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UNIVERSIDAD ALAS PERUANAS Escuela Académica Profesional de Ingeniería Ambiental

The detergent in the aquatic bodies

Teacher: Salas L Milagros

Students:  Fernández Huamán Tania  Gutiérrez Frisancho Francisco


Ingles VIII

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Dear teacher of the subject of English VIII, of the professional school of Environmental Engineering of Alas Peruanas University. We present the following work the detergent in the aquatic bodies, which gives us to know concepts and causes, because this issue is importance for our professional training and field of work. We hope that this work is to your liking.

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Pollution is the introduction of substances in a medium that cause it to be unsafe or not suitable for use, the pollutant can be a chemical substance like most detergents contain. Every day we use different types of soaps or detergents for personal hygiene and cleaning of our houses as for clothes, for floors, and etc, also used for the industry.

Detergents after being used in domestic and industrial cleaning produce quantities of wastewater and become a source of contamination. Phosphates abound in detergents, which are the main source of water pollution. The biggest problem with detergents is that their use results in the eutrophication of water bodies, which causes the death of the aquatic flora and fauna.

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Background In 2011, the systems surveys were carried out of wastewater treatment were developed in 34 populations with more than 1000 inhabitants, located in the Lake Titicaca basin where 26 of the 34 surveyed populations have treatment systems (oxidation lagoons in the vast majority). The sources of pollution in the Lake Titicaca basin are composed of domestic, industrial and mining wastewater, waste dumps, environmental liabilities and sources of atmospheric emissions.

Concepts Environmental pollution. Environmental contamination refers to the presence of harmful components whether chemical, physical or biological) in the environment or natural environment. What is a detergent? The detergent is a chemical that, dissolved in water or in other solvents, has the property of modifying the surface tension, with which the solution or the dispersion acquires the necessary humectant and emulsifying capacity to produce the cleaning effect that confers these products its practical application. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) It is a parameter that measures the amount of oxygen consumed by degrading the organic matter of a liquid sample. Eutrofization. It is the increase of nutritive substances in bodies of water that produces a decrease of oxygen in deep waters.

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DEVELOPING The detergents, as such, from their discoveries of compounds in 1913 by the Belgian chemist A. Reycher, laid the foundations for the industrial development of the detergent. Whose chemical compounds such as:  Perborate - BO3  Sodium silicate - Na2SiO3  Sodium carbonate - Na2CO3

They were the first chemical compounds in detergents (as they are still present today), and this is where industrial development began.

The ARU (urban waste water) or gray water are composed of all the waste generated by homes, schools, restaurants or food centers, which has a composition such as:  M.O (organic matter)  Oils and fats  Phosphates - PO4  Nitrates - NO3  Legias  Toothpaste residues  Canned food – Benzopyrene

Detergents under its concept are substances that have the chemical property of dissolving dirt or impurities from an object without the need to damage them. So what makes the detergent its positive part makes it at the same time its negative part, since these compounds when coming into contact with the urban waste waters are mixed with the other compounds that the ARU has. Making some ARU compounds mix thanks to the property of emulsification making the compounds that are immiscible join.

In this part of the development we will inform you that the detergent compounds are the ones that are important for this work and how this is a problem for the environment according to its quantity generated as well as its behavior with the other compounds:

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It is a compound of detergents that due to its own composition, because it does not have an adequate treatment, in WWTPs, it causes problems to the environment such as eutrophication. By making the triphosphate present in said compound mix with the bodies of water (rivers, lakes, lagoons, seas). Which according to the amount generated of said compound in a population, causes the environmental body to be eutrophied because of the abundant nutrients. This in the first place would not be a problem if it were not for the abundance of nutrients since this leads to environmental problems. As it is known eutrophication is the abundance of nutrients in an aquatic body, the causes can be:  Natural  Anthropic

Of which our subject deals with the anthropic, since this is the main one due to the quantity generated and the greater number of eutrophication in the environment.

The ways that an aquatic body has nutrients and that these exceed their resilience are the abundance of M.O, phosphates, nitrates. Eh there is the problem because there are so many nutrients in the aquatic body, the plants that use it, but do not supply it gives room for other living beings such as duckweed to settle in that body of water, which lives in the superficial part of the medium, causing it not to let in the solar rays and this in turn gives a problem to the plants of the aquatic bed, since by not allowing the sun rays to pass and the high BOD interferes with the photosynthesis causing them to change from a aerobic to anaerobic medium, as it is known in an anaerobic environment the emissions are CH4 and SOx - as main compounds - that these in turn are greenhouse gases eh there is the problem of eutrophication.

Therefore the detergents to be in the ARU and not having these in turn an appropriate treatment generates such environmental problems. Ingles VIII

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INTERFERENCE WITH THE WATER INTERFACE - AIR The detergents to be soluble with the aquatic body form their foams, these make that:  Reflect most of the sun's rays.  Do not let the rays pass to the plants of the water bed.

SYNERGY Firstly, synergy is the action of two or more compounds that generate an effect superior to that which would be achieved with the sum of the individual effects. Then the detergents having the property to emulsify make it mix with 3,4 benzopyrene. The benzopyrene in polycyclic aromatic compound used in the food industry, according to IARC - 2017 studies was shown to be potentially carcinogenic. Now the benzopyrene is not soluble in water, but thanks to the detergent it can dissolve the water body. The scenarios associated with this problem are the farmers, who use these waters from the aquatic bodies for their irrigation.

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CONCLUSIONS • The problem of detergents due to the lack of adequate treatment. • Eutrophication and the environment, one of the precursors of eutrophication the detergent. • The interrelation with other compounds in a medium due to the lack of adequate treatment for ARU.

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BIBLIOGRAPHY  iv/publications/2001/87-7944-596-9/html/default_eng.htm

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