Digital Communication

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  • Words: 1,040
  • Pages: 91
Digital Communication What Every Executive Should Know about New Media

Michael Netzley, PhD

Learning Objectives Case Study

Macro-level view of the changing Business environment

Compare & Contrast Media

Why Digital (Social) Media? • • • • • •

Consumer channel choices changed Consumer behavior changed Search, the way we find you, changed Message control is now shared Opportunity to engage is rich Risk, during difficulties, has increased

What Are Your Media Habits? • • • • • • • •

Newspaper Television Radio Social Networking (Facebook & MySpace) Blogs iTunes RSS Feeds Microblogging (Twitter)

The Newspaper of Record…Today



Organizations Adapt: U of Chicago

Organizations Adapt • Gave all employees top-of-the-line video iPods at $2.5 million • Training is now pushed out to employees on site • Employees adapt as all podcast users have…down time

Organizations Adapt IBM employees can choose from more than 5000 podcasts to listen to. More than 2 million downloads 5-10 internal audio podcasts and 3 vodcasts produced and distributed to employees each week. Interview June 07, Anders Gronstedt.

Powerhouse Museum, NSW

Powerhouse Museum Story

Videos and Podcasts

Photo of the Day Blog

Educational Gaming

Audiences Respond: Food Blog

Rise up! Angrily resist the demonization of the Tibet affair! Chinese netizens roast CNN and other western

CROSSROAD Consumers Create And Change The Brand

CROSSROAD Consumers Market The Brand

CROSSROAD It’s Not “With” Your Brand, It’s “In” Your The Brand

Succeeding in the New Environment

Changes Impacting Organizations • Convergence: all stories across all channels • Galvanization: mobilize around cause • Audience: Gen Y workforce and customers • Mobility: consume what we want where we are • Influence: community and peers

Shouting: From the Mountain Top

Shouting: Expert Worship & Punditry

Shouting: One-to-Many “The

one-to-many approach is out…It was replaced by CRM, the one-to-one model. This gave the ability to customize a message. This model was, in turn, replaced by the one-fromone, or search model ”

But all good things must change…

Shouting: Still Effective?

“There is no question that the future of advertising will look radically different from its past. The push for control of attention, creativity, measurements and inventory will reshape the advertising value chain and shift the balance of power.”

McKinsey & Co Study 2006 • Traditional TV ads becoming less cost effective • McKinsey says that by 2010 traditional TV advertising will be 1/3 as effective as 1990 • 50% decline of viewers; 40% hike in fees • McKinsey also predicts: – 23% drop in ads viewed due to switching off – 9% loss of attention due to multitasking – 37% decline in message impact due to saturation

Advertising is the price companies pay for being unoriginal - Yves Behar, designer

CROSSROAD Consumer Generated Content Is The Brand

SG Netizens: On-line Behavioral Preferences

© 2009 Michael Netzley, research.




SG Netizens: On-line Behavioral Preferences Broad Patterns are Consistent •Joining: SNS most preferred •Expressing: Less interest outside the walled gardens Generational Gaps are Clear •Gen Y & Z: leading the way •Gen X and Boomers: Dramatically less active online

What Does It Mean? •Experiencing wave of 2.0 savvy learners •Privacy remains important •Standing in the shadows

Supply & Demand Have Been Skewed

Meet Gen Y

Socializing a Digital Native • The average college grad starting work – 5,000 hours of video games on average – 250,000 email, instant, and text messages – 10,000 hours of hand phone use – 3,500 hours of time on-line

• “Today’s younger workers are not little us-es.” Pew Research, Digital Natives Invade the Workplace, 2006

Asia’s Gen X Characteristics • Not as different from their parents as Gen Xers in other parts of the world – High expectations for career progression, pay, and material possessions (Singapore dream) – They are less job-loyal – They as brand-loyal as their parents – They are more receptive to media than other Gen X populations (e.g., North America)

Asia’s Gen Y Characteristics • Singapore’s Gen Y population does differ from Gen X and Baby Boomers – Speed: grown-up with compressed time (2 minute noodles, Internet, and text messages – Stimulation: Xbox, World of Warcraft, multimedia presentations, instant choice – Gen Y means that they, “ask why?” – Control: custom computers, latte to order, etc – Constant technology and access

PRACTICE What’s Really Happening Out There?

Independently Produced Content….

Repackaged Traditional Media….

High-Quality, Highly-Targeted Content….

How Media Creates Content

How Students Create Content

Conversations: Many-to-Many Interactions

Tools of the Trade

Conversations: Why Does This Work?

Three Reasons The One-to-One/Many-toMany Conversations Works 1. Links embedded into content 2. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) 3. Interactive Technologies for People

Just The Basics, Please….

Web 2.0: The Interactive Web • • • • •

Tools for Listening Tools for Talking Tools for Sharing Tools for Joining Tools for Updating

Many Feed Readers to Choose From

Step #1:

Search “Google Reader” Reader and type in your Gmail ID. • • • • •

RSS = Really Simple Syndication

Step #2: Get iTunes or…. Add podcast RSS feed to Yahoo Page or Google Reader (subscribe)


Step #3:

Search for Google Alerts and go to the homepage •H1N1 •Singapore •Your name •CDC

Set-up Your Google Alerts

Additional Tools for Listening….

Can Also be Tools for Talking!

Start Your Blog for Free




Step #4:

Search for “Wordpress” Wordpress or “Blogger” Blogger and go to the homepage. Create your account

Graco Baby Blog

Blog Example

133 Million Blogs on Record

Technorati, 2008

Technorati, 2008

Talk by Posting to a Wiki

Talk by Updating Your Facebook

YouTube Group

Talk by with Twitter

Step #6: Create your Twitter account and add a few feeds. • • • • • •

Sharing: Social Bookmarking Tools

Step #7: Search “Delicious” Delicious and create your account. Add the Delicious Tool bar to your browser!

Highly-Ranked Bloggers Tag More


You Label And Create The Meaning

Tag Cloud Example

Online = Available to Chat

Search: How People Find You But, search has grown up

Fundamental Shift in How We Produce, Distribute, & Consume Knowledge

Gartner’s Hype Cycle

Gartner’s Hype Cycle 2008

Web 2.0


The way we communicate, market, teach, learn, and share has changed…. Does NHG have a voice in all these conversations?

My Business Card

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