian Gazette Rose Al Youssef Newspaper Rose Al Youssef Newspaper Al Akhbar Al Gomhuria Rose Al Youssef Newspaper

4/10/2009 A Streetcar Named Desire 4/8/2009 Gulf Film Festival on Sama Dubai 4/6/2009 Into the wild 4/5/2009 Today's TV Pickings 4/2/2009 One TV 3/30/2009 "The Mist" on One TV 3/29/2009 Foreign films 3/27/2009 Against All Odds 3/26/2009 The Shining

Arabic Arabic Arabic English Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c

c c c c c

c c

Jordan Al Rai Ad- Dustour Ad- Dustour Ad- Dustour Al Rai Ad- Dustour Al Rai Al Rai Al Rai

4/9/2009 Shoofeetv 9, April 4/9/2009 Shoofeetv list for 9, April 4/8/2009 Shoofeetv 8, April 4/6/2009 Shoofeetv 6, April 4/6/2009 Shoofeetv list for 6, April 4/5/2009 Shoofeetv 5, April 4/5/2009 SHoofeetv list for 5, April 4/2/2009 Programs list 4/1/2009 Shoofeetv 1, April

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

4/4/2009 Hollywood stars shine with Cinderella



81,750 Newspaper Movies

Arabic Arabic

c c

81,750 Newspaper Out & About 15 cc 81,750 Newspaper Highlights 39 cc

c c

c c c c c


cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc

Kuwait Al Seyassah Al Seyassah Al Seyassah

4/1/2009 "Out and About" on Dubai One 3/31/2009 'Shobbak Tathaker'



49 cc

Assayad Al Anwar Ad Diyar

Arabic Arabic Arabic


Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic


3/28/2009 Dubai One movies 4/25/2009 New 4 films on Dubai TV

Arabic Arabic

c c

4/2/2009 Women of Vision 4/23/2009 Dubai TV

English Arabic

c c

4/3/2009 Victims of Financial Crisis are increasing 3/30/2009 Interview with Ahmed Abdullah Al Sheikh 3/26/2009 Dubai government will not lay off employees

c c

76,192 Magainze Highlights 60,000 Newspaper Highlights 16,000 Newspaper Highlights

0.13 pg 45 cc 41 cc

90,408 90,408 90,408 90,408

20 33 13 13

Morocco As-Sabah As-Sabah As-Sabah As-Sabah

4/4/2009 Dubai One TV 4/4/2009 "Edith Piaf" 4/3/2009 Dubai One 4/1/2009 Ransom

c c c 1

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

Movies Movies Movies Movies

cc cc cc cc

Oman Al Shabiba Al Shabiba

37,000 Newspaper Movies 37,000 Newspaper Movies

61 cc 47 cc

Pan Arab Emirates Woman

16,101 Newspaper Highlights 649,779 Website

5 pgs 131 cc


Qatar Gulf Times Al Arab Gulf Times Gulf Times Gulf Times Gulf Times Gulf Times Gulf Times Gulf Times Gulf Times Al Arab Gulf Times Gulf Times Gulf Times Gulf Times Gulf Times Gulf Times Al Rayah Al Arab Gulf Times Gulf Times Gulf Times

4/10/2009 Showtime Listing 4/9/2009 GFF on Sama Dubai 4/9/2009 Showtime listing 4/8/2009 Showtime Listing 4/7/2009 TV listing 4/6/2009 Showtime listing 4/5/2009 Showtime listing 4/4/2009 Showtime Listing 4/3/2009 Showtime Listing 4/2/2009 Showtime listing 4/1/2009 Dubai One TV 4/1/2009 Dubai One 4/1/2009 Showtime Listings 3/31/2009 Reality show 3/31/2009 Showtime Listing 3/30/2009 Showtime listing 3/29/2009 TV Listing 3/28/2009 style 3/28/2009 Media figures at DMI 3/28/2009 TV listing 3/27/2009 Showtime Listing 3/26/2009 Showtime Listing

English Arabic English English English English English English English English Arabic English English English English English English Arabic Arabic English English English

c c c

c c c

c c c

c c c

c c c

c c c

c c c c

25,000 22,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 22,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 45,000 22,000 25,000 25,000 25,000

Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

30 Listing Film Festival 22 30 Listing 30 Listing 30 Listing 30 Listing 30 Listing 30 Listing 30 Listing 30 Listing Out and About 41 40 Movies 30 Listing 38 Movies 30 Listing 30 Listing 30 Listing 48 Highlights 94 Highlights 30 Listing 30 Listing 30 Listing

cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc


Saudi Arabia Al Malaeb

3/28/2009 Love and romance on Dubai One



65,000 Newspaper Movies

27 cc

Al Riyadh Al Malaeb

3/26/2009 Dubai has no intention to cut jobs 4/11/2009 Dubai TV

Arabic Arabic

c c

180,000 Newspaper Highlights 65,000 Newspaper Listing

75 cc 68 cc


UAE Gulf News - Entertainment Plus Magazine Time Out Dubai City Times - Khaleej Times Supplement Jawaher Gulf News Tabloid Al Wahda

4/9/2009 TV Listing 4/9/2009 Satellite 4/8/2009 Television 4/8/2009 Holoon Um El Oloom 4/7/2009 Small Screen 4/7/2009 Latest fashion in Harayer

English English English Arabic English Arabic


Al Khaleej City Times - Khaleej Times Supplement City Times - Khaleej Times Supplement

4/6/2009 Out & About 4/6/2009 Television 4/5/2009 Television

Arabic English English


Al Sada The National City Times - Khaleej Times Supplement Gulf News Khaleej Times City Times - Khaleej Times Supplement

4/5/2009 Out and About 4/4/2009 'I can set up anywhere' 4/4/2009 Television 4/4/2009 Small Screen 4/3/2009 Television 4/2/2009 Television

Arabic English English English English English


Arabic Arabic English Arabic English Arabic English English English Arabic English English Arabic English


Al Bayan Al Bayan City Times - Khaleej Shabab 20 City Times - Khaleej Al Khaleej City Times - Khaleej City Times - Khaleej Gulf News Tabloid Al Sada Gulf News City Times - Khaleej Al Wahda Khaleej Times City Times - Khaleej Times Supplement Gulf - Entertainment Plus TimeNews Out Dubai Magazine Gulf News - Entertainment Plus Magazine Time Out Dubai Al Bayan Al Wahda

4/2/2009 Dubai One Television 4/2/2009 Najlaa Al Awadi 4/1/2009 Television 4/1/2009 Visit to Dubai Media Incorp. 3/31/2009 Television 3/30/2009 'Out & About' on Dubai One 3/30/2009 Television 3/29/2009 Television 3/29/2009 Small screen 3/29/2009 Movie Schedules 3/28/2009 Small Screen 3/28/2009 Television 3/27/2009 Dubai Media Incorportated 3/27/2009 Television Dubai Media Incorporated and Higher Colleges of Technology Sign Partnership for Production of Joint TV Programmes to Build 3/26/2009 National Human Capacities 3/26/2009 Television 3/26/2009 Thursday 26 3/26/2009 Listing TV Thursday 4/23/2009 TV Picks 4/23/2009 Films on TV 4/22/2009 Dubai One TV channel 4/17/2009 Dubai Sports TV Al Khaleej

4/16/2009 Dubai One TV Channel 4/13/2009 Sushi dishes on Dubai One

4/12/2009 Out & About This Week on Dubai One

Times Supplement Times Supplement Times Supplement Times Supplement

Times Supplement


English English English English English English Arabic Arabic English, Arabic Arabic English, Arabic


c c

c c c

c c

89,478 30,394

Magazine Magazine Newspaper 30,000 Magazine Newspaper 30,000 Newspaper

Listing Listing Listing Series Listing Harayer

0.13 pg 0.13 pg 30 cc 0.13 pg 30 cc 36 cc

150,000 Newspaper Out & About 10 cc Newspaper Listing 30 cc Newspaper Listing 30 cc Out & About Highlights Listing Listing Listing Listing

0.19 pg 118 cc 30 cc 30 cc 30 cc 30 cc


88,800 Newspaper Out & About 88,800 Magazine Highlights Newspaper Listing 75,000 Magazine Highlights Newspaper Listing 150,000 Newspaper Out & About Newspaper Listing Newspaper Listing Newspaper Listing 106,500 Magazine Movies 116,590 Newspaper Listing Newspaper Listing 30,000 Newspaper Highlights 86,400 Newspaper Listing

