Development Log Semester One Reference # 1.1 Self-Assessment Tool #15
1.1 Self-Assessment Tool #20
What I need to develop Pathology: Fluid and electrolyte imbalances (e.g. hypokalemia)
Applying Techniques: Skeletal conditions (e.g. OA, scoliosis, fractures)
How I will learn it? 1. Take a course that teaches me different pathologies of fluid and electrolyte imbalances 2. Read required documents to further my knowledge 3. Learn from peers, teachers and other massage therapists about different fluid and electrolyte pathologies. 1. Take a course that teaches me different skeletal techniques and how to apply them properly. 2. Read required documents to further my knowledge. 3. Learn from peers, teachers and other massage therapists about how to properly apply different skeletal
techniques. By when? April 2011
How will I know I’ve learned it? 1. I will be able to educate clients on certain conditions 2. Be receiving feedback from clients, peers and teachers. 3. By passing a final examination.