Development And Quality Of Life

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 641
  • Pages: 4
Economic Growth It is the level of wealth achieved and whether the country is improving standards of living Standard of Living It is the goods and services available to the people regionally in the country. E.g. Electricity, Clean Water and Healthcare services Quality of Life It is the well-being of people in the country having a high standard of living. It is also dependant on several other factors such as political, religious freedom and happiness of the people. Indicators of Development 1) Economic Indicators Income per capita Total goods and services produced by the citizens of a country in a given year. It isn’t a fair measurement because; ♥ It is an average figure not showing individual & regional differences ♥ Does not consider local cost of living ♥ Does not consider non-registered activities ♥ Does not consider social & environmental cost Employment structure ♥ Primary Industries ♥ Secondary Industries ♥ Tertiary Industries 2) Demographic Indicators Life Expectancy Average number of years that person can expect to live in a particular country. Infant Mortality Number of deaths of children under the age of one per 1000 live births in a year Urban Population The percentage of people living in an urban area Comparing Rural and Urban



Large proportion from LDCs

Large proportion from DCs

Higher standards of living


Better employment opportunities People relocating to rural areas

3) Social Indicators Collated by Ili Mustafa ©

Access to water and sanitation Adult literacy rate Percentages of the population aged 15< who are able to read, write and understand simple statements Unequal Development within Countries 1) Spread Effect The core expands stimulating development in the Periphery regions 2) Backwash Effect Negative impact affected by the growth of the core region on the peripheral regions Results in;  Drainage of wealth  Drainage of labor  Industrial decline Factors Affecting Development 1) Social and Cultural Factors Affects • Level of education of the population • Fertility rate & Birth control • Work ethics • Provision & accessibility of healthcare services • Medical facilities 2) Environmental Factor DCs Country has resources & manpower Help those affected to recover quickly LDCs No natural resources & manpower Face widespread economic hardship Rely greatly on foreign aid Vital source of food & income ruined 3) Historical Factor LDCs once under colonial rule Helped develop their colonies building basic infrastructure This wasn’t their main purpose Wanted to obtain natural resources for own industrialization & development Colonies unable to fully develop their economies

4) Economic Factor LDCs are rich in natural resources Collated by Ili Mustafa ©

(e.g. oil, iron ore, coal) Not been exploited to benefit the countries Industries controlled by large companies Companies reap the profits Little wealth redistributed to the population Country remains undeveloped with poor infrastructure 5) Political Factor This is the existence of a good government A stable government will lead to political stability and attract MNCs Strategies for Development

1) Economic Agriculture Caused by falling prices Can be solved by developing agricultural sector in LDCs so farmers will stay in the rural regions and government aiding LDCs to improve cultivation methods Industrial Change of agriculture-based economies to industrialize economies This provides more employment opportunities and higher, more stable incomes for workers 2) Demographic Population growth Rate of population increase is higher in DCs than LDCs Increases strains on resources Reduces government ability to provide for its people This can be solved by; Family planning Improving healthcare services Providing women education

3) Social Healthcare services & Education Lack of well-trained doctors & nurses People are deprived of medical facilities Education & healthcare services have to be made available to; Those who cannot afford Poor people The Role of International Organizations Collated by Ili Mustafa ©

Cooperation between countries is important It bridges the gap between DCs & LDCs

Collated by Ili Mustafa ©

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