114 cc 0.13 pg 30 cc 0.25 pg 30 cc 27 cc 30 cc 30 cc 30 cc 0.5 pg 30 cc 30 cc 95 cc 30 cc



2356 cc 30 cc 0.13 pg 0.13 pg 0.13 pg 0.13 pg 25 cc 40 cc

c c

c c c

c c

c c c

c c c

c c c


106,500 Magazine 90,000 Newspaper Newspaper 116,590 Newspaper 86,400 Newspaper Newspaper

c c c

c c c


30,394 89,478 89,478 30,394 88,800 30,000

Website Newspaper Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper

Highlights Listing Listing Listing Movies Listing Listing

c c

550,000 Website Listing 150,000 Newspaper



40 #VALUE! 8,820,303.00


Out & About

39 cc

MULTIPLE MENTIONS Dubai TV Media Evaluation Report - March '09 Number of entries Total Circulation Impressions AVE in US$ Editorial media value in US$ Media

0 0 0 0 0 Date






Media type







Multiple Mentions UAE


CORPORATE PRESS RELEASES Dubai TV Media Evaluation Report - March '09 Number of entries Total Circulation Impressions AVE in US$ Editorial media value in US$ Media

#VALUE! 9,480,938 28,442,814 0 0 Date





Media type



Corporate Press Releases Egypt Interview Al Msaaeya

4/1/2009 CHannels and Media city


c 1

450,000 Newspaper Interview

31 cc




1 pg

Kuwait Listing Al Nahda

4/18/2009 Dubai Racing honors veterinary care program




Lebanon Interview Al Anwar

3/30/2009 Interview with Ahmed Abdullah Al Sheikh



60,000 Newspaper Interview

45 cc

0.13 pg


Pan Arab Al Maydan Rotana Magazine Agreement with HCT

4/6/2009 Al Maydan, concludes

3/27/2009 Dubai Media Incorporated, HCT join hands







24,637 Newspaper Agreement with HCT

590 cc

Al Maydan


Qatar Gulf Film Festival Al Arab Agreement with HCT Al Arab

4/9/2009 GFF on Sama Dubai

3/30/2009 Collaboration agreement between DMI, HCT



22,000 Newspaper Gulf Film Festival

22 cc



22,000 Newspaper Agreement with HCT

45 cc

88,800 Newspaper

342 cc


UAE Interview Al Bayan

4/2/2009 Najlaa Al Awadi



Arabic Arabic

c c

88,800 Newspaper DFS 110,000 Newspaper DFS

114 cc 68 cc

Arabic Arabic

c c

150,000 Newspaper DFS 88,800 Newspaper Agreement with HCT

132 cc 11 cc

Arabic Arabic

c c

88,800 Newspaper DFS 110,000 Newspaper DFS

114 cc 68 cc



150,000 Newspaper

Arabic Arabic

c c

88,800 Newspaper Agreement with HCT 110,000 Newspaper DFS

11 cc 114 cc



150,000 Newspaper DFS

68 cc

DFS Al Bayan Akhbar Al-Arab Al Khaleej Al Bayan Al Bayan Akhbar Al-Arab Al Khaleej Al Bayan Akhbar Al-Arab Al Khaleej Sama Dubai Honored

DSF Office Briefs DSS Organizing Committee 4/9/2009 Dubai Summer Surprises 4/9/2009 Dubai Summer Surprises DSF Office Briefs DSS Organizing Committee 4/9/2009 Dubai Summer Surprises 4/7/2009 Interview with Adnan Al Marzouqi DSF Office Briefs DSS Organizing Committee 4/9/2009 Dubai Summer Surprises 4/9/2009 Dubai Summer Surprises DSF Office Briefs DSS Organizing Committee 4/9/2009 Dubai Summer Surprises DSF Office Briefs DSS Organizing Committee 4/9/2009 Dubai Summer Surprises 4/9/2009 Dubai Summer Surprises DSF Office Briefs DSS Organizing Committee 4/9/2009 Dubai Summer Surprises

