Dh B4 Andrews Afb Logs-timelines Fdr- Transcript- Washington Center R23

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Download & View Dh B4 Andrews Afb Logs-timelines Fdr- Transcript- Washington Center R23 as PDF for free.

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Committee Sensitive Washington Center R23 Transcript Tape provided by FAA on Sep 25, 2003 Transcribed by Miles Kara Sep 25-26 2003 UIpdatedJanl2,2004 Quit 25 flight: Positions: ZDC, R23 and Rl 1 Washington Center R23 1325-1346 UTC 100

HUNTRESS: Washington, Cape Charles, Huntress on a flight 25 Cape Charles: Cape Charles HUNTRESS: Yes sir, in regard to an active air defense scramble do you have a mode 3 on a Quit 25, flight of two Cape Charles: What's the call sign HUNTRESS: Quit 25 Cape Charles: Quit 25, flight non-stored, what's the phonetics. . . Q U I C K HUNTRESS: Q U I T Cape Charles: Oh, Quit, Q U I T HUNTRESS: Sorry about that Cape Charles: That's OK, sounded like Quick, Beacon Code 4650 out of Langley HUNTRESS: 4650 out of Langley, thank you Papa Tango Cape Charles: Yeah he's about 20 north of Norfolk right now out of 3 thousand 2 hundred HUNTRESS: OK, he's going to maintain under your control, we're just going to have him monitor Cape Charles: (breaking in) He's under Norfolk Approach right now he's not even under my control HUNTRESS: Alright, copy that sir

Committee Sensitive

Committee Sensitive


Cape Charles:



Thank You, Pappa Tango


Cape Charles GIANT KILLER on the 44 line

Cape Charles:

Cape Charles

GIANT KILLER: Yeah, Cape Charles, we've got a pretty substantial question, we've got a Quit 25 handed off to us by Norfolk Approach, he's an F-15 out of Langley, active air scramble, he's about 5 miles South of Dart at this time, Huntress just called they want him to go direct Baltimore now and switch him to their frequency Cape Charles: frequency.

That ain't going to happen going to Baltimore on their

GIANT KILLER: I guess when he gets to.. .1 don't understand what's going on here either, that's what they just passed to us so we're supposed to turn him over to Baltimore Cape Charles:

Okay, uh, what's he going to do over Baltimore


What's that sir

Cape Charles:

What's his plan over Baltimore

GIANT KILLER: Uh, that's beyond me at this time, all I'm supposed to do is coordinate a flight plan with you to Baltimore on these guys Cape Charles: overfly Baltimore

Okay, so the guy's not landing Baltimore he's just wants to


Exactly, it's a scramble, they are setting up an air perimeter

Cape Charles: Okay, uh, that's him heading eastbound right now, put him on a 360 heading and I'll take control of him if you want, Quit 25 right. GIANT KILLER:

Quit 25, yes sir

Cape Charles:

Who' s behind him


That would be his wingman sir

Cape Charles:

Okay, are they going to join up or stay that far apart

Committee Sensitive

Committee Sensitive GIANT KILLER: Uh, I haven't even talked to the aircraft yet, I'm assuming they will stay that far apart, let me find out what he wants to do


Cape Charles:

Okay, roger that

Giant Killer:

(female voice) Center, Giant Killer 44 line

Cape Charles: Salisbury, Cape Charles [Note: 23K and below is Cape Charles, 24K and above is Salisbury] Giant Killer: Okay, Cape Charles, reference that Quit 25, okay, what is happening is, it is an active scramble, the Quit 25 will probably be holding over Baltimore and Huntress wants you to have frequency and radar on him and want him on the other frequency to be talking to Huntress Cape Charles:

That's fine, Quit 25 at flight level 230

Giant Killer:

Okay, what kind of heading would you like him on

Cape Charles:


Giant Killer:



Cape Charles:

Quit 25, Washington Center


Quit 25:

Washington Center, Quit 25

Cape Charles:

Good morning, squawk 4650

Quit 25: 50 we're an active air scramble and we have higher headquarters authorization to be squawking quad 7 Cape Charles:

Roger sir, squawk quad 7 then, thank you

257 Quit 25: Washington, priority scramble, we're on assigned vector of 330, altitude 230, max speed


Cape Charles:

Okay, Quit 25, and your delay is over Baltimore, correct

Quit 25:

That's what we've been cleared to, that's all I know sir

Cape Charles:


Cape Charles:

Patuxent Advisory, Cape Charles 7631


Go ahead

Committee Sensitive

Committee Sensitive Cape Charles: Advisory, I've got an air defense scramble, south east of Snow Hill squawking 7 7 7 7 , wingman squawking 7014, direct Baltimore, flight level 230, under direction from Huntress



Okay, ?we released authority? [not clear]

Wash 23:

Quit 25, contact Washington Center on 133.9

Quit 25:


311 Break and convert to Rl 1 position 1344-1350 UCT 317 R23: Sector 11, the world's gone mad, Quit 25's direct Baltimore, he's got a two-hour delay Baltimore, he is an active air defense scramble Rl 1:

Active air defense scramble?

R23: Yeah, he's taking direction from Huntress, he won't take control instructions from you, currently he is direct Baltimore, 230


Rl 1:

We'll work it out and uh Patuxent watching him or anything


Patuxent went cold (?)

Quit 25:

Washington, Quit 25

Rl 1:

Quit 25, Washington Center, roger

Rl 1: to ?, Quit 25,1 don't know if he'll clip your corner, he's NE of Patuxent, not taking directions from us



Yeah, that's fine


Quit 25, understand, will you be descending, sir

Quit 25: We're unsure at this time, we're just following higher headquarters orders, direct Baltimore at 230 Rll: Quit 25: Langley Rll:

Quit 25, Roger, are you a flight of one Negative ma'am we're a flight of three, active air scramble out of Thank you sir, I see that now

Committee Sensitive

Committee Sensitive Rl 1: Quit 25:

Quite 25 contact Washington Center 134.5 Do you have a Uniform [UHF] freq for Quit

Rl 1:

Uniform backup frequency is 360.7

Quit 25:


Rl 1:

Quit 25 contact Washington Center on 360.7

Committee Sensitive

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