Dgw Jr 1-3: From The Wilderness To Canaan

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Tribal Territories


Wilderness to


Discovering God’s Way – Junior Year 1, Book 3 ©2009 S. Scott Richardson Sr., Russellville AL

© Religious Supply Center, 2009. All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. Select illustrations ©2009 by S.F. Gavin Richardson, Russellville, Alabama. Used by permission. Maps ©2008, 2009 by S. Scott Richardson Sr., Impressive Image Production, Russellville, Alabama. Used by permission. Clip Art licensed from Nova Art Explosion. Unless otherwise stated, scriptures taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright ©1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scriptures designated by “NIV” taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright ©1973,1978,1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. The “NIV” and “New International Version” trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by International Bible Society. Use of either trademark requires the permission of International Bible Society. Scriptures designated by “ESV” are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scriptures designated by “NKJV” are from The New King James Bible, copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. Scriptures designated by “NET” are from the NET Bible® Copyright © 2003 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved. IT IS ILLEGAL AND UNETHICAL TO DUPLICATE COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL. The material in this book represents a sizable investment in time and finances on the part of the publisher. If lessons from this book are photocopied and distributed to avoid buying a book for each class member, the publisher does not sell enough copies to continue publication. Printed in the United States of America.

From the

Wilderness to

Canaan Written by L’Von Qualls


Layout, Maps:

Robert Harkrider

S. Scott Richardson Sr.

Arline Harkrider


S.F. Gavin Richardson Published by

Religious Supply Center, Inc. 4001 Preston Highway Louisville KY 40213 1-800-626-5348 www.discoveringgodsway.com

Contents Lesson 1 ■ The Israelites Are Counted_ _________________________________ 1 Lesson 2 ■ God Leads Israel in the Wilderness____________________________ 7 Lesson 3 ■ The Twelve Spies Are Sent to Canaan__________________________ 13 Lesson 4 ■ Moses and Aaron Are Challenged ____________________________ 19 Lesson 5 ■ Moses Disobeys___________________________________________ 25 Lesson 6 ■ King Balak Sends for Balaam_________________________________ 32 Lesson 7 ■ Moses Views the Promised Land______________________________ 38 Lesson 8 ■ Joshua Becomes the New Leader_____________________________ 44 Lesson 9 ■ Jericho’s Walls Come Down__________________________________ 50 Lesson 10 ■ Israel Defeated At Ai______________________________________ 56 Lesson 11 ■ The Gibeonites Trick Joshua________________________________ 63 Lesson 12 ■ Joshua Divides the Land___________________________________ 69 Lesson 13 ■ Reviewing the Wilderness Wandering and the Conquests of Joshua_______________________________ 75

ii | From the Wilderness to Cannan

The Israelites Are Counted Lesson 1 — Numbers 1-9

Now that the Israelites have received their law, it is time for them to prepare to leave on their journey to the land that God has promised them. They have spent several months at Mt. Sinai and have built the tabernacle. God now instructs them to take a census of the people before they set out on their journey.


Read Numbers 1:1-4 1. What did God tell Moses to do?

Memory Challenge The Lord bless you, and keep you;

2. Who was to be counted? Everyone?

The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26

3. What were the men to be able to do?

4. Who would help Moses?

Lesson 1 : The Israelites are Counted | 1

What’s The Meaning? census



It must have been a massive job to count all of the men of Israel. God had very specific instructions for counting the people and for the various jobs connected with the care of the tabernacle. He gave the Levites the special job of carrying the articles of the tabernacle as they journey through the wilderness.


Read Numbers 1:44-54

1. When they finished the census, how many people were there? 2. Which tribe was not counted? 3. What special jobs were given to the Levites? 4. What would happen to anyone except the Levites that tried to help with the tabernacle? 5. Where were the Levites to pitch their tents? 2 | From the Wilderness to Cannan

Moses and Aaron



Read Numbers 2:1-34

Using the diagram at the top of the page, fill in the missing tribes as God directed them to pitch their tents:


Read Numbers 3:17,23,29,35 Fill in where the Levites camped. Lesson 1 : The Israelites are Counted | 3

God was very specific in all of His instructions for the Israelites. At this point the people are very careful to follow the instructions. Every detail has been considered and plans made for the long journey that will begin soon.


Read Numbers 7:1-9 Which verse tells us that …

1. Moses consecrated the tabernacle?

Vs._ ______________

2. The leaders from each tribe made offerings?

Vs._ ______________

3. They brought carts and oxen as offerings for the transportation of the various parts of the tabernacle?

Vs._ ______________

4. The carts and oxen were given to the Levites for the service of the tabernacle?

Vs._ ______________

5. The sons of Kohath did not receive any carts because the things that they were to carry were to be carried on their shoulders?

Vs._ ______________

The people would be able to tell when it was time to leave by watching the cloud that covered the tabernacle. God would be with the people as long as they followed His commands. It will be a constant reminder of His presence among them.


Read Numbers 9:15-23

4 | From the Wilderness to Cannan

True/False ���� 1. When the tabernacle was set up, there was a cloud covering it. ���� 2. The children of Israel would know when it was time to start on their journey when the cloud was taken up. ���� 3. Sometimes the cloud would stay over the tabernacle several days and they would not travel. ���� 4. Sometimes the people decided to travel even when the cloud hadn’t moved.

What Do You Think? 1. Why do you think this book is called “Numbers”?

2. How many people had left Egypt? (See Exodus 12:37) Was this an exact count?

3. Did God have very specific instructions regarding the carrying of the tabernacle, how the people were to camp, etc?

4. How do you think God would have felt if they had ignored his instructions?

5. Is it possible for us to ignore God’s instructions today? How?

6. Did the people of Israel seem willing to obey all of the instructions God was giving them? Why?

Lesson 1 : The Israelites are Counted | 5

Reviewing What You’ve Learned Match the books we have studied with the description of their names: Genesis

Exit or departure from Egypt


Describes the laws pertaining to the Levites


The book of the beginnings


Tells of the numbering of God’s people in the wilderness

6 | From the Wilderness to Cannan

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