On Plans For 2009

On Plans For 2009

On Plans For 2009

On Plans For 2009 On Plans For 2009

On Plans For 2009


292 cc

Dr. Sheikh Sultan honours DMI's Sama Dubai TV for promoting 4/7/2009 Emiratisation

Al Manara



33,000 Newspaper

Arabic Arabic

c c

88,800 88,800

Sama Dubai Honored 0.25 pg

Mother's day Al Bayan Al Bayan

4/5/2009 DMI celebrates mothers' day 3/31/2009 DMI celebrates Mother's Day


Agreement with DQG Mother's day

0.06 pg 342 cc

Excellence Award 2009 - Arabic Akhbar Al-Arab Al Bayan Al Bayan

4/2/2009 Dubai Media City receives Newsweek Award of Excellence 4/22/2009 Dubai Government Excellence Award 2009 Winners of Dubai Government Excellence Award to be 4/22/2009 announced Tuesday 4/2/2009 Dubai Media City

English, Arabic Arabic

c c

Arabic Arabic

c c

1,500,413 Newspaper Arab Orphans Day 20 cc 110,000 Magazine Excellence Award 20090.38 pg Excellence Award 88,800 Newspaper 27 cc 2009 88,800 Newspaper Newsweek Award of Excellence 37 cc

Visit to ZCFC Al Bayan Shabab 20

4/2/2009 DMI Visit Zayed Centre for Family Care 4/1/2009 Visit to Dubai Media Incorp.

Arabic Arabic

c c

88,800 Newspaper Visit to ZCFC 75,000 Newspaper Visit to ZCFC

Agreement with DQG Gulf Business -UAE

4/1/2009 Dubai Media ties up with DQG





19 cc

Madhab's students visit 0.25 DMI pg

Akhbar Al-Arab

4/25/2009 Arab media forum



110,000 Newspaper DFS

132 cc

Agreement with HCT Digital Studio Emirates Business 24/7 The Gulf Today

4/23/2009 DMI and HCT team up to co-produce programmes 3/29/2009 DMI, HCT sign deal to train students for media projects 3/28/2009 Partnership to boost national human capacities

English English English

c c c



150,000 Newspaper Newsweek Award of Excellence 130 cc



100,000 Newspaper Interview

English, Arabic




English English, Arabic English, Arabic















150,000 Newspaper

English English, Arabic







English English, Arabic









English English

c c 39 #VALUE!

9,000 Newspaper Agreement with HCT 85,000 Newspaper Mother's day 46,200 Newspaper Agreement with HCT

68 cc 74 cc 81 cc

'Arab Orphans Day' Al Khaleej Al Emarat Al Youm - Dubai

Dubai Media Incorporated staff marks 'Arab Orphans Day' with 4/2/2009 visit to Zayed Centre for Family Care Dubai Media Incorporated staff marks 'Arab Orphans Day' with 4/2/2009 visit to Zayed Centre for Family Care

171 cc

DMI honors employees


Dubai Media Incorporated honours successful employees of 4/21/2009 intensive 'Train the Trainer' course Dubai Media Incorporated Honours Successful Employees of 4/21/2009 Intensive 'Train the Trainer' Course Dubai Media Incorporated Honours Successful Employees of 4/21/2009 Intensive Train the Trainer Course

4/21/2009 DMI honours 'certified trainer' employees - English

DMI honors employees DMI honors employees DMI honors employees DMI honors employees

54 cc 295 cc 295 cc 295 cc, 295 cc

Visit to Wasl Hospital

UAE Today

Dubai Media Incorporated Conducts a Humanitarian Visit to the 4/17/2009 Pediatric Department of Al Wasl Hospital Dubai Media Incorporated Conducts A Humanitarian Visit To The 4/14/2009 Pediatric Department Of Al Wasl Hospital Dubai Media Incorporated Conducts a Humanitarian Visit to the 4/13/2009 Pediatric Department of Al Wasl Hospital Dubai Media Incorporated Conducts a Humanitarian Visit to the 4/13/2009 Pediatric Department of Al Wasl Hospital Dubai Media Incorporated Conducts a Humanitarian Visit to the 4/13/2009 Pediatric Department of Al Wasl Hospital Dubai Media Incorporated Conducts a Humanitarian Visit to the 4/13/2009 Pediatric Department of Al Wasl Hospital Dubai Media Incorporated Conducts A Humanitarian Visit To The 4/13/2009 Pediatric Department Of Al Wasl Hospital

