Dm B2 Adam Ciongoli Fdr- Info Re Access- Rules- Personnel 227

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UNCLASSIFIED//AIUO NCTA Rules of Engagement For 7BOO & Document Access 28 April 2003

1. Physical Access: a. Provided with cipher for back door of 7BOO b. Provided with cipher for office c. Not on vault access d. Hours of Operation: M-F, 8-6 e. Secure and Unclass fax available 2. Requests: a. All requests from NCTA go through DOJ, Adam Ciongoli b. DOJ will approve/disapprove request and forward accordingly to OCA c. Requests must be specific d. OCA will number all requests 1 up sequentially e. Identify NCTA POC to receive requests 3. Access to OPS Cable Traffic and E-mail Stored at Has; a. Boxes, files archived in order - must remain that way b. No copies allowed to leave 7BOO Hqs c. No writing on actual cables/documents 4. Notes of OPS Cable Traffic and E-mail Stored at Has: a. No individual or liaison source information, which contains specific detail that may allow the liaison source or the individual source to be identified by a person knowledgeable of the subject matter. b. No crypts c. No grouping of asset information brought together from various sources d. Notes must be classified and portion marked accordingly e. Notes must be reviewed/initialed by an OCA POC's before leaving the facility

OCA Representative:. Gary A. Dionne

NCTA Representative: Kevin Scheid


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From: To:

Subject: Date: Time:

"Philip Zelikow" —[Add to Address Book] . , <skaplan@9-11 commission "'John Ivicic'" | }, National Commission Starr and Document Rooms at CIA, FBI, and NSA 04/06/2003 8:16PMEST


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Adam - Following up on our helpful conversation on Friday, we promised to provide you with the names of staff we wisl able to send out to these agencies to start reviewing and digesting the documents they originally assembled for the Joii We will pass the necessary clearances to the agencies concerned before anybody shows up. At this time, they are as f CIA: Douglas MacEachin, Kevin Scheid. Lewis Moon, Ernest May, Philip Zelikow, and Chris Kojm. (All have! bcce Michael Jacobsen, Zelikow, and Kojm. NSA: MacEachin, Scheid, May, Zelikow, and Kojm. We will be adjusting this list complete security briefings for certain staffers, ascertain our ability to handle compartmented access with.rh these agen collections, and develop careful procedures for copying and regulating access to the documents. The point here is to w ways to preserve our 'need to know' restrictions as we sift through these documentary collections. Any. documents that to copy for Commission Tiles will be the object of an appropriate request. Any classified document or set of documents i by the Commission will be entered into a Commission registry to track these holdings and regulate access to such matt Philip Zelikow

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