Highlights Emirates Business 24/7 The Gulf Today

4/13/2009 Khaleej Times dissolves its board of directors 4/21/2009 Child obesity campaign launched

Al Bayan Al Khaleej eyeofdubai Dubai City Guide



85,000 Newspaper 46,200 Newspaper 9,480,938

Visit to Wasl Hospital Visit to Wasl Hospital Visit to Wasl Hospital Visit to Wasl Hospital Visit to Wasl Hospital Visit to Wasl Hospital Visit to Wasl Hospital

Highlight Highlight

44 cc 295 cc 295 cc 295 cc 84 cc

8 cc 30 cc

INDUSTRY NEWS Dubai TV Media Evaluation Report - March '09 Number of entries Total Circulation Impressions AVE in US$ Editorial media value in US$ Media

21 2,324,124 6,972,372 0 0 Date





Media type


3/26/2009 Dubai: We will not dismiss our employees


c 0

30,000 Newspaper 80 cc

4/3/2009 Victims of Financial Crisis are increasing 3/26/2009 Dubai government will not lay off employees

Arabic Arabic

c c

76,192 Newspaper 3 pgs 16,000 Newspaper 41 cc

DMI looks after presenting Emirati local staff in 3/28/2009 professional style 3/28/2009 Media figures at DMI

Arabic Arabic

c c

45,000 Newspaper 48 cc 22,000 Newspaper 94 cc

3/26/2009 Dubai has no intention to cut jobs


c 0

180,000 Newspaper 75 cc

4/9/2009 Issue of students hit by vehicles tackled Dubai Media Incorporated staff marks 'Arab Orphans Day' 4/8/2009 with visit to Zayed Centre for Family Care 4/5/2009 Chef Osama visits Rashid Centre 4/4/2009 Ahmed Al Sheikh 4/2/2009 "Haloon Umm Al Oloom" comedy sereis during Ramadan 4/2/2009 "Hallom Umm Al Olom" 3/31/2009 Majid Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid visits Careers UAE 2009 Mohammad Bin Rashid Sport and Fitness Program 3/31/2009 concludes its campaign 3/31/2009 Majid Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid visits Careers UAE 2009 3/31/2009 Majid Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid visits Careers UAE 2009 3/31/2009 Majid Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid visits Careers UAE 2009 3/30/2009 Hamdan bin Rashid hails Careers UAE 3/29/2009 Media figures: local newspapers will survive the crises 3/29/2009 The Power List's most inspirational personalities 3/29/2009 The Power List's most inspirational personalities 3/28/2009 Most expensive cup at Dubai Racing 3/28/2009 Dubai Day and interviews from field 3/27/2009 Rashed Center Girls learn cooking 4/22/2009 Dubai Media Incorporated 4/16/2009 Media partners 4/12/2009 UAE tops Arab ad spending



30,000 Newspaper 25 cc

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c

104,250 Magazine 106,500 Magazine 138,907 Magazine 70,000 Magazine 70,000 Magazine 94,275 Newspaper

0.25 pg 0.5 pg 4 pgs 0.13 pg 0.06 pg 18 cc

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

150,000 21,800 88,800 110,000 110,000 100,000 22,000 22,000 88,800 150,000 88,800 150,000 88,800 150,000

66 cc 41 cc 106 cc 52 cc 56 cc 223 cc 0.13 pg 0.13 pg 62 cc 159 cc 126 cc 40 cc 47 cc 295 cc


21 21

Industry News Bahrain Al Wasat

Lebanon Assayad Ad Diyar

Qatar Al Rayah Al Arab

Saudi Arabia Al Riyadh

UAE Al Wahda Kul Al Usra Al Sada Sayidaty Al Mara'a Alyaum Al Mara'a Alyaum Al Ittihad Al Khaleej Al Fajr Al Bayan Akhbar Al-Arab Akhbar Al-Arab Al Emarat Al Youm - Dubai Arabian Business-Arabic Arabian Business-Arabic Al Bayan Al Khaleej Al Bayan Al Khaleej Al Bayan Al Khaleej



Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Magazine Magazine Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